W A beautilul line of Pnsimentery Druid Trimmings, Mnncloa, Ornaments, Hilh‘ Drona Silk»1| 516.,“ McIntyre a More. t our own town'ahip tuners would do well in allow. Muny of tho ï¬re- which "god has summer-and bunsqd go much dunngo, were the outcome. in many can: of gross Anbï¬â€˜n-Lnnha Tn: Brook Council hove passed a by-lsw to regulate the huming cl brush, stumps, etc. It [pro «ides that no stumps, wood, logs, mu, brush, straw, shavings or refuse shnll be sot on ï¬re 0r burned by Any person or persons in the open air within the muni- cipnlity, in or during the months of 'July ([4 as in any r 3. not st other mucos- " durizrlho yur 1331' after eight «yr notice has hon “iv-n to the on nor or oocnzmnt of cm svltoining property. Any person contrnvening the ’provluions of this by-lsw shall, in addition to any dorm-gas which may occur be liablc to o tine not. less than two dollars nor more than ï¬fty dollars, upon conviction before a Justice of the "Poonaâ€"This is a jntlioipns measurosnd ono .sl.-L _.‘~ _ ,, wuu uuu won cuargmg we gone"! uhlic £3, for ice fntniahod to coal the bite House charged at the rate of 85, with extra claims for carts and help. Persons who ran in unaskod to give advice as to the boat way to cool the White House, and whose advice; was not taken. have not in bills for their trouble. Somo of the personal bills of ex- Efnsea made out by member- of the House connection with the funeral m uhbto be of on “ham-dim chm-Actor. MR. Fun, of California, has the item- ized-hills for the .Gsrï¬eld expenditures as Jar as they relate to the House of Represen- tstives or ite members, and whenever. the House calls for those bills he will no doubt be happy to lay them before it. Besides the item {or 81. 700 for champagne, brandy, whiskey, oigu-s, and lunch, and 8300 for cocktails. there in mother, it is *eported, of 81,200 for white gloves. Certain ioe men. ‘ who had'beon f‘hPfgil‘g. the goneysl public cad-roach any part of Eurâ€"Jog. §u0\;-';1lgl:; impede this route in winter, but in summer the trip would be exceedingly pleuant. Such a road may becone of the possibilities of the future. A Psonwr has been broached for In all rail route to Europe. The plsn is a big one. The route is difï¬cult, but not impossible. The wny lies over the Canadian Paciï¬c railway, up the west coast of British Ameri- ca, through Alaska to Cape Prince of Wales. Here pesaengers are to be transferred by steamer to East Cape in Asia. Th’ence a road will be run thron h Siberia to connect with the present Siberian and Russian rail- way system. From _M_oscow. the traveller ‘ Tun curse the Jews took upon themselves _ nearly nineteen hundred years ago still iollmvs them with unrelenting fury. The Russian government has [passed n decree that all Jews in the rural districts are to leave at once, thereby causing over amillion of the poor unfortunates to seek refuge in the large cities or distant lands. The Bus. Jinn government give as an excuse that this is the only course open to them to prevent the outrages perpetrated upon the unoï¬'end- ing race in the outstanding districts, Rus- sin is never particular as to the means she ‘ uses when it is necessary to stir up public feeling among the people. V TH: poet, Longfellow, died at Boeton on Friday lat. Tu: respite mm by the Nihillete to the Cur, who in leading a moot miserable life in hie palace-prison at Combine, in only “111501117 end oonditionnl. They will wait an utter the Emperor's coronation, and if no reforms are then forthcoming they will recommenoe their murderous work. min}, as it is quite evideï¬tâ€" iii-1'31"“: $5.10 of Germany no not disposed to woept t ' theory quite passively. Tn: aged mqnarch, William of Prussia, hangs tenaciouely to the "Divine right of Kings.