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Woodville Advocate (1878), 10 Mar 1881, p. 4

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Ind Dinctoro the antipathy to Wood- villo we think has vanished, and we may hope for n moon-lilo attention to our requests. Mr. Cox is a liberal business man and anything which would be conducive to the mutual bene- fit both of the town and railway will undoubtedly receive his careful uten- tlon. The scheme moat favonublo and at the came time the lmt costly would lie to build a switch (mm the mnin line at the neuron-t point to tho‘villugo, Now that the air in filled with schemes of railway construction and ex- tensioa would it mt be well for our 71853341! to amuse thenmelres and conâ€" Iider the possibility of obtaining rail- way connection with the village lrom in» Midland. The season is now at hand when the‘ annual railway mania Isiaes our citizens and could the intemst be directed into the proper channels possibly something would be nccou:~ plishecl. The history of \Voodrille and the Midland railway in too well known hem to requim any rac‘apitulatlon, and it is deeply to he regretted that the czmpany were induced to retaliate in the manner in which they did. Howâ€" ever the deed Was done, and now all that remains in to remedy the evil as best we con. With the old Munngor This is an injunction applicable to every ugriculturulist in this fair Doni- inion,but to none more so than to those living in these immediate townships. Newspapers and agricuitural periodicals in abundance are annually distlibutei but their good efl'ecls are almost imper- ceptible. Occesionally we find amen who has some enterprise, but in the majority of cases our farmers are conâ€" tented with very common acrub stock. A few days ago MixDonald McCiinnnou of Eldon, sold a fine colt to an American dealer for the sum of $200. ‘The colt was a fine one and of good parents, and brought a handsume price. During the past four years Mr. McCrimmon has derived from horses [red by him the snug sum of $1,425. This is an exmu- ple of what may .be done by careful bleeding by every farmer in Canada. There is an unlimited market for‘filst- class animals with good prices, and see ing that it does not cost any more to keep them it is somewhat surprising that more interest is not manifested in their increase. Wi:h little extra. tron- bio and expense on the part of farmezs- the old scrub stock might soon be 18 placed by a clam of animals which in every point of view would be more de- sirable, and we hope Mr. McC‘rimmon's experience will prompt many of them to endeavour to impmve the grade of their stock. Money, “ the root. of all evil," is caus~ inS many an aching head and worrying many it fertile brain as to the easiest. method by which to obtain it All branches of industry and trade are inâ€" vigornted by a liberal application of this, i“ the necdt'ul." The neWspnpi-r is no exception to the rule and depends for its existence on the small annual conâ€" tributions of its subscribers. \Vith this week’s issue we enclose a large number of “ dunners” to our subscribers and from which we expect a speedy remit- tance as we are much in need of money. “'8 hope shortly to find our pnnts pockets overflowing with specie and for which we shall be truly grateful. BREED GOOD STOCK. "‘ Pro Bono Publico." “WNAKKGNA\\..R\\ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ \\v\\ mm Wumlvillc 3111mm“. ”W M MIW\MWW To OUR SUBSCRIBERS. A RAIL WAY FOR WOODVILLE. \VOODVILLE, MARCH 10, 1881. .