Arrests in connection with the recently discovered military plot continue in St. l’eteraburg and elsewhere. Fivo Enropmn Gnvormnents have applied to En lish ï¬rms for tenders for supplying Ievemfmillion cartridges. - The number of deaths caused by the re- cent collicry explosion in tho Rhomlda Valley. \Valcs, is 37. The‘Queen's authority has been extended over lantern Zululand with tho consent of the Zulu. Advices from Zanzibar any the Somali natives who murdczcd Dr. Jnhlkc have been executed. The Board of Railroad Commissioners, in their report upon the recent terrible rail~ way disaster at White River Junction, Ver~ mont, state that there were seventy-seven passen vers on the ilLfated train, and exon- erate t 1e train hands from blame. They at~ tribute the accident to the breaking of a de- fective mil. and condemn the use of stoves and *al-oil lamps in railway cars. FOREIGN. A bailiff named Murphy has been shot and killed at Killarney. .ï¬ixty lives Were lost in the rpcent floods in‘Bt‘sbane, Queensland. Prince Alexander of llnttcnberg is serious. ly ill with gastric fever. On the morning of January 14th a colli~ sion occurred on the Baltimore and Ohio rail- way near Tiflin, Ohio, by which over a score of passen era were killed, their bodies being burned a most beyond identiï¬cation. The coroner‘s verdict has 'ust been render- ed, ï¬nding the olï¬cinls an managers of the railway company and the conductor of the ill-{rated train all guilty of gross negligence. The bodies of ï¬ve personsâ€"a man, woman and three childrenâ€"were recently taken from a cave in the Badlands of Dakota by a miner, and were forwarded to St. Paul. The bodies are simply dried up, are not petriï¬ed, and one in a remarkable state of preservation. Scientiï¬c men say they belong to a race whicll existed tfvo thousand years ago. The withered family will be SeBiVlâ€"zc; the Smithsonian institute. .â€"\n unknown fruit schooner was struck by a whirlwind on the St. J ohn’s river, Florida, the other evening, and ca ized. Everyone on board was drowned. t is known there Were ï¬ve men on the schooner. It is feared also there have been women and children among the lost. . The totals of the gold and silver produc- tion in the United States during 1886 were respectively $35,000,000 and $49,895,930. For the same. year the imports of gold bul- lion aml u in amounted to $41,309,181, against exports of $41,256,500. A% a large meeting of ladies of the South A resident of Chicago has ï¬lled a claim at the Treasury Department for the redemp- tion of a $1,000 United States bond, which he says he swallowad in order to prevent its falling into the hands of burglars. It is rumoured in \Vashington that there is a. probability of an extra. session of Con- gess to consider the extradition treaty with teat Britain. A treaty has been signed between the U. S. Government and the Blackfeet by which the latter relinquished a large part of their reserve for a. consideration of $1,500,000. Hanlnn and Guadaur have signed articles for a three mile race, with turn, on waters yet to be named, tor $2,500 a side and the championship of America, on Decoration day, May 30th. It is considered certain that no bill for the fortiï¬cation of United States ports will be passed during the present, session of Con- Much interest is taken in ofï¬cial circles in the ILth t of Mr. McArthur, of “'innipeg, to reach t e North Pole. He has been sup~ plied by the Dominion Government with a number of scientiï¬c instruments, and Dr. Selwyn, director of the Geological Survey, considers his rout on plan of operations one of the most sensi le as yet devised by Polar explorers. Ate recent meeting of the Toronto Minis- terial Association a. notice of motion was 'ven against the holding of meetings on undays for furthering special or industrial reforms. At the next meeting the question of discussing politics in the pulpit will be taken up. Sir John Lister Kn e has completed his negotiations with the ominion Government on the Canadian Paciï¬c railway in connec- tion with