anoswursufltuucu 24.â€"S‘.amud Lucas latex-ted from his home near Bogart village : “this morning to go to the shaulics, and stop- : pod at the hotel there. \Vhile sitting by the Eaton he suddenly fell forward and expired. :1". Nash was summoned, but of course could render no assistance. It was not con- vaidered necessary to hold an inquest. , Tunnet result of the working of the Great f Western Railway of Canada tor the last Hhulf year was announced in London, on _- Fridby. After crediting the reserve fund ‘ according to the revised busisï¬ud after pay- ing a dividend on the preference stock for the half year, and the arrears of the divid end for the previous half year. the Company carried forward a balance of about £4,000â€" , on the rvholo, a not' unsatisfactory exhibit. ‘ 'Tnl: CardWell Sentinel notices that town- [1ahip Councils are regularly in the habit of F extending tho‘tilne for collectors to return â€their rolls up to the middle of February, . middle of March, and even longer. Now 2 municipal bodies should know that such a 5 practice is illegl in the highest degree. The statute distinctly stntcs that in no case > can the Council extend the time for the full xoollection and return of the roll beyond the i ï¬rst day of February. Finaâ€"About four o’clock on the morning i of March 19th a. small dwelling, situated a L (ow yards from Wu). J ucluon's home. at the Scotch line, six miles from llzdrmygcon, was burned down. An old lady named’ Mrs. [- Flutcher, over ninety years i of age, was [ lmrnwl to death. Mrs. Fletcher lived alone F in the house. The tire was not discovered until the housewas all in flames, and too nu .IIIIVI‘ III-v live-q- vv '7‘ :iflate to rescue the unfortunate Woman. The f kennel: of the ï¬re is unknown. ' ,lxzzotvzsr Exmrnoxs. â€"-C msiderable in- " ,‘terest was taken in the order made by His 'flonor the Juclm of the County~ of Middle- eex some Weeks ago, on an application by an assign-cc to compel the insolvent to deliver , up no part of his sscts a valuable gold i‘ watch, which he carried on his person. In ‘ that an.†it appeared that the assets Were very email Ill comparison with the liabilities that the time piece in question was worth about iii?) V and that it had been purchased but a comparatively short time before the insolvency. Under them ciriumstamei 'the Judge Ordered it to he delivered up to q. the :xgnignvu as put of the assets,' holding thuz‘. it “-35 nu‘: an article of necessary or Wearing ammn'l within the exemptions al. lowwlby 1h». .‘m‘ to be retained "by imolv- (guts for litcil p.31»! mnl “yaâ€"Bruce Rt‘lmi'l/‘i'. ..‘vo"{:. ,.« A How (limmrouq lire occured at Mindcn. on Monday int, by which the entire bus. ins-M pwtinzx of the town, together with .lwillingv, m; consumed. A clean sweep “a†iymzl‘ f“()‘.‘1\\vl<lnvl"3 Hotel to Stone's 'Hoh‘l on uh“ a‘i-ir «if the nmiu street, and from Hook‘s. Hm: i to the foot of the hill on “mommm’ ‘ tin hotels alone escaping. The, lift m :mntol ir l‘earco’s storehouse ,4, .mâ€" fmn‘ n'wll m. The followiugis a list oi tho whims tii‘almycd : --\V. Gainer. (shop \ "::()l'( .lII‘LIl; it. l‘:.\3tlllfln. general Store. (by. ‘Eznx. and vi rsohouse ; J. H. Delamorc, ‘5 n...- -_-_ , mo BULL, who has a. large foicc on both idea of the line, intends to make a. simul- taneous attack on Forts Totten and Stephex . , (From our own Correspondent) :A n B broke out in an unoccupied house I the t \Vard, last Thursday night. The hilding was completely destroyed. iBKn'flNo here is almost at an end. The Ink has been the oeutre of attraction for P9“! sexes, during: the winter. but Monday evening, Mr. Charles Bur- iigh. the Chicago billiardist, gave an exhi. ï¬les: of his skill in the parlor in connection ii“! the “ Benson House." ‘ A mom comes from Chicago that Sn- (From our own Correspondent.) ’On Tuesday llth inat., the Presbyterian :ongregation held their annual soiree, but )wing to the bad state of the roads, there was not as many present as were expected. Liter partaking of tea, the pastor, Rev. Mr. McLennun, took the chair and called the meeting to order. The Kirkï¬eld choir en- livened the meeting, assisted by the organ. {The meeting was addressed by ,the Rev. Mr. Wilkinson, Rev. Mr. Sinythe, of Quaker Hill, gave a lecture on a tour through Lon. don,†he stated that there are more Scotch in London than in Edinburgh. More Irish than in Dublin. More French than in Paris. _Moro Catholics than in Rome. The meeting ï¬ll afterwards addressed by Mr. Armstrong 0‘ Kirkï¬eld,and MnGilchrist, of \Voedville. The meeting passed off very well, with the exception of a slight disturbance by the in- evitable " small boy.