All "ll Lie)" Kinds of Firewood for sale and delivm'cul to any part. of the villageâ€"P. McMillan) 6: Sons, Beaverton. Pushing. . rely-unu. Our enterprising contemporary the “Toronto Globe" i4 bouml to [mall itself forward. The latest mark ofits ener- getic management is the chartering of a hpeciul train to carry its papers into \Vedern Ontario. ahead Qf the usual time. ' lie train runs from 40 to 60 miles per hour and places the "Globe" on the breakfast. tables of the people of London at 6:45 a. m. The price has also been reduced to 85 per auuum. No changes of Business ad- vertisements will hereafter be reéeivml later than "I‘uesday morning. Copy received later than that» will be held over till Babies and Chudren: the following week Special noticm zmd nmttm for local ‘columm wcnived until Wed- nesday evening â€".vr- --.J _ After you get angry and make up your mind to shop Your paper, just poke your ï¬nger in water and then pull it out and look for the 110m. Then you will know how sadly you are missed. A man who thinks a paper cannot survive without his support ought to go 013 and stay a while. When he comes back half his friends-i didn't know that he was gone ; and the other half didn’t care a. cent, and the world at large didn‘t keep any account of his movements. You will ï¬nd things you cannot endorse in every paper. Even the Bible is rather plain 21.1.1 hits some hard licks. If you were to get mad and burn your Bible, the hundreds of presses would still go on printing them ; and if you were to stop your paper and call the editor all sorts o' ugly names, the paper would still be pu‘ulished ; and whaï¬ is more you'd sue lk around and borrow a. copy of it every week from your neighbor. It would be much better to keep your vest pulled down and your subscription paid up in advance. give you V' italized Air 0 (mu: t your teeth without any pain, and make win an upper or under set of Artiï¬cial teeth at almost any price you wish to pay. Visits Woodville ï¬rst Tuesday, ‘and Beavcrtou ï¬rst Wednesday of .each month. Glover Seed For Sate ! ‘ Dentistry. I25? Any quantity of Clover Seed for sale at R. Dunsheath 5. Mars. St., Bea.- verton. Going to Port Hope. Ve learn that 151'. Kidd, who lately sold liis‘residence and practice here is about to remove to Port Hope, where he believes there is an opening in his pro- fession. The doctor was a. successful practitioner-"here for nearly nine years, and having acquired considerable pro- perty during that time, much surprise was expressed by every body when it was learned that he was ahout to sever his commotion with the people of Mid- land where he was universally esteemed both as a physician and citizen. In public affairs he always took a lively in- terest and for some time occupied the important position of chairman of our Board of Education. In going with his family to Port Hope he carries with hitn the host wishes of the people of Midland and surrounding country for an equally prosperous career.â€"- {M Idland Free Press} Gents' Tles- Gente' TIOSc u- Any quantity of Gents‘ New and Nobhy Ties at llodgson‘s Gus-h Store. Our Wealthy Mon. Much has been suirl in newspapers of i. The “Checkers." mouwhe hevemade large fortunes in; A meeting of the members of the comparatively a. few years in various { "Checker" Lacrosse Club, will be held business industries. Many of these , in the Club Room. on Wednesday, next, articles are written by correspondents of ' March 80th, at 8 o‘clock p. m. A fun prominent newspapers nudt-opied into attendance is requested as matters of others of lesser note. Correspondents {importance to the Club will be dealt generally are seldom men of husines‘l : with. ' qualifications and wrongfully picture "m†Prlnts. these men and their business as e thingh w 800 pieces of New Prints to choose of accident ; thzl Is no'; the ease “it from at Harrison Leslie's. ' w {Janmin ll. 11.. Gillâ€"inrtson left this week for his boat in preparation for the l opening of navigation. mmmtnn iota! mm. 'lsmmv. MARCH 25. 