his scheme for establishing model farms in Manitoba and the N orth-Weet Territories, and has started for England to perfect his arrangements. ' It is stated that Newfoundland is in (lan- ger of permanent commercial ruin, owing to the lmpossibilit of maintaining her sta- ple industr of c ï¬shing against the com- tition of {‘rench ï¬shermen, who are al- owed a bounty by their Government of over ï¬fty per cent. ' The Jubilee Committee of the Toronto City Council have decided to ask the Council to obtain legislation sanctioning the npproprintion of $10,000 toward the expen- lesoi the celebration. Premier Thorburn and Sir Ambrose Shea, of Newfoundland, have been appointed dele- tee to roceed to London to support the 't bill fore the Imperial authorities. The Cremon, a new etennehip of 2,800 tone, will pe put on the route between Ant- werp and Montreal in the spring bl! the management of the White Cross and ensa linen. Some of the Toronto alderman want .to oelebnto the J ubiloe by erecting a statue of the Queen in the Queen City. Five farmers huve been 7 committed for M3! at Hamilton on the charge of tearing down the tollgate on York street a few daye A special cablegram says Mr. Bonnet, of London. 0nt.. has secured a contract for three yarn for the school furnishings of the London, 8113., School Board. A new division of the Canadian Paciï¬c nllwny l: to be created between Brandon nnd Brotdview. Port Arthur hu once more been vilitod by ï¬re, . block of ï¬ve buildings being des~ troyod. the other night. “Oil. The telegn lh line between Humboldt and Btttlefordgn wil be renewed by the Dominion Government. THE WEEK’S NEWS. AMERICAN. Tlle Rebellion In the North-West has been suppressed and our citizens can now devote reasonable nt- tention to their come. The only sure, safe, and painless remedy is Putnam‘s Painless Corn Extractor. t never fails ; never makes sore 3 ts worse than the original discomfort. ea that you get “ Putnam’s,†and take none other. ‘ Horsebreeders of the right; kind in Can- ada will be pleased to hear that rices are likel to rise very greatly during 1: 10 spring. Lomlvon Sporh'ny Life says :â€"" If the laws of political economy 0 erate in the accus- tomed way, animated iorse-ilesh is likely to be a more remuneratively marketable oom- modity within the three ,kimloms than it has been for many years. The exportation of horses has been forbidden in Russia and Germany, and wiil presently be prevented in Austria-Hungary. With these barriers to free tradeâ€"and, of course, no supply of horses from France-~l‘3ugland will have to rely substantially on her home and Colonial resources, and prices will go up.†If the wool of sheep becomes wet it dries very slowly and only by chilling the animal throu h. Shelter from min and snow, es- pecinï¬y the former, is therefore more im- portant than protection from cold. If a sheep is chilled so as to give it cold or fever the ï¬bre of the wool is injured, and if this occurs in Winter the injury is in the mid- dlc of the fleece, where it will 0 the great est damage and most hurt its sale. One reason why large breeds of fowls are better winter layers is because their greater size makes them less susce tible to severe cold. The lnr e breeds a so moult early, and are in full enther when winter comes, which gives them greater hardiness. Moult- ing also takes for growing feathers the strength and food which should go to eg production. The persistent layers through the summer are ood for little or nothing in winter, but a. on that moulted in warm Weather will, if not too fat, lay when eggs are scarcest and dearest. To the pure all thin are pure, but there is a. feeling in the pub ic mind that butter and milk do not always vindicate the prov- erb. Oleomnrgarine, in all that it implies, has done much to foster this suspicion, and even the most conï¬rmed of the optimists has probably encountered milk that he felt bad tarried long at the pump. According to the report of the Nebraska Horticultural Society, that State has now about 250,000 acres of