†Addreuing adeputaticn recently, he said :â€""He considered it necessary to again remind the country what the Crown in Prussia. was. It was a symbol of the absolute authority given by God and not to be taken 1w: by man.â€-â€"With these senti- ments King \ illiam in gathering together a desperate policy for hie aucoeaaor_to mai n- . An 5L , Tun income of the Manchester Unity, I. 0. 0. F., of England, for the past year, in American value, Was about $4,085,000, [and the relief sud expenses about $2,855,000. The reserve fund amounts. to $25,536,403, The members of that order have something putt goodtofell back on during “niny went er.†Tan Senate set precisely nineteen minutes and n hell on Friday. There wee really nothing very exciting about it. The least of the show was npproximetel 8125 pet min- ute, or from 82,000 to 83,300 per de very costly end useless luxury. It ll 5 time the useless institution ut up its shuttl- ters and closed buniness.â€" ide. 81w autumn: gamma. WOODVILLE, HAROH 30. was. a. cum, mm. ganuino. nsx your dealer for Cantorina Maâ€" Macbino Oil and see that. the barrel is branded " Cnetoriue,†an none other is a. 003mm, mq.,gi}eu¢ London mm, Lindsay. ‘ Dun Simâ€"Have the goodness to convey to the Directors 0! the "Imdon Mutual†our thnnks for their promptnoss in paying our claims in full, arising from the 108003 by the recent bush Hm. Alex. Clarke, ‘ Ops, 8566 James McGalioy, Emily, 900 Edward Kerr, " 000 Joseph McConnell. “ 590 Matthew Wilson, Ops, 9N5 Thos. McCabo, 0 s. 596 Edwin Pmuse, ll miposn, 9u2 Tnns. Kelly. Emily, 450 Martin Harrington, Emil‘y, 795 (inf Benny. Vern am, 550 U. '3. Tiers, “ 872 Issue Goselin, Luton, 2N} Hugh Pniloy. " 50 Margaret Kerr, “ 250 Jnhn Cheynnnth, Fonelon, 530 Ednwrd Malone. 0P3. 630 P. B. Mcllhargoy, Lindsay, 40 J Amen HoWnrd, Vorulam, 400 John Wilson, Ops, 350 Robt. McFeclers, Vcrulnm, 70 OI John Kumbol, Lindsay. 000.. lb“). 188]. 350 OTICE is hereby given that l, the an. N dersigned, have this day by mutual consent withdrawn from the partnership of James Risdon, Senior, James Risdon, Junior, Johnnnd Joseph‘Risdon, and ell parties having claims against, or owing the said ï¬rm. will settle the sumo with the remain. ing membersu I share nofurther interest in them. JOSEPH RISDON. \Voodville, March 8th, 1882. ASK your den)" for Cantorino regiona of space, are attended by much diflio culty and uncertainty. Ias there ere few localities acceaible to man to which terres- trial duet does not nctreto. To secure freedom from the inf-frferenoo of these ter~ restriel atoms it is suggested that captive belonns be employed and sent to the great- est attainable altitude- Observation upon meteoric dust, the min- utqpartiolos which roach t_ho oarth from the Mnmnn O’Rovnxn, who murdered Patrick Maher, aged 84 years, and his daughter Bridget at Milton, Out., 011 anu- sry 20. has been found guilty and sentenced to be hanged on June 9th. Jabesh Snow. Cunning Cove, N.S.. writes : “I was completely prmtmted with the asthma, but hearing of Dr. 'I'homns’ Eclec- tric Oil, I procured s bottle, and it done me so much good that I got another, and before it was used. I was well. My son was cured of a bad cold b the use of half a bottle. It goes like wild re, and mskee cures wher- ever it is used." U11 and take inwardly according to direc- tions. Yellow Oil in the best remedy for Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Bruises, Burns, Frost Bites and all lameness, inflammation and pain. No household should be withopt it. SORE TnnoAT.