Clerk lat Division Court County Victoria. Secretary Eldon B. A. Societv. Agent P. B' 8. Company. Conveyancer, Commis- sioner in Queen‘s Bench. ’\ OODVILLE LIVERY STABLES. HENRY ED‘VAIRDS, Proprietor. Livery Riga at any time and at all hours -on the shortest notice. Special attention .given to Commercial Travellers. Charges always moderate. TERMS, CASH. Sta~ bles in connection with the Eldon House. 0113‘“ the above will be at Hamilton’s Hdtel,3eaverton, on the SECOND MON- DAY of each month. He' will also visit \Voodville on the Second TUESDAY of each month, stopping at McPherson’ a Hotel. J. unsuxns L. 1.8. 3 J03. PRVTLAND, 1.. D. s. Again? for A. HARRIS, SON Co.. Brantfurd, Manufacturers of Reapers, Mow- \ers, Self~Biudors, c. PROFESSIONAL CA RDS. 'mos. EDWARDS Proprietor. First-class accommodation and attentive servants. Bar well supplied with the choic- est liquors and cigars. 'Bus to and from all ~trains and Mary convenience for the travel- ling public. â€"Clerk 7th Division Court Counyy Victoria. Comeyancer Commissioner in Queen’ II Bench. Notary Public, 610., M. Oflioo, Vio- toria Road Station. ALFRED McDoquLL | ARCH. J. SINCLAIR Money to Loan on ï¬rst-class security at -6 t9 65 pc_r cen_t. P. S. MAR-rm. . 5 G. Ii Horkma. 0mm. -â€"-Rooms lately occupied by \V. M. (ifochraue Biglow‘ a Block, lp’ort Perry. 0160‘" bymnil for Surveyiu . I‘velling, Etc“ wul mceiVe {prompt ntten on. “nan-mung Soliciton, soul-m, ac. noxxv to LOAN. Union Loan (30': Building 28 8: 30 Toronto Street. ' ‘uronto. WM. Ml'llES Proprietor. This hotel is in ox'ery w. y com lete to meet the requirements of the traveling public. Meals served on the arrival of all trains which stop here, on both railways, twenty minutes for refreshments. 60ml waiting rooms. Bar always supplied with the best brands of liquors and Cigars. I “SIAM“? SCAN'IMO‘. Proprietor. This ï¬rst-class house has jmt been re- ï¬tted, furnished end otherwise renovated mxdï¬improved. Being in the centre of the busmcss part of the Village, and furnished with splendid smnple rooms. it is therefore most convenient for travellen and commer- cial men. and the public generally. The Barlis supplied with the best of Liquors and Cigus. Good Stables end Hostler in at- tendance. ' OHN McTAGGART, Kirkï¬ed. “mission“: In 3. 3.. confluent GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT: â€"-MONEY TO LOAN at 6 per cent.- lMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE. Wihan “A." \Vilson “B"and “Royal" Sewing Machine: and Needles kept constant- ly on hand. Ofï¬ce of Montroaï¬olegn 1; Com an Kirklield. (mp P y’ J03. J. GAVE I’llbllllel'. IDLAND AND NIPISSING HOTEL Loruevillo. ‘ VOL V‘I. thorneyâ€"nt-law, Solicitor In Chancery, . Couvcyzmcer. Rm, «c. flAId‘IN c.- HOPKINS. nannlsrzus. soucn‘ou to. Money to Loan at 6 per cent. Drumsâ€"Kent Street. laudasy, Ontario. r- -- -~ -7 Itch! for Union Loam Saving‘n (‘0. EORTHERN HOTEL, “'oodvilla. _EORGE \VILLIS MILLAR, COUNTY Alr'C‘l‘lONl‘Sl. OFFICEâ€"One door east of Post Ofï¬ce; “'oodville. Ont. nonunion land Surveyor, Inughuo‘ ml and Vain-tor. IRED. G. MILLAR, LDON HOUSE, Woodvitle. 'EELANDS PENTLAND. lCH. CAMPBELL UGH D. SINCLAIR, cDOUGALL SINCLAIR, M. CAMERON. GENERAL CA RDS. ' 03311818, in. â€nanny, Ont. G. UAVANA, P. L. S. HOTEL CARDS. Onxcxâ€" Brechin, Ont. we -mmhmiflll£ ï¬hmmitt Having bought the shop and ï¬iturou of Mr. G. 0. Smith, Butcher, cuntomoln can rely on getting the beat of Beef at all timea, And other meat: in season. 4 Parties having fut cattle to dis one of will please call or ieave word at my I op. Farmers wanting meat will leese leave their order the night before at t e shagé The highest cash priee paid for HID . AMES STUART. HARNESS MAKER, SADDLER aw .__.â€" MRIESS- GOLLARS, mums, mun cunnv comes, anusnss, mounts nusss nun All. noun or HORSE runmsmuo According to amount required and terms of ï¬yment on a Straight Loan or Sinking ind System. Instalments required to re- pay a. Loan of $1,000 in the following periods: . 