TORONTO a mussma RAILWAY. Trgigg going South-8:05 8:10,.“ ni. Train. going Northâ€" 7150 pan. and 3:00 i). m. Pagan-ram†Canaanâ€"Service is held in the obov. church at ll o’clock I. 11)., and 6:30 p. In. Rev. Alex. Rose, M. A., pastor. Sabbath School at 3 o‘clock. ‘ Cum» Mnuoms'r CnuacH.â€"â€"-Service oven-y Sabbath evening at 6:30 o’cIOCk. Rev. ‘V. Richardson, pastor. Sabbath School at sauna “local Illusion Court! for 1882. HIDLAND RAILWAY OF CANADA. February 20th, April 25th, July 11th, Sap- tembor 12611, November 14th. 1883, Jana- my 18th, and March 13th. 0A KR'UOD. February 27 April 20th, July 5th, Oct- obebdth. 188 , January 10th, March 19th. VICTORIA ROAD. Febmry 2m, April 26th, July lflhh, Sep- tember 13th, Nuvembet 15th. 1883, Janu- aty 19th, March 14th. Cwnaoxia LODGE. I.0.0.F. meet every Tuesday evening at 8 o‘clock at McSweyn’s Hall, \Voodville. PEACEFUL DOVE, I.0.0.F., meet every Thursday evening, at Odd_ Fellows',Hall, Canningtou. 10:00 a. m. Wlmnvmw L. O. L. No. 32, mesh second Wednesday each month, at McSWeyn‘s Hull. Woodville. V "CANglNGTON ENGAMPMBNT, I.0.0.F.,meet ï¬rst and third Friday in each month at Odd Feflows’ Hall, Cnnniugton. Court “ Rose of Victoria,†No. 36, C.O.F., meets in the Court Hall, Victoria Road, the third ‘Veduesday of every month. F. Gr. Millar, 0. Rs, J. W. Shields. P». S. Trains going Northâ€"11:00 a. m.. 12:35 ...m and l. :40 p.m Trains going Southâ€"7 :..50a.m 11 $03.11)†hymn“ L.0.L. No. 1,153, meet last Wednesday of each month at Hartley. LARGE quantities of Lake Simcoe ice are received daily in Toronto by T. 6:. N. R. The ice is very clear and pure. \VoNDERFUL winter weather. Satisfaction guaranteed m Razom and Pocket Knives at Gunn’ s THE good die young. The bad live “.0 Re about. the weather, and ate Spoken of as the oldest inhabitant. “THE Lew Midland time-table will come into effect on the beginning of March. ï¬'Manufactul-ers of Reapers Mowers and Threshing Machines prefer “ Castorinefl. A TREMENDOUS wind storm occurred on Monday night and Tuesday morniuv. No damage reported. THE new carriage shop to be erected for M1-.G1-ego1‘.0.m1pbell will noon be in readiness for “ the mixing" @ Jinst 6pened a Largo Stock of Crockery very cheap at H. \Vilaon’a. (1;? A new preparation for Chapped hands at Gunn’s. ALL the cars on the Midland are to be neupnimed. the color to be a bright. yellow. The Port Hope shops have the contmct. g 40 to Gunn’s for special value in \Vutches and Chains. A IIANDROME passenger coach, new “ from stem to stern,†has been put on the Midland. It is the production of the Colmm-g Cur \Vorks. - @’ Tl‘é latest Novels by standan authors at Gunn Bros. “’1: are. to have another blacksmith in town we learn. Mr. Hat. McLean of Argyle is to rc-opnn'tho shop belong. ing to D. H.- Cameron. A large nssm'tment of Genuine Gnld \Vedding Rings at. G unn’s. THE highest medical authority asserts that c mkm! apples eithe" baked m- boiled, mo tlm best. fuod' .or patients m the 1m med conduion of smanpox, typ~ hoid fever, and eryuipolus. @3" Lmnmn \lAcnnn On. is mnnulnctnrml sololv l“ MUG oll Bros. A! 00., Tmonm, mul is le only pnpula nr Machine Oil (0-day in use by all mill men and farmers. Try Luulino. IT wonM lm interesting to know what kind‘of an ice bridge Niagara will have u dmnsnnd years hence. Evan-y mm the \nidgn \s mum wondclfnl tlmn llm onn proceeding it. 'l‘ k N. R. mm are now run on the hrmul guuqn. 'l‘lm triul train came from 'l‘urmntu to the Junction on 'l‘humduy, tlm 9th inst uh llm mm of 60 miles 1“!" hour. This is fust travelling, and the usual spec-(l under the new limNablc will be “Emilee per hour. Cl“! ICE DIIECNIY. gm: inattm. \V'OODV l L LE. SOC! HT] ['15. 