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Woodville Advocate (1878), 11 Mar 1880, p. 3

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County Oonetebie Pore. He depo ‘ved ee 'toilowe -â€" I em e count: eonetehle. end bed It werrent placed in my hende tor the emet oi Jemee Oerroii endy the two Hehere on Thnredey y. the tie, iollowing the murder; Coneteble Eodge end i went to execute it on Oerroll. whom we ionnd on the Iiomen Line. going eeet; he wee between the Donnell, homeeteed end Meher’e hohee; he eeid he wee wented by the Uhiei in Loan to help work up the murder eeee; he eeked to he ellowed to go home end ehenge hie olothee . he went home with him en eheng ed hie clothing. which ooenpied ten minntee; et the house eat the Mehere. Oerroil wentn peteire. took on hie hoote. end ehenged hie ehlrt end pente; he hed e derk eoet on when he eeme out; I eeked him when we eeme down whether he hed hie hendeufle, end he eeid “Yen" we were not in hie bedroom. end hed not et thet time e werrent to meet him; we did not went to let him knowhe wee \being erreeted; he eeme eiong willingly, elthough he eeemed to be very mueh (right- ened. ohenging hie eolor lrom pelenele to redneee et timee; we telked ehont the murder on the we: to Loom, but he did not eeem to here to mehe en: repiyto whet we eeid: I even pointed to the mine, but he would not notice them: he did not eey where he hed been on the night oi the murder; 1 eeked him where he tiret heerd oi the mar- der. end he eeidthe next eiternoon; I did not eek him where he eiep t thet night , we took him to IdeLeen' I Hotel in Imeen, where he wee iniormed whet we wented him tor, ' Hodge end Poiiee Oonetehle herkin. oi Lon. don, were there. end when Hodge told him whet he wee wented for. he eeid. “ Aliright." dropped hie heed. end held out hie hende for the eofle; he eeemed irightened. end, did not epeek e word. To Mr. MoMohonâ€"Whilo ot Mohot‘o I boiiovo I ooid thot tho Ohio! woo cotting non all ovor tho oonntry to look up tho murdor; Hodgo opoko to him. too. obont tho undo: and othor thingo; lodgo loid. " Thlo iolon - twin! omit. Jim."ond Jun oold,,"Yoo it to :"1 Hodgo aid. "Ion'ro jut tho nun to work thin up. livlng right hoto.” but 1 «nnot no: 1 whot tho reply no 3 I don’t know whothor I hoard It. or whothu I hovo lomotton it 3 I got no lnotmog tion to. lioton to whot Omoll aid. 0: whot I "stony; I think I oold. " Jun. thio lo I putty bod max; I wondor who oonld hon dono it ;" ho «it! It woo o kind 0! motorlono moi: to him; I on: pooltlvo obont tho qnootion ond onowor ; wo won in tho yon-d ot Mohor'o intho not oi lowing whon wo opoko to Omoll; o Imago: woo ukod by Hobo: ond Ooml to got in and rido up. but ho uld. “ No. I’ll go up by and by ;" tho otronxot no in tho hoooo whon wo otottod. ond tho ololgh no towordo tho door; Hobo: vol inoido otonding ot tho door, ond tho nugget no It tho doom, m: DoNNELLY MASSACRE. mamas WEE m warms. Lounon. Fob. 97.â€"-AI bum, “and in my dupnoh yumduy durnoon tho Donn“): one wu noumod bolon Bank-u Pom. Ind Fahor. The Court In uowdod. A omi- mm {ram Dr. Bnnon to tho effect that Wm. Donnell, In too III to be prount um handed in. The am witnou called Mr. Mailman obioctcd to tho ovidonco no to how tho prisoner conducted himuii oitcr m- oncot. The objection no on:- mlod. Witnou continualâ€"Bo loomed to ho shocked. co thot ho could not opcok; I1 couched him ot anon. ond ho hod no bond- cnflo with him, ot which I mode no romuk ; vc lockod him up in tho lock-up oitor thot; ho hod on o brown ovorcoot ond ocouoo homonwlo fionncl ohirt, and o doth poi: oi twcod ponto. dork (toy in coior ; ho bod on o light poi: oilong hooto; wo unotod Junco Robot. junior ond ocnior. on hour or [0 oitor Onroii'o oxmt; tho: woro oloo oouchod and iockod up; site: being inionncd oi tho coluc oi tho onuto. tho young nun ooid nothing, but tho old non ogid "I oxpectod it ;" wo iound nothing on thou; I ncvcr hunt on: throoto nood i Con-oil put on o whito ohixt in pioco oi tho homomodo ono; ho cold ho wontod to chongo hio