growing forests, in which have been set 600,000,000 young trees. Besides these there have been planted over 12,000,000 fruit trees, over 2,500,000 grape vines. avast number of berry bushes and plants, and countless quantities of orna- mental shrubs. The New England Farmer suggests that winter is a good time for harvesting ideas. Only think of it the value of the annual milk product of the United States is estima. ted to be equal to the national debt. years. She is a good milkster and‘7 is not afraid of the carsâ€"or anything else. She is a. cow of undannted courage and gives milk frequently. To a man who does not fear death in any form she would be a great boom. She is very much attached to her home at present, by means of a trace chain. but she will be sold to any one who will agree to treat her right. She is one~fourth shorthorn and three~fourths hyena. Pur- chaser need not be identiï¬ed. I will also throw in a double-barrelled shot gun which goes with her. In May she generally oes away somewhere for 9. week or two, on re- turns with a tall, red calf, with long, wab~ bly legs. Her name is Rose, and I would prefer to sell her to a. non-resident.†‘ A QUARTER-SHORTHORX FOR SALI. “Owing to,"saya Bill Nye, “I will sell at my residence in town 29, range 18, west, according to Government survey, one crushed-msplmrry cglore‘d _cow, aged six In the Imperial House of Commons the other day the Secretary for War stated that the Government had ordered horses from Canada with the object of developing markets, on which, in case of mobilization, it would be possible to draw for a. portion of the large supply that would be required. The horses already received from Canada have turned out remarkably well. l885. The births and deaths registered in the year numbered respectively 894.270 and 522,750. The natural Increment, therefore, is equal to 1,36 per cent. 0f the population. The Registrar-General has issued his re- port on the births, deaths and marriages re- gigï¬gredmjn _E_ug_laud {in}! “Tale in the year The police have great difï¬culty in effect ingan eviction on the Grifï¬thsy estate in Slig 0. They found the tenant in bed, chained to a large stone which had been deeply sunk in the earth. A ler e crowd membled and witnessed the war of re- moval with intense excitement. In consequence of the Canadian Constitu- tion being recommended for the settlement of the Irish question, the leading English newspapers are publishing articles on the subject, wnpled with the emigration move- ment. These articles are attracting much attention to Canada. Two ahocke of earthquake occurred at Nice the other morning and occasioned great consternation amongst the guest: re- turning home from the carnival hall. At Savona, near Genoa, a number of house: were wrecked and hundreds of person: killed. There was an animated scene at the Nice festivities on the occaeion of the battle of flowers. The Prince of Wales and his eon Prince George, were bombarded with bou- qnete. A host of aristocrats took part in the festivities. It is calculated that the strength of the combined Oppoeitlon vote in the new Ger- man Reichetag will be 177 vote: all told, while the Government supporters are eeti~ mated at 220. Many of the Inhabitanu of Alsace-Lor- raine who desire to remain neutral in the event of war. are applying to be made citlv tens of Auutrle. French and German Government 5 ant- aro visiting all the fair: in the North of ‘ng~ land. and are making large purchases of horse: suitable for military purposes. The Queen he asked Lord Duï¬â€˜erin to convey to the ple 0! Indie her wen-meet thunk: for the r manifestation of loyalty. of Ireland. held et Cork. it we: decided to preaent e jubilee memorial to the Queen. FARM. N orzs. Y “man I ruminants. mmâ€. hummus, Ml:- . (‘Il ANH'S. and business men or mpitalhh, all who wish to make A change {or hvalth or proï¬t, can t valuable Intormauon FRI-2 ), by sending you! Ml- rm on postal can! to BABY’S BIRTH DEF. The largest and most roaperous open Assessment Association in the war] Aleaires native representa- tives in every section 0! Canada ; “hem! inducements It has lull Government Deposit, and under the super. vilion 0! Insurance Department at Ottawa. Correspondence solicited. Address, TheMutualReserveFund Blind. Bleeding, and itching, eflectunlly cured by tho fledlml l’lle Remedy. Thousands of suï¬erers can testify tothe permanent relief from these internal and oq ternal Remedies. $l.00 per package. Ask your dmggiot for it, or will be sent by mail posta go paid. HUGH MlllJJ-‘R 5'. C0.. 