1887. PUELISIIEII'S ROUGE. thogo w. have met. We ï¬nd a)“ where men have made large fortunes by their own business talent and industry they i chose with sagaoity and forethought such i businesses as would lead to success when 4 handled with business judgment. No a man has been brought before the public l as an example of success, both in wealth and magnitude of his business (outside of stock and railroad men) more promin- ently than Dr. G. G. Green of Woodbnry N. J. He is at the head of many large buainess industries, and yet comparative- ly a young man. When the fact that August F lower. for dyspepsia and liver complaint and Boschoes German Syrup. for coughs and Inn;, troubles. has grown to a wonderful sale in all parts of the world. it proves that it was not an acci. i dent or spontaneous strike at' wealth. 1 His medicines are recognized as valuable ‘ and established remedies and the busio ness has grown gradually and perma- nently during the last eighteen years on account not alone of Dr. Green's abili. ties as a. business man or his ‘g'JUtl luck.’ but on the actual merits of the two pre- parationsâ€"[Copied from the N. Y. Weeklv Sun, of Dec. 2'2, 1886. Silverware. 155' Silver and Electra-Plated ware the best and cheapest in the market at H. Westcott’e, Beaverton. White Fish, “(3' Uheuï¬er than the Hodgson’s, Beavcrton. An lnstructlve Lecturg. The Rev. Dr. Watson delivered a. very able lecture before a. large and apprecia- tive audience in the School and Lecture Room of St. Andrew‘s church, on Friday SO! up... .-,-, «r 106 ens-es to! Spring Goods just opened at Harri son 6; Leslie's. Feed for Sale. ~ -. A 1 Ivy“. Any quantity of Clover Seed. Seed OMS and Pens fur sale at R. Duushcuth‘av Bczu’erton. ' Another Way. , _ ‘ remarks by this paper in a. reCent issue as to well building am: encloses his ideas of the proper and only method of secur- ing pure healthy water, which are as follows : Dig your well until reaching a. spring, then brick up carefully, after- wards well plastering the face with water-lime mortar. The brick work should be carried some two feet above the level of the surrounding land, and carefully closed with double plank thruugh whicl should be inserted a. short tube 01 iron, closed at the end, but perforated with small holes. This is to all) .' me escape of any gases, “Inch may accumulate above the water. With a well form : i 1.1 this; x. aenet out comes- pondeut believ :4 3h: (In. 1201‘ 1mm dipb. theria. and typho d len‘cl‘ would be en. tirely avoided as it be impossible for any surface water To l'CJ-cll the well until having percolated Lin-ougu to.c soil to its bottom by which time all dam er would have passed from it. We con;- mend this to the cousxdcmtion of our readers who may have the construction of a. well on hand. Farmers fiscal-V in mind that Hodgson has on hand and will keep during the season a full supply of Timothy and Clover Seeds. Please Pay Up. i All- iï¬dcbted to us would confer a favor by settling with us at once. We must. have money.â€"“The EXPRESS." G one with the Spring. the Cheapest at nono. Poo: old Doidgo, ¢ ï¬gure :0 well known to tho streets of Benetton, is no more. 116 passed to his test lult week at the Cuuuty Jail at Whitby. ' Money to Loan. k? 819,000. Private Funds to loan at lowest rate of interest. Apply to J as. M. Gordon. Beavertou. Passed Away. ‘ ' ' I" _ ..__._.... Another old land mark in the person of Mr. Geo. Sutor. sr.. passed away on Monday last at. the ripe old age of 77 years. vvvvw'v Lecture. The REV. J. W. Annis, B. A.,of Barrie, is to deliver a. lecture in the Methodist church on Tuesday evening next. the 29th Inst. on “Courtship and Marriage." Mr. Annis is a. clever and eutertaming lecturer and this subject is oue of con- siderable interest. No doubt a. large audience will greet him. Silverware. “I l-Ivv --â€". _ ks“ ngest and best assortment of the latest designs ever shown in town at factory prices for cash at J 110. Merlin. non 's, Beavertou. ' A Loss. A 810k horse belonging to a young man from Brock had to be killed at the “On- tario Hotel" stables last week, 110 hoyes being entertained of its recovery. Several complaints have been made of the conspicuous place in which the animal has been left. Farmers. 7 pr Cash for Butter, Eggs, Potatoes and any kind of Farm Produce at R. Dunsheath’s, Beave'rton. New Flints- Loads of New Prints, New Shirtlngs, New Uottonades at Hodgson's Beavorton and big shipments of every variety of Spring Goods daily arriving. Signs of Spring. ,.