Fire recent]? destroyed business roperty at Walla \VA 1a., W. T., worth “35,000; insurance, 840,000. The remains of two human beings were found in the ruins. Mrs. Amanda. Greely, sister of Horace Greely. has been stricken _with paralysis. She is 73 yearstoi age. I x Rev. Frank Belmont, a Baptist minister, was iound dead the other ni ght in the Chickasaw nation reserve. He8 was doubt lees murdered. Alex. Crawford, the negro murderer of a. merchant at Winona, Mia, was taken from 3501 by an immense crowd of enraged citi- zens the other day and banged from a trestle. Twa sheep ranchers named Fraser and Lackey, were max-dorm; in their houses near Albuquerque, New Mexico, recently. It]- One hundred and 6“: gravediggers in Calvary cemeter" Long gland, threaten to Ibriko unless their wages are increased. The reported excitement in Newfoundlend ever 'the dieallowence of the Bait Act is It“. to be greatly exaggerated. “for February show en in mane of ï¬mu over the name month last you. The Custom receipts increased 842, - Major Stewart, of the Csscnde coal mines, in now in Winnipeg. He says the output. will soon reach 500 tons daily, and that. the intention is to supply San Francisco and the Paciï¬c coast. The movement for the erection in Halifax of a8250,000 cathedral in commemoration 0f the establishment of the ï¬rst Colonial See in Nova Scotia, a century ago, is as‘ euming shape. Bishop Binney ofl'ere $5000. At the annual meeting of the Ontario branch of the Dominion Alliance, in Toron- to, a resolution recommending the Domin~ ion Alliance to petition Parliament to place asum in next year's estimates to buy out the plant of all distilleries and breweries throu hout the Dominion, thereby utting an eng to the liquor trafï¬c, was votes down, only three votes being in favor of it. A high Government ofï¬cial in Washington is credited with predicting within the next two months a. financial stringency which will lead to a panic. Emma Spencer, May McAttoo and Lucy Berry have been gmled at l’arkersburg, West Va., on suspicion of robbing and murdering Richard Miller, a country mor- chant, aged 70. At a convention of rison wardens of Canada. and the United totes, held in De- troit, 5 Prison Wardene’ Association was organized, and it was decided to hold the tunnel meeting next year in Toronto. The route of the Central Ontario railway has been located to Bancroft, a distance 01 sixteeuend one uerter miles from the pres- ent terminus. he locating of the Irondale and Bancroft line will be resumed in the spring. An ei hteen-year-old daughter oi Peter Busha, agoemaker of Lacolle, Que., commit- ted suicide by taking a dose of Paris green. An old half-wittaed woman named Tremblny of the same place, on hearing of the girls ï¬ftion, took a dose of the same poison and The Halifax Chamber of Commerce, at its annual meeting endorsed the Government's ï¬shery policy. but refused to petition the Government to negotiate reciprocal trade relations with the \Vest Indies and Cuba or to subsidize a direct line of steamers running between Canada and those countries. wuv new on) Jun.. v- “av The New ' Ad: State Senate has used the bill appropriating $550, 000 for t 8 im- provement of the canals. 