And respectfully request. acnntimmnceof their pntmmgo. Flour and Feed delivnrml tutu parts of the village free of charge. )on «meme 'rm; {new MILLHRS'I'S; HE CUléN'l'ltY. 'l'u our custumcrs We Guarantee Quantity and .‘0ualily ! ATL CARI-HER to the Nipissiug Sta- tinn. CART] NH (lune tn and from the Railway Station and through the Village ‘at Moduatc mtm. The subscribers have nuw gut‘tlu ir Factory ï¬ttc-ul up in ï¬rst-class style and are prepared to furnish anything that may be entrustml tn than in the shape of E lzm'u Hn'cntly put in nnw mill stones, VU mew clmning mm'hmcry. and other valuable ivnprnvcr mks. gym} 1111ch m our cm- Estimalcq furnished, mltl contracts taken for qny or all of the above work. Materials lur- nmhed if rcquirml. .1. HAL WARD BRB§ SASH.D00RS. AND B‘LINDS OFFICE. Mmucm. â€ALL, Woonvma: A. GUNN, VETEPJNARY SURGEON! Sash and Door Factory ville. ‘5 NBELASDH, l' 3 Juli. PENTLAND, LILF. Faun-mu. Ancmrncr, Rummy: AND Cox- 'nmcron. Plans and Specifications made an the shortest notice. Estimates given far all kinds of work. on reasonable terms. Heat- ing and Ventdnticn of Churches and School Houses 3 specialty. King Street, \Voml- Diseases of all «lmnusticatml :miumhs sucwssful ly trca Led. EELANDS PENTLAND, Dentists, mus“, . nm‘j'mo. One (I the above will be at Hamilton’s ’Hotel, Beaverbon, on the SECOND MON . DAY of each month. He win also visit. \Voodvxlle on the Second 'I' U ESDAY of each month, stopping at McPherson’s Hotel. HUDSPD TH d: BARRON, Barristers, c., 840. Ofï¬ce-«Kent St", Lindsay. nun HUDSPL‘I‘H. ~ sous A. ‘wnnox. Clerk lat mul 7th Division Courts County Victoria. Clerk Township of Eldon. Sec. retary Eldon B. A. Societv. Agent P. H. ;s. Company. Couveyancer, Commissioner in Queen’s Bench. Inspector of Weights and Measures County ‘of Victoria. Anctionecr, Land and General Agent. Debts and Rents collected. 1 This House is situate in the centre of the rbusiness portion of the Village, and has re- cently be'en reï¬tted and refurnishefl, and is Ptherefore most suitabie for commercial men and the public enemlly. The Bar is sup- lied with the est brauflarof Liquors and ‘ igan. Good Stables and attentive Hostler. I‘LA\|\H \IA' l'(' Hl\(n, MOUI .DING, SCRUI I. \' \\\ [\H u. unslmlt notice .mt It imttmn minus. “30 .hmuh- s and lumber fur wlu (hunp. 'ELDON HOUSE, Woodville, T. EDWARDS, - Proprietor First-class accommodation and attentive servants. Bar We“ supplied with the choic- est liquors and cigars. ’Bus to and from all trains and every convenience for the travel- ‘ling public. GEORGE WILLIS MlLLAIT, commmzc AND BUILDING SUBSCRIPTION-~0nly One Dollar :1 year, Strictly in Adamcce. ADVERTISINGâ€"Yearly Advertisements charged qumterly; Transient Ad- vertisements, when ordered. NORTHERN HOTEL, \Voodville, BENJAMIN SCAMMON, Proprietor. Efluï¬intï¬ï¬ Gurdg. PETER CLIFFORD Express pare carefully attend (I to. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING. anxczumgs, PLA‘S'TI‘} (Elm AND MAM/NS ((-c. “E'L‘Do N MILLS? Henderson 85 Cave. (Gradum of Ontario Vet. College.) King Slrt'cl, ""0011 l'Nll‘. PLAWINZR MILL BICK, 'g‘grnirzmnual warms. ~\_ \m .A. SILVERWOOD, J. P. “‘ Elm advocate,†(‘H A R6 ES .‘l ("II-IR ATE. \\r\)OI) V IIJIJI". \ SPECIALTY“ .‘ilcflimsfc Bros. $0M 03min. 18 PUBLIIIHKD .\NI) WHITE 45L BRL)‘ 37 Agent for the LAN(‘ A-JIIIRF FIRE A", wamlNSUl‘ ANUE ()0. Capital, ,$IO,~ Appraiser for the Canada Permanent. Lnnn Snvings Company. MUN“.Y TU LOAN at a low rate of interest and on easy terms of payment to suit borrowurs. . The STAND \I‘I) P‘II‘I‘ INNI I ANCI' CO. Authm izcd capital, :3" .,3 mm, 000. The ISOL MT! I) RISK l'ARMIu'Rh FIRE lNSUl†ANUH CU. Capital, 5600, 000 The ONTARIO MUTUAL FIRE IN. SURANL‘E (30., of London, Unt. Agent. for the male of ‘tlm cclchrndd wmwx A., and LOCKM\\‘ SEW ' MACHINES. ‘ ‘ mu N. l£.