‘ i0. "rhia I know to he the case in many .pur country congregatinns in Ontario. ' ujoplu have bseu always him! and con- Oriiï¬e and their Words twday In their tritten reasons against the trauslatinn Ind hm the lily: of theircommissioners are mnun Inner than [ dmcrm. That. has great high! with me. lithe-y said they quite Ho imlifl'crcut about my swaying. then I wld'go. But still there is a stronger nim.’ Ibis one thntis thv- drama-sf. of all aims. It is this, tlmï¬ nmm- in my congre- Itimmwmy spiritual childvvu. To many Cnnany “ Fur tlumgh yvhaw («:n thou- mllinstructnrsiu(‘hrien 3 .r haw. ye not nay inthcraï¬orin (,‘hrist. Jpn“. i have If: tic-n vnu ih nugh â€to aim“! " Further 5% many i haw: been nmwinh :I in their gnaw] smmws. I imvemarr‘m! rhojnflmp- i~d their chihlrnn. ’and admitted thc'ir Mdrcn tn the Hat-rmnzml q? the: mnpermnd Iricl'l their dead. I can": m but fuel. there. re, a deep inhermt. in my Hark. This in~ fen} (1008. M l have already snivl. {not do. am in the inlunrst Hwy hm! fur mo. or the Miï¬ces tho ' have . adu fur lm‘ .\ father‘s Ve tnhis chihlr nix not away-z measured this chihh’eh'g ’w to him. â€we Again. :rthcr, has mower r-1nim. 'l‘hut I am not ur hi my mind‘that my vougngulion is in podgion that they chM hem- the risk And nights, the delays and tho iucn used liber- our chu eh. i would fen] it, M r. Kinder- brgnd Brethren, a very hard trial to sepa- lpfrom this Presbyter v; and a greater H still to separate from the Will'k I have II engaged in for twr-nty three years izing congregations, settling ministers, rpreaching the -\\'ord throughout the hnty. But these are only subordinate! “tern. [ come now (3) to the claim my congrega- m has onmc. Whati: thonaturcof the kilo subsisting between fmstur and oplo. Paul speaks of it, as tllc relation sfnthor to his family, of a. nurw to the ildl'on she has the care of. Now this if so, itis not to he expcrctwl that n opo can fcnl thc‘salm: iutm'ml in the Mir tint ho feels in them. " 'l‘hc child- fdo not lay up for the parentd. but the Hilts for the children.†It is Ilu’vthe' mph: that make saol'iiicos,m a mineral rule 'the pmtorg; but the pastors for the bcienées, and elevating the mJi-al and ritual life. The cause of tmnpernnce on i phtform is being well fought at present: [when the next attempt at prohibition I be made. it will be with a ditferent issue In the past I inlet. .‘hen (3) the ministers of this Presbytery stituto a tie to my present position. that mild ï¬nd It diiï¬cult to break. 01' the old. non that bore the burden and heat of the ', when our work extended imm Coiling- )d to Kincardine. and from Muunt Forest Jolboy's Buy, Mr. Dewar alone remains. nest have hecn willed, to tlwir eternal lb, or am laboring in othor congregations. the new band of yuunger minister: and older men hzvc formed hen,- as barman. is P‘rcsbyteryaa you will ï¬nd anywhere Then (72) the conqrcgmion giving this call b congregation whose call is entitled to Dot weig t. They were trained and «lis‘ plined by one of the best pastors that has pr Men in our church, Mr.John )lc'l‘avish. Loy have been aIWayS known in our church 'their kindness to their' pustors in many he acts of generosity. They have alfloflg am man men of true piety and prayer. a very rat name on the call 1 hold in my ad is John Guuu, one of the elders, a man ion: 1 have always looked upon as one of Iforemost laymen in our Church, in his “hedge of theo.ogy and his Hilde. [ban (3) over and above these consiuera- no, there are the arguments to be found the six reasons for translation submitted the congregation: of Woodville, to the nbytory. On these I need not en'arge as W are already before the court. All these niderations, 'Moderntor and Brethren, btitnte this call to Waodville,u Very loud 1 «demo one. ‘ int there are considerations of very great Pint, on the other side and in favor of te- 3 hing where I am. . [are is one to begin with. the outer and ‘ skel- circumvallations. In the county at i go, especially as