WE observe a notice in the Uxbridge Journal of last. week eulogiziuz the artistic productions of Mr W. A. She: wood anont. the portrait of the late J no. Morrison, Esq, of this place. WE are to be {Miored hereafter with a retlun mail daily between Lindsay. The Toronto mail train will carry it. This will be a gloat convenience to the village. Tmc second edition of winte}, or “wiutm‘ lingering in the lap of spring," is characteristic of the weather at pre- Oun friends in the north will now have attained their long wished for desire reganling train service. There will be two trains daily between 00th conk and the Lomeville Junction, thus giving the Convenience of a trip to Toronto and return the same day. Q? LARDINE MAcnmn On. is manufactured solely by McCall Bros. (n Cu, Toronto, and is the only popul-o m“ Machine Oil touluy in use by all mill men and farmers. TryLaIdine. MEDICAL authorities advise people to clmlr their cellar of decaying vegan lltlllb matter, mud especially on the ap- proach of warm weather, as many diseases am attributable to neglect. of this precaution. Mu. Ewen MCLEAN,» of Woodville, and Mr. Peter McCuaig, of 6th con. Eldon, left. for Manitoba on Tuesday last. ' AHA !â€"â€"Dentists who hwe tried “TBA' Inkk1,"prnuouncu it the ï¬nest thing on this earth fax the teeth md breath. 85 cent samples. Tm: breeder {rho can bring to uotice n lured of fowl that will eat. potato lyngs has a fortune in his handy. 'I‘lmv IN‘OI desirable want. on all potato ï¬elds. Bugs mo unusually plenty. \Vhere is the [wood of fowla tlut will dovour them ‘l w “79 have jnst arriving 4 car loads of Land and Fine Saltâ€"Barrels and Bulk. Also any qmmtity of all kinds of Seeds. W. G. Smith 5: Co. @- A new preparation for Chapped bands. at Gunn's. M‘R. Axons CAIPBELL, who left here a short. time ago‘ is now in Colorado. Board he says costs the modest sum of $40.00 per month in that country. Mows' Bdl, Cunniighn. , chmnu Lona: No..G. R. 0., meet in Muouic Hall, ova Meson. Csvm Cowm's store, Victorin Road, on theuoond Wednesday of etch month. m Seeds iâ€"Jnat received our new spring stock of Field and Garden Seeds. Gunu Bros. _ Fon home bills, we back splendid assortment. of cuts. Call and see them. w Go to Gunn'a for special value in Watches and Chains. A HEAVY milxstorm occurred on Sun. day night. last.‘ A considerable por- tion of_ the village was for a time sub» Phonon Dovn, I.0.0.F., meet every Thursday evening, .1: Odd Fellows‘flnll. Ctuningzon. Cwmnarox Emma-1x1, I.0.0.F.,meet ï¬rst and thi_r_d ‘Fridgy in etch month a Odd my 19th, Mitch 14th. Tuesday evening :1: 3 dado}â€" ‘3} $25655"- Hull, Woodville. Woonvxum L. 0. I. No. 32, meet second Wednesdzy ogch month, at MoSwoyn'n Hall, Woodville. Hum." L.O.L. No. 1,153, meet lat Wednesday of ouch month It Hartley. WRONI‘O I. NIPISSING RAILWAY. Tutu going Soukâ€"8:05. sin. , 7:“. mm. 1' 8:10. p. "LN db nimgoin , o -â€"u:w - 7:50 1“: .sm; 8:“,p.n., Thins going Northâ€"um n. 111.. X255 yam. _md 1:40 p.m. Tums going Sou‘hâ€"i'aGOtu. [1:00 can». '3‘ 3:00 p. In. Sunny «In! MM: 00“ M 1m. Puuavuaux Cannonâ€"Sonia. I. held In the above chmh at 11 o’clock .. 0.. uni 30p .111. Row. Alex. Ron, M. A. ,puwr. wboth School a 3 o'clock. CARA!“ Mnuoom Cannon. â€"8ervico cvai‘p'abbnth evening .8 6 :30 o 'clookh Rev. ichlr clamp-wt. Moth School st 10:00 a. m. February Nth, April 25th, July Nth, Sep- babelâ€"12m. November 14th. 1688, Janu- ary 18m, and Much mu. Fobru 21", April 26th, July 12th., Se umber-1‘33), N_uv_e_u_1_bor 16th. 1888, Jami: OAKWOOD. Fobru 27th. April m1!) 5th. Oct- ober “1:11383, Janna-y 10th, Such 19th. VICTORIA ROAD. IIDLAND RAlLWAY OF CANADA. Cxcxnoun pond}; I_.0.0.F‘ meet every gm: flaunts. plum:- hum. WOODVHJ.‘ Tm: matched nee between Dr. Mo- Kay’a “Extra," of Woodville, and Mr. Falquhar MoRae’s mare, “May Flowm,†trotted at Beaverton, on Wed- nesday of last; week, was won by .