From our own Correspondent. SA\\'-Mll.l.l.\'0.â€"â€"\Ve are pleased to learn that the saw-mill has at length been set up and work will begin immediately. Several of the farmers in the vicinity are taking 'a:lvmztago of ituml are busy drawing in Tun St. Gothnrd Tunnel is now daily traversed by eight trains, four each way. Touching solidity of construction, the inn- nel leaves nothing to he desired. The nilicinl inspectors express themselves per- fertlywotistied with the condition of the work. Particular attention was paid to the windystretcll. which has caused so much trouble uml given rise to so many fears, but the massive mnito masonry with which this part of t e passage is stayed seems ml- mimhly adapted to its purpose, and shows lm sign of yielding to the immense pressure that weighs upon it. The ventilation is 30ml, and no inconvanience was experienced irom the temperature. The tunnel is lighted with lamps placed it kilometre apart. >1: tvmled, the fact being too evident that many of the ao-mllod railway schemes have been made blinds with which to gull a too-con- liding public. It is time to halt. It is quite apparent that Ontario has already too many railways to do her limited home busi- flees, while not enough attention is paid to the real wantâ€"another independent road to the Atlantic seaboard. A new store is much needed iuthis place N THE Toronto World in a recent issue calls the attention of the people of Ontario to the fact that it is about time to call a halt in the matter of mckleis railway chartering. This is a point for which we have steadily con- tvmled. the fact being ton puma-.9 n“. M...â€â€" Acconnmu ton German economist, the income of the world is $13,520,000,000; debt, $10,926,000,000 ; taxes, $2,002,000,- 000 ; capital, $85,612,000.000. Sweden has the smallest debt, or 850,000,000; France the largest, or $2,140,000.000. The United States has the largest income. and England tbeumet capital. Italy is the heaviest taxed. paying 35 percent. of its income for taxes to the average 15 per cent. of other nations. MR. Jxo. Dm’nï¬x, M. P. P., for South Ontario, has moved for a return of all sheep killed by dogs in the various municipalities in lhis province and the amounts paid for the same during the years 1879, [880, and [681, with a view to legislation on the sub. jeet. Mr. Dryden has hit the mark, and we sincerely hope his information will re- sult in something being done to remedy this increasmg nuisance. DENMARK possesses at the present moment not only the best torpedo boats, but the best scientiï¬c arrangements for launching ï¬sh torpedoes against the enemy. In case of war, though her fleet is very insigniï¬cant, she would be able by the use of ï¬sh tor- pedoes to virtual] y close the entrance to the Haltic. The Danes also posSess iFlaudB in the neighborhood of the great German naval station Kiel, which are n st-tnding menace to the German nary. RL‘SSIA is progressing in ssme, if not the right directions. Lately she furnished one of the biggest railway defalcations of the age, and now she shows a single custom house dofalcntions of seventy million roubles â€"betwcen ï¬ve and six million dollarsâ€"a sum so meat that one would fain think a cipher or two must have clung to the news of the defalcation while coming over the wu-es' Tm: people of Lindsay are ofleriag n >trenuous opposition to the pronosed amal- gamation of the Midland and T. a: N. B. An influential deput’ttion lately waited on the government with a. protest. Lindsay oxys too much has been paid for a. railway competition to allow it to slip away in the proposed manner. Tm: Port Hope Guide demands for the women of Ontario, :or rather those women who possess real estate [the right to vote. This is bringing the Iquestiou of "women’s rights†nearer home. This would form