D MONABB. 5mm at warring: 35mmâ€, OFFICE. â€"-' 'Tonox'ro H0! an' dune 1888. Boavorton Ontario __‘. _ V- a......vu gun-v I. County of Viï¬biiLâ€"Ot'ï¬ce,â€"â€"-Woodvillo. Ontario LINDSAY. ONTARIO. Will visit \Voodville, (Edward's Hotel.) regularly on the ï¬rst Monday and Tuesday, and Beaver ton. (Hamilton House.) the ï¬rst Wednesday and Thursday of each month. PURE VITALIZED AIR administered. Beautiful and durable ART- FICIAL TEETH made. His geld lined rubber ’gilatos are pronounced "perfection." Over 20 S'oar‘s oxpofioncéQ LIN USA I . 0N 'l‘A RIO. 'Viaita Beavortou (Hamilton House) the 9nd Tunsdar of each month. Mr. Noelunds has had unpara lolod success in the use of gas, (vitalized Oir) in this part of Canada having administered 13 continuously {or About 19 years made a study 'of it undpr Dr. Conan. of New Yorkx the ï¬rst DEN TIS 'I' onon who gave It for éxtméting {châ€"ti'I'hHI-z'gN-éi)‘ t to 140.000 persona. Beautiful artiï¬cial teeth Inserted. $100,000 to Loan M0 par cont. on farm pro« many. Apply to O. A. PATTERSON. Benvorton. V . Graduate of Toronto University, Member >1 College Physicians and Surgeons. Ont., Ex- .miner for Sun Li {0 and Confederation: Lifo Co‘s. "lice and Residence Victoria Road. Ontario. A- GRANT. M. D.. Physician, Surgeon nud Ac‘ . couchour.0flico and Residence. Cor. Mai“ nd Mom Sheets. Benvorton. Ont. M. JOYCE. V.S..Grmlua.te of Ontario Veteri- nary College). Toronto. Treats all diseases It domesticated animals by the latest scientiï¬c .nd most apnrovod nlpthods. . Qrderq by‘ tele- VETERI NARY SURGEONS. ....y--.‘.‘_ v.“v.u It\.'5v' Iraph or niiilliliaiax'hptly atté'x'ldod to b; day or night Otflce zâ€""McKinnou's Drug Store." Bea. 'erton. Ontario. ’ v.-.....v -- ..- n A. u. n . u. v.. n uyn quul, Dlll‘ . soon and Accouelwur. Oflice and residence limcoe Shoot Benverton. A. SKINNER. Barrister. Solicitor. c. Ofï¬ce. . Cameron’s Now Block. Beaver-ton. Out. US†Will he at. Ronch's Hotel. Brechiu. on ’ueaday of nach week, commencing on Tuesday "11.0: January. BEAVERTON. robin Northâ€"11:10 a. m. and 8:10 p. m. ‘roing Southâ€"~83!) a. m. and 5:35 p.11). \VOOI)VILLE. icing Northâ€"10:45 a. m. “(17:45 p. m. boiug Bouthâ€" 0:05 a. m audozoo p. m. -.. ...... "A. nuns-J JI|IIIIU. hum I 9 15513368 and Insurance Agant. Convoyaucer‘ 'aluutor. 4m. MONEY T0 LOAN. ARTIN d: HOPKINS. Burrintors, Soliéizy} . ch. Olflces, KentStreot, Lindsay, Ontario .onoy to Loan at 6 percent. cCARTHY. EVANS. PEPLER 6: Mc- CARTHY, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. onveyancors. etc. omc», Quinn's Block, Orilliu. [oney to Loud. Telephone communication. i'ALTON McCAn'nn'. Q.C., I F. EVANS, ‘. E. P‘ l’upmzn. J. A. McCAn'rrn'. BICUARTHY, PEPm-m a A‘ICCA'RTHY. Barrio and Alliston 'MONEY TO LOAN, AT LOWEST RATES AND BEST TERMS. No wmmission charged. ' inflsay omce. Baker's Block, Kent Street. Up- Itnirs. At Woodvillo omce. on the 131'. and am Thursday in every month. C. GILCIIRXS’I‘, (31011: Village of \Voodville. . Woodvillo. Ont. 'NO. A. JACKSON. Clark and Treasurer Town. ship of Eldon. Lornevillo. Ont. cINTYRE a: STEWART. Attorneys. Solic itors etc. Ofllcos over Ontario Bunk.Lindsa,y D. J. MCINTYRE. l T. STEWART. _E0. SMITH. Clerk. Township of Thorah ofllco Town Hall, Beavertou, Out. E0. SMITH, (‘mlexk Village 01 Beavorton Benvox ton Out. Money to Loan. ARRON a: CAMPBELL, Barristers. 5ch55; GALLOWAY M. _C. I’. S O._. Physician}, Sur- GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. J.NEELANDS - DENTIST c.- h£c§\\:EYN, (Elm-k of tho_ls_t Division Cour; '9. GILC‘IIRIST. Noï¬ary‘ Bllblic. Ron] L-L, ,_ 0132:1ch Egat'aiumï¬ Gianna. MUNICIPAL CLERKS. Er}? HNSQN-LM.D:. c 151.. goings“ i,, A RAILWAY TIME TABLE. JOS. J. CAVE, Publisher- ALLBN’S LUNG BALSAM OOUOHI. GOLDB, Group and Consumption cuneo av 28c. 80c. and 81.00 our home. PHYSICIANS. DENTISTRY. . H. GROSS, LEGAL ~North Victoria and Ontario General Advertiser. A Mammoth Stock now on handot all grades of LUMBER. at prices ranging from $5.00 upwards. LIME, LATE 860. Beavertou, Feb. 6, 1888. MATCHED AXD DRESSED FLOORING BREATHING. c., shipped to any point. 