†IVOWNI By Hm ï¬n?! for their A MUST dis on Monday 1 {new portin: «lwdlings, “ w»; mmlu 5H (1mm our own Corrupondmt.) [Intuit the Concert in the Alexandrin , on ’lhunday evening. Several per. on from a distance are expected. Ad. {103, 25 cents. , grew M. Smtt 'lwclling and (Fm‘v- ; Hr. (1 nrry stm’e \ml pnht- ofï¬ce 1: run). dung shwk kand Mnntrcal Tele- mph Mic -, .Iuhn Pearce. gcnovnl more, mum. {m M p. and warehouse - ’l‘. Dlii vmt‘, “-qu )mmkor. It isimpossible to form n estimate .3 f the loss at present. M4.D' VICTOR] A R0 A D. ‘KEAVER’I‘ON. uru‘ stm'o'. storehouse and stock; 0.5.5.. 15110} » Mas \Vright, grocery mu! mm k , Mr. Fitzgerald, Crown LINDSAY. Tux Scientiï¬c American is to hunt! 3nd n usual' 1: full of most useful and instructive information to inventors and mechanics. Price $53,208::- unnum, postage aid; uix monthmsl. ) Address, Hum 00., 37 Park Row, New York. No merchant or business man should be with the Journal 0} C'ommefce it is a journal specially devoted to the interest of business men, contains weekly market reports, and a large amount of matter specially interesting to merchants. “'3 have before us a copy of the Lakqï¬eld News, we have missed it for some time but it comes- to hand fresh and sparkling as ever, the News is a well printed spicy sheet, ï¬lled with an abundance of home news, subscription price 81 per anuum. ‘1 WE hue received a. copy of the Young Scientist, a. journal devoted to amateurs, cautaining scientiï¬c experiments end other matter dear to the heart of the scientiï¬c boy. [tin nicely printed, the information is useful, and comes at only 50 cents per year. Published monthly. Address, 176 Broad- way. New York. -- 1-1 Woon’s Housenom MAGAZINEâ€"Every person becomes morally good or bad and in- tellectually great or small by the thoughts which occupy his mind from time to time. These thoughts are derived chiefly from reading; But, in order that reading may be in the ighest degree proï¬table, there must beaea acity for reading w‘ell and a taste for re ing, which can only be secured by a supply of a propriate inattensuch as will be tound in \ ood's Household Magazine. In. deed, this monthly. is edited with a special reference to these needs. Having the best American and foreign periodicals and books published during ‘the past ï¬fty years to select from. Mr. \Vool strivesV to present from mouth to month a Scrap Book, con- taining the choicest treasures of the best minds concerning various subjects treated. This Magazine is also believed to be the cheapest reading published for the school- room and ï¬resideâ€"a year’s numbers being J“. u".- n.- v.0“- equivalent to more than twelve dollars' worth of bound books ;and those who knew it best have repeatedly characterized it as The Prince of Periodicals, which no family can afford to do without. llandsmm-ly illustrat. ed. 82 pet year ; single copy Elm-ems. But any person who has not seen the Magazine since its recent enlargement and improve- ment may obtain a. smnnle copy for on/yflve cents by IMMEDIATELY addressing to t' 0 Publisher. S. S. \Vood, Tribune Building, New York City. OFFICEâ€"One door east of Post Ofï¬ce, woom'lLLE, ONT. 63A Y’S Speci tic BIEDICINI. ~ . ‘Iitfzï¬. The Great TRAD. MARK- ,4::f==:a;¢\\ Eggushngq- m i :Pdâ€"Y, :lll unfail- uI., . cure for Seminal Weak- ness. Sperma- f ._ , - torrhea, lIn po- _' _ , . tenc ' and lall 'N _ Before T931118 Discgtsca tlntAfter Tami, follow as a. so. uence of Self- Abusc- , as loss of Memory, {Inivcrsnl Lnuaitudc I’uiu III the Back, Dim- ness of VisIou. Prcm Hum 01 l \ ucï¬tud many otIIc-r diseases that loud to IIIsnIII y 01 Con- sumption and a Prom: Iture GIIIV. 2 I I ; 777‘»3-L -.....,.-....- ...