l-lml 5“me speciï¬c for all mu! pulmonary complaints. I) .ring the year 1383‘ the] II trun'u lauds said in Ont. ll‘ II- the only inmnumncuus Ielicf f TfllL-JI. Headache. l'mnlnauuu. rte. iu-n I'vn- urc-whlmkly inmull that is In $1.00 , sub ul‘l, tin.» m '=. >~-:I.(! lust: um: hum.ch times ‘ ~ xv w}. your local paper mnl yuu Mu h the price of It ten times uvur I-’I Ull HUI 22,453. 0f the latter number 2,40!) were men returning to their homes in the United States who have been employed on railway work at Port Arthur. and 2,200 nuvvies who came over in 1882. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, 'l‘etter. Chopped Hands, Uhilblaius, t'orns, and all Skin muptinus, and positive- ly Clues 1’2les, or no [my required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or Jmmey refunded. Price ‘25 cents per box. For Sade By J ohn M r. McKinnon, Beaverton. When the hloml ls loaded with impurities, and llIUVrs shl. gishly in the warns, on nlterab â€â€˜1'. i‘. lnu' ,, : 4 nulullllull (if the Vital Iln= , t. 7 : a» mut rurious results. 3 r“. A :1, . mun .\}e|'s Sal-sa- pa . l -.. p ‘1 and impart ener-A To cure consumption, ulceration in the lungs must be stopped. the matter must be thrown 01f, the membranes and tissues, healed and the system invigorated. Down '5 Elixir will do all this. Try it. Every bottle warranted. A letter from the Canada Paciï¬c railway to the Department of Agri. ulture shons that the total number of passengers earned into Manitoba during the year 1583 by that railway was 61,426, and out of the province As a sure remedy for Sick Headnnhe, Sum Stomach. Dispepsin, Indigestion, Conn stipatiou, 'l‘orpid Liver, Biliousness. c., no medicine is equal to Dr. Baxter's Mandrake Bitters. 25 cents Ber bottle. 'SirSmuuel Baker says the war Sin the Sondan looks to the possession by England uf cotton and corn ï¬elds that “'1“ render her indepeiident‘of tho United States so for as these productions m'u Concerned. Sir Samuel, who has travelled through the now desert and undcwlopud country of tie Soudau. the population of which he esti-~ mates “1.000.000 mites the Pall Mall Hamttc that. when this region passes info civilized hands it will he the richest on the whole continent. If the Sundan “ere in English hands. in a very few years England would be entirely independent of the Unital Statés both for cotton and corn. LEAVING â€"Mr. Alex. Campbell. abrother of our genial hotel-keeper, started for Michigan by the evening train on Tuesday. Mr. Campbell has been unwell for about ‘a ‘year, 'during which time he has been staying with his brother in this village. He has iecruited bonsiderably. consequently he thought himself able to try Uncle Sam’s iiblninions again. It was in Michigan he became' unWell about a year ago. Rucovnklxa.â€"James King Esq., of this village, who has been conï¬ned to his bed for the last six weeks with rheumatism, is improving considerably since spring has opened out. He is now able to move about through the village. ‘ lull Jos. Shields who has been|very ill ‘ior the last few weeks is improving, though -rather slowly. It is hoped she will soon be ‘w‘ell' again. RETURN'ED.-â€"€l‘l1e young men who left here in the fore part of winter to work in the lumbar slmntica have in returned. They‘all look well and which is hotter still they "feel well." ‘ " hr" am- years. It appears tint there want John 'Bishop sentenced for the above term of years. However. it wna not our John. as he was heard from. He in )Vurking in a lumber shanty in Parry Sound. FALSE Rsrom.-‘â€"Itiwas rumored some time ago that J no. Bishop'Esq. . who {unner- ly liwd in this \illage, but who had re- moved to Michigan about a year ago, was sentoucml‘to Michigan state prison for 10 FI’OIII Our Correspondent. (lnI'I‘UAIn'.