Lacrosseâ€"A meeting' was held in the " Eldon House,†last Thursday evening, when the following ofï¬cers were elected :--President, Mr. Thomas Edwards ; let Vice-President, Mr. Wm. White ; 2nd Vice'Prmident, Mr. Henry Edwal In; Secretary, Mr. \Vm. C. Gil~ christ ;Treasumr, Mr. J as. B. Hender- son; Field-Captain, Mr. J. A. Mitchell; Captain, Mr. J. B. Henderson ; Com- mittee: Messrs. Peter Campbell, Geo. McGimsie, E. J. Sidev, D. McIntyre and W. Armstrong. The Club has or- ganized this year under very favorable circumstances the only drawback being want of a proper ï¬eld to play in. The Town llall lot, in which they practiced last year, is rather small and it would be almost impossible to play a match in it. It seems strange to us, that in u village situated on “'oodvillo is, there is not a ï¬eld set apart for the purpose of lmllopluying.‘ Another meeting will be held tonight, when it is to he hoped the eommittee will be able to report having secured e suitable ï¬eld. Presentation.- -The Daily Globe, of, Tuesduy, says :-â€"“ Mr. Donald Murray was yesterday presented by his friends on the police force with a gold watch end 8100 in money as a token of their respect, on the occasion of his retina ment after nine years’ service. Mr. Murray intends to settle in Manitoba.†Mr. Murray was a former resident-of this vicinity, having attended school at LornQVille in his youth, and his mmy lriends will hear with pleasure of this tribute of respect paid him. X Last Friday evening, an old gentleâ€" man {mm the Maripose side of the line having been requested by a neighbor to buy him a pen of hrtad while in the village, procured the ieqtflred amount from the baker and depmuted it in his sleigh, and went into the “ Northern " to have a “ wee dmp o’ something" be- fore starting for home. Returning in a. short time, imagine his astonishment to ï¬nd that n Vagrant cow had taken aduntsge of his absence to have s “ big iced." The bread was all gone. He said “ demme." GREAT inducements for cash at Jus. A. Mitchell «i: (10’s. The Crouter insolvent estate will be sold by auction, to-day. The Bar. Mr. \Vaslnington, of Can- nington, will preach in the Methodist Church, here, next Sabbath evening, at 6 o’clock. FARMERS wishing to raise ï¬rst-class stock will do well to see P. McCorquo- dnlu's Thoroughbred Blood Stallion, lot 3, con. 3, Eldon. '\A\4wv~ ‘ ~ "\'V\lwvm~vvwm“ Cold nights. Warm days. Farmers busy. Fine Spliug weather. Splendid weather for sugar making. New York letter moeived too late for this week. Warningâ€"We have repeatedly warn- ed the boys against tearing dowu posters and if they do not. stop it we will have one or two of them arrested. Sale of Real Estateâ€"We would re~ mind our readers of the sales of farm property to take place at the “ Eldon House,†on Saturday and Monday next. Read the advertisements in another column. x We are now open to pr‘oposals to any one \Yno wishes to Vwonjk onr garden ALL accounts and overdue notes not settled before the lat of May, will be handed into Court for collection. Jas. A. Mitchell Ar. Co’s. A GOOD second hand Melodeon for sale. The instrument is in limb-class order, and will be sold cheap, apply to J. C. Gilchrist, Woodville. “ on shares.†We will fun-nirh the old boots, stmw hut, Spade, hoe, earth. and lmwen will throw in the dew and sun- shine, all that is required or the [nu-by of the third part. is the manual, the muscular, the bone and sinew, the early tising, the backbone, andâ€"the crop. Presentation.â€"â€"0n Friday, 4th inst... Mr. David Marshall, Chief of Police of ‘ Port Hope, Was the recipient of a lnind- : some walking stick. presented to him I by Mr. J olm Lethlnidge, conductor, of ‘ this place. The Times says the one is l a beautiful, crooked handle, Englinhi Oak, and is admirably adapted for 1 “gathering them in.†Young men who j collect in crowds at street corners, “ he~ 1 ware" and do not be g-rthered. 1 Personal.â€"-Dr. J no. McCrimmon, of this place, has, we learn from the Bruce Reporter, decided to commence the prac~ (ice (1 his profession in the town of Kincmw'ine. The Reporter saysâ€"J‘ Mr. McCrimuwn is a graduate with high honors of McGill University, Montvenl, as well as s Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Edinburgh, Scotland, and comes to us with the strongest commendations of nhility. H6 is a young man fully vowed in the latest RdVances of the science of medicine, and we hespeak for him a successlul and remunerazive practice." “gum! 331mm. ning, whotho'r ï¬re ensues "or not. 