.IT BEAVER/ION. 031$. ‘ t ‘ ._.. ’3" \IANOï¬ï¬pthIHJA NH TUNED z ‘ICnI‘ A 0.113" 3‘11" LINDSAY. ONTARIO. ‘ vé‘hn vim Woodvmo. (Edward' a How )regulmy \gï¬ho ï¬rst Monday and 'l‘nond. and Denver “.1 (Hamilton House.)the ï¬rst edneada. and ‘rsdny of ouch month PURE VITAL ZED administered. Heautitul and dumbloART~ PICIAL TEETH made. His gold lined rubber ï¬lings are pronounced "perfection. " Over 36 HEO. DUMONT. ion-â€u expeï¬once. It continuoï¬aly for uhout 19 out made a study of it undpr Dr. QQlAton. 9! . 9w ’0'?!" the ï¬rst Visits Beavorton (Hamilton Homo) the 2nd 'l'umnd of each month. Mr. Noolnnda has had unpara lolod success in the use fans. (unlined Mr) In this part of Canada 11“! g Administered !t_ gonthuoqaly t9r_ghout _1deor§_m_ndq 9 ï¬nd]: J. F- TAYLOR; D. 0.. L. L D. S. [DOCTOR 0F DENTAL SURGERY.) machete of the 110er College of Dents! Bur- (eone of Ontario. wit ï¬tteen yem established uwtlce. Teeth extrected without pain. Arti- iel Teeth inserted without plates or on Gold, "venunminnm or Rubber bases. Full upper 0g lqwer sets 0! 2009) only $8. 2All ipegulentles of the natural Teeth cof'réébodf Pré‘a’éï¬aitlbâ€˜ï¬ of the natural Teeth a speciality. Olllce, “Cameron Block." Beaver-ton. Will visit Brechln every second and tourth rldav a! each month. DENTIS 'I' ~HONEY To LOAN AT LOWEST RATES AND BEST TERMS. No commiuion charged. Unduy Ofllco,Bnker'.sBlock Kent Street. Up- “in. At Woodville ollce. on the lat tadp- kd Thursday 11: every month. OCARI'HY, EVANS. PEPLEB a Me~ CABTHY. Barristers. Solicitors, Noisriel. nvoyencera. etc. Oince. Quinn‘s Block. Oriilin Money to bond. Telephone communication. D‘Am'ox McCABTHY, Q.C.. F. Emma. I. a. P. Puma. J. museum. person who gave it for o'xh'noling toolh'hi‘a‘glâ€"aavxi 1,. to .1463000 persons. Beautiful nunom teen: SKINNER.Ba1-rismr. Solicitor. 4'0. Ofï¬ce. Cnmeron' sNow Block Beaverton Out. I: Will We at Roach'n Hotel. Btochin. on Tuesday of enchmeek. commencing on Tuesday lothlof Jmuuy. nary College. Toronto. Treats cll diseases omeatioomd animals by the latest scientiï¬c and most approved methods. Orders by‘ tele- graph or mail promptly attended '0 by dnyor night. omce :â€"â€"" McKinnon’s Drug Store." 80. vex-ton. OnMrio. WM. JOYCE, V.S..Gradua‘e of Ontario Veteri- o d W . Graduate of Toronto University, Member of College Physicians and Surgeons. Ont" Ex- unluer for Sun Life and Confedention Life Co's. Ofï¬ce and Rasideuce Victoria Road. Outu'io. J GALLOWAY, M. C. P. 8.0., Physician. Sur- . goon and Accuueheut. Oxllce and residence bimooo Street Beaverton. GRANT, M. D.. Physician. Surgeon and A°' . coucheur, omce and Residence. Cor. Main and Man Streets. Heaven-ton. Out. E‘Mst Testimonials on Application.â€" matted. BEAVEBTON. (Mun Norm-11:10 a. m. and 8:10 p. m. Going Southâ€"{£39 a. 111. Ind 5:36 p. m. \VOODVILLE. Going Northâ€"10:45 a. m. and 7:45 p. :11. Going Southâ€"0x35 a. m and 6:00 p. m. VETERINARY SURGEONS. » ARTDI HOPKINS. Buristera, Solicitor ac. omces. Kent Street. Lindssy. Ontario [oney to Loan at 6 per cent. cINTYRE d: STEWART, Attorneys. Solic itora etc. Ofï¬ces over Ontario Bank.Lludsay D. J. Mclx'rtmc. I T. STEWART. J.NEELANDS - DENTIST 6m.- ARBOR CAMPBELL, Bumsura. ac" to. D MOSWEYN. Clerk of the let Division Court _. ()omny or Victoria..-«Oflleo.â€"Woodvilla. N0. A. JACKSON. Clerk and Treasurer Town- ship of Eldon. Loruevillo. Ont. _.E0 SMITH Clerk. Village 0! Bou‘eflon Benetton Out. EO. SMITH. Clerk. Townshi of Thanh ' otflca Towu Hull,Beavorbou, at. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. MUNICIPAL CLERKS. QBeucraI mama auras. Hammvsormu. 