â€" h u h. :Knnckles Dgwn !" “Fan Dubs l" "Odd or Even !" is the song of the street just now. The small boy has got down to the marble business again. and every odd piece of exposed sidewalk is fully equipped with neckbreakers and the devotees of this fascinating game. The marble is the forerunner of spring. This indication is as certain as the return of the luscious sucker. The boy with a. pocketinl of marbles is just now in a. very demoralized condition. The latent "hump" of acquisitiveness suddenly as- sumes phenomouul proportions. as he earnestly endeav'ors to “scoop" his fellows, while in his pursuit of the stony wealth. His ussifluity is marvellous. The marlfle is abroad. so pedestrian beware. Boots and Shoes. 1:5" Extraorrhnary Bargains 11) Boots and Shoes at Walla-‘3, Mans ngh Laced Ploug‘ 1 Shoes. solid leather $1.00 1101 pair. Bovs‘ Strong Laced Boots, Solid Lent-1101' 75 cts. per pair. 'lhe Golden out, Beavarton. The Village Council met on Monday last to consider the best. means of repudi- . Ming tho outrageaus gland-gr on this vil- llnge contained in the lettur of Mr. 11 l Labouchere, which will he found in un- i other column. A cummmee was up- ' pointed to prepara a. letter of denial tor ‘ the press. 1 Sellingom Somng 01‘1". w All Winter Goods sold atgmd below Cost to make room for Spring Goods at H. Wilson‘s, Woodville. A Prayer For Reporters. â€" - -v.’_. _ In the Minnesota. Senate the other «lay the chaplain startled the august emly by closing his prayer with a word for the newspelwer men. He saic â€"-“And now, dear Lord, bless the reporters, whose nnn‘ole pens catch our every word almost, before it is uttered. Like Thy- self. they are omnipresent and almost omnipotent. If we ml; the wings of the morning and My to the uttermost puts of the earth they ï¬le there. They meet. us in the jungle; of Africa; they waylay us in the solitary canyons of Colorado.nnd when at length we ï¬nd the latitude of the magnetic polo, behold they are there. Iahy than- light and goodness no equal to their power, and when the general assembly of heaven Convenes let no reporter be excluded. Amen l" Tamarac Is 11 a1orlixmrv mixture. In fact. Its propmties 11.1 e entirely diflcreut from any prepa. ntion use: l 10. (10113115, Golds, Throat. and Luu; 131011111113. The Council. (if-i mu soiling out the baianco 0! my stock at ï¬gures greatly below cost. I am going out of business and 9.1. must be sold. lmmensohargaim offer- ing, at Rod. Campbell‘s, \"ondvmc. m‘ounrmc £0231 23:195. FRIDAY, MARCH ‘35. 1886. The Davenpdrt Comedy Companv «wore billed and showed hora on Wed- x'usday evening. to a. small audience. Crockery and Glassware. Tho Sldowalks. The winter in now about spent and the council should see to it that the side- walks are cleared of snow. To the station the road is rapidly becoming too muddy for wulkiug. Last Notlco. LS" All parties owing me are hereby notiï¬ed that my accounts mo now in the hands of the clerk of the 1st Divis- ion Court. county of Victoria to whom they must now apply and so 510. Rod. Campbell. qudville. Prgparlng. The Mcfhodist congregation are hav' ing the stone placed on their lot. in preparation for flu, erection of their new church. The building. we learn is to be proceeded with at once. New Spring Stock. New Spring Prints. Dress Goods. Ging- hams. , Cottons. Shirtiugs, Tweeda. Cottonadus c., Cheap for Cash at J. R. Pi‘ior‘s. Woodville. Thro .tricals. Fino Stock of Glassware, Chinnware. Crockery c.. at Prior’s Cheap Cash Store. Woodville. Lecture- The Rev. J. W. Annis. lectures here on Monday evening next, in the Metlio dist Church. A Silver Collection “ill be taken up. Take Notice ! Full and Fresh Stock of Groceries 8.1 ways on hand. Wanted 1000 doz. eggs, highest price paid for Butter, Eggs. Pork c., at J. R. Prior‘s. Woodville. Matrimonial. The marriage is announced this week of our village favorite Miss Mary Ellen Stuart to Mr. Jno. K. Campbell. The interesting ceremony took place on Wednesday evening last, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. James Stuart. The bride. was supported by Miss Sarah Campbell, and the groom by Mr. D. W. Stuart brother of the bride. The ceremony was wrtnessed by only the immediate friends of the pair, and the young couple, as all sen- sible people should went directly to their home without the absurd and ex- pensive “tour.