10 years. $143.20. 20 years, $95.30. These Sums payable at the end of each your pay off the entire debt, Principal and Interest. NO COMMISSIOV. NO FINES. Expenses reduced. A large assortment of whips from l5cts. up. ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING NEATLY AN_D QUICKLY EXECUTED. The Subscriber is prepared to lend Money at greatly reduced rates of interest in sums of Cistgyn and Well Pumps I. C. GILUHRIST, Postmaster, \Voodvillc. Don’t forget your Insurance. J. C. Gil- christ Is also agent for several ï¬rst-class In- surance Companies. Farmer's risks taken at lowest rates. Dominion. Standard 8:, citizens Insurance Cotnpanles. 'Also Agent for the to m? TERMS, CAST]. Shop over McInty re Prlor‘s Store, en. trance, Side Door. GHQ-[CE- Suits made to order from the lateatmd moIt Incorporafed Am]. 24, 1880 (“TIC Ills 3 “’31. RENNIE. Esq , Toronto, President. A. Gjrro_}r_v, VESq. , Meaford, ()nt. ., Vica- President. W. Psmnsnox Punt, Esq.. Toronto, Sec'y. E. H. Humans, Es .,‘Uxbridg‘n. 'l‘teuurer. IL Bollonmn‘sox. A‘ . 1)., Toronto, Medical HEAD OFFICE: 63 King Street Elli. Toronto. Director. Gm. H. “Cums, L.L.B., Toronto, Solicitor. S. W. HILL. Isq., Ridgoville, Membenhip Superintendent. Executive Committee: Wu. Rnsxm, W. 1’. Pam, J. P Bum. D. Henderson Providefor (he Weak under Your Charge: --CANADIANâ€"- BUSINESS CARDS. ALL NEW “'ORK WARRANTED. fashionable styles. All voxk gynauteed ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES. Tr): 3_1b§aud getabook. YOUR OWN LIQUOR TEA $0. WOODVILLE, ONT. MUTUAL AID UGH McCORQUODALE. ' woomuw 3150:!“ “or. CHEAP MONEY ! Benn-Ina Promplly Attended to. $200 to $20,000, 'OOD V ILLE P U M P FACTORY. 'OODVILLE HARNESS SHOP. " â€"_ ESTABLISHED, 1m IRA AIRGUE, Agent; “'oodville. FORCE PUMPS SUPPLIED. WOODVILLE'. ONT. JACOB BARNES TERMS CASH†ASSOCIATION. ORD ER S SOLICITED. 6 TO 7 PER CENT. MAN UFACTURIE Ol‘ Agent for the At' from WOODVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 23 1882. “ PRO BONO PUBLICO." ngag SPRING TRUNKS, VALISES, SES‘E’ SSE‘SSK! Customers can depend on getting ï¬rst- class goods. .aln Immense Stock in Me 1.01691 Styles out. BEST SELECTED LATEST STYLES B$éï¬Â® The Largest Eve er brought to \Voodville. I am just receiving amounts, ‘uâ€"oAXDâ€" Stock of ‘E Second meeting of the Eldon Council held at Hartley on Monday. the 15th day of March, 1882. Members all present. Re. solved, that the Treasurer be instructed to pay the interest on Railway Debentures held by Rev. W. Reid, oi Tomato, and accept the bond now received from |hi1n and his sureties as satisfactory. Resolved, that the Auditors’ Report be received and adopt- ed. and that the Clerk be instructed to have ï¬fty copies of the same printed and distri~ bated. Resolved, that the time for return. ing the Collector’s roll be eitended until the 15th day of April, 1882. Resolved, that the Reeve be requested to find out from the trustee of the Eldon church property at what price they will sell or , lease half an acre fora gravel pit on lot 6, Gen. 4, Eldon. and report to next meeting of Council. Ro- aolved, that the Treasurer be instructed to notify parties from whom he holds notes for taxes, to pay the same before the 1st day of April next, orto place the same in court for collection. Resolved, that \Vm. McKee be appointed to act as Commissioner along with a Commissioner from Thorah to ex- amine, and if necessary, to let a contract to repair the bridge on Town Line at Lot 2, Con. 1, Eldon. Resolved, that all pathâ€" masters be inseructed to have any timber, fences. or other obstructions now on any of the roads of this Township moved off by parties placing them there, or to have the same removed at their expense. Resolved, that the Clerk notify Munroe and Steel of Balsover, that there has been complaints laid before this Council about the steam from their mill being a nuisance on the road, and