â€"â€"l)r. McKnyâ€™ï¬ varied and extensive experience in the Hospitals of England and Scotland-«the {our lliplnuma wlm'. he holds {mm the beat Cullcgcs of Hm Mother (1mm- try in mldititm to his l'vanmlinn Degrees sllbuld he a sure gunmnluc of his cliicicncy. ui‘ PHYSICIAN. SURGEON, AND ACCUUUH EUR. L. R. (J. 5., ElINBClcUH. (ucaxrm-n; nova; commas up rnysxcmxs, AND ucus'rm'w m- nuwu. COLLEGE or smmxzoss.) ( Dttawa Agricultural INSURANCE CO. CAPI'I‘M . - 31000.000 GOVERNMENT DEPO-SIT, $50, 000 CASH NSL'RES Farm Property, Isolated Dwell‘ ings. Churches, ’nrnmnges, School H uuscs and a"! risks of this cl Lss. If you want money to buy more land, to pay elf a Mortgage or other debts, we would advise you to see the reduced terms of the Canada Permanent loan and Savings Com- any. which has made more loans to farmers or the last thntv-three years than any other You can get any time you want to repay, up to 21) years, 'lhe full amount of the loan is advanced, no deduction being made for commission, payments in IdVance or expeuces. For further particulars apply to ' ENRY EDWARDS is prepared to lup- 1 ply LIVERY RIGS at any time and on the shortest notice. Special attention given to Cnmmercial Travellers. Chargeh always moderate. TERMS CASH. Sta- bles in connection with the Eldon House. ON EY TO LOAN on FARM PHO- PERTY, for a. term of years, at a rea- sonable rate of interext. W Mortgages and Municipal Debentures bought. Auply to TXIY‘T tw- . ‘1“-.-â€" n - --r 'J *V DUN. CAMPBEI‘IL, Agunc London and Canadian Loan 6: Agency Company. 674 y Woom'lux, ONT 'UHN Mt'l'AGGAR'l‘, KhHh Commissioner in B. R., C;nveyi Ofï¬ce 01 King Streeth' orders left at Tun ADVOCATE Ofï¬ce. At her residence on King St., next door to Mr. McSweyn’s. Pupils can be attended at there own residence if required. Music Lessons on the Organ LAND and General Agent. WATCHMAKER PHOTOGRAPHER. ONE noon WEST OF NORTHERN Rom. WOODVILLE, ONTARIO. Ofliceâ€"King-HL, “'nmlvillc W TERMS MODERATE MISS H. G. STOTT MCKA Y, M. 13., VOI...'III. Money to Léan.‘ . 3- LEEDHAM, COUNTY AUCTIONEER. THE ADVOCATE. $11.75. Cami. [lei], Cure for Bard Times. is'now prepared to give KERRY EDWARD .73. ‘\rOODVILLE TE] E N0. C. GILCHRIST. Agni t. “'04 dVille .. R. C. P. and WOODVILLE, TH URSDAY, MARCH yancer. I‘DG In their haste they had forg tten to bring the ofï¬cers pistols with them. Perhaps they could not ï¬nd the powder and shot. Any- how, there was not a sign or sound from the other boat, but the groaning mul the cries of the Wounded men 5 and, alter a pause, We «aw the two who were left row back in silence towards the ship. That ï¬ght was over, at any rate. 'l‘hey lnmwl away from the circle of phvuplxrrwcent light in which we lay, and so into outwr ulnrkneas. “ Pull back to your ship," fluid Ben, ‘ ‘pi- rates and mun-durum, I‘m. We take more livuu! Wc’ve shot cnuugh hum mr all your cuw. Leave us and wait for the timu when I hang you all I" As for my self, I could not recover in time; but one of the four oars was disabled. “Surrender !†shouted liostnn Tom. “Easy, bnw; pull. twn; We’ll run them down. Surren' or, Yflll convict \Varneford ! “you Wont take th-Iw terms, I’ ll give y -u better. (‘ mm: on board with me and 1 will show you wim rmlh dune it, and put you aaiioresafu and sound I’ll give yuu your rcvengc- , l' H tstiliiiial! yuur innocence; This ï¬lm, . 5 Lucy m- n- turning. thhout 0I II;I.