clothoo than!" to go up docont looking Ind nepect- . o. thut oontinuodâ€"Mtor Con-oil hod boon brought to boom. not o word on union oboot tho hondonlo ; I do not mount Jmoo Kuto toning no to be nuo ond molt 0o:- loll ; ho might hovo told no ; Com]! come without a manna: ; I did not uk Jot. Omoll whoro ho olopt thot night. noltho: on tho rood not ot Loom. Tho court tho: took noon for an hour. Show] boforo two o'clock tho court It mmod, ovary foot of flooding room bolus od- oupjod by lgoototorl. thneuâ€"Idld and it wu in thct flow I‘ apoh to him. I know a large petition hcd vbccn cent in to tho Gwen! Benton: for Otmll‘c appointment; I know thct mm: outage: hut bun committed in Biddnl ph, and, u u pom cine-r. I wn tumble to nuke unythtng out 0! than. - it wu sometime. to- »mnncntln to so to Blddnlph ; I wct (avar- cblo to his Ippolntmcnt, cud non: had my- ‘thtns sealant him In my lflo, ' tho Donnelly I were up pond to ho thcy gntlty patios. and it wu with pAviow ct bxtngtng thcm so well as othcu to justice. thst Oumllwu appointed; 4 than ht he would catch them and send them to Kingston. or com. other pgtlcc I did not upcct he w“ gotng to rcdcrt to my thing but lawful mum. ‘ I did not tchlt as a threat. 0mm: Porn wu rec-Ilsa. 3nd in nply to MLHmohInlon, “idâ€"I hoard Ion. shrub mud. ; is us on the duy 01 Carol” napalm. moat to tho oonlubnluy 3 um Omolloamo‘ {tom the (Joan Home, 110de um! I not him and aid. " Umoll, I nodmund you In 3 ‘eonlhblo ; " um: mains bunch, I um, " you no in u Mon when you on: fix them now.” n he aid “ you; I'll be the «an o! the Donnell:- boing bud-bod at“ o! Biddnlph." M131 TKOIPIOI. swornâ€"I on tho wile 0! Million Thompson, and llvo ln Blddulph on tho Bomon lino; that Is the tome line on whloh tho Donnolly homo woo located ; lt lo -ohont o quottor 0! o mllo (tom the Donnolly‘o; thoro lo no homo between ~0an ond tho Donnelly‘n ; thol: hon-o could ho ooen lrom ouu plolnly; <1 on ooquolntod with human Cox-roll ond hlo htotho: Wllllom; Wllllom woo worhlng ot our plooo om! llvod thoro; ho olopt up- Jul": thoro lo ono bod-room on tho oouth oldo ol tho homo. ond two on tho out; whoro Oomll olopt thoro woo only one wla. flow which lookod out upon tho Donnolly hon-o; tho bod woo-In tho northooot norm: .0! tho room. ond tho hood woo tovmdo tho Mr. Mailmanâ€"You Inppoud that (knoll '93)}. nun Io: the ppgluon. north: on tho night oitho murdor. Jamoo Corroii and Bill Carroll oioptin that room togothor: I attondod to tho roomo oi tho houoo myooli and ohongod tho linon oi tho bod-roomo on tho Boturday proviouo; thora woro two pillow oaooo and a ohoot ohongod; tho young man wont to bod botwoon nino and ton o‘olook. both going at nouly tho oomo timo. I wont to bod a littlo aitorwordo with my huoband; thoro woo no ono oloo in tho houoo; I did not toil tho Chioi that our bod- room door woo ohut on tho night oi tho mur- dor; I don't know what I told him: ii i. told w him no, I don't romombor it ; ii I did toll him : oo it would not bo tho truth; Wm. Thomp- oon it tho "boon” ho io tho ono I roiarrod to whon I uood that torm; tho “ booo" oomo- timoo oloopo soundly; I don't think I told tho ‘ Chioi thot ho olopt ooundly; tho “boon" woo owoko about oiovon o'oiook. but I might havo ‘ told tho Chioi that ho wao not awoko during ‘ the night; I know at loo-t that ho woo owako then; tho window oi our room looko to tho woot; Ionw tho dro in tho morning. alto: daylight. but I can't ooy how long aitorwordo: tho "boon" oow it ilrot whon ho got up to light tho tire; ho oaid thora woo a fire up tho road. ond I got up and iookod out at tho kitchen window; tho houoo woo blazing oomo; when tho “ boon" oow bio noighbor’o houoo burning ho lit tho tho and wont out to tho otobloo; ho did not go ovor to hoip the noighboro ; ho oallod tho Carrolio boioro ho wont to tho otobloo ; thoy did not go to the hro ; I guooo Jomoo Carroii hoard tho “ boon" oay thoro woo o iiro. but I did not hoar what ho laid ; I now Jamoo Carroll do nothing but oat hio brookiaot; I got up a iittio altar Corroii came