DUB; 11. It shall be the duty of the Dog Oommivzsionqtm record in a bank 1mm in that purpdso the names and ml. dresses of all persons procuring tags. with the date of issue and the num- bmpn the tags so issued. it. shall be the duty of the Dog tom. miss-inner l'mtlnvitll to notify all por- Hons luwing unlicensed (logs or bitches to procure licenses for tlm same and all persons. who shall neglect. or refuse to procure tho requisite licenses; for t‘lnilty days M10: rrcviving the mill notice I-lmll [:0 liable to a ï¬nu of ï¬ve dollars with the costs of couvictinn. 11. It shall be the duty of tlgo_l)og . A By-law to make provision for levy- ing a tax u )0“ dogsâ€"40 provide a method (or en looting the said taxâ€"to restrain dogs from running a: large and provide for the destruction of the some --m Speedy the duties of the various Municipal {)ï¬ioials in connection with the said lly-lawâ€"aud to enact penalties for violating the provisions of the Renae. 10. As soon as the Assessment Roll is returned to his keeping. it shall be the duty of the Village Clerk to fur- nisll the Dog Commissioner “ith a. Hat of all pcmonn mmkud on the said hull n9 liming unlimnsod dogs on bitches, Rotting forth the mnulmr and sex of Slit mum and upon remixing: such list 9. The Assessor slmll upon entering any (log or lnlch upon the Roll. ascer~ tain whether such dob, or bitch has been licensed. and if so licensed slmll mark tlm letter ('1‘) in tho )ropor col- umn and if not licensed almll mark the ï¬gure (I) in the said column. 8. It shall he the dutv of the As- sessor to set forth upon his roll in the proper column and opposite the name of the pe-son liable. the number of dogs or bitches owned or harbonrcd by .anh and ex 01v such person as shown in tho afmesmd rcpmt and shall also Pct (lonn in MR Roll any (logs or hitches coming under hie notice which may have hcnn omitted from the sail report. The Corlioratiou of the Village of Ben- vortou hercbv enact : 1. That it shallbe the duty of the Village Constable to perform the duties of Dog Commissioner. to pro- ‘vide and sell the tags or licensee herein utter described. and to perform such other duties as are set forth in this or 8. The aforesaid tag or license shall be made of brass or some other metalâ€" .ahall be stamped with the word "Bea. vertou" with a consecutive number and the date of the year for which the same is issued, and the said stamps shall be in letters and ï¬gures sufï¬ciently large to be easily observed, the tags for bitches shall differ in size. shape and colourfrom the tags for dogsâ€"and the shape. size and colour of the said tags shall be annually ï¬xed and approved by a reso- lution of the Council of the said Corpor- ation of Beavcrtou to be passed not later than- the ï¬rst day of February in each 7. It shall be the duty of every per- son owning or harbouring any dog or bitch within the Corporation of Beaver- ton to report the same either verbally or in writing to the Dog Commissioner or Assessor on or before the ï¬rst day of April in the year 1838. or on or before the ï¬rst day of March in every subse- quent year. the said report to specify the number of dogs or bitches kept by the said persons or allowed to run upon their premises and for every neglect or refusal to make the said re- port and for every false statement made therein, the person whose duty it shall be to make the said report, or who Shell'smake any false statement therein shall be liable to a penalty of ï¬ve dol~ lars with costs of conviction. an other Bylaw of the said Corporation of eavertou. relating to the taxing. regulating. restraining or destroying dogs owned. harboured. or running at large within the limits of the mid Cox» pomtiou. 