THE NEW LICENSE ACT. l-‘m- tho beneï¬t; of those intemsted and who may/«aka out Licenses under [in McAIthy Act we give the follow- They shall have power to deï¬ne the mmlitiona and qualiï¬cations necessary to obtain a- license. To limit. the number of hotels, shops; c., within their.district. 'l‘o regulates-or select what particular Lou-ls or shops should be licensed. Thu-e shall be three Commissioners far ouch License District and 0110 chief Inspector and one or more subs. 'J'he License year shall commence nu the ï¬rst day of May of each year. livery application for a License shall he by petition oi the applicants. Even y petition for a Hotel or Shop License must be ï¬led with the Chief Inspector of the (listlicb on or before the ï¬rst day of March in each year. An applicant fora Hotel or Shop licgnse who not then hold a License or one applying for a License fora Hotel or Shep which is not then Li». (E'HS‘Ctl, must with his petition hand in a ('vrtiï¬cnte signej by at least one- third of the electors in the polling snb' division in which the Hotel or Shop is heated. They shall ï¬x the duties, powers and privileges of the Inspectors within their District. in Cities, Towns and Incorporated Villages.‘ there cannot be more than me hotel for each {250 of the ï¬ist 1,- (‘00 3f the population and only 'One Hole lfor exeiy full 500 men the ï¬rst N000. That IS, a thousmiil of a p01» ulntion may have {our Hotels hut from 1,000 to 2,000 there can be onlyl additional Hotel, so that for a popntn~ lion undei ..,000 then: cannot be more than ï¬xe Hotels, but when it is... ’,000 there can be six Hotels. But the (iuuncil of'any City, Town or Village may by by~law passed before the ï¬rst of March ohany year limit the number of Hotels or Shops below the number allowed in this act and the Commisâ€" sioners mnsr. limit according to the Municipal bylaw ; but no Council lmseny power to illGl ease the number of Hotels beyond the limit set forth in the men. Siachzappiicant for a License. must Toposib $10 to cover expensi-s of In- »;uction, etc. [f a vote is taken in any Municipal- i: _v and three ï¬fths of those who vote going against the issuiug‘of Licenses no License can issue in that, Municipality for that year exams. in case: of Cities, At hint the cat is out. of the bag I tnn' cotem of tho Lindsay ll’ardcr, no tl‘mht: fairly hoams with the glory of its astounding discovery, and really, tO-k It the tutth, it cannot he wondered at. Rut-ha startling development it does not often fall to tho ll’urdar to expose. We almost hesitate to announce it. \Voudville is to ho gcrytnuudered into South Victoria ! Hear the shriek. Mr. McIntyre tho honomhlo, No, is :u cusrd of feathering his own nest and of creating for himself a hugh majority from the village of \Voodvillo. Vérily, this is vilikny. And where do the people r-t this nnlhppy villago come in this matter I‘ I’mhaps the ll'artlcr has for. gotten their existence in its exnspom‘ (ion at. Mr. McIntyre, or possihlo it in-w have no voice in the mutton; Whatever may he the reason for this t’rrnnlmhlo onthmst of passion, \m tan assure nurimlignant comm that tho Ich has tho approval of the people of this village and we would also lmnark thvv are fully comlmtvnt tojmlgo of whatis to their advantage. The War. I!»â€" has struck the only unfavourable noto produced since the~ inception of tlu-sclwmrvnnd we can conceive of no mmm for thou attacks. other, than its antipathy to onytliing limdled‘ lw My. â€Chin-In, A population of 1,200 may have f-L x: shops but not less than 2,200 can Lam ï¬ve shops. ' :l‘lle Canada Paciï¬c Railway uuw rejoice in the [masassion of thirty mil liéfis mpro of Canadian mom-y, one cmt of which we do not believe this cduutry Will ever receive again, There was a bitter oppositiun made by the ; Liberal uido «if the hnuse, hut without effect, The govt-ruumut carried the mensum swevpingly. This is one morv lstmw for the already overbuuluned mensum sweopingly. straw for the alre Canadian camel. \VHAT are we coming to ‘l Sam-cely a. day pnssos