00., of St. John. N. 3., has “0pr pay neat tempura-i! in consequence o the (311‘ m of the Marit me Bank. Mr. Baker, of the Meuitoba Northwest an road, denies thet there is any truth in the reported negotietions for the sale of Hub road to the Grend Trunk Reilway cem- It is reported that Parliament will be ask- ed at the coming session to authorise an in- come in the North-West Mounted Police force, and that each post will be supplied with a. Nordenfeldt gun. Work will be commenced immediately on the railway from Winnipeg to the interna- tional boundary. arrangements for connec- tion with the Northern Paciï¬c railway at the boundary having already been made. The Bishop of New “'estminster recently read an able and interesting pa er on British Columbia before the Colonle Insti- tube in London, in which he highly eulogiz- ed the commercial advantages of the Cana- dian Paciï¬c railway. Owing to the unparslleled depth of snow in the woods this winter, the lumber cut in the Otuwa valley will be reduced about 25 Su erintendent Whyte, of the Canadian Pac' e railway. telegraphs that the men who recently lost their lives through the snowslidc in the mountains have'themselves to blam--. l‘hey saw the slide coming, but instead uf getting in the sheds. they stayed o itsid - :0 watch its effect, with the result r wt six of them were suï¬'ocated before they u “Id be rescued. Mr. Green, superintendent of the snow. lough brigade, Thomas Stark and Wm. yan were among the six Canadian Paciï¬c railway employes killed by the snOWslide in the Rocky Mountains last week, as previous- 1 re orted. Mr. Abbott superintendent of t e f’aciï¬c division. denies that the snow- sheds in the mountains have been in the least injured this year. A large and influential deputation repre- senting the Toronto, Hamilton, Kingston and Montreal Boards of Trade, and lake ves- sel owners, had along interview the other afternoon with the members of the Dominion Government on the question of canal enlar e- ment and the reduction of canal tolls. it John Macdonald stated that the Govern- ment intended to proceed with the deepen- ing of the canals as fast as possible and that the question of toll reduction would receive immediate consideration. AMERICAN. Cholera has been ofï¬cially declared pre- valent at Monte Video. It In outed thet the Reuwey Commlulon will not present their report to l’arlbment It the coming eeuion. 11083. Gononl Middleton will start on hi! unnutl tom- of impaction u soon u the now dil- The private banking ï¬rm of McLellan Tl WEEK’S NEWS. “ In Sweden a man who is seen drunk three times loses his Vow. Since a man’s vote not only effects himself but the public, and since the average drunkard cannot be trust~ ed with other people‘s business, it is not onl the right of the State, but its duty to dis ranchise him. Not only this, the drunk- ard who has a wife and children to support ought to have a guardian ap ointed to see that the time and )roperty w lch belongs to them is not squam cred in the saloon. The average lunatic is more competentto take care of his family and property than the average drunkard.†Level headed people, those Swedes. In Croydon churchyard was a tomb on which Wu inscribed the win h whï¬ch has been recordet! in Steinman’a " {story Croy- den," but. which is now lost. Seven Years Of suffering relieved inas many days. Corns cause in the aggregate as much suffering as any single disease. It is the magic solvent power of Putnam’s Corn Extractor that makes it speedily successful in removing corns. Take no substitute, however hi hly recommended. l’utnam' s Painless ‘orn Extractor is the best. Sure, safe, and pain- ess. The last obetecle in the we of Mr. Eru- tul \Vimw’e scheme for brldg the Arthur Kill and giving the Baltimore Ohio a ter- minus in New York harbor has been re- moved, the U. 8. War Department having sanctioned his plane. puny ut Columbus, Ohio, where eï¬e had pmpowd to speak. She call' I on the mayor to protest against such actions and became so abusive and demonstrative that she won locked up. The other evening A. T. Swedley end Mre. Annie Graven were united in marriage at Brockport, N. Y. , by Rev. Mr. Eddy at the bride’s house. The groom is 80 years of age and the bride 78. 