6. In case a tag shall be lost by any means the ou‘ncr of the dog or bitch may upon satisfying the Dog Commiss- ioner of such loss. obtain a second tag at the actual cost of the same. but such second tag must not be used to license any greater number of dogs or bitches than the number for which tags had been ï¬rst purchased, and any person using such second tag to license a. floater number than for which the tax has been paid shall be liable to a. tine of ï¬ve dollars with costs of conviction. 2. That each and every inhabitant of the said Village of Beaverton. who shall own. or harbour or permit to run on or about his. her, or their premises, any dog or bitch. shall pay a yearly tax {or the same of one dollar for each and every dog. and two dollars for each and every bitch by purchasing at the afore- said rate from the Dog Commissioner a tag or license for each and every such dog or hitch. which said tag shall not be transferable and shall be attached to the neck ofï¬snch dog or bitch. 6. Persons becoming possessed of dogs or bitches after the ï¬rst day of September in anv war may obtain tags or licenses for the same to serve for the balance of the current year at the re- duced rate of ï¬fty cents for a. dog and one dollar for a bitch and all licenses shall expire on the ï¬rst day of March in the year next succeeding the one for which they are issued. 4. The tag or license for a dog shall not be considered a license for a bitch. and any bitch found wearing a tag for a dog may be shot or otherwise destroy- ed anywhere within the limits of the Corporation and the owner thereof shall be subject to a penalty of ï¬ve dollars with costs of conviction. BY-LAW No. 4 OF 1888. 'Beauerlon. . ltrwnrolocl 'H't! «how who romd this and than not; they will llml honor- } ahhs omploynwntllmt w'll hot. take them from their hnnwa mm fami- lies. 'I‘hn proï¬le no Inrl'o and sum for cvorv in- qhuxtrhms pnrsun. nmuy haw lnmlu nml are nuw maklm: snvoml lmudm'l clullnrs a month' It. is (may for any mm tn make $5 and upwards per day. who ls willlng to work. Eithur 50x. young or old ; capital not noedml ; We start you. Ivorythlng now. No apecinl ability mqulred ; \'ou.ronder. om: do n M woll as any one. Write ï¬n no at once for full partlculnn. which to mull from. Adam», Human «.00.. Portluudluglno. t. has revoluhomzml tho wnrld am. I lug tho last hull mmhuy. . Nut nvanuu lcastmuongtlaim'untivnprogram la n mmhml mu) smmm of work that mm ho partnrmml all over tlmcouutry with- out suuurntiug the wurkm-s from tlwir homes. 1‘n\'lilw'.'"l: n-n' mm can do t‘no \yoa-k oitlmr Suï¬, \‘nnl‘Iz orn'ul ; no Fgll‘ciall nhilltv roquircd. (‘vallnl unt noulml ; you are started fl'un. (tut, this out om l rum-'n in us and wn will send yen fro» snumtning of grml value mnl inn-ortnnuo to vml. tlm: will start you in lmsim-sa. which will llrim: van in mom Immoy right mvzw than any- t‘mm; i-lsu- In )lm world. urnml mum: two. All- drew. Tum: A‘ 6).. Augusta. Mninn. 17. That the owner. harbourer or possessor of any dog or bitch found running at large within the limits of the Corporation of the Village of Beaverton without the tag or license required by this or any other By-law ot the said Corporation, shall be liable to a ï¬ne of three dollars. and the said line. and all other ï¬nes. penalties. damages and costs incurred for violation of the provisoes of this Bv- law. shall he recovered before any Justice of the Peace for the County of Ontario in the matter set fo1th 111 sec- Hons 421, 422 and 41. 