(5 w A large Imam-mom of (lonuino Gold Wedding Rings nthnn’s. Mummers have become so fmquont in the village lately that we have ceased to chronicle them MI nnvthing unusual. The latest venture in thie speculative line WM taken on Thumday last. by our enterprising young Hm‘- nemvmuker, Mr. A. J. Smith. who was nniml in the bonds of matrimony A, ‘gu .V Q‘v u . -._ M Minn Emma \VnkMord, of Seagrnw: \Vo hum-til}; wish the happy couple prosperity mud much joy. W Lumnm MAcnmz On. in manufactured solely by McCall Bros. d: 00., Toronto, and in the only popul-c nr Machine Oil to-«luy in me by all mill men and fm-nmm. Try Lardine. SEVERAL small transitory advertise ments have been forwarded to this ofï¬ce and demanding insertion, but un- accompanied by the necessary cash. Allsuch advertisements are strictly ml), and will not. be inserted . unless prepaid. ,V-- r ..... Vu-UWIIIIV. THE isnnedy family, the famous Scottish Singets, will hold forth in Spencer Hall, on Wednesday next, 35th inst. See adv. in another column. @‘ One of the ï¬rm (i Neolands dz Petitlands, Dentists, Lindsay, will be «H.110 Queen's Hotel, Woodville, on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 14th and 15th. w Just opened a Large Stock of Crockery very cheap at H. Wilmn’u. ANY of our nulncrilxars having a. copy ofiasue of December 29th, 1881, will confer d favm- by mailing it ’ to the editor. 8r Manuiachlron of Reapers Mowers and Threshing Machines prefer “ Cutorine.’ ,Rwovn says another marriage is on the tapis, but rumour‘is alwnyn going to marry somebody, so we don’t place tiny too much reliance on her. luridâ€"s at Gum’s; @- Go to Gunn's for special value I‘h, VVntclnes and Chains. ELDOR Tomiship Council meet next Monday at. Hartley. Q’ The latest 'Noveb by standard duthofs at Gunn Bros. ' BEAUTIFUL weather. . Sven magma will soon arrive. ‘ SOCIAL bo‘mon-ow evening It Mon Sweyn’s Hall. LACROSSE will flourish hem (his Miner. A clubisahprtly to bob!“- @- Satisfaction guaranteed in Razors and Pocket Knives at Gunu's .CAN§IN(;TON ENaAumuN'r, I.0.0.F..moet ï¬rst and third hiday in each m‘onth at Odd Feuowa‘ Hall, Cannington. . VISH‘OBIA Lona: No..G. R. (1, meet in nio Hall, oVer Moan. (Jinn. 8: gals store, Vicboria. Rad, on the second Wednesday of each month. , February 20th, A pril25th, July Nth. Sep- tembnr 12m. \member Nth. 1883. Janu- ary 18th, and March 13th. 0A KWOOD. February 27th. April "0th July 5th Oct- Qber 4th. 1883, January 10th, March 19th. V ILTORIA ROA D. PEACEFUL Dovs, I.0.0.F., meet' every l'hnrsdny evening, at Odd Fellom'Jiall, (kgEhIgton. ,Woonvxnu: L. 0. L No. 32, meet second “'eduesday each month. at Movacyn’a Hall. Woudville. . HARTLEY .L.O.L. No. 1,153, meet last Wedneadty of each man“: at Hartley. (3021:6392 Lamas.". meet every Tuesday evening at 3 o'clock at McSweyn’s nan, Wbodville. February 2151;, A pnl 26th, July 12th. Sep- tember 13m, \uvemher 15th. {883, Jim:- aty 19th, March 14th. “In “Local Dlvlsloa. Cum hr 188:. CANADA \Imnomsr CnuucH.-â€"Service 13va Sabbath owning at 6: 30 o 'clock Rev. "W. Richardson, pastor. Sabbath School at anmrmun Cuuncu.â€"Servioo is held In the above church at ll o 'clock 3.111.. and 6:30p p. 111. Rev. Alex. Rose, M. A. ,pustor. Sabbath School at 3 o ’clock. ' ’l‘rhius gating Southâ€"4:50 mm†11 :00 A.m., dud 3:00 p. m. Trains going Southâ€"8 :05, a m. ,7. -.45 I. m. 3: [0. [Lin . 'ï¬'aiuagoing Northâ€"11:40, a. 111.; 2: 85,1). 111., 1:60 p. In. 'noxwm‘o NIPISSING RAILWAY. Trains goinu Northâ€"11.00 a. 31.. 