-,, .IIIII. II_ III. thu bow- ( I hit him mmu» new, because then: othul yell. “ Run them down 1" cried one of the crew with an oath. All the time I was pulling quietly, no as to keep a steady way upon her. †Port !" said Bun, suddenly. I obeyed orders. and pulled my left. In- stnntly the gig swung round, and the heavy ship‘s boot shot past our stern ; and as she passed, Ben's pistol ï¬red once, and n yell of angnH) told that the shot had taken effect. They wnu within turuc oars' length, but lying blmul-idu on. I’ll “ A hundred yards, as l judge. Sculls out, and pistol ready to hand, Mr. \Vnrno ford. Don’t let them run us down. Now give her headwayâ€"so. When lcsay ‘ I’ort,’ pull with your left as hard as you know, ship the aculls, and lot the bow-oar bare it. Sit doWn. my p‘retty,shut both eyes, and say your prayers for me and M r. “’urncford. 'cos both on us needs tho-n badly this wiry mo- mcnt.†“ Boat nhoy !" It was the voice of Bos- ton Tom. “ You, Warnoford ! You, George \Vnrneford,convict and forger, ’vnst rowing, and give us up the bo's’n and the girl, than you shall go free. If you don't we will murder you as well as him." \Ve mazlc no answer. The boat come near. It was rowed hy oars, and, as I supposed, Boston Tom was in the stem. I sat m the bows, pistol In hand, Ben was 111 the stem, and the young 1 udy nnr idsbips. They hailed us to siop rgwiné. We Were not pulling at. all, no that no waver was neceasqry. , They were about a quarter of a mile ustern of us, pulling up hand over hand ; because We never attemptedâ€"ï¬lming in such bright lightâ€"to escape by rowing. (Continuum “ Seems as if the Lorri meant to have an- other life or two out :of them murdering mutineers," said Ben. “ Kind of beautiful, too, ain't it, miss? Lord, I’ve seen it off Peru. when there was no pirates and nut- iueere in chase, as bright as this I That was on board the ‘ Couqueror,’ hundred-and twentyogun man-o'-war ; and 'the chaplain preached next day on the Lord’shandiwork. Here they come,- Mr. \Varueford. Steady, and aim at the bow-oar,- I take the stroke ; ï¬re when I give the ward, and get the ecull‘a rehdy in case ofa miss.†WHEN THE SHIP cums HUME BY WALTER Bumrixp J AMES Whatever you are, be brave, boys 1 The liar's a coward and slave, boys ; Though clever at russes, And sharp at excuses, ' He's a sneaking and pitiful knaVe, boys, Whatever you are, be frank, boys ; ’Tis better than money and rank, boys. Still cleave to the right '; Be lovers of light ; Be open, above-board and frank, boys. Whater you are, be kind, boys ; Be gentle in manner and mind, boys. The man gently in mien, \Vords and temper, l ween, Is the gentleman trnly reï¬ned, boys. But whatever you are, be true, boys; Be visible through and through, bovs.. Leave to others the shamming, The ‘f greening" and “ cramming,’ in fun and in earnest be true, boys. “ Pro Bono Publloo." ADVICE TO Boys Lucy m'n: turning. I let fly gantry. tho buw-(mr'; and “’33 anâ€" RICE. The sun went m'ur our heads, and began to NH down into the west, but tlwro was no life upon the waters, cxeopt ourselves : no hirds, no great or little ï¬sh, nothing to break the solitude. At a little after non-n the sun Went quite down, and in half rm lmnr we Wcru in darkness. The hmcza frcshcncd hut Ben kept up the sail till I told him that l mu dumping to sleep from sheer wenriuuss. Then he took in the can-- ms. and resumed his placé in the stern. It “'61) a rough-and-ready way of reckon- ing, but. I nuniigcd to phwa the position of the ship as near as possible where We left her, and bun lib-5:111 to study the chart. “ Now Whether to put. her hand nor’wcst by uur', ur â€we her an extra paint in a nmthcry m cation, beat me quite. And there's currents which, in these little fair- weather Cl am, We ain’t able to guard against. and the mud, which beats her on and oli‘ like. But m l’utcr’s lies o\'el‘ them. Heart up, pruu). We'll ictch land to-Inurrow, wnh Lin,- l9iLnSlllc' of our LonL" wnuo 1 steered under 1m: orders. But ï¬rst We rigged up, by means of the spare out, some rough kind of covering to protect our pnescnger ; and then we sailed on in silence wrapped