Reeve. Notice is hereby given that the above ‘ByJaw will be taken into consideration with a View to the ï¬nal passing thereof at a meeting of the Council of Thumb to beheld in the Town Hall at Beaverton (n Saturday the 14th day of April, A. D. 1888 at 1 o'clock. I). m. [PMMWG '9 _’(l'\“L-“L L.‘ :‘\V, L. And it is further enacted that the Reeve be and is hereby authorized on behalf of the Corporation to execute a. conveyance. on the aforesaid terms, of the herein described portion of road and cause the Soul of the Corporation to be uï¬ixcd thereto. And it is further enacted that the herein described portion of trespass road no closed up, may he sold to the pro- prietor of the land lying adjacent to the same for the sum of twenty-ï¬ve dollars provided that if the proprietor of the adjacent land shall not within the space of one year from the date of the ï¬nal passing of this Bv-law, complete the purchase of the herein described portion of trespass road by accepting conveyance of the same and paying the price herein set forth. then, and in that case it may be lawful for the Corporation of Thorah to sell the same to any other person for twenty-ï¬ve dollars or any greater sum. The Corporation of the Township of Thorah hereby enacts that from and after the ï¬nal passing of this By-law, all that portion of the trespass road on lot 6 in the 11th concession of the said Township of Thorah lying between the western limit of a deviation of the said trespass road (which said deviation is established and deï¬ned by By-law No. 4 of the year 1887 passed by the said Corporation of Thorah on the 18!; day of October, A. D. 1887,) and the Talbot riverâ€"â€"be and the same is hereby closed up and no longer to he used or consider- ed a Public Highway of the said Town- ship of Thorah. A By -law to close up and sell a. portion of the {respass road on lot 6' m tho 11th eogqessigyu of the; meushiprgf Thomh. '11:) Spring Snnson wlll soon be how and with it tho mum] rush to lune all kinds of work in tho Painting lluo uxoculwl. If you lmvo nuythlng tn lm (10110 in that lino this Manson plavc your order curly mull thus socun- promps nttontinu. .ucrton. bin-ch 95h. 1888 'ompuynnd at the lownst ponihlo prices con- nhnont with good work. The Council met in the Town Hall, 868 o’clock p. 111., on Monday evening. Members all present. The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting and also of special meeting read and con- ï¬rmed. Moved by Mr. Ferguson. sec- onded by Mr. Grant, that the Reeve give! his order on the Treasurer to pay Mr. W. McLean 81.75, for repairs on Hall. and 32.50 to J. Grant. for shoveli- ing seemâ€"Carried. Council adjourned to meet on April 30th at 8 p. m.â€"â€"J. C. Gucnnlsr, Clerk. ' The Way They Do It. .- New Dress Goods. Prints, Cottons, Shirtings. Twecds. Cottouades, 6.30., at J. R. Prior's, Woodvillo. For the wet and sloppy spring weather wear Overahoes and Rubbers. All lines. Cheapest in town. A. Stewart, Woodville. Prosporjng. Senor Lopez, who was here for so long a time last summer and made for him- self so many friends, is endeavonug to instil a. taste for art into the people of Orillia. Hard subjects. New Spring Goods. . It is stated that a. large number of the names attached to the repeal eti- tion in Simcoe County were forge . as many as ninety-four voters in W aubnu- shone alone. whnse names are on the petition deny having signed it. Nowgprlng Hats, ï¬- Néw and Stylish Stiff and Soft Hats. in Black, Brown and Grey, at J. R. Prior’s, Woodville. Vlllage Council- Wumi )eg “Sun."