The Highest Prico paid for MINK, FOX, and all other Raw Fur. Clerk lst Div xsion ( ‘ourt County Victoria. Secretary L‘Mun B. A. Sucictv. Ab 'eut P. B S Cou.}Hn\'. Conveyancer, Commit sinner in Qwuu's Bench. Onecfthe above will be of. Hamilton’s Hotel,3eavcrtun, on the SECOND MGR- DAY 0f each month. He will also visit “'oodvklle on the Second TUESDAY of catch month, stopping at Mcl’heraun’u 1! 0t: . J. Hummus, a“: .5. I :05. PENTLASD, unis. “Clerk 7th Division Court County Victorin. Conveyancer, Commissioner in Queen’ 5 Beach, Rotary Public, kc..c. Oflice, Vic- tori: Road Station. , OODVlLLE LIVERY STABLES. HENRY ED‘VABDS. PNWOI. Livery Rigs at any time sud It all hours on the shortest notice. Special Attention given to Commercial Travellem. Charge-I always moderate. TERMS. CASH. Sta.- bles In connection with the Eldon House. ALFRED MCDOL'GALL | ARCH. J. Sxxcum Orders by mm! for Surveying, Levelling, (1%.. will receive fprumpt. ntcntion. l’. 8. MA lynx . (linenâ€"Rooms lately occupied by W. M. (,‘ochmue, Biglow'a Block, ligrt l’crry. «I. J. GAVE number. PR 019:-«115' I 0 VA L 0.4 R US. Nd“ and other Negotiable Paper bought. Money to Loan on ï¬rst-class security at 6 hp 6‘ pe_r ceu_t. Ageiné for A. hARRlS, SON 8: 00.. Brantford, Mnnuhcturera of Reapers, Mow- ers, Self-Binders, kc. â€". "08. IDWAIPS l'copfletor. Finbclaas accommodation and attentive servants. Bar well suppliai with the choic- oat liquors and cigars. '8“ to and from all trains and every convenicme for the travel- ling public. VOL VI. IDLAND AND NIHSSING HOTEL Lornovillo. “I. lllllllm Pun-lent. This hotel in in every way com late to meet the requirements of the travc ling public. Meals served on the imiul of all trains which stop here, on both railways. twenty minutes for rcfreshmems. Goml waiting rooms. Bar tlwnys supplied with the best. bands of liquor: and 015m. " ' mums summon, Proprietor. This ï¬rst-class house hos just been re- ï¬tted, fumishld and olherwtse renovated unflimprovcd. Bcin 'n the centre of the business part of tho Villsgo, and furnished with splendid sample rooms. it is therefote most convenient for trsiellers and commer. cial men, and tho pullic generally. 'l‘ho Bsr is supplied with the best of Liquors and Cigsrs. Good Stables sud liostler in at. beï¬tlanco. litoney-nt-lnw, Solicitor In Chancery. Comeyunwr, «a, £6. ('A'TII. "AIITRI. «he. Carting done to and from all art» 0f the village. Nipiuing and Midlam Railway stations. Chargealnolonw. Renidonce,ono {Igor nojjgh of Eldon Hones), Queen Shoot, Woodvillo. Money to Loan at 6 per cent. . OFFICESâ€"Kent Street. lands 1y, Ontario. {vacant for Union Loan Snvlnx‘s (to. Dominion Land Survey", Draught:- mn and “alunor. COUNTY LUCTIO‘EBI. OFIICEâ€"Oue door east of Post 00360, \‘Coodville. Out. EORGE WILLIS MILLAB, EOR'I‘HERN HOTEL, Woodvillo. RED. G. MILLAR, hunters, Solicitors, Notaries. ta 'EELAN DS in PENTLAN D. Mums mwsam. mm D. SINCLAIR, BULL CAMPBELL ’Ali’HN HOL’KIN‘. LDON HOUSE, Woodvide. CDUUGALL SINCLAIR, BARRISTERS, 80 LXCII‘OKS 6!. A. MAY (SEE. DENTISTS, ‘16., “assay, 0'“. M. CAMERON. GENERAL CA RDS. G. CAVANA, P. L. S. Loan Co's Building 28 E 30 Tomato Street. Toronto. 110 TEL LIA RDS. Onucxâ€" Bnechin, 0m. MON EY T0 LOAN. WOODVILLB. G. 1!. Horxxxs. Wilson “A." \"ilson “B" and “Royal†Sewing Machine: and Needles kept; commut- ly on hand. Oï¬ice of Montreal Telegraph Company, Kirktield, Ont. Having bought the shop and ï¬xture: of Mr. G. C. Smith, Butcher, customers can rely on getting the beat of Beef at all times, and other meats in season. Parties having {at cattle to dispose of will plensc call or «cave word at my shop. Farmers \\ antiug meal; will I lease leave their order t .e nip :ht below at that shop. The highest cash pri‘e paid for HIDES. fistem and