auction’s Arum sun. 'l‘lm lie-t Salvo in tho world for Cut», Bruises. Sores. Ulcers. Salt llhonm. Fever Nut". 'I‘q-fler. (‘lmppod llnnds, (ilnillnlainr, ! ‘nrns. and all skin eruptions, and positively «W‘Tm l’ilm. It In guaranteed tn givo antin- fncï¬on or tummy refunded. Price 25 cent. a hut. Fm- Mlo by (hum Bram. Wwdvillo, Ind John Ichiunon. Hoover-ton. AN exchange wantw to know "What i-‘* lmvnn without a noWspriper Wand tho l‘lntts- Inn-g Sentinel replies. - “It In a place where nlcl hnta m ntufl‘otl into \iimlnw paner. where children Mn like young pin ' the lmnao wife like «savage, and the lmalnnd with n mum-mm of the clinmnl swamp plint- e-l on his shirt lmsnm with tobacco juice." Tm: fullnwing from the Winnipeg Sun will lm rcwl with interest hv anme uf the mar- riwzeahlo spinstem in this vicinity : -â€"“Wifa w "rod 2 must nut. Ive m'er ternary-Mm. 20th ca )k, good lmme-konper. mul able in milk fmr cnws: if lady Inunm |mslnenmsoml plnolo. to. Addreu Box 179.1!npid City. Manitoba." Tur hoy whu spends his evenings in read- ing the newspaper cunmining the local news ‘uf the xlnv. will cm-tuinly msku n better man than the hay whu spumls his evenings nn ‘thc spam. or lnsling at places where gossip is dished «ht in the most. ohmeno or 'vnlgsr mannur, Parents should think over those facts. sml see that their children hM'o good pipers in read. ’4 MmJnux SU'rurcnmxn. late of Drillin, who it will he renmnlwrccl was loâ€"t on the ‘ lnnitnhinn prairies fur six days, during three of which he was Wltlmllt food, died at Winnipeg un Sunday from the effects of the rxmmm . The exposure caused a hml cold \\ Inithtnv-necl tn cnngeminn of the lungs. Annm‘ three years ago a Chicago news- paper printed under flaming headlines a long mnl «lolailul account of the burning of the Newhall house the night before, with n. frightful loss of life. The article was a hoax. and closed with a. sentence explaining that the horrible calamity which it graphically lmrtmyeil was liable to uecnr at any' tinm. E. l. Northrup, a well-known newspaper man; now of St. Paul, was the author of the hoax. mul always (leolarod’that the time would come when his article would be re- garded in the light of a prediction. A a'rA'nuS-mmter in 'lnuia telegraphed 200 miles tn the central authorities : "'1‘iger jumping about on platform. Please tele- graph instructions." Tm fact is that the statil-n-auaster Was unable to get to the si5iqu-st:\'iun owing to the presence of u. tiécr an the platform‘ and. in urder to avoid .‘Ihuppl't‘hemletl collision, he telegraphed to the head ofï¬ce fur instructions to be sent in the next signal-box that an spprouching train might be stupped in time. Tm: following are the wages paid the men workiué'on the C. 1’. 1:. in British _ Colum- Inu : “ridge carpenters (ï¬rst-class), $3 per Ilny;l31iIlge cnrpenturu (second clues), ‘82. 50 per day , masons, '82. 50 to $3 per dd) ; Mm: kunilhé (ï¬rst clasqLSIi per day- , blackâ€" mnnhs (second-aims). 8:3. 2'Ilmr (lay; Hack- mnillis (he! lurid, $1. 50 [08 :3pcr day ; dril- l ~_rs 551.75 to 8'3 per day; hIIIUIerm $1.50 to 91.75ncr clay , tinst- class lIeons. $3.50 peI clay ; ï¬rst-clue choppers, 813.505.)†day ; Iiv'st‘cmss scorers, $3.50 per day. Tm; Harrie Advance says z-Mrs. Stew-m- snn, of Muskoka, was alandcred by one Fox. She met him on tho road, knocked him clown, gnnged nut his eye, removed the greater portion of his hair, banged his head (all u BUIIIL‘, and whipped him all over the wad. She then proceeded to a magi-strata laid information agaiuut heraelhwas lined SI and custi, and humid m'cr to keep the puaco. Aucl l‘nx curries hi~: hush luw. ELIVI-zx religions moieties in the city of \V' llllIil ~- 1 I IN an a 114Ngutu Wuulth nf over 5i 1,300. 