0th have been married before. They are spending the honeymoon in the town. The residents of Princeton, Ind., and vicinity are much exercised over a phen- omenon which occurred the other Sunday. A severe rainstorm began before daybreak and covered the earth to a de th of an inch with a yellow substance, whic iepronounced to be of volcanic origin. Naval Constructor Pool: has submitted to the U. S. Navy department his plans for a new armored vessel of 6000 tons ordered by the last Con ess. The constructor says this vessel will 0 built at Brooklyn yard. She will cost over $2,500,000 and work will be commenced within a year and give em- ployment to several thousand men. FOREIGN. Lord Rendolph Churclull has arrived at Cetanie, Sicily. M. de Lesseps says the French natior; is decidedly in favor of peace, and no intelli- gent Frenchman believes there will be war. Commander Chadwick, United States naval attache in London, has had an inter- view with Vice-Admiral William Graham, controller of the navy, in relation to the statements that Draughteman Terry reveal- ed the secrets of naval designs to the Amer- ican legation. The controller said these were merely newspaper assertions and that as far as the stories connected any bod in the legation with the dockyard treac ery they were entirely false. Inmm sad Mud Cue. young son. oi the 1m Rev. John Cue, ot Hurley, Pu, quor- roiiod recently Ind drew rovoivorl. Inman Ihot his brother Mud. tad the onus man will die. Iumon in wild with gr oi. During the recent riot in Galway several soldiers were beaten and kicked by a large mob. hollowed Unloa- committed the crime. All the money on the plum wu ntolon. Advices from Catania say the cholera is increasing daily. Colonel Rod, the English manager of lead mines in Corsica, has been murdered by miners. The Stanley exFedition for the relief of Emin Bey has arr ved at Simonatown, Cape of Good Hope. Christine Nilsson has been married to Count Miranda. and it is reported she will retire from the stage. The British army estimates which have 'ust been issued, amount to $91,969,500, ing an increase of $803,500. It is oflicially stated that the British “731' Ofï¬ce will recommend the Lee-Burton and improved Lee Magazine rifles for ï¬nal test. It' 18 stated England and Germany will en- deavor to effect:g an amicable settlement of the dispute between Zanzibar and Portugal It is positively afï¬rmed that the allianee between Italy, Germany and Austria has been resumed, but for three instead of ï¬ve The Woontho Tsawbwa has submitted to the British, and has agreed to pay tribute and to deliver up his arms. This is an im- portant step in the work of pacifying the people of Upper Burmah. Lucy B. Pnrsona, the looturln Anarchist. wu xefuaed t he.“ by a local m litury com_- Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone have gone to visit the Queen at \Vindsor. Gen. Boulanger pro oses to adopt mea- sure to pmvent the pu lication of news in France relating to movements of the army. It is probable that the health of the Prin- cess of \Valea will permit of her accompany- ing her husband and son on their approach- ing visit to Ireland. The Pope is writing an encyclial on the subject of Socialism. He will treat concise- ly of social problems, distinguishing good and lawful from dangerous and unchristian combinations. required to enable the works to comole2e uié orders for guns for the German Government within the speciï¬ed time. The Tribuna of Rome prints 8. deapatch from Massowah saying