â€"~Dr. A. II. Fergu. son has ecu elected Professor of Sur- gery in Manitoba College in place of Dr. Kerr. who has removed from the city. Rubber: and Overshoea. Gentlemen. ‘31) or address Box HO. honvortnn. and you." mates balm-e “wing uut ynur work. '1 n} Prior' 8, for a. now Spring Suit, new and fancy patterns In 'l‘wecda. Prices low. J. R. Prior. W oodvillc. Promoted. Come-Painting, l’nper Hang- ing, Ix'nlmmining, and all other branches at the Painting Business, 1 am prepared to execute r.“ orders for Township of Mora/I. mount?) mm 33mm. By-LAW N0. 2 OF 1888. FRIDAY. MARCH 30. “$88. SPRING ALEXANDER MCRAE. J- W. WHYTE, GEORGE SMITH. Township Clerk. 'n'tiï¬ix'nox. ' AN“ Jan. Oct. Doc. 17 Feb. 4 MM. 7 May 16 Juno (3 Aug. Oct. pa Mar. April Dec. 5 2 17 l7 17 17 17 17 2.1 Nov. Dec. Jan. Mar. April 2 Nov. Nov. Oct. TOWNSHIP OF THORAH. 18 18 25 26 17 17 17 l7 17 17 17 20 18 18 20 ll 14 18 18 21 21 21 21 17 15 17 l4 14 20 26 21 22 27 19 18 13 18 10 AUDITOR’S REPORT FOR 1887. piling wood 1’. Holmium Sons, repairing scrape: up“ 59.. Hem-y Weatoott. ice chisel 600. Smith. express charges on parcel Robt. Mgfl'nggart: 4 cords woods at. 88pm- cord Ilm-t 00.. blanks. roll and stationary 3 12 00 Hurt (10., blanks as per an. 1 29 J. J. Cam. printing Townahip accounts 10 00 Geo. Smith. pmtngc to July Isl; 8 00 Hart 1% (10., colloc tor' 3 roll. receipts, 810.. as per no. 4 80 J. J. Cave. plintinu voters‘ lists. advertising. 310.119 per an. 32 41 J. J. C (no. mlvmtising voter' 3 list and By law No. 4 11! 1887 15 56 Hpntlelson Graham. advertising By law No. 4 of 188? 11 00 Hart ('11., collector's bonds 52 A. G._C§mnn. deviation of road, 10!; 11, con. 6. surveying: and diagram 000. Smith, jr., copy of plan of bridge, 02. jog. con. 10, 75c Peter McDermott, sheep killed by dogs Wm. Lyon. sheep killed by dogs Geo. Wallace, 2 ewes valued at. 812, allowed Charles Westcott. 1 ewe valued at 88, allowed John Morrison. I owe valued at 85, allowed Alex. Cmneron, I owe valued at 85. allowed Wm. Smith. I owe valued at 33, allowed Murdock Mclme. l ewe valued at St}. allowed Donald Cameron. 1 lmnl) valued at. $3, allowed W. Kean, compensation for land taken and damages Geo. French, salary as commissioner, 1887 Geo Sutor, “ " “ James 1‘ (MM, salary as caretaker. 1887, } Alex. MeRae, salary as Reeve, 1887 Charles Galloway, salary as Deputy-Reeve, 1887 James Donnell, salary as Councillor Francis McRae, “ “ W. Fraser, '" “ Geo. Smith, fees, registering By- law No. 4 of 1887 Geo. Smitl1,balancc of salary. 1887 Benj. Madill. salary as treasurer, 1887 Express on money parcels Alex. Cameron. salary as Commissioner. 1886 Charles Thompson, salary as Collector George Smith, regnstering births, marriages and deaths Peter Walls, auditing. 