--- -- _ . _ , Goa-Full particulars in our pmnphlct,which we desire to send free by mail Ln every one. The Speciï¬c Medicine is sum by all drnggists at 3| per package, or six packages for $5, or will he sent. fljee by mail on receipt. of the money by mldrcssiinfg THE GRAY MEDICINE 00., \Vimlsor, Ont... Canada. 68’ Sold in \Voo‘dvillc by all Druggists, and by all wholesale um! retail druggists in Canada and the United states. ‘ .I 14-] y l’OSl'l‘lVELY CUllEl) All aufl’erers from this disease that are anxious to be cured should try DR. KISS- NER’S UELEHRA'l‘lGD CONSUMI’I‘IVE PUWDERS. 'l‘hcsu powders are the only mcpamtion known that will Clll’c Consump- tion and all diseases of the throat and Lungs -â€"iudeed, so strong in our faith in them. and also to convince you that they are no hum. bug, we will forward to every sull'crcr, by mail, postjmitl, a free trial hox. \VJdon’l. want your muney until {you are perfectly satisï¬ed of their curative powers. If ynur life is worth saving. (luu’t delay in uiving those Powders a trial, as they will sugely carp yop. I.’rfcc. f0|z large lmx $3.00, sent to any part of the United States or ('nnmla, by mail. (31! Vregciptflqf prise. Address, AGENTS READ THIS ASH a: imm'nxs, 9|3-Iyr 36DFnlton Street, Ih-noldyn..\'. We will pay Agents :\ Salary of $100 per month and expenses. or allow n large enm- missinn to sell our new and Wumlcrful in- ventions. We mran what we say Sample free Address, SHERMAN 81. (10., Mar- uhull, Michigan. Obtained for Inventors, in the Unituvl States Uanzula and Enropc.nt rcdnvdd rates With our principal oilicc is located in Washington, d'rcctly oppositu the U niaecl States Patent Uliico we are able to attend to all Patent Business with greatm- promptuuss and des- pntch and less cost, than other patcntâ€" attor- ncys, who are at a diutmwc from Washing ton, and who have, therefore. to employ “ associate attornevs.†We make prelimin- ary cxmninations :m-l furnish opinimm as to mtunta ility, free of charge, and all who are interested in new inwntiuns and Patents are invited to send for a copy oi our “ Guide for obtaining Patents.†which is sent free to any address. and contains complete instructions how to obtain Patents. mnl other valuable matter. We refer to tho Harman-American National Bank. Washington, D. ('.; the Royal Swedish, Norwegian, mul llanith Log- ations, at Washington; â€on. Joseph ("a-0y, late (thief Justice (7. H (‘ntirt nf (minis; to the ofï¬cials of the U. S. Patnnt (Mice, and to Senators and Members of Congress from 5 every State. ever Mate Midi-ens: LOUIS BMW! 1‘ ( 0.. Salim- tnrs of Patents and Atturncys at La“, Lu Droit BuidingyWumxmumf I). (2. I RCH. CA MPBELL, ' comm! AUGTIUNEER. CONSUMPTION PATENTS? 1 THE PRESS. should be The subscribers while grateml to 9 die- eernin public.for the liberal patronage be- stows on them in the put, beg be announce that on and after the ï¬rst day of January, 1879, their books will be closed and positive- ly no credit givenâ€"excepting as per special srrsntgementâ€"believin thattlie true Nation- al Po icy consists in ft. e adoption and ear- rying om; by individuals of the “ Pay as you no" system. Having tried the credit system to our hearta’ cement, we )rouounce it an unmitigated evilâ€"as it a ects buyer and seller, especially the lnltzer. A .r,,__! t_-_. "DWI, vvrvv-I-u-J v.-- -VV-, Our Mrs Campbell has returned from Montreal, where he made special purchases of general Dry Goods, Clsn‘Tartau Dress Goods, ‘c.. together with a choice lot of Fruits end General Groceries, which buyers should inspect before purchasing, as hard pun rices will be quoted for cash. 80 iciting under the new regime s continu- ation of the favors so liberally bestowed on us in the past, and wishing our numerous friends and patrons, in spite of the hard times a “Merry Christmas and a. Happy New Year,†We remain, A. C. CAMPBELL J: 00. P. S.