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Woodville Advocate (1878), 30 Mar 1882, p. 1

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oonvx nifi’ Llfisnirfiéniiifis. HENRY EDWARDS. Proprietors _.._ Livery Rigs at my time 1nd at ell hour- on the shortest nofioe. Specie] Attention given to Commmiel Travellers. ‘Chuges always moderate. TERMS. CASH. 8t.- ".8. ”WA.” mum». First-clue accommodation and “Native servants. Ber well Iupglied with the ehoic~ est liquors and cigars. Bus to and from all trains and every convenience for the tnvel- ling public: EELANDS PENTLAND. 33311518, do" lindnay, on. Onejcf the above will be at" Humileon’a Hotel. Bean/«ton, on the SECOND MON - DAY of each month. He will also visit Woodville on the Second TUESDAY of each month, stopping at McPherson’a Hotel. J. NEELANDS. L. 1-.8. 3 J08. rlnruun, no.8. bias in connection with the Eldon Home. M. CAMERON. Annular-Ion loll a COMO.» Money to Loan on first-clan acuity It 6 to 63 per cent. “ Agent for A. HARRIS, SON wk 00.. Brautford. Mannhctumn of Helpers, Mow- ers, Self-Binders, duo. " ' BENJAMIN acumen. Proprietor. This firsbclsss house has 'ust been re~ fitted, furnished and otherw se renovated andl’improved. Bein in the centre of the business part of the village, end furnished with splendid sample rooms. -it is therefore most convenient for travellers end commer- cial mun, and the public generally. The Bsrlis supplied with the best of Liquors end tigers. Good Stables and llostlsr in st- tefidnnce. Clerk lot Division Court County Victoria. Secretory Eldon B. A. Bociotv. Agent P. B' 8. Complny. Conveyancer, Commit- sionor in Queen’a Bench. Olden by mail for Surveying. Levelling, etc" will receive [prompt attention. WI. mum Proprietor. This hotel is in every way com late to most the requirements of the have lin public. Meals served on the arrival of :1 min. “ilaon “A " Wilson "B" and "Rays!" Sewin ‘Machines and Needles kept constant. ly on and . which stop here, on both nilwayu, twenty minutes for refreshments: Good Whiting rooms. Bar always supplied with the boot hands of liquors and agar; - Office of Montreali'fcle‘ n h Compan Kirkfleld, 0‘31." y' VIDLAND Aim NIPISSING florist. Lorneville. ALFRED McDouuALn l Anon. J._chum Clerk 7th Division Court County Victoria. Conveyancer, Commissioner in Queen's Bench. Notary Public, c., c. Office, Vic. toria Road Station. Union Loin Co’s Building 28 8; 30‘ Toronto Street. Toronto. l‘. S. MAR-nu. OanLâ€"Boouu 1m! occu ied by W. M. ijtgchraue, Biglow'ar lock, 'orl; Perry. - OHN MoTAGGART, Kirkflad. ’ COMIISCIONE. INT... «flitnlm GENERAL INSIâ€"Jfiuca AGENT: 410mm TO L515: as percent.- IMPROVED flitâ€"Ms FOR SALE. GENERAL CARDS. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J08. J. “VI Palm-her. VOL VI. liter-eyc-aI-nw. Solicitor In Chancery, Conveyaum, 413.. do. fiOR’l‘HERN HOTEL, Woodvillo. ARTIN HOPKINS. nstllsrmfsfilcmu Ce. -- / Money to Loan at 6 per cent. OFFICEâ€"Kent Street. Lindsay, Ontario. OFFICEâ€"One door east of Post Office, “'oodville. Ont. Bout-lo- Lau Surveyor, humu- ‘ ml and Vanuatu-o LDON HOUSE. Woodvide. EORGE WILLIS MILLAR, \RED. G. MILLAR, RCH. CAMPBELL [CDOUGALL a SINCLAIR, Bun-luau, “115;", Notaries. to. UGH D. SINCLAIR, G. CAVANA. P. L. s. HOTEL cums. COUNTY AUCTIONS“. ...... PIT wt- â€"v" -7--. 0nwn~ Brechin, Ont. HON" '1’0 LOAN. @m {Humming flhmmh’ G. H. Hummus. com: TERMS, CASH. Shop over McIntyro - Prior“: Store, on- tranco. Side Door. M; from 6 T0 7 PER CENT. According to amount required and hum of yment On a Straight Loan 09 Sinking nd System. luatalmen‘a aired to to- pay a Loan of 81.000 in t a following . periods : 10 years, $143.20. 20 years. 83.30. i Those Sum: payable at the and 0! each year pay off the ellnh're debt, Principal and Interest. ~ NO COMMISSION. N0 FINES. Expenm reduced. Lb QGXLCHRIST, Pootmuto’r, Woodvillo. Don’t forgot your Inonmoo. J. 0. Gil- ohritt 1- also agent for novel“ fink-clu- In- comes Companion; For-101’. rich “in gt lowest rates. Suit. nude to order from the latent and most fuhiomble gtyles. A]! wpnkrgpmutood Incorporated Aug. 24, 1880 OFFICE-8 * WI. Rlxml. Esq.. Tom: to, President. A. G_IPr-)VR_D, Esq, Mo and, Out, View Dominion. Standard 'Citllou lubumnua Companies. Also Agent for the ‘ ' CHGICE. HEAD OFFICE: 63 King Sheet End, Toronto. President W. PImnnnox has, Ea. ,Toronto, 890' y. B. H. “ILRIIRN, Esq. .. Ux Iridge. 