if nation of mnrket feel or no more Wham in agitating Barrie. Mu. E. B. Sauumm i'a endeavoring to un- seat Mr. Young, Reeve of Stayncr. humor: FALLS treasurer has I balance ' of 892“. 39 on hand. 1: 411211051 will hold their spring show in April. â€IN Ontario imblic opinion generally favors 1110 cstolrlislmient of a county poorhonw. Caxxlxu'mx is to have a knitting factory which will give employment toa hundred FUTSODS. “ - - A u. o AI , u;vu-J .--V.--_._nV ' BELLEVILLE women are sngning an address 31:0 the Queen. which is to be presented. by "the women of Canada on the 24th of May axext. Tnn- Herald My: Alluton in hue s not. dery established thére. - ‘ l A OSHAWA has gone back on the lmlf~timo rsyutum in the public schools. .n n ,_ THE Midland rmlwny Co. will shortly commeucu tho constnlction of 100 can, in Port Hope. DR. Guam-w. has been chosen as stand- rnrd-bearer for North Ontario in the Local Logisiature in the Lilwml Consu‘vative ig- “mat. Osmmo countv Assizes will be held at Whitbv on the 22ml March. Victoria Assizes at Lindsay on the 4th April. Hon Justice Gale presides at both. V I “am: an ply of ice is being taken out st Kempenfeldt y. _ _ . Osuawa Council has ï¬xed the license fee {or billiard tables at $100 for ï¬le ï¬rst table and $50 for Hm second ; and hotel licenses at $150 each, and shop licenses $200 each. rr‘Mu. Joux Klan of Mmilla recently Que. coeded in killing a _lymc in his barn mth a u-.. vvv‘--_ fitchfgfk. The‘bruté measured 5 It. 7‘ in tom tip to tip when stretched. (ï¬â€˜ 15 Fancy Trunks arrived at R. 0 hell’s this wegk. ampâ€" REV. DWI!) “'vrsox. M. A. of Beavertou who has been seniously ill for some time is slo_wly rocoverm 1., A. #_3__ -_ _.I.I_...... W Ladies’ Laced Boots at R. Campbell's from SLOO to $6.002 MB. J. L. PIPER extracted from t! of a horse at Huntsville, a stick 1:: 8:123: thick and three 11101183 long, imbedded in its forehead . ‘_ NV. \VA'I'SON, Napnnec, had both arms irozcn to the elbow, some day; ago. but will probftbly recuver With the loss of the ends of his little ï¬ngers. pr 40 duzen pairs of Infant’s Shoes and Trunks . Satchels at. every price, at RmL Cnmpbe‘l’s. . THE-\Vllithy Town Council is goingtn 1031: after the assessment of hersounl prgperty sharply thislyem- and the Mayor thinks 3:5â€. (300 can be added to tin: aisscSament roll thereby. MANILLA.â€"â€"A fatal accident occurred near this Village on 'l'ueallay. the Sch inst. A vonng man named Frank Hill was choppinB in Mr. lidwanlu’ bush. when a limb fell from a true. striking him on the head. He mumgetl to walk homeâ€"about half a mileâ€" nnd Went to bed when he lay unconscious until 8 p. 111., when he (“emâ€"shout nine hours after receiving the injuries. He was highly respected, and lunch lympathy is felt for the bereaved family. 3:7- It’ ‘ou wantâ€"to save money. ‘ go where you get iph tepaired free of charge. .t R. Onmpbdl's. 05' éeo the “ Buttercup,†the latest style in ) adies'and \Ilsses’ Shoes. For sale at Bod. Campbell's. MR A Rlcuu'mo‘e'ï¬ home P .2 x, ortPcrr' occupmd by Mr. L: l“. lichardsnn. my“ burned on Sunday mght, 6th inst, insured {or SL009. 1.033820“! on hous». $480 on contcnts. 0s Wednesday morning before the Rail- «ny L‘dmmittee of the Home of Assembly, Tomnto, Mr. B. B. Osler, of Hamilton, appeared on behalf n! the Canada West Rail- way Company. who are seeking a charter t» construct a hue of railway from Toronto to Ottawa. The plea for granting the charter was that the Toronto and Uthwa project Ina-l fullun info the hands 0f tha Grain! Trunk Ind woull nut ‘Je built. On behalf 0f tlw Gli‘ Anyq “unity of Potatoes and Onions wanted at \lolmyre Prior'm Company it. was stated that neither Pruvin- sin! nor muncipal aid would be Mked, and that Wu'rk wouXd be eommuncod at .nnce. The charter was opposed by Mr. James Bethune and Mr. John boys acting nu behalf of JR: 'l‘umutu mul “flaws. and was defeatâ€"- ad by a majority of ‘25 to H. ‘8- Rod. Cmuplwll'a