an inexlmnstihlo subject for our village Debat- ing Society. OUR Reform and Conservative friends have been holding meetings of their respect- ive parties lately at Kirkfiel'l. Both are quite conï¬dent that to them will belonithe victory at the coming elections. We ope it may, but somehow we doubt it. ASPHALT is not a modern invention. A room in some ruins recently discovered ï¬f- teen milbs from Bagdad and believed to date from a. time before the flood, has been found paved with it. the 30th of June next. Application, for a new trial was refused. Elm avuudvmc gamma. \ \«A‘A r\r\WW\~\f\r\t\1V\~\/\I\MN\W GUI‘I’PBAU is sentenced to be hanged. ou \lva «VWANWWVVWW W‘ 'OODVlLLE, FEBRUARY 16. 1882. II A RTLE Y. cos. J. GAVE, Editor. nnel is now daily , four each way. tructiou, the inn- be desired. The v-..u~- lll . The house null ï¬ll, acre of lmul will be reserved fur the use of the family of the deceased Mcl“mlyun, and tlm |i4lnt of the pxstnrngo of one cow to run will: the tenant's cattle. \V. W. DEA N. Lindsay. Feb. 6th, [8321 V_V- . u. "u. umuuu uuu uf Lot NJ. 8 in the inth Concession of the anuahip of Elnun, in the County of Vic- toria. containing 70 ncres. mum or less, about 45 acres of which are under culiim- tion. andmostly clear of ahnnpw, fur a perind of 5 or lUycnrs. from lat of March, 1882. The said tenders tn state :- I. The term of yum-a desired. 2. The rent to be paid. 3. 'l‘hunamca of at, least two aecnriifca for the promnt Hmyment uf rents when due, with their resiicnccs and post. ollico ail- dresses. 4. The :mmr‘. residence, and post ofï¬ce mlclrosa of the party tendering. '1“... Inâ€.-- _._. I , - . URSUANT tutho order of the High Court. of Justice. Chancery Division. made in rc-McFudyen infants, tenders will be received by the undersigned Master marked "TEA'DERS )N RE-MCFADYEN." up to the 25th day of February at man, for renting the West part of the Smith Half ,ll A" ‘(EALEU TENDERS will be received by Neil Gilchrist until February 15th, 183:, for Innlding a. fence around the Presby- terian Burying Ground. Plans and Speciï¬- cations of the some can be seen at Mr. J. L'. Gllchrlat'u, Woodwille. Lowest or any ten- der not necessarily ncceptcd. . .. v‘ll\|lllvu UL mud \\ Ill duke“ it; sngQ-m-I' exchange ; but some folks don't like to have their tea darkened in that way. Bolsover, Feb. 11th, 1882 .V-_V_‘ -uV .vw-n uuu uuc IlUlGUH tied to a stump. He did not trouble, how. ever, to look after the 1mm, as he tells us that "he has not since been heard of." Ho contents himself by simply denouncing the man who was no: the cause of the mishap. James Manbb did get home quxto safe and “lnultuunnd†uh... I“.-- Luv. time. , , 7 â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" . nun a VVVVV I. .‘I’ “Thou shalt not bear false Witness against thy neighbor." It can be proven that the man, James McNahl), referred to in his letter did not get liquor at the Bolsover Hotel. nor has he ever left “the almighty cent†with the hotel keeper there in his life. It. can also be pmvcn that James Manbb had a large bottle of "the drug" in his Rocket from which he was drinking in tho otel shed. “Lockwood," we would untler~ stand followed McNabb, and found his scattered grist along the road and the horses DEAR SIR, -â€"-In your issue of the 9th inst" a letter appeared over the signature "Lock. wood,†in which-the writer makes use of many evil insinuations against the tavern- keepera and the Bolsover one in particular. He endeavors to show his deep knowledge of the ncriptnres and commandments by many quotations,;but I very much doubt if he ever leametl the 9th Commandment, at letst, if he did he has since forgott:n_ it, It'l‘hnn -L. IL “A; l. , ,, 1- I \qudvillc, Feb. 7th. i332. BOILING hair in a solution of To the Editor of I‘m: ADVOCATE : Tun G0ssw.