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Woodville Advocate (1878), 10 Mar 1881, p. 8

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55" Rut turn in the Minor sidp n! Hu- quostinn nl' nnmeemwnts. “'0 haw nu iwsimtim. or diffinulw in Nun‘s-mums: m: \rmnja-nl Anti. “hf?!“ml a" fnruts "f mnnsenu‘ut that par‘ Min! of tho nature of gunhliur. There are mam- npw-i‘ . uf Iramh'ing mnl sumo Izm’e “Hm? up (heir :9» rile Ems as; n \Vizhf'n. ‘hc Iran-tire ontiwlv. Tn witness or engaue in Ilerivnl pvrfurnmnm's M n numlv mum] and inh‘llvomul clmrnnto-r. Sf \Vushduhl have Mich. wmfld now-r In! mmlmmn-d luv the maize nf Hm Christian \mrlcl. flvnnmgfic oxnrcim“ and sum-h (If vnv'inns k‘lr's are “'0'. \vfthmxt their influc 'w' fnr g» «I un the hhvsiml rnmrimtimt I might Lo desired to specify those forms of recreation or muusement that certainleir- cumstancra render legitimate. those that are Nirelyinnocont. and those that are ahmlnte- ly wrong. lint this would ll: almost an endless task. and perham I am incompetent. to do silch a thing. I think it is best that definite tents and principles should he laid down which shall he applicahlo to all forms of amusements. However. I may be pm. initled to specify a fear. Some of the rumscments. pleasures and V euterlaiummts that engage the attention of many l cannot denounce as nhsolntely wrong. A social patlle‘inu of friends of congenial minds. of congregatiom. of societies, might very inno. eenlly pass a few hours in musical and literary exercises (call it Concert or Social 0r whatever you please) and prove not onlv a source of rnjovment. but mental iumrcwv. mont as well. To take. the Sahlpath School children and others: into the onon tibld and allow them rud onenurm'zo them to enjoy thenwolvns in innonouf amusement would not only lu- justifialilo. hut. productive of good results. In I‘Ct'fll‘d to the question of private or domestic daum- my feelings and tun-pathics lead me to discol‘intonanee and disronrazm it. for its ta-vdonoy is to create that form of dancing which I nuhesitatinulv condemn. [give it. as a Christian advic- tlmt it is lu-ft and snfratto refrain from the 1 can conceive some species of amusements lying very close to the boundary line, .‘Tullle tly on one side and partly on the other. ok at that form of amusement, itis partly on one side and partly on the other. How can this he 2 The answer is, not only is the nature of the amusement to be considered, but also the circumstances, the society, the object, the motive, the influence and other considerations. That which stands wholly on the prohibited side of the lino, or the part that stands on that side of the line no circumstance or consideration can make lawful. They are wrong. they are sinful. But what attitude shall or ought we to maintain towards amusements of the ‘ former class. It would he an infringement of christian liberty and violation of the law of love to deny the right of private judg- Jnent and Christian discretion in this matter. “We cannot authoritatively suv " you must "have nothing to do with these forms of recrea- tion." But we may counsel that it is wisest and best to keep at a 'distance from the. line. It is the part of the wise to keep as far from danger as possible. if you engage in these exercises or amusements them is dangerâ€"for the temptation is strong, that you will step over the line. "l‘here am} be many forms of recreation which you cannot enjoy and which you would erase out readily from the catalogue 'of legitimate amusements. Your education. your training. vour nae, your prejudice. the influence with which you are surround- ed, your position in Society and many other considerations may account for this. There is a certain groove which you follow. and any (lcviafion from that will be regarded by you. it may be, not only with distrust, but as subversive of christian morality. It is not principal that always rules but preju- dice bearing the name of principle. “'hile we readily see in the