in which it. Inny not: he 0‘)» aervnl some terrific “slugging match has occurred and our city exchanges roll oll' their reports of Urn cuntesh with. out a word of condemnation. We ob» served only on' \Vednesdny lust un “exhibition"(l) took place in which the principals bent, each other lorrihly, the audience howling and \ ‘lling with demoniac delight over the proceedings. Surely such exhibitions might be sup‘ pressed. The Council of the city nf'I‘oron‘.o have laud before them for consideration a. measure severing the cminc‘ttion between liquor stores and grocery establishments, , and n. byuiaw was submitted to the people, which was curried by a». large majority. The council on ‘ proceeding tapass the bylaw met, with m'. unexpected check, an injunction [wing served on them restraining the passage of the law until Thursday inst. A large amount 0! money has hem subscribed hy the licensed stcl‘lr‘ket‘pnrs to defeat the measure, but the council have done their duty to the people and thu issue has at last been successful, the court conï¬rming the by-lnw, which is now in effect. \‘i'hat is to b0 the Outcome of the clash of nuthorityï¬u the matter of Licenses? The Dominion authorities under the McCarthy act. are preparing for the reissue in May, while the pro. vinciul government will certainly not recognize them. This will leave hotel. keepers and othtrs who take out licenses under the Dominion Act; open to prosecution for selling Without a license, while the Dominion ofï¬cials will certainly extend to them no protccr tion. In many places hotel keepers are refusing to take out license under the new Act and we think thcin per" fectly justified. Seeing that no guarno tee is extended to them that they will not he called upon to pay a second time to the Province. The Auditors’ report for the Town- ship of Thou-uh, shows the following condition, of the Municipal ï¬nances. The Township is in a very favourable condition, in fact we doubt if there be many municipalities in the Province which can show a more flattering state- ment. This is the result 9f a fortunate chain of circumstances and the pIndcnt management of the Township all‘aiis by the various councils zâ€"liecuip'. ' Cash on hand lust audit,‘$3SO 96$ collector, 1882, $492.17 ; licmse fees, $250.25 ; Midland Railway Company, 31,500; uouq'csident taxufl, $72 ; clergy resolve nmmrtiomnent, $27.10,- ï¬nes 3313.5; Duncan Cameron, shme of Cameron road, 5511.30; tiInher sold on side lino 20 and ‘21, 2nd com, 322; lountv 'l‘rensurcr refunds, $5943 ; school dclmntnros, $3.500; grant to Mrs. (Julvillo rul'nndml, $7) ; hilliurd liccnao, $21, Midland l’uilway com mutation stituto labor, SR -5; can. culling urarnl pit lease, Sill; colloctm, 1393. $3,732. 7% liqmmlituromâ€"«llu provcmonts, $31,515 Bl ; schools. $8,100.. 02 ; comty m 0., $1,021 i'l; deben- tnros. coupons, km, $3,413!) ; salaries» $99388; rumittml und uncollcctahle tnxvs 3‘10 27) , printing. advertising, he 0., $127.86 ;‘ ' conligcncica. 3237.50; surveying, 8.3!- 60; halanvn in hand, Dec. 31, $87.17. Asst-tszâ€"lhlanco to npocial account in liar k of ’l‘oronto‘ 3LT)! 1.65; Collector's roll, WWI, $6 804 78; collected Dec. 131, $7,73- ‘7 W74 duo on Collcctm's roll, Jim. Link-l. $1,072.04. componsatious, $14.66; at A lmnulifu! line of Valentine! and Birthday-guards opened thin week- "’11“ Medicakhnllï¬â€˜ ‘ “cannon. ‘ Gamma mates. It is marvellonsfto look around one in these progressive days, and mark the in- dividual as wml as tho collective advance in all things appertaining to impmvclnenb and elnnlativo ascendancy. 