1193:. They like: play, but, ley dengt work and study. Thus tln-y grow up knowing nothing, nnlnsa it, lw nume- tlting that will do them no gnnd. When they lwmim' men and wmnen they lmrdly knmv how to get, a. living hnm-nt- ly, tnd it. is quite likely they will try to get one dislmm-stly. They cnnxtnnlly complain tlmt they cannot gal. ulnngmml may wonder why it is. Them in unth- ing â€Hugo almut it. Thny ncwr trial to learn when they were yumig ; they no lax], and now ï¬nd it easier to bag or to steel than to got. an honest. living by hard work. Keep your hays and girls (mm joining the goodâ€"for-nothing club In ‘their youth. "In: mad-m Naughts.~â€"G()OJ-foru nothing people are unfortunately very numerous. Even when they am child- nm thvy show signs of their nothing-- ____ MI 7 I" and Rev. J. B. Armstrong, of len-idcv, on “ The hvnt Nm'th West." The- . hoir sang a number of anthems, in very ' 00d styles. It was found nemasary to hold another social to dispose of the nurplns provisions, which mus according- ly done on Friday evening. Social.~â€"-'I‘lm Muflmdials of Uzi“ (lis- brict gvum a social in their Cluuch last, Wednesday evening, which 'wns we†patronized. The clmir was (wcupied by the RM. Mr. Jewell, and ndimsse-s delivered by Rev. Gnu. Wushinztmn, of Cannington, on “Christian Union," and Rev. J. B. Armstrmm. â€5' â€yin-Mm. *Shzmld be Stopped.~â€"I.ass thbnth evening. u lot. ul boys cungrvgahed it the Vestihule of the Prcshytvriun Church and amused thanmclvos with running up and «lawn the stairs and slamming the doors while tln service was going on. The noise disturbed the whole congregutinn, and We: hope the hays will not do it again. They nmy have done it witlumt thinking (fur lynya are thoughthm), but we doubt. If them is a boy in Wuudville whu would repeat, the act. noss. It is to be hoped tlmbnu answer will be rm-eivud to tiw‘ir petitions. and that u call will he accqmed lvy a minis- ter fully Huitml to the rcquireumnts of the congregation. Prayer Meetingâ€"A slwciul congm" gttional prayer rum-Ling was held in the Presbyterian Church yesterday after- noon, fur the purlmse of praying for gnidancein Hm selection of a pastor. The proceedings throughout were charm: torized by their solcmnity and devout." Personatr.â€"-We are pleased to see Messrs. Sidney McKenzie and James Armstrong arunml nguin......Dr. Ruh- insmx, funm'rly uf this» place, has settled in Clifton. m-zu' Niagara. HP. has our best wishes.......'Â¥lr. Colin McKemchar was in town lust Week, attending the meeting of I’rusbytury.......Capt. Sim. Clair, 01 Toronto, paid this viHnge a visit on Tuesday lust. All parties indebted to McMillan and McLeo-l are requested to call and settle their accounts before the [st day of April, as all debts outstanding at that date will be plac- ed in Court for collection. Thepulpitof the Presbyterian Church was occupimi last Sahlmth by the Iii-v; Thos. Glueford, an old resident of this place. Large congregations greetml him the Church being comfm-mhly ï¬lied at. both diets of worship. The Rev‘ Mr. Cmnphe“ is to preach next Sabbath. Ethanâ€"\thn writing our article on “ The Assessor,†last week, we were not aqu'e that. another had been ap- pointed for this vear. The “ present. " Assessor has no? yet had a. trial, and we therefore Cannotjudgo of his ability to perform the work. Grange Meeting.--’I‘henext regular meeting of “ Ruse Valley Division Grange,†will be held in Spencer Hall, Woodville, on Thursday, March 13th, at 10 o’clock a. m. Carnival -Thelo is to he .umther Omnivfl at Cumnwrtunon Fridw night. probably the last of the season. Some ofour youmr folks me talking about going down. The Roads. - The pitch holes between this place» and Argyle comiuue to im a terror to the truvclleraud a somm- uf revenue to bluckmniths and cwringm makem. Hamilton Corbett the celebrated Scotch Vticalist. will give a concert. in Woodville on Tlmrmlay the 206k inst. Have you read McMillan ti: Mchml’s new advertismcnt, if not read it, it will pay you They are oflering special in- ducementa, at pram-mt. N. S. Sherman advertises a new stock of all kinds et' Fancy Stationery, clump. Read his advertisement. From present indications there will be a large mnigrntiun to Manitoba from this neiglihorhoml, when spring opens. The Guoq-fsrflauahts.