150,000 Shingles (ï¬rst claes) an enormous quantity of N0. 1, 2, and 3, all of which will be offered at lowest ï¬gures for CASH. m A. (3032.3, Hair-Dresser and Barber, TOWN BALL, LOT. Beaverton, Ont. Monthly Customers shaved twice weekly mi bah cut monthly at 75 cents per month. FRESH BREAD. DUNS and PASTRY alwava on nand. you. an, an“; v] v“... ..-, ~‘[, 6 CAxNxNaTou.â€"-Georgo Sï¬ii'tl’).i Cannington Feb.23, May 10. Sept. 20.,Nov. 29. 6 BuAVI-tnTON.â€"Clerk. Goo. F. Bruce, Beaver- ton, Feb. 24. May 11. Sept. 21. Nov 30. 7 Umnmmovn.-â€"Clcrk, l‘. J. Gilioapio. Upter~ grove. Feb. 85. May 12. Sept. 22. Dec 1. Woodvillo Customers supplied by D. \{c- Lachlan, and orders for Pastry, 610 left with him will receim prompt attention. 1 \VmTBY.-â€"Clm-k. D. C. Mncdonon. Whitby. Jan. 3, Feb. 2, Mar. 2. April 3, May 8, June 2, Jll‘lygg. Sept. BLOct. 2. Nov. ‘2. Dec. 3. I!!.._‘. \r n! ...... I1unn‘\ml\n1‘ vlu’ u. uullv. v. . V 7. 7 , '2. BnououAnt.â€"â€"Clcrk, M.Gloesou. Greenwood, MRI}; 3. July 4. September 4. 3( chmuxn VlLLAGB.-â€"-Clork. M. Gleason. Greenwood, January 4. Mnrch 3. Nov. 3. lPonT Plenumâ€"Clerk. J. W. Burnham. Port Perry, Feb. 21. May 8, July 9. Sept 18, Nov. 27. 4 anmnoE.â€"- Clerk, Z. llemphill. Uxbridge. Feb. Am, May 9. Jlllylo, Sept. 19, Nov. 28. n_.:Ll. n_u-\xnn‘l\n DR. POTTS, GOULIST and AUR/ST ! Who ls ourropreaontutlvo in Canada will visit mmvorton monthly and will be prepared to attend all cases of Cancun: DISEASE, including CATAnRu 0p Tm: Nosx-z. Txmon‘, Urn-131'. STOMACH, Dvsmpsu, l’lLEs, VARICOCELE. And troubles of tllq Urlnary and Generative Organs; also. Surgical cnsos‘ such M Club Foot, Stiff-Joinâ€, Hump-Buck. Spinal Disease and Klndrod Afloctions. Fresh Groceries cf all kinds always on hand. gouty of (21:33:10 I Fresh Ill-«ml and hairy nlwnyn In "and or Supplied In order a! Short Notice. Beavertop Grocery and Provmon Store. During the Summer Sénmn Ico Cram always on Maud. P. D. McARTHUR. BEAVER'I‘ON LUMBER YARD IT cunts LIVER COMPMINT, BIUOâ€"UQ Duonoma. Acm STOHACH, DvePsmA, Loss or Appmt, SICK Hummus, CONSTIPA‘I’ION on Comvsuzss. Rummy. MIn.. 2|“ Och, 18$.â€"I and Campbell'l cm. uuo Compound the hen article I [Inc ever used forconhre- men or billousneu, uni my to “to. I ma, youn truly. A. N. chonALn. Sold by dulon In funny median. numb-n. 25¢. per home. BEAVEBTON BAKERY. P. D. McARTHUR. HINDU“ AND NEW YORK Medical 8: Surgical Institute. DIVISION Coum‘ Sl'r'rlxasâ€"ISSS. s. gampï¬efljs :4 at ï¬artic - 93011111011116 OON$ULTATION FREE! -.-_..... - J. S. MGMILLAN, By Ordor. a. ways on hand. 020 010 J. E. Farewell, Clerk of the Peace. WOODVILLE Uh’l‘ARIU, FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1888. Beaverton. We offer for sale on the most favour. able terms the following choice nlluge and agricultural properties. Terms made to suit purchasers. Farm Prop°rth OUTH HALF LOT N0. 3. CONCESSION 9 THORAH. containing: P20 acroa o! llrst~class heavy clay loam soil. This ï¬ne n‘operty is a (lo- aided bargain and well worthy o attention. 100 acres cleared and ‘30 in broken pasture land. Furnished with good buildings, wells etc.. well fenced and in an excellent state of cultivation. It is admirably situated being 9 miles from Lorneville. 3 from \Vcodville and 0 rom Beaver- ton. Fine gravel roads. 131 containing 190 acres all cleared and in a good state of cultwation. A log House. Burns and stables in a good state of repair are on the premises. wells etc. This lot is very fnvourabiy situated ‘beiug handy to the markets of Lorne- ville, “'oodvillo and llenvcrtou» Will be sold cheap and on the most favourable terms. ‘ Village Property We have also a. number of choice lots in different parts of the villbgo of Bea.- verton as follows : Lots 13. :4 and 15 Victoria. Street Lots 1 and 2 Elm Street. Corner Lot. Elm and Victoria. Sta. Lots 1."... 