down. and while I woo making tho broalrioot. Carroll war in tho kitohon ; ho laid it woo “ kind oi hard, on a otormy morning ilko thio, to havo no home to go in;" that to oil I roooiioot him laying; no- body propoood to go down and ooo what had happonod at tho Donnoliy‘o. olihough they aro noxt neighbor: ; Williom Carroll oold it woo o hard morning ior tho Donnoliyo to go to Granton. and that thoy muot bo at Whoion'o booouoo ho oouid not no any oi thorn about tho ilro; I don‘t mind ‘ whothor' Jim woo looking out oi tho win- } dow or not; I did not ooo any on about tho flro until botwaon oight and nino; tho oohoolmootor wao tho flrot ono Ioow; Jim wont owoy aitor brookiaot ond ooid hohod to be in Gronton by ton o'olook; Grontonio; oovon miioo awoy; ha would paoo tho1 Donnelly houoo in going to Granton ; I know that Carroll lo a oonotablo. but, novorthoiooo. ‘. ho laid nothing about going to too about tho ' nro; I hoard at tho murdor about ton o'olook : in tho morning, whon tho oohoioro oamo _ homo; my littio olotor, Julia Carroll. flrot told mo of tho murdor; oho oomotimoo lino with mo. but woo not thora that night; Bill Carroll war with mo at tho born whon tho girl told about tho murdor;_ "boot" had gono to Erato: boioro wo hoard oitho murder; ho did not go down to tho houoo to ooo about tho murdor, but turned hio book on it and want to Exotor. 'I‘ho gonoral tonor oi hor ovidonno woo to ahow that no can oould havo loit thohonoo without h_or knowiodgo. _ The following prism m then admitted to bail in tho mm at $2,000 each :â€"â€"Patrlok Bydcr. «9.. Pflflok Ryder, jam. Ju. Kuhn. um, I». Manor, um. Wm. Omofl. Willi-In 311» and May um. 7A: six o'clock the 00m “ion-mod till Frldly. Mr. McMahon Ippllod lo: the «linkage of shot. mum whom an Crown hm no «I- not. The Urown “tom "tuned to dluohtrgo. pug Iuowod noun] 0! the prisoner: to so on hall: 2 thnooo-Ho to tho porioh prloot ; tho church to on tho Ramon lino noor tho Ptoo! Rood; on no on in tho hoblt ot goth; thoro; I hovo novor hoord tho prloot montion tho Donnonyo' nomo In church : I novor hooxd him opook of thom oponly ; In opoko at tho troubloo but novor montlonod nomoo; I don't ugombo: tho putpogt of hlo 30m.“ Iaolnon, Fob. 28.â€"In tho «onus-minn- tlon 0! 3h. winin- Connolly. yuurday, tho tailoring "idea“ «mo out : Mt. Hutchinsonâ€"Who a Palm 00n- Mr. Mailman-Fume: Connolly in not oh'ugod with Anything. Witnou continualâ€"I out't ny whatnot Path" Connolly on: ennui or dononnood tho Donnolly “mil! in the church; I hon hard him Ipnk oi a hull: which I under- Itood to b0 the Donnollyl ; it won in 3 speech to the convention. mad he nld it w I than. and I scandal that doprodotionl m being committed ; iron whut ho nit! I thought he mountflu Donhollyl ;_thln my lut_ I119: mu. n diff-nut timin'l mm hard hixn' cum Qho Donnell”. Mt. MuMahonâ€"I hell". it In I am that no such thing out took 91500. It ll no laptop" 10: the Crown officer to at such O qua-Hon when ha ha not the slight.“ (madman lot It. He would be hold mpon- dbl: {or h1- iminuuuonl. I m lorry sh» ho hu done so. Mr. Hutchinsonâ€"It in quite nnnceeuery for on to Mk like um. I'm not going to be an by 101:. Ml. Muflehonâ€"I hue e perfect tight to ӣ10530!er withlg proper bogmde. Mr. Hnlohlnlonâ€"I won't an my in- muotIonI [tom you. Yeah u pnld servant 01th. prlnonon ad on “y whn you like; 3011;”ng naming go do with no. Witnul. to Mr. MuMohon-Fothu Connolly wu lorry tho! than doprodouonl won going on. and that no tho rouon ho spoke; ho nid they won a ohm. Ind u dit- gnoo to me pldsh. I novel bond him com or denounce tho Donnollyl from tho pulpit. __ Mr. MceMshonâ€"No. ho: tho Oxo'wn'om'3 brig; I nun gho wig] [I] ho did. Withoutâ€"Ho wake in narrow about than things, 3nd “id he would do ull in hit your to atop them ; It was with thin view that the Committee wu tanned. J mm Feel] deposed um on the night of the manic: ha on J amu Onto“ and James Ryder nu: Thompson's note; It was shot“ nlno o‘clock. Ho odds: wo wore mixing obont the Donnollyl ; ho cold in com tho! the society