regards temperance, I i â€deep interest. Our attempt at gettin Ll ohibition established here has ended I ime in disappointment to the friends morality and“ good order. A battle has I: lost, but not the war ; for of the cause filth and temperance it may be said. as tuid of the Roman Republic, that though my 1006 many a battle it never looses the ': aclium mp0, Inflam nunquum. The -of the By-Law indeed was not so :1: o reti‘hot. or defeat. as n refusal to give tie on that ï¬eld, preferrin; to light on 1nd of our own choice. The ground at lent is. and will be per haps for some time one, the ancient ground of teaching and mixing. the ground of educating men’s ville congregation : . hon, on the other hand, did I listen to voice of sentimental u-ulings, 1 should 0 no dilliculty in choosing to lumalll o l tun. It It! natural to be attached to l Where we have liVod lur l8 years. to f'nthehed to one’u neighbors, even, isliudo V belong to his own church communion, to Wired to the streams, and the Woods ' to the trees he has planted with his own , to be attached to the graveyard where NI dead. All this is natural and might 0 some allowance. but this adso 1 would to luv inside as of no appreciable Weight. . brings the matter. as tar as I am con - T ed. to the sacred region of reason and calcium. and I ï¬nd a great deal stundin , «both sides. So much so indeed that 9 found this one of the hardest questions i ever came before me. great weight with me as pressing on oonlcience are these considerations in for of the call from Woodvillc (l l the call 1 knot sought by me. The congregation ‘ :16 me no warning of what they intended @110, nor did they ask my opinion. I had Fhuud directly or indirectly in opening ll door. I had returned from two months oof abxence, kindly granted by my con- tion, feeling stronger every way, and , buckling on my armour for a few years in hard work for Christ in this county, fl among my people, when this call quite mentally reached me. It secured, and fdflfl‘fis, the Voice of God to my noplo melelf: whatever the meaning ol that l h following is the remainder o! the ad»- Ildolivorod before the Presbytery of :Bound. by the Rev. Mr. ( uluerou, of rtlworth, iu the manor of the call from THE CALL TO MR. CAMERONI ‘5‘ Snld in \deville hynll Druggiats. and by all wholesale and retail (ll‘flggiï¬tfl in Lnnada and the Ulrika] sums. . “Lly {ullmvns n. sn:-â€""â€" . I rem-o. nf Self-Abuse; M In“! of Memory, bmvcrsul Lass-nude, Pain in the Back, Dim- ncï¬ï¬‚ Vision, Premature ()lcl AggMd many otlnn‘ ainemcs that lead to Insanity ur L'ou- nmi. dim) ml :1 Premature Grave. Cd" "ull particulars in our pamplilctmhich We desire {in send free by mail to every one. The Speciï¬c Medicine is sold by all (lru . iats atSl per pnekuge, or six packages?» 53;, or will In: acut free by mail on mac pt of the money by addressing v.5 . VIII ., hclunml I’:‘.“\" :7 new. 8 "ï¬giï¬- turrhen, h‘ncy, n BofomTaking - [nu-.1308 Tu}: lhlimygcon Imlrpemlant rays the scasuunuw nearly over has on the whole been good fur lumher npcrntions, and the deep snow hm lweu rather fm'numhle than otherwise. â€"- . he snow came before the frost, and the: swamp-i have been had drawing owing tn their not being frozen. The quan- tity nf luzs taken out will be much greater than usual. Ar n meeting of the Liberal Conservative Association, held an Cannington on Mon- day. Mr. W. H. Gibbs was re-udmmsted as the candidate for the Commons. The selec- tion of a caudidak tor the Local House has been postponed. GRA 1".5 b‘pucitio LI.EI)I(:1NI. Tm: annual drill of the Cahadian Militia, this year, will in all probability be at Ni:- gnm, where a. Military Camp will be formed, and the, Militia inspected by the Governor- General and the Princess Louiee. Tux water in the river under the bridge in Huntsville is 1001 feet above the sea level being 267 feet higher than the level of Lake Nipinsing. Pmrzunonovcu unrkpt fees sold for 81,- 317 this year. 80mm ï¬fty cent pieces are in circulation in Lindsay. I thank you Moderator and Brethren for having listened so patiently. I am now in your hat «ls. and so are these congregations. lf you my I ahnuld go to \Vo’ulville. I must attire tn nix-y, and seek help to do my Work there ; if you slmuld decide on my remain- ing. I am willing to remain. There is only one other matttor and it is one that weighs considerably with me. Some l5 years ago I inï¬ured my throat. not by loud preaching. for that has nevur been a habit of mine .