- 80. the “ Buttercup." the Intent fly]. in ladiu'und Mum’ shoal. For 0.10 » Rod. Campbell's. IN perusing the Various accounts of the progress of the war in the Transvaal there me very few people who have it correct idea of the 'true meaning of the word “ Boer." Some assert that "Beer" is a Danish name and means silupl} in- habitant. This is not 30. Beer means nothing else than “ Beer" in “Plattr tlutsch," or “ Batter" (peasant) in Gen man. The Doors are descendants of the Dutch. who. in the year 1652, umlcr Jan Van Hit-heck, populated the south- pm point of the 'African continent, and there, as well as in old Holland, stick to German customs. Transvaal means cross- trench. Vital is the name of n riVer that come from the' Knhlumha nmnntuins,mul [owns the hauler he- tween the Orange River sove o'gnt: and the Inn-l of the mWhIIHNO). In the yuan; {mm 1835 to 1838 about 10,000 ofthe Boer! left the Cape Colony and mmle their way to Pout Natal. Many of them fell in the battles with the Zulu, but they guinvd whnisaion in the NAMI district, and built there 1 Pieter Moritzhurgâ€"mmed after their leaders. Pieter Retief and Gert Mai-ii: â€"which is utill the capital of Natal- GI' Lilli lb! 'I‘allnw want-«l for which Ehzhjglfut price will In [mid at McIntyre a Prié'r‘l. show that the situation is steadily growing desperate. Although the lumi- lords have made large concessions in rent and other privileges, there is still such a small margin of profit in farming that the men ofunlilletl land is con- stunt-l}- incrensing. Ifhy any possibility, a farmer can forfeit his lease, he isalmost sure to take advanh-ge of his opportum ity. 'lhe statement IS {rm 1y Inmle hy a number of well-informed authorities that never before Was there in Eng] uul such a complete want of faith in the future of the agricultural interest. There have been in the past lnul yours, but the farmers have looked Impe- l'ully lmyoui them. A t thn present time many of tlwm are convinced that a good or bad season will equall}; result in loss. ENGLAND, commercially, is in a better condition 10-day than she was two on tlnee years ago, butagricultumlly things are getting worse and worse. Reports from the principal farming counties all Tm: number of immigmnm which ur- rived in the United States in 1880, according to the government emigration: returns was 457,257 of which 287, 623 were male: and 169,634 females. Then.- Wero from Great Britain and Inelund..1.4,48 6 Germany ... .................. ... 84. 638 Quebec and 0ntario............ 79.611 Nova Scotia......... 13,183 Sweden........................... 39,185 Nomny 10,896 Austria........................... 12,904 Itaily.......... ..... 12.327 Denmark . 6.575 Switzerland ..................... 6,156 Cmna 5,802 France ........ 4.313 All other countries............ 17,790 The Canadians in the United States in 1860 numbered 249,960, and in 1870 463.564. The above are the govern- ment cennns returns. The emigration of Canadians to the States is nemly equal to all our immigration from all other countries. which in a‘trlfle over a mile. We 'do not think any ditilculty would be on perienced in securing the right of way, nor in securing the hearty cooperation of our entire population in the scheme. Lotus put our shoulders to the wheel and try what can be done. It is nbout time an attempt was made to excite n little interest in the future of our vilâ€" lage. Our people