11:40, ham; 2:35 , gm, ; 7:45, mm. 18am," pronol urth for _th 1 mph». {T's all right to toll a hell, but it makes 3 gr?“ Adig‘evgnue how you do it. mâ€"nvw â€"- -vâ€"- _., A man «7L1 a belilérlno would [harry her and it cost. him 82,000 because ho did not. do it. Tun oongngstion of Knox church, Port Perry have decided not. to intro. duce the organ into the) service. The atwndanoo of the membem was very Inga and a. decision come to that the time land not yet come for the intro.- duotion of machinery. I'r's funny 3 says an exchange, but a soft-palmed woman can pass a hot plate to her neuron neighbour at. a. table with a. smile as sweet as distilled lnonay while 9. mm with a lmnd as horny as a crocodile’s back, will drop it on the floor and bowl around like a. Sioux Indian at a. scalp dance. A New ï¬rm takes contlol of the stand until lately occupied by Mr. Hector MoNoill. Mr. B. J. Harwood has re- opened the shop, and we believe intends to do a huge trade. Carriage and waggon building in all its branches will he engaged in and several hands are to be employed. ‘r Annâ€"Dentin- 1"?9 by. mod THE Concert or Social given in Mc- SWeyu’s Hull last Friday evening, was the most. entertaining One held yet. The programme was well arranged and pleasantly carried'ouc. Another will be held in the same place toâ€"morrow (Friday) evening. A good programme is in readiness. Q W'HAT 13 human! Ask any Farmer, Threshél or Saw Mill man, or in fact, any man who runs‘ machin- ery of any kind, and he will‘ tell you that it is the only MACHINE On. which will wear equal to Castor Oil and won’t gum or clog your machinery. Ask your dealer for it and take no other. OUR farmers are fast awakening to the fact that ï¬rst-aches stock will pay. \Ve notice that Messrs. D. Hawkins and Thos‘ Rear have recently purchased a. thoroughbred Cotswold Rumâ€"“Duke of Stockton"â€"-which may be seen at 'their premises. The animal Was im~ ported-direct from England for the breeder from whom the above gentler men bought him. Tm: Canada. mutual telegraph com- pany has already introduced the wedge in the reduction of telegraphic rates. The night rate has heen reduced to one half of the day tariff. For instance by this line a tensword message is sent. from Toronto to New York for 20cts., uud’a twenty-word for 3bcts. ; the other company charges .30ch. and 50cts. ren spectively for the same service. RY," ronouucc it the ï¬nest t1 th_ for 3h tooth Ind breath I THERE is a certain amount. of sntis~ faction that. a publisher realizes when he ï¬nds out that some people are so fond of leading his paper that they tramp out. regularly to some store or house where they know the pnpm‘ is subscribed for, and swallow its contents with surprising rapacity. Evvry pub lisher knows this is done, and he also knows that. these same newspaper spongers are the ones who ï¬ml Um most. fault with the paper’s Collteulfl. To sponge a meal and then growl about. its quality is not a. hit, worse than these pennrions critics. 0:! Tuesday evening last a number of the towusmen oi our village mot. M. Mr. Edward's Hotel to say “goodâ€"bye†to Mr. Angus Campbell, on the era of his departure for the North-\Vcst, and presouted him with a handsome: set of albums, accompanied bv the folu lowing address :-â€"- MR. Amos CAMPBELLâ€"DEAR, Fumxn, -â€"It is with a feeling of deep rcgrct than M: l have assembled hero twuight‘ to binl you farewell, we trust not forever, although 1: ‘ may be far years. Dear Sir, we do me wish to flatter you when we 813' than your kind- honrtodness mid gcntl-ununly depurlmeub has won for you a host. of friends, an I trust you may win nmuv friends among your nczr acquaintances. “'3 cannot. :. law this up dormnity to pass without shown; you in u small measure the kind rcgnlul in which you are 110ch by your “fellows" in this villag: and locality, and We ask you to accept thn ‘ small present M a. token of lirirnilsship in m ‘ us, and sincerely trust 'thur, in n‘hwfmxr ciluh‘. you may oust. your lot, that l‘leucc, Health and l’roapcrity with the hhssina' ol an all \ri3o l’rnviqlcucc may 1m yours. Yours very truly, Jxo. Melina M. D., N. B. me‘imu. Jxo. Lsrunmoon, A. U. CAMPBELL. I Hos. EDWARDS. Ml‘. N. McLeod, who accompanied Mr. A. Campbell, mu also Um leciplunh ofa. handsome gift. us 1!. souvenir hum his m my friends. my NOTICE.