-, but by too contimmus Work when there were few ministers in the county. At len 'th I had to quit wurk for six months. Again aet summer it laid an arrest on all week day preaching. and at the directlon of the doctors I took him months rest. I am now much better ; but the Weakness in the threat still remains. I have consulted my physician and while he says nothing on the merits of the case, he says decidedly that there might be a risk in attempting three heavy sci-ricer each Sabbath in a larger church than my present one. Change of locality might favor me; but there might be t risk of breaking down in two or three years. This : lso is entitled to some weight. and in giving it weight I am consulting the interest of the “'oodville congregation. I know that congregation is proverbially generous. and l understyd they are prepared to risk all; l I this; int is it right to inflict the risk on them! My past services for twenty-three years among the Uhatsworth congregation in gathering them together, organizing their sessions and Deacon‘s court :t, helping them ; in building church and mouse. and raising the communion roll from l3 to its present number of being close on 250, my working for years on a salary that was and is small and used to be very irregularly aid. the fact further that in their work I su 'creu the injury that will always limit my usefulness ’ as a speaker, all these things give rue a claim on the forbearance of my present can- gregation, should I fail to do full work at times, which I could not have on a new con- gregation, however, willing they were to ex- tend the forbearance. Weighing all these things in the balances of the sanctuary. I come to this Conclusion that thou gh at times the scales appear eVenly poiswl. and for a few days to incline towards my leaving my present charge, yet in the face of the written tensions and commissioners plead. age, from Uhatsworlh, I am inclined to remain a while longer at my post, if the Presbytery so order it. I am strengthened in this resolution by the belief to which I am inclined, that as a rule the pastoral oilice is a permanent one, changes to be only in exceptional cases. I an) strengthened also by the consideration that though a wide door. and an inviting door, adoor that I wish I was free to enter in is opened before me, yet it does not appear that the door is shut be- hind me. There is a call from strangers to go away, but from the same number of ple on the ground of sound years snow- edge, there is a call to remain. And lastly I am strengthened in my decision by the consideration that it is always safest in com. peting cl has on one‘s service to choose the part that demands the greatest persmnl sacriï¬ce. One thing is sure that of this mind was our Master, and that where two roads met he chose the road of sacriï¬ce and sull'ering 1 1 l l i flit; that it involved in n vnconoymnpocinlly if it is long. My people know nothing about this ; they have never been vacant. There are peculiarities about the Chatsworth con- gregation 'tlmt no one knoWs better than the pastor. l sonntimeu think a vacancy might do them good; that a new voice in the pulpit would arouse them ; but it might issue in the other way. At the preacnt moment We arc prosper-mg. our congregation large, n good {cw necking the wny to Zion. prospects of getting consolidated, and Mr- mony inall our Work. But lot a strange hand take hold of the reins, or on hand at all, and 1 Would not ausww- for ‘tiho mae- quenccs, as things