--App?y H yard’s Yellow Qil auditgkg inwardly 50001-an to direc- ORILLIA will hue a gala (lay on the 24th of May. Preparation are already being made. The sports will be held on the Agricultural Grounds. _ Hmunn’s Prmonu. BALM]! cure ooughs, colds, asthma, cwup, whoo ing cough, sore throat, bronchitis and all ung complaints that lead to consumption. Price 25 cents. ARD 0F THANKS. THERE are in Toronto 2,300 street o: ings. 2.500 culverts, 130 miles of streets, 200 miles of sidewalks. Mr. Henry Marshall, Reeve of Dunn, writes: "Some time ago 1 got A bottle of Northrop Lymm’s eIgetoMe Discovery from Mr Harrison, and consider it the very best medicine extent for Dyspepsin.†A were from next Sunday is Easter. HAW: Hornâ€"Before ï¬ou despair of cur- ing a troublesome coug just verging on consumption try Hsgysrd’s Pectorsl le- sun ; it has cured others, why may it not cure you I All dealers sell it. N OTIOE CAn'rwnmm spring hi1- will be held on Friday, April 28th. g A large assortment of Genuine Gold Wedding Rings at G unn’s. camp. The gas for his beloons may be mode on the spot, end will be of pure hydro. gen, it being lighter than oerburetted hydro. ‘ gen. He oontemplstes being able to keep ‘ the bsloone st 5 oertuin ultitude by means of u long rope being trolled on the ice ; because. u the buloons ascend. more weight of rope will be brought to bear upon them and mac verso en the baloom descend less weight. The baloons will he very perfectly construct- edeso as to prevent-the escape of gas a but if there should be‘un unforeseen escape, he proposes to take the gee of one baloon end put it into the others and then avail himself of the returning winds. A MONTRIAL gentleman who he: himsell made an Arctic voyege. etetee that Com- mander Obeyne ie in Ottewe pnrhing hie echeme for reaching the North Pole by heloon. the only obetecle in the [way being the went of money. of which about $100,000 will be required; He hu fullv decided upon the route he will tnhe 3 the chief dilflculty will be to ruoh'hie camp ground; or the point item which hle beloou will etert. This point will be only 450 mile: from the Pole end will be in Davie Streite at the north~ cut corner of Gn‘nnell Lend, near by Cape 1 Urion, oppoeite Gmnlnndlon the wont eide of Smith’e Sound. lining reeehcd thie point he will project encempmente for e considerable dietnnce apert, north of Cape Urion towerd the pole, in order to tlnd out courses of the winds. on he preeumee there will be currente in; -northwerd at timee end louthwerd e other times 5 and if cu, he will take duo of letting 30 his belocne on the nort word course toward the pole which he expeote to reach in money- four hours from _nterting_ from his mun Mniiposa, Emily, Emil y. 872 2|!) 60 950 530 630 000 590 9| 6 and the HONEY FANNING MILL. All kinds of Ron] and Soul Machine Oils. A CALL 80 Wilkinson, Combinatiéii', £ Patent Ploughs, TORONTO REAPER3 Ann maoviens, OSHAWA ‘OHAMMON' E‘FAPERS a mowens. A ll ll.-l..'_-_ __-__ FMMï¬ , 7. _.