000 'l he lfl'fllh of the Catholic (hum-h are valued m 8H). 00?) 003. the \Ictln- mlistsnt 5450000 and the Pmshytelian , Hapi-Im and Cullgl‘8435i0na‘iï¬ts divide the I'I‘SG.‘ Two new $100.01) I churches are to be built this \cm. ‘0...“ Mr. Jackson, (-dctor of the Nkmnarknt Era. was elected Warden of the County of York. A “20- Sum: present- Mr. M. E. Alli-am. Huwhumm. Kant: ï¬ned Inslife bya lifllp‘u .I'ritl Bmcle uf Dr. King. New Didan‘my, fur Consump- tn'nn. which caused lum m umuureu Iarg‘ lmulo. that cmnplutely curml him. When “new". Chang. of ciiuuue ‘ and evarythi lg chm Ind “and. Asthma. Broucluu, Hours- umu. 80v“ Con-4|". and all'l'hront um! Lung (lineman. it In gnamntoal to cure. 'l‘rinl Battles free at Gum: 15mg. Wood villa, and John McKiunnu’u, lleavertou. large size lmttlus, $.00. - v , w m i nature] soureeotvitel one: . the motor oft o i bodily organs. When the inflation becomes im veriehed in con none. of week digestion an imperfect eeeimilet on oi the blood, which should enrich it. every bodils function liege end the eÂ¥etem grown feebiod an disordered. When tii h ood becomes impure either from the de- vefo )ment of inherited needs of dieeeee. ite con- tem nation hr bile. or other causes. serious mele- dios imrcly to low. A highl eccureted remedy for these evils is Noivrnnoi' u LYMAN'H Ve oteblo Discovery. Dyspeptic Cure and Blood lglriflm'. which oredicetee impm-itiee of the blood end for tilizes it by YTOIHOHIIK digestion and neeimiletion. Moreover, t iin nne eltorntivo and ate: aoliic cxorte a speciï¬c action upon theiivur. heelt fully stimulating that ori‘en to e pcriomnce of ite secretive duty when n tin. and expelling bile from the h end. It ii ewiee Ipoeeemleiu diuretic and dopnrent proportion of e h h order, render inn the kidneys active and hoeit iy. and ex )eiiinu from the eyetom the eel-id eiemonta whic pro- ' dnce rheumatic min. Price. elm. Hempie Bottle. i0 eonie. Act for Nonmnor a Lnum n Vegetnbie Dieoovery end Dylpeptic cure. The ï¬rm-3 hem e PAC-emu»: oi their siaueiure. ‘ ) y : him?“ i665?! “in“; bodily orggng. When t Tm: humans“ or norm. Bmm urn derived from tho blood, which .._L.-_4I --_..-_ _n -4. ,- munons ox nunorera ulrou vhout. tho ‘ beneï¬t by It: providontial ( laooven-y." , v“ _V_V_._...,. 1"" VIII m ul. AHOIDEO' Eciou‘wic Oil. The last lot I got from you having been tested In several cases of rhouumtiam has ivon relic! when dootors‘ medicines have iaiiod ) have an oflect. The excellent. qualities of this media no should be made known. that tho milliong of_nufforera throughout. the world Innu Hilbert. Laird. St. Margaret's Hope. Orknoy Scotland, writes: "I lam roq‘ueseod by’l’h cover“ I) lrlmlds to order nnothur pare of Dr. 'I'homas’ I‘r-“lu unit-nil 'F|-A‘-.L' ‘AAI , , umocnnona. 1 made use of It mlynel! to calm {Iii ruins of a broken 10 with dis ocatlonn of tho ( wt, and in two days was untlroly roliomd o! the pain. ,, v,vV._, --. .... -u-u, .. y“ wuwn; UT. Thomn' Ecleotric Oil commands a l e and in- creasing aale which It rluhly merits. have al- ways lound it exceedingly be] 1m); I use it in all cases of rheumutlun. All we 1 as tinctures and dislocations. I made use of it m‘yselyo calm the nu‘lln n! n Innaâ€... I-.. ._.