â€"â€":\ll li'vll‘llC'B‘ imlo-lm'rl to um \‘itlmr Ivy Nah! nl‘ Arvmmh will please cull and settle innm-clinmly nml save mu clm coxtmml ll‘Olllnll) of calling or sending accounts to them. All debts due mo must he paid [More March 13:, as business requires it. Hod. Cnmp~ boll. A Cum: ron limbu'umâ€"What physician has ever discovered a cum fur headache? Echo answers none. But Burdock [slum] Bitters by their purifying. invigorating ner- vine pro rties Mfonl a cum in nearly every case. '1 w health-giving principles hi this remedy Ne unequalled by any \similar pre- .pnralion‘iu tho world. ‘ it the fluent thing on this n md- bush. 5 cent u TBA' .A. 0'. SMITH, HARNESS MAKER. SADDLER $10. I have nowuon hand A Large Stock of BELLS. BLANKETS, and calm;- Winter Necessaries. HARNESS OIL, the beat in the Man-Let. All kinds of DOUBLE and SINGLE HARNESS made to order. from the bent material and a! the shortcut notice. Repairing promptly attended to. mamas†mm“ TORONTO REAPERS AND MOWERS, OSHAWA ‘CHAMPION’ REAPERS 8:. MOWERS. Wilkinson, Combination, and Whyte Patent Ploughs and the HONEY EARNING. NEW STGRE, LOBNEWLLE Boots 8: Shoes; Headyâ€"Made Elothing and Spring Dry Goods. Lorneville, Jun. 9th, 1882. All Machine: warrmtod to give satisfaction or no sale. and sold CAEAP for CASH, or ON TIME. Also Agent for ï¬lm Celebrated Clover Seed, Potatoes. Apples, Pork, Beef, Beef-Hides, Sheepskins, and Poultry. WATER Lhï¬E AND CE CMENT Famous Id-Quor 2 can LORDS OF LOCKS, KNIVES. HINGES. 8:0. MORRISON}; 0L1) SPAN!) Waxlvilie, 3391’! 711881.. D.‘ ' I‘IUII I" ‘V llll‘ I \‘I‘>Vv-' ‘v- .v _ _ 93 Men‘s Winter Shirh auul Drawers very cheap. Dress Uunda at prices never 'â€"'" lmhuu huz'ml ut. Just. at"; them. also l"a'msages-rm. campers, BUTCH' CAR“ .1 9.) Pï¬Ts,T!CKmGS, TOWELINGS,HOL- 9, m. LANDLINENS,mocks.nemms,_c.,c *d w .5.- P- THE ABOVE GOODS WILL A Choice Stock of Gmceries and Provisions on Hand. PARTIES SUPPLIED \VITH BEEF BY THE QUARTER. @ OR IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT PURCHASERS. " ARRIVIN G. B. CAMPBELL. only authorized agent in this section for IWVILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH FOR- ,7. G. SMITH 00., A Fine Volume given with every three pounds of Tea. purchased. KING STREET, H’OOD VILLE. , AT MITCHELL’S OLD STAND, \VOODVILLE. The Wanzer and Raymond Sewing Machine! supplied cheap. ANNING M ELL. All kinds of Reaper Repairs on hand, Casfm'ine and Seal Machine Gila. A CALL SULICITED. 3 new stock of WHIPS, HORSE COVERS, CCRRIE COMES. BRUSHES, WHIP LASHES, TRUNKS to. My Building Hardware has also arrivm 0i different qualitic: A large stock of Agent for the 1 have on hand AT THEâ€"- 1311 E D.. MQVLA lv' ('11: 1'. REID- A150 ‘1, comprmug N. B. CAMPBELL. 7111.33: Manager. The Most Snocouful .Romedv ever dis- coveruu, unit )8 cultam m as «facts and does not blister. nun l’uoov Buww. Fronr the Oneoni'o Press, New York. 051201470, New ka, Jan. 6th, lSSl. Early last summer Messrs; B. J. Kendall 8500., of Euusbourgh Falls" Vt, uuulu u cuutract with the pubiishvrs of the PRESS for a lmlf column advertisement. scttihg forth the merits of Kendall‘s Sp_avin Cur-.3 for one year. At the same time we seem-ml from the ï¬rm a quantity of books entitled Dr. Kendall's 'l‘i‘entiae on the Horse and his Diseases. which we are now giving, to tul- vance uuying subscribers to the press as a preqyium. ‘ 49..., LL- All-nu‘:nnmnfl‘ “no? even-u u. _ About the time the advertisement ï¬rst appeared in this paper. Mr. Schermerhorn. who resides near Uollinrs. had a spavinenl house. He read the advertisement and concluded to test the elï¬cnc of the remedy, although his friends laughed, at his oredul- ity. He bought a bottle of Kendall’s S iavin bure nnd.eommenced using it p on the liorso in aeconlwce with the directions, and he informed us this week that it eï¬'eoted net: acoxnploto cure that on expert hon-small, who examined the animal recently could ï¬nd no trace of the spavin or the pluce where it had been located. Mr. Schermer- horn has-since secured a copy of Kendall’s Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases which-he prizes very highly and would he loth to part with (it any price. provided he could not obtain another couy. So much for advertising reliable articles. Kendall’s Spavin Cure proved be 0nd, a doubt. that "' Kendall’s 59957111 aura â€. has sufï¬cient strength m penetrate and viltue to cure the worst was of rheumatism, corns, bunyans, frost-bites, or any bruiné, cut or lameness which are not affected in tho lenst by ordinary lini- meuts. 1t does not blister but on the can- tmry removes all soreness. proved be oml'; Spav‘ln urg â€. Kendall’s Spawn Cure. St. Johns, P. Q., Oct, 27th, 1881. DR. B. J. KENDALL XI, 00., Gent: :â€"1 have used your Spavin Cure with great- ano- cess on spavins, curlve and aplinna. 1 know it to be a good remedy for ringbones, Lone spm'ins. cuts‘ galls and all kinds of lililm'n ness and many other Ililï¬cnlties about zhc horse. .One of my men spramed is -n k‘-e very badly. I applied Kendall‘s Spavin Cure and I never saw anything work like it, he was Well in a. tow days. 1 know it to be good for man as well as beast. I procured one of your Treatise on the Horse, by mail- ing 25 cts., and I think it was the means of saving mo $11l0,on one horse that I treated according to the directions givun in your back for displaced stifle. Yours truly, KENDALL’S SPAVIN SURE, ON HUMAN FLESH Thousands of txials on Human Flesh has , .. I, .. .I .Jp 4|. n‘ “rm-â€1.11,. Kendall’s Spawin 03173 Send address for Illustrated Circular which We think gives positive proof nt' its virtnn-s. No remedy has cvev met with such unqna‘ziï¬cd success to our knowledge, fur boast as Well as man. Price $1 lmr bottle, or six bottles fur 5-3; All hrngnats III-VB it. or can get. it. for yuu. 01‘ it \ï¬â€˜lilalru sent to any Jlddluafl un h'“!.‘ilh€ of price by Lin; pruln‘icuu‘s. DH. 15. J. Jill).- D.\ 1.1. 3:. C0,, lineaburgh Fans, Vt. 'iet‘ mwdmng else, 1 alum-.1 not nee-41ml. We wi lat/tut you. 5:: u may and upwnnlmnnle at home by the indus- tlious. Mel}, “'ulllell, buys and girl» mum-r. uvcrywhcrum work fur us. Ix'uw H the: lime. Yuu uml Work In spare mm; only u;- Lin: your whole time to Hm hump-Hz. "3.1: can livent lmme and «In the Walk. In: nt'wr lulu-imam will pay you nearly u: \uii. No mm can In“ to Innkv cmn‘muus \ ~v by nnmuvilnf at. once. (lastly mltlit mm "rum business nuw imi the public. Yuu ‘ make money {mm wm'k fur us Um nnthim! 0180. l .‘u: engaging“. «use, Unsuy uuun. mm free. Mnmzymmh'fnss, wally and v nhly. Adm-(ass Tum: . 00., Av- Maine. > ._-.,....._~.._... _ ._ .,..., The highest point. remhml by any 1 is l6.64(i.feot nvmnllm Andâ€, 85): . ! Esturhmoks'a linukypnn would «turn ‘diatmwu.. .50 L I) I} Y A I L [JR 116' G I S 1' '5. LYMAN SONS 8: 00.. Noun-cal , P. (3., “'leusnlo A2011 You: 3 truh’. LizEï¬TER K. Gums: mu! llnflul'v .»\:t;.,nuh\, '3 ;_\' mlhmlcl 3 .1038 "f £01m than {0h