3 of tho Consoli dated Municipal Act. of 1883 or accord- ing to the prov1soe‘1 of any other Act of the Legislature of this Province of 011- turio. governing; and regulating: the Muuieidal Institutions of the said Pru- vi'ice. and all lines and penalties collect- ed tor violation 111 this 131 law shall be paid to the Tieasuier of the said Cor- poration of Beaxertou tm the use and beneï¬t of the said Cmporatiou. Guonon F. BRUCE. Reeve. Passed on Monday the 20th day of February, A. D. 1888. 12. Persons who shall take out the requisite tags or licenses on or before the ï¬rst do. of April A. D. 1888. or on or before he ï¬rst. day of March in any subquuonq voar shall be entitled to'a rebate of twenty-five cents for each dog and fifty cents for each bitch. and any person who shall prove to the satisfaction of the Dog Commissioner or the Council that the dog or bitch for which a license was obtained. had pre- vious to the ï¬rst day of September in the year for which such license was ' obtained. been destroyed. or lost, or was no longer owned or harbonred within the limits of the Corporation. shall be entitled to a rebate of one. half the amount id for the said tag or liwnse. rovide always that no such rebate shal be allowed or paid if the said dog or bitch was destroyed for killing or worrying sheep or for any misconduct as hereinafter set forth. 13. It shall be lawful for any person i to kill or destroy an dog or bitch found running at large wit in the limits of the Corporation of Beaverton without the tag or license required by this By-law. and it shall be lawful to destroy any dog or bitch whether licensed or not thatshall be found worrying. chasing Spring \\’ueat.. Scotch Wheat... . Manuela Wheat Harley... Oats ............. Peas ............ Butter ........... Egan ............. Apples ......... Potatoes. per bus Wool ............ Peas.(8‘.aolroye) . Pork . ....... -...- W00] Fall Wheat ......... Spring Wheat. . . Araneota Wheat. Peas. Blaekeye. . Peas . . . . Butter .......... EgaMFresh). . Potatoes ......... Hav ..... . ....... Pork ............. Beef . Turkeys, per lb. . Geese. per lb ..... Ducks. per in . . . Chickens, per lb. Clover Seed. Alsil Timothy ......... 16. The Dog Commissioner shall notify the Clerk of any error or omission in the lists of dogs assessed, and if any person shall become possessel of dogs or bitches after the Roll is returned, or if any possessed of the same shall come into the Village after the said return is made. such dogs or hitches slmll be add- ed to the list and the owner or harhonrer thereof shall be liable to the tax as though they were returned on the As. sessor‘s Roll. or killing any sheep or lamh. or that shall attack or bite any person, horse or team, and further it it can be shown to the satisfaction of any Justice of the Peace for the County of Ontario that any dog or bitch owned by, her boured by, or in the possession of any person within the Municipality has bitten any person, or is dangerous, or otherwise seriously annoying to any And it is further enacted that all monies received for tags or licenses shall be paid by' the commisswner to the vil- lage Treasurer and parties entitled to cqunpensation for sheep or lambs killed by dogs under the provisoes of the Re- vnsed Statutes of Ontario. Chapter 194. or under any other Statute of the Pro. Vince of Ontario relating to the protec~ tion of sheep, shall bepaid the said com. pensation from the general funds of the Corporation. 