‘u\_ ‘1 -_VV-.._"- munâ€"iv“ vuuuo coï¬ll'eota the absorbent and lacrotory wo b‘ has“ Mrs. Wm. Allan. of Acton, says she hm: been without; a bottle of H yard's Yellow the gloqse for the last tweu y yours. and I N THE history 0! medicine no preparation has roceivod such universal commendation for the alleviation: it nfl'ords, and the permanent cure it ufluctsin kidney diseases, as Du. VAN “mum's KIDNEY CURE. Its action in these distressing (:oxiiplaiutsis simply wonderful. Sold by all drug- gm 8. Now THAT there is a, reliable remedy for kidney troubles, half the terrors attached to these oom- plalnts have been removed. For this let us be thankful, and to DB. VAN Emma's KIDNEY CUM: award all praise for having thus removed a. hither- to considered fatal disease from our path. I; was never known to fail. Sold by all (huggists. A Good Investment.â€"Twonty-ï¬ve cents expend- ed to your drugfist for a bottle of Hagynrd's Yellow Oil will a. lay more pain and cure more disonsos tlnm many dollars spent for ordinary medicines would do. Yellow Oil euros rhonmat ism, burns, scalda. front bites, sore throat, croup', sthl’ joints, contracted cords, and all lameness and inflammation. Jon. Boundlu.M . .Hull. _P.‘ Q.. ï¬vritoa: 7 Dr. I. nï¬nnn’ L‘n'nn‘nlâ€" All)!" ___,, .J. B. Wethoroll, writing from Winnipeg, says: “I can say more about Puospuumm now than when I saw you last in Toronto. My health is much im )roved,Imd I am free from headaches ] or uni; no 103, having only used two and ahnlfbot- | tieso your l’hosphatiu For sale by all drugg. I i813. A cure for Headacheâ€"Thousands are suffering martyrs to this distressing trouble. If you have pure and properly vitalized blood coursing freely through 'our veins; if the stomach, liver. kid- neys an bowels act rightly, you will never ex- perience headache. Burdock Blood Bitters will ti‘fl'ect this desirable condition, if properly used ' ry it. As the roan of winter vanish under the caloricin- flueuee of the sun's rays, so does Bri M's Disease, Dropsy, Stone in the Kidneys and ladder, and Inflammation of the Kidneys, leave the body up on the administration of Du. VAN Bumm’s K11» mu CURE. Sold By all druggista. G. W. Miugay, l’arkdalo. Toronto, “Titus: “My wife had several very severe attacks of cramps in the stomach. Hearing of Du. AusTIN’s PHOSPH~ ATINE, and its ploasancnesa to take, 1 gave her two bottles. and she has not- had an attack since, and her health is much improved." For sale by all druggists. Deafness that is caused by colds, inflammation of the membrane of the ear. and Eamcho, is often cured by Hagyurd's Yellow Oil, the great external and mternul remed for all pain, sore- ness, and inflammation, 1‘ leumatism. burns. scalds, frost bites, sore throat, croup, contracted muscles, etc. Never be without it. writes that he ï¬nds an ever-increasing sale for Burdock Blood Bitters, and adds that he can, without hosituncy, recommend it. Burdock Blood Bitters is the grand speciï¬c for all diseases of the blood, liver and kidneys. No Household should be considered complete without a. bottle of Dr. Van liuren's Kidney Cure is in the closet. It is the only remedy that will yositively. permanently and promptly cure all onus of kidney diseases. Sod by an druggists. Mr. T. 0. Wells, chemist and druggist, Port Colboruo. Out" writes: "Northrop oz Lymau's Vegetable Discovery sells wall. and gives the best. of satisfaction for all diseases