in our thoughts, while the heat daucul upon the \VnVes. leaving a little track of white foam behind. A pencelul, quiet, and happy day. llelen tells me that she was not afraid all that time, nor was 1-. We were inn little open heat on the see ; We were dependent for our safety on the continuance of calm weather; We were dependent for landing anywhere on old Ben’s knowledge of the seas and recol- lection of the chart; Ho: knew the latitude and longitude of the heat, making allowance in deadweckoning' fur the time when We left the ship, and he knew the latitude and lung tnde of the nearest land. I drew n n rungh chart from his infornution on the hack ufndctter which llelen had in her pmket. It had two places marked on it-â€" the pueitim. of the ship “ Lney Derrick" at noun, Swot-unwi- 15, 13.31, and the Island of St. l’vtel. It. mu Hun who served out the rations and the wuLur, ul' which we hml a hug, besides a bottle 01 mm, and two or three battles of wine, which ham found their way among dull's storm, - ,_‘_ “â€"- “ heart up pretty.†That was what he alvmys Mid. “There’s water on board, ’aleo provisiuns, though not what we might wish for the like: of you. I thought it mightc me to this, and l victmlud her. There‘s land on the weather-bow, if the Lord let us reach it. Landâ€"an island. St. Peter's Island, where We'll be picked up when we get there. Mr. \Varncforcg sir, let me hoist the sail.†“'0 carried a mast and one small sail. Ben managed the ropes while 1 steered under his carded-s. But ï¬rst CHAPTER III. 81‘. mum's mun». W'e looked about us. The day was upon us, and the aun, just risen, was already hot in our faces. The sea .Was Him, with a ï¬ght breeze blowing from the trade quarter. The ship had disappeared. “ No sailin sight; nor any shore,†said Ben Oral, looking at a pocket co mpasa. “ hem-l; nm nrntiw†rm.-. _.- m. . . ‘ Amen. "’cried Ben Croil, clearing his throqt. “ And now we willluok about as. †So in the lone waters of the Southern Indian Ocean, when the sun climbed up the rosy anes, the light fell upon a group of threein a little boat, kneeling together and glorifyingGod through the mouth of that innocent girl'ï¬nd of the three there wrs one at least when heart Was humbled and softened. I felt the gains hand in mine as she mar- mured, " The night is far spent and the day is at hand 3 let us thank God for our lives and His great gift to man of courage and ï¬delity. Let us pray to Him uéver to let ‘3 forget this night, to forgive ’us a)! our treapnsses, and to help us to for give them that trespass against us." Miss Elwood raised her head, and looked round in the gray of the dawn. She saw my shzzmefulhead bowed behveen my hands. Convict and thief-1 “Convict! Thief E" Ben cried». “Ana youasstesdyaathe best man of us all! Done your duty like 'a man 2 Wellâ€"after thatâ€"theerk-J’ " He called me com‘rict and £15.} , autl he saidâ€" No !†Here a sudden rash of thought ï¬lled my brain as I comprehended, for the ï¬rst time, all the force of what he did um! could speak no more. Then we were silent for the suace at an hour or more. The pheaphoresceue died away, and the stars came out again. Presently in the east appeared the ï¬rst faint streak of dnwn, and Ben Croil broke the silence : “ What was them words as Boston Tom addressed to you, Mr. \Varnefohl 3" 27, I879. 5“th Landâ€"an island. St. re We'll be picked up Mr. \Varncforcg air, ‘1.†“'0 carried a mast Ben managed the ropes ‘MMMNV vvwvia No. 120 " No one never heard about it,†I “ except them as made the chub; no one ever gees there. But they] do the ships, and they will pick (it "my be to-mormwt; it may be in, time ; it may be in n yean’ tin" Whalers have been k W!) to touch" the must be water: and where than there‘s birds,,ond where there’s we“ ï¬sh ; n (I so what I says agein In H: my pro‘th. Luff, Mr. Wemofonl.