«(: Fina White Shirts for 90m. at Jan. A. Mitchell «K: Cu's. Consul! our advertising columns and you will save mnncy. in“. "l0 Thermometer registered 20° be low zero on Friday morning last. 3.! sale bills at this ofï¬ce. Buy of thoue whov ndvertiao. Division Courtâ€"*Tuesday next, 11th “CAI: IA'I'I’III. Striw. I Fall \tht. Spring \thnt. Barby, . Penn Oats. lh‘csscd Hogs, But-,‘n I â€an! Rug/s, fresh, Hay. Potatoes. Fall (Wheat, Swim; Wheat, Hurley, Date, H Ry; l‘ntatoes, Butter, Pens Eggs, l’nr .. Bm'vum or lmumws.â€"â€"Ask for Dr. Thomas Eclcclric US]. Hm that the signature uf 5'. 1V. Thomas is on the wrapper. and the mun-us nle'urthmp Lyman are blown in the bottle. sud Take no oflwr. Sold by all Invdiciuu dollars. l'ncc 25 owls. FORTH- ?“ H' in L! MAN, 'l‘uronto, Ont, Proprietor. for flu: Dominion. N01 15. ~â€" Eclcclrkâ€"Selwtod and Mad 1 If: l “'HAT THEY SAY OF IT! A FE‘V FAUI'S FOR. THE PEOPLEâ€"There are but few preparations of medicines which huVe withstood the impartial judgement of the pesple for any great length of time. (me of these in Dr. Thomas’ Eelectrie Oil. lieml the following and be convinced :â€" Thonias Robinson, Farnham Centre, 1’. Q., write-a, “l haVe lmen afflicted with .rheum- E Minn for the last ten years, and have tried ‘ many remedies without any relief, until I ‘ triul hr. 'l'honms’ l‘feleetlic Oil and since then haw lml no attack of it. I would rec~ ommeml it to nll."-â€"J. H. Earl, Hotel Keep. or West Shefl'onl, P. Q., writes, “l have‘ been troublcd with liver complaint for sev- err! yercrs, and have tried diï¬â€˜erent medicines with little or no beneï¬t, until I tried llr. 'i'hrmmu’li-leetn'e Oil, which gave me im- nwdiate relie', and I would any that l have usui it since with the best effect. No one should be without it. 1 have tried it on my lam-sea in awe of cuts, wounds, etc. and think i: is equally as good {or horse as for man."â€"â€"A. Maybe-e. Merchant, \Vu'kwortk, writes, “ l have sold some hundreds of hot.- Qlea of Eek-drie- Oil, and it is primouuued by the public, ' one of the best medicine! they have even used ; it has (lone Wonders in healing and relieving pain, bore throats. etc. and in worthy of the greatest oonlideaoe."â€"â€"- Joseph llusnn, 'l‘owmhip Percy. writes, "I “am persuaded to try llr. 'l‘homes’ Phlectric on for a lame knot- which troubled me for three or four years. and I never found my- thmg like it for curing lameness. It is A great public benefit." in Knox College, preached a Gaelic sermon in Knox Church. There was only a fair audience, but the majority 01' those present were acquainted with the dialect, if the attention with which they listened to the discourse might be taken as an evidence. The text was from Hsln‘cws ii., 17, 18. At the con- clusinn (if the services Mr. McLeoJ an. nnuncwl that he would again preach at the mime place on Sunday, 16th inst. -â€"â€"(;'lol)e, Alm'ch 3. \"(NHH'XLLE PFAI' MERS’ MARKET“ Gaelic Sermonsâ€"«Yesterday; afternoon Mr. Angus McLeod, formerly a misn siwï¬u-y in Manitoba and now a. student The Pin-en ological Journal and Science qfflcuult for March, maintains its us~ ual high standard of excellence. In fact all the departments of this valu-o able monthly are brimming with mat~ ters of practical interest to man,woman and child, and every topic is presented in that clear style which adapts it to the reading of all classes. The price of this number is only 20 cents, or $2.00 a yeal, with very attractive premium otl'urs. Published by S. R. Wells dz Co. 737 Broadway, New York. Accidentâ€"Ac the Nipiuing mixed was going north, and when within a half mile of Midland Junction on l‘ueas day, one of the tender wheels broke, throwing the tender off the track and com- plotely blocking up the line for seven or eight hours. Another engine was sent from Uxbridge to the assistance and by 10 o'clock at night the track was again clear. There was no one in- juretl. nhout. starting house-keeping. Mr. Stmldau-t offers special inducements, as well as a ï¬rst-class stock frou which to chose. Evelytlning required in the un- dertaking line constantly kept in stock. His prices will be found very moderate and buyurï¬ will do well to give him a call. Resumed Business.