'l‘lw conqueror was wont. o! Ultl to mete out glory in nccnnlnnco with the extent. of his victories. but now that. extention of territory by the sword has TH E uiven place to the uveuvhelmiu" iutlmuco of mlvanucuunl in science, “0 naturally aak wlmt arc the great. features uf muyailudc in mlerprise i’ It is one thing to discover, and another and far more ilillicult undertaking to make that discovery known throughout, a hemis- l’lwro, or own a continent; ‘nut 'l‘lmnms Holloway has dune mum, having not. only erected a “Beacon 0‘ Health," Imt brought it within tho. gaze of nvzu‘ly all the human race. "Health fur 1H" isliis \ralcliwurd, and liv the liscm'cry mu] diswminntinn of his Pills and Ulllbulrllt he has lnniwlit that. bum: within the reach uf all. But the [mum we want to unto more «av pccially at the pl‘csullt time. is the magni- tude uf his undertaking, cviLced Ly the falutufhis having, lll‘l‘illllvli su widely and Thanking my numerous customers {01-1)th patronage I would respectfully intimate that past due accounts must. be Bottled at once. (lush customers will be allowed it liberal percentage. In the above line I can doï¬ cnmpctition in Mzdclial, Style, \\ mlmmnship and Plic s. My Sin-lug Stock is now {'0 lmml complete in all linos, from the “ Pancake Solo" 10 the “('mm‘nntoed.Sold Lvntlwr and I am prepared to svit customers in any line, style 01‘ Material. Ludies’, Missos’, Boys’, Ynutlm‘, and Children's wear in Sale “'m'k. Satisfaction Absolutely Guaranteed on all work. ‘ MAGNITUIH-I 0F ENTEIU’RISL ! ORDERED WORK- RQE. Q$M9flfl££m ' ‘ W OODVILLE wwmw These Goods will be sold Cheap for Cash or Produce. Elaborate Cretonnes. Beautiful Prints. Choice Dress Goods. Fine Black Cashmeres Fancy Scotch TWeeds English Pantings. ‘ Fancy Check Shirtings New Cottonades Cheap Cottons. New Fancy Goods. Cheap Boots and Shoes. Cheap Groceries. New Spring 6906 a? w: McIntyre Prior, REMEMBER WOODVI LLE. unh’ersnfly his twin rmuudics. and in the slum of forty yams pink-ed them within the reach of nearly all tho.- huumn family ; no :onnor \wru they ï¬rst wounds-Mod thonthuy radiated simultnncuusly to nut-humus zud countries cuuunuuiu:m~ul with through our vast commercial clmmmls. In tlu: jungles of India, in the will grazing plans 01' Ana- traliu. um! tn the hackwuods of Blitish Nmth America Huey fuulul their way, spa! by tho aux-Hey uf :~_\-| impulse ! ,1 h‘n J†_._ I J Holloway. Iwugnzzinl nu obstacle, and lllel'vlnru vanqmshul all that attempted in impmlclns unmml way ; having m'erwnm prrjmlicr- mul jx-"luusy, a universal "in-u trade" was (:u-itly grnnlwl to his sn-citic, when utllcl' mmnuulitit-s uf liunne consultin- tion \rcrc strangers to a foreign market; unr cwnsms n-n'th of tin: American frontier more cspociuliv adopted the HHS and (lint- lneut, :uul \\‘ulcumml thumas the all up» pruprixuu inciliciualsuf the smtther, and tin-y are nuw (we learn) the accepted protoctinn against. and prchntivo from. {ill the inter-- mil nml extcrnnl rlismusvs peculiar to tin-m. Nnr «Ines this man uf giant intullett leave this organizzniun to wm‘k itself, bn‘u like the great center of a system, nukes his purimliczil Visits to each and every puint ; vivilying and urging onward iris all import - ant mission, through the varied c‘mrn-tla of cmmnunicutinn. to chry cnrner uf thu earth’s hmml smface !â€"-â€"Lrig/1Iun Jqu-nul. ‘ï¬ï¬ï¬â€˜Ã© 2:22: éï¬!’ ‘9‘ ,‘ 'l‘m: Bwumnn.--\)wiu-,: tn the train Mockmlc of last Wr-k our pxprrs did lull. arrive in liuw. mu- temlors will kindly rc- nwmbcr the cumlilimis which govern ed the afl'uir allul uxcusu us accordingly. W Pure \‘l’inoi «ml '.iquors alriclly fur medicinal purposes at tho “Medical Hall" Bum‘rrton. i S'rII:\I.-â€";\ most terriï¬c storm of win-l and snow omnnwnnul luffv I u 'l‘hnrmlay of la‘t week and Continuwl Ir' til Friday night. WheI u it caused tho Lll‘uuly oVrrbIIrIleu-Il mails were fonnulin In on II'IIC'II lilieil to tho lgwl o! the iciius \ulh lIquIl [nacho-l snow, and [quite imlunn wi'. lhnin; the former part of the season the north and south roads were the one: to euil'cr. .‘mw, honcvcr, the 'rozuls running, Lust and West. are the had Ulll‘S. Many vii-nip; were mmlv on Friday to break the hlnckmlu but. how snccmlul in “citing to town. 0n the rail. \HIV ull trains woic (‘illlclllctl and no mow. lllcllt oucuII-etl on any put of flu) road on l‘IiIlIw Sninnlaw auction. was made to run north roIn 'loIonto to Lindsay. Trains \mm suspended in transit in most cusw being snowed in, their pussvngeI-s nnd hunilu having to wall: to the llcfll‘vst stations. Thi- thermometer (bounded to 1')“ hclow 71cm and with It terrilic wiml pro-laced the wont, storm of a very stormy season The cil‘uct of the conditions of the romla on business will hen-lepressing one until the apring opens, as people will not travel at presnt. unless under an absolute necmity. 