167 King St. East, Toronto. Samples on appiication â€Wail PM New shipment from England, Ex Steamship " No! vagina." Lowe“ prices to the trade. We are ooh agents in Ctmda tol- HoBride'a Celebrated Sheep Gains; Write for quotation. JAMES rm d 80!. Toronto. ULUI fltb WHINUIZH mix“? Washing Machines," .. kinds. Chums, CarlZet Sweep- ers, Magi. Choppers, Trucks, and other sunilriea. IIAuIme Ixmsmun Wous 00.. Hamilton Canads. Send for article wanted, or Illustrated Catalogue. PATENT PROI‘I'RED in Canada, the U S. and all foreign countrfes. Engineers, Pa- 20 it Attorneys, and experts in Patent Causes. Estab- lhhed 1867. Donald C. Bldou! (t 00.. Toronlo. BLDTHES WRINGERS U I'll“ UEIII. â€"no commission ; Mortgages purchased. R. ll. TEMPLE, 23 Toronto Street. 6 PER CENT. The immediate advantages of Dr. Root’s speciï¬c method of treatment has in its originality, effective- ness. and (hen mess to the patient. placingn cure within the rose 1 of all. A Free Trial Bottle is ï¬rst sent to those who apply, and a carefully prepared statement of the case is then required from the pa- tient. From this the case is thoroughly diagnosed by the Doctor, and the \atient treated as successfully by mail as by n persona consultation. A. P. 322. making a total of 362.228uboules of kiéï¬Ã©zaéi'ii this great remedy did not have merit it could not “get tinge" _in such great_qunptities. _ LIFE ASSOCIATION notice, while the Druggiata sold 53,207 bottles. and ror‘ljatientg granted during_ “)2 smug 33;“! 295,239, Huge steaming boilers, which reduce the vegetable ingredients of the Elcpizone to a liquid form : com- pact sweating boxes, that extract certain curative properties from other peculiar medicinal herbs : long rows of pcrcolators. vast cooling tanks, long relays o! receptacles for the preparation. preparatory to hot- tling, together with the numerous scientiï¬c and in~ genious apparatus employed, attest the care, skill. end profound study and research of the originator of this wonderful process. by which thousands of Epil- eptics‘hnve been Cured for Life._ 23 ADELATD (81'. a; Tonou?6.ï¬ï¬ All classes ofï¬ne work. Mfrs. ofPrinters' Leah Sim and Metal Furniture. Sand for prices. A glance at the shipping book {01-1886 shows that 13.785 bottles of this lntxllinble Remedy for Epilepsy was sent. to Physicians, alone, for their individual pmgtigg, while the prjlggiata gold 53,207 bottles. and It ma here be nppro rlately remarked that the recent eclsion 0! seven large ï¬rms, to divide rheir yearly proï¬ts with their employes, is an adoption of a long-esmblished custom of this milesâ€"Dr. Root hn‘im: long advocated this mutual cooperation, and fully illustrated its advantage by the very comfort- able circuuratancga othhls _e_mplq_}'es. Passing into the Printing Departmentâ€"wherein the enormous supply of Circulars, Treatises, and other printednmttu pertaining to his remedy are prepared, and through the mailing, packing and shipping rooms, each of which is fully provided with all the conveniences of safety and dispatch. we come to the Laboratory. where an idea. at the magnitude of the business is obtained. From this room we enter the (lenenl'omceâ€"where the ‘utmoet activity prevails, yet entirly devoid of hustle or contusionâ€"a result 0! that systematic ac- tion which regulates the management oi the entire establishment. Here, the extensive mail xnntterie received,lits orders, appllcationi [or medicine. and general correspondence assorted and assigned to the special departments, the cases for treatment