during the pant few years have fallen into a dangerous apathy which they would do well to hasten and throw elf. Lotus not be behind. \Vo hare enjoyed the name of being an enterprising couununity and it will not do to lose our preetige at this time. “’0 feel convinced that can this scheme be brought to n snc~ ccesi'u! issue it will pay both the Rail- way end the village. It will bring back a large portion of the grain and other trade which has been diverted into other channels for want of propel omn- petition. Let it public meeting be odlcd and secure the sentiment of the cammunity on the subject. and we un- convinced nn emphatic endorsement will be given. afitlitnriul glam; Mill" n. Yonn -â€"Jnd em for pluintlfl' 010.28. 8 gm Mill-r n. Bollâ€"Jud out for him tifl' $8.25. gm p Millnr m. Moranâ€"Judgment for pluiutifi' by F. G. Millnr lor $14.21. Spring“. Gilmmlr, P. D.â€"Wfisl|~ ington gar. Jndgnmm. for $1800 ng\1nml’.D.uml ngniusc gar. for $22.28 if nommry. Blncknov va. Bm-ln‘idge-Judgment for pluintifl', 82.50. Blacknny vs. W. II. Carsonâ€"Judg- mont for defendant. Gilmmn- vs. W-u-hing'nnâ€"ct cl, judg- ment for plnincifl‘ for 822.28. Comm: vs. Blacknny, P. D.-â€"~Jmlgs mu-nt fm defendant. without coats, Core son gar. Campbell 0! ul vn. McKnnzbâ€"Jmlm nwnt for pluimifl by F. G. llillm‘ for $29.60. Bninln-ialge vs. Rayâ€"Numsnitod; Burln-idgc vn. Illm'knny. P. I).-â€" Con-sum gvu'. Judgment against P. l). for $40 00 and ngaiust gar. for $21.00. Canton vs. Silvm'woml, P. D.-â€"-Ad- iournml M. plaintiffs request, SiIVck wood gm. Silvm‘wnml vs. Bowins -â€"Jnclgnmnt fin' plninlifl'fnr $3050. ' Smart. vs. Silvm wood, P. Dâ€"Silvor- wood gala, adjourned. Millm- vq. \Vm-«I-«Jmlgmvut for plainlifl'hy 1". G. Millm', $64 81. Martin vs. McDonald â€" Judgment for plaintiff; $10.00. Porrin vs. Mchm, P. D.â€"-$ . S. No.2, 0.11119". car. . Jmlgnmntngainst P. D. for 818.00 and uguiust gar. Flumy vs. Vickcryâ€"Jndgment for plaintiff $51.25. qulvy vs. McLeanâ€"Judgment for plaintifl' fur $14.00. Hastings vs. Ingleâ€"et al. verdict for detemlants. Jewr-ll \‘s. McNabbâ€"Judgment for pluintifl‘for $5.50, plain'ifl’ for 86.34. met vs. Perkinâ€"Judgment for plaintilf for 87.00. 33" Great I‘ eduction. ' Prices down In Furs Mnntlcs \lillinery and Dress Goods at \Iclntyle k Prior ’3. List of cases disposed of by His Honm JII‘ige‘. Dunn :It. the Sim: ngq of the 7th Divsi-m Dom-h, Con ntv of:3 Vic- town, 10 d- -at Vvtm 1:1 Road, Feb. 22nd, 1881. 40. 6*? A large asgortulent of ,Razors just re- ceived at Gmm Bros. Satisfacuon guaran- teed. WASk your dealer for “'CaetJrine" Machine Oil and see that the barrel is bran-led “Gaston-inc," as none other is L'euuilm. A mil of much ia'mst to uwnem of real estate, and ratepayers OWning cattle running at large, was racontly heard at Downiauvdlt.I Division Court, before Ills llouor Jutlue Dartnell, anal ajury. 'lho plaintill‘ was tho owner of two valuable cows‘ which hsiug at large on tho7th Octohorlast, obtained outrauco through a dot'vctiVo l'onco into the Ilrfomlaut'a orchard, and having gorgotl thamsolvos with apploa, inllanua- tiou dot in of which ono of tlIoIn shortly thoroaltordionl. 