3 4 and ) east side of King Street. Four choice lots on west aide Maia stroot. all lilo drained. Very desirable. Lots 5. 6: and 7 west side Dundas Street. Lots 12, 13, 14, 15. and 16 east. side Duudas St. ESTATE AGENCY Dwelling Houses- HANDSOME BRICK RESIDENCE situated on Mara. Street, designed by a ï¬rst-class Toronto Architect. Furnished with all modern conveniences. Solid brick. The lot consists of i of an acre with large frontage on this ï¬ne sweet The house is furnished with n mt. wuter and frost proof cellar. This property will be sold on the easiest possible terms to a. suitable purchaser or would exchange for suitable term property. HE Hnudaomo White Brick residence on Main Street. on Lot 9. south side, Contains .1 Main Street. on Lot 9. south side. Contains ï¬ve large rooms. large halls. clolhos closet-a. etc" upstairs, with pamtries. washroom, and extra well~built kitchen and wuodslwd. Hard 3nd soft water. two cellars. frost-proof. 1} acre of land. To be sold cheap and on easy terms. Double Frame House. situated on Elizabeth St.. ouch house contains six rooms.etc.. wood- slwds and stable on the premises. acre of land. An oxcuilent property for speculation both houses boiug rented at a. good rental. Business Sites. We have for sale one of the best businessstanda in the village of Benvorton containing 3. iron- tags on Sinicoe Sti eat of 30 feet din, with a. depth 01"160 feet. The property now retu'rns snfliciimt rental to pay 10 per ct. on purchase price. A llp‘guin. If you have a Lot, House or Form for sale we will endeavour to sell it for you at. a. reasonable commission. No charge made unless a. sale is effected. Apply for terms etc. to Thursday, April 5th. 1888, VV THE BRICK AND TILE YARD AND POTTERY owned by Mr. \Vm. Taylor, the pro- perty is particularly well adapted for the bllbi- ness, asidiug of the G. '1‘. R. running directly into the yards. A large 40 horsepower engine and boiler with two new tile machines are among the equipments. This property will be sold in connection with the [arm on which the yard i8 situated. or separate if desired. The farm with Brick Yard continua liflaures more or less. with a large Brick House and all conveni- ences attached. This would prove an excellent investment for a. men with c: ital sufï¬cient to develop the business to its. in 1 capacity. Im- mediate occupation: can be given. E have had placed in our hunds for sale 7 THE BRICK AND TILE YARD AND Township of Mara, Y virtue of powers of 22an contained in a cor! mm Inurtuaga which will Ire produced at the sale Hm followin v property undo? mortgage from Jnssio Smith an; No l Smjtjn: [my] in tho 63h Concession of tho township of Mam. in ï¬le County of Ontario. conmininu M acres morn or loss. The following inmrovomenta am said to be on tho prvmisus: about 30 norm cloumd hav- Iug erected thoruon a {mum dwelling. 15 per cent. of tho pnrclmno money to be paid down on the any 0! sale. For balance tennl will be nmdo known at tho sale. For furthm- particulqrs npph' to JONES mms. 5: MACKENZIE. Solicitors. Toronto Street, Toronto. Auction Sale â€"â€"â€"ox-‘â€"-â€" ‘ VALUABLE Toronto, Much 13th, 18. AST H_ALF LOT 1. CO‘N‘QESSION? THOR AH M l O‘CLOCK In the afternoon. at BOACIâ€"I’S HOTEL, In the Village of Bmhln JOS- J"- C.A.'V'2E, ‘:EXPREss" Real Estate Agency, Beaveptou, Ontario. m Tm: . â€"COUNTY OF ONTARIOâ€" BENJ. 1H 1mm. Eng. 1! mvorton. Ontario PROPERTY. BEAVERTON. There will he sold on TERMS : REAL SPECIAL. --IN THEâ€" The Commissioners are at work on the temporary bridge at the Narrows. It will he ï¬nished this week. and the old bridge will immediately he removed. Mr. Thos. McDermott has agreed to remove the bridge for the nmterml. Mr. ‘ Lew expects: to have the new bridge ; ready in April. March 19th 1888. The council met as adjourned. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and adopt- ed. The auditor presented his report. The committee presented the dog tags as instructed at last meeting. when it was moved by Mr. Young, seconded by Mr. Campbell that the said tags thus presented be adopted by this Council for the use and purpose set forth in By-law No. 4 of 1888.