ask them to have the pipe chang~ ed so as to prevent trouble in the future. and also to notify H. Forde to have his boiler removed from off the 3rd Concession line. Resolved, that the Reeve grant his order on the Treasurer in favor of David Sidey for auditing Township accounts, and travelling expenses, $8.00; M. O’Neil for auditing and entering same in audit book, $8.00; Thos. Metcnlf on road job on 3rd Quarter Road, 86.67 ; Malcolm McEachern, repairingscraper, $1.00 ; Andrew Morison, 011 salary as Clerk, $25.00. Also in favor of the followingffor indigents : Robt. Arm~ strong for Ann Cumberford, $6.00, Arch. McDonald, $6.00, $12.00 ; Malcolm Morâ€" r sun for “’m. Lang, $10.00; J. \V. Folliot, for Moses Bartley, $6.00 ; A. C. Campbell, for Sarah McKinnon, $5.00; Donald Gi1~ christ for Donald hicArth11r.' $8.00 ; D, A. McIntyre for Sarah Show, $5.00. Resolved, that this Council do now adjourn to meet again on Monday, the 29th day of May next, at \chntyie’ 3 Hotel, Lorneville, Int 10 o’clock a. 1n., as a Court of Revision, to re- vise the assessment roll of this Township. The Medical Faculty \vere among the ï¬rst to recognize the value of Northrop. Lyman’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophos- phites of Lime and Soda as a remedy for throat and lung affections, premature decline, and general debility. Physicians not only reCommeud it for incipient consumption, bronchitis, asthma, and minor pulmonary and bronchial troubles. hut speak ‘in the highest terms of it as a means of enriching the blood and counteracting a hereditary tendency to consumption. In ei‘ery [part of the Dominion and throughout the United States it has attained a popularity as wideâ€" spread as it is deserved, and the evidence attesting its efï¬cacy is voluminous and con- vincing. The Cod Liver Oil, which is its pulmonic constituent, is absolutely pure and docs not nauseate the stomach ; while the H vpophosphites, snperadded to and chemic- ally blended with this ingredient, possess invigorating properties which render it most desirable in diseases involving {such a tre. mendous waste of tissue and loss of bodily substancess incipient consumption, which it checks v'vith a promptitude truly marvel- lous. In addition to its pulmouic effects, it imparts tone to the whole system, and being a ï¬ne blood dcpureut, counteracts a ten- dency to scrofuls, Moreover, it is sold at s reasonable price, the cost of the smaller bot. ties (the contents of one often sullicing to break up a bad cold) being 50 cents, and of the larger, 81.00. Prepared by Nonrnnor 8; LYMAN, Toronto, Ont. Jahcsh gnaw. Cunning Cove, N.S.. write! : "l was completely prostrated with the asthma. but hearing of Dr. Thomu’ Eclec- tric Oil. Iprocnred a bottle. and it done me [to much good that l gut another, and before it was mud. I was Well. My son was cnren of a had uoltl by the use of half A bottle. It goes like wild ï¬re, and makes cures when ever it in used." Hun Horaâ€"Before on despair of cm- ima troublesome conga just verging on consumption try Hagynrd’s Pectoral Bal- nm ; it has cured others, why may it not 9 .re you 2 All dealers sell in Bums mw‘ssnw COUNCIL. 'BBSBY'I‘IRIAI BABBA’I'II scuool. .CON- VIN‘I‘ION. The fifth tunnel Sabbath School Conven- tion of the Preebytery of Lindsay, we: held in St. Andrew's Church, in the town of Lindsay. on the lat day of March, 188?. The President. Rev. E. Cockhurn. in the chair, opened the meeting with devotional eXemises. and named the following as n nominating committee : Reva. \V. Loohead, J. Elliott. A. Currie and Mr. Alex. Lonak. Minutes of the last Convention were read and sustained. The Treasurer read hi5) re. port, showing 5 balance on hand of $4.78. The report was adopted and (thanked the Treasurer for his diligence. The Rev.