that the King of Abyssinia, at the head of an army, in march- ing to Godjam and that he has summoned a. portion of R38 Aloula’s troops to join him. A despatch from Berlin points out that the Crown Princess, on the death of the Kaiser, will become a. tential factor in German politics, and as er ideas run conn- ter to those of Prince Bismarck the corres- pondent points out how the Chancellor is takin steps to provide a policy for the fu- ture t at his petticoated antagonist will ï¬nd it hard to disturb. Extraordinary activity is dis layed at the Km?!) gnu-ks in: Essen. Ijlesy uildipgs gm 03"? nuns 'l'llls unless You want to make money. In: l-‘umunn thm is the only story paper in Csnadn, and contains thebrlghust and hes. stories of anyémper published. Price, with rest music premium, per year. Secure the agency or -our district. Agentsllhernlly dealt with. send for too sum is co ies sntlterms. Mention this pa or. Address. TI_E_FI ESIQEAWEEKLY, 20 and 28 ‘0]- borne Street, Toronk}, Ont- UELPII Business College, Guelph, 01th. Twelve States and Provinces already represent- on the roll 0! this Institution. To thorough, prsctlcal lnstructlon, and the elliclency snd success of m graduates, this College owes its popularity. Circulars. g'h’lng â€rmh egg, mulled lrce. Address. whose res'EI-ve is sltueted on the opposite eide of the river, and also to sto the Bloods from stealing horses from t e whites. Among the few Indians who were allowed inside the at was Heavy Shields, 3 minor chief in :3: Blood camp. He was then, end is now. a ï¬ne specimen of an Indian, standing six feet two in his moccasins and built in pro rtion. The police had a. it of boxing g eves that caused many a b eck eye and _ loody nose. Nothing _ pleased PATENT PROFITRBD In Canada, the U S. and all foreign countries. Ingiucers, Pa- tent Attomeys, and experts In Patent Causes. Estab- lished 1867. Donald (2. Bldout ct 00.. Toronto. kinda; Washing Machines, 2 klnm. Carpefsn'éepers, Meat Choppers, Trucks, and other uundtlea. "ammo: lxnvsrnun Worms C0,, Hamilton, Canada. Send [or Article wanted, or Illustratgd Cgulogue: Indian Too Much for White Man. In the summer of '79 A urgent and II: oomtsblu of the North-West Mounted Police were “ï¬lmed at Stand 05. a mull log fort “mud on the Belly river under the Rockies. Their duty was to stop trad- er} ï¬lling win-keyhto Ith‘e Blogd Indinqn, Heavy Shields 50 much as to putvthzam on. From being awkward at ï¬rst he got to be able_t9 hql his‘owp against allucomgra, am! would take and give a pounding in good part. 011 the whole he was 'not bad tern. pered for an Indian. One day a crowd of cow-boys driving a herd of cattle from Montana on their way to Fort Macleod to supply the Police and Indian Depart- ment wrth meat, had camped for the night close by the police post. Among them was one who was a terror to all others who would meet him in a fair ï¬ght with bare knuckles. After supper the cow-boys called on the police to have some fun at tar- get practice with Colts revolvers and “flu- cheater carbines. After each man had a trial, Heavy Shields, who was resent at the time, came out the winner. his niaddened the cow-boy bully. He flew into a m e and wanted to turn himself loose on eavy Shields with his ï¬sts. The sergeant, who knew nothin about the cow-boy, but knew very well w at Heavy Shields could do, told the former that his chance was good, but not with bare knuckles, but with gloves. This pleased the cow-boy who wanted to show the lice and Indiana that he was a second “ ohn L." The gloves were brought out and the men set too. The cow-boy smiled, full of conï¬dence, thinkin what a time he would have slugging the In ian. But things did not turn out as he expected. Heavy Shields let out his left, knocking his '00 00 SHEETS UP!» a 100. MUSIC; ‘80,000 , Piaya,’ Brass Inat’a, ‘Vioiina,’ ‘Fiutes.’ ‘F‘iiea,’ 3nd Musical inst. Trimmings .0 reduced prices. R. B. BUTLAND. 31 King St. .. 19109“; 4108 il.l-I.-»SEVERAL FIRST - CLASS IM- PROVED FARMS for saleâ€"in the County of Eu ex (called the artlen of Canada); easy terms of payment. C. U. lAKTEN, Lenmlngton. 6 PER GEN " MONEYâ€"INTERMI’YEXRL? . â€"no commission ; Mortgages purchaned. R. H. TEMPLE. 23 Toronto Street. 7 '7 7 Mang lea three â€H“ RNS kindsg Clothes I 'erngers, ten opponent down. The cow-boy jumped up, striking right and left at the Indian, who avoided his blows with ease, and at every chance sent in a stinger. The cow-boy, seeing his mistake too late, threw up the gloves, and, picking up a heavy raw hide quirt, struck the Indian on the face. This was more than Heav Shields could stand. He also threw ofl‘ the gloves, and taking up an axe that lay close by, struck at the cow-boy, but the blow fell short. The cow-boy turned and ran for his life with Heavy Shields in hot chase after him. The cow-boy was a fast runner, but Heav Shields was much the faster of the two, an , gaining inch by inch on his victim at every step, he raised the axe and struck at the cow-boy, missing him only by a hair’s breadth. To save the fugitive's life without shooting the Indian was impossible, and to kill the Indian to save the cow-boy’s life was out of the question, for the cow-boy was the cause of the quarrel. All we could do was tc look on. The cow-boy was straining every nerve and muscle to save his life, but seemingly all to no purpose for Shields was steadily gaining. We all held our breath for the next time the axe would drop, we expected to see the cowboy drop with it. The axe did drop, but again fell short of the mark, merely cutting the back part oi-the cow-boy’s head about _an inch long and an eighth of an inch deep. This did not check his speed and he kept steadily on. The axe rose again. This time it was certain death had it not been for a large black bear, which was eating a coyotte that had been shot that morning b one of the police. Neither cow-boy or ndian saw the bear until they were almost on top of him, for he was hidden from view behind some bush- es. Bruin was taken so by surprise that he did not attempt to attack the cow-b0 , but rose up in time to save his life. eavy Shields turned his whole attention to the bear. ,Then a desperate ï¬ght began. Twice Heavy Shields struck him with the axe, but bruin parried the third blow and closed with the Indian pinning him to the ground, and in a very few moments would have torn him to atoms had it not been for the cow- boy, who by this time had returned. Catch- ing up the axe that had been dropped by Heavy Shields, he sunk it into the bear’s brain, killing him on the spot. Heavy Shields then Jumped to his feet, looked lon and steady into the cow-boy’s eyes, reacher out his hand and said, “ white man, 'let us be brothers I†‘G-IINTS and CA5 Hanna wanted, Male or Female, whole or spare thne. on salary or commis- slon. Industrial Union 01 1!.N .A.. 45 Arcade. Toronto. m“, nun “MIIUU, luau Ul Ulwu W uuv IIVW, dull pain in the heart with beats, strong, ra- pid and irregular. The second heart beat quicker than the ï¬rst, pain about the breast bone, 8m.†Can be cured “in many of the ï¬rst stages.