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Woodville Advocate (1878), 23 Feb 1882, p. 9

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L‘i USU!!!“ omuxrmac when mm :n‘nu. cannon. mum at the country tho pmlucu m not. umform‘ are main kmpurs. hem-r mm. 0W. and IN” mr mum mum V rn ‘b‘ ~“nu'. my 0er emu a.’ .. N .. ‘ m "4 o s thirty 'tflnl has domxw , [,th that. when bud .0 Un- you. mum- to this (club ORE than thorombhml all other (m Hero of BM all para 0 Europe for m 0M4! h no! the entire mu Horns In Ammh “will“ rmtlom‘ nnan of o (lulu-r am. "”1878! and nearly n" 1 “Hon: bean.“ 'l‘hwgyo‘m ancg M so ca at the Gamma] " an]; gmgr; "$3?" 15'; .n 0 lam: and [bu-u cortcc «or shown. comma non It the Great shows of"; anâ€"llow complexiuu. THE Sac-um or BEAUTY.â€"-No cosmetic in the world can import beauty to a face that in disfigured by unsightly blotches arising from impure blood. Burdock Blood Bitters is {the grand purifying medicine for all humor: of tho bloorl. It nmkcs ‘goml liloml nuzd imparts tho bloom of health to the most From our own Cor: esponcleut The surldan and unexpected death ' of Mr. Juo. Graham has cast a gloom over this neighborhood. He came home from the ahanties on Saturday, 4th inst, sick with typhoid fever, accompanied by inflammation of the lungs. and died on the following ‘Vednesday morning. Mr. Graham was a foxvner resident of Eluon near \Voodville. He removed to the township of Mara about five years ago. where he lived up to the time of hisdeath. He leaves a wife and four young children to mourn his loss. Much sympathy is felt for the family and friends in their sad bereavement. W 0 Dan 0 Count . Illinois. U. Su M '(35 mll‘gs west 0% Chicago) Na 9 u 17 months (MO 51'. --!.'.' ZION-9 M muss Imm- lmm mumrtrd finance to this alumtahmout Imiuq 0mm". (Inccamblurd (£11m: mum! .1 or ." Alt-..) )........4.... A) m ”A PEBBHERW HEE$U rlinIllllil'llUlI “URQEQ‘ LARGEST Importing and Breeding From Our Own Correspondent. ACCIDENT.â€"Mr. Hugh McIntyre met with a severe accident the other day while engaged in taking out saw-logs. Through some means a large log rollul upon him from which condition he was unable to ex- tricate himself, and for over three huurs was in this unpleasant condition, when a passerâ€"- by whose attention had been called by the cries of Mr. McIntyre. was enabled to ten- der him his assistance. Upon examination «it was found his ankle had been dislocated and badly injured. “'3 are glad to know however he is on the way of recovery. Turnnsxcnâ€"Tho usual monthly meet- ing of the Glensrm Total Abstinence Society was held in the church lest Thursday even- ing. The president, Mr. D. Gilchrist, read some interesting pieces on the “Evils aria. in; from lntempersnoe," which were listened to with marked attention. There was a. fair attendnnoo and some new members were admitted. , ’OBITUARY.-Donuld Spence, Esq“ de- parted this life on Monday last after a short but painful illness in the 77th year of his age. Mr. Spence settled on the term he lived on ever since when a bush lot,‘ shout thirty-five years ago, and lived to see his family all married and settled around him nesr by. Deceased was a man of strict, unswesrving integrity. 