careful- ly arranged. classiï¬ed. and pregared lor the Doctor's special stud ' and opinionâ€"e30 case being peleoual- ly diagn by hiln beioro ï¬nal action is taken there- on, and a report made to the patient. The tome employed numbers twenty-three persons-ten of whom have been in the Doctor‘s service for thirteen Years. And who occupy corresponding positions of importmee. M. STAUNTON 8t. 00., Another striking tenure in the Consulting Room in the electrical apparatus whereby instans commu- nication can be established with my member whose preunce is desired. By Telephonic connection: with on adjomiug Telegraph offlca, the Doctor places him- Ielt in communication with tho managers 0! his punch. Lahorltorieo'iu Toronto 52nd Ipudon. where. by mtiuuiuing a direct aupeï¬lltexndéncy 6vér his entire business the world over. two very essential “39'9““ in ‘E“?°E°P‘P‘.‘!?'9.°‘§?“d°d.Preotice- _ “Ele izone," is pre red. It is at the 'unot on of Cedar on Pearl streetsâ€"New 'ork cityâ€"the main ofï¬ce being at 182 Pearl street. The Consulting Room is 3 large and rlohl turnlsh- od opartment-odunlnbly edepted to m loci pur- . lt loans of the moat completely furnished boretorles in the country. His velunbie Library, comprising over 2,500 vol- umes, includes the “anion! works and publications oi the most celebrated physicians and surgeons of this. end iorelgn countries, each work having been oereiully selected torus sgeclnl reference and exhaus- tive trestlee upon the house "Epilepg," in the treatment oi which Dr. Root has so sign y distin- gulsed himseli in the ranks at his profession. A distinctive feature 0! Dr. Root's system is the riviiege accorded to each employs 01 the ston- or); 0! iree secess to this nimble medical collecy nob; 81mm Corrupondenoo. wa You, Feb. 19, 1887.â€"We recent! nailed ourselves of an invitation extends to several me deal gentlemen to visit the celebrated Laboratory of Dr. H. Root, the noted aï¬eoinlist upon Epileps in New York his speciï¬c reme y for Epilepsy ‘nni-nnn †in nun-m1! {a no 9|. ASSESSMENT SYSTEM. SAUSAGE GASINGS. wéils."1u’c'ha}daon 4e Co.. Montreal. MANUFACTURERS. A FAMOUS ESTABLISHMENT. J- D- "WELLS, A Beautiful Imported Birthday Card son! to any baby whose mother will send us the names of two or more other babies. and then parent! addresses Mao a handsome DI» nmnd D 0 Sample Card to the mother 3nd much vn unhle Inlorlion. J. . . IIIM‘KINS. 96 King M. W5". General Mnniger, 65 King Street linst. Toronto. MOXEY~XNTEREST ’YBARï¬' TORONTO, 0N1: Toionto. ggkinds'; INTPPIP PUMP 00., (ENE) -_‘___ NINE 001.0 MEDALS ““'i"§°£é"¢‘3“h°‘é'£‘§‘2"‘$of§ alum-MUM 1“ QUEEN OITY OIL WORKS by Oversoo of our Machines now in use. and no complaints. FARMERS 4 SPRING PRESS BOX,_-_ WHITE OAK POSTS. AND IRON BRAGES. BRICK MACHINES. OSBORNE 00., Send for Illustrated Price List. BEST IN THE MARKET. AnENT full Ind correct account 0'! the uni. 670 pages. and prices lower than any other book of 91053190 sizeï¬and gualjty published gn bem'ni STEEL KNIVES, SPOONS. FORKS1 ETG., A SPECIALTY. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED Toronto Silver Plate 00., SILVER PLATED WARES. 800K Dr. “immu‘alnwst and p0 ular “Illn- tory 0! Canada†from the lscmery o! iHay, Stock, and Portable Plat- s,}; 5 form Scales. Twelve States and Province: already represent- ou the roll 0! this Institution. To thomugh. pmtk‘d Instruction, Ind the emdency and success 0! its graduates, this College owes its populurlty. Circulm. giving terms. eta, mailed tree. Address, I. leOlullCK, Pflnoipu. “£1 mun nuuneu Canon. Guelph. 0-3.. Every one Guaranteed All Styles of Trucks. 'DR. 1‘." AI Ichoï¬fifl "' Branch Ofï¬ce. 37 Yonge St. Toronto v â€" â€"â€" â€" â€"- â€" v - -- 1 late a poulzlvu remedy for thn- above disuse : bv It: In. thouundl ofmscs or we worst kind In: ofkmx landing h" been cured. Indeed. no otmnx ta my ram: In It. omen-y, that 1 M1 ten-l TWO 80111)}! FRI-IE. toguher ‘1“: s VALUABLE TREATISE on thla til-ease lo any talent. Give exagssgnq Plogdduu. G i MSEMNN. Comumon will and it to their mung. to at the ‘ndo tor our nun 0! File- md Run. new-mu a Small). Band (or price “at and um Manufacturers of the highest grades of um free. Every 1%}.de dram?