15. The term â€running at large" as used In this by- -lmv shall be so construed as to extend not only to the public high- ways but also to any enclosure or pri- vate property other than the property of the owner, harbourer or possessor of the dog or bitch and also in any case where the said dog or bitch is not sufï¬ciently controlled to be prevented from doing mischief or Violating the provisions of this by-law. 14. Persons raising pups and dispos- ing of the same before they are three months old shall not be required to pur- chase tags for the said pups if they are not allowed to run at large. person, it may and shall be competent for the said Justice of the Peace to make an order for the owner, harbonrer or possessor of such dog or bitch to kill or destroy the same within a certain time to be set forth in the said order. and neglect or refusal to comply with the said order shall make the owner har- bourer or possessor of the said dog or bitch liable to a ï¬ne of ï¬ve dollars with the costs of conviction unless it can be shown to the satisfaction of the said Justice of the Peace that it was impossx- ble to comply with the said order. Gnonms Sm'm. Village Uiverk. Spnug \Vuual.. ..... .......... Scotch \Vhoat..... ....... uauootu \\’heat.............. Barley... ........ . ..... . 03“....†........ . ...... . ..... Pass... ........... BM!er................ ..... Ema......... ......... Apples . ......... Pontoon. per bushel. ... . . .. Wool. . Peas.(Blackoye) Pork Beet-U. ‘IOOoulnu-tolcult util- FA]! Whoat.................. Cnnomc Dmmsn. including CATARRII or Tm; Nos“. Txmon‘. szsw. SmuAcn, Dysmpsu. Plum, VAmcocmn. Am‘l troubles of tho Urinary and Gnuomtivo Urguns; also. Surgical cases. such as Club Font, StiIT-JoinN. Hump-luck. Spinal Dix-muse and Kindred Allcctiuns. Spring \VheM............ Anueotg “monthâ€...- Barley.................... Oatl you. Buckeye. ~ IRPOTTS, OOUL/Sf and AURIST! Pull Wheat.......... . .. .. Fresh Groceries cf an kin-1: always on hand. During the Summer Season Ice Cream alwaya Binders. reaper; Lend. mum! Fresh Bread and I'M! ry always In “and or Sapphcd to Order at Short hence, '_lj_imothy...l...... Months, 3 Patterns, Gang Plough: (2 and. a Farrow-fl) Inch 80. 66-h Beaverton Grocery and Provisxon Store. Tins powder never varies. A marvel of pur- ity. strength and wholesomoness. More economical than the ordinary kinds. and can- n9t_ be sold in _compoti_tipu with the multitude of low test. short .weight alum or phosphate wders. Sold onl in cans. ROYAL BAKING owm-zn Co.. 106 Wu 1 St“ A'. Y. ‘ P. D. McARTHUR. ._' ‘ , s'rors ' . {T'ptf “4ԠDroppings from ‘ V ’ ' -‘ ' Mlpusageamo . EASY TO USE. to the mo» nnd “can!" mectonuon caused by ngth. Gent‘ [WC-pail on receipt of Mac. we. and SI. Addrul muons) a. 00.. Brockvmo. 0:13,, Farmers’ Markets. 10115382! Ah'il NEW WK Mama]. 8: Surgical Instituto. Farmers! 7 3nd Mowers at Beaverton Foundry W. SMITH \\ ho is our representative in Canada will visit 13 mvvrtnn monthly nnd will be pmpmud to ntloml all cases of w- W "in- VAL NM .Juunmr F9“ IVUUIII ........ . .............. u..." .-...... (v.50 IU 13 \VuuM..‘.....---------............. “id '30 h Whom"... --------- a) N 00!: \\'heut........m...... 70 70 I]... ........ £5 70 ...... .. ...... . ...... ........-- 43 ‘5 ............ ...... W. b5 as sr................ ..... .. .. 1018 â€ï¬‚u" ... n..." .................. ..... man as ......... . 60 ‘15 mes.perbushel.....- ..... 48 50 ............ ........ ................... 19 20 ‘(Btuokoym.n.........u-.-.............60 (1') ........-................. ....... . 