'l‘teImII-or. R. h. RoIIIIInsoN. M. ”Toronto, Medial A huge usortment'of whips from Niche up. The Subscriber is prepared to lend Medley :1: greatly reduced “has of interest in mm: Director. (No.11. WAMN,L.L.B. Toronto.Solicitor S. \V. lhm. Esq . llidgoville, Mombershlp Superintendent. ' Executive (‘ommlfleet Wu. Rams. W. 1’. man. J. P Bum. I l! A A [IOU E, Agent, \Voodville. ESTABLISHED. I“! AMES STUART. HARNESS MAKER, SADDLER «he manus- coLuns, mums Inna calm couas, snusnuln'unxs nuszs um All. mo or none: roamsmnc ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING NEATLY AND QUICKLY EXECUTED. Ether ~{naut- iu seuon. vaidefor the Weak under Your Charm: “CANADIAN-â€" Ewing bought the shop and fixture: of Mr. G. C. Smith, Butcher. customeu can rely on spitting flu; but of Boat I» all times, and D. Henderson Patios huving fat cattle to dingo“ of will please call or ieave word at my a op. Fume" wanting meat will please leave their order the nig ht betore at the aim The highest cash priee paid {or RIDES. ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE llCENSES. ALL NEW “'ORK WARRANTED. an ‘ivrllvlunu ux' ‘ .‘istern am! “ell Pumps “Anna “n; .h.._ -__ ___ Try 3 lb; all got. book, YOUR OWN WOODVILLE, ONT. LIeWOB TEA CO. MUTUAL AID CHEAP MONEY ! $200 to$20,000, luau-In: Prompt]: Attended to. UGH MWORQUODALE. ‘ woonvu.“ iiiâ€"rem not. BUSINESS CARDS. "OODVIuLE HARNESS SHOE 'OODVILLE PUMP FACTORY. FORCE PUMPS SUPPLIED. » woonwua. out. JACOB BARNES ASSOCIATION. TERMS CASH., OR D ERS SOLICITED. MAN UFACTURRR 0F Agentfotflu WOODVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH, 30 1882. TRUNKS, VALISES. .711: Immense 82001: in Me .lalesl Styles on t‘.’ -SH@ES !- BESSIE Sfflfifi! Customers can depend on zoning first- class goods. " PRO BONO PUBLICO." BEST SELECTED 1888» SPRING LATEST STYLES 3001's n‘m brought to Woodville. The Largest . Campbell I am just receiving SATCHELS, â€"ANDâ€" Smoke! W32; Wm. Boulton, {.de dog m. 31'; ‘Hugh Monet-mote, "pairing culvert, con; 11, between lo]:- 20 md 2|, $3 ; Jae. Oleary. refund dog tax, $1 3 Mn. 'McDonald, indi- gent, 35. Council Idjourned until the mood Satut-dny in‘App]. ‘ ' ' The Medical Facility were among the first to recognise the value of Northrop Lyman’s Emulsion of God LiverOil and Hypophos- phites of Lime and Soda as a remedy for throat and lung affections, premature decline and general debility. Physicians not only recommend it for incipient consumption, bronchitis, asthma, and minor pulmonary and bronchial troubles. but speak in the highest terms of it as a means of enriching the blood and counteracting a hereditary tendency to consumption. In every [part of the Dominion end throughout the ‘United States it has attained a popularity as wideâ€" spread asitis deserved, and the evidence attesting its eflicacy is voluminous and con- vincing. The Cod Liver Oil, which is its pnlmonie constituent, is absolutely pure and does not n‘anseate the stomach ; while the Hypophosphites, superadded to and ehemieâ€" ally blended with this ingredient, pastes! invigorating properties which render it most desirable in diseases involving [such a tre- mendous waste oi tissue and loss of bodily substance as incipient consumption, which it checks with a promptitude truly marvel- lous. In addition to its pnlmohio effects. it impartstone _to the s‘vhole system, and being u fi'ne blood de rent. counteucu a ten2 dency to acrofu a, MOreover, it is sold at a reasonable price, the cost of the smaller bat the (the contents of one often anflloing to brook up a bod cold) being 50 cents, uni of the larger, 81. 