-â€"We are pleased to notice that. Mr. \V. G. Stoddart has resumml business in his old stand. His stock of furniture is complete, and will well repay the trouble ofa. visit to those Full line of Gents [mi-Map In. Quiv- ed at Ju. A. Mitchell t Co". BE A T0 R0 NTO M ARKETS. up V EHTON M A RK ETS. In. March 6th, 1879. March 4th, 1879, so 80 to so 35 7. $0 32 ' 00 to 50 55 to 60 .0 33 611.0 98 80 (g 93 45 (0} 7 8) (0) an 59 (a) 63 M (19 5| 0 m a; 6 00 10 m m 14 (9 lo 18 9 20 7! m @ n 00 5 00 (9 O 60 550m 11 to 00m 00 to 40 00 40 in 0 00 ll) R011†IS 15 115 GIVE US A CALL oar-mum mm (tn/mm mmwnmm Rambo? {he place. Follinu's mill is In)! A mile Want n! Mn. Young's Hotel. on the l’ortago Road, near â€about. «r hm produce. or A few mflch mwa will be taken in "change (or Lumbar or Shinglu. Aid â€mt In h“ pup": «l m ï¬Tl "mm and Horn N110 at cheap as any other mill in thin district 7 Iâ€: lndcr'n'gned in‘rctumiug thanks to j- the public for their patrmmue (or the put thee yum wuuld state that he hon on hand A quantity uf Dry and Green Lum- _ her and Shingles. w Any defrct in work made by mo or hold by me will In. made satisfactnry tn the customer. All Rips repaired free of charge. EITHER SEWED OR PEflGED ! IS NOT TO BP.‘ EXCELLED EITHER IN FIT MATERIAL 0R WORK M A N SH I P. A a Fail-18H smut: or SPRING wmn suitable far the sensun. Being dotorminacl to well «My such summit. in 1 can rocummoml 1 cardinl‘y invite all psrtiu ruqniring uny- tiiugin the BOUT . SHOE LINE to GIVE ME A CALL! I take pleasure in informing my customers and the publiq‘g‘gl-Ieï¬ï¬‚y ï¬nd I hnve receiv- , in. nu.- VALUE H EVERY â€NE cus}om' WORK! WOODVILLE 3001' AM 312832 SEQBE! Owner can have paying expenses. AME into the premises of the under signed, in \deville, about the lst of December, 1878, A RED AND \VHITE Fancy Stationery. mm Paper and Envelopes in 8:16.191: Vuriotv! Pancila, Pena, Slates, Twines, mks , in. Various Galena, in not Everythinz in tho Station- crv line can he had. Harms, mugs, e. SCHOOL SUPPLIES, N OTION S 61.0 ONE DOOR EAST OF NORTHERN HOTEL, WOODVILLE. R. Eampbeï¬Ã©, LL parties indebted to the undersigned _ will consult their own interusts bv settling their accounts before the 15th day of March, inst., as all Accounts then out- standing will be placed in suit. Putin: Mn their Auth- Billn pdnkd st thin oflloo vi] '1» «ï¬led to a the notice ni Tn: ADVOCATI. Funny, 16th Marchâ€"The Farm Stock, Impli . ants and Household hrnitum of Mr. A. McDongull, $2.13“), 1 Com, Fonelon. A (\__._L-II A†. Sherman’s Pay up! Pay 1113?! JAS. ARMSI‘RONG Woodville, Feb. 24th, 1879. 116- 3 STATIC N ERY ! Spotted Heifer Calf. AME in_to_ the pre. nises . Campbgll Auctioï¬Ã©ezz. DO YOU WANT ANYTHING xx. EQLMETT. ‘ ~55. SHE RMAN'S As I am can tht I can give gm: advertmmwtn. ASTRA Y. 359? AND AUOI‘IOH SALES. 'WOODVILLE. IN THE \VAY OP IFSOGOTO Shimgliajs b7 pmï¬ng proporty and JOHN MATHIESON. BOLSUVER, p, G. B. FOTHERINGHAM, nï¬ï¬ERAL FIRE AND LIFE lNSURo ’ Axum AHENT. NSU RES nothing but Farm Property and _ private residences. It. not only pays all lcmea by ï¬re, but for damage done by Light- ning. whmhnr ï¬re ensues or not. It pays {or liva stuck killed by Lightning anywhere on the farm. - ï¬at Aunts, - \iovcrnment Depouit Insurance Company ! Best Bread Manufaï¬tured North of Tom: .3 “Natinnal Palicy ’ A REVISION OF THE TARIFF 'i/‘x/V vmwvv» W VWVW‘MNN vxt DAVID SIDEY’S mam MW 3mm OF CAKES CONFECTIUNERY EJECLEOD‘S NEW BAKER Fall aw Winter Dry Grand: Call and ins, set his N ew Stock 1 general roceries. Great in- ducements For Cash. Momv‘vo Loan st Lowell auto: WATERTOW N ‘ Boots and Shoes at your own prices. A LARGE STOCK OF GROCERIE flwaem'mw Smack CHEAP HARDWARE .‘C. GILCHRIST M Tnn Ammun‘omco. ‘ WOODVILLE, ONT. ' :53 TORE} AGRICULTURAL II» on hand I. gludtd anthem; of now $1,058,157.60 8100, 000. ._.._AT_._ OTN'E is hereby given that the In nig ned him dimolvad partnonhi' mutual gelmlunt. Henry Folliett will b! forth carry on the business, collact all counts, and pay all liabilities of the old Dated this lï¬th day of Fob, 1879, 85 Acres cleared and in gun! state of timtion. 3.) turns full plowed. A deo bargain will be uivon as owner intend vetin: from farming on account of ill be: For further particulars apply personal] by letter to . DUNCAN CARMlClIAE Or to Eldon Sta! DONALD ll. CARMIQHAEAL, Won 1m: Lot 21, 5th 0011., IM-Gm NOTICE. FOR SALE. ‘ (.11qu: J. W. FOLLIOTT. HENRY FOLLIO? 'I‘cnchor, “’<