675615 Absoluteiy Pure. _' ‘Usn mam-mm “PAIN- ma †and Get Instant Belief. BEWARE or mrrxnous. _ 25 cm. Per Bottle. ‘ Have you a Pain anywhere about you ? BEA VERTON MARKETS. \VOODVILLE MARKETS. CONSULTATION FREE! so: arms on Hand. ...... £505“) SDDTHMG, CLEANSINO, HEALING- CATARRH, ï¬eld In Read, HAY FEVER. Koran Rakes, . â€â€8 074 PROPRIETOR It Cure! . 00.7.5 l Wm1‘nv.â€"-Clerk. I) C. Mncdnmn. Whitby, Jan. : , Feb. 2. Mar. 2. April 3. May 2. Junofl. July 3, Sam 3, Oct. 2. Nov. 2. Dno. 3. Hnumuun.-C1m~k. M. (:Iecuon, Greenwood, May 3. July «I. Soptmnbor 4. 3 Pu‘nmurm \‘nnmu-xâ€"“Clork. M. Gleason. Grennwuml. January 4. March :3. Nov. 3. 4 PORT l‘rmw.~('lork. J. \‘v‘. )mrnhnn. Port l'urry. Feb. ‘31: May 8, July 9, Supt»! In, Nov, “7. n l'\'mupm:.â€"â€"ulurk. Z. l'omphill. l'xln-idgo. Fuh. £2. May 9. July 1-). Supt. u. Nov. ‘2“. fl (‘.\.\-“scram-«14mm» Smith. Czuminnton Feme, May In. sum. m. Nov. £3. 7 BEAVl-Zln'lN.--(!lnrl:. (k-n. I-‘. Brum, networ- tml. Fob. 2!. May I}. vatJH. NM. :«3. g H Ur'rratmovn.- -("crk. P. J. (“Nu-via. Upmt» grove. )‘eb. 25. May 19. Hopi. 2Q. Doc 1. 18 JEWEN 31!, LONDON, iNGLAND. Underuavvflng the difï¬culty of path: living‘ in smull Owns being scountmy titted wk byoctuules suned exactly :0 the diflwout sights. Intends sending a practice! Opticinn to their Agvut in your town n regular intervals who will be competent. to measure and accumulate every dolocl. u! the oyoslght that is prevnlent. llo wlll in every infleuce use the l-‘irm‘e Cele- brated Spectacles and Bmglnssoe so well known today throughout the civilized world (or the delightful ease and comfort they confer on the wearer. Therein no or other distressing sensations so common in the many gudea at meseuz in the Market but tlmy 69MFORT, SIRENGTHEN PRE- StRVE THE SIEHT. Take care that you no not st present wearing a. Spectacle which is not exactly Idjuawd to your sight and consequently uctiv g as s severe strain on the Optical Nerves and romembor that such a delicate organism 33 tint of Ihe Eye requims exact accommodation. -No Charge Made forâ€" ~Exam1nation.~ Con-my of Ontario .' Griddla Dukes tor the Million Without Smoke or Trouble. Agents for the Allan Line of Steamship: also for all the lending newspapers. Agent for a number of ï¬rst-class Insuranog Cmupmxies. 160 Insurance at a fair ï¬gure one mquiru no Agents‘ lea thus making: a clean sav- ing of $1.50 to the insurer by dealing with me. Glimmetinq. Wavering. Bizziness I am also agent tor the Canada Permanent Loan and Savings Co. Money to Loan at a low rate of Interest from 2 to so yours. If there is no agent“ In your town. we will send on either of the above by express and pny the might upon receipt of the price. AGECPTS WANTED in every town. Great inducements on‘ered. Sand for circular. Our Tans are renowned throughout the Country is being A4 and at the Right. Price. -Grocenes of all kinds- CLEMENT 00.. TORONTO. -- ’E‘Eeï¬g. .. Solo Accordeons. JOHN P. STRATTON. lmp'r and Wholesah: Den!" in Musical Muchmdiu. THE LAD/[3’ FRIEND. «m 53 I- c. magma um 79 BAY 8T., 'ronouio. CANADA. Always on Band a. Choice Stock of Fresh The old Reliable House for all Grades in DIVISION Coum‘ Snnxosâ€"JSSB. NOT/CE 0F VISIT. JOHN F. STRATTON’S 49 Maldon Lane, x. smammr, ALLEN’S LURE 3mm OOUCNS, COLDS. Group and Consumption cunco av w 94 Prices to unit the times. 25c. 50c. and mm per bomb.