â€"I have in a former issue of the ADVOCATE noticed a rather lengthy com- munication about gossiping, written by a well known resident of Maple Hill. He appears to take delight in costing slurs on someone always, and this time perhaps on inoffensive people. He mentions no names but invites any one that the cap ï¬ts to wear it. “'e are sorry we cannot comply with his request, but we will do the next best thing, and that is to tell him frankly the reason. We know of no other person the cap ï¬ts better than it does himself, for he possesses all the merits and qualiï¬cations required for such, and has had the reputa- tion years ago. Compassion for his mental 1 condition restrains' me from commenting more fully on his conduct in relation to gossiping, just so far is it beyond the reach of reason as it is beyond reproach. At pre- sent there is nothiug can be done for the . meddlesome dihbler but to listen to his prattle about gossiping, and getting lost in the fiel-ls at night, and to put him gently on the hack and say Goodie, Goodle, when he drivela about gossip. Farm to Rent. av TENDER. Seuu..-â€"â€"A Social in connection with the Methodist church for the object of paying the debt on the church, was held on Friday evening lust, and passed off very success- fully. Mr. Richardson. of Woodville, pre- sided. and Mr. Weldon, of Caunington, delivered an instructive lecture, after which the contribution quilt was disposed of by election. Candidates were elected for the north and south. Miss Maggie Shire for the north. and Miss Lizzie Ringlaud tor the south. The contest was hotly contested at the close. It was won by the south, Miss Ringland becoming owner of this beautiful quilt which has the names of all the contributors written upon it. The total receipts of the evening was over $50.00. At the close of the entertainment Miss Shier was made the recipient of a beautiful. Morocco-bound Bible. Great praise is due to Mrs. Comer as the originator of this I scheme. Glenarm, Feb. 10th} 1882. ,7 _v-_.. «luau. ovuc nlnl ckwood" may him from him at any Mr. Barker, who for a uumbor 0' years has kept the atom here, has retired and in going on his farm. Anyone starting a good “ore in this place would do a tbliving bulineu. The Post Otï¬ce will go in con- uoctiou with the store. BOLSOVER. GLENARM. of Tlmnl will be . DEA N, _ Master. Kay. tea will Soloch from the beat “'hOlG-‘MIGR. by myself anal warranted as represented. Call {m'ul ex- aunne my stock and co pure prices with ether dealers, and on will be fully eatmhod that better satisfaction can be obtained from me 1. an elsewhere. ‘TYLES KHZ) IEWEST PRTTERNS ‘ï¬' ALL GOOIH BOUGHT FROM ME CUT FREE OF CHARGE «9‘9 The " l‘urner Athletic Smpcnder", the only perfect aelfmljnntmg. non-elastic Brace in the World, for sale by me. Best Quality Brown Duck for 0vcmlls., and Twevds at Job PlXUt-S. The highest market nrice paid for duiry or Farm Produce. A share of patronage is respectfully solicited, «naming the public service's. Sattoena at 20cm. per yard. See our Gros Grain Silk at 500m Sm our 10cc. VVincc-ys See 01 Ladies’ Kid Gloves, 3 lnirs for $1.00. Try our 45 and 50cc. 'I A few Overcouts to clear at. $6. Ovol'coutings in Beaver : A CHOICE LINE OF LAMPS, ALSO A LARGE BANIIRUPT STOCK OFBOOTS and SHOES TO BE CLEARED OUT AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Staple and Fancy Dry 6000’s, General Groceries TABEE 513:3 BQGEE'B Gfl’fï¬ï¬‚ifl? CROCKERY AND GLA SSWARE: NEW AN. Garments Guaranteed 20 ()6 ferfecz Emmy. Hill AND WINTER WEEDS. UVEHCUMINGS. 8m. A. O. CAMPBELL, Has Opened. Out Just Received a I u the stand recently occupied by Arch. Campbell with a ‘- M’SWE'YN. 'OODVIL‘DF" TERJIIS, Cash or Produce TWEEDS, MANTLES AND WINTER GOODS, 00mg and secure Bargains Mal/VINE cï¬ PRIOR’S - Smack Taking Sale FOR THIRTY DAYS. SPECIALITIES: AT YOUR OWN ERICES. fBegs to announce that he REMEMBER TIy our 45 and 50cc Tuna. 0w- ucnutiugs iII Rama and Presidents See our lOct. Prints. public of my best. DO NA LI) MOLE A N, Carden, Feb. 7th, l882. Bolsovcr. INTO the premises of the undersigned . LOHZ, Con. 2 Garden, on or about In Jmmmy. 188? FOUI‘ SUPP P 111: owner will please communicntc with HE subscriber gives the last notice to all indebted to him that unless mid before the TM] ins-L, his accounts wii he. handed over to other parties for collectimn. This is ncccasary in order to make two cmk meet. J. C. GILCHRIRT. Feb. 7th, 1882. Woodvillu. ,,~__-.__ v VVJVAVUIIUDD. L166“- ache. Sick Headache, Distress a!- ter Eating, Wind on the Stomach. Heartburn. Pains m the Side and Back, Want ongfetite. Want 0! Energy. Law Sp ts, Foul Stom- ach. It Invigomtes the Liver, can £195 off all sumlus b119, regulates the Bowels, and gives tone to the W12 ole system. Cut this out and take it to your Drug 1st and get a 10 cent Sample ora area bottle for 75 cents. an 0911 your-neighbor about it. Fair ,Warning. (FROM BRAZIL. ‘ The New Compound. its won- derful affinity to the Digestive Apparatus and the Liver, increasâ€" ing the dissolving juices, Jeliev- ing almost instantly the dreadful results OnySpepSI'a, Indigestion. and the TORPID LIVER, mak-zJ Zopesa an every day necessity in svery house. It acts gently and speedï¬y In. 31110 ashes _,_ Cqsttveness. ead- --L_ n- Spring \Vheat, per bushel Full Wheat do Barley do Oats do Peas (10 Rye do Potatoes per bag Butter, per pound, dolls Butter, ([0 Dairy Apples, per barrel Eggs per dozen Strayed. Hides Sheepskins... Dressed Hogs Beef Flour, per cwt. Chickens per lb Turkeys per lb Geese per lb Ducks per lb Lard per lb Fall Wheat Spring Wheat . . Aranecta. Wheat Bmley . Oats Peas Rye Hay .. Potatoes .. Timothy Clover Butter E3, r gs Eggs, packed Ox Wednesday, the 8th inst, the wife of Mr. \V. U. \Vhito, of a daughter. A lifetimu of torture is often endured by the rheumatic, 'l‘heirpauys may however, be promptly relieved and the (disease crmli~ cated with Dr, 'l'leomas' Eclectric Oil, which is moreover, a swift and thorough remedy for neuralgia, lame back, sores, bruises, frost hit/es, coma, excoriatml nipples, in- flamed breasts, liver complaint, and all nï¬'cc- tions of the breathing organs. “Must say it’s the nicest thing I ever used for the teeth and breath,†says every one having trivd ’l‘mnnmu'," the nu“- tallet gem. Get a ï¬ve cent sample. @’ NOTICE.â€"â€"-All parties indebted to me either by Note or .Accouut will please call and settlu iinmediutely and save me the cost, and trouble of calling or sending accounts to them. All dvbts due me must he paid betore March lat. as business requires it. 1 Rod. Camp~ bell. Lodge 195. I. O. 0. F., took place on Tuesday, January 17th, when the fol~ lowing olticem were installed by Bro. P. MoSweyn, D.D.G.M.: N.G., L. Cruickalmnks ; V. (4., L Gilchrist; ll. S. and P.S., P. McSweyn,‘ 'l'lens , A. Adams; VV., Fred. Luna; I.G., \V. Smith. A SOCIAL will be lncld by tlm lu-lir-s of the Presbyterian Church, in Me- Sweyn’s Hall. on Fl'lcluy awning next at 7 o’clock. A good proguumue will be presented. ELECTION of ofï¬cers of Cicerone >183 “'oodvllle Farmers‘ Markets. Toronto markets. per bushel 65 to 70 per bushel 75 to() 75 per ton 7 01) to 9 (m . per bushel 0 50 to 0 50 do 2 00 to 2 ‘15 do 4 50 to 4 7b perpnund 10 to l'.‘ . . per dozen 16 to 18 do 1‘25 to H per bushel 0 75 to l 0.. .. 6 00 to 6 51) .. .. l) 40 to l (0 7 75 £08 00 4 50 to 5 (i0 3 25 to 3 50 06 to 07 10 to 13 07 to OS 07 to 03 12 1:013 mums. l 25to 1 '28 l 17 to] ‘2‘.) 0 80 to 0 53 0 43 to l) 44 0 73 to 0 32 0 S3 to 0 S4 1 lo to! '2"- 23 to L"! .. 24) Lu :2! l 50 to 3 (H! 0 22 to U 23 l 15 tol 17 l 16 to l 22 l 05 to 1 US 60 to 84' 37 to 35