“Extm†in three stnaight heats. The teport of Benetton races is unavoid- ably croaded out this week. Full \Vheat gels ... ye Hay Potatoes .. (‘lmer .. Timothy jgutter 88' Eggs. packed ‘ "We: Sheep 3kin3... Dreamed Hogs Beef Flour, per cwt. Chickens per lb Turkeys per lb Gouge per lb Ducks per lb Lard per lb Tallow per lb. Mun-ch 20th, 1882. Spring Wheat Armecta Wheat‘ §pï¬qg__\\'h¢at, per pushel all W heat do Barley do Oats do Peas do Rye Potatoes pol- lunfl‘ ll 0 I Butter, r and Butter, po 30 Dairy Apples, per barrel Egg- per dozen Barley WE understand that Mr. Wm. Gdoderham, President of the Toronto and Nipissing Railway, having accept- ed the position of Vice-President and General Superintendent of Constmcs tion on the new work of the oonsolid~ ated Midland Railway of Canada, on and after the let day oprtfil, Mr. Geo. A. Cox, the President and General Manager will assume the genera! man- agement of the Toronto 'and Nipiuin g Railway, as well as the other lines forming the Consolidated Company. W Best variety of Prints ever shown in Woodville just arrived at. McIntyre Prior's, IT is our sad dnty this week to re~ cord the death of Mus. Jno. McKay. 14th con. of Maripoea, who died on Monday last. The deceased lady has been sick for along time from the re“ sult of an accident which occurred years ago. The funeral took place on .Wednesday and was attended by a large gathering of sympathiaing friends. Accoanma to the new Midland Time Table just remind, trains will arrive and depart from Woodville Station as ï¬ollows :â€"Going south, express, 7.25, a. m. ; mixed, 1.45 p.m. ; mail, 6.10 p. m. Gem north, for Lindsay, Midland City or Go nk, mail, 10:00 a. m. ; express, for Lindsay, Midland and Coboconk, 8.00 p. m. ' @ WHAT rs Lamas! Ask any Farmer, Thresher or Saw Mill man, or in fact, any man who runs mach in- ery of any kind, and he will tell you that itis the only Macrame On. which will wear equal to Castor Oil and won’t gum or clog your machinery. Ask your dealer for it and take no other. a Every good-mm uhwld all and impoos our very lag- and well selected .Now Shock of Scotch and Canadian Theodl, jut alflved u M!» lncyro Prior'a. @- We heve just received e lei-go and choice stock of new styles in Lediee' Hats, Bonnete, Feathers, Flowers, Ornaments end Trimminge of every description for the coming Spring tndo. â€"McIntyre 4: Prior. Mn. Wu. Canon, of this villugo, is inviting customers {at wtungo in the towmhip of Card!!! for the coming season. Any number of mind: can be nooommodueod. A good mun in to be plmd in charge. For lumber parâ€- ticulam nee posters which will ohm-fly appear. Our'Millinor, Miss Brownian, has again “rived, Ind is prepared to hike order- for spring work. Mina Brownlow has now oommenood her third season in Woodvillo, and so far has given good saw-lotion to our ous- tomora, and we do not hesitate to re- commend her. McIntyre Prior. A nu delicate operation was pen- former by DIS. Clark and McKay on Tuesday lest. Mr. Robt. Staples, of Palestine, who has been suffering from o bed rheumatic commotion of the right foot, bed the entire (rout of the loot removed. The operation resulted Very successfully and we learn the patient is doing well. Cook Wanted. GOOD PLAIN 000K wanted. Apply at once to Woodvluo Farmen' Mela. Taro-(o Mal-ken. T. EDWARDS, Eldon House, Woodville. II- 0' O 1 ... . do 4 mrmt5 ... per ound pert oxen .. do per bushel 88 2“=§s 83°, H†R oâ€" q 0‘ ‘833358 6 u. 88888 888 ‘6. waqaaaz =aasss 9. O n m ffnuns 05 to 00 do do do 115t0118 .. 117tol20 .. 095t0100 60w'i5 363.035 per bushel 70 to 75 per bushel" .75 to 0 75 per ton per bushel 'QQ: %mwwmm%mmmm 1100001mm30 wmwmwmmflmmm ï¬n mm†.mu 1100001. 20 cccccccccc ........... ...... All-wool Sprinq Tweed Suits Peter 0. Campbell has started business oppomtu Gregor Campbell's 01d stud, and is prepared to do all kinds of \Vaggon (Innings-Building. Repairing and Curiage-Painb ing, l’romptly Executed. Woodville. Much 14th, 1882. By the nbove We mean that we are not in the habit of BOASTING of selling our Goods below cost, as all reasonable people are aware that it cmnot be done in business, but that we are issuing Genuine Pacts when announcing that we sell Nearer to cost than my other House in Town. In TEAS we are selling Best Quality for 45 cents. really worth 700. TERMS, CASH, UR FARM