- \V Lochead, chairman of the nominating com- mittee, reported the following ofï¬cers for the ensuing year, which was adopted: â€" President, Rev. J. MoNahb; Vice-Presi- dent, Rev. E. Cockburn ; Secretary, Mr. J. C Gilchrist; Treasurer, Mr. Joe. Leash; Executive Committee, ltevs. A. Ross, J. Hastie, “K J. Smyth, Messrs. A. Leesk, J. Smith and R. Calder. Committee on Reso- lutions, Revs. J. Elliott, A. Currie, \V. Lochend, and Mr. D. Grant. The Rev. J. Hastie introduced the Rev. Mr. Anderson, minister of the Baptist Church, Lindsay. and invited him to sit end take part in the convention. The president addressed the eonvhntion. A conversation followed on the address by the Revs. J. McNebb, J. Hestie, W. J.-Smyth and ’W. K. Anderson. A vote of thanks was tendered the President for his admirghle address. 2ND session um- AT 2 r. u. The Rex. J. McNabb, President-elect, in the chair. After a few remarks by the President the Rev. \V. Loeheed addressed the convention on “Sabbath School He‘ps, their use and abuse." A conversation on the address by Revs. E. Cockbnrn. J. Elliott, J. Hastie, R. F. Gunn, W. (J. Smyth, and Messrs. J. C. Gilchrist and J. Keith. The Rev. J. Manhb delivered an address on “The best way to liner-ease and retain at- tendance.†Conversation on the address by Revs. W.'J. Smyth, R. F. Gnnn, J. Hastie, J. '1‘. Paul, \V. K. Anderson and Mr. John McLennon. The Rev. W. J. Smyth gave an interesting address and illustration on the black board. 31m ssssrox AT 7:30 P. M. The Rev. J. Elliott delivered an address on “Sabbath School Literature .†The Rev. E. Cockburn delivered an interesting ad- dress to children. Vote: of -thank§ were given to the different Railway Companies for conveying delegates at reduced rates to the congregation of Lindsay for the use of the church, and to the choir for their efï¬ci- ent services. It was agreed to hold the next Convention at Cannington, on the 28th February, 1883, at 10 o’clock a. m. YELLOW AS A Gmum.-â€"The complexiOn, in a case of unchecked liver complaint, eul- minatiug in jaundice, is literally “as yellow as a guinea.†It has this appearance because the bile, which enables the bowels to net, is directed from its proper course into the blood. In connection with this symptom there is nausea, coating of the tongue, sick headache, impurity of the breath, pains through the right side and shoulder blade, dyspepsia and costipntion. These and other concomitants oi livcrcomplaint are complete- ly removed by the use of Nourunor it: LY- nmz's Vacuums DISCOVERY, Drrerm: Gum: AND Broon Pumrisu, which is also an erudicnnt of scroiuln, erysipelns, salt rhemn, ulcers, cancers, humeura, female weakness, jaundice and lumbago. It tunes the stomach. rouses the liver, and after re- lieving them, cituses tl1e_hoii'els thereafter Wan: Imzonmcl 1.1 Bum â€us For.“ to an Wm. â€"Dr. Bliss, if not a “ocean at, probing for bullets. was highly successful in Ilcspatclling bulletins ; but “10. grandest bulletin of anccon in that which hornlvln the wonderful cures performed by Burduck. lllnml Bitters, tho mnwhlms tonicgml hlnml pnnï¬ur which nets at me u n the â€mu-ls. the Skin, the Live: and. the 'nlnoya, whqlo it invigorate: (“Ml strengthens 0w, whole ayatem. to become regular. High professional sanction has been accorded to it; and itn claims to public conï¬dence :aro justiï¬ed by ample evrdence. Price, $1.00. Sample Bottle, 10 cents. Ask furlNoumnnr LY- MAN'S Vegetable Discovery and Dyepeptic Cure. The wrapper hears a {ac-35mm of their signature. Sold by all medicine dealers. Soar. Tnnon.--Apply flu ntd'a Yellow Oil and take inwardly uccor ing to direc- tions. Yellow Oil is the beat nobody for Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Bruises, litmus. Frost Bites and all lameness, inflammation md pain. No household should be without it. “Before you make a lriend eat a peck 0E salt with him," but you need not wait two seconds toï¬nd out whether the pen you have just tried is a good one or not... If not, try Eoterbrook‘s. runs 0!!! 'INDlalAB PER ANNUII sunny 1- Advuuoo ‘ J. U. GILCURIS’I‘, Secretary. NUMBER 13