woo going to poo than down one In) or me other; I cannot give the one! words; ho «had mu m than who Donnouyn ; I don't know whomo: be “hi all 0! mom or only Tom. flu. Thompson (recalled) sold the had not told the Ohio! 0! Police um Carroll did not sloop a; peg p15“ or; gho‘nlgm 9! up mung-r. Patrick Kooio. a Mend oi the Donut“)... laid cm on the night oi tho murder ha um Panic): R ydor. jam. riding put the Knit hoe; ho yind something tied up which ookod like a gun; in hung hi! how: sad didn't‘appon towioh in be known: vita-n um «um Io the Vigliuoo Commune. Balm! Dannoll,’ Jopoud um um tho mm 1‘0 BAIL. MuMohon-Fuhu nude: ha vuludthl plan; nun. “lung round h. loud u luck about ten rods from “no homo. In tho air-0810:: o! the school. hoqu ugh!- brpthu Wlpluq’u ghee. "Vii. TuSfi'Jhiio prodnood 'n u i. mm 01:: club. nbout thm loot long. rounded u on 9nd. at! lingual! gm: _l_:loo_d. _‘ _ WM.” .110 dopoud «3 tbs finding o! the our-hon gt MoGuth'l 1m. Oonunblo Hod gin-.0 oLuoun. do pond be but lonnod n m8 o! hwdouflc ‘0 0.1101! the dung“: tn. Bydor fltg' . Qhoy won returned to him the do: {allowing the Donnell: murder. He oontlnued: I hove one-ted eome ol the Donnell”. end wee et their home on eevenl oeouionl ; then use e dlm. cult: onoe when I ma I eummone tor Thomu; he come out with e gun end threetened to blow my bnln- out; the old men told me not to be “told. thet Tom Would not ehoot me. The Court adjourned tlll Betnrdey. A LIT!“ IRON! ILTRII OJIIOLLY. The lollowing letter. “Men by Rev. Esther Connolly. o! Blddulph. on the 13th lnet.. end eddreeud to e Quebec journu, will be reed with lntereet et ehle tlme: " Bumâ€"Might I tehe the liberty oi telling my irlonde in Quebec not to eredit one-hell whet ie written oi me, by romevuiger. violaue eorreepondente lrom thie pieee. Oi oouree it v'vill be et ell timer eweet end egreeebie to the morbid eppetitee oi bigot: end evil doere to no the name oi e elergymen of my Uhuroh. but upeeieiiy e Bomen Oethoiie prieet. eon- neoted in my wey. no metter how remotely. i with erime. Thet live oi my periehionere heve been murdered in cold blood. end thet othere or my perinhionere ere eeeneed oi the murder. hee given me e ehoek item whieh I een never enflieientiy reeover. In the mem- ‘ time. my iriende need ieel no my elermed in my regerd. I truet I heve never yet eomproâ€" mind my prieetly ohereoter. end em enre there ie no one in Bidduiph een ehow me where I here eompromieed it here. Thet etory at e Vigilent Committee in ell boeh. I never iormed e eoeiety in my liie outeide e Temperenee Society. either here or my where elee. Whet I did do wee to eek my people to elgn e pledge to one enother thet ii enythlngA etoien ehoold be_ leit on their pr.emioeo that they would endeevor to find out the owner, end. it pouible, the thiel, oo thet he might be proeeeuted eeeordine to low. ~ thin otep wee not token egoinot the Donnel- loye eny more then exeinot eny one oioe. However. it muet be told thet. with tho exeep tion of the Donnellyo. whole reputetton wee bed, I never met It more honeet oruprlsht people in every line oi lilo then my preoent broken hoerted perlehionere. There II no men whetevor in thin pleeo. who believeo the patron: now eeeuoed would be guilty oi the erime leid to their eherge. â€"I on. youre, ete. ., “ Jon Cannon“, Print. « as. Potrleh'o Preohytery. Biddulph. om. Insane. Feb. 28. -At the «slate at Willlom Donnelly'e evidence to-dey, Jemee Mehor. oen., Jones Heher.‘ Jun" hire. Meher. Jemee O'Bhee end Pet Ryder. oen.. were direhorned. end boil woo eeeepted tor Williom Oerroll end Pot B yder. inn. Wm. Donnelly hoe reeeivod e number at threetening lettero. He to-doy received the (allowing. 8which he ehereeterized on the worot one yet . loom l'eb. 8. 1880. Bunâ€"I with you “all to “flu on to his wnnlulin ammsnd fly for your a as In a long}; may >Bldt}ulph. 301: m mixing 3 are“ ‘- -- __: _4__._ A .‘ ‘_.