'l‘ho plaintill‘ proved thoao facts, and also a ,Irw’law ot' tlu» town defining; what shonhl ho a lawful lino as wall as highway fenno, paw-Ii on tho 4th of tho sauna month. ”is honor instructml the iury, that, at Common Law, no man Was hound to fonco against cuttlo lawfully or unlawv l'ully upon tho highway ; that tho 'Aaas respootiug lino fI-ocas, up to a lato porioIl only appliml to foucoa lmtwoon adioiningowuors, hot that. tho Logis- laturo had runontlv authorizt-Il nwnici~ palitina to pass hyJaWs to compel tho eroction and maintonuuco of foam»: along the boundary lines of public highways, and that a Irv-law to that el'foot was thou Iluly in force at tho time of tho allI-gI-Il oconrrouco. 'l‘ho curious defence; was raiaml, that whet-«as au-- other town h_v law pormittcd ouch when p Iyor to how only one cow quuing at lingo, tho plaintill, in fact had two and therefoio tho Ilutondaut was not liahln. His honor pointed out that this our 0 no dili'orouco. unloss the plaintiff claim ed for the loss of two or moro animals. which he did not; and that perhaps also this fact might have niven a right of action against. the plaintill‘ for damages to tho Ilvlmnlaut's orchaul, (won although tho luttm’s fenco was an unlawful or tlufmztiw one. On the question left to the jury, tho' Verdict was returned for plaintiff and damages W Rod. Czunpbcll’a Spring Srogk is on hand. the best ever came to Womlvillu. SEVEN m DIVISIOX (‘0!!!2'1‘, (‘OITNTY OF VICTORIA. Lopp vs. anp vs. thr-rscu C nnerfonlâ€"Nonsuit. Redmondâ€"6‘ al, nonsuit. vs Melbaâ€"Judgment. for A STRIKI took plnce :mong the hay pack- er: in Oshawa on Frichy last. which reanlh ed in I qunrrel between two of the men. and black eyes was the consequence. The ltrik- an returned to work on Hominy. the dim- alvt‘y. which wu an objection! foreman. a boon unused. It In rumored tint Mr. 000. H. Poole, a ham, who ruidedin Oshaw- nbont than Tm: members of the (‘annington Brass Band no to come out shnrtly in new nui- l-nml. The new suits are to be blue tnmme'l with an“ lane, with hat helmet shaped. The I nits veto be made in Cannington. Mr. A. Carmichael furnishing the material and Mr. N. Cluk makingit up. kitchen. 0!! Tuesday the residence of Mrs \Valsh, Oshawa. was discovered tobe nn firo. It wM noun before it had made much headway, unduoxt'iflguizmed. the} damage lming vr-YV small Tall": is some feeling in Utbri‘lgc against the expense of the High Schnnl and Mr. \Veekn. who has been High Selma] trustee for tome years has been removed and an economist put in his place. of his recovery. Tm: number of registrations made will) tho Clerk. for the Town of l’rztcrimrnuszh, «luring “he mnnth of Fubrunrv. were an followuâ€"Births, If) ; Marriages. 5 ; DmthsA. Tnos Dnvrrr, of Greenwnml. was picked up on Snturdaylast outhc roadside between fimpgkntp Apr! GrccllellodL_‘laluv frozen. “mug am and Grecnwnod. lmallv frozen. H.0- [w drank too much. There are hopes As tho Rev. A. (‘IIrricu of SImvn was nnnmmcinyv his text at. service i: (i) «I St. Audrew‘ a Church Beavorton, he was unmi- cd of Ins mother’s death. CAxxxxamtz nml P-mck cannot mm: m- specting mum: eclmnl duhenmvea an! 1hr- cnurts may have to be appealed t0 fur achie- uncut. Tm; town 0? Whitby Ins offarmi in remit. the taxes on a vinegar factnry and an axe for ten years if they will remove them. Tn ’Whitby and East \Vhifhy Agrimel- tnrnl . ociety will hold their Spring grain and fat cattle show on 'J‘hursdnny March 17111 I331. The foilowiug were appointed comw Inissinnem to the General Assembly : â€" The Rev. \Vm. Lochend, Rev. J. Mow Nuhl), Rev. S. Acheson and Rev. D. McDonald. Eidemâ€"â€"Meser3. D Cumer on, Bem'erton ;]‘. Douglas, Cumin-av ; \Vm. Reid and D. Grant, \Voodville. A paper on temperance was read and answers given to the questions