Spring Stock is on bud. the best evm' mum: to Woodvillu. ‘6‘ 1.000 lbs 'l‘ailpw wanted for which the highest price will be paid at McIntyre ‘ l’rior‘o. ‘ Amt-1' 10.30 on Thursday moMog, as Mr. Jon'o‘ Mitchell. ofWVhitby. and his- hired man were coming toward town with two loo-ls of large cedar posts. the bit in one of the l<ritlles on the team driven by the man bunk“. coming the horses to boo-vine mumm- meuhln and run aw'iy. Mr. Mitchell. who use some ilistanw nheml. got. off his low! and Ittt'iuntecl to stop them. but in so doing he either foil or was thrown down, the team and lozvfl raising nwr him. The call; of one out»: hots-3's shoos penetrated the brain. killing him almmtinstnnllv. Mr. Mitchell in“ a wealthy farmer. about 60 yuan! of one. and much reslwctmd by all who knew him. He loaves o wife and young; family. .3" M anufactnn-rs of “vapors vaera and Thl’l'el‘ing Machines prefer "Casturine " Mn-‘u‘nu- Oil (0 any other. It will onhrenr Lmd, 'Srnl 0r Elephant snd in warranml am to unm. H.“ no tqud fat the permanent cure of Don‘t“. toms. sure 111ml. Asthma. (TO-p. ! tumult; ('onxl. Bfllclills. and - all LII: Duel-gt. . fl Eun- Iva! le guaranteed to [we satisfaction. I '1‘. MILE 8‘ ($0., howitzer: Tomato. VTRBY luvs u: Winn well in Barrie. in: 6m graham. A In! writes to m editor im- .4 “becuuso‘ he is terrible thou," and not: in ruply the bunk“ reopen“. “Do an I do 3 stand upon aohuir Tun mun wheesys he “ don’t believe in'mlrertising" is unconsciously doing all the while what he 'depreoetes. He. hangs cents outside his door, or puts dry goods in his windoWs. That's nd~ vertisiug. He sends out drummers through the country, or puts his name on his wagon. That's advertising. He luhels his articles or manufactures. Thut's advertising. If he has lost his cow, he puts :1 written notice up in ths postotlice, or tells his mother-dirluw, and thnt is doing the Very thing he de- precates. He has his name put up in gilt letters over his door, and that’s advertising. He paints his shop green or red; or, if a. tailor, he wears the latest styles,- if a doctor, he has his hoy cull him out of clnnch in haste; if an auctioneer, he bellows about to attract the attention of passers~by : it n heavy inemhent, he keeps a huge pile of boxes on his sidewalk in front of his store, and all for advertising. A man csnnot do business without advertising. and the question is whether to call to his aid the engine that moves the worldâ€"â€" the printing press, with its thousands of messengers working night and (lay, the steam engine adding to its repeat~ ing capacity, untold power and mirncno lons speed ; 0i, rejecting all these to go back to the days when newspapers, telegmphs and railroads were unknown. A REALLY msun‘omous ARTICLI needs no high-sounding words to enforce its claims upon public attention ; nevertheless, com~ mon sense is frequently outraged by absurd pretentious in behalf of proprietary medi- cines, which doubtless pOssess little or no .value. It is and ever will be the aim of the proprietors of Northrop Lymnn's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophoaphites of Lime and Soda, to . keep within reasonable bounds in this, respect. They do not assert, for instance that their preparation will over- come matured consumption. 'Ihnt is some. thing which baliles all human skill to accom- plish ; but they do alledgs, and the assertion is corroborated by positive and direct testi- mony, that. this medicine, if used in time for- tities the delicate tissue of the lungs and broncinl tubes against the destroying disease For coughs, colds, laryngitis, incipient bronchitis, and scrofuia in various formi, it is a a reliabl , prompt and sure remedy.