â€"-Agnin It becomes our sadlzlnty to chronicle snuther death in our village. .\lr.~I. Angus Mcllse, who was collliucd Murat three \I'ccks‘ago, and who had been IIiliug ever since that time, ï¬nally passed away to her long home on Saturday evening, aged 45 years. She leaves 3 large family, some ofuhem being very young to mourn her untimely end. Her remains were interred in the ll. 0. burying ground at Breuhiu Owing to the bad condition of the roads it was thought‘advissblo to Ilka the corpse to ‘h‘echiu by train. which was accordingly done. Mr. “CRIB has the sympathy of the entire neighbourhood in the grant loss he sustsined. 1H Fluld Lightning. This andThat. Klrkfleld. rs who cannot afford C . ~. ~po~r. but. mnc uses I '- are lul'bml l-y aus Ielicf for Non- xusmuu a um, “I 7 ' I colds. cough“, a 3 cur. “2‘ «lead T\\o men Ware recently ï¬ned :10 and «ostsat lluntssillo {or killing door out nf SC.†two Bottles of Electric lsittvrs and in S“ much improved, that shois able now In «In lu-r own work." Electric Bitters will «In nlltlmt is claimml for tlurm. llulnlreds m' testimonials attend. their great curative paw- ms. Only ï¬fty vents a bottle at. John Mu.- Kinnon's, “caveman. A l.nwyer’sOplnlon of Interest ‘~ to all. Mr. H w, V Willing, of Manchester. Mich, \Vl'xlnw': â€My wife has been almost helpless in tin: years, so llclulcss that ah» could not. turn (War in bed alone. She usml The \orth Star reports work in the lum. her wo oods as almost ï¬nished for the season. “only of the camps have alleady been closed down and others will close shortly. \Visnun l.\' Anven’rlstxo.â€"Jndicious ad - vertising is the secret of success in the mercantile business of the present day. This is frequently forgotten by merchants. who wonder that their business does not improve. while they neglect the surest means of attracting customers. J Bartle, of Manchester, Ontario 00.. N.Y., writes: â€I obtained immediate relief from the use of Dr. Thomas‘ Ecleccric Oil. 1 bane had asthma for eleven years. Have been obliged to sit up all night for ten ’or twelve nights in succession. I can now sleep Sonndly all night on a feather bed, which I had not been able to no previous ‘ to using the Oil." l 17. Stall‘onl street, Toronto. Furrcd Tongue :m-l linpnrc Breath are two conconntnnts of liilivnhncsa rclnmlienl by l X“l'llll'|'ll Lynmn‘x Vegetable Disuovmy and Dyspzptic L'nrc. llvurtlnirn. which harnsu‘s the qusprptic after malls, and :ill the perplexin,’ zunl chungciul syniptnnn of cstuhlishctl indigestion. :u'c dispersal l-y this salutary corre:tch tonic and oclcbrutâ€" ed blond puiilier. AN Antâ€"“How (lid you got a start in life ‘2†askeda youth of a millionaire. “I worked at odd johs till I found StHIH'tlllllJ better." â€You thwoughly mastered Eullle tnmle, business, or pruft'Sslull in the course of time. I presume, to accumulate such wealth?" ‘,.\0 was the reply. "I was in basiness. but knew no more about it than thousands of others. I owu my success to my nmstery. not of n. trzule. husincss. or; profession, but an art." “An art “Yes, young man. the art of advertising." Mun Detroit is interested in the case of a young woman who after a day‘s immersion in the river was taken out dead and then 'huried. Some one observed that the girl‘s :kin had a life-like appearance, and hinted that they helie\'ed bile was alive When in- terred. The body was at nnce dug up, and notwithstanding the absence of all the usnnlcvidences. (if life there is n strangze cnlor apparent which CXUiLIES the hopes or th: girl's friends that she is in it trance. \leSSIs. (‘lmlchill ('0 ~\ nur l“"uun nin hf Health has cmuplcleh culml nu: u! “3's pe»siu,_ “hick has tluublml Inc for ncmlv t“ u 3‘ cars. Thousands Say 80. Mr. T. W. Atkins. Uimrd, Kain, writes: “l-neverdicsitate to recommend your Elec- tric Bitters to my customers, they give en- tire satisfaction and are rapid cellars." Electric Bitters are the purest and best medicine known and will positively cure Kidney and LIVer complaints. Purify the blood and regulate the boWels. No~ lamily can afford to be without them. They will save hundreds of dollars .in doctor’s bills every year. Sold at. ï¬fty cents a bottle by John McKinuon, Beaverton. L‘Losz SEAbONS m: PHILâ€"THO following schedule of the close seasmns for ï¬sh in Ontario (hiring the year 1884, which has just been issued by the Department of Mar- ine and Fisheries, ma) be of interest: l’Ickerel, 45th April to l5ih May ; maskin- onge and bass, 15th April to ~15th May; salmon trout, largé gray trout and white ï¬sh. lat Nov. to 10th Nov;; speckled'trout, 15th Sept. to lat May. Holloway's Corn Cure destroys all kind of cows and warts, root and branch- Do not delay in getting relief for the little folks. Mother Graves' Worm Exteï¬- miuutor is «pleasant and sure cure. Mr. W'. R. Lazier, Bailiff, c.. Belleville, writes : “I timl Dr. 'l‘houms‘ Eq'ucu‘lc 01] the beehuedicinollmve ever used in my stnblu. l have used it for bruises, scratches wind puffs and cuts, and in every case it gave the best satisfaction. We use it as n yoqsehold remedyfor colds, burns. c, and It Is a perfect panacea. It. will lemove warts by paring them down and applying it occasionally." which i'0nliltzl859.503. 0! (‘lergy lnnula, 3,233 acres were sold, for which $3.907 were obtained. 0! School lands, 447 norer “cw sold, realizing $1,190. Grammar School lands, 862 acres. realizing $584. The total collection: of the Department for the year amounted to $635,447. and the disbursements to $253325. Crown timber revenues during the sameporiod to 8505.647. There was expanded on Colonization Roads during the year the $l5.067.l3. The numbe: of loan-- tiona mule was 985, or 134,594 acres of land. J: (“LARK u punt. hut, vIIo-r uf your In Mal yuu :«actions 15 and 16. Tmmshjp 4. Range 2 l 1280 acres : alsu “'ust Half 9. Township 7. ‘ Range 1‘2, 320 tore-s. Sections 15 and l6 is near the Town of Marvin. and convenient to 3 Railway. Will mu 'mnge fur Land: in Ullt'nt‘iu \lan a nnmlwr uf Impmw ‘ “Farms for Sale in the Cuuntics nf â€nun : . - .mnia. Bruce. Carleton. Dundas, Unri w. hwy. Haltun, Kunt. [.mmrk. Nun-1k, “vmcnm. \h-lland and Muakukp. Tlmm- fzwum will be said cheap and mu may terms of payment. MONEY 1'0 LOAN at M mu! 7 per cent. If you want a Farm mluirua or call por- mmflly u“ A. MCFA DYEN. BEA VFHTON ' Manitoba Lands for Sale Whithv. Jan Sept.m...,\?ov1‘ .. .. ull'l’ I annman ..â€"-Jan 2'; . -I. an; 6. Jul 93.\'ov.18 CANNINGTON.â€"-Jan ‘. May 7. Ju 24 Nov. 19 BEAVERTON. ~Mar. 6 Man 8. July 10. Nov. 90 Lnnmnovn. -Mu.1. Muy 9. July I] N012] u“... u. mun. l- npl. I. .HI 3615 i; July 2,-8.9}; 1. 6c». 1. Nov. 1. Doc. 1, Bnovomm.â€" [may 2. Jn y 3. Sept. 2. DUPPIN'S Cm:1-:x.â€" » Jun. :1. ."-:r 3. Nov. :1 1’an Ply-mumâ€"Jnn. ' ‘ J r ' Mm; 5. Jul “huntâ€"Jan. 9. Feb. 1. Mar. 1. April. yayl Juluo an... 1 l\..A u \-_._ County of Ontario Sittings of Divm’mrts for 1884. Published by order of the Genenl Sessions. PREPARED BY DI'J. C.AyerCo., Lowell, Man. Sold by all Draggilu. “ While in the country last wintvr my lit-t]. lwy. three yuursold. “as taken ill will: croup; it swirled :15 if he would die from strangu- lutiuu. One of the family suggcstcd the u" or Anzu‘s CHERRY l’l-It‘TURAL. a bottle of which was always kept in the ltousv. This was tried in small and frequcn; dose", and to Our delight in less than half an . ‘rur the little path-art “as lrrulthing c.1511); 'llic «loc- tor said that the ('mzum' l'rtcronu. had saved my duriiug‘s life. L‘nn you “curler at our gratitude '.' Sinccrely yours, Mus. EMMA Gnnxm‘." 15‘.) West 123m St, New York, May 16, 1882. " I have used szn‘s Cusmu' Przcrmur. in my family for several years, and do not hesitate to pronounce it the most effectual remedy for coughs and colds we have ever triml. A. J. CHASE." Lake Crystal. Miun., March 13. 12. " l sutl‘ercd for eight years from Bronchitil. and after trying mamv remedies with no suc- cess. l was cured by the use of Aynn‘s Cunn- m' l'ltt'l‘nltA 1.. Josm-u “Hum-:5." liyhnlin, Miss., April 5, 1882. “ I cannot say enough in praise of AYRl's (‘mtuuv l'thTtIll.\l.. lwlievinv as I do that hm for its use I should lon ElnCt‘ have died from lung trnuhlex .. Bluouux.“ Palestine, Texas, April 22, 1862. No case of an affection of the thth 'I' lungs exists which cannot be greatly reliovd by the use of Anzn‘s annmr chrom and It will always cure when the disease a not already beyond the control o1 medicine. If any of our readers are suffering from chronic disease of the stomach, liver, kiul- ueys. or blood, they shuuld inVcleuic the merits of Burdnck Bluml Bums. It is making some of the most, rcumrkable cures un record. WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Fortelliug the weather‘s .quurmm at, the heat, but. it. is Ccl‘Iulll that if yuu uuch cold in this changuuhle climate )ou can best. break its ill cll'ccts with Magyar.†l’cctuwal Balsam. the must reliable illlzl plczuanc re uietly for cMIghs. colds, bronchial] and lung cbmplaiuts. It is so agreeable that even a child will take it. An eclipse uf the moon occurs on Apri 106b, visihlu here. , Hollow.†up. .1. ’ ' ? i: Muses 'Of “niacin--Hm 1 i r i Am .n u 4m lulu burn Illilf-‘u'tl V - a u H ‘v' - - limin- illua iuuhlrm x» {m N ~ V' 1'. a ‘lnllu- “'ll)’. “3' (lll'g-nx r‘ ,aly ‘: I 1 :ll- ‘xla\'-' (â€mm-- vutiuu, my in Mn l l-~ m Lon- ‘hu nuluru hud pmVulml . r or g. {0' llDUS‘ wusiul diseases. Alto.- \‘;i:' .l, ch 1m .‘llx‘cdd‘ldtl in cauipoumhu; :‘ “whiny 2 Pi ls ullll Oiuuncut, wh‘m Huh ‘iy the lnivwiple naturally Il»3l,zucil fur ï¬lm n HM and uulo of disur-luru pcculi .r Lu “um-n uh .sll 4;.“ uu-l cuustilutious. ‘whether residing in warm ur cold climates. They have mpmtcdly cur. rooted ‘disunlelcd functions which had deï¬ed the usual drugs prescribed by medicul men, and with the still more satisfactory realult that. the malady has been cuuiplztely and permanently removed. Ov'er $200,000.000 wonth of cattle are an- nullly handled in Um stock-yards at Chicago. No other complaints are so insidious in their attack as those aifecting the throat Illd lungs: none so trifled with by the majority of sufferâ€" ers. The ordinary cough or cold. resulting perhaps from a trifling or unconscious ex- posure,“ often but the beginning of ‘3 total sickness. An-zn's Cnaluu' l‘ucronu. has \rell proven its oflicacy in u forty years' ï¬ght with throat. and lung diseases, and should be taken in all cases without delay. A Terrlblo Cough Cured. “ In 13? 1 took a severe cold, which affected my lungs. I had .1 terrible cough. and pasted night after ni-vht without sleep. The doctors gave me up. °t triml Ai‘I-zn’s Cnmuu' l’nc- TutuL, which rcliut‘etl my lungs, induced Slt‘l'll. :nnl ntl’nnlul me the n-st necessary tor the recovery of row strI-ngtll. By the Continued use. of tho. I'mrnnu. a permu- lu-nt rum ““5 cil‘cctml. I am mm; 6: your! HM. halo and lit-arty, and mu iatisflcd you t'mziuu' l'lit‘Tulul. saved mo. Humor: l~‘.unnno‘rm:k." :uckinghuin, \‘t., July 15, man IT SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED. A Y E R ’3 Cherry Pectoral. Croup. â€" A Mother’s Tribute. . :h,‘ 6. July 8. Sept ‘. May 7. July 9, Sop: I . uw‘uuf. quw u'- 3. No‘mi -., May 5, July I. Sopt. ï¬, , Sep‘.€6 _ I E NOTICE.â€"-I do not hold myself res lpbnsilflo for (my obligations or pledges entered into by the ate ï¬rm of W. Smith C0. WM. STU"! II. Fanning Mills, PLOUGHS, Land Rollers, A wry lar‘q'a stock of MEWS WOMEN' S and CHILDREN" and GLASS \'ARE. The lamest stock nf TE ‘ s.nn .. ...... 'l‘weeas, Brmts, Lace Curtains, Eucks, Halland Linens, broideries, Cottonades, Toweling c. Laces, Ties. Dress Goods in all the newest Shades from 7 up. See them. Ready-Made Clothing, 200 Men’s Youth’s and Boy’s E ' To be sold Cheap. A tun-u In“.-- -A--L -p Inn‘.._ n_-______ ._ â€"â€"-â€"CONSISTING OFâ€"-â€"-â€" Tweeds, Prints, Lace Curtains, Eucks, H« broideries, Cottonades, Toweling c Insurance effected in good reliable at Iowa! rates. No agent's fees mu /V0 Fines. â€0 Commission Expenses reduced in a Minimum. Loansmnde in sums of S200 and Straight Louu or on lhu Sinkinu 1 LOAN A/VD INSURANCE AGENT. London. Ontal lo . . ...... uupuuvt vunuulan "lags Charts. AS Imymg us any agency I world. For full particulurs. free. address H‘ TUNISONJBIKI) Publisher. 39:; Richmond I‘m-“IA“ n_. ,. ., Canada West W.- B e a Q3.†’5‘ A0!) or BURDOGK’ BLOOD Burns. Sample Bottles 10c ; Regular size $1; ~\ciduw of the Stomach. curing Bili- cusness, D spepsia. heauaches. Diz- nness. eartburn: Constipation. Dryness of‘ the Skm. Dropsv. Dim- ;xess of Vision.J aundice. Salt Rheum. arysipelas, Scrofula. Fluttenng of the Heart. Nervousness and General Debilitv; :1“ these and many other simi- lar Cnmnhims yield to the hanpy influence For sale by all dealers. l‘. MILBIZIIN at 00.. Proprietors. Toronto Buns. Ron: and Pastry a. Specialty SODA, LBERNETIIY AND FRUIT BUISCUH‘B, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. FRUIT CAKES.M1XEDTEA CAKES. Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver. carrying \il‘ gradually withouL weakening the system- lxhe impurities and 17ml humms of lne -:rclions: at l_hc sinnc lime Correcting TEE KEY TO HEALTH. PA RT] ES SUPPLIED WHOLESALE. FAMILY BREAD \\7 000“] LLB [MK I-IRY. , .‘_‘. 0.... .,. ... u mur n In town m â€(3.011! 3,000 Rolls Wall Paper, Newest Pattems and Cheap ' ANTBDAgems tnsell Tu ison's New and Superior Canad an ‘MaPs a. lirts. As 1myxyg_us up)‘ agency in the L“- t._ll _, , AI ‘ostmasfor, \Voodville J. BEBRIE’S ALLAN LIN of Steamships. and for tho Land Agency 00. “JOHN BERRIE, ORDERS SOLICITED. We ï¬ifla 1; M, , V .- VT. _ .n an or on lhu Sinking Fund system at u low rate of interest. . Gilchrist IS UNXLP No agent‘s fees rcquiï¬ï¬fiflw Agent for the AN LINE , 7- W -._--.. .. ....\. unnluunh.‘ a nnuh‘s. hates: designs in Crocken The largest stock of TEAS and general GROCERIEB in town a: b03011) pdceh DA‘II- 1‘7 11 h \v -» IN THE COUNTY Cor. Kim: and Stuafl St upwards on a Con} panics Highest market. price paid for Farmers‘ l’rn‘ ducc in Exchange fur Goods. Good TEA for 900. 'per pound 5.1le $1. Plovisions, Confectionery and 1' ancv Goods, Choice Syrups and .IN GREAT YARN-31') . CHEAP as The Cheapest! non‘ x" Imus.- mm s'm'xo. Woodvillo CHINA. STONE 8c EARTHEN'WABE Fresh Biscuits and Cakes of all Kinds General Grocer ! FAMILY BREAD ucltw; 6" All partieaindebtcd to W C: Smith _L'o. ,will please cull and settle witlwnl W. G. Smith 83 Co Mitchell’s Old Stand. (‘lmice Stark of vaisio‘ns and Groceries. A large and well-astorted stack just to bond No 1 Labrador and Fresh- waMerrings which will be sold at low prices to suit the times. Just Received Salmon Trout and \Vhite Fish. ‘1‘“. “6'“: v mums f" ‘ (“1“? n l‘ "niA I‘IB The Highest Price in CASH. {or any quantity 0! DRESSED HOGS, WANTED -BAKER-\ --Fres/2 Groceries !-- 'l‘imotlly am} (10vach Thu sulnscrilwr will pay COAL OIL ! CLASSWARE BEEF and POULTRY pundry ! We have jun received 5 huge 10: o! ls unexcelled in the County. BEAVERTON Also a choice stock of ‘1‘. S. DUNNIGAN. and Boy’s Suits, VVOODYILLE . 7gcts.