â€"Carried. The following accounts were presented :â€"H. West, shovelling snow. 33.00; Messrs. Wood and Legget. stamp of ï¬gures for dog tags. 83.40 ; A. Murray, making 100 tags at 5 cents each. $5.00. Moved by Mr. Young. seconded by Mr. Westcott, that Mr; William Brain be paid 85. to be ex- pended on behalf of William Hare and his wife, indigents.~â€"Carricd. Moved by Mr. Treleaven. seconded by Mr. Campbell that said accounts be allowed. â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Treleaven, seconded by Mr. Westcott, that this Councildo new ad'onrn to meet on Mon- day, April 16th, a. . m. The editor of the Orangevillc “Post." has been arrested for assault. He must have assaulted someone, then. Delin~ quents will please note the fact With fear and trembling, that editors do oc- casionally arise in their might, and when they do the carnage is appalling. From present appearances building operations Will be extensive in Stirling and vicinity the coming year. The Arnprior “Chronicle" reports that wolves are very plentiful in the upper part of that county. Tenders are asked for the erection of a new English church at Gravenlmrst. The hotel keepers of Omemeo closed their sheds last week in retaliation for prosecutions under the Scott Act. The North Ontario Liberal-Conserva- tive Association has unqualiï¬edly con- demned â€Commercial Union" with the United States. Acton wants a. World's Fair. Voting on Scott Act repeal takes place on the 19th (lav of April in Bruce, Stor- mont, Glengarry and Dundas. The Ontario Government ham an. nounced that a Royal Commission Will be appointed to enquire into the mining resources of Ontario. Dr. J. M. Platt. the nuseated Liberal candidate for Prince Eilxvard County, was i'e-elccted by a majority of 161 over Mr. Clam). the Conservative candidate. Dr.Roome. the unseated Conservative candidate for West; l‘liddlesex. was also re-electcd by a majority of 117. A company is to be organizing at Stayner to bore for oil on the Notta. wasaga. River. , It is stated that the wealthiest man in the. Ontario Legislature. is Robert Fer- guson, for East Kent. He is a. bachelor, 54 years of age, and IS worth a. million. He lives at Thamesville. The Government has placed 84,000 in the estimates for improvements in 0011- ingwood harbor end 815,000 for Owen Sound harbor. The Gravenhurst “Banner says there is n. society m that town called the Union and I’roaress Society, to discuss and criticise plans for establishing industries in Gravcnhurst. The debenture debt of the town of Collingwood amounts to $87,000. The Dominion Government has laid aside 84.000 to complete the Calling- wood harbor. Midland harbor has received a. grant frcm the Dominion of 825,000 for in)- proving the esplmmde there. Vessels drawing 12 feet of water will be able to unload. A bill has passed the On. tnrio Legislature prohibiting the hunting or killing of deer or moose in the Province of Ontario till 1890. James Owen. a blind mm: 80 years of age. living with Wm. Robinson on the 2nd of King. walked out of the house in his sleep on the night of the 4th inst. When he recovered consciousness he could not ï¬nd his way back to the house and being almost mule nearly perished before being found. His feet werd~ so badly frozen that he will lose a. portlbn of them. Uur Village Fathers. gist-via 3301.25. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castorla. minimum VOL. XIIâ€"NUMBER 8, A teacher of music in Ontario county ‘ inserted her professional Wild in one of i the county newspapers. It was seen by an old lover in Chicago. who at onm ' hunted her up, explained his nbaoncu of ; a. quarter of a century and married her. The County of Perth is very proud of its new gaol, which it consider: one or g the ï¬nest in the province. It is llcutml by hot water pipes, contains 27 cells and two dark calls, all on the moat approval patterns. a. well-equipped laundry and kltchon. etc.