~ The phosphorus which it contains is a most useful agent in endowing an enfeebled system with tone and vigor by furnishing the blood with an element of nutrition and richness ; while lime and soda. which are, as Well as phosphorus, natural constituents of the bod y, impart strengthening properties to the bones. \0 mystery enshruuds the composition of this articl . Its ingredients are indicated in its name. and it contains nothing at which the most searching analyst or the most fastidious practitioner can cavil. For the in- formation of physicians, we will add. that a dose for an adult contains two grains each of hypophosphitcs of lime and soda. Thearti ‘cle is prepare! from choicest materials by Northrup}. Lyium, Toronto, and. is cold by GIT Th .16 largest. and cheapest stock of Mautles 1“ W oodville at Mclutyre Prior’ 5 all drugï¬ists. Samples ofBLACK BROADCLOTH. DOE tSKlNS. WORSTED COATINGS and TROUSERIXGS, YEN E'l‘lANS, In the la est Myles and patterns, on [hand for :11: Fall '1 rude. CALL AND EXAMINE THEM BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. CANADIAN, ENGLISH, SCOTCH AND IRISH, Terms, Stï¬ctly Cash. lwill mail (Free) the recipe for a simple an.\m.s Bu.“ (But will remove TAN, FRECKLES, PIMP! !- ~‘~ and BL'JTCHES, len‘viug the skin sub. 1‘ “.r and lwautiful ; also inatmotiuns fur wax ‘m-ing a luxuriant mwth of hair on a lle head or smooth ace. Address, inn-losing 3c.slam , Ben. Vanda" cm, 5 “m'klnzul St. N., . Ti‘i’CONSUMPTIVBS The advertiser. having been permanently cured of that dn‘ml 111:4 use. Consumption, by a simple remedy. is auxinns to mike known to his fellow snllcrvm the menus of care. To all wlmduaimit he mll sends copy of the prescription used, (free of charge ) with the directions for preparing and 1: mg the same. which they willï¬nd 0 arm: (Tm: rm: (,‘nssum'rms, Amy lImM'Ille. c. URUNI'IHTL‘. KC. . . Partim wishing the preemption ml] piano midi-0:3, A “:1me 19‘ P i . ‘ A en“ 89.. “1mm N. Y. ' su, mm P. MCSWEYN. . OVERCOATINGS. TWEEDS. amount .mmn, VVOQDVILL E PIMPLES. in Black and Blue, Amman walnut“. laminae. I m a Baptist 51min»: owl befure l even ‘houghi‘ of being a clergyman l graduated in medicine but lel! slnuratin practice fur my went prefer-dun, 40 yen: ago. I was for many your» usefl'woerm Quiuqy, "Thoma: Eolectrlo Uil cured he." l mu aisu troubles! with Hoaraeneas nml 'l‘liom'iis' Eclectriu Uil always relieved Inc. My wife mul child haul Diplhel‘iis. and “ Thames I‘Iclectric Oil cured them,†and if “ken in time it. will cure seven times out ul ten, l am conï¬dent it is a cure for the most rbslinnte Cold. or Cough. and if any one will take a small tonspouu and half ï¬ll ll. With the Uil uml then place the end of the upuml in one nostril and an“ «Ir-1w the Oil uni of the human lby nnilliu; as hard as they can until the Oil falls over into the tlu-unt and practice that twice A week, 1 (1311 t care how ofl‘cnsiVe their liuanl “my be, it wi'l clean it nut and cure their Canal-fl). For Uealnese and [Came-he it. has done wonders to my cerlniu knuwlmlge. It is the only mellieiue Ilnhhcil patent medicine that l have an! fell like rerummemling and l am veg-y anxinus to see if in every Place, for 1 tell you II“: 1 wIIIIIII not be without it in my house for any coIIsIIIeIIItImI. I am now sufferin" with a pain like Rheumatism in my II"ht limb and nothing Iclieves we like Thomas Imlectric UII. Dr. :F.. CRANE, Corry, Pa. From 2 to 20 years. on the Sinking Fund System or on n Straigh: Lox: at 7 per can t. Amount rcquirod to pay a loan of $1,000 in ten years, only $146.62. In 20 years, ou_ly $93.15. ‘ :l‘his 39m pavs the whole debt, priflcipal nnd ‘ntorost. MONEY TO LDAN! Agz. for Dominion Ins. Co. LONDON AND GORE MU YUAL COS. Woodville. Lands for Sale or to Rent. exacts SQLACHED. ' SODA, ABERNï¬HY, AND FRUIT BECUIS,WHOMBALE A. D RETAIL. FRUIT CAKES. NIIXEDTEA CAKES. FAMILY BBEAB M 0 N E Y 1’ ARTIES SUPPLIED W [{OLESALE. JGHH BERRIE, SHINGLES! Agent for'Globe, Mail, Telegram 8w. :59 .25 _ «3 m a: USEâ€"o 2. an F noon“, ARTIES 00an lating building will ï¬nd it to their vautago to Apply to ,3: ac =3 5.5 FRAMING TIMBER â€"-AND-â€"- ‘. Rona amt Pastry a. Spe'thr MUNRO BROS. BERRIE’S .1. C. GILCHRIST; AT 7 PER CENT. IS UNXLP IX '1‘!!! (‘OL'H CHEAP. ' BOLSOV ER. Cor .Kins: and Stuart St The M5 'host [nice paid for an unntity of good sound LUhS and SHI\ L‘ BOLTS Anuly at the \lill ur to \V. \‘7 ARM STRONC Jox 16 Woodville, 1‘. 