-â€" w uuuv IINI‘U. All Mmhinea warranted to give satisfaction or no sale. and sold CARA P for CASH‘ 0N ‘IME. Also Agent for the Celebrated Mcmwwm mama. n- Store in Arch. Campbell's Block, immedintely out of the Post Oflioo, Woadvmo; “ Alan agent for Credit Valley Railway tickets, iuued through to all parts of Manitoba. Woodvillo, Much Int. 1882. D. Stanton BAUER? EEG-$581348. P80 VISIGNS, ï¬g, The undersigned begs to (alarm tholxmblio of Woodvnllo and neighborhood that ho has cowmonood s cm GROCERY AND ROVISION STORE in this village. when will be found at all time. . choice new stock of :11 kinds of NEW GroceryS Provision Store 1 Vâ€" _v‘ A Fine Voluno givpn with every um. potndl «‘1'... patch-ad. Lornevllle, Jun. 9th. 1882. WM- REID- A lug. moi 0! Boots Shoes, eady-Made clothing and Sprlng [lty Goods. NEW STORE, LORNEVILLE N. n. CAMPBELL. only Please give me a Gallâ€"câ€"md get my Prices l I,» 80"‘Th9 “‘1 JUST ARRIVED. us ‘__ _CASH 0B. MARKETABLE PRODUCE, for whloh Mo highest price willb be paid. 'l‘wo Oar-loads a! SIM :muum. Tobi Bold. Mm LATEST STYLES and PA 'I'I‘ERNS. ARRIVING. SCOTCH AND CANADIAN TWEEDS, --ol'-â€" STYLISH DRESS 55033; All/D OPE/v50 007/ mom; NEW PRINTS! .Iu'll u ’91:»: and Raymond Sewing Machinm supplied cheap, authorized agent in this sectian for Agent for tho â€"AT THEâ€" 2r Regain on hand, Outorlno 4011‘ ‘1). N. B. CAMPBELL. Whyte 0P ON SIIORTEST NOTICE. 1ERMS, REA SONABLE'. CAMBRIDGE S'l'., LINDSAY. BUILDING PURPOSES, MARBLE ~ANDâ€" GRANXTJ? W033 Monuments, Tombstones, mmma martini y The largest in Canada. 1 HEAD OFFICEâ€"Toronto, Ontario. BRANCH OFFICEâ€"Montreal, P. Q., and St. Poul, Minnow“. N U RSERl ES~ Fonthill, Ontario. We can start in addition to our already largo force 1m additional, canvassors, and want men who cm: give full timu to the businm. Steady employment and good salaries lo successful men. It. does not matior what your 'previoul occupation has been. If you are willing to Work your anc-. cm is almo-t certain. The beat of referen- con required. Apply to STONE a WELLINGTON, Salesman Wanted 1 Foam!!! Nurseries I To begin work 1t once on sales for {-11.1882 for the or; 1813-9 botilé Io}â€" 773â€"59; tell yum-neighbor about it. (FROM 8M2"... ‘ The New Compound. its won- derihl aï¬inity to the Digestive Apparatus and the Liver. increas- ing the dissolving-juices, :9er ing almost instantly the dreadful results oiDyspegsia. Indigestion, and the TORPI LIVER, makes Zopesa an away day neocssityia 9%†htgnse' tly d ' 12: ac can an spec Biliousness. Costivaness.dgad- ache, Sick Headache. Distress a!- ter Eating; Wind on the Stomach. Heartburn, Pains in the Side and Back, Want otAgetite. Want oi, Enemy, Low Sp , Foul Stom- ach. It invigorates the Liver. cat- Cut qqt aqd ï¬ght: it to your I'lâ€" ._-Jâ€"â€"A â€" DEALER IN ASD MANUFACTURE 0’ ‘ Câ€. » {1- ‘ \ Fan Smx All!) lumvmâ€"On Wed acid-y A ' 5th at [41312, Concession 2, Thongâ€"$31. R. ' . v, ,V--~--â€" v, WV "-7. AV. UNI, My. Jno. “usual, 0' Win, to Miss Mary E. Mitchâ€, 0! Whitby. ON in 16th in... '3. flu Methodist Ion-ac, by the Rev. 8. P. Brno. Mr. fat; NOR“. ol the township of Eldon. to Mina In, Conic, o! the township of Man. A1 Ob. Methodist hams. on the 2]“ fast, by the {£01. 3. P. Rosa, Ju. Fraser, of the to'nthlp of Amprior, to Bury Ann McDonald, of tho township of Man. A1 Whitby. u :ho'iï¬Ã©m «a. mum mull", Mn. Thouom, by the Rev. Mr. Abraham. minted by the Ru. N._Ulu§, MIAJnnAHn.-I AlunnL A ... - Try Wihon'l 35°: Jupau'Toa. Cuu’c be bent. WlA'mu unsettled and vary obtngo' able. w The latest Novels by standard author: at. Gunn Bron w Satisfaction guaranteed in Rumors and Pocket. Knives at Guun'a. 303 Wall of every dacription at lowed mum at Tu: Anocux. mitt £61562; £52255 5; "I“ L 813-9 botuo for Z6 ‘cqptsï¬nei. Inn-:â€" â€"-J..I.l.‘â€" A l AND ALL DESCRIPTIONS 0' ALI. KINDS OF le '08 MANITOBA (our lubdding. Nurserymen. Toronto, Ontario. CUT TO ORDER §ALE REGISTFB. Ill-Ill. I‘kï¬ï¬‚n .4