__-- Wm. Donn-11y. Lnosn: (fifâ€" hfin’nom'""e3e "'"62’ entrant . irow yourtime to «31.23Mn . Irv-3y de ou lonxyenrete ieeomnoh e woree tory ,yommol‘he cord ie being [reduelly drewn tor end tighter every moment round yon. i ot meen to threeten with en pereonel or 03m: violenee. but etiliwyon ere ,no doubt reedytoeweer enythiu; but tene heed,youhnd better prefere our , 1: mod eonl ior whet me name neteeJoi epend a your time in con- ¢lieeto endimplieeteinnoeeutpereone. You know we e whom the eiufe were intended for thet w h took eiieet n your brother John. It weeeelight mieeerriene but it wee ee well to net Jeeh out oi the wey. I’here mey be e elu; or two leit for you ii you don't be eereinl. You mey imegine thet you ere eeie enough, thet yon hnve the poliee end other omoere oi the lew enlisted in your beheli. but we heve t on our tide. l em not ementodoen ng h; helvee. Iiy motto ie, “ root hrene ." when e iemlly her to be extormineted hl'reeeon oi their depre- detory end ineendiel ee , en! I believe you ere e member oi eueh e emiiy. All Oenede in con- eideretly exeiied over the y. but the end in notyet come. nyon donot iorewernedend ieeve the eountry. motion will heer oi euoh deede el were never known before. It in not my deelreto threeten you, but to give you timely wnrning eothet no one but our-eel! my be to ‘bleme if e etill derier tree eppeere upon the ‘ eenele oi Oeuedien crime: then euy heretofore. 4d Mo. eubjudtca it: ut.â€"Yonre werninaly. Om! Wno Known Win! an Known. The envelope on which the ebove wee eneioeed bore the poet merh oi Berrie. the dete being Feb. 20. The letter ie written in e good bneineee bend, on iooleeep, e mergln being leit ell the wey down the page. " Even eiter thle letter I‘m not eireld,” eeid the redoubteble Bill. “ Ive no doubt my liie ie eudenaered. but thoee lettere don't bother me. n I em killed I em entein tho iew enr- vivore oi the innin would work with ell their might. end epend ell the money they've got. to bring the guilty pertlee to justice. I'm not eireld oi the Vigilenee Committee. eup- poeing they bed the letter written. nor oi John Joeeph B., the retired eeilor, ii he wet the enthor." The ioilowing epieiie wee received by Wu. Douneiiy e iew deye einoe :-- To Robert- end Wimem Donneiiy: Thin ie to lotii ion thet the noneet end Lew Bidlna People 0 men wiehee you to remove from thie ville: et once or you Hey he Moved some knight end your eoiegee will be remem- bered your Brother Jim wee ehot here by our Poieee let: in 1877 in the eat of ineendry one your rowdeyiem in our etreete weyieying and robbery burnin cutting at home throete murdering Den ierke mu er ie not forgotten; Delndme our iemeiie robin: them oi their oer- reoter and other bed eeie. A Fun» we Loom ex Smart. The writing wee in e diegnieed bend, written irreguieriy. end on e piece oi ledger- rnied peper. Williem Donneiiy eeye the etetement oi Dr. Sutton ie eufii eieut to ehow thet hie brother Jim wee never ehot. The Den Oierk reierred to wee ionnd deed in e etebie. ,end e Oorouer’e Jury returned e ‘verdiet oi " died irom exooeeive drink end )expoeure." London Spectator: “.Tntou 3nd gov- ernance- havo allom‘htup I system from the profusion! wdttng mutton, Ind the promlioml writing mutorl no all domino- tod by two Ideas. which an radically 1.1... The, all think that 'ooppor plate writing; the spool“ bond of writing mums sad but club. 10 good mltlng. which it ll not, bung devoidolohtnotor. {or too “gum in tom and from the multiplicity of fine upttroku not anyto nod; Ind they um hollow thot ontoln manhunt”! motlonu. it ostotolty taught. wm proism olur lwritlnglljrm wfllnot. out! they do notifiamz: =3 BRITISH ARMS DISGBAOED. A STABTLIIB IIDIOTIEIT “MIST THE ’l'ln Vetom War «mayo-don on the Una Luwlcuncu or the TIC-pl. Mum tho London Daily Telegrffihin ftp], 30 81: Gunog Wendy's phgrgu _ n he bud been " hooxed into ch'culoting tronopoxont ioioohoodo." He ooyoâ€"I ototod in my letter at October 10 thot “ I begun it with reluc- tonco ;" I no: odd. with ongor ond dioguot. I deelored I hod no doubt on to mind “ thot it tho providonc of tho new c o 0! military low ho oppllod to tho Britioh ormy in ito prolont ototo in my country which to oitnotod like Notoi or the Tron-wool. it will ho utterly impoulblo to: tho ofllcoro to molntoln dis. clpiino.” Why did I mote thot declozotionr Become thou ofliooro told me lo. ond hecouoo I oow whot they ooid woo true. How ond whore did I coin my interaction 2 I will toll you. All along the mod ham Dnrhm io Pntorlo. I wu obliged. 