of the blood." ECLEC’I‘RIC OIL is on the front of the wrapper, and the signature of Nun'rmxnp d? LYMAN, thue proprietors for Canada, on the back. means or selling them by gettiuï¬ a. name as near us )Q§Biblo to lwm-xm‘uw. We horeforu ask the pu lie when purchasing to see that the name BEWARE or ’l‘lllisk SIMILAR NAMED ARTICLES. If their originators had any faith in the healing Properties of their own medicines they would. â€to honest men, ive them a. name of their own, and not try to He] them on the reputation of an- other; but as thev know their preparations have no merit, they resort to the most unprincipled means 9f_ue_lling them by getting}; mime aspen Oil. Since I). 'I'homus‘ Eoleotrio Oil has bacome golohyutod. u_uumbpr 91 upprinyiygeq person»; colobrutml, a number of uupriuci led persons have been endouvoriug to palm off Houtrou and flpctric Oil for the genuine Dr. 'l‘homas‘ Electric Mr. J. R. Soxmgul-[Druggiyh St.'Cathq1‘iups, .4:A<... In. .A. I. . A CuLLu-sn oi Vital Energy in lung disease is (I greatly wcelersted by the loss 0! flesh. strength LI. and appetite which invsrinbly attends it. It is one o! the chief recommendations at Northrop K liyinnn's E'niuleion of Cod Liver Oil end iiypo- | < 'i'hosphitu 0! Lime and Bods, ï¬rst by reason of l I" the bloodflnrlohing and nourishing properties of the lest-named ingredients. it renoWs tailing < strength by compensating (or loseo‘ s already sus , nine . while a healing and soothiu iniluence is M at the sauna time exerted in n e iuiisrned membraneous lining of the out. lungs and I'd bronchim. by the Cod Liver Oil. Digestion is stimulated and appetite improved the nervous . s stem acquires tone and vigor, and the sccre- H t one undergo a health ' change when it is used. Purchasers should see hat the bottles (sold at 50 a U cents and 51.00) have the tirm‘e name blown in 10 them, and that the \vreiï¬ors hear a. no simnnoi | our signntm'u. Sold by l druggiste. Prepared ‘9 only by Newmumv Jr LvuAN. Toronto. I BEWARE OF IMI’I‘A'I‘IONS- flow It \Vorlm. .5112:ch glam. I) R, ’1‘ bIOMAS’ m-v nnuwu, lllflF [no :hout. thoyorld may N nanny-n... ' -v-v. u. u“; {Fogiitibp pocomos 6ND. Muscma 83100er RE never BOOTS AND SHOES, OROGKERY, CHINAWARE GLASSWA RE, LAMP GOODS,,c. Kid Mitts. otc. Winoios. Cottons. Flannels, Shootings, Tickings, Linen Tnbllngn. ' Towellings. Mnntlos. Corsets. Kid Gloves, Wu invite you to price our Cashmores, Lustres, Plain and Fancy Dress Goods. Plain and Groa Gmin Silks. Plain and Molr Eating, 500 lbs. of choice Ransins to be Wholesaled. MN m 1,@@© lbs. M 'EEA QRESS ARR ï¬'flfflflR $601138: SALES 511210-er CASH. McIntyre 3' Prior. SE1 LING OFF! TEE Efliflflg TRUNKS, VALISES, “'HIPS, AXLE GREASE, OILS, PATENT HAME STRAPS. 653., C. I Call and Examine TORONTO HOUSE. VERY CHEAP. Cheap Susan. Currants. Prunou. Flour. Oatmeal. Comm“). Fllh. Coal on c. 0a// and Examine Prices. . McNabb’s, Davidson’s Old Stand, BEAVERTON- Morrison’s, Old Stand. y A Well Alaaartod stock of Dry Goods, Ready-Made Clothing: BOOTS AND SHOES, GROC‘EEIES, GROGKERY. GLASSWARE, 850. And I will quate prices that willutonish you. a BLANKETS, whole-lined. two thirds lint-d or unlined. Any kind of Sleigh Bells may be had in season. . «gnaw WEASEï¬Â» 391$? Cthlï¬ng, LAD!ES SPRING TWEEIS, Y I I defy :my Hone" in town to comm-to with me. You will ï¬nd 8 to lo diï¬erem lines unsurpassed for Yariuty, Quah‘ty and Pricap. $3.?ng J. J. GLOVERy amvmmm @mmnw. Iâ€"I- WILSON’S, Great