1).. g. 11., L. cg. _s.. :xnt gamma: gmum. OFFICE :â€""Tonox'ro Hover. " I). Bonvorton. Ontario W. H. GROSS, JOS. J. CAVE, Publisher- RAILWAY TIME TABLE. McGnm. Puma a: Moan-rm. Bmio 3nd Allinton mfmmwu z\nil"j‘(vlï¬ilv’}\ilr RED. LANDSA X . ONTARIO. DENTISTRY. PHYSICIANS. LEGAL North Victoria and Ontario General Advertiser.â€" WOODVILLE AND BEAVER'I‘ON. Pumps and Ciatorns of all kinds to odor at short notice. lbeln Beavorton on ruesdn and Edd†oftorclh week. orders b mail max be’addronod to Beovertonmr Woodvi to ma 2mm gm. ‘und sandal mu... {400.000 to Loon M6 pm- ccnt. on farm go- porty. Applytoc. A. PATTERSON Beaver Pleasure Parties supp plied at Short Notice with CHOICE PASTRY and CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM c. Prices Moderate. R ESTAURANT. Who is our representative in Conndn will visit Bosvorton monthly and will be prepared to attend all oases of Cnnomc Dramas. including Canaan or Tm: Nosx THROAT, Cans-r. S'ronucn, Dvsnpsu, FILES, VARICOCELE. And troubles of the Urinary snd Generative Organs: also. Surgical cases such as Club Foot. Stiff-Joints Hum p-Bsck. S pinsl Disease and Kindred},- Annotions. JACOB ARN ES, Pump laser. - DR. POTTS, 0001/87 and AURIST l Woodville Customers supplied by D. K. Campbell, and orders for Pastry, «to left with him will receive prompt attention. Beaverton, Out. MonthlyCustomers shaved twice weekly .116 but cut monthly at 75 cents per month. 38.353 BREAD. RUNS and 243m: , alarms on sand. J C. GILCHRIST, Agent for ï¬rehouse inaur . anco Companies. (1005 insurance at what it is worth aw‘ no agent‘s fees required. making a saving 0181.50 to the insurer every time. :3. A. (302.3, Hair-Dresser and Barber, entfor Allan Line of Steamship: also (or 610 e. Mull. and all leading newspapers. Good. Currants 2511:: $1. ‘ 83110013001“ Sables 850. All kinds Z’atent Medicines. LIQUOR TEAS BEAVERTON ICE 0mm PA 3103, Money to Loan Wondville Cheap TEA Store. BEAVERTON BAKERY. c. GILCHRIST. Woodvllle. Money to Iioen . at. a low rate 0! interest. from 2 to so years. ' C. GILCH RIST, Clerk Village 0! Woodville. . \Voodville, Ont. [UNDUN AND NEW YUBK 86411031 Burden Institute. w TEAS With which you get a valuable book wi‘h every three pounds of tea. 'Héiaou a Pain anywheronbout you ? USE PERRY DAVIS “PAIN KILLER†me. Get mum DIWARI all mrI'A'rIous. 23 etc. For Bottle. ALLEN’S LUNG BALSAM Group and Consumption cuneo av GOISULTATION FREE! . D. MCARTHUR. 15c. 60c. and 81.00 Ii» Mic. TOWN HALL, LOT. J- 0- GILCHRIST â€"-â€"AND' caucus. coma. WOODVILLE ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1888 P. D. McARTHUR. From 200133. up. “'OODVILL E. Holloway's Ointment and Pills.â€"Old Sores, Wounds and Ulcersâ€"The readi. ness with which Holloway‘s unguent re- moves all obstructions in the circulation of the vessels and lymphatics. explains their irresistahle influence in healing old sores. bad wounds and indolent ulcers. To insure the desired eflect the skin sur- roundiue the diseased part should be fomented. dried and immediately well rubbed with the Ointment. This WI" give purity to thefonl blood and strength to the weakened nerves. the only con ditions necessary for the cure of all ulcerations which render life almost in- tolerahle. No sooner is this Ointment‘s protective powers exerted than the dos tructive process ceases and the construc tivo business beginsâ€"new. healthy growth appears to fill up the lately pain- ful excavated pit. from the scene of action, by death or banishment, than anew set step into ltheir places and take up the dreadful weapons which have been wrested from them. Nothing seems to be efl‘ective to stop the desire for the death of the Czar of Russia, neither punishments or any- thing else. It is not easy for the people of a free country to picture to them~ selves a people among whom reside a l numerous and constantly growing