proâ€" posed, and the following motion car" ried, in connection with the. subject. that the pieshytery is decidedly of opinion that the formation of temper- ance societies in the various cungregr tions of the church Would very much further the interests 0! temperance. The Preshytery then entered fully into the consideration of the H ome: Misuinn work within their hounds, in regard to supplemented congregations and mission stations. It was ulso agreed that. missionary meetings be uttended In by the. moderator of each H‘ssion um] re. ported next‘meetiug. The next. regulur nienliug to ho held at. \Vundvilie the last. Tuesday of Maw at 11 o'clock Mn. The Presbytery duly connidurml the matter of u Sustentalion Fund, when the following motions were ,c:n~ried:-~ That however desirable a. general sus- tentutiou fund woultl be, yet in Llw. opinion of the presliytery it would nm. in the meantime be pmcticalile. Thur, tho prosbytery «lo not. think that any beneficial} results are likely to miw. fiom the present mode of administering the Home Mission Fuml._ Gunn vs. \Vurd, at alâ€"Jmlgumnt fur lilafilltifl‘q F. G. Alilltu‘ for $51.00. Jackson vs. McGillvuryâ€"-Jm|gumnb fur plaintiff by F. (x'. Millur fur $83 45. McGiIlvnrv vn. McKr-nziumNnjun-bu dictinn. A Hullslwth fur pluiulill' G. H. Hopkins for defendant. 'l'hmnpsun va. Cuxwortlu 1’. D.~-\Vush iugmn gar. Judgmout nguinsl. P. l). for 8120.40 and qu-nislum. Brlx'ur \‘H. Mm'mIâ€"Judguwnf- for pluintifl'py F. U. Millau' lm‘ 8173.42. Parker vs. McLuuchlinâ€"Ju-lgmnent {Jr pluintifl' $100.00. O‘nnplmll vs. McDonald, at alâ€" Juclgnwut. for plaintiff by l". G. Milhu- l'ur $134.87. Judgmant Summonsâ€"5 cum-s ("5w posiuluf. No orders. I cum: to bu pair] by lat. Mny.’ The Presbytmy of Liwluny metué Uxhridgn on 'I‘uo-mlay, Fe-‘n. 22ml. 'l‘lmre were 12 nwmlmrs mu! 6 «New present. Former minutes were ré-ul and Bus- Lnine- l, and an amount. of routine busi- ness attended to. McKay vs. Campbell cl suit. for pIaIiIItifl' $19.63. ‘ Killingqu-III vs. McDonaldâ€"Judg- ment for pluintifl‘ $7.72. MIII‘SIII vs. CIIIIIpbuIIâ€"JIIdgnu-IIII for pl. Iimifl' $8 ”47 Sicotku vs. \V. «II. CulauIlâ€"JUII" mum. for plaintifl $10. 00. ' Nmit Court. tb be held on Aplil 25th, 1881. McDouahl vs. Mnylmeâ€"Jllu!g!xwano (6m gltighbam‘fi. T136 fire éaught in (He roofwof thé I'RINBI'TRIKY 0F LINIHA 5'. J. R. SCOTT, Pl'eshywry Clcrk. Null" Woodrillo, refi'fl'léai.‘ ALSO TAKE NOTICE. that we have hon ht all Mr. L. Muyhoa'l Books and Note: or which Settlement nut be hsd immedintely. A JAB. A. MITCHELL a co m re. quested to c .11 anal settle at ance, and one uncecesuty casts. as we Ihall positively place dl unsettle-l chims in suit for colloc- uon, and “ Don't you forgot it." TVTfiéthvel primal-ties will he sold cheap for Cash or on Credit to suit purchasers. MONFY TOLOAN tom 2 to 20 years on terms to unit the borrower. apply to v J. L. GILCHRIST. Post- In mtcr. "c South half of Lot No. N. 2nd Con. nf E' don. 100 ncns with 70 acres clear. Lov lxunsc and lmrn. wily one mile from AP! Ic. klmwnns the Gillespie Properly. North half \‘n 15, lst Con. Eldon, 100 acres, 25 a- rm cl ear. South West quarter No. 13 7th ('r-n EMnn. {:0 acres, 2'} acrpa clmml. Lnt No.32. 