chart giVen hy the beneficient Creafor for our instruction and 'uuidauce a broad field of enjoyment and recreation we cannot close our eyes to the ‘ clear statements aml principhza of prohibi- tion ” Thus far thou mayest go but no fur~ ther." Thor-:isamark that most not he passedâ€"a line that must not be gone over. The line of Zinniarcation between that which is right and lawful and that which is wrong and prohibited is very clearly dmwu in the law which ought to regulate and con- trol christian life and conduct. And where there is even an approximate realisation of the true ideal of Christian life there will be little tendency to overstep the boundary line betWeen that which is lawful and that which is prohibited. The craving after many forms of questionable amusement arises not so much from i 'liurance of their ; questionable character as noun the absence ‘ of higher delights an d Spiritual enjoyments. Let me see the nerson Who livus in close fellowshi with od; who enjoys much of the life 0 heaven on earth ; Whose soul is filled with the comforts of the Holy Ghost and I am sure the much contested question of amusements will trouble him noth.ng as far as his own enjo muit is concerned. But. enjoyment in the avour of God does not imply, nor do we advocate exclusion from all forms of recreation which agreeably en- tertain the mind. There are many forms of amusements perfectly lawful and the most devout may engage in them in ceusnstencv with an elevated s iritual character. it is "Qt piety tOWardi 10d or righteousness and love towards men that will lead any man tn rn unqualified denunciation of all forms of recreation ; but too often a. spirit of asceti~ cism, of prejudice, of fanaticism and sickly ; sour aentiuientaliain. With such spirit an Mtlve, vigorous, healthy, practical christian- ity__l_ias no sympathy. The elements thst enter into the being 0! men are many and varied. . Posse-sail: us he does a physical. mental and u more con- otitutiou and o susceptibility of devout area. “on towards God. the world in which he is placed is well fitted to gratify his propen- sitiou and desires whether for good or far evil. He will find tem nations enticing him to evil and powerful in uences drawing him towards the good, but to what influence he shall voluntarily yield depends on the strength of his moral nature invigorated by Christine principies. " lhe attitude which Christi-u people would maintain in relation to owuaumuuts “d pleasumu'” , The following oddreu wu doliverud by the llev. John MoNabb, Beaverton, before the Sabbath School Convention of the Pro:- bytery of Lmdnny. hold It le-ridfie on the 23rd February, 1881, and published by re- quest of the Convention :â€" LIIIJHBIIES". in $ Outfit furnished tree, with full in~ ‘ ] strnclions for conducting the most profitable business that anyone can engage in. The luIsineSs is 80 easy to learn and our instructions are so simple and Fluin that any one can make great profits mm the very start. No one can fail who is willing to ~ork. “'omen are as successful as men. Boys and girls can earn large sums. Many hm'e made at the business over one hundred dollars in n single wuek. Nothing like it eVer known before. All who engage are sur~ prised at the ease and rapidity with which they are able to make money. You can en- gage in this business during \‘onr spare time at unlit profit. You do not have to invest capital in it. “'0 take all the risk. Those who uce‘l really munvv. should write to us at once. All Inrnisluml free. Address Tut}: \: (.‘o.. Augusta. Maine. A nmux ME‘U I‘oiuoes .