PRODUCE Clover Seed, Potatr 0 Apples, Pork, Beef, Beef-Hir’es, Shzeps/{is and Poultry. We the undersigned Auditors have carefully examined the foregoing eeoounte of the Treasurer of the Township of Eldon. and compared the same with the vouchers produced. and found the balance in his hands on the 31st day of December, 1881. the sum of $190.95, (one hundred and ninety dollars and ninety-ï¬ve cents.) and also ï¬nd on examining his Bank Book that there was at the above date, to his credit in the Standard Bank the sum of $283.85. (two hundred and eighty-three dollars and eightyJive cents.) showing that the township funds are carefully handled. V M. O’NEILL,L DAVID SIDEY, :An‘mm' "sun I. “C -_.- y--- We are selling Tea chelpor than "5.“..‘1? bought at whole-ale in Toronto. CALL AND “AI-AAI‘O Doc. 31 To Toronto and Nipis- ging Railway Deben. Cashmeres, A Kirkï¬eld, February 15th. 1882. SPECIAL INDUCBMENTS 1N CROCKERY. JNO. A. JACKSON, Esq. in account with the lbwnslup of Eldon. No Boasting, But Genuine Facts! MWMJLQASLEW @E’ EILflQflL To mount received by Tmasurer from ill-unreal..." .......... 817. 891 15 Dec. 31. Received intone“: on S. 8. No.8, Debentures" .813] 20 “ Interest Boxley Debentum 60 (I) " “ Somerville " 60 00 " “ 8.8. No. 1 Interest 1881. 1881.’ == CAEEMGE WAGGQEMAKEB . Mortgn ............ 68 00 " From Townuhxp $nndn...... 192 80 The “Ball" Organ and “mater" Piano I ROdgers Bros. W. G. SMITH 00., Auditors’ Report for Year 1881, [in Abstract. Choice Stock of chefles and vaisicns on Hand ‘WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH FOR-â€" Tea Seth of 44 pieces for $2.9m Bedroom Satin, 9 pieces, $2.60. (Latest- Pltterns and Styles) made to order, from $15.00 to 825.00. AT MITCIIELL’S OLD STAND, \VOODVILLE. TERMS. MODERATE. GIVE HIM A CALL. LIABILIHH. on on. n... TEAS, TEAS. sud Debonturu... 198 00 A. MoArthur'a 45m. per yard. Splendid Value, md cannot be beat. RAILWAY BINKINO FUND. 1031"? " mHDWURI. DR. We are also Agent. for GET A â€BARGAIN. 317891 15 .MPBELL, Dec. 31. By Bexley Debentures..81000 oo 4‘ :0 l\ 8‘ Somerville “ S. S. No. l Eldon, Do- bentnm. ............ S. S. No. 8, “ Low to 8.8.4, Cut-den Loan on account of Int and 2nd Con Drain... A. McArthul-‘a mort- 100000 99000 48000 40000 30000 1881: Blmut d h v â€mums: Doc 31. By Loan to 8. 3. No. 4. Garden ........ - ........ “ " Pnid for let and 2nd 1881. Bdanco u. maxi ma; a. N. 28; N.L‘ampbell'a " , G. Ross. mortgage with accruing interest... J. McGilvery, mom gage with interest... Excess of linbilities over â€scum..." 37763 00 RWQMM 817891 15 $70000 70000 9R. F. KILLALY, mammwom Coming, will be here In about ten (lava. Double Barrelcd, Good En lie 1), Brandi Loading Rifles from $18 00 to 00. which price is $4.00 under their value. P0“ DER. SHOT, GAPS, and everything iii the Shoot: ing Lina, kept always on him . Garrisgu Buggiaa Waggon! Butters Sleigh 8.0, REPAIRING, PAINTING, TRIMMING. Neat. Cheap and Prompt. Consisting of LOCKS, KNOBS, HINGES, BOLTS, GLASS, c. A: Hurdware ‘1: bound to be from 10 to 20 per cent. higher in the summer, parties intending to build should call and buy now, as they will are money Ivy so doing. .151)! stock is complete BUILDING HRBDWILRE. WHITE LEADS, PAINTS, all kinds and colors. OILS, TURPENTINE, VA RNISHES. all brands-,SHELLAO, JAPAN, BRUSHES. 400 Keys of Out Nails Before the last :dvance and as a conse- quenoo can sell them cheaper than u pov- aon shout this part 0! the count . him alto secured one car 10 of R. J. HARWOOD’S CARRIAGE WORKS, woewmm. A good Hearse furnished at Short Notice md . on» Reasonable Terms. OILS, VARNISHES ace w. c. StonnART. Cabinet Maker 8. Undertake: PAINTS Highest price paid for Hides. Ealf and Sheepskins! ‘3'; the WOODVILLE TINSHOP HARDW ABE Cheaper» for Cash than can be purchased Elsewhere. Ihnvo nutreooivod n on lud ofullkindo of AINTS, OILS, VARNISHES. PUTTY, BRU§_H_ES M., which BQBQEEEOEIM: AND GENERAL aucxsmmma- S9RJMQ 863.13 5? (3631'! GUNS! GUNS! , â€"K!NG STREET. WOODVILLEâ€" FRED. LEAS. on hand, which will be TRADE. Luckily purchuod Manufactu tor of A Inge stbck of â€"-’08 Tillâ€"â€"