12:35 pm. and 1:40 p.91 ’I‘--..m A. â€" 2n . ‘A II LA , , {0:00 A. m. MIDLAND RAIIAVAY OF CANADA. new preparation for Chapped (THUBITI DIRECTOR". SOCIETIES. “'OODV {.LS. Dnmua the week a petition has been handed round through the village for aiunatum, taking Parliament to eanoo tinn the dispensation oi the now famous Temporalitiea' Fund. by the Presbyterian Church in Canntla. We do not object to the ohiect of the peti. tion, hut certainly an indiscriminate gathering of signatures, irrespective of knowledge of the subject involved, slmulol not he allowed to influence the rh-oisiou of a matter no important. More discrimination in signatures will narry-grmier Weight and he ‘a more hnul-nt ox; rera’on of the wishes of its wguers. Anvnansma is becoming more of a necessity to the monchant and man of business. People earn more money, spend more, and are busier now than twenty-ï¬ve years ago. There is twice as much competition now as there was then. People have less time to look for what they want, and look to the papem to inform them, and accept it as a settled rule that the mnn who adveh tiseo what he has to dinpoue of means business. and he is the best man to deal with. Tn: following from an exchange hits the nail square on the head. A doctor will sit down and write a. prescription, time five minutes, paper and ink one~ fourth of a cent, and the patient pays 31, $2, $5, $10 as the case may be. A lswysr writes 10 or 12 linos of advice. snd gets from $10 to 820 from 'his client. An editor Writes a half column pufl' for a man, pays atmsn ï¬fty cents to one dollar for putting it in type, prints it on several dollars' worth of paper, and sends it to several thousand people, and then surprises the puffed man if he makes any charge. “ Now all ye weary bachelors, 4m," mourn no more, relief has come at. last in the shape of the Mutm! Aid Asso- ciation of Canada, for which our worthy postmamar, Mr. J. 0. Gilchrist, in agent. The object of the Associution in to “provide for the future welfare of its membem," by giving a handsome bonus on the occauion of their mur- riage. For further paniculan nud circulars. apply to the above named gentleman. WE have received n copy of tho ï¬nanciui report of the Citizens' Insurr- an‘oe 00., dated January Int, 1882, by which it is shown the amount of Amt. over Liabilities, stands at $1,208," 383.48. The gross income for the ear ending December Slot. 1881, was 3 08,- 293.62. The Citizens in one of the best and most reliahio of the componieu doing lmninees in the Dominion. Mr. J. C. Gilchrist is the agent hero. AN engineer and party were here last week locating a. railway from thie point to Grevenlmmt. They had Mr. Wm. Bonltcn, J. P., along with them for consultation. The mud has been located from Kiikï¬eld to Grevenhuret, but the engineem prefer this route. It is the Midland R. R. Co. that propose building the proposed road.-Upter- grove cor. to Tim. Tm: evil-deer is sure to meet his fate at. last. This is like the Irishman who covered himself with the sheets to escape the mosquitoes, but who ex- claimed when a lightning hug entered the room : “There’s no use ; here is one of ’em come wid a lantern. It’s ell over wid me. sure." i \ @‘ WHAT Is LARDmE‘l Ask any Farmer, Thresher or Saw Mill man, or in fact, any man who runs machin- ery of any kind, and he will tell you that. it. is the only MACHINE OIL which will wear equal to Castor Oil and won’t gum or clog your machinery. Ask your dealer for it and take no other. IT is 19pm ted on the sheet that Jae Ande1son, Esq. ., intends erecting this spring a. Luge summer hotel at Jackâ€" 5011’ a Point. This will be a great con- venience to the thousands of visitors who it is said make that delightful and 1onmntic spot a. place of mm eat1on d111ing the “dog (laye."â€"S11tton Times. NEVFR in the experience of travel- lers in this section have the roads been found so bad as they are at present. The float has about all left and the mud has assumed a consistency at once suggestive of very stiff clay. INSTRUCTIONS have been given to Mr. J. C. Bailey, chief engineer Midland railway, to begin at once and make the surveys for the railway proposed to be built between Toronto and Buffalo for the Midland Railway Company. OUR columns are this week inum dated by a flood of Quarterly School Reports, for which we have to tender our thanks. ' @J. C. Gilchrist is the ï¬rst to reduce the prices of Town since the duties were removed. 500. tea for 46. MARCllwâ€"Jt came in like a lamb. 011,80 mild. “We may expect. the lion to loan before long. Ono's luv. been soon. Tm: small boy now playeth marbles. A Movzlnm in on foot to inorouo the size of our town bell. We no selling Tea cheaper than can he bought n wholeulo in Toronto. CALL AND GET A BARGAIN. Clover Seed, Potatoes. Apples, Pork, Beef, Beef-Hides, Sheepskins, and Poultry. REPAIRING. PAINTING AND .TRIMMIN G Horse-shoeing a Specialty -â€"ANDâ€"- FIRST-CLASS SBASONED MATERIAL. Would intimate to the public genmlly that he has pnrohnod, the Cnrrlnga and Blacksmï¬h ‘ Bhop- ionnerl] occupied by H. MoNeifl. where he in propuod, together with Carriages, Buggies, Waggons, Cutters, Sleighs, c.,- . HARWOOD KS CARRIAGE WGRKE WOOD‘V‘ILLE. ON Saturday afternoon Inst a little boy, son of Mr. Andrew M nrrny of this place, was, while crossing the road knocked down and run over by a “fast home," the iosult being a thigh broken. Dr. Grant being called in soon net the fnctnred limb. He is recoveril g. The GIVE THE BOY A CHANCE A NEW woollen mill, or hither an old mill will he remained by a new ï¬rm in a. few "days. Mr. Alex. Dolison has leased the old woollen mill and is busily engaged erecting the necessary maohin~ ery fm business, He will be prepared for a. start. about the end of March. WE notice by the Packet of last week that Mr. Geo. Murray, formerly of Beaverton,waa among the lust emi- grantsto Manitoba from .tlmt place. Mr. Murray has accepted a situation on the stafl' of the \Vinnipeg Free I) ,,,,, Bummer; was not. largely reproâ€" semed at. the races in Port Perry. Mr. J. F. McRaa’s “Mayflower†took second in the Gmen Race. MR. A. MCKISNON hanjm.t conclu~ ded the purchase of his pmsent hotel stand. Bun’unron Winter Races will take place on the ice here on Tuesday and Wednesday. 14th and 15th inst. THE 500 on the lake in becoming quite rotten. SUTTON Races are billed for the 8th and 9th inst. at Jackson's Point. W. G. SMITH 00., FIRSTâ€"CLASS HANDS, A Choice Stock of Gmcefles and Provisions on Hand A'l‘ MITCHELL'S 0H) S 1‘ \ND, WUODVILLE. £3333, (233$? MD E30flï¬â€˜f. To manufacture and repair anything in the line entrusted to him Go defy oom- petition. Parties wanting uythiu in [his line will ï¬nd i‘ to their own intemt to have air ordon with him. '-WILL PAY THE HIGHEST;PRICE IN CASE FOR-â€" TEAS, TEAS. BEAVERTON . Dom (he Erprm. R. J. HARWOOD, . mvumnn 0’ samples. AHA lâ€"Dentiats who have tried “TBAâ€" â€may," pronounce it the ï¬nest thing on this earth {or the teeth and breath. 5 cent ON Thursday morning of last week a very singular and deplorable occur- rence took place here. A young man, Arch. Buchanan, ol' 4tlifCon. Thor-ah, while laboring under a ï¬t of insanity, came into the village in a very start- ling condition. Being early, but few happened to be about. After wand er- iug around for a time he entered Mo‘- Kiunon'a hotel where he was secured. He was subsequently released, but later in the dav was brought back to town and placed in the lock-up. The Unfortunate is a ï¬ne. well built young man, well known here and generally liked. On Friday be Well examined and committed to \Vhitby jail awaiting a Vacancy in the asylum. Mussns. 0:11:00 6: Tone, of Brechin, inform us that during the Season of 1881. they shipped ï¬ve tons of butter. \Ve do not think this can he equalled in the Province by any village of the size of Brechin. ’ Taking into concider~ ntion the fact that a large lqnnntity of the product from that neighborhood came here while considerable went to Orillin, the amount of butter made in the district must he immense. authorities should put a stop to this furious driving on the sheets. \Vhen people cannot cross them without 9n dangeriug themselves it is e and state of uï¬â€˜Ã©im, and should be seen to. CARTIER. TRANSFER. $6. Cartlng «Inna to ï¬nd from all arts of tha Village. Kim-sing aml Midlhn llqilwuv “Minna. (‘hnrpon‘ moulornto. Ronidoncemm dnnr nnrtln u! Eldon Home. Queen Street, “'omlvnlln, An unfailing cure for Seminal Weakness. Smrmntorehes, Impouncy. and all (lineups than: follow a A connogm-noo of Self-Abuse ; :5 loss of memory. Unlverul Lugimde. Pain in tho Back. Dimnoss of Vision. Pmmnbun Old Aga. and mtny other die om. that lull to [nullity or Cmmmapclou and a prrmmnm grove. Fnll particulars in our pamphlut. whioh We desire ‘0 und {rec by mail tn eVery one. If The Snvmc Msmomn in salt! by all draggin- At .l r packngo. â€or six packagzna for 85. or wll he sent free by mail on receipt of the money. by addressing TllE GRAY MEDICINE Co. Price $1 per bottle. or Ir?! boHlos for 9.5. All Dru ‘sw home it or cm 331 It for yuu. or it wil sent to any Address 0 n receipt of price by the proprietors. DR. B. J. KEI- mu. . Co., Enoeburgh Fdla, \‘t. SOLD BY ALL. DRUGGISTS. LYMAN SONS 8-. CO. 0 Montreal. P. 0., Wholesale Agenh. Send addwza for Illustrated Circular which we think gives positive proof of its virtues. No remedy has ever motwith such unqualiï¬ed success to our knowledge, in. boast as well as man. oni mar. Kendall’s Spavin Cum Wu. J. Puma!»- Dunham, P. Q., March 10th, ISZSE DR. R. J. KENDALL 00.. Cents rt» About a year ago I fell In the road on ï¬n someiee and was badly hurt on the hip joint, which caused me much euflering. I tried various remedies but none gave reli'! until I tried Kendall’s Spawn Cure. 1 ap. plied it full strength twice a day for about two weeks during last October. and i0 effected nporfect Lure; I have since then been Welland free from lameness. II in very valuable for man as Well a: bout. St. Johns. P. Q.. Oct, 27th, 1881: D11. B. J. KENDALL R. (‘0.. Gen“ 2â€"4 have used your Spavin Cure with great stro- cess on spsvins, curbs sud splims. l lino! it to he a good remedy for ringhones. bofie spa-ins. cuts, galls sud :11 kinds of lumi- ness and many other diï¬culties about the horse. One of my men ‘ned his oath very badly. I applied Ecnddl's 8 via Cure and 1 never sew myth' work “I; it; he was well in a few days. I{ï¬now it to 157;, good for man as well us hem. l. menu-3! one of your Treatise on the Horse, )y maï¬- ing 25 cts.. and I think it' was the means at saving me $100, on one horse that I thanked according to the directions given in â€In bouk for displaced stifle. ‘ mans: EAWSQN. Thousands of trials on Human Flesh lna roved beyond a doubt that “ Kondm’g I’m-130m†has sufï¬cient strength I]; penetrate and Vi! toe to cure the worst one: of rheumatism, col-nu, bunyunn, front-bitty, or any bruise. cut or lameness wlï¬ch am not affected in tho least by ordinary lini- meats. It does not blister but on the omn- nary remove: all soreness. ‘ Kendall’s Spavin Cure. ' About the time the advertisement ï¬rst appeared in this paper. Mr. Schermerhorn. who resides near Colliers. had a spsvincll horse. He rend the advertisement and concluded to test the etiicacv of the remedy. although his friends laughed at his credit; ity. lle bought a bottle of Kendall’s Spam Lure and commenced using it on the horse in accordance with the directions. and life informed us this Week that it effected such a complete cure thst an expert hon-man, who examined the animal recently could ï¬nd no trace of the spavin or the place where it had been located. Mr; Schemat- horn has since secured a copy of Kendall‘s Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases which he prizes very highly and would he lath to port with at any price. provided he could not obtain another .‘couy. So much for advertising reliable articles. Kendall’s Spavin Cur-e From the Oneonlo Press, New York. 051401610. New York. Jan. 6th. l88l. Early Inst summer Messrs. B. J. Kendall (.‘n.. of Euoshourgh Falls, Vt., made I cunuuct with the publislï¬'rs of, the Pulse for a half column advertisement. setting forth the merits of Kendall's Spsvin Hum. for one year. At t-lxo same time we seemed from the ï¬rm a quantity of banks entitle! Dr. Kendall's Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases, which we are now giving to no. vsnce buying subscribers to the press as n preqnium. _ ‘deing was Am ~GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY! The Most Snoooum Raped? om m... cmcruu, unit 'm ouwun in its etfecu and does not blister. Run Plum! Buww. KEPDALL’S SPAVIN CURE, ON HUMAN FLESH. Y ours truly. GIAY'I "ADE MA RI. enema jtmcm Yonru_ truly, Gama K. G Rm Toronto, OM