class. whose one idea is that of assassinating i the ruler of the country. Suppose that we had in this country an organization or association whose declared purpose Iand cardinal principle was the murder I of the Governor, it is easy for us to say that we would put them down by the lstrong hand of the law. But suppose thata very large majority of our people ’really syin‘pathized with the organiza- l tion,‘ though not williugfnto take - any active part in the assassination ; in such ‘ acase it will be readily seen that the law would be practically inoperate. . Such is the case in Russia. While there are hundreds and thousands to whom the idea of murder is horrifying and re- volting. they cannot close their eyes to the faults of their rulers or to the viciousness of that system of autocracy . which ï¬nds its embodiment in the Czar. l and so they are compelled in a measure ! to tacitly consent to that of which they disapprove, at least in theorv. and to chep silence and feign ignorance of Nihilistic and Auarchistic movements and designs. When it is considered that the Czar of Russia might, with one stroke of his pen, heal Very much of the discontent which is so rife among his subjects, by giving the country constitu~ tional guarantees for its liberty, and that a strict enforcement of law would summon to his side many who now are apathetic and hopeless for the future of Russia. his blindness and stupidity seem amazing. He must certainly know by this time that no people of the present day will accept willingly the dictum of any man in place of settled law. His own personal experience must have con- vinced him that despotism is an anac- hronism, and that autocracy is not suited to the age in which he lives ; and yet he persists in trying to rule without any law but his own pleasure. He is simply provoking his fate. The Nihilists will persevere in their plots until they kill him. and his blood will be on his own head for not yielding to the just demands of his people for that measure of liberty under law which is the birthright of every human being. l Advices from London speak of a fresh attempt on the life of the Czar of Russia, in which it is said that several army 011i. cers are implicated. A large number of persons have been arrested in St. Peters- burg and the discovery of the plot has caused the imperial family to make a shorter stay in that city than was intend ed and to abandon the court balls and festivities. No details of the plot are given and 9. Vienna paper warns its readers that the story of attempted as- sassination must be received with some degree of caution, but it seems probable that an abhortive attempt was made. but that the conspirators were betrayed before they could carrv out their plans. What is to be the end of all this conspir- ing and plotting in Russia ? No matter how severely detected conspirators may 3 be punished, no sooner are they removed THE HUNTED CZAR- The Rev. W. P. Herron writes : “The respects for Methodiem are brightening ere. 'l‘be dawn of grander and better days is visible upon the horizon. The interest and activities displayed are in- dicative of future effects. The erection of a new brick church has been decided upon. A suitable lot has been purchas- ed. The plans and speciï¬cations are being prepared and in a couple of weeks tenders will be advertised for. A lame amount has been subscribed and a num- ber of entertainments have been held with great success. financially and sociallv. The people of Brechin and vicinity deserve great credit for the liberal patronage bestowed by them. A revival in to bo lwld and we are looking forward to a rich blowing from (led in .llO saving of souls. (lrand Weekly These words are strong