1886 Charles McArthur. auditing, 1886 John McArthur, on account, salary as assessor, 1887 Benj. Madill, salary as treasurer, 1886 John McArthur, balance of salary as assessor Geo. Smith, on account, salary 1887 Alex. McRae. selecting jurors John MeArthur. " “ ‘ Geo. Smith. “ " Geo. Smith, on account. salary, 1887 taxes, 1886 Andrew St. John, S. S. No. 1, school taxes John Smith. S. S. No. 2. school taxes Charles Galloway, S. S. No. t, school taxes James Cameron, school taxes levied for Beaverton John McArthur, S. S. No. 5, school taxes J ohn Smith.isecretary-treasuror S. S. No. 2, Brock School and bridges as per account G. C. Hurlbut, turnpikine and grading Lot 6. con. 11 David Evans, gravel supplied to roads as per account William Baiu. gravel supplied as per account lumber for bridgevnt Bucklex's V John Morrison. commutation, Div. 82, 3 days Geo. Sut‘oy, _1paterial and work supplied to various roads v Island _ Geo. Sutor, cleaning and improving ditch and culvert, Lots 5 and 6, cone. 9 and 10 John Tripplecock. repairs Vroxnan bridge Alex. Domn, forming road, side line, 15 and 16, con. 5 M. Brennan, clearing and grubbing road, Lot 12, cone, 9 and 10 Patrick Kenny, clearing and deepening ditch, Lot 10, cone. 8 and 9 Angus McKay, bridge repairs, Lot. 8. cone. 8 and 4 F. McBain. repairing culvert, Cameron road. con. 1 Williaxn Sntor,_ reineying stgnee from Mara road cons. 2 and 3 Richard Weatherall, repairing and removing floodwood, Centre road bridge con. 4, Mchaig‘s bridge, Lot 7, cons. 4 and 5 Thomas Dawson, removing floodwood. bridge, cons.~2 and 3 John Furniss. grabbing and clearing Centre road, xThorah and 4 John \Ygudatt, gravelliug 58 rods, Lots 6 and 7, cons. 941ml ‘r cons. 2 and 3 John Murray, constructing bridge at Buckler's as per con. tract John McPherson, turnpiking Lot 1 cons. 2 and 3 John McDonald. repairing bridge. Lot 9. cons. 7 and 8 Thomaj‘Dmysoy. gliyghing 52 rods, town line Brook and Thorah, Lot 15 John McDonald. drawing gravel 2 days for bridge at Bucklet‘s Geo. Sutor, commissioner, drawing gravel two days with team ' two days work. self James Donnell, gravel supplies John Grant, tutupikiug 144 rods town line Eldon, con. 9 Thomas Jenkins, ditching 69 rods, Lot 5, cons. 8 and 9 Thomas Richards, gruelling Lot 6, cons. 9 and 10,805 rods at 35 cents 16 rods at 43 Ewen Cameron, cutting thistles, Div. 26, 6 days John Kennedy, gravel supplied 50 rods Duncan Carmichael, culvert and cleaning ditch, Lot 2, William Sitepheuson. gravelliug and repairs, Lot ‘7 cons am 5 John Galbraith. grnvolliug 21 rods, centre road. con. 9 Daniel Parlimuent. chopping and clearinngO rods. Lots a11d‘.’., cons. 8 and 9 ‘ ' \: and2 cons. 8 and 9 ' Chris. Menus. turupiking 176 rods, Lots 14 and 15. cons. 8 10 F. McBain, repairing road side line. 5 and 6, con. 1 Duncan Carglichgqu. culvert and gruelling, Lots 5 and 6, |O SURVEYING AND ENGINEERING. PRINTING AND STATIONARY. [Balance from last woek.| CONTINGENCIES. COMPENSATIONS. SALARIES. SCHOOLS. 9 88 32 9 113 60 62 50 7 40 .1800 82 $2248 03 8802 15 860 24 346 30 330 89 522 46 659 89 50 60 1‘2 00 37 15 50 00 mmmw 0010 3785 20 00 20 00 20 00 ‘20 00 2 50 60 00 000 50 00 80 00 20 00 875 28 55 14 00 18 50 42 20 23 25 7 75 2O 0-.) 2000 1000 27 00 12 OI 2200 5 33 3 83 8 33 9 00 1000 00 5 33 375 2‘70 175 Woodvillc, March gist, 1888.. I, . ruhnvw -_ -.-. u ‘3.“ "noun-V‘- depth witllout stopping the team. The only drill {la-u. will ensure an own growth, as no other drill will do {null conditions of soil. The only (lnll “inf mmmencos to «ow the instant tho foam begins to mow. The only drill-u hiuh my: be changed from dulling to broadcasting or vice-verm- in loss than one m‘mnto’n tium. I‘ X \‘IINII TI Il!‘I.'