00. Pregamd by Nonwnnor a. Luau, Toronto, On Humbug Advertisements. The time never has been md never will be when the people of this or any other country can buy a gold doller for seventy. five cents. Neither on you, dear reader, nrohue an organ worth three or four hun- sred dollars for ”0. This is all nonsense Still we have no ohjeclion to other people doing their businees neto ‘8 they eee ht. We Are selling I g honest mode Pieno At from 8185 to 3575. end is good, honest 0 u (not all steps) for from 848 to 8475. Amer goods are mule upon honor, and we send to my part of the world on test trial, end if no phone no keepee. us the China» men would soy. For the past ten yeere we hove sent both Pianos nud Organs to every port of the world, and our instruments give the most universal satisfaction. If yon wish a flood instrument. one that will elways last you, we shall be pleased to send you our catalogue and prices ; and if you pnrchese one of the Thomas Brothers' .Sih'rr Tour Instruments you will get what you require. and one instrument cold in n neigh- borlmod always selle us more. Address for prices, ete., JAS. ll. Tnoms, Sncccesor to Thomas Brothers. Catskill, N. Y., U. S. A. 8940. Messrs. Bruoe, Thomson and Deputy- Reeve were appointed s [road and bridge committee. Mr. O'Lesry gave netice that he would st the next meeting of council in- troduce shy-law to msdjust polling sub- divisions in the township. On motion of Mr. Sullivan, seconded by Mr. Thomson, the following chenges were made in Reed Divisions :.â€"W hf. N. bf. 19, con. 13; N. ”.20, con. 13; 8. hi. 20, con 13, S. qr. 22, eon. l3, sndN. hf 22.16011. 13, be taken from division where they new are and formed into new division No. 55‘ with John Harris pstlnnsster. E. hf. 30, con. 10 sud S. hf. 30, eon. ll, be tsken from N o. 38 and added to No. 39. N. hf. 27, 28, 29 sud 30, con. ll, hesddedto No. 38. That Jsmes E. Elder-lie allowed to work as fer south on Fsir Valley road as the llth con. line. The Reeve was authorised to remove J no Fer. guson to Genersl Hospital. or s plsee where he would receive proper esre. Cheques were granted as iollows.--Messrs. McRse, O’Lesry end Sullivan, for expenses and time going to Toronto, re-new county, $12 each; Timothy O'Lesry to psy men for work, con. 7, 817; John Lytle, repairing rend scrapers, 84; Luke Doble, do., $1.25 ; Hale a Bren. advertising Court of Revision, printing ballot papers sud suditors' report. Council met this 11th day of Muoh. 1882, in the Town Hall More. Members all prov cent-411a Reeve in the choir. Minutes of lost meeting rend nnd confirmed. The clerk read communicnticn from F. Madill. M. P. P., acknowledging receipt of memorial to Attorney- General. From Joe. Grixg, jr. ., praying the council to not of another polling subdivision for the convenience of electors in the nor-ll: east portion .of the- township. From “7. F. O’Royle, reoimprovemcnt of 7th con. line and other road: near and on his property. By-law paused appointing muni- cipal officersâ€"C. E. Hewitt, Collector, 880 , Jno. Fox, Treasurer. 880; Michael McGrith, Amuor, $90 ; W. R. McPhee, Clerk, um COUNCIL. minnting in jcundioe, is literally “as yellow as n guinea." It mu this nppecrcnce beoeuee the bile. which enable. the bowels to not, in directed from its proper course into the blood. In connection with this symptom there it nausea, coating of the tongue, sick h'ecdnche, impurity o! the breath, paina through the right side and shoulder blade, dyspepsia and coctipation. Theee and other concomitantc of liver comflnint are com letc- ly removed by the uce o Nomnnor Lt- mut'e mernu Discovmr, Dyrrrrw Conn AND Bmon Ponmm, which is clue an erediocnt of ecroiuln, erycipeluI- salt rheum, umerc, cenocrl, humoure, male weakness, 'eundice and lumhcgo. It tones the stomac , rouse- the liver, end nfter re- lieving them, cancer the bowels thereafter to become regular. High profereiobel emotion hes been accorded to it ; and its claims to public confidence We instilled by A-,. claims to public confidence :sre justified by ample evxdenco. Price. 