†Send 60 in stem sfor gimp}:- let and full articulate. Ad eas . V. LUBON, 47 ellington St. East, Toronto, Canada. A. P. 324. urpl e lips, numbness, alp itation, ski eats, hot flashes, rush of b 00d to the he MONEY Heart Disease. The symptoms of which are “ Faint spells, .urple_ lipg, _numbn§as,__pallgi§at_i9n,_ skip to loan on Mortgage. Trusuunah. no: particulars apply to Burn, CHAD- wmn. Buoasmcu a Gun, Turouw. j UNI. lllnllcu Iluc. flu! "can MA wOBMlQK,Pfln01pp_l. NE‘V SHIPMENT from ENGLAND Ex-Stumnhlp " Norwegian.†Lawns-r Pawns to ï¬ll Tawl. We aro sole agent. in Can-Au (or Houston's Gunman Sun? Camus. Write for quotations. NINE BOLD MEDALS ““2521:rak‘ék'a‘ammmzm mmocféflkm hunt-Muted I0 QUIIN OITV OIL WORKS by ‘OAMUEL ROGERS OO.. TORONTO. A GENTS WANTED everywhere (or “lulu: Words." Bun P. Jonen' Own Boobâ€"A series 0! uuwllleu lemma. collected and edited under the unborn own Inpervlalon. with on autoblognphlod sketch 0! the great Southern Evangellrt ; 393ennons, I" new ; lull nae ougnvlugu, und I steel plan por- tmlt of the out or. Remember, this book ls only sold by uukgï¬pglon, through muggy-ind {30an GB!“ WANTED tbr “ llfl' arm XIII.†trom In uuthontlc memoir lumlsbed by bin 0 or and "Man with an eucoungement. uprobn- tlon and bleulng, by Bern-rd O‘Rollly. D. .. Ll). Thin In the only work u pmvod by the Holy Faber, Ind .11 otbon «1va M such no u lnud. For um odd"- Bou Punwumu 00.. Toronto. SAUSAGE 'cAsznus! mu}; m: mâ€" "n. Over m 0! our Muehlnoo now In use. And no oompldnto. Prices and Terms to suit buyers. 80nd rdmlu. Wail PM FARMERS TH RESRERS, Samples on application. TORONTO, ONT â€"-WITH ALL THEâ€"â€" m;_lI£-A_THBIT :MBOVHMIINTE. ï¬lms}; aid -. G . ’T» SPRIN '3 2M ‘1 . " Blind, Bleeding, and itching, Pl LES' eflectually cured by the Medical Plle Remedy. Thousands o! auï¬erers can testify tothe permanent relief from these internal and eqternnl Remedies. $1.00 per package. your druggist for it, or will be sent by mail, postage p.nid HUGH MILLERg 6t 00.. 167 King St. East. Toronto. Sailing during winter from Portland eve Thurs day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpoo , and IL summer lrom Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Londonderry to land mails and passengerr [or Scotland and Ireland; also irom Baltimore, vie Halifax and St. John's, N. R, to Liverpool iortnlghil: durin summer months. The steamers oi the Glen gow Ines sail during winter to and from Halilu Portland, Boston and Philadelphia - and din/inf sum mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly ' G w “8’0 and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphia loï¬nlghtly: _ Allan Line Royal Mail Steamship: For freight, pass a, or other intormation n K" h A. Schumacher ., Baltimore; 8. Cum Oo.‘ Halifax - Shea a 00., St. John’s, NJ. ; Wm. Thou 1) son a 60., at. John, N.B.; Ananacmcmoq‘gi Love 65 Alden, New York; H. Bourlier, Toron ‘ Allms, Rae 300., Quebec' Wm. Brookle. Phlludol pm; 11. A. Allen. Pommd Boston Montml. TheMutual Reserve Fund The largest and most (frosperous open Assessment Association in the worl â€"deaires active representa- tives in every section of Canada; liberal inducements. It has lull Government Deposit, and under the super- vision of Insurance Department at Ottawa. Correspondence solicited. Address, J"- D- WELLS, SILVER PLATED WARES. STEEL KNIVES, SPQONS. FORKS, Toronto Silver Plato Go, ETO., A SPECIALTY. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED. BRICK MACHINES. WONSUMPTION. mmL' mum M. STAUNTON 00., LIFE ASSOCIATION WILLIAM Buidéé.‘i3iii{li£ï¬'ei,"f6ibï¬to, 0m. Consumers wlll ï¬nd it to their sdvmtngo to uk the crude for our make of Files And Maps. lie-Cutting a Specialty. Bond to: prloo list tad terms. ASSESSMENT SYSTEM. "nnTHAsmctm' smoï¬omoe‘. 