and may sound like an advertisement and be re- jected as such by untlnnkiug people but we believe they are the truth and as such should be spoken by every truth- loving newspaper. At this time of the year, the uric acid in the blood invites pnuemonia and rheumatism and there is not a man who does not dread these monsters of_ dis- ease ; but he need have no fear of them we are told. if be rid the blood of the uric acid cause. It is astonishing what good opinions you hear on every side, of that great remedy and public opinion thus based upon an actual experience. has all tho weight auq impqrtance of absolute truth. Because public attention has been dir- acted to this great remedy by means of advertising. some persons have not be- lieved in the remedy. We cannot see how Mr. Warner could immediately beneï¬t the public in any other way and his valuable speciï¬c should not be con- demned because some nostmms have come before the public in the same way, any more than that all doctors should be condemned because so many of them are incompetent. _ _ But how shall this be done ? It is folly to treat effects. If there is any known way of gettlng at the cause, that way should be known to the pulilxc. We believe that Warner’s safeonre, of which so much has been written, and! so much talked of by the public generally. is now recognized by impartial physicians and the public as the one speciï¬c for such diseases. ' ’ We are told that if the kidneys are maintained in rfect health, the uric, kidney, acid isï¬ept out of the blood and these sudden and universal diseases caused by uric acid“ will, in a. large mea sure disappear. ‘ - It is said if the blood 18 kept free from uric acid, that heart disease. para! sis, nervous prostration. pneumonia, r eu- matism and many cases of consumption, Would never be known. This uric acid, we are told, is the waste of the system and it is the dutv of the k1dneys to re- move this waste. So it is with individuals. The cause of death of prominent men creates com- ment. especially when it can be shown that one unsuspected disease carries off most of them, and yet, â€vast numbers of ordinary men and women die before their time every year from the same cause." ' Interesting Joann From oum Places. When a. valuable horse parishes, it be- comeq the nine days’ talk of the sporting world and yet thousands of ordinary horses are dying every day. their aggre- gate loss is enormous and yet that: death creates no comment. Many statements have appeared in our paper with others to the effect that the diseases that carried off so many prominent men in 1387, are really one disease, taking different name»: according to the location of the fatal effects. It is singular that most of our promin- ent men die of these disorders. Any journalist who watches the telegraph re- ports, will be astonished at- the number of prominent victims of these disorders. The last few years have played sad havoc with many prominent men of our country. Many of them died without warnin . passing away apparently in the f l flush of life. Others were sick but a comparatively short time. We turn to our fyles and are astonished to ï¬nd that most of them died of apoplexy, of paralysis, or nervous prostration. of malignant blood humor. of bright's disease, of heart disease, of‘. kidney disease. of rheumatism or of pneumonia. Acmc National Calamity. What It Teache- Lessons From Life, UUH NEIGHBORS. Children cry for Brenna. @Wmmï¬m A cow belonging to a. farmer near Eu- genia, named Samuel Podley, swallowed about a year ago a. piece of whip-stalk 23 inches in length and a few days ago the end \mq seen protruding from the animal's side. It was withdrawn and the cow is doing well. The truth of the story is vouched for by Mr. Pedloy and the neighbors. Mr. F. C. Sibbald, of The Brian, Sutton West, Ont., has added another lot of pure Shorthorns to his hard. which now numbers 50 head. from that of Mr. J R. Bonrchier. Those are to take the lace of the grades sold 00'. Which \ r. S. states he found on- proï¬table The meeting of the Dominion Tem- perance Alliance will be held at Ottawa on February 28th. when representations will likely be made to Parliament to have the Scott Act amended. The Mayor of Cnbom-g announced at a. recent council meeting that the Ontario (lovvrmnont had been induced to "wept 825,000 in full settlement of the Maui. cipnl Loan Fund debt originally-amount- ing to 890000. It costs Northumherland 68, 000 a, your to maintain its poor. It' 13 thought that by raising 37, 000 a year for twenty ears 3 house of refuge could be built an the poor maintained also. A rather remarkable feature in the recent municipal election occurred in‘ Waterloo township. In the polling sub- division in which Little Germany is situated nearly one hundred votes for councillors were polled. every one of which was for the sameman. Bradford Methodist Church and par- sonage are now free from debt. Samuel Mills, a young man aged 24 years of age, was found guilty befoxe Judge Dean of the robbery of R. J. Mmlligan’s store at Omomoe, which took place some months ago, and was sentenc~ ed to two years in the Kingston Peniten- tiaty. Lindsay winter races take place on. Scdgog lake on the 7th and 85h of Feb- ruary next. Pitcher’s Castoria. A total reward of fourteen hundred dollars is oï¬ered for the arrest and con- vnction of the Lindsay incendiaries. who set ï¬re to Mr. Flavelle‘s property. The new En liah church at Uxbrid e is to be ope ne on February 18th. t is expectedpe His Lordship, Bishop Sweat~ man will dedicate‘ the ediï¬ce. A rich ï¬nd of gold bearing rock 18 re» fled from a. new opening in the £31: hardson Hill, Madoc, County of Hastings. Alliston has conéluded that it cannot tame the 825,000 for stock necessary to secure the Mowat Mfg Co. tothe vil- Inge. Forty-ï¬ve births, forty-ï¬ve deaths and twenty-two weddings is Meaford's moon! for the past year. A Bill is to be submitted to the Legis- lature for permission to increase the town of Bowmauville's debt to $50,000. At Oshawa. last week, a little girl. while catching on a. bob-sleigh. had her leg nearly severed from her body by the sleigh running over it. It has ham decided to throw the Pickering fall' fair of 1888 open to the world. VOL. XIâ€"NUMBER 52, Rev. Mr. Perl-in of Kirkï¬eld will oili- cmte on Sabbath next in St. Andrew‘s Church. Mr. Malcolm McKinnon, of Queen‘s College, Kingston, preached In St. Andrew’s Church. Eldon, on Sabbath morning last, at Gillanders' School House in the afternoon and at Lorueville in the evening. The Rams. and Mara Society meeting was held in Roache’s hotel, Breohin, on January 12th. Wm. Broomï¬eld in the chair. After preliminarv business, the Auditors’ report was conï¬rmed. showing a balance of 868.92 in the Treasurer‘s hands. Prizes to the amount of 3315.75 have been paid, exclusive of minor ex- penses. being 8100 more than was paid in prizes the previous year. Ofï¬cers for the ensuing year : John Fox. President ; Gilbert Gillespie, Vice-President : Dun- can Graham. Alexander Martin. Charles Speerin. D. M. Smith. H. Deon, D. Mo- Cuaig. James Doyle, James Barbour and W. Broomï¬eld. Directors ; Joseph Fox and W. R. McPhee. Auditors ; E. Lani gan, Secretary-Treasurer. prayer‘meetmgs are held. at which the attendeuceis very {urge and great in- terest manifested. At these meetings seed is being sown. the harvesting of which we look for are long.â€"‘â€"“Paoket." 9mm gums. Eldon.