~“ Globe." A terrible fatal aociient occurred at the aqueduct on the lin of railway be- l tween South River and Trout Creek. At this place, a. bridge ennui-noted Over a ravine is 98 feet high. and two WW. each having a child were on the h t gig when the snow plow train came along. To jump off was certain death.. One woman lay down flat at the side. and held her child under the bridge, suspend- ed in the air, and both escaped. The other woman lay down on the bridge ; but the child it would appear arose and. was instantly killed; while the unfor- tunate woman was terribly mangled and only survived a few hours. No blame ii»: attached to the train men. They tried to stop the train. It is hoped that this will be a warning to others who walk over these bridges.â€"“F. G. Gazette." l Out of 136 voters on the list of 1886 lfor Beeton, on which the Scott Act re- i penl contest will take pluce,tllo"World†[says 63 are unavailable from non-resi- ‘Idence, deathor xomovul. ~A Sabbaih School Convention \ms hold at Orillia. last. week. A summer {convention will be hold there the thml Hollewey's Ointment and Pills com- bine both genitive and smmtive powom in a. high degree ; by the former term in understood their ability to prenerve health, by the latter their capability to restore health. With these remedies at hand, no invalid need be at fault to ' guide himself or herself safely through Ithe many trials to which every one in subjected during our long and olttimen inclement winters. Coughs.colds.ulcer- eted throats, quinsey. and whooping cough can be successfully treated by well 'rubbing this Ointment upon the chest , and by taking the Pills. During damp. g foggy weather nsthmnticel sufferers will ' experience the utmost possible relief , from the innuction of the Ointment end i all tender-chested persons will save end- l lees misery by adopting this trcntinent. A young lad in Nortlmmberlnn-I, named Bert- Stepheus, for cnnsimI the; death of a. sheep belonging to a. fax-Inm- in the eastern ynrt of tho county. mm tried before Judge Benson recently and sentenced to three years in the reformu- tory. News from the great wheat ï¬elds of the States is to the effect that grain Wm; never in better condition. Cattle 11ml sheep are in excellent condition. It cost a. poor fellow in Essex 8125 .for smuggling a. few yards of cotton acros‘a the river at Detroit last week. As long as people are in favor of such a system there must be penalties provided in "the interest. of the protected rings, but- sure- ly it ought not to be left to the arbitrary decismu of an ofï¬cer. who shares tho penalty, to say what the ï¬ne shall be. It is nonsense to talk about being “free" in this country, when a customs oï¬icer may be at once accuser. judge, Jury and the man who pockets part of the ï¬ne. Smith Bryson, the Trenton mer- chants, who flecccd the wholesale men out of 860.000, have located neurvLos Augeles, California and have purchuucnl an orange grove. Large quantities of ï¬sh are being caught through holes in the ice in the vicmity of chroy. ‘ An extensive revival is now in pro- gress at Georgina Island in the Metho. dist Church. A new skating rink is to be erected at Waubnusliene next summer. The two old ones will be pulled down, a new site; obtained, and a. ï¬rst-class skating and curling rink be built. Mr. J. Whiteside, Huntsville. has re- ceived the contract for supplying the timber for the new smug budge at the locks there. On Friday the 9th inst" Mrs. F. Fre~ burn, of North. Smith, County Peter- borough, died at the age of 102 years. She was born 11) Ireland in 1786. and re- membered the scenes of '1798. She came to Canada. in 1825. week in Mav. The C. P. R. surveying party are now within a. short distance of Parry Sound. Mr. H. Sewry, of Barrie, Will establish a stove foundry at Barrie' if thu_to'\3’u will make him a. gift of 37,000. ‘ gistrict glam of ï¬sh are being st: