Xeglc‘c‘tml wlds are the fatal traps that 0118mm: many a victim beyond possibility of lercne. 'I'nkeacol-lnrcong'i in time and it is easily mnquercd iry that safe and )I’emmnt \‘cgctahlo remedy. Hauynnl’s I'a-v- ‘turnl llalsmn. Astlinm, Brunchitis and pul- nmnary cumplngnts generally soon yield tu its lieallng mllucnco. Much distress and sickness in children is caused by worms. Mntlmr Umvn-s‘ “'nrm lkterminatn’.‘ given relief by removing the mnsd. llolloway‘s Corn (lure (loqtroyn rill . kinds of cnl‘lls and \mrtq. rool: mul lu‘nnch- -. Do not. delay in getting: relief for the little folks. Motlu-r tlrnvos' Worm Exter" niinator is a plonsunt. and sure cute. (Storm A. 'l‘hnyr-s. the man who ran for mayor of lhnglmmpton, N: \'.,on the plat- iorlu "Slimall tho Salvation army," has been elected l-_\' an overwhelming majority. ls your lnir turning: gray nml grmlunlly ffllllllq out? lloll‘a llnir llanowcr will ru- ntori- it. to its original color. and stimulate tlu- follioloa to prmlnuo a new and luxuriant. growth. lt-nlso cleanses tho scalp, ormliv‘ .mtvs «lamlrnll‘. and is a most agreeable and luruilcss dressing. According'tn the last census the papilla: tion 0f Spain and its possvssinnq in northern Africa is 16,635,345 What of Cuba 1.521 685, and that M the l'hiiippim-R, 2.507.635; tum] pupulazinn of Spain and its possessions, BLSGTJIN. with a. slight pmpomlcrauco of fcmah-s (1 15.000) over Inuit-s. The blowing dm‘vn (2‘80 pak near \Vash- ing‘ton, (4a.. revualqu'Jh‘Hé meal) of gold and jcwuls, (Humming fables, and :bï¬gl~lq, wiltn be! worth $9.1);000’.†It is suï¬ï¬osé‘d that they are. part of the trensium lost by mclnln-lr of {he (‘onfeclernto (‘ahineh .-\ littlc sun nf John Spiuks, 'l‘uruntu, had his {nut crushed Ivy a (l. 'l'. R. Express train Sumâ€. time ago. 'l'wu doctors attended him witlmut lwnellt. and amputatiun was pm- 1) we l. but ll-t;y:ml's Yellow Uil was trio l, which ban: prumpt I‘eliuf and CWCCt0|l a. qwmly cure, oven removing all stxll‘ncss of me juiut. llereisn'nir sample of a small lmy‘s tli:ll'_\',3as given hy an exchange :â€"“i‘.nt up and waslxctl muâ€"liml breakfastâ€"slid |l(l\VlL 'liillâ€"llml a light with Will Slilltll-â€"â€"We won't speak any nmrc~wm~c :1 lnulc in the toe [of my new lmut steering my sledâ€"cat snppurâ€"[m spanked inc nlmut the bootâ€"- went. to bed â€"lI-llly guml day." The aged, dehilitatcul, and inï¬rm will ï¬nd ram-Wed \‘Igur and strength by taking Bur- dock Bluml liltturs. 'l‘hc yIIunu hastening "I emh (l1 Lav will also ï¬nd in this rc‘ ital- i mg tonic .I I'cnIuQ \\ olth tI ving. In the island of Son Domingo there is a romarkahlosalt mountain. a mass of crys» talinc salt nearly four miles long, estimated to contain 89,337,600 tons, and so clear that type can he read through a block a foot thick. The mountain, geologists say, was once a plain at the bottom of the sea, and as the island roso from the ocean, this plain formed the hottom of a shallow lagoon, where the salt was (lvpnsifcul. ‘\ hrrcvel intrmlucc‘l lluuyzuwl‘s lelnw â€i1 tilnh friends. It is the 01:1 reliable lmuschnl-l run-culy fur external and internal me in all aches, pains lameness and sore- ums of the flush. A. L. Hrccn, a prominent ~lruggist nf llvllcvillv, says : “It is a great. iavnuite here. and has a good sale." 'l‘here is sonic-thing curiou! about ,it all. Last year the grain crup was short. initlnna~ ‘la. and all over America. and the supposiâ€" mn was that. in consmluencu the markets \mnld lioconn: brink and prices stilfuli up. 'l'hztjms not been “.0 case, huwuver. Now We an: infunnenl nu gnnd authority that at Liverpool, .\'cw Yurk, (‘hica-m. and other great grain centres there is a glut. of grain, so that even storage room; is becoming difï¬cult tn obtain. A DOUBLE BENEFIT, James Moure, :\ prumim-nt rcsixlt‘nt of Lemningtun. writes tl t he cured himself of hynpcpsia of a year Ilmtiun hy mic bottle of Burdock lilnml‘ rs, and two lmttlcs cured his wife who Ind hwn for years a sum-rm from the same disease. He com scieulinmly rccmmnumls it to all suffering from similar troubles . Inthennlyiummltmn-ms relief fur Neuâ€" mlgia. Headache. I'nnthnchc. vtc. “uh- iuga few «lrupsluiskly in is all that is neoflml. Nu taking “mun-nus IIIO‘IHCiIIU‘l for wealâ€. but one minmc's ap|v|ivktiou rmnnvus a“ min and “ill pmvn the gnu-at value of Hui-l Lightnin'z. 'l‘wantvvtiw units per lmttleatJ.G. Gilchrist's “'omlvillo. Muutim in )luntann the other day ihmtnu gil‘l stuck her head out a Nurthern 'l‘hc shve trade ï¬uurishos in A ftican lands uenrcrto l’n-vhm-l than the Sundau is. In 'I‘ angier last \H-ck, a Spanish no“ spaper <h xtxs. :\ “egress of 17 “as sohl in: $39; one u! ‘25 for $12 ; another, miuhllcu aged, for $35; and a girl of ll fur $37. , It. is a fact that Ahmzn “mm of 'l‘u'cml. haul a fm er sum that afflicted him My thirty 11w \‘eam. Six hunh-s nf Ih'hlock “hind Bitten) cured him. \vhirh he cousidrrs nlmust u mmu-lo. It \vae hut the nmura‘l result of the remedy restming pure blood and perfect. Srcrctiuu. t'acitic car. nnclaxclaimed :â€"â€" “'l‘ho bewilder- ing womanaoe which crowds this twin-scand- ental scenewy with such imlcscwibable fascination nnnl tinged: its evewy faatnli with such overpowering interest quite hwcaks mo up." And a number of'memlicrs of the lucal vigilance cmnmittee standing on the platfurm lunkml grimly into each uthcr‘s faces mu] muttered. “Oh, if it was only I Innn."â€"b‘iamm'rk Tribune. FACT STRANGER THAN FICTION. A FAVORITE EVERYWHERE. CRUSHED BY THE CARS. DANGER TRAPS. FOR ALL AGES. Mid Lightning. Tm and That. \Vhat Toronto’s well» known Cami Samari- tan says 2 “l ham been Limihlwi with “ya papsia and Liver (‘nmpiaint for on r ‘20 years. and I have triu-l nmnv rennniies. but never found an artii-h- that has done me as much good as Northrup Lyinan‘s Vege- tahie Discovery and liyalwptic Cure.†.«\n Irishman was going along a roarl, when -an angry hull rushe-l i! awn upon him, aâ€'l~ with his horns, (0550.1 him (Wcr a fence. The Irishman, ri-covneringlfrom his faEI. upon looking up saw the hull pawirg and tearing up the ground (as is the custom of the ani- mal when irritated), whereupon Pat, smiling I at him said, “If it was not for your howing and scraping an'lyoilr hnmhle apologies, yon 'ln-nté, faix I should think that you had thrown me over this fence on pnrpmefl (Immuo, ILL. Your valuable Cook Book came to hand, for whirl: accept, my thanks. It‘s A tron» sure. for its recipes are plain. mul tho hook is well gotten up: its tylmgmphicol and general make up speak well for your «lc~ lvmrtmeut in doing so much for the “Women of America." May your lloml he as sue» ccsuful m awry Woman will ho who follow: yourlfook Book, aml qvcry man who eats thereafter. Yours 'l‘ruly, Mus. M. l‘. Humans. This beautiful lmnk contains 128 pages with illnmnmbml covers. Sent on receipt of ten mmts in stamps or cash. Address, E. Sr. JUHN. G. 'l‘. 8' l’. A.. C. R. l. 1‘. lt'y, Chicago. Ill. Fauna as yellow as that nf the "Heathen ("him-u." in cumoqucuce of bile in â€10:â€an unm‘ fair and wlunlumuw-lunkmg Main when Nnrthrnpï¬, Lylnm’n \‘egletnli‘e. Discovery nydflrgat'bldydpuriï¬er is used to relax cnn. Minute“ limvt-ln mvl cxiwl the Iiilimw lmison fmin the (circulation. Rheumatic and Hum] impurities are ulsn driven out Iiy it. digres- tion matured, and the sygtem; licnrï¬tml in evory way by its use. i i Itis spring. A rtanrrcctfnm of nntura‘s latent forces is taking phcc. Like the world mnuml yum. rmmw your cmnph-xiun, invigorate your pmvors. (‘lt-mwo the channels of life. A yor‘s .‘ursupnrillu is the mums to use furthis purpnsu. CVCI'y “'fly fly [[3 “SC. ‘ \ “Why, sir. are you always gazing at tM,| sunsets?" “Just. became they are the only golden prnslnccts I cwr had before me 3" Mine Hun Furnace, “1., Jun. 31, 1834 E. ST. Julm, H. 'l‘. 6!. l’- A†Vice-General Laurent, parish privet at Bracehriilgc, has lmell appuintml m the clnrge of Lindsay, and the nppuinhneut gives general satisfaction. The \‘icu-flunorfll is barely tnrnc-l the: prime of life, is a unml speaker. an «Me and populu‘ plic-sf. nml mu! \vlm from his past career it is felt will lill wmthilv thu place of the huneutml Father Strall‘m‘il, and carry on the important work of the parish. 707.7llnrtle, of Mnnchvsfcr. (ln'nrin (‘nn Mrs. lila. Behring, a ymmz widow of Pthimm're. says she will kill hers‘lf if (Gm-r30 Ganflilu dues not marry her. George hmnuidcnofdnimganything Hi the kind, and her friends are sitting up nights with her. N. Y.. writes: “I nl-tninml ll|lllll‘lllk\t9 relivf from the “we uf lh'. 'l‘humm' Helm-hie ()il. I hme hEul asthma fur elvvoll years. Have hoon nhliqwl tn sit up all night for ten nr twul'm nights in succesniun. l can now slmap sunmlly all night on a fvnlhcr lmul. which I hacl nut hecn able to (m previously to using the Oil.†\irs. 'IIrIIlIII't. cnr. Pratt and Hum! way has lie-III :I suIIcII-r fur twalxu ye: I.I~.~a tlI'IIIIulI IlIeIIIIIMisuI, IIIIIl hIs tIieIl cI'zI Iy IeIIIL-Ilv she chlIl lh‘fll‘ II'. but. rIIItI-iI'IIIl ll‘) beneï¬t until she tIiI-Il Dr. Thomas†llclI-crric Uil : she sun's sShc I :IIIIIIII. I‘\!N9iï¬ tII - a: Ilisf: Ic-‘inn she fuels at h: H'ill" lIcI 1mm clIIiI‘cl)’ II- IIIIIv (H1 and ilt‘l‘ rIIIIIIIIIIIisIII I-IIIIeIl. l‘iwrc -\'l‘ lmsc imitation of HI‘S “IN“ VIII: fur sale ; see that yuu gut; Dr. 'l'IIIIIIIzts‘ Eu cctI'Ic (Ml. Vice-General Laurent. parish III-iI-kt at Mk8. BALL, - , 574, King street. 'l'oriinto. The menmrial tn the late Princess Alice socmhl (laughter uf 21m. Queen. uml wife of the Crawl link» nf Hesse»l'nrnmmlt, lms liy directiunnn-l wi~h of Her llaj-«s’y the Queen and Royal Family‘ul‘ Enul‘uul, resulted in the erection nfa great luh‘pilfll in Dullnsia'lt called the Alice Huspiml', the (hush-notion, plmns Mul organizatiun being entirely plzieul in the hands of Bzmm Henry \‘ull â€ll-.101. A: tlieinnugnrntiuu of the Hospital. \"'ie‘i Lite- ly tuuk place, in recngnitinn of the services griuniuusly given lry lhrun van Hugel le was mmle a Privy Cunneillur. The gentle man is a twinbrother of M". Ilugxl, Mayor of Port llnpe. Dear Sirs,~â€"l lmve lweu n sufferer from Costivcucss. Sick Huu‘lmehn. «ml lmss of Appetite fur many years, felt ulwny< tired, so that life was a hunk-u and nil seemed dark to me. 1 lmw luul Iumlicul attend» auce, ulul have trio l ulumst : !l the mlww tisml rumcdics. but without. taunt. A uumhcruf my nuighlmurs. wuu lug-l use-l your Fountain of health, urged me to mm: It a trial, thrcu lmttlcs of “hich made cue Just like a new woman Au oliservant young man while in Florida was struck with the hunmn-liko courtship of the heron. 'l‘ho lenulcs atancl in n row and look unconcerned, while the males strut nncl dance and prance amnml ou the munl like Saratogu llmlus. Finally one of tlm fun horons would smile on a clutch: heron, and away the pair lly. All those left invariably hogan to caoklo and chatter as won an n match was announced. xunl aniuutiinos n rival “'ullltl pouuoo upon tho lucky an nin to wring his neck. WHAT A WOMAN SAYS. Chicago, Ill. Cards not exceeding one inch. $5.00 per munnn. Transient advertisements 9cm per line 131; insertion 3cts. per line each subsequent in- sertion. measured by a scale of nunpnriel. For 188415 an oloumlt book of 150 l’ngu. :lCulor- ml Plates of Flowers uml \‘vgotnhlcs, and more than 1,000 [llnnlrntionu of tho clmiunst Flowers, Plants and Vugutuhlus. and directions for grow- ing. It is humlsunm enough for tho cuntur table or n lmliduy present. Sum] on your name nml l’nst Ulllco mlulrms. with 10 cents. uml l:will svml you :1 copy put-stage paid. This is not a quarter of its cost. It is printed in both English and (lunnun. If you utturwurds ordcr Scull deduct the tun cents. Viok‘n Illustrated Monthly Magazineâ€"3f! pages. a colored plate in «every numlmr and many llno Engraving". l’rico sly; )mr yum-z Five coplm for $5.00. Spucinwn numhurs soul. for ll) routes; 3 trial cupion for ‘25) (-van. ()Fthttâ€"McKillnon’s Store. Beaverton. Ont. Sl'IN-unvrlux 9â€"31.00 per mmum, In ad- vnuuu, or $1450 if not so paid. ADVERTISING BATIK. fculumn, 1 year ................... $12 ()0 I'lrk'n flow]! are Ilw Best In the “’orlcl 2 'l‘ho Floral Gnldu will toll how in not and grow tlwm. Vivk'u Flnml nnd -Vngntnl)lu Hm'dnn, I75 l'nuvs.6(10]ul‘ml l'lnlna, 500 I‘lngrnvings. For 50 vvnta in pnpur cowra; $1.00 in cluguut cloth. In (inrnmn m- English. Thornlx, Pub. 160). 1884. A Good Hem-so. furnished at sho notice an Rensouublu 'l‘erm Cabinet. Maker 8a Undertaker Elmo §cuvcrtnu Li‘xprcsï¬. J OS. J. CAVE, PROPRIETUR. Vick’s Floral Guide. Zinc Swun‘dvillc @dvumtc, 0mm: : â€"J{mu STREET, Womwunx. in Manitoba Lands for Sale A. MvF‘A DY EN. HEAVER'I‘ON W.G.Stoddart No case of an affection pf "10 throat 0: lungs exists which cannot be greatly relieved by the use of Avnn‘s Cumun‘ PEC’I‘OBAL, and it will ai'zmys cure when the disease 15 not already beyond the control of medicine. “ I sulforod for eight years from Bronchitis. and nflorlrying man l'ruwdivs with no suc- cess. l was cured by l 0 use of A \‘I-tn’s CHER- IlY I'm-mun“ .losm-n \VALDEN.†Byhalia, Miss., April 5, 1:62. "I cannot say enough in praise of Anna's Clntluu' l'r.r1m:.u., hem-Hug us I do that but for its usu I should long since have died (rum hm troubles \ . -E. Blmuuuh‘." l’ulesti 0, Texas, April 22, 188:. PREPARED BY Dr.J.C.AyerCo., Lowell, Mann. Sold by all Druggllu. “ While in the country last. winter my little boy, thr'eo yenrsuld, “us taken lllwith cruup; it. seemed as if he uuuld die lmm strunguo lnï¬un. Uneuf the family suggested the use 01 Awak’s Clmlun' Pm‘TuuAL. a heme of which \vnx always kept in the house. This was tried in small and frequent (luses,1tntl to our delight in lcss than halt nu . 1m the little pntiunt was brvnthing easily. The doc- tm- said that tho cummv l’I-Ii‘TORAL had saved my darling’s iifo. Can you “onder at our gratitude? Sincerely Yours, Mun. EMMA GEDSEY." 15:) West 128th St., New York, May 16, 1882. . "I hnvu used Avnu's Gummy I‘m'ronu. In my family for several years. und do not hesitate to prmmnnm it the most ell‘cctuul retttudy for coughs and colds “:0 have eyer tried. ‘ “°"' W" "'K.li.'é'xÂ¥1i§s‘."" Luke Crystal. Minn, March 13, i882. No other complaint! em 90 insidious in their attack as those nireoting the throat and lungs: none so triilod with by the rngjqrity otsulhr- on. The urdhmry mugh or cold. resulting perhaps from n trifling or unconscious ex- lumure. is often hut the beginning of a {stat sickness. .u'zn’e annnv Patron“. hu Well preven ita eflicncy in n forty yeus' light with throat and lung diseases, and would b. taken in all ensue without delay. A Terrible Cough Cured. “ In lRATl took it seremcold, which nfloclod my lungs. i had a terrible cuugh, and paved night alter ni ht without sleep. The tlucwrs gave me up. tried Anna's Cnmuu‘ l’xc. TURAL, which relieved my lungs, induced sleep. and ail‘ordcd me the rest nee for the recovery of III strength. By the continued use at“ the ‘EUI‘OILU. a perm» pent cure was ull‘ectcd. 1 run now 62 years old, hale and hearty, and am satisï¬ed your Cnuun' l'tZU'i‘uilAl. saved me. HORACE iflunnnorutn.