“ shouid have a co y before ordcting soeds {ot the coming season. andsolmst catalogue pubkhed inCanadA ninula's?ï¬â€ns ARE THE east; Illustrated Catalogue for 1881 Wdesaipï¬onand pdoaofthe chow _F_|_El_.!I mm manna Sttï¬Ã© USE ON YOUR MACHINERY ONLY THE WELL-KNOWN Hamilton. - Ontario. â€"WITH ALL THEâ€"â€" LATBSIT IMPROVEMENTS. TORONTO, CANADA. THE E. O. OURNEY OO., TORONTO. R. SPENOE 00., Jun 19. 1885.â€"â€"For txo yam my wflo'a health was run down. she wu greath' euuolnted and too weak «a do anything [or hem"; she wan given up by ï¬ve doctors. they All posed the opinion that she could not live. 8h. commenced using Dr. Jug’a Medicine in December, 1884. and um taking an bottles she wuno much improved tho! {she could look after her household dutiel. J. l. Ronmol, Engineer. 0. P. 1%.. West Toronto. We make a Specialty of TORONTO, om“:- ~‘1‘HIIâ€" STANDARD SCALES. Â¥SÂ¥AMUEL ROGERS 00-. TORONTO. Hue been avhrded it during be In: four yum. Try also PEERLE“ AXLE GREASE for your ngons and none Powen. Mound ‘ENEDIIJ ,moN anqwoon PUMPS, HAMILTON, ONT. Wind Mills, Feed Grinders, Haying Tools, Hallway. Town. Farm, and Ornamental Water Supply Material. It Sand for Descriptive Catalogue. )em-ed Windmills, for drivinn Machinery, Pumping Water, em, from Ito 40 horse power. PeerlessOil Aglgn Line Royal Mail sneamatha Saulng during mute: horn Portland even? Thun- dny and Hum: every Suturdny to Livarpoo . and II summer lrom Quebec every Saturdny to leupool. calling at Londondeny to land mails and W for Scotland and Irehnd; also from Balhmou mm «sun xv told um}: an o 11': . .. verpoo 0 during numnggrgnqndu. » The pteamgn o! the 91-.- Armstrong’s Buggy 85 Carriage Ham Has many advantages over any other side- ring ear, and will undoubtedly be a great favoriterpno \ent tempered steel late perches allow the body to set very low. IT URNS SHORT, rides very . and has no SWINGING or UNDUE MOTION. S - able for straight or phaeton bodies. PRICES RIGHT. Send for our descriptive circular. A FINEST SILVER-PLATED WARE. Artisuc Designs, combined with Unequaued Durability and Finish. stow ï¬nes on“ during winter to Ind from mum. Portund, Boston and Philadelphin ' and durin Inn- mer between G ow And Hontnd weekly" 0 and Boston week . nnd Ghsgow and P fortnightly. For knight, pl». e, or other Information I b A. Schnmncher a 0., Bu‘imore; 8. Cu 00.. mum; Shea 5 Co.. St. John's. NJâ€. ; Wm. Tho-p- oon 00.. St. John, N.B.; AnnnCo..0hl | Love a: Alden, New York; 11. Bourller, Town | Allann. RaeCo., Quebeo‘ Wm. Brookio. Phndd. phin; H. A. Allen. Portland Boston 110:1an HAMILTON. ONT-A. THE 8083 SIDE SPRING GEAR MERIDEN BRITANNIA 60. ' _-‘ - ' Wholly unlike Arutlclal 8 'uemsâ€"Cureot Ilnd Wu:- deringâ€"Any book leurno. In one mains. Ha“: auctions tor postal chutes. Pmsmclua with on“: 10mm! )lr. Paocmn. the Astronomer. on. W. W. Aston. Jvmu P. Hummus. Dts. luau. Woon an omen. â€mgâ€: "um. I\' nor. l1.01sn'r'r15. Aâ€"â€" “- --- no Snow unthinking Power «A. umuom. on Marviewllous Memory nlï¬nnnlanu Expres- md Poul on“. 71:70:37.“;63'x‘xgl‘hl-5; i319. Gil: ad I will cult-030m Addreu DR. 11.9; 8021‘, Biéï¬Ã©liflï¬bï¬, 37'Yohié'SiI‘I'lirunto. ,_-v __._..-_ .-..â€".... .u-w-uu' muon’ï¬ir 7-087 iii" meek-lug u; ems. nd It one. for - mum And I Pm Bottle 0! my manna: femgdy. 9.", h-_-- -â€"J n.-. n--- u; _, ,._ , Men I uy cum 1 do not mun mud: n: «op mm M- flmo ma than hue then return nuin. I men I ndlul cure. I hue made the dluuo of His, EPILEPSY or FALL- ING BIOKNNI lifeâ€"long Iludy. I wanna! my real.†to cure the wont men. _B_ecuuo «than hays {tiled I; no ..-_-_ 1.- __. _,_ , Prices md Terms to suit buyers. Send for drunk]. â€HIRE FITS! Manufacturers of AND A fl‘lJ. LINE OF ‘ ESPEQALLYADAPTED FOR ‘ lADIES CHILDRENS FINESHOES. v- vul \IKJUBII. Ia-nc lillliulill 'J. B. Ammonia arm: to. â€III." I)“ A PERMANENT BLACK POLISH MANUFACTURE ONLY PI§QQVE§9I nunnvn. tunin- ï¬'cw Yuk.