GENTLEMAN who suffered for years _A from Returns chility, Promaturu De- cay. and all the ditch: of youthful iudiacre- tio'), will for the sake of suli'cring humanity. «ad free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cmcd. Sull‘uers willing to pruu'L by the aclv-éat’xcr‘a cxyuri-guca can do by addressing; in wncct conï¬dence. OGDEN. Uudal‘ ELL, N A large assortment of whips from lbcts. up. W HAMIESS COLLARS, HALTIRS, “IFS CURRY 009588, BRUSIEIS, TRUNKS VALISES AZ“) All. KIND OF uonse FURMSHING JAM-ES STUISRT. HARNESS MAKER, SADDLER c ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING NEATLY AND QUICKLY EXECUTED. ERRORS OF YOUTH The Subscriber is prepared to lend Money at greatly reduced rates of interest in sums of At from 6 TO 7 PER CENT. According to amount required and terms of yment on a. Straight Loan or Sinking nd System. lnstulments l'tfl uired to re« pay A Loan of $1,000 in the following periods: 10 years, $143.20. 20 years, $95.30. These Sums psyshle st the end of each year pay off the entire debt. Principal and Interest. NO COMMISSION. NO FINES. Expenses reduced. I. C. GILCllRlS'l‘, Postmaster, Woodville. Don’t forget your Insurance. J. C. Gil- christ is also sgeut for several ï¬rst-class lu- sursuce Companies. Farmer's risks taken st lowest rates. Dominion. Standm (I ‘Q: Citizens Insurance (:(nnpaniaa. Also Agent for tho ALL NEW “'ORK \VARRANTED. I OH N MCTAGG A RT, Kirkï¬ed. COMIIISSIONEB I! I). I†CON'BIL‘CIR G ENERAL INSU IANCE AGENT; â€"-MONEY T0 L513 at 6 per cent.â€" mruovm) 517513 FOR SALE. otib‘iéxii T( D CONSUMPTIVBS. The advertiser. having been permanently cured of that drew! disease. Consumption. by A simple mmedy. is anxiona to make knuwn to his fellow-enliven the means of cure. To all whn desire it he WI“ aenda copy of the prescription used, (free of charge ) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they willztind a nun: Cum: [on UONaUMP‘I'lON, ASTHMA, Binmvnms. 810.7 "I‘l‘ï¬â€˜I-‘tié-swwvv‘i's‘l‘niug the prescription will plouo nddrcws, . Rev. E. A. WILSON; 194 Penn Williamsburgh, N. Y. ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSTS. LIQUOR TEA (30 uuâ€"wwvu gym vv. 'l‘ry awn-mi goutwok, YOUR OWN UGH MCCORQ UODA LE. Begun-lug Prompt): Attended to. CHEAP MONEY ! I>lbllV1w .‘9: ‘ 2711!!) . $200 to $20,000, OODVILLE PUMP FACTORY. OODVILLE I! \RNLSS SHOP m ESTABL‘SRE’, 185. WOODVILLE â€ETC-Ell SHOP. em and We“ Pumps, FORCE PUMPS SUPPLIED. WODDWLLE; ONT. JACOI BARNES. TERMS CASH,_ 0RD ERR S‘OLICITED. MAN [I FAL‘TL‘RER O, Agent for the \VOODVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 2 1882. tom: TERMS, CASH. Shop over McIntyre : Prlor‘s Store, trance, Side Door. f“ j}; -â€"- ,1 \“k’ ï¬g"; 9:“ \é‘h Atalk‘ï¬} 7-1 1 \‘ 15: .\ 303010 twig “B After ng. 4am?“ ENGLISH REMEMâ€" Providefor the Weak under Your Charge! â€"â€"CA NADIANâ€" Suits made t9 order from the latest and most fashionable styles. All work guaranteed An unfailing; cum lur Seminal \Venknesa, Spel‘n‘atm-elma. Impoluicg, and all diseases that. folluw :w 3 mm.- ‘queucc nf Naif-Abuse; as lows of mommy. Universal Lassitude, Pain in tht'. iavk, Iliunwss of Vision. Premature Old Age. and many other di eases that lead to Insanity or Chimunqrtion and n premature grave. Full particulars in our pamphlet. whichwi: desire tn 20ml free liy mail to away one. If The Srm-n-‘w Minnow: is Sold by all druggists at $3! per package, or six packagm fur :35, or will he sent free by mail on rcccipi. of the mum-y. by addressing HEAD OFFICE: 63 King Street East, Toronto. Incorporated Aug. 24, 1830 OFFICERS 3 Wu. Ruxxxz, Esq., Toronto, President. A. GlFl-‘qlib, ‘Esqq Meafotd, Uut., Vice- Director. G30. 