-\I:‘rn ..E needs no high moulding Words to enforce its elninis upon public attention ; nevertheless, com- mon sense is frequently outraged by ahsurd pretentious in hehali‘ of propiietary medi- cines, which doubtlesx~ pm eas little or no value. It is and even w.” he the aim of the proprietors of Northmp Lyman‘s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and llypopllihpllites a: Line and Soda, to limp within riawnahle bounds Ill this respect. They do not: asst-rt. for instance that their preparation will our. come matured eonsumpfiou. '1 hot: lh bottle» thing which hallles all human skill to areum- ‘ plish ; but they do alledge, and the anutiou is corroborated by positire and direct ttai‘i- loony, that this medicine, £1" (Ixnl in (Yule tor. tilics the delicate tissue of the lungs and hroneial tubes agailmt the dwiroying \llSth‘lSl) For coughs, colds. larynfiili». incipient bronchitis, and scrol‘ula in ra ions form». it; is a a reliahlv, prompt and sure remedy. 'l‘he phosphorus which it contains is a most: useful agent in endowing an enfrebled system with tone and vigor by furnishing the blood with an element of nutrition and richness ; while lime and Soda which are, as well as phosphorus. natural constituents of the body, impart strengthening properties to the bones. .\o mystery eushrouds the composition of this article. It»; ingredients are indicated in its name. and it contains nothingr at which the roost. searclnn; analyst or the most tmtidiuus pmetiiiouer can raril. For the in- formation of physicians. we will add. that a dose for an adult contains two grains "flt‘r’l of hypophosphites of lime and soda 'I‘hoarni cle is prepared from choicest materials hv Northrop (it Lyman, Totonto, and is sold by all drnggisis. 3 of (Wary domriptiou. go to Tm: mom-m: Office 55‘ The largest and cheapest stock of Mantlcs in “'oodville at. McIntyre 5'. Prior's If you should not be able to enjoy your- self in engaging in those rforlns of pleasure that are innocent your influence for goodwill be enhanced by encouraging and directing so far as you can those who enjoy their innocent recreations nucl not by dissociating yourself from the sociallife while that life due« not come in contact with the moral filth of the world. Fonfilale Biils, llmse Bills HilllfiJOlh This question of amusement should be dealt wit in the spirit of Christ. Much injury m be done to the cause of the Re- decmer by being punctillinusly exacting. Prejudice and a. misconception of duty do a great deal of injury by imposing a yoke ‘ which render religion repulsive and not at tractive. If you cannot enjoy entertain- ments which may be to many sources of much enjoyment end pleasure do not con- demn or restrain them in their enjoyments so far as these are of a purely innocent nature. It may seem superfluous to give such a caution. Is this not what every one will do 2 It depends on the spectacles you mar. If you wear blue everything wlil appear to you blue and you will incessantly be giving the warning of danger. But if you wear the pure white crystal of practical Christian knowledge and experience you will see things in their true colour and call them by their right names. l have thus given a few examples of the forms of nmlm ment that are right and some that are wron-z. I did not attempt to ex. lmust he catalogue for the amusements in point f numher are legion. But let these examples suffice fur the whole. I have to say in connection with this enumeration l have made that if any Christian brother or sister should think that some of these amusements placed on the right side of the line should he on the prohibited side, that in deference to their convictions those who may he of a contrary mind should refrain from participation in them. The grand principle of self-denial so heantifully and terscly laid down by Paul should be exer- cised. Be not the cause of giving offence to any of the members of Christ’s hodv. ’l‘he Bull-room promiscuous dancing is unquestionably among the forms of ammo- ‘ment urohihitcd. Among the many lim‘s forbidden in the seventh commandment according to the Larger Catechism ol the “'estminter Assembly is dancing. and also ntoue plays. This form of art‘nsement hrinys in its‘tmin undue excitement. late hours, extravaaont and perhaps immodest opmrel envv, jealonsv and vnnih'. “nnchasto movements and contacts.” The society is miscellaneous. The most vile and morally