8th Can. Eldon. ”6 acres. Alsodturc, Dwelling and Ram in the viflage of Lorneville, kuuwn u the Car {tighsel-property. February 213:, 1581. \ CERTAIN MORTGAGE ltcaringdate 1“ April 14th. 1880, given by Mary Mc- Imul and A. Mchml to [)UHHLI McLzod [or which no cunsidemtinn was given. Any party or parties purchasing the same will do so at their own loss. , M .1. I} Y M cLEOD. ILwaa sum-red for some Linw past- with lIi‘Iii-Ins H «mlnLlIa as a result of cm asiipmion of the l’ mvels. l “as induced to trv I’ unlock Blond Bitt ..r:~I w‘I. ch prm'cd \‘erv cflicnciuufl removing hnth hcmlmhu and constipation. I' strnnu‘y mcunnucml it, to a” :sllllilfll‘l) mictcd. \Voovh'illc Mafch 8th. ”>31. llaéyard‘s Pet-tom! Balsam con’taius no' dangurous narcufic drug. but. is a purely vegetable healing lmlsnm. It cures by loosening the phlegm and corrupt matter from the Lungs and hxpelliug it- fmm ’tholw; system. Crnup. Asthma. Bronchifis, Hoary . unzzs ausl all pectm-al (“$011508 yzo‘ul to u. pruu-ptly. All dealers all! it. Tlm following is :1 list of :1 few of our debtom. Names will he ummitwd as accounts are settled am-l mlms will be added from limo to time :â€" \Vm. llsem‘y, len'itlgu, to mlv $1 50 O. \V. Kmuuniv, Dentist,Pruner- Iv of Baum-Hun now in To- Ionlo, print: 11‘ 20 25 Alex. \chks ,leunukl‘l', Beaver tm- printi!1_~,..................... l 0 ll. inns-w M.D..0f01illia,to adv. and plinling............... 9 25 F. H. Bmitlnvailv, M. 1)., f0:- merly nf Beavertun, to adv. 11ml printing..................... 4 75 Peter Bun-nit, RL 8., of Oriliia, to printing”.................... 1 O F. Hundemou, Insurance agent, furmerlv m" 331341121l.un......... 10 00 \V. B.I\l::K_Vus, baker, (lmul lnmt, . formerly of Cmmingwu zunl \Vouzlvillee, to adv. and print.- 111:: 5 20 I AT his ruaixience, E'dml, on Thunsday the 2nd inst, Mr. Neil McAlpiu~:, aged 5! years. l’xs'rlumulm’ March 2,â€"ldwt night a mu!) name-l \VIHUH, from men, and mm Cashing who lives in the was! on! of 1ch town. hav- imghueu carnusing tuguther. quarrullml iu the l-m- rmm 0| l'halen’u huLcI. Wihmu gm, Cashing down behind the bar and mm: him brutally uvor tlm hum]. sumahing fiv» «le- cnutcru over (l‘ushing'u head huforo thoy cvmh! In) separately. Uushiug haul to ho pluc- ml unvlcr medical :uttmulJu-m, and is badly injm-(ul. Wilson Hal bul‘uru the arrival at the p-rlice. Warrants are out for him panic. mt‘u. AT the residence of her daughter. at 12 O'z'lnck. mm". on Sunday. March 6th, 1‘33 iznbuth, widow of the late Hugh Cameron, lately of Aiaripvsa Aged S'i years. an‘ l‘dlufi', March 7th. ~‘l‘lw handsome residence of Dr. J. H. Sangater. M. Beechw- hnnt here. was burned tn Um grmm-l about four o'clock this morning. With it was burn- ud u conwrvntury. among the linoxt in the cmmtry. and liilcd WIN] chuicu exnt'm plants. The furniture was partially amml. The fire originated in the furnace mom. Loss $17,- 000 or $15.00.», insurance 87.500. 1mm ago. and wan-lied fur Mr. Wu). \ fins hue"! “Ural in tin med“! n'pibzuy‘} with the [Saar-I. ”a pr-Nunl H {mm U gm [0 England «as! juiniwi n wgiuwut, 'whiui. Was at'wnvm'ds sunc tn Um rap; mu w“ “Ugtgml in the IM‘: difiuiwus lmuffi. Tun folimviug arc the “mum Ummuiu- inucrs for this district : Mr. I}. '1‘. “unison. Bruolfliu, fur S'util Ontario; Mr. \V.. Mu- l’hoo. Popular Grove, {or North Ontario: Mr. R. Yam-u. Uavnu. for limb Durham ; Cu). L‘uhilt, lzonnuvilln, for Wat Durham. Manx-rs John Ihilua and C. F. Blmuuy are We euumemmr: fur Oslm.\'a.â€"~ I'Lrliccuur. Cadan’ille. Gray Cmmfv, Ont I)" I" I .e . I ' I 0' , , '1 I mlebiel to th. 18% OUR QLACK L!3T. FOR SALE. PAY UP! IMPROVED NOTICE ! K sxxm‘n CAMPBELL Amos CAMPBELL. 90‘ :4. R. ROGERS. \Voodville.

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