11. “'mwou, L.L.B.. Torontn, Solicitor. S. \V. HILL. Esq, Iiidgeville, Membership Superintendent. Executive Committee: Wu. BESSIE, W. P. Paun, J. P BULL. IRA ARGUE, Agent, \Voodville. President. YV. l’tmnmmx PAGE, Esq†Toronto, Sec'y. E. H. llthnuN, Esq†Uxbridgn, Treasurer, R. B.‘RUBI£K‘ISUN. M. 0., Toronto, Medical HEPEDEHSD?! WEDHTBUMEBY radon-yaw. Gum's TRADI yank. MARBLE Monuments, Tombstones, GRANI‘IEE W033. BUILDING PURPOSES, QERJIS, REASONABLE. 3. COHNEIL, Esq.,Agent London Mutual. Lindsay. DEAR Simâ€"Have the goodness to convey to thu Directors of the "London Mutual" our thanks for their promptncss in paying uur claims in full, arising from the losses by the recent bush tires. Alex. Clarke, Ops. James McGahey, Emily, Edward Kerr, " Joseph McL‘mmell. " Matthew Wilson, Ops, 'l‘isos. McCabe, Ops, Edwin Prouso, Malipou, Tnos.'Kully. Emily. Martin Harrington, Emily. Guy Iii-any. Verulam, U. H. Tiers, " Isaac Gostlin, Laxton, “lull l’nilcy. “ Margaret. Kerr. “ John Cliovnuuth, Fcnelon, Edawrd Malone. Ups. 1’. B. Mcllhargey, Lindsay, James â€()Wfll'll. Vorulum, John Wilson. Ops. Rubi. Mchelers, Verulam, John Kumbcl. " Limimy, ()ct. 15211. 1881. $566 900 600 590 9 15 596 902 450 795 550 872 2 l 5 60 250 530 630 40 400 350 70 350 ASK your dealer for Castorine Ma- Mnchino ()il mul two that the ban-rel is rundml “ Gaston-inc," as none other is “unuiuo. WOODVILLE, ONT. MUTUAL AID ARD 01" THANKS. CA‘.‘ DEALER IS AND HANUFAUI‘UIIER OF EXANDER MI‘ECHELL, 0N 51101: TEST LOTICE. BUSIN SSS CARDS. THE GRAY MEDICINE Co. Toronto, Ont ASSOCIATION. “BRIDGE S'l‘.. LINDSAY. AXD ALI. DESCRIPTIDNS 0F ALI. KISDS 0P STONE FOR CUT TO ORDER SPEClflG â€ENC"!!! Mniipou, lmily. Emily. Fonelon, Ups. Lindsay, \ crnlum, Ops, V er ulam, .£~] 872 2l5 no 250 530 630 40 400 350 en- The Enjoyment of Eating and Drink and m Penalufl. \Ve nerd not state that vo‘umes have been written upon the above subject since the days of the renowned (won rivunl, Cor- nsro, down to the latest treatise designed to enable us to judge for ourselves in the up» propriatcness of our habitual eating and drinking. It is impossible to deny the great utility of such information ; but, nn~ fortunately, mankind in general lends a deaf ear to warnings when the tastes and the passions are in question. As the world wags, we fear the people would continue to eat and diink just according to their taste and humour for along time yet to come, especially when they ï¬nd that, by a timely recourse to some such medicine as Hollo- way’s Pills. they can easily and readily get rid of all the conetitutional disorders caused by over-feeding and intempcrnnce, a few of these Pills sufliclng in the majority of in- stances to set a man “all right" overnight to begin his day of labour, after having yielded to the temptation of what is techni- cally called “a blow out." No doubt your soda-water or citrate of magnesia may seem to be equally effective, but, unfortunately, in very many cases much more requires to be done than can be effectzd by these other- wise very pleasant and saline libations. All over-feeding-â€"every not of' inteinperanceâ€" must necessarily conlaminale the blood, and the vitiated blood must necessarily impair every organ through which it {flows. Now, in order to correct this effect, a radical re- medy is required, and such is that invented by Holloway, whose Pills, as we have stated, have superseded almost every other “cor. rective" or“altemtive" of the old school. Perhaps this results, not only from the power of their purifying agency. but also from their gentle and almost imperceptible regenerating action-without any inconâ€" veuieuco in the general routine of lifeâ€"re- quiring no extraordinary precautions to pre- vent “cawhing cold" or morbid reucticns. If report 1L0 correct, no medicine stands in higher rc'p-ite at our fashionable clubs and ofliccra' quarters than Holloway’s Pills. although very few of the patients can allow their gratitude to admit the fact in return for the beneï¬tâ€"The Adviser. Council met February 11th, 1882. Mem- bers all present. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Petition presented from Geo. Sutor and 104 others for a grant in aid of fencing the Agricultural Show ground. '1“ nders for printing auditors’ re~ I port were also received. Application for ofï¬ce of Township Commissioner, Ewen H. Cameron. Communication read, Reeve to President M. ll. 00.. re-land to widen Lake Shore road. No reply. Resolved. that a By-law be brought in to specify the salary to be paid the Township Clerk, $250 per anni 2-. “plant read. lesolved that By- law No. 2 he lea-l a second and third time and passed, and that the iteeve do sign the same and cause the ('oiporation Seal to be applied thereto. --l}_v-law passed. Resolved, that a By-lsw be now brought in to appoint certain Tounship ollicers. Council ï¬lled in the names of pathmasters, fence viewers, pound-keepers, commissioner, keeper of lock-up. and caretaker of Town Hall. Moved by Mr. Mcllae, seconded by Mr. Galloway, that Mr. Jno. Murray be re-ap- pointed Collector of taxes and that his name be now inserted in the Hy-law now before i the council. Mr. Thompson, seanded by Mr. Leslie, moved in amendment. that Mr. Donald Ross be appointed Collector of taxes for the current year. Amendment lost, and Mr. Murray's name inserted in By-law. Re- solved, that By-law No. 3, 1882, be now read a second and third time and passed, and that the Reeve do sign the same and cause the Corporation Seal to be attached thereto. â€"-By law passed. Resolved, that a By-law be now lmought in to open the allowance for road bethen 2nd and 3rd Cons. from the Lake Shore road to the Lake. Byolaw read a ï¬rst time. Mr. Jno. (lrimt heard in opposition to proposed By-law, Messrs. Skinner and Robinson in support. Resolved, that whereas it appears that Mr. loht. Calder has fences on said road allowance, be it resolved that further consideration of By- law be postponed until Mr. Calder ho noti- fied. Resolved, that the Township Commis- sioner be instructed to take joint action with a Commissioner from l'ldon :ior repair- ing the bridge on town lino of Thorah and Eldon, at the let Con,, 'l‘horah. lesolvcd, that the County Treasurer be authorized to cancel the sale of part Lot 13, Con. 5 of Thumb, known as flreen‘s, as said lot can- not be identiï¬ed. lcsolvcd, that the Clor‘ do keep posted in his ollieo a return of all THOBAI TOWNS!“ 1‘ COUNCIL. I a. C . l. J? p killed by dogs during the lust three yearefuand the amount paid for CDmPenea. tion. and t ““1? that the Assets†do also p03. in Ulcrk’e 0ch the number of (lugs and bitches assrssed m "Values of owner. Re- solved, that the Treasurer \lie instructed to re-insure the Town Hall for 8800 and $100 on ordinary contents on the best Miblo terms. Resolved, that the Auditors’ Report of accounts for 1981, now put in and read, he adopted, that 100 copies of the same be printed in the form of haudbilla at the BBL- vau'ros EXPRESS o lice. lesolved, that Mr. Ea'en II. Cameron be paid $3.00 for {our days statute lahor charged in error in 1880, 1881. Resolved. that a grant of 8100 be made for fencing the Agricultural Society ground. leaolved, that the grant to Mr. Andrew Holmes be continued. Resolved, that $25.00 be granted to the Muskokn euï¬erere by fire, and that? the said money be paid to the authorized Treasurer of Mu» koka relief fund. Resolved, that the follow- ing amounts be granted to the indigent per- sons named : Wm. \Veatcctt, Jr., for the use of Catherine Mclunes, $5.00; Mr. Angus McLeod for Mrs. McLeod, $5.00. The following accounts were presented : Auditors’ account, 1881, 820.00 ; Wm. Daley, repairing culvert 3rd Conccuion. $2.00 ; EWen fl. Cameron, fence Lake Shore road, 9th Com, 319.90 ; Hart Co, blunt roll, c., 1882, $19.79; Keys clearing ice from ditch on John Street, 32.00. Resolved that above accounts he paid. Reached, that the Council do now adjourn until Satur- day the 8th of April, 1382, to meet It one o‘clock p.111. A special meeting of the council was hell} on Fobmmy 15m, 1832. Members :11 pro- sent. Resolved. that the following memor- ial to Hon. Oliver Mcwst. Attorney-General of Ontario, be adopted and. that the Reeve do sign the tame and afï¬x the Corporatiou Seal thereto. MEMORIAL. : Beaver-ton, Feb. 16th, 1889. To the Honorable Ouvna M own, Attorney-General, Province of Ontario. This memorial of the Corporation of ti- Township cf Thorah, respectfully shewe’th that your mummialists learn through the public mess \iith some surprise and alarm that an application has been made through you to the Provincial Goyerument‘to set 03 a new county, with Orillia as its county town the said county Wllh other territo to contain the Township of Thorah. The your momerialists think that in a matter so inatelially oil‘ecting the interests of the municipality they represent, they should have been notiï¬ed or in some way consulted coucerniaglhis project. That your Inc-[110B ialists crnsider their present county relations very satisfactory as after contending for years with various difï¬culties and inconveni- ences, present and prospective railway ar‘ rangements place them within easy reach of \Vluthy. the county town of Ontario, and all'ord every needed accommodation. The. to disturb their present county connections and cause their township to incur all the expense, inconvenience and trouble of organ- izingnew ones will be a serious grievance and injustice to the municipality of Thor-ah without any compensating advantage so far as your momonalists can prove. Your memorialists therefore enter a very decided protest against the proposed change and respectfully request your Honor not to on- tertain the project of attaching our township ‘ to the suggested new county, and in any case to give as sufï¬cient notice of the inten- tion of the GOVerumeut so as to enable us to offer all legal opposition to the scheme. Resolved, that the Clerk do transmit the aforesaid memorial to Frank Madill, Esq., M. P. P., to present the some to the Hon. Oliver Mowat, and that Mr. Madill be re- quested to furnish to the corporation the earliest information of any action of the Provincial Assembly in this matter affecting the interests of the corporation. The coun‘ cil examined the By-law regulating liquor licences. No alterations Resolved. that the council do now adjourn until Saturday. April 8th. Ilollowoy's Pills.--\Vith the darkening days and changing temperatures the diges- tion becomes impaired. the liver disordered, and the mind despondent unless the cause of the irregularity be expelled from tho‘ Mood and body by on alterative like these Pills. They go directly to the source of the evil, thrust out all impurities fro n the cir- culation, reduce distemparod organnyto their natural state, and correct. all defective and contaminated socretf ’ ‘lnch new menu of instituling hes fnlness should be cesiun (if all whose stomachs ‘ roar minds are much hemmed, o'r wlioeo brains are owr- we I: d. llolloway’s is essentially n blood- tom mrinq medicine, whereby its influence, reaching the remotcst fibres of the frame, effects a universal good. Tun sheep-stock of Great Britain in the last two yams has diminished by mnm than 1‘2 nor cont, there lm‘mz n (Incline of 2.1M), . 000 cheap and 1,000,000 lambs since 1871). TERMS ONE D‘Oll.£l PEI A55"! sarlcu‘y In .hluuu‘o NUMBER 10