31m my «turn irom Zalnimd. lo rem-in tor Iomotimo oi Durbm ond Pictor- muiizbnm while Bit Garnet Woluloy pro- ceeded to Uiundi. 1 board much while thou iron omens oi the “lone- " anon: tho troops in Zululmdmhioh undo niahi hideous mun und ugsin. I wlumud tom: of the mom oi thou lumped» on tho porlonl oi matron, whom. it challongod. I will nuns. I hard. too. at tho ropuiod flogging! which won wdnglnlgipnd by ofllogu. whom. Kong}: longed. I will none. I heord. too. of wild oiorme, ond oi outburet oi rnuolretry ond con nonoding ot nothing, ot ploeeo end on oceo clone which. it ohollengod. I eon none. I cold nothing oi there thinge. which I ottri- buted to the youth and inexperience oi rnony oi the men eompooing the more oi our bottolione. But then come rowe and oridencee oi reloxed diecipline in the beoring oi lorno oi the eoldiery end in the drunken men in the otreete oi towno tor from the root oi wor. who were cloored out by retronc pickete ot night. I ottrlbuted oll thot :0 the obondon couoed among young troope yo demorolining kind oi wor. end by their joy yiulneee ot their return to comporotivo cirilizotlon. I left Pletormoritzburs end went up country. All elons the rood I heord etorioe oi the indieclpiine sonrl exeeuoe oi detoeh- mente oi men on the moreh. I found thot omeere in commend oi ototione were obliged to put the odjocent town- end viii can “out of bounde," eo thot ooldlere could not yieit them without poorer. or it they were ticket 0!- leovo men. Are thooe " groco exoggcrotlone.” or “tronoporont untrutho 1" At Neweoetle I woe informed by o dictinguiehed coldler, who hoe recently been rewordcd by hie oovereign for hie gollontry in the wor. thet “he hod never been in lo much. dong or throng hout thot wet or he woo tho other night in Utrecht when the ooidiore 0! -th regiment ottocked the hotel in which he woe lodged. end omoehed in tho windowe with huge poring otonee becouec they were roiueed drink. Ho act out oi bod ond crept under it to oecope. ond woo rolled over by o etone like o robhit: end he then got hie revolver ond coiled on the iondlord to tire, end the ieilowe went owoy.” 0n yioiting Utrecht o lorgo otoro, with broken windowo ond doore, woe pointed out to rneoe hoving been wrecked by tho ooldlere . ond the loud- lord oi one oi the hotele there doecribod on ottoek on hie premieee, o_e ii tbe_y__wero_nndo_r Willi-m H9md Bat-I!“ I!!!“ "I 990mm going I close In duo tom Tho oflcor in comde hut mom to tho mun do- cluod to ho llloccl, but wholly nccouuy nnd juntlflcblo, ot cloning tho pnhllc homo nod tovonu by torco cnd rocking it pond to coll liquor ct oll. II thot o °' you mutton” ox " troupmnt nntmth 2" Whllo I won ct thct ploco cwoltlnl tho ndul o! hoodqnu- ton onothor 0mm in common“! at c nslmcnt on tho much cdoptod tho dovlco of ordcrlna A supply at cplrltoto ho brought out on tho vcld, oo thct the nun who so dcclrcd mlght not drunk in the 09011 out at Ilght. And ‘thty did. in cono dcgroo. but not .11 won uncoon. Two ooldloro o! nnothor corp: ct Umoht dlcd ol “ choking ln _dr_lnh " when} woo thoro. ond ono woo buriod tho doy llr Gomot Wolooloy inopootod tho troopo ot tho clooo of tho ooromony. But in it “o grooo oxoggorotion " or “ tronoporont untruth ” thot tho mooo otoroo oi 8i: Gornot Wolooloy'o own poroouol otoil woro otolon in hio own hoodqnortor comp ond tho winoo ond liquor dronk by tho moo oronndhim? “I Ioonno 0’ nommno. I thought oil thot I hoord vory bod onil doploroblo, but otill I hold my pooco. I hopod thot thingo would mood. Bat whon I roochod Protorio tho mottor oooumod o oorr- ono upoot. Tho grovity at tho politicol con- ooquoncoo on tho oitnotion in tho Tronovooi oi mioconduot on tho port oi