0. IOBBING and CUSTOM WORK promptly executed. Terms Cash. Groceries, Fruits and Con factionary. K IN G STREET, WOOD VILLE. This Great abusenom Medicine ranks anon; the waging noacssgriesp: Life. and BOWELS, giving tone, energy, and vigour to these great MAIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They are conï¬dently recommended as a never failing remedy in all cases when-e the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or Weakened. They are wonderfully efï¬cacious in all ailments inci~ dental to Females of all ages; and u a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE. are unsurpassed. h Theau famous "1113 purifv the BLOOD, and not most. powvxfulbqut soothing on the Its Searcmné gnu. Baum: £4.929I‘v165 m Known anone‘hout the Worm For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, 0U} WSUNDS, SflRES AND flit-£33 It is m: infallible remedy. If effectually aubbed on the neck and chest, as salt into meat, it cures bOlll‘} TH “OAT, Diptlnrin, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, ï¬nd even ASTHMA. Fm- Glandular Swellmgs, Ab- soessess, Piles. Fistulas, Gout, Rheumatism, And every kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has never been known to fail. The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only at [533. OXFORD STREET, LONDON, And are sold by all \v'cndars of Medicinal throughout. We Civilized Wurld; with di- recxiona for use in almost awry language. The .T rmlo Marks of these Medicines are registered in Uttzma. Hence. any one throughout. the British Possession, who mnv keep the Amerimn Counterfeit; or sale, wifl be prosecuted. a“: ‘, n Purchasers should. look o the Label on the Pot: and Boxes If the address 13 no. 533 Oxford Strut London? the? nu uni-F. hï¬‚ï¬ Bioâ€"éï¬drions. Cistrrn and Well I’LIps, FORCE PUMPS SUPPLIED. HODDVILLI. .IY. ALL mm worm wumxtxo. mama “rinoimr .mm. ORDERB SOLICITED. 18 we!) sm.pl_ic«l,uKiI}g Strict, _South side, LIVER. s‘rOMACH KIDNEYS, Ancl Marthe Northvern Hotel, 1(00135 gnu-cries in stock in his brick block, l’ruvisiuua, too, as well ; Keeps Sugars, Teas, Flour, Pork and Cheese, Sells Apples, green and dry. Codï¬sln, Sardines, Potatoes, Beans, Aurl Herring in supply; Keeps luttvr, Eggs, Ulnves and Nutmega And (Jmulius in the jar. Keeps (knullcwicks and candlesticks, Coal Oil, and Soap in bars. Sell Syrup here, both pvre and clear, Of Gold and Amber hue ; Sells Raisins, lice, Black Pepper, Spice, And Sundries not a few. 111*)GS! A rmstrong’s Mill, “'00 D V ILLE. . Give Him a Call D MCLEOD, JACOB BARNS LOGS .! LOGS 1 -â€"DE.\I.ER INâ€" MANUIAUTURIB 0’ THE BEST- PAPER! TRY IT. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED . â€".â€"â€"â€"¢ 35th Year. .c- â€"... â€"â€"TH 19â€"».â€" Tm: SCIENTIFIC Antwan is 11 law go lini- class Weekly NowsLaper of Sixteen!†Pages. 1inted 1n the most «1111tifulsbyle,1n 9/1“!er Illualralrd with spluulid engravings, repro. eeutiug the newest im cutiona and the mo“ recent Advances in the Arts and Sciences 1 including new and interesting! facts 1n Agri. culture. Horticultuw. the do 0, Health. Medical Progruss. Social Science. Natural History, Geology. Ash-01101113]. The 1110“ valuable pmutiual panama, by eminent writ. orsin 11ll1lcpn1t11wnti; of Science, will be (011ml 1n the Scientiï¬c American. “hicb iuclgulcspostage. Dim unnt to A cute. Sin l0 cupies, ten cents. Sold by all awa- doa era. Remit by postal 1 nler to MUNN 00., Publishers, 37 I’m}; Row, New Youk. FATE I:NTS,m§“s°£3§f§§§°X$§§f I. In connection with PATENTSgthe Scientiï¬c Ameri- can, Messrs. Mom" I! Co. are Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have had 35 years experieuno, and now have the