“ J . C. GILCHRIST, By Order. hinting“ mm J- 5'- Farewell. (not: 9! mo P0000. This size bakes six cakes per minute. Price 15 cents: \ This size bakes eight cakes per minute. rrlee $1.00. \VOODVILLE. Iâ€, BEAVERTON BAKERY. P. D. MOARTH UR. FRESH BREAD 1:321"! and mama: :1 mm: cn and. Woodvifle Customers mpg-3 Laohlam RHJ «whim fun 10“. with him- “M Brown: «Mu-m 21619991393991“. gamma» Benmton. Feb. h 1888. Beuvorton. Ont. MantMyCuancn shaved twice weekly Huh hair cut monthly at 75 com: pot mouth. DO YOU INTEND TO BUILD THIS SUMMER ?. Boavert-on. March Int. 1888. It the above question iaintereating to you lair render give the lolwwmg (acts your can» in] consideration. \‘ll : T but the Beaverton Foundry cannot be beaten for Its Wood-working Faculties. That we can and do work as cheaply as any other factory in the land. That our work will all bear inspection in point of ï¬nish and material. The Most 201ml» Scientiï¬c Paper in the World. â€"Esunusunn 1845.â€" VIEEILY, 83 A YEAR. - SIX IONTIIS, ".50. :9. A. cam, HainDresser and Barben TOWN RALL, LOT. This unrivaled periodical, which has been published by Muun a: co. nor more than forty years. continues to mmntnin its high reputation tor excellence. and enju, a the largest circulation ever ‘utteined by any scientific publication. Every number couuuus sixteen large pages. beautifully printed. elegantly illustrated ; It preqents in DOPUIU_BL)'IB auesenptive record or the most novel. interesting end important advances in Science. Arts and manufactures. It shows the progress of the World in respect to New Diecovuries and improvmueuts. embracing hmchiuery.Meclmulcul Worse, Engineering in all branches. .‘hemistry. Metallurgy. Electricity, Light, neat, Arehi eeturo. Domestic Economy“ Agriculture, Natural History, etc. {The Scientiï¬c Amer-lulu“ should have m. {lace in every Dwelling. chop. Oince. neheel or’ ihrary. Workmeu. r‘or-emeu, Engineert. Buperiniendeuts. Directors. l’reei. ents.umeiule. Merchants, Farmers, 'l'eeehers, Lew; era. Physi- cmne, Clergymenâ€"People in every walk and pro- iuesiouiu hie, mll derive satisfaction auu bene~ ï¬t from it regular rowing ui‘ Tun Scum'rumk AMERICAN, ‘ LIME, LATH 860.~ MATGHRD AND DRESSED FLOORINQ SHEA‘HIING. 60.. shipped to any point. ‘IRY litâ€"It will bring you valuable ideas ;; Illbb‘UI'lbe {or your souâ€"it ml: nudge them ‘ manly and sell-reliant; subscribe for 'vo’m' wol’lb munâ€"it. w.h please uud mist. muu‘ lnbor ; sub- scnbe loryuur {Helms-~11 will he likely togn'a them a pmctxcul “It In luo. ‘lcrms. $3150 It your, $1.50 5.2: mounts. haunt b) Postal uruur or Outed. lilhï¬ nt 130.. I'uhlhhcrs. 3“ llmndwuy,N Any person who has made an invention und (lemma to know wheumr u is probably now (my pamumlzle. can obca‘n mince coucurumg the Name. FREE or‘ CBAHUu. u) wrmug to flush: or. Um. pubhsuuu o. ‘Ihe sch-milk. American ‘ 36! Broadway. he“ lurk. For lnu pun IU-t;‘-hl‘(zu )cul's. inks-$13. MUIN (2 00., 115Ԡcart-en on as a â€Lawn of max uumuesu, $1.0 “n: .1 WV“ __..- _ -, -.... oummxug u: paluuls. “mu; on we moat. ruliabm iquhtAuna‘ Anne oven {.muutod through tho-1' Ag‘ucy. Thu prulih.‘ul'n and urawlugs tor mum Lbnuuuu humim. kuuusnud application! (or patents lmvo uucu In Me .h.ougl) mm U.u»\. l'nwuts oululucu .u Uuuuua. and all other cuuumes. Mann-huUA abous yaleuts sent two. banana. and my.“ w 09. wow US$393 â€lei. New? A Mammoth Stock now on hand 01 Ill‘. grgdo] 9(3 LUMBER. at prices ranging (rota £5.09 1 upwards. 150, 000 Shingles (ï¬rst claw) an enoxmous quantity oir‘ No.1, 2, and 3,a11y of which W111. be offered at lowest figures for CASH. The Scientiï¬c American BRIO“? roomy-noting (o; york get; nu estimah BEAVER'I‘ON LUMBER YARD “u ““3! ““V “I, “THIGH.“ .1112 Houdini“, 8 Door. ’mmu, Eenoznéf‘m , ’ at the Shortest Possible Notion. J. S. McMILLAl‘T. rum 1‘5. a ways on hand. COLIN CAMPBELL, BEAVERTON. OIOv-uâ€"uo Beaverton. K “"1 by D: “0:. Mn"). Rn; "kiwi.