81.00. Sample Bottle, 10 cents. Ask forlNonmnnt LY- MAN's Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure. The wrapper hears a [accurate ff their signature. Sold by all medicine dealers. Yummy n l Guiuu-Jrho complexion, in g cm of unchecked liver complaint. cul~ Another 1,000 tons of Scotch and English potatoe- an-ived M. New York by the noun- or Bolivi. afrom London. Those imporu. lions promise to continue wall into the sum- mer. or until the new home crop begin: to come in. The steamers flml them more profitable for ballast than almost anything else just now. Wu“: onomncn IH Buss ‘rrs Four to m: W133. -- Dr. Bliss, if not a success at, robing for bullets, was highly successful in ( os etching bulletins ; but. the grandest bnl din of 'success is Wat which heralds the wonderful cures performed by Burdock Blnml Bitters, the matchless tonic and blood pnrlller which acts at onoo n n the Bowcls, the Skin, the Liver and the 'klue vs, whilo it invigorates and strengthens t 10 whole system. Council met this 20m day of Much, 1882. Members present, Messrs. Porkinson, Broad, Lownebrough .and Bowen. Absent. Mr. Adam. Minutes of last meeting read end approved. Resolved, tht the tender for printing item 0. D. Barr be moepted, being the lowest. Resolved that. the omount‘ chnrged. for statute labor agninnt the South half 22 and port 28. lot 0021., and returned to the County Treasurer be struck OH, and the amount charged to this Township. Ile- eolved, that the following grants he made to indigent persons : J. Edwards, $8.00 ; Blew'e family in care of A. Cameron, $4.00.; Z. J ew‘ell, in care of J. Fa Cameron, $20.00; J. Davey for wood qupplied to Mrs. Morin, 83.00, and the grant of 88.00 per qr. now being paid to Mr. and Mrs. Yeo be increased “$10.00 per quarter. Resolved, that ep- plication having been made to have the N. half 17 Con. 14. and S. hf. 17, Con. 15, taken rom School Section No. 5 and an- nexed to Schobl Section No. 16 3 the Clerk is hereby requested to notify the trustees of said sections that the same will be taken into consideration at the next meeting of Council. Resolved, that By-lew No. 281 being a By-law to appoint certain oflicers in the Township of Marlposa for the year 1882. he received and read a first time. By-law No. 281 after ing through committee was read a thir time and finally passed. Resolved, that the Auditors‘ Report for the year 1881 be received and adopted. Re- solved. that the Reeve give his order on the Treasurer in favor of James Dickson, 15341., P. L. 8., for the sum of 850.00, being balance due for work done under Drainage By-law No. 240. Council adjourned to meet again on the third Monday in April next. Thomas Brothers’ Musical Journal for March is undoubtedly the finest and best journal of its kind published, The reading matter is varied a‘nd original, being new! from all parts of the world. The Journal will have a new. feature this year in being beautifully illustrated and printed on line heavy calendered paper. Each number will have in over Two Dollars worth of Sheet Music. printed from our boat lates ; and as you receive one number 'eac month, at the end of each year you have for bindin one of the finest collections of vocal an instrumental music imaginable. Don't fail to subscribe for the Journal at once. Price per year One Dollar ; or with a beautiful Chrome, 22x36. One Dollar and thirty-five cents, the 350. being the actual cost of pack- ing and postage or express on the Chrome. Sample copy of the Journal, 100. We want an agent in every village and city in the United States and Canada to take subscrip- tions for the Journal. Address, Jae. H. TIOIAB, ' Successor to Thomas Brothers, Catskill. N. Y.. U. 8. A. Mn. H. E. O'DILL, Clerk of the Serenth Division Uourt of Onurio. hes tendered hie registrution Mr. 0‘ Dell intends leaving for Winnipeg Ihortly. Bowumvxbu spring (air will be held on Tuesdsy, the 2nd of May. $30.00 Worth 0! New and Popular Music for One Dollar. WIIITBY harbor is clear of ice. HARIMA TOWNS-ll WHICH“ Hills on noun: PEI All"! strictly In Advance JOHN F. CUNNINGS, Clerk. NUMBER 14

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