†Many handsome pre- sents were received by the 'bride as well as the congratulation of a large Circle of friends to which let us add those, of THE ADVOCATE. SIR,â€"Is there going to be anything done ’ towards planting shade trees on our principal ,strcets this year. You have said so much and with such little success on this subject in the past, that I feel it is almost a. hopeless task to write on the subject. The lack of such a. useful and ornamental articles on Simcoe St., particularly. is so noticeable that we are determined to do all we ban towards securing this very desirable object. The cost of the trees in them- selves will beamere nothing and the tree planting of very little. True it little care would have to be taken of them for the first year or two. but they would well repay all the outlay which would be expended on them; If.our council will not take the matter in hand then let us as citizens, by each planting along his property. To Tm; Eamon : CITIZEN; '1 v . .. beaverton, March 20, 168:. Sm,â€"-As many farmers are now laying in a supply oi seed grain, we wish to give them fair warning that if they are not very particular in buying good elean seed they “'1“ suffer. Barley dealers have, through the Board of Trade, given fair warning that Mensurv. Russian and two rowed barley, or barley mixed with these varieties is perfectly valueless for shipping to the American market, and will be bought only for feeding purposes. As our Canadian barley is the best on the continent farmers should he hateful ‘ and sew perfectly clean seed and he very particular that no wheat is mixed with it as next season barley mixed with wheat Will be graded No. 3, no matter how good the color. Grain buyers are also determined on having wheat pro- perly cleaned as they are weary hand- ling wheat mixed with wild oats. tares etc. This kind of grain will in future he bought for feeding purpose; or left severely alone. We trust farmers will sum it to their own inter-mt to sow puro clean grain M they are the parties who will suffer the Inmt. and they may de- pend thathuyern Will not pay long prices for duty gram in the future. Tm. 0mm; Dumas. mvcrton. March 17th. 188". Impartant to Eat-mars (1.3m 232m @03. A Topic cf Interest. On Wednesday the 23rd inst. at tho reside nos 0! the bride's father, by Rev. John Gillies. Mr Juo. Xi. Campbell to Miss Mary Ellen Stuart. alloiWoudvillm 310:1. At Thomh. on Monday March 21st, George Sutor, aged 77 years. At Queen's “'1qu. Toronto on I the am of March, Aim (iillcspiu years. of heart disease. - "V v): . On Saturday the 19th, J essie. ham-ed wife of Malcolm Morrisun, Argyle, aged 80 years. (In Friday Um 20th inst", Angus Smith jr., 6th con. Eldon. , MRS. M. CAMPBELL, MUS/0 ' TEACHER, cï¬c. 'Terms 1L oderate. For further information apply at residence Mr. J. J. G‘over. Beaverwu. PIANO 0 R. O H"; Beaver. MA\A\$.M\ MAMthA;A7AAI At [A BAMWMMM A} We are still prepared to execute alt orders for Custom Work, and parties bringing their own cloth will receive the best of atten- tion as heretofore. Pupil of Ontario College 0! Mmic. also of St. Joseph's Convent. Toronto. in my pared to give lessons on @‘uétom Work As our goods are bought for Cash and are marked down to the lowmt possible ï¬gure. credit is impossible. The public are receiving the beneï¬t of close pur- clxnses_1md our sales will consequently be strictly for cash. he Cash System WGRSTEBS GVEWIG Jim's. AT COST. August 27. ’86. , 1_ Whitby: Clerk. 1).". Mncdnnnoll. Whi'hr Jan. 3. Feb. 2’ M“)? 2, Apr}! 2.11“"; 3, June 2“}qu ééunty of Ontario! Division Court Sittings â€"» 1837. 4. 280 K." .. Oct. 'i, NO‘K'J Dov. ‘1. .:£rnuglmm Clerk. ‘1. (Human. (irccnwoml May 4, July 5, Sept. zâ€"x. 9.. I‘Icknring Villa-,e: Clerk. «nod. Jan: 4. MM. 9‘: Km. 3. om H. LOGAN’S 3. Port péng: Clark, J. w. hnrnlmm. I‘m-L Perry. Fons. prn 10,.)uno 2!. sum. 6, mt. In. Doc. 13. . 4. Uxbrm o: CMrk. Z. llomphm. lthrmm. Foh.9. Apr! 2:). Juno 2!, ant. 7, 0m. m, “up, n, 5. Cmmiugzton : Clerk. Gnu. Smith, (fannington Feb. 1". April 21, .luna?.'4. 801» n, not. 9'), “aâ€. ,5. 0. Heaven-ton: 0. F. Bruce. nuavonon, Feb. 11. April as. Jun-x 9!. Sept. 9. Doc. m, 7. Uptorgrovo: Clark, l". J. (MHMMn, â€9181‘- grove. Feb. Ii. April 98, June 95. 80m. IO. Doc. I7. By Oran. J. 2. anyway.†‘ngiish Irish, .«a-cmimm‘ (‘amadizm '3“ miss. â€"â€"EnglisH\md Ijrenchâ€" To Clear out Stock making room for large impoxbs of Pantings and Suitings, H. Logan, Melton, Beautiful New OFFERS Married. n a shades or Worsted Clerk of tho l‘caro LLGI BEAvnnTox {TI G'< 095m). (ix-nun