A Commendahle Step.--Tlm Constable of Mndoc village has given warning that all boys found in groups on the streets after '7 o’clock in the evening will be taken before the magistrate and punished. He has also notiï¬ed the vil- lage hotol keepom not to allow minors to lounge in their banrooma, as any time, as they are subject to a ï¬ne for so doing. Would it not be well for some of our village ofï¬cials to follow' «oexample set by the Madge oonatablp._ Departuresâ€"1n ones and twos our villagers am leaving us. Last. \Ved- nosdny Mr. Peter Cliflord. cmtei, eta, left. town without. even leaving us a lock of his hair. . We! mitts his beaming countenance and cheering voice, mu] along with othens we weep.........Thia week Messrs. Dnvid Sidey and son, P. Cronter, John Sidey and Alex. Taylor, left for Manitoba and the U. S. Maple Saganâ€"Little or none of this sweetly delicious article has boon bro’b into the village as yet, but the good time must, come shortly. From this out we hold oursele in readiness to pronounce on the clioicmb samples of clio s'ncclml'ine substance entrusted to our indgnwnt, on short; notice. Our "Ned" is also smacking his lips in an- tlcipabion. Lacrossé.â€"â€"A meeting will he held in the Town Hall, to-night, for the pur- uoee of re~organizing the Lacrosee Club {ind electing ollicers. We trust there will he a good attendance. Although only organized Into in the summer the club gave a good record of themselves last year, and we expect to hear of great deeds done by them during the coming season. For the North-West.-A large party of intending settlers, sever»! of whom were from \Voodvilie and vicinity, left Midland Junction, on Tuesday last, for Manitoba. All appeared to he in ex~ cellent spirits, Very sanguine of success and well pleased with the prospects be- fore them. Sanitary reforms cannot be too com- pleto. Wltil the opening of spring comes the most sickly season of the whole year, and it behooves our vib- iage people and authouities to set to work enriynnd clean up the accum.‘ ulnted ï¬lth of the winter; and to hear in mind that an ounce of prevention is worth u pound of cure. Draughts.-â€"Mr. Robert Oliel, the champion draught player of Lindeuy, beat M r. S. Lamb, the Omemee cham- piou one evening lnRt Week. Could not some of our \Voodville cheque:- players by u gume with the Limhmy champion for the championship of the County. The Lindsay Post last week comu menced the piniblication of their “ Dew linquent List," containing the names of parties wiio have“beut" the pro~ plietor of that paper. We have seveial names on om books that we intend publishing. The Roads.â€"~â€"lee roads in the neigh- bourhood of \Vuodvillu are in a fearful condition. The drifts of partially melt.- oll snow lender them almost. impassible and it will he some time befure they will be anything like good. Afew“of the many friends of Mr. David Sidey, entertained him to a lob-a star supper, at. the “ Eldon House,†on Monday evening, and presented him with u gold ring and a Mawonic breash pin. Personal...Mn-. A. A. McLaughlin, of Coboconk, Inspector of Licenses, for North Victoria, and Mr. J no. Matthie, Inspector for South Victoria, were in town on Tuesday last. Trade.â€"~Business (hill on account of the bad roads, and clerks looking as though their hearts were nearly broken with grief at their enforced idleness. The ï¬ne moonlight evenings attract a large number of our villagers out. to enjoy a promenade. Resumed.â€"-Whice Jr, Bro. have re~ sumed work in their foundry. They are now running full time with a full compliment of hands. GET ycur Diamond Iron Hal-rows at A. J. Mcporquodalo A: Co.’s. The best and cheapest aver ofl'ernl. Dentistry.'~Remember that one of the ï¬rm of Neeltmds A: Pentland, will be at the " Queen’s Hotul," on Tuesday, 15th inst. Mr. A McLeod,\Voodville, preached in the Presbyterian church, Glenann, last Sabbath morning to a. large and atten- tive cougrngation. I! you want a good Mirror, Picture or Frame, go to Sherman’s. Good facilities for executing Horse bills at this oï¬ice. Everybody talking about Manitoba just now. Minimal spring weather. 'V Lacrosse meeting tonight. Read our new advertisements this week. ’MV \IxrwnWwa gum! imam Orrm-0m door em 9! Phat Oflioo, toowlun, oar, 112 G. B. Fora ERINGHAM, GENERAL mm AND LIFE INSUR- ANUB. AGENT. NSURES nothing but Farm Property and private residences. It not only pays all losses b ï¬re, but for damage done by Light- nil , in: ether ï¬re ensues or not. It aye for iv. stock killed by Lightning anyw on on the tum. N et Assets, - Gowrnment Deposit Insurance Company ! W,heat fall, per bush. “heat, spring, do Byarle, Oats, do Peas, do ll ya, do Dressed Hogs, per 100 lbs Butter, roll, .. Butter. tub dairy. Eggs, fresbp Huy,... Straw, Eggs} fresh. Hay. .. . Potutbea. Fall Vthat, .... Spring “'hcat, Barley. ‘ Oats, Peas Eggs, Pork, Hay. Potatoes, Butter, Full \Vheut. Spring Wheat. Barley, Peas, ‘ Ont-a, Dressed Hogs, flutter, Lard, ..'. At Manilla, on Saturday, the 5th inst, Mary Robson. relict of the late George n- ..._l_.. .__.1 HI __ , Douglas, aged 71 years. Family." and other loyal and patriotic toasts were duly honored. “ The Guests of the Evening," was received with three times three, and duly acknow~ ledged. “ Our Sister Societies,†“ Our Sister Lodges," and other toasts quickly followed, ‘und were responded to by Messrs. Silverwood. Close, McCartney, Lethbridge, Stephenson, Crosby, Smith and others, interspersed with songs by Messrs. Mitchell, Fotheringham, Cave, McSweyn, Adams, Barber, Long and Crosby. “ Auld Lang Syne†terminat- ed a very pleasant meeting. Farewell Supper.â€"â€"On Monday even- iug last, the members of “Cicerone" Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., gave a farewell sup- per to their Noble Grand, Mr. J no. S. Sidey, on the eve of his departure for the United States. The Lodge-room was tastefully decorated, and about twenty-ï¬ve members and friends set down to a sumptuous repeat of oysters, lobsters, etc. After ample justice had been done to the luscious bintIVes, Mr. Symons, of Lorneville, was called to the chair, and Mr. J33. A. Mitchell to the vice chair. “The Queen and Royal School Reporl.»â€"Reporb of the stand- ing of the ï¬rst six pupils in each class of the Senior Division of the Woodville Public School, for the quarter ending Man-h 319b, 1879 :â€"â€"F§flh Clawâ€"ht, Wm. Campbell; 2nd, Christina Campu bell; 3rd, Annie Campbell; 4th. D. C. Smith; 5th, Mary Campbell; 6th, Robt. Neabitt. Fourth Glassâ€"185, Sarah Campbell ; 2nd, Donald McLeod ; 3rd, Thomas Smith; 4th, Alta Barnes; 5th, Jessie Stoddart ; 6th, N. Carmichael. Third Class, neuiorâ€"lslg'Annie Camer- on ; 2nd, John Carmichael; 3rd,Jennie Silverwood; 4th Annie Armstrong; 5th. Arch. Campbell and Sarah Carmichael, equal ; 60h, Christina Reid. Third Class, jmn'orâ€"lstLMaggie Berrie; 2nd, John Gilchrist; 3rd, Annie Sidey; 4th, Roderick Campbell ; 5th, Daniel Sluts tery ; 6th, Minnie Jamiesou. loan to Lou :3 1.01m! mm. GRAND mu EASTEBnuA splendid as- sortment of ends, at Sherman’s. The Fairbairn Family, Scottish Vocal - ist, are now on. route for Canada. “To hope to haVo the pleasure of hearing them again before ioug. They are al~ ways welcome in, Woodvillo. WATERTOWN W'OODVILLE FARMERI’ MARKET. Ron. CAMPBELL, Good Friday tonmorrow. 00“" MINNIE“ BE AVERTON MARKETS. gt Tnl AnVocnn Oflioo. ' WOODVILLE, . ONT TORONTO MARKETS. AGRICULTURAL DIED. March 12th, 1879. April 9th, 1379. $0 85 to $0 90 78 to 85 50 to 60 50 to 60 35 to 40 6 25 to 5 75 10 to 15 $1,058,157.60 $100,000. 12m 15 800th00 mmm 040 I.- ma mmm 38 mmmmm mmmnï¬uw 00009 12 Roll 15 5 75 15 10 lo We Mum» 01mm, and (Quality! And removal ymum ooo‘nï¬nuum of their who" Flour Ind Ind delivered to all m "3°13. village hoof dingo. WE hue recently put in new mill stones, new cleaning machinery. and other vnluabio impmvemonu, and have in our om. lo ONE OF THE BEST MILLERS IN $118 COUNTRY. To on «stoma: J. C. GXLCHRIST ESQ. \V uudville, Ont. Toronto, March 27th, l879. NDI'IR moitgagu from John and Mary Show, the Went half of Lot Twenty-one in the Third Concession of tho Township of Eldon, in the County of Victoria, containing one hundred Acres more or less. The follow- ing improvements are said to be on the premises : about 40 sores cleared and under cultivation, situated 6 miles from Lorneâ€" ville. TERMSâ€"-â€"â€" One-tenth oi the purchase money to be paid down on the day of sale. For balance, terms will be made known at the Sale. For further particulars apply to By virtue of powers of sale contained in certain mortgages which will be produced at the sale, the following properties : PARCEL 1'. N DER mortgage from George Richard- U son, the south- West quarter of lot No. thirteen in the seVonth Conccusion of the Township of Eldon, in the Count‘i of Vio- toris, containing ï¬fty acres more or less. The following Improvements are said to be on the premises shout 12 acres cleared, hav- ing erecied thereon a small log 1101180 and burn, situated about 8 miles from the Vil- lage of Wood\ille. may HOUSE. Wondville. For further particular- apply to Messrs. Mowat, Maclennnn Downey, Solicitors, Toronto, or to the undersigned, Monday, April let. ’79 At one o’clock in the Afternoon, by ARCHI. BALD CAMPBELL, Auctioneer. at the - The property is in good order and cultiva. tion and in a. good agricultural neighbour hood. There are no buildings and the pur- chaser will be let into possession immedia- tely afte‘ the sale. TERMS.â€"~Ten per cent. cash at the time 0! sale, and a sulï¬cxent sum to make up one- third of the amount. of purchase money within one month from the date of sale, The balance may remain upon mortgage on the property, payable in instalmentsgn one, two. and three years, with interest at eight. per cent. per annum if the purchaser should desire it. WOODVILLE. Dated, 7th Day of April, 1879. Amï¬m Sale I 1n the County of Yi_ctoria, This property is situate within three miles of the Villege of Woodville, and within one mile of the Village of Lorneville, a sta- tion at the junction of the Midland and the Toronto and Nipiesing Railways. North-moot Quarter 0! not No.5, in the lot Oonoooolon of the Township of Eldon, in the county of Victoria. â€"â€"-â€"containingâ€"-- râ€"ONâ€" Saturday, April 19, ’79 FARM! NDER a. p0\Vor of sale contained in a U certain mortgage bearing date. the twenty-sixth dew 0 January, 1878, and made by Donald Currie and his Wife (as to down.) to James Stuart, the undersigned is instructed by Duncdn Sinclair, Esquire, to whom the said mortgage has been assign- ed, to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION FARM -â€"â€"~IN THE-â€" wamsm or mom, Eldon Hanan, Woodville, FIFTY ACRES MORE OR LESS, JON§$_§ROS_._ MCKENZIE, AT 12 O'CL'OCK, NOON, That valuable Farmkuown as the FOR SALE ! -~ ARCH. CAMPBELL, PROPERTIES. gm gantrtmmmm. Solicitors, Masonic Hall, T‘ VAL U ABLE PARCEL II. .. warm 4.: £3; sold on AT THE there will be 'uronï¬o. 121 Boo‘ts and Shoes. at your own prices; A LARGE STOCK OF' GROCERIES; BENTS N THE $.,- HARDWARE. BOOTS SHOES; Is selling at REMEMBER YOU WILL SAVE FROM 15 TO 20 PER CENT. BY BUYING CHEAP GOODS AT WE TRUST THAT OUR NUMEROUS CUSTOMERS “THEMSELVES OF THIS Notwithstanding the great advance in all kinds of goods, we have reduced prices Iower- than was ever known in Woodville. ' “National Policy†A REVISION OF THE TARIFF ' Prices to Suit Hard Times and Cash Customers. CRDCKERY. ARCH; CAMPBELL DRY GiMDDS! Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Rare 0pp®rtunity GREAT BLEARINGSALE CHEAP HARDWARE. ? McMILLAN 8r MolBOD’S, WOODVILLEI. 'OULD INI‘IMATE THAT‘THEY INTEND TO COMMENCE A CLEARING SALE: FDR ONE MDNWJ ! ~' MOMILLAN MOLEOD of Buying Cheap Goods. - DAVID SIDEY’S ON THE lat DAY OF APRIL TO CONTINUE OF. .OF. WILL AVAIL. 5§£