filthy are found within those Halls of revolâ€" ry. A sense of propriety as well as lov'ilty to the Divine Master should lead all who have m y regard for Christ to shun the Ball~ l i To pstronize or engage in the plays of the theatres of the (luv (not the ideal theatre to which I referred) cannot be right. The immoral Ind often the bhsphemons plays enncted ; the vulgar and uncouth attitude which actors anclhrtresses often assume the immorslsnd indecent costume often worn are repulsive to the sense of Christian re- finement, and the whole tone of the theatre is most demoralizing. stimulates and ex- citebevil passions. We would pronounce unmixed denunciation on this form of amusement. Shun it. for itis the enemy of (ind uni! of your highest interests. All forms 0! unnuments or pleasure: where money in involved and betting pne- timl, such as horse-racing. boat-tuck) . milling. billiards. wd-pluying and ul 33mm of ohmoe are wrong and subversive of morality, equity. love sud Christian recti- tude. Sanctum-y 01 God. This in amunement gone mad. It in simply ubomiushle and should not be talented in 1 Christina congregation. It in gambling. _ [oos'nxvrm NEXT WEEK. And ill proof of this strong statement. we can furnish ahumlant testimonials frnm those lmvmg them in use. To intcmicd purclmurs We would say, c-mle :unl ‘sue it for yourselves, and, we feel confident you will be entirely satisfied that they are all they are represented. ' The Best Mill Manufactured In The Dominion. It is a perfect cleaner. and chall’er. It will take out \Vil:l Oats peri ctly. It will take uni; all tackle, Chess and other iuul seeds. makinar a perfect sample of Market \‘i'ncan. it is a most perfect separator. and will separate all the large kernels from the small and shrunken graim. It is very rapid in its action. In sepmates all kin-ls of grafiu :H We“ as seals, and if Data and Peas, or Timothy and Clm‘er seed are united hisullhfl‘ and put through this Mill. they will come out perfeebly separated. It. wi’l scgnrrate small and spllt l’uas from large Peas, taking them from the chael' in the must perfect manner. The Honey Imprchd Fanning Mill and Separalvr. is “Ckllu\\'ll‘tl3ul ‘uy all to be A WRITTEN GunRANTEE THAT OUR MILL IS ALL THAT 1‘3 CLAWED 5:03. IT \\ c desire to call the attention nf the farming commmxz ty to the above \\ ell known F1nnin-' Mill, now being manufactured at our “mks. We in»: plcpnrcd tugivci {‘NEY’S IMPROVED PANNING MILE. l‘efvr ('. (.‘Jmphell INN started business oppamte Gregor Camp} pw pa ml to do :l‘! kind: of \Vagguu '5'. Um‘nage-Bunldmg. {opus-I: ins. l’mmmly lif‘ccnbed. WHITE BRO, NIPISSING 11mm SUB-<0!” BE FOR “THE ADVO C.\'I‘H.” TH E BEST PAPER IN THE COUNTY OF VICTORIA. Parties \rishing the prescription will please address. Rev. E. A. WILSON, 194 Penn St" \Villiamsburgh, N. Y. The advertiser, having been permanen t‘ly cured of that dread disease, ('mhmhplimi, by a simple remedy. is mnimu to make known to his fellow suflcrers the means of cure. To all who desire it. he Will send a cupy of the, prescriptiun used, (free of charge) with the diwcliuns 'nr preparing and usmg the same, which they will Iiml a sum; Cum: Pol: Cossum'rrux, Axl'ill'l, Bimscm'rls, c. A. 0'. SMITH, HARNESS MAKER SADDLEB M}. Ti’ ) CONSUMPTIVES. ui' Manufacturers of [Reapers Movvers and 'I‘lmmlliu: Machinw prefer " U‘lslurinu “ Machine 011 In any other. It Will uutweur lam]. Soul or Elephant. and is warrnutc‘l not to gum. a P . G- CAMPBELL, ABBEAGE 8c. lLVAGGONr MAKER =2 Nanci-l run. supâ€"grim to all 9¢h¢r put alive: in wealth and mu, in salary and unldnus 0 Action. [III-dock leaning Ointment 3110de used In connection with Burdock Blood Bitters curing Ulcers, Abscess-es, Fevers, Sores, RT. P; :5 centsper box. T.)IlLl}URN (50., gfi'UW " Cutoriue’t ‘Mfumigw UN fur nil .<£|l :- A t: ‘01 blaetaMaKer nderiake;, ‘V. G. STODDART, um aulzsim tin] set. M Double or Single "tuners. Smith cannot be beaten Q L -"‘ .« :RIL; U'xlllxl\ Jul JiOCk. ( ‘S I l':\”) EUR ’1le KING STREET, W0 DDVI LLE. IL’ING STRE 9T, IVOOD VILLE. TERM, MODERATE. GIVE Hm A 'CAL Hearse furnisheJ at. short notice mnl nu n-usonulp'n terms WOOD‘IILLE ON T251310.) es, l-‘evem, Sores, c. Pricé MILBURN (50., ' SOL: Acne-rs. 'l'onos'ro. 5}}on be for GENTLEMAN who suffered fr-r years frum Nerruus Debility,’Premature De- cay, and all the effects of ynullifnl llllllHCI‘O' tiou, will for the sake of sunk-ring hmnauity. send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for hakll‘g the simple nemedy by which lie was cured. Sull‘crers willing to profit by the advertiser‘s experin-nce can do so by addressing in perfect confidence. ERRORS OF YOUTH. SHING‘LES! Terms, Strictly Cash. In the latest Myles and min-ms, cm hand for the Fall Trude. CA LL AND E.\'_~\ M [NE '1‘” EM BEFORE PURUUAMM; ELSEWIU'IHE. CANADIAN , ENGLISH, SCOTCH Samvlos of ‘1‘!l‘-(Il{ BIIUADC [.01 H. DOE . III“. JOHN B. OGDEN, 4'2 ()ulnr St. N. Y- *MUNRO 3303. B0 LSO VE R. A RTIES contemplating building will find it to their advantage to apply tu‘ TWEEDS. SKINS. \\'ou.s‘"'i‘1-ili' iifi'i'i'xk'fis'lmfi‘ 'l‘lKOUSI-JHNUS, VENE’I‘IA N5, in Black and Blue, OVERCOATINGS, :v‘l'ogurflCaxgphdl'i 91:! stand, and is ’. MCSWEYN , \V()()I)VILL CH 1‘} A P. MERCHANT TAILOR, A N Purchasers shonld 1901: to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If tho address is not 533 Oxford Stroat London? the? are spurious. 64 I '- The Tm‘lc Marks of these Medicines are re 'lstcrul in Ottawa. Hence, anyone throughout the Biitish Possession, i'h" nmv keep the American Conuterfeito or sale, “ill be prosecuted. V533? 0X FORD STREET, LONDON, And are sold Iny all Vendors of Medicines throughout the Civilized World; with (11. n-x_:_g_iur.s__fnr_nsc_i‘n qltnosg miery lnpguggt}. The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only as And m'cry'kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has never been known to fail. Iii-a an infallible remedy. If cifectnally .ubbcd u'u the nu‘k and chest, as salt. into meat, it cures .50“ 3"” RUA'I‘, Dip‘dxeriq, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and oven ASTHMA. For Glandular Swdhngs, Ab- scesscss, Piles, Fistuins, 9L8 Efi'QUEBS, SGRES AHD ULBEBS Its Sagycnmgr 9n: 39mg rropsmes are 2:207:12. "“roughont tho Wcrld. Fm tin-.- cun; m BAD LLGS, Bad Breasts, LIVER. Sl‘UM .XUII, KIDN EYS; and BUH' ELS, giving tone, energy. and vigour to these great MAIN SPRINGS 01" “FE. Tiny an: contidcufiy recommended as a. IIcYcI‘ Ruling manual); in all cases when: t-hu unnstimfiion, from whatever cause, has become impaired or Weakenctl. They are wonderfully efficacious in ail ailments inci- dental to Funnies of all ages: and as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE. axe GENTS WANTED.â€"l5ig Pay. Light __ Wouk. Steady Empluymcnt. Som- lcs Fl‘ct'. Address, M. L. bYRN, 49 «emu Street. New York. These famous l‘dis purify the 151.001), and act must, poucri: :l.y, y at soothing on the This Great gouachom Medicine ranks man: the leading noocssarzcs of mm Is nuw prepared to execute all kinds of I wi'l mail (Free) the I'm-Spa for a simple VIZ! R'I‘u: F. L'u u that will rrlnmxs TAN, [Nil-LL'KIJLN. l’lkll'l‘fi‘i and EL I|".‘HES, Inning the skin mt}. Hear and beautiful ; aLuiustwuu um i-.- ,umhuing a '0 min: growth m i'air on :1 u.‘.‘cl thJ' I-â€"' nnnolh lacs. Mann. iw"u~:n_;{ tie. at mm, Ban. YmuleL‘ (V 00., 3 liuimum Hl. AK. Y Am)“: at ”N: S'I ;.u.‘\(-. In: Gout, Rheumatism, The Advocate JOB WORK IOBIIENG and L't ‘ YUM \VORK pamllpt‘y c..cu.z.cd. '1': nH \ mh. Garcia's. SQLgCM‘ED. pod wu’ml FRUIT CAKES. M IXEDTEA CAKES. l’AlIl‘lBsfi SUPPLIED WHOLESALE. The Wthc LUGS? BERwE'slii FAMILY BREAD A rmstron g’s 500A. AHI'II'NI'J'I‘HY, AND FRUIT BISCUITS, \\'HULI‘28.’-\l.l§ AN!) RETAIL. Ron: and Z‘utry a Specialty PIMPLES. Cheap and Quick unsurpassed. WUOIH‘ILLE. IS UNXLP .\l“?‘.w 1:) W. \V. A!“- H}. \VUUJ mile. J3? i3 SERBiE, IN THE I'OUN'I'Y -‘l“.\| nu Stuart St' 11, 112.”:ny l‘l U l-"l‘s

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