. NII) W ST!" I’I. FRAME “HOOSIER†DRILL and be satin ï¬nd that. it is the host «hill in the mmket. A Good Stock of all kinds of Implements, Buggies and W aggons always on haw}. . _ McDonald #5 Smith. ..- q ... a- a. -- . AAIL Some Points 1'1) be Considered in Buying a Drill; We. the Auditors appointed to examine the Treasurer's hooks for the year 1887, beg herewith to submit. our leport for your consideration. We ï¬nd that the sum of two hundred and nine dollars and ninety cents. (8209.90) has been expended on the town line between Brook and Tliorah and also seventy dollars and ï¬fty-nine cents. (870.59) on the town line between Eldon and Thoreh, but there is nothing to show that either Brock or Eldon has contributed an equivalent either in money or work; to counterbalance this outlay. NogfLOst†_ New Séeei Hoosner DHâ€. Jan. We the undersigned Auditors of the Township of Thoruh, have examined the' Treasurer’s books, compared vouchers, and found them as stated in this report. CHARLES McARTHUR, . PETER WALLS, }Auditors. July _1 Jan. May Dec. Dec. 7 J an. Mar. 5 17 17 Juno 20 20 Jun. 18 REMEMBER, this is the only drill that deposits the grain rm even depth in hunt and loose soil Tlle only (lrill in which the hose can be instantly changed to now 17 17 l7 the Township on Jan. 1, 1887 1 Railway coupous redeemed 1 Grand Trunk Railway interest 1 Bank interest 1 Beavcrtou school debentures 1 1888- Coupons redeemed Balance to credit of Thomh in bank, Jan. 181;, 1888 MANUFAC'I‘URED BY NUXON BRO.'.' TNGERSULL. Angus Cameron, dog tax remitted John Fountain, dog tax remitted Hannah Scott, taxes refunded Receipts Expenses Balance overpaid by Treasurer Amount on Roll Amount Collected Amount Uncollected Balance in book to the credit of Public Improvements Schools Salaries Compousntions Printing, 620., Surveying , Contingencies Uncollected and Remitted Taxes Indigent Account County Rate School Debentures Sinking Fund Bearer of Debentures, debentures and coupons, S. S. No. 8 163 50 SINKING FUND. Sinking fund account, school debenture and interest to Jan. .. 1888 , _ , 539 00 Grand Trunk Rallway interest at 4 per cent. ‘ 1530 00 _ use of Mary McLeod. 8. Charles Gallo“ av. for E. McP ersou, 85. 00-; for Flora Mc~ Innis, 85. 00 William Fmser, for Catherine Hunt" J. B. Laing Co., Treasurer County rate “ education B. Madill insurance on Town Hall to Feb. 22. 1888 James Edgar, repairing Town Hall William Fraser, for use of Mrs. Hunt James Boakes, one week's board Elizabeth Bonkefl Bonj. F. Brown, fgryse of Cnï¬punuo McIunis, 85.00 ; for In" - .._ Wm. Smith. 2 scrapers at 89.60 ‘Wm. Sluitl}. repairing aggalmr _‘ a. u..- Charles Thompson, credits allowed on roll, uncolloctod taxes. 1886. as follows :â€"â€"- D. A. Burk 84 28 John Ferguson 3 8:1 Cuthorine Hunt 3 80 Arch. McDonald 8 72 Colin McFudyen 8 70 Mrs. Mcquis 1 90 A. McFadyou 12 60 Wm. Vale 14 m UNCOLLECTED AND REMITTED TAXES. “:hioll the hose can be instantly changed to now the desired A U DITORS’ REPORT. ABSTRACT STATEMENT. INDIGENT ACCOUNT. COUNTY RATE. BANK ACCOUNT. DEBENTUBES. 0753 75 753 75 Dr. Woomm 0m. 82,445 67 1.691 92 3.221 92 3.304 52 3,843 52 8,089 77 01,580 0') 9 82 (if) 539 01')- 3,089 77 Dal. 84 28 3 88 3 86 8 72 8 70 l 90 12 60 14 16 $8002 94 i 8280 5.5 v 277 61 5915 22 5450 00 465 22 88280 55 32069 00 131809 3-2 2248 03 802 15- 88 83 95 53 s 75 55 ‘40 57 79 32 00 359 so. 163 50 2099 so Cr. 8859 80 668 80 191. 00 957 70 852 10‘ 8500 1000 1000 19 20 55 40 360