†(To be Continued) "The Island of St. Peter f" Elwood. “1 never heard of â€1 tell me about it, Mr. Grail.†Ben Croil nodded. At the “Q4 cut an inch or so of tobacco for 9‘: ling, and winked at me, so much "I that We Were not out of the wood, .‘ We were not. indeed. The land, as we drew neuter, I long and low islet, without any 1 cuvcred with some sort of lowdym tion. It was less than thirty mile: because while u: was seven in the when it became visible, by tot: ' within a mile, beating about {91' place of landing‘ ‘ Our captivity in the V boat by] short for us to feel any of the null disappointed hopes which make t] a shipwreck so often tragic. We fared nothing beyond cXposure on sea for four-and-twenty hours: certainty of a speedy deliverance; check, and brought the tem to Wood’s eyea. , " Let us have morning prayep‘l, and thank God for this delinrm “ Land 1†he cried, pointingâ€! ed a little bank of cloud, as big q hand rising out of a. circle of whip the centre. “ Land ahead of , thirty miles off. Heart up, my p1 a double ration for breakfapt. 1 Warneford, the breeze is light, In! sail and make what running we oi be by noon we must get the ac'nlll A" this history took a length 01 toll, and before it was done old I up with a start. He looked round as i! to make quite sure that We gone to the bottom in his sleep, I nodding cheerfully to his charge ll began to norm the horiZon to the I: northwest. That is to say she talkedx She about herself how her mother we: mgland, and her fether had take to Australia ï¬ve or six yeai‘e ago. a barrister by profession, but in practice there ; only no client. can or very few, and it was an uphill } had to ï¬ght. Then come the gold like the rest of the world, he Wall} to the digginga to make -his fortl'm his child Was seat 05 home out of “That will 'do," said Ben ’3‘ “ We lulderatand each others I think in. Keep her head so. Steady.†I let him sleep till the do; u When the ï¬rst cold breeze of the touched our lady’s faée,ahe opened and preSently sat up beside me, talked. "‘ I pray God,†1 «attuned, ‘ will deal with me in his wnth, deal with her uuworthilyâ€"that he ish me afresh for the deed 1 never ted, if I prove myself unworthj churgo. †“ Done the forgery for which 1 demned. I am inuocenk, Ben Croi God I am innocent." . He Was silent a while. I * “ 1 can’t see my way plain. On got to be said. “We may tossahou seas till our water’s gonc ; we may away ; we may be wrecked. I 9i but low make a ï¬ght for life 3 ain't so young but what 1 may lo ‘called ï¬rst. You may be innocent there forgery, or you may be (I concern of mine. Innocent or 311' matter now , and whichever woy Mr. Warneford, the guilt of pubtim man" a name to a bit of paper in like of nbaby Crying at the wrong time ed to the guilt of ill treating the am Indy.†It wn3 far advanced in the nighi awoke to relieve Ben. He htd himself of hits coat, and laid it ' shoulders of the “coping girl, and iv in his shirt-sleeves. As I Iteppl over her form to take the string- 1 hand, he whispered met . ‘ ‘ ‘ Mate, was that trueu-thom “ Boston Tom spoke in the boat 2" “ I haVe been a convict." I rep!!! “ How did he know ï¬nal: I" ' “ 1 cannot tell you ; I With to I could." “ What did he mean by saying 1 tell you who really done it? Don} She was our chaplain a well “‘6 inn angelmor "no; voice went up t for us all as she sang ‘hlm "gain Thou cums bvbr me~-the ï¬rst sine years-4L3: old feeling which 14 new, that whether I lived or who“: ml would sOnwlww be well; and 1‘ feeling upon mol laid my tire I! the ““1“" a d was asleep in a mo Like a thoughtful and unuflkflll I I qu threw mywll into the bone but“, and uhoulQluvu been to deep minutes, but for our passenger. ï¬l the crew to prayers.