are at present. If the Prenbytery says “ \Ve will take that re~ uponaibillty." than a great loud would ‘bc taken off my mind. 1 Would ï¬nll it easier to move. â€4%: a! THE GRAY "WON! 00., Windsor, Uut., Canada. The Great WADE wax. Engushncm- - pay, an uufnil m5 cure fur Seminal “'cnk- new, Spt-rum- tnrrlmn, lmpn- . “WAC-V, and all ' PERM ANEN I‘LY CURI'ZDhuo humbug â€"â€"hy one month’s usage of Dr. Gonlnrd’s Celebrnted lnfallible Fit Powders. To eon- alincc Inlferers that these powders will do ml We clnlm for them, We will send them by vail, post paid, a free trial box. As Dr. Goulnrd is the only physician that has ever made this disease a special stud), and as to our knowledge thousands the been penna. uently cured by the use of these powders, We will guarantee a permanent cure in ever cone, or refund you all money ex endet . All suffers should give these ppwd’urs an early taial. and be convinced of their cura- tive powers.‘ l’iice. for large box, $3.00, or 4 boxes for 3w. sent by mail to any part. uf United States ul' Canada on receipt of price, or by express, C. 0. l). Address, ASH ROBBINS. 360 Fulton Street. Brooklyn, N. Y 5102 @†ALL WORK WARRANTED Falling Sickness Twenty per cent. allowed {01' Cash on old price for Sisocing. WAGGONS and CARRIAGES thank on shout notice. HORSE SHOEING! CARRIAGE WORKS. '\\'lxcn yuu can get all you want up to half the actual cash Value of your pluperty from 2 to L0 yawn at 8 per cent, payable at the and of each year. “0 you want muncy to pay MT 11 mor tgag To build a new house or barn. To clear more laiul. To buy more stuck or Implements. Tn fcncc or umlcnlraiu. 'l'u lpuy another farm. Do you want to sell or rent yqur farm, Sell a. mortgage. buy a farm or unsure all classes of buildings at a. low rate Who wouldhewithoutlloney Orders SQLAQIATED, FRUIT CAKES. MIKEDTEA CAKES. Of ALL STYLES and PRICES. P. Sâ€"Accouuts are now ready and as We want money, pat-tics interested are request- ed to call and settle forthwith. A. C. C. a C0. Soiiciting under {be new regime a continu- ation of the favors so libarnlly bestowed on us in the past. and wishing our numerous friends and patrons, in spite of the hard times a “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year," we remain, A. C. CAMPBELL Co. FAMILY BREAD Uur Mr. Campbell has returned from Montreal, where he made special purchases of general Dry Goods. Clay 'l‘artan Dress Goods, c.. together with a choice lot. of Fruits and General Groceries. which buyers should inspect before purchasing, as hard pan prices will be quoted for cash. The suï¬scribers while gratetul ,t‘, a dis- csrn' public for the liberal patronage be- stow on them in the past. beg to snnounoe that on nnd utter the ï¬rst day of January, 1879, their books will be closed and positive- ly no credit givenâ€"excepting as per special urmn emut-believin I thattlw true Nation- al Pu icy consists in t e Mlflpiluu and car- rying out by individuals of the “ l’ayuyou ago†system. Having tried the credit system to ear hearts’ content, we pronounce it an lunmitigated evilâ€"as it affects buyer and seller, especially the latter. PART! ES SUPPLIED “'HOLESALE. .JOHN BERRIE, SODA. AD ER-'E'1‘HY, AND FRUIT BISCUITS, WHOLLSALE AND RETAIL. \Vnodville. Dec. 18th. 1678. 1a m El’lL 191,51; The subscriber has on hand DONE NEATLY AND CHEAPâ€; If so apply to THE CASH SYSTEM. CAMPBELL’S REPAIRING AND BERRIE’S Rolls and. Pastry a. Specialty KING STREET. IS UNXLD G. CAMPBELI WM. CA MERON. IX THE (‘OUNTY Cor . King and Stuart 81: Grass Hill. for cash. He would call special attention to tho-combined SEED DRILL made by the Masson Manufacturing 00., Oshawa, (for which he is Sole Agent here.) This Drill possesses alltho qualities of a ï¬rst-class Drill and Broml-CastSeoder,and can be changed from the one to the other while in motion. It is placed in the market this season so cheap that it is within the reach of all intending purchasers. Call and examine before buying. _ ' All kinds of REPAIRS kept constantly on hand which he will sell ‘heap I. He trusts: that by strict attention to business and â€dare dealing to merit the farmers’ conï¬dence and receive a large share of their patronage. -. Having made fuvomfltble aQ-mngt-Vnmnts with' tint?