†Buckingham, V't., July 15, law. AYE R’S 7 Cherry Pectoral. Croninâ€"A Mother's Trllmto. WOODVILLE, ONT. JAMES VICK Strayed. WM. LYONS. Rochester. N. Y. ..$12 00 . 2d 00 . 30 no . 60 00 H. WILSON has now opened out in Rodgers Bros.’ shop the large's’i stock of Dry Goods, Groceries. Crockery, GlaSSware, Boots Shoes in town. The balance of our Winter goods Will be sold at cost. K? NOTICL. â€"â€"I do not hold myself responsible fo1 :111v obligations or pledo Tcs ontemd into by the late 111m of W. Smith 1% Co. WM. SMITH. /V0 Fines. /V0 Commission [0/4/1/ A/VD INSURANCE AGENT. Lonnsmade in sums of $200 nm] upwards on a Straight Loan or on the Sinking Fund System. at a low mm of interest. Insurance effected in good reliable (‘ompnnigs at lowest rates. No agent's: fuss required. Also Agent for the . G. Gilchrist Expenses reduced to a Minimum. Fanning Mills, PLOUGHS, Buns. Rolls and. Natty a Specialty Canada West \VOODVI LLB BAKERY. SODA, ABFRNI‘I’I‘HY AND I-‘IH'I'I‘ BUISCUITS, WHOLESALE A51) RETAIL. FRUIT CAKES. MIXEDTEA CAKES. Sample Bottles 10c ; Regular size $1. I'Mnrks all the clogged avonueshflho Bowels, Kidneys and Liver. carrying NI wadmllv without “1‘ Ikcning the syslcm. :\ 'l the impurities and qul humors of me sf'l‘l‘K'UUIISI: at {he same time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach. curing Bili- uasness, Dyspepsm. ncmxaches, Diz- ziness. Heartburn. Constipation, Dryqesg 01‘ the Skin. Dropsv. Dim~ ness of Vision.Ja1mdice. Salt Rheum. Brysipelas, Scrofula. fluttering of the Heart. Nervousness and General Debilitv; all these and many ulhcr simi- la!‘ (‘u'nnhinlï¬ yit-M to [he hamw influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTBRS. J. BEBRIE’S FAMILY BREAD PARTIES S U PPM El) \\' HOLESA LP}. l For sale by all dealers. i‘. MAW!!! at (9.. Proprietors. Toronto THE KEY T0 HEALTH. v eaverton Foundry ! Postnmster,.\V00d\'i110. ALLAN LINE of Steamslnips. and for tho JOHN BERRIE, ORDERS SOLICITED. Land Agency Co. FOUND. IS UNXLI‘, IX THIS t'ol' N'I‘Y REMGVEl ! Cor. Kim: and Stuart St Remember the Place. Land Rbl-lers, Highest market price paid fur Farmers' {’n. tlucwiu Exchange for (:nmls. PIOVi 1sions, Confectionely 111111 11 {11103 Goods, Choice Syrups and CHEAP as The Cheapest .1. OMHZ? meozm @ MpwHMmï¬adbmw Fresh Biscuit‘s and Cakes [71' all Kinds Also a choicu stark of 63‘ All partiesindebtml to W. 1: Sum“ (‘ 0. will House call stud .wttlc “in“. m uelnv.‘ eneral Grocer ! W. G. Smith 85 CO FAMILY BREAD Mitchell’s Old Stun! Choice Stark of Provisions and Groceries. \\'u have just received a lawn In: M No 1 Labrador and Fwd:- water Herrings “'hioh will be sold at low prim» to suit the films. Just Received Salmnu Trout and \leito Fish. The Highest Priw in (‘AS‘IL ‘ DRESSED HOGS, WANTED A large and wellmssortcd stn-‘k just to hnml Guml TEA for 20¢. per pound 5.1.lbs SI - COAL OIL! 'l‘imothy a ml (‘Iowr Sm! «Fresh Groceries /-~ BEEF and Pou L’I‘RY CLASSWARE ls unexcellr’d in t‘m: L‘nnmy. BEAVERTON [N GREA'I‘ VARIE'I'Y . Tho subrcribor ml] [my F. S. DUNNIGA X. for any quanta) a! ~Asb~ \YUODV’ l’ [(1 . 1-3.