37 tonge'st. .Toronto I has - pom!" rem], for the ubovodloeuo ; by m as; “sound. clam or m wont llnd um of Ion standing Mn boon cured. Indeed Io “roux In my mum it. omen], cm l I"! and who :30an pass, mum: with n nwmu; TRBATISB on mu am to any Mom. om organ-3mg PLQLIEIISII. JAMES PARK 81. SON, Toronto. Manufacturers of the highest grades of Hamilton. - Ontario. MANUFACTURERS. In ch valuable Information. We! . Blobudnn a; 00., Montreal. BY’S BIRTHDAY. TURUNW CANADA. USE ON YOUR MACHINERY ONLY THE WELL-KNOWN R. SPENOE 00., THE E. 8L. O. OURNEY OO., TORONTO. A Bountiful Imporeed Birthday Card soul to any baby whose mother will send 1mm namea of two or more other babies. and their parenta’ nddreues Also a handsome Dio- mond a Sample Cord to the mothu and much 13 unble Information. mcnm: Jun 19. 1885.-â€"l'or two yem my who's health we. run down. She wu greet] entwined end too week ‘0 do en tor hem"; ehe wen given up by ï¬ve dooton. they ell posed the opinion that the could not live. She commenced tiling Dr. Ju e Medicine In Deoember. 188‘. Ind _n!_er Nineullx‘ mun aha was much Imp raved that he could look um hot household anti“. 1. I. Renown, 853111003. 0. P. 8., Woo! General Manager, 65 King Street East. Toronto. 41-31:â€" of 1:!Iu~:.|‘ ‘5. I Bicycles ! END AT ONCE FOR LIST of Second-Hand Machines, From $I5 Upwurds. New Catalogue Ready lat April. A. T. lANE, MONTREAL. ,8‘ ‘2. ’unoam.‘ KEYUMJER mm“ WHITE OAK POSTS Eton“. EZQPeerlessOil 8 Dr. \Vlthrow’s latest and poguhr “uti- tory of Conula‘" lrom the lsoovory at America to the late North Wm Rebellion, including 5 AGENTS lull and correct account 0! the amt. 070 pages, and grim-lower thus my other book of the same size on quality ubilshed in WANTED the States or Canada. Ano or remat- abiy low price book in Sun P. Jonu' “Living Words," with autobiogm hy. illustnflou‘ 0th 595 pages; also, J. B. Gough's “ ’lauorm Echoes. bevutiiuliy illustruled. mil of anecdotes, em, sud sells It night. Our Fumll Bibles are cheap. and In- erior to others. Terms i haul, circulars on 3 pilot- ion. WM. BRIGGS. 78 a 80 King St. Ii, Town 0. Orig Armstrong’s Buggy £5 Barriage Hoar: bent tempe red steel late Eerclxea allow the body ‘0 set very low. TIPU RN SHORT rides very and buy no SWINGING or UNDUE “01.10Ҡ% able for straight or nhaemn bodies. PRICES RIGHT. Band {or our descriptiv e circular. ____-.___-_. .. __._.... “A l- ;- ‘ BEST IN THE MARKET. Send for Illustrated Price List. OSBORNE '00., - ArtIStlc Designs. combined with Unequalled Durability and Finish. HAMILTON. ONTA MERIDEN BRITANNIA 00. MANUFACTURE ONLY FINEST SILVER-PLATED WARE. Every one Guaranteed All Styles of Trucks. Hay, Stock, and Portable Plat- form Scales. Ethiiilifliflbï¬, 37Yohié'StQ'Tï¬ronto. All 8835‘s: of ane’work. Mfr's. ofPrintm' but. Slugs and Metal Furniture. Send tor prices. llh “on! Icy cm I do no: mun manly to flop them [or I ï¬lm. sud thun hue then: return nnln. I mean A ruled can. I In“ undo tho Mung of HTS BPILIPBY or FALL 1N0 SIOKNBBI lilo-long uudy. {wsmnt my “mod, to car. an wont cues. nee-m other: have hllod I. no nuon to: not now ucolvlng 3 euro. Sud at one. {on mule. and I In. Bottle 0! my Inhlllblv remedy. GIN hymn ma venom“. It «=qu you now“ {or 3 trial. ._n._ _____ ...,U, u... .- n n...â€" SOLID OS All. RAIIJVAI' TRAINS. Wholesale through IRA CORNWALL 00.. 162 St. James Street, Montreal. l [HIRE FITS ! A BEAUTIFUL WATERPROOF. A PATENT LEATHER POLISH ron BOOTS.SHOES RUBBERS - SOLD EVERYWHERE- 'THERE IS NOTHING LIKE IT- J. B. ARMSTRONG M'F’G (‘0. (Ill-D. «mum. Cumin. I villain you. Add}... DB. 11.0. @331 5751 DRESSING 23 AM:LAT6ï¬T.’i:,. angurqi Dr. Vï¬iyrbh‘p 19:9» mg popplu “ We make I. Specialty of Hamilton Scale En. STANDARD SCALES. All Styles of Improved HAMILTON, ONT.