“ Farming Implements in Ontario, he is prepared to supp] of the best quality and as cheap as tho clumpean. BELL’S Busnmss in Woodviiln, and intends cal'nyln 1 the same line of busi- ness in the Store fnrmerly occupied by Mr. Oumplml The undernigned begs to intimate that he has Enght Mr. N. B. CAMP-- I Reapers, Mowers, Threshing Machines, Sew- ing Machines Repaired, and Satisfaction ‘ Guaranteed. Repairing of Every Description Promntly Ex- ecuted. 9- 55-93% â€EM“, By close attention to business,â€"se‘ling only to Safe cnstnmers.-â€"Selccting First-chm class Stock at cash pricea.â€"nsing Economy in every particular.» having a great variet} of \Vood “'m-king Machinery adapted purely to our workâ€"and thoroughly competen‘ Hands, enables us to give better value than ever before to our customers. The Action \Vnrk has been improved rwhereVer improvements hm'e been found to be an advantage. \Ve still hold our “’ide Spread Reputation for the power and Clear Smooth Tone of the instrument. The number of sales we make nnd the rr‘mtntirm we have for ï¬rebclnas Organs amongst our customers throughout Canada and England is a. sntlicient guarantee. Our designer has given great attention to the parts that have to i pose of cleaning dust from the reeds or lmards, which can he got screw or nail. Helms also given special attention to the Bellows capacity. whic' large, alluwingr free space for working the veilals, which attachnu greatest care for Strength and Durability. The Fall Board is the‘mnst simple and convenient of any in use. Any child can open and close it. with ease. “'hen (men it forms a neat and convenient Back for Music. These Falls are placed so that they cannot interfere with the musical qualities of the Organ. n.\_ j ,2 The Organ is of Solid Black Walnut. with heavy illand Carved Trusses. The ends and Front Panels are raised and ï¬nishml with French \Valuut Stock, highly polished. lt ha beautiful Lamp Stands placed in a cuuwnicnt and safe position for use. There is a high Fancy Back attached, lnmle and ï¬nished in harmony with tho caso,w1th a neat Vase Stand that adds very materially to the beauty of the same. Has juxt been introduced for the FA I. L {ADP}. The up with earc and special attentiun has been given to the its capacity fur clearness and Beauty of Tune. u p wmn «are and special attentinn has been given to the Durability of the illstl‘lllllélt‘rgud its capacity fur clearness and Beauty of Tune. The Drawings have been made loy our designer who has a wide-spread reputation in the Fnited States and Canada for his taste in Organ Building. HAVING TAKEN MORE FIRST PRIZES THAN ANY OTHER, AND INVARIABLY RECEIVES THE HIGHEST RECON MENDA'I‘IONS \VIIENEVER AND \VHEREEVER IT IS BRHUGH’I‘ INTO COMPETITION \VI'I‘H OTHER MILLS. Best and most Complete Mill Man- ufactured in the Dominion. THE ‘HONEY’ IMPROVED PAN N ING MILL “'0 have now made arrangements to furnish a well-made Music “’0 would respectfully call the atteptjon ,Of . the {g‘rpningfqmpmnity to the FANNlNO. ‘ll WHITE Every Organ Warranted for Five Years. xbrihge @rgzm Liganufatturing @ompany, For terms, c.. apply to NOTICE TO FARMERS. Agricultural Works, SAMUEL UMPHREY, Prasidanï¬. Blacksmith and Machinist. ‘ “Illa-fall the attention of the farming community Ml now made at our works. This will is knuwn WWWW/ vwv VMM‘A’WV‘ We {ask our friends and the farmers generally to UXBRI DGE, ONTARIO, STYLE E- attention to the parts that have to be reign-v04 for thojmr- mn‘n‘h‘An-‘I It is undoubtedly the EXAMIN E ADE. The whole gonstructiqn has been go! HUGH MGM I LLAN 3 capacity. which he has left roomy and which attachment is put on with the ‘mvvv-memwvm‘ be got at without rcuiavinga ling manufacturers of H kinds of Implements Stool with every Oman