largest establishment in the world. Patents are obtainod on the best terms. A special notice is made in the SCIEN’UFIU AMERICAN of all Inventions ,patented through this Agency. with the name and re. sidence of the l’atentce. By the immense circulation thus given, public attention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or introduction often easily eflectnd. Any person who has made a new discovery or invention, can ascertain, free of charge, whether a patent can probably be obtained. by writing to M mix 61 Co. We also send free our Hand Hook about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Tn (la-Marks, their coats, and how procured, with hints fox procuring mlvaDCcs on inventions. Address for the Paper, or concerning Patents, a Outï¬t furnished tree, with full in- $1 structiuns fur conducting the most prulnahlc busincns that anyone can engage in. The business is so may to learn and Our instructions ar’e so simple and plain that any one can make great proï¬ts from the very start. L'o one can fail who is willing tu ork. \Vonlcn are as successful as men. Boys and girls can earn large sums. Many have made at, the business over one hundred dollars in a single week. Nothing like it ever lmuwn hefure. Ali who engage are aun- prised at the ease and rapidity with which they are able to make money. You can on- gage in this business during vour spare time at great proï¬t. You do not have to inveah capital in it. We take all the risk. Thou who need ready muucy, should write to In at unce. All turnished free. Address TRUE «‘2‘. (30., Augusta, Maine. Branch Ofï¬ce, cor. F 7th Sts. ._, SUBSCRIBE FOR “ THE ADVO GATE.†THE BEST PAPER IN THE COUNTY OF VICTORIA. ' 1 " ‘ Yourselvea by making mo: H guLPuL-y when a. golden chance is offered, thereby always keeping powers: from your door. Those who always take vantage of the golden chances for making money that are offered, generally become- wenltby, while those who do not improw such chances remain in poverty. “'e not many men, Women, boys and girls to woyk for us in their own localities. The busino‘ll will pay more than ten timed ordinary w We furnish an expensive outï¬t and all you need, free. No one'yho engages 15.631 to make money very rapidly. You can vote your whole time mthe work, or c your spare moments. Full information. all that is needul sent free; Address LOVELL’S PROVINCE OF ONTARIO DIRECTORY TO BE PUBLISHED IN NOVEMBER . Price $5.00. ‘ ‘ _._.â€"- |_." h R. LOVELL, at the request of sev“ Merchants and others of the Provinlo of Untxrio. of the City of Montreal. h. begs tn announce that his ï¬rm will ubliï¬ a PROVINCE OF ONTARIO DI REC" ORV, in November: next, containing no ' I ' o Alphabetical Birectory, AND A THOROUGH CLASSXFIED BUSINESS DIRECTOIY of the Business and Prufcssional mm in We Cities. Towns, and Vinagvs of untub. with n CLASSIFIED Bcsmnss Dmsc'ron â€"â€"â€"â€"or "rmâ€"~â€" ï¬cimtiï¬c gmcrimn! The same care and sin! attention has†ed on the Dumiuiun and Provincial Dirt.- tories nf 1871 will be given to this work Bubscribers’ names mapectfutly solid Terms of Advertising mule known upon . ; plication. JOHN LOVELL. SON, Montreal, Dec., 18%). GENTLEMAN who suffered for . from Nirvana Debility, Premntm cay, and nll the effects of youthful indi tion, will for the sake of suffering hum ' send free to all who need it, the leclpo ' cliréciion for making the simple. remedy which he was cured. Sufferers willing pmï¬t by the adnrtiaer‘a experience «A b so by addressing in perfect oonï¬denco. JOhN B. OGDEN, 42()ednr8t., n. F -â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-<~~-- -,._ â€"~ â€"â€"~ ., - «A» *« _.,_.,, “<7.“ GENTS WANTED.-â€"Big Pay. that Work. Steady Employment. 3‘- lel Free. Address, M. LIBYBN, a nun Street. New You'k. - _'l:e‘rn{|s,‘$3:'20 per yeah-£31.60 _half_ y'eur, HUN 6: 00., a7 Pam-1; .3207; CITY OF MONTREAL. ï¬fï¬bx‘ '3; 00, Portland, mm. FOR 1881-82. Washiington, D13. 223% Yam.