Variety., CHEAP ! . Ms. .. - . \«A'vvxwwwvvxw MN- That will be sold at reduced prioeu. Also on haul A LARGE STOCK OF Which will be sold at the very luwost prices at HAVE BEEN LEVELLRD DOWN. RECEIVED AT THE AL $30 A RANGE OF TO BE WHOLEQALED. OF OUR Drawers. Hats. Caps, and Genta‘ Furnishings of every description. Now in the time to buy Scotch and Canadian Tweoda, Suitings. Paintings, Worsted Overcoatinga. Overcoats. Ready-Made Suits, Shirts, GENTLEMEN Lil. \V‘ U )I)VH.LE. LYMA N S( In euro in la: elects, mlld in Its no not blister. yet it in penetrating ska a. It (loan roach every (loop mama pain or and powerful lo wth or other enlargements mwo uny bony splits, curbs, calloun, npmlna Inch. M apavim. any lameness and onlnrgomr m Won"! mul limbs. or for rheumatism l‘ like! the 10 Ml 0" urpono for which a llnlmr 1 mm Mid (or any Mt. It. Is now known t: .m I» used lot mm m {or mgn gvor Impd, @tinr ; by; ghe pong llqlcyem ON 11mm? “man. Wont Enoal nugh, V... Feb. 15th. mu. Dr. D. J. Kendall é; (lo.,~4loutn :â€"-Sovoral months ago I Injured my lame-joint which «used an enlargement to grow to the the of a large wal- nut ma caused me vary more pain all the tlm {or four at ï¬ve wetlis, and than I hogan to II‘ Kendall's S mvln Cm'p with the most satisfacl if“ results. I has mm‘uly removed the only ’ !_ mont and stoppod tho. lameness and pain. 1 kg“... lon known it to be e xccllonl. for harms h. I kl‘l‘ow lt tube the bust llnlment for llum' Asia“: that I am am uninterl with. l Yong guy, ___ ~ Kendall’s Spavir 1 Youngsto wn. Ohio, My mayhem. B. J. Kendall dz Co..~ljents zâ€"I Ind-every .vdu- able Hamblotoninn col t. which I ivized veryhï¬hv ly, he bed a large bonespnvm on (ne‘joinh‘e a small one on the othe 1-. which made him: very lame; [had him mg or the char 05 two veterin- ary surgeons Who {M ed to euro 1 in]. . 1-“. one day reading the u. ivertisemcuh oi : Kendall‘s S‘nwin Cure in the Chicago Plunges: .lidetonnin- m at once to try it. an .1 got our (nuggets to send for it. they ordered three bottles». x. took ‘them all and thought, I would give ii. a- thorough hit]. I used it according to directions-and the fourth day the colt ceased to he "mm. and the lumps had disappeared. I used the Bottle and the cell‘s , limbs are as: free from lumps; and? as annoth In any home in the St ate. Ho mouth-01y cured. The ‘ cure mu: so remarkable that: I let mm of my. . neighbors have the other two bottles who eru- now using it. Very respec 'afally yep"; Kendaflgu'gSpavin Cure Hamilton, Mo“ J nne 14th. 1!“! B. J. Kendall (k Co..â€"Gonts :-â€"-This is to certify that I have used Kendall's Spa ciu Cam and' have {ound it to be all it is recount ended to bu. and in fact more too: I have rem JVQd b using tum. above: Callous. Bone Synviun, I); , onus. Splints. and can cheerfully testify am recmw mend it to be the best thin for any Bony sub- stance I have ever used an lhnve tried‘ many, I: I have made that my study for many years; Reapect‘mn 'oun, y 3 1’» [CHRIST Tm; Mos'r SUCCESSFUL REMEDY ovu- diacc‘worâ€" od,a.sit is certain in its elfects and does not blister. Read Proof below. //"'// CAUTI’. N.â€" ~This (at AJva represents our New Wrapper; take 11- other, and avoid all s.nular named articles a: the†are worthless. NMTHROP d5 LYMAN, Toronto, Proprietor: for Canada 1‘RC)M COL. L. T. FOSTER. "KEEPAL_L_’§_,_§PAYIN CUBE. KENDALL'S spavw CURE. )flfl 00., MONTREAL, P.Q.. ‘ Waonnsym: Mun. 1' ALL DRUGGISTS: 11f. FOSTER RENE E Gare