'l‘o l‘i:1.\'TEi:s.â€"â€"\Yc have :m eXcelk-nt little “Army l‘ress" fur snlc. Just the thing for small Work. \Vill print an eighth sheet, Dunhle Demy freely. Also acum- plvtc telegraphic outlitâ€"s-mndcr and key. innnnted in ancnt 'uux, line instrmmnt. and new, very snitahlc for a learner m opomtiuu on a short. Incul circuit. Alsa- la'ï¬l ll); of brevier at present employed in. this sheet. Also 75llns long primer in fair condition. All of which will be sulil cheap or exchanged for other neces‘smy plant. A1- Rum I‘m: tn [8. -â€"~\ beautiful displu) of “Northcm Lights uccuxnhl on l‘mlay and S‘utnrdny night. The bright, flashing streams of light Were wry brilliant dun-int; the early. rimming hours. ‘ W Svhtml Banks, Stutimnry (ml \Vali Paper, :1 Luge stock clump at, John Mc- Kinuou‘s Beavertou. Jl'ST Suâ€"Evcry girl married this far this venr pusithely dcchres that. the engage » ment was made m 1833. . he doc-H this to avert. susplcion that she touk advantage of leap year- n’i‘ True Syrup of Spruce Gum, a certain remedy for cough am) cohis, m. John Mcâ€" Kumons Beaverton. CLOSE SEASONS Fun FNL~Tho following schedule of the close aoamns for ï¬sh in Ontario during 'the year 1884, which has just been issued by the department of mar: inc and ï¬sheries, may In: of interest : Pick- ercl. 15th April to 15m May; maskinonge, lbth April to 15th May ; bass. 15th April to ISM: Mny ; salmon trout and large grey trout, lst Nov. to 10th Nov. ; whitï¬ah, lat Nov. to 10th Nova; speckled trout, 15m Sept. to let. May. Sm'mx Wlxnzn hers â€"The anual winter trotting races will take place on the ice atJacksou’s Paint on Wednesday and Thursday, March 12th and 13th, when liberal premiums will be olferud. Henlthianduty, Disc: se a cnmc. 159 Dr. Henry Bantu-I“ s Mamdmke Bitters and he curml of all billmusness or “V'cl trouble. "‘3 cents “I" buy a large bottle. A BUSINESS Mr:1.on‘.'.â€"â€"'l‘here was a man in our town, and he was wonderons wise, for when he marked his pricus down he then did ndVertise. And when he saw his trade increase, with all his might and main he marked still lower every price and advertis- ed again. And when he advertised again his rim-lsloudlv swore. to see folks rush with might and mam to patronize his store. And when they sat in solitude and saw him eustovn win, the men behind his cunnters stood and raked the shekels in. And when he raked the shekels in, and saw his fortune rising. he tcmlc a goodly hit of tin and kept slill advurtising. Each day a generous sum. he'd sink, and demonstrate full plain, the lllnrn (me pays for printer's ink the greater is his gain. Ax (H'IMnx.â€"â€"\\’heu the 'l‘r.-nt Valley Canal is opened out no. the pupil: of Ur“- lin, em stand un its hanks and Watch ithe little tugs as they ply inanmlly ~hy with their hi3 seen-s hmuy huh u nilh rich merchandise, lalhhark, hnv 3 MM, etc. “'0 will he privileged in see innui-nse cargoes of grain. lnmher and shinéles naming hy the tuwn, but we \‘xpn‘t see them step to spend anything at ()rillia.â€"-’I'imm. As a sure remedy for rill; Headache, Sum Stomach, Disluspsia, lmhgmtmn, Uun~ atipaii-m, ’l'orpiul lnwr, lliliunmma, ML, nc medicine is equal to Dr. Baxter's Mandrake Hitters. 25 cenis per ln-ttle. McGrogor's Speedy Curea From the many mumrknhh: ohms wrcught hythe using McGroahr’s 3““:wa Curr fur Dyspepsia. Indigestion, (â€nusnpmiou mn’l. Aï¬cction of the Liver. and inmpthu im- monce sale of it. Without (my advortiaing we have concluded in place it. cxwllsivfly on the market, so am tlwao who sulfur may lmvo n pleoct cure. (In to, J. C. Gilchrist) pragsmn, Woodyilyo and get A trial bottle . nth. A..._AA -.._l {reef}; “no regular him a; “tiny. éyulq and. one dollar._ 1 {gramtun {Emu =31ch