â€"Accounts are now ready and as We want money, parties interested are request- ed to call and settle forthwith. A. C. C. Co. FAMILY BREAD FRUIT CAKES. MIXEDTEA CAKES. Medan SQLAGETED, Who weuldhe without Money \Vhen you can get all you want up to half the actual cash value of your ploperty from 2 to 20 years at 8 per cent, payable at the end of each year. Do you want money to pay off a mor 1:33;: To build a new house or barn. To clear more lmul. To buy mOre stock or Implements. Tu fence or umlerdmiu. To buy another farm. Do you want to sell or rent your farm, Sell a mortgage. buy a. farm or insure all classes of buildings at a low rate \Voodville. Dec. 18th. 1678. l 02 CARRIAGE WORKS. Tun: VVAGGONS and CARRIAGES made on 81101 t notice. SODA, ABEIL'ETIIY, AND FRUIT BISCUITS, WHULESALE AND RETAIL. PARTIES SUPPLIED WHOLESALE -. JOHN BERRIE, HORSE SHOEBNG ! Twenty percent. allowed for Cash on old price for Shoeing. Falling Sickness PERMAUEN I‘LY (HIREDâ€"no humbug â€"â€"hy one month’s usage of Dr. Gnulnrd’s Celebrated lnfullihle Flt Powders. To con- alince unll'erers that these pewders will do ml we claim for them, We will send them by v ail, pest [mu], 3 free trial hex. As Dr. Gonlard is the only physician that has ever made this disease a special stud), and as to our knowledge thousands ha“: been perma- nently cured by the use of these powders, we will guarantee a permanent cure in every case, or refnnd you all money ex iendcd. All sullen; ahtmld give these pom era an early tiinl. and be convinced of their cum- tive pnwerm. n , Annn ,, D , A_AI., 1’: ice, for large box. $3.00, or 4 boxes for $10, sent. by mail to any part of United States or Canada on receipt of price, or by express, C. 0. l). Address, '0: ALL STYLES and PRICES. ‘.. Rolls and. natty a Specialty BERRIE’S If 80 apply to The subscriber has on hand ASH ROBBINS, 360 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, 1". Y 1"} TS El’ I L [CPS Y, ALL \VORK \VARRAN'I‘ED DONE NEATLY AND CHEAPLY. CAMPBELL’S IS UNXLD REPAIRING AND KING STREET. IN THE COUNTY WM. CA M ERON, G. CAMP BELL ~01:â€" Cor . King and Stuart St SYSTEM. "Grass Hill. .I' WOODVILLE Call and inspect his New Stock of general Groceries. Great in- ducements For Cash. A 6mm [NEW 310% OF CAKES CONFECTIDNERY , MGLEOD‘S NEW BAKERY, Best Bread Menufaotured North of Toronto E GIVEN ON AND AFTER MUKDAY NEXT NO CREDIT \VlLL B WHITE F all and William? my @mds, “"0 would respectfully call the attention MILL now made at our THE ‘HONBY’ IMPROVED FANNING MILL Best and most Complete M111 Man- ufactured in the Dominion. HAVING TAKEN MORE FIRST PRIZES THAN ANY OTHER, AN IN VARIABLY RECEIVES THE HIGHEST RECOMMENDATIONS VVHENEVER AND WHEREEVER IT IS BROUGHT INTO COMPETITION \VITH OTHER MILLS. 11H. CAMMWN Repairing Repaired, and Satisfaction Threshing Machines, S Guaranteed. The undersigned begs to intimate ï¬lm he has bought Mr. N. l}. CAMP" BELL’S Busmess in Woodville, and intends carrying on Llu: same line of busi- ness in the Store formerly occupied by Mr. Campbell. \I , 1' ..._._.A.. ».l "can III unu lluvlv .u....v..J "-V‘q..-" J _ â€" V - V I anmg made favourable nrmngeumnts with the lending nmnufucuners of Farming Implements in Ontario, he is pmpmml {0 supply all kimls 01 Implements of the best quality and as dump as the clmapcsp. - 1 0 .7151] 11!)†l ......l.. Lu Ul IIHC "can \||II|IIIJ sun; ‘-\1 He would call special attention to the Masson Manutactm'ing (11)., ()slmwn, ( Drill possesses all the qualities of a ï¬rst-class Drill and l he changed from the one to the other while in mution. this season so cheap that it is within the reach of all intending purchasers. and examine before buying. ’ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ | ' i 1 m2" _,_II -l ..... the combined SEED DRILL made by fur which he is Sole Agent here.) This irondâ€"(.‘ustSecder,und can It is plneed in the market Cull alltl \lfll\|u Ill All kinvdg‘gtu'RIéPJAlrilS kept. constantly on hand which for cash. 10! (“5â€. He trusts that. hv st11ct. attention to business and 5111.110 (10 11mg to merit the fmmers’ conhdcnco and leccive a large 31mm 01 their putlonagc. Is the Cheapest and Best Paper 1n the County of V1ct01 1a The Admacww . C. GILCHRIST STORE NOTHGE TO FARMERS. ' Agricultural Works, Blacksmith and Machinist. We 'nsk our __._.â€"â€"â€"- of Every Deuscription Promntly Ex- ecuted. on hand a splendid assortment of new attention of the farming community to tho FANNING do at our works. This mill is known as friends and the farmers generally to It is undoubtedly the HUGH MCMILLAN THAN ANY OTHER, AAND EEK)†he will sell cheap