'and during u long and useful life he filled seven! important public positions o‘f_;trust and responsibility with credit and efficiency. For several years he had been a member of Fenclon Council and during a. much longer period was one of the meet eflicient magistrates in the county. For the past two or three ‘ years his health was more or less impaired by old age, and on that account he was not so actively identified with public affairs. as in former years. He had been an elder and An active consistent member of St. Andrew's church, Glenarm, since it was erected about twenty years ago. His remains were in. terredain the St. Andrew's church burying ground, Glenm'm, on “’eduesday last. ' From our om-Oowecpondmt. SAORAUNTrMO Summont of the Lord’- 8npper will be diaponud in the Presbywrian church here next Sunday. The English services m]! be conducted an the Methodist ohumh A: man]. mwjmmm TIGHNABRUAICH. ARGYL E». GLEN ARM. um Importation: o'f' PT” Hon-an from Are you disturbed at night and broken of w-urlrest by a nick cllilll antlering and crying with the excruciating pain of cuttin teeth 2 ' If 80. go at once and get a bottle 0 MRS. vVlNSl.()\\"S SOUTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immedi- ately-depend upon it ; there is no mistake uhout it. There is not a mother on earth who has ever need it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels. and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child. operating like magic. It ll perk-ell safe to use in all comes, And plan. out to taste. ml is the , prescription: of one of the oldest and host female physician! and nurses in the Unitcrl Status. Sold everywhere, 25 cents a bottle. Ilol/owny‘d Pills. ~Nervoue Dehility.â€"-No part of the human machine requires more watching than the nervous systemâ€"upon it hangs health and life itself. These l’ills are the best regulators and streagthoners of the nerves. and the safest general purifiers. Nausea. headache, giddiuees, numbness, and mental apathy yiohl to them. They dispatch in a summary manner those dis- tressing dyapeptic sym itmns, stomachic pains. fnluesa at the pit o the stomach, ab- dominal distension, and overcome both capricious appetites and confined bowels-â€" the commonly accompanying signs of defect- ive or deranged nervous power. Holloway’s Pills are particular! recommended to per- sons of studious am sedentary habits. who gradually sink into a nervous and debilitated state. unless some such restorative be occa- sionally taken. It would he a gross injustice to confound that standard healing agentâ€"Dr. Tlmmaa' Ec/cch'ic Oil â€"wltl1 the ordinary nngucntr, lotions and solves. They are oftentimes in- tlmmnntory and astringent. This Oil is, on the contrary, eminently cooling and soothing when npnliud externally to relieve pain, and powerfully remedial when swallowed, filter, the health And comfort depends lifl‘ge- lv upon the use nf_ proper] filtered water. The liver is the true filter or the blood, and Burdock Blood Hitters keep the liver and all the secretory organs in a [healthy condi- tion. It. is the grand blood purifying, liver regulating tonic. No new thing under the sunâ€"except, that the Esterhrook Steel Pan’ Co. are every vem- bringing out new styles of steel pens to meet the popular demand. . In the mean- time. their old. standard reliable pens are having n larger run than ever. All the am. tiuncrs keep them. A GOOD Furmn.â€"Tn have ure water in the house evm‘y faumly should (we a good CInI.BI.AI\s.â€"Those troublesome com. whims may he speedilv cured by Hagynrd’s Yellow Oil, the great Rheumatic remedy, which, as an external application and as an inrornul remedy has .1 wuler range of use- fulnuss than any similar preparation in the world. All druggista sell it, 25c. W‘onsu 1'1le WARâ€"“Tile throat has da- ntro ed more lives than the sword," by im- pru ence in eating and intempennce in drinking ; but when the health becomes im- paired the miserable dyspeptic may find prompt relief in Burdock Blood Bitters. It regulates the bowels. acts upon the liver and kidneys, purifies the hlood, and stimul- ates all the secretions to a healthy action. Sim-4n reading an edition of your es- teemed paper issued a short time prior to the day appointed for the nomination of our Township Uouncil candidates for this year, I observed a communication from a Bolsover correspondent referring politely to supposed grievances it would appear from the tenor of that all-important epistle that its author was anxious to make known that his horns were not shed yet and consequent- ly he might prove a most ferocious {antagon- ist to those declining to accept his inuendoes respecting municipal matters, Probably the cronker was moved by the spirit to imagine himself a “Peter the Hermit," but if .so. he must have experienced long ere now, that his cry has not been so effectual as the cry of the European recluse had been. He has no doubt now come to the conclu- sion that the “Cowl does not make the Monk” after all. It is a matter of profound ‘ remorse to note that individuals whom we ‘ presume had been enlightened in the “science of political economy” by so elo- quent a dispenser of knowledge as the Bolâ€" sover “Gnmaliel,” (who contributed that innOcuous letter fer publication) would on election day be cast by the intelligent popu- lace of Eldon into the category of the reject- ed goats. When reflecting upon the exem- plary manner in which one of those (lebonair aspirants acquitted himself at the nomina- tion and upon the dignified reputation of the other, we are inclined to fancy that thev merited a more liberal support than has been tendered them. But Longfellow’s sentiment, “Things are not what they seem," had evidently been the sentiment of the lt'ldon rate-payers when last electing their councillors. As regards the “Van- quished” it may be alleged that they had not been inspired prior to the nomination day with the following sentiment of Robert Burns : "0 wad some power the giftie gie us to see ourselves as others see us," for if they had looked into the lookingglass of public estimation, there is no doubt but [that they would liaVe prudentlv seccded ; from the contest which devolved upon them ‘ such centre temps. However. it is quite i probable that both aspirants in future will prefer sitting in a Diogenes tub on election day tothe chance of getting the wand of oiiice in the Municipality of Eldon, by means of popularity. To convince the potential Solon of Bolsover that his letter had been of more harm than good to his nei-ihbors. let him turn around and see his intelligent neighbor who applied for the ac- cessorship cast aside like a last veer mack- erel by the council. Finally it would appear thatif the Bolsover correspondent sat on riddled eggs to hatch them when he commenced writing that intermeddlin .letter his efforts would have been crowns with equal success. Yours truly. Mothers! Mother: I I Mothers x I I To (ha [ulnar of Tm: ADVODA‘I‘I! ELDON STATION. AN Onsmwm. W“ Orders ."wlll receive Prompt Attentionifl ALL BILLS ICU'l' PROMPTLY. SHINGLES AND LUMBER CUT CHIEFLY FOR CASH OR ON SHARES. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR LOGS AND :SHINGLE BOLTS. ESTIMATES FURNISHED FOR HOUSE BUILDING. CONTRACTS TAKEN. P/aneing, and Mata/2mg, 00M 70 ORDER! MOULDINGS, ARCHITRAVES, BASE WINDOW and DOOR FRAME Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Door, and Blinds, kept constantly on hand or . made to order. ARMSTRONG OO’S gash B®M am Blind Fmfiwy. Peter G. Campbell has started business opposite Gregor Campbell's old stand. and is prepared to do all kinds of Waggon CarriuumBuilding. Repairing and Curtiage-Puint- ing, l’romptly Executed. 80m, ABERNETIIY AND FRUIT museums, ‘ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL“, FRUIT CAKES. MIXEDTEA CAKES. Buns. Rolls, and :Pas‘u'ry a Specialty PARTIES SUPPLIED \VHOLESALE. The only certain, safe, and effectual cure for Unturrh, builds up the system and cures all other diseases at; the same time. Asthma, Rose Cold. Hay Fever, Bronchitis, Leucorâ€" rhoen, Diseases of the Kidneys, Nervous Dc. bility all leave together when the Constitu- tional Catarrh,Remedy "is taken as d‘rected. Price 31 pet bottle. For sale by all Drug- gista au\l Medicine dealers. OODVI LLE BAKERY. __ FAMILY BREAD A good Hearse furnished at Short. Notice and on Reasonable Terms. w. c. STODDART. Eabinet Maker Undertake: 'ZE’ N G: CAMPBELL, =2 CAEBEEAGE WAGGGMMAKEB = being acknowledged as the rent l’uiu Re- liever, and of double the I rength of any other Elixir or Linimtmt in the World, should be in every family handy for use when wanted, “as it really is the best re- medy in the world for Cramps in tho_ Sto- mach, and Pains and Aches of all kinds," End lie {or ule by all Druggints at 25 cents a on e. “Brown'l Household Panacea" he: no equal for relieving pain, _b0th interim! nnd external. It cures peiu In the Side. Back or BoWele, Sore Throat, Rheumatism, Toothache, Lambs o'and any kind of a Pain or Ache. "lgwill most surely quicken the Bleed end Heal. as in acting ower ie yvquderful.” ‘V'Brown’l Household _fnnece_n," am 0.34 00mm to the ”some. Oonsfltutmnal Catarrh Remedy. SAW MILL IN CONNECTION I mum IXYERHALLY m BMWTISJI, NEURALGIA, cmznmm’s, GALLOUSLURIPJ ‘ 5mm“. smr Jammy, can, me on 13m; mums, comm, oomamoxs 1: 015m, Lvmuao, 11' , DEAFNESS, PAININBACK, spmms, 24mm sum, 60. Every bottle amnteed to give satisfac- tion or money rcfiizdcd. DIREOTIOHS WITH EACH BOTTLE. PRIDE 95c. 0031340110” vaauao, DEAFNESS, smums, -â€"KING STREET. WOODVILLEâ€" JOHN BERRIE, ORDERS SOLICITED. JOHN BERRIE’S IS UNXLD IN THE COUNTY INDEX TERMS. MODERATE. GIVE HIM A CALL‘ TAXI“ lllTEIlMlU TORONTO, (5NT. Cor .King and Stuart St Any paper can publish the above for $5 year with this note and paper regularly. The Canadian Singer. WGQEVEEEE, 62W? If so, it may be from the LEPROBY of the 19th century, Canaan. Tm: Comm?!» noun Cur/man REMEDY will restore you to enjoyable health. It not on! cures Catarrh, but all other diseased at t 0 same time. Price $1.00 per bottle.‘ For sale by all Druggists and Medicine dealers. Send stamp for 48 page pamphlets contaiu‘ng treutlse on Catnrrh. and certificates of the cured to T. J. B. Harding. Dominion Agent, Brockville, Ont. Immix Cancer Cure Depot, Coaticook, P. Q. ., Canada. CHEAPEST MACHINE IN THE MARKET ! money that are offered. generally bacon}: wealthy, while those who do not improve such chances remain in poverty. We want many men, women. boys and girls to work for us right in their own localities. Any one can do the work pro erly from the first start. The business wil pay more than ten times ordinary wages. Expensive outfit furnished free, No one who engages fails to make money rapidly. You can devote your whole time to the work, or only your a are moments. Full information and all t at is needed sent free. Address 81‘1an a» 00.. Portland, Maine. w1thout the use of the Knife. The only PermanengCure in the World. For particulars enclose two 3 cent stamps t S. .SMITH, Conticook, P. Q., Cauaclpa. â€"â€"Highest References WCURES SWIFT AND CERTAIN. Have you lost the Sense of Taste or Smell ? Tm: 8;an or 8w Blameâ€"the grey heirs of use being brought. with sorrow to we grave Is now We are glad to think he- uouun rarer every year as the use of Ginge- lese air Restorer become more general. By its use the scanty looks of age once more resume their former color and the hair be- comes thick and luxuriant as ever ; with its aid we can now defy the change of years. resting assured that no Grey Hair at an mte will come to sudden. Sold by al 31113855“ at 50 cents per bottle. WW. CANCER CURED. $1.000 FORFEIT. . Cameron, AGENT. Great chance to make money . Those who always "he ml- v‘utuqos of the good chances {9r yuakiug Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 533, Oxford Street, London. or? OA'O‘TION.â€"I have no Agent in the Unitod States, nor are my Modi- oinos sold. there Purchasers should therefore look to the Label on the Pots and Bog". I! the address in not 533, Oxgord treat London, they are m- :10 s. The Trade Marks of my mid Medicfn are registered m Ottawa, and also at W as ington. and sold at ls. 15d" 23. 9d., 48. 661., 113., 22s.,and 333. each Box and Pot. and In Canada at 36 cents, 90 cents, and 31.50 cents, and the larger sizes in proportion. UNIILBURN 8: $0., 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, [BIL/008N588, Dill/ӣ88, ,orspspm, onopsr, momma”, FLUTTERIIIO JAUNDIOE. . ‘ or mu aromas. marry or “our 3mm, - mt era HEARTBUIM, onmtss HEADACHE, ‘ or I»: And my upocm of din”. 1min dloordond LIVER KIDNEYG. 8T6 aownh on aLooo. Colds, Sore Throats, Bronchitis, and all disorders of the Throat and Chest, as also Gout, Rheumatism, Scrolula, and every kind of Skin Disease. Mgnufuctm-ed only at Professor HOLLO- WAY’s ' Establishment, will be foxmdinvnlunblé in every House- hold in the cure of Open Sores, Hard Tumours. BAD LEGS, OLD WOUNDS, COUGHS Thousands of persons have testified. that bv their use alone they have been restored. to health and strength.- after every other means had. proved. un- successful. increase the secretory powers of the Liver. brace the nervous system, and throw into the circulation the purest Elements for sustaining and repairing the frame. purify regulate and improve the quality of the ’Blood. They assist the digestive or- gans, cleanse the SI‘QMOE and. BOWELS, - THIS INOOM2ARAIBLE Medicine has secured to: 115861an imperieheblo fame throughout the World. for the alleviation and cure or most diseases to which humanity is heir Bones of the none eatén out, memoryI gone, mind impaired, Cured by Constitu. tioga! (‘afarrh' _ _l§el_13L:{ly._ Catarrb. with Druppinga in the throne“, causing feelings of Strangling. Dizziness Pains in the side and weakness of KM ney’s, immediately . relieved. System seemingly made now by one bottle of Com atitutioual Cat‘nrfh Reinedy. Catarrh, with nllits; loathsome attend-1 ants, cured by four bottles of Constitution» a1 Qatar-{h ‘n‘eqngdz. , 1 Remedy. g Catarrh, with all its'pe lliar symptom or ten years, fast verging on Consumption cured by less than four bottles of .001). atitutioual gatorrh Remedy. A rpun cured of Catnn-h 'of forty yonra' standmg by gas of Constitutional Ontarrh Remedy, So 1!; bad impairml his oyosight, Made him deaf. ‘ Troubles with Droppings in the Throat, Stm ling, Buzzing m the Head and Fotid Brut cured by Constitutional Catarrh‘ Regedy._ ‘ _ _A ‘ . | Droppings in the throat almBot to Chok~ inc Headache, Pain: in Shoulders, Back, and Kidneys, and entire Breaking Down of the a stem cured by Comtitutiounl Catarrh {outed} ' A Gang}: of h'vunty flvq years standing] cuiegl by_Con_8§it\1tioua} Untarrh Remedy.“ Cntarrh of‘25 yeara' atauding cured by‘ Constitupiouql Cutarrh Remedy. 1 l willmafl (Me) the moi for a limpln Vlorunu BALM that vil remuv FRECKLES. PIMPLES and BLO'I") leaving the Ikin soft, clear and bunt also instruction; for producing I. lam rowth 0! hair on a bald head or an Ice. Address, inc-losing 30. stun ), Ben. Vandal! 8: 00.. 5 Boeknmn St. N.. 1‘. Worth their Weight in G615. For Sale by All bru’ggiats. AND OIN TMEN T. WILL CURE OR'RELIEVE THE PILLS CATARRH. mm ordinate «Mn from IVER mouevs. ha‘r AOM. nun: An III an PIMPLES. - HIE 8T01MOII, DR "([88 OF THE SKIN, , OF THE HEART, AOIDITY 0F Propflgtg [“0 TON N10.

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