my at tho Quoou'o troopo como homo to mo forcibly. I ‘ hoord complointo oi poroonol violonoo ond oi inuourit oi proporty. Boon oitor my orrivol ot Proto I mot. ot tho tobio oi tho highoot omciol poroonogo in tho torritory. on Englioh goutlomon who hod boon introducod to mo ot Hoidolborg by hioErooiionoy Oolonol Lonyon. tho diotlnguiohod odminiotrotor of tho Trono- vool. oud whom I undorttood to ho ono oi tho firot morchonto in South Alrioo. Bo woo oo- compouiod by hio wlio. Tho ploturo thoy drow at tho ototo oi thingo in tho town thoy hod loit flilod mo with indignotlon. “ Thoro lo not o oinglo otoro in tho town oi Holdoibor whioh hoo not boon brokon into onrl wrooh by tho troopo.” out! dotollo woro givon oi rohborioo omoli oud groot. from chlckono up to tho church clock 3 but tho lody'o ototomont woo otill moro poiniui. for tho ooid “ rho woo oiroid oi romoining in hor houoo by horoolf, ond oho know oi oovoroi who woro thinking 01 looting ond going totho cooot." Thoro woro oilicoro prooont who odmittod ond doplorod tho oxiotonco oi outrogoo " which they could not odoquotoly punioh. oo they could not turn out tho low mon " who committod thorn with ignominy irom tho oorvico thoy diogroood. ond they could not flog them or thoy woro not bpioro tho ouomy. 0n onothor occooion tho onion in commond oi tho Qooon’o troopo in o country oo iorgo oo Bronco ooid " It I om to cotry out my ordero I oholl not hove o non for duty." “ Why 2" ookcd I. " How io thot 2" “ Bootuoo." onowerod Colonol --â€"-. ” ono holl oi tho men wlll bo guarding tho othor hall in tho guard touto or morohlng thom olong tho roodo undo: or- root.” I hoord comploinlo lrom Dorbou. Plotormoritrhnrg, Groytowo. 8tongoruPoor- oon, Lodyomith. Eotoonrt. Hoidolborg, otc.. ,oud I rood ropurto in tho nowopoporo ol , polioo coooo ond judicioi triolo. From othor , towno oomo otorioo oi dioordoro oi the moot ooriouo hind. ond ot loot " tho oplrlt woo kindlod within mo old I op/oho." At Middol- _‘__o_o_-n-I-oâ€"- PIOOI‘I mmm “030 u) BOLD. REGIME!“ AT THE OAPE. burg Ion. am: on put: 0! on. m w-hljhwpaumw th- vflnm it!» law. knochcd him down. tool in mm covcrciznc onicihic pockcl. cud but his cnd his bunccn. They worc noi pnnichcd. baccnu ihc ofliccu promlud ihc inn-ho coupon-Mien. I hccrd tho nun not. cmcmcni bcicrc ihc Adminicmior. I now unit the rennin oi tho enquiry. cud nun- cirnc I rcpent In quccuon cud at am ii any pointed out in whci I hcvc aromy origami...” in whci hcvc I boon “hocxcd inio circuit“. trmcpucni iclcchoodc i" The mm II which ihc Duh oi Ombridcc‘o “Milo!“ l0 uctnily. lwonld kin hops. dircM-h cviic which might hcvc boon hccrd oi ihrouh other chcnnclc. nnd u to the calcium. 0! come oi which M in» chick! records cl whn hcd been going on in South Mm. onuhi to hcvc cnl‘ghtcncd tho Mink”- ‘Gcncrci cud ihc Field Mmhcl Uo in-Ohici, mud Shot it wu only a u had ‘mcn in corinln corpc who wcrc o! ; condnci which brought dicorcdit on cm. ‘Thc ofiiccrs oi ihct crnxy cpohc through 3! ;pcn. is no ihcir voicc oi complainant jumrcd. I! cnyonc unions to n: that! hcvc mcdc iciu chug“ cgclnci chc Briihh army my wordc Arc in evidence to convict him oi groin cxcggcntion 0nd mum nnirnih. WW Rowan Baum Lctc‘your Epoch! Oormpondcnt in Haul: 01mm, Feb. 26.â€"â€"AI dread, mums“ II a puflgqafigopntpb. up Gngigugu W out. which hu boon brought to light. eon? than to mute tho grate-t “alum. III the vicinity at tho noon. of tho outage. Th0 patient." roves! on. of tho dupe-t only duke" plots our 'conoolvod in thin duh“. and partake: much 01th. chunk: of“). reign of tenor in Blddulph In In insight “use. For any month: bunk, dram). howl. bag-no. ghosts an! 0th: prom heve been deetroyed by are, the origin‘tniv-i one being ehrouded In mystery. Then eppeered to he no distinction ee to. for Oetholice end rroteetente ellheenl One of the victhne wee Mr. loom Ellerd. ex Werden ot the county. who he! eewn lumber to the nine of ebout 88.000 deetroy ed. Thi- led Mr. Ellerd to tehe atoll to ferret out the crhnlnele, end for Ila. pnrpoee detective: Foley y, o! Montreel. it. deep etched to the ecene. nu million wee I eucoeeelnl one. end eoon he bed m eufllclent evidence to wenent him In euth- lng e prieet nemed Bethe: Feure, who hate e very doubtful reputetion in the dhtrlot. “I who hed two contrecte on hend to: out loge In eddition to ettendin: to lie minleterlel dntlee. Four other pereon‘e we eleo erreeted, nemed Bioherd. Until. Brute end Uhembreeu. They werebeouht betore three meg tetretee at the Pick-nook. end evidence wee given eaetnet then by one Doyle, who had been conneeted with the petty. he henna ecreed to reveel the plot it he wee not proceeded eg.elnet Hie evidence wit toehow emong other thinge thet Petite! Fenro hed oflered Mex-tin 8600 to let the to Mr.Ellerd’e prelnlue. MertIn egreed.bfle vigilent dog prevented him tram on the plot. Petting to fire the but! so. he wendered e ehort dietence ewey end W guerel glue of lmnher owned by_ Mr. . nvorcl plloo or lumhcr owncd by In. sum. Fotho: chwstcfashimm pplytho tent. Do: to olco in no tho othoc m amt") Ind-ll hov'ohoon ocnt to tho lion gm. whcro tho: cult told. Mr. E tho print but not boon onlntlmoto tonno ”mum, owing to on unplcccont dun ctcncc which but occnncd onu- tho dooth' Hr. Ellord'o out. It oppoorc tho Cocoon! u: N. NE! .- dzb; -msm-- “3-! My but! and. Ilaâ€"115 hot by“: then!!! be dppqoju in with hot oorpoo. Thu Mr. Ellord oortbl out. but It woo onborq uontly mu tint thobmlo hod boon otolon on’t at tho ooh. :2: ’nrflilllord throstonln auto “hm“: o rovoron cont mm them. Provlono to going into lambda. Fothor Fouro hpt o srooory otoro. what bi oold out to Dr. Lona loio ck Do lo. tho III- who tmod Qnoon'o ovldoooo. no month- ogo tho dootor hod to loovo tor " mm and pootnroo now." on oooount ot boll: mind up in on abortion ouo. Lott! Doylo'o otoro woo-troy od by flro. no ‘on lnonronoo at 82, 000 on tho otook. Th ‘ololrn wlll, oloonroo, ho oontutod. Am tho other ploool firod woro Dr. um. unBolnbrtdgo'o, Mr. Grooo'o “(1.51%qu Doylo Ion tho plot woo o Oomunnlotlo out. and no lutondod to mount myoooo‘ooup mnlotlng toornuoh woolth. Loort ot woo tomod. ond tho ploooo to ho and won lull: Moon-Log A Ooun’o Bluntâ€"Whoa Lord cum flold was in odmlnlotrotlon ho utopoool 1 person to Geomc H. u propor to till I pk“ ol grcot tmot. but which tho Km. won dotonnlnod chonld ho fillod by m. Tho council. howovor. dommlnod not t9 lndclao tho Klan (or loo: 0! o dwsoml tug ccdont. It won Lord Ohootorfiold'o hm to-prcoont tho grout of tho omcc lo: tho I noturo. Not to lnconoo Ell 1mm, 1 my log him abruptly. ho, with occonto ol mot humllfly. bogged to know wlth M nomo Bic Mojooty would boploocod to hovo tho hlonko flllcd up? " Wlth tho ml! replica tho King. in o poroxym 0! up “ And oholl tho lnotmmont.” cold tho; M coolly. “ run oo usual-Our trusty. tol- holovcd conoln Ind counclllor f”-o ot which tho Klnglonchcd hoortlly. o I“. groot good humor clancd tho grout. COMMUNIBAI IN CANADA? An Unnxmn Connâ€"A duputoi In bun noolvcd (tombs. 001%.thle Dudley Oblorntory. Albany. N.Y.. but 19' dlrcetor o! the Osxdobs Olmlmtory. m‘ Amman. Itttlng thst n grout count In in IN neighborhmd of the Inn, paling north.“ No Inge oomot hu boon oxputul thll you. mad no mull on. At thin union. WW oomot not betas duo untllnou tho mum you. Report: by mull m anttcdwlth lntorut. Should Dr. Gould'l Jon I. confirmed. u now mambo: mm} be .. to ouYBBHoM Vii-um; sud poulbl, I“ muons north 01th. ammo: pay I!» ht maul m I fight of u. 0t tho woman who on unsound In tho trade: in England. bouldu thou In tho In!“ pnnnm at woman, there no on! 10,000 women muhlnml. 5,000 bookbindmnll 4,000 nhoomakon. Lluguo has boon for“ In London whloh luznuhu at «a old- "unworthy {Mon-motion u to tho Ml {or worker: in various tndu. Employoh a: labor mqnonuy write to m cm» [or ml. man. Tho man. ha .180 humour! n cumming “bury. n hollpnnny lulu-bank. a reading room. a winning olob. s an!“ homo. o monthly journnl. owning mun-p. commute. ranch. ml with Moll bl My 0! the . but no. dlnm\

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