'lt ï¬nys for live stock killed by Lightning anywhere on the form. 200 ioooc thbon’l best Prints, ro~ duoed ram 15 cent. to 12} cents, 08.1), â€"-the old credit priceâ€"at. J as. A. Mit- chell 5: Co's. , N at A.â€â€œg ‘ Government Deposit NSURES nothing but Farm Property and privnto midencu. It not only pays nll lqsnel by ï¬re, b‘nt for damage done by_ Light- G. B. FOTHERINGHAM, surï¬ngâ€"The Messrs. Birney, of Toronto, are in tow", with a view to the immediate re-oopening of their cheese factory. We are glad to see this, and hope the effort. will be successful. The Band.â€"â€"Woodville Brake Band has been renorgunized, under the leadew ship of Mr. E. Wendt. A subscription list is in course of circulation to provide them with new music, and it is hoped the villagers will subscribe liberally. Donations to the baud fund may be left. with the Treasurer, J. J. Gave, ADVOCATE Ofï¬ce. A CAB-LOAD of Liverpool land salt arriving mutton-ow. Cheap for cash, at J as. A. Mitchell Co's. School Examination and Festival.â€" On Wednesday, 9th inst., Mr. Reazin, Public School Inspector, examined both divisions of the Woodville School, and expressed himself well satisï¬ed with the general proï¬ciency of the pupils. At the close of the examination Mr. Reszin and Mr. Gilchrist were invited by Miss Weddell to the lower room, where they were agreeably surprised to ï¬nd a splendid repast spread before some eighty or ninety children, of ages varying from two to fourteen years. While they were thus enjoying the lux- uries set before them, they obserVed without anxious beholders who would fain have joined them, but paciï¬ed their hunger by resolving not to depend on anticipation in the future. This festi- val prepared by the children to celebrate their teacher’s birthday, shows that the kindest feelings exist between them.â€"C0l. Insurance Company ! GONE CRAZY â€"Rol»ert Allan,a young man who worked in R. .2 G. Pringle’s waggon shops for a number of years, went crazy on religion last week, and he became so Violent that he had to be sent to the usy.lnm He had been ah tending the revival meetings now go- ihg on in the Methodist Church here, and being natmaily of a weak mind the excitomentwas more than his in- t‘pllect could stand.......A young lady, . At Woodvillc, on April 10th, the infant son of Mr. John Logan, aged 3 weeks. .The Funeral will take place at 2 o’clock Shin (Thursday) afternoon. .â€"â€"â€"â€"..g.. FULL stock new Dry Goods at Jus. A. Mitchell 6!, 00’s. "ll 2‘ Miss Tomlinson, of Boxgrove,' 19 re- potted to have gone crazy through a. ueligioul excitement while attending the revival meetings at. the Lutheran lmrch, on the ï¬sh Con. Malkham.â€"â€" conomut. the bottle, and Take no ollm'. Sold by all medicine dado". Price 25 oath. NORTH- ROP-t L (MAN. Toronto, Ont... Proprietor- for the Dominion. ‘ Non. - talcum-Selected and floated-ed Bn'vuu or [mutantâ€"Ask for Dr. Thomas Eclectrie Oil. 800 thst the signature of S. N. Thoma: is on the rapper. and the names of Kenyan»), Lynn m _lglown in then have had no sttech of it. I would rec- ommend ittn sll.â€-â€"J. H. Earl, Hotel Keep- er West Shefl'ord, P. Q., writes, " I have been troubled with liver complaint for sev- eral yesrs, end hsve tried difl'erent medicines with little or no beneï¬t, until I tried Dr. 'l‘homss’ Eclectric Oil, which gave me im- mediate relief, and I would so that I have used it since with the best e ect. No one should he without it. I hAVe tried It on my horses is case of cuts, wounds, etc.. and think it is equslly es oed for horse as for msn."--A. Maybee, erchsnt, Wsrkworth, writes, “ I have sold some hundreds of hot- tles of Eclectric Oil, and it is pronounced by the public, ' one of the best medicines they have even used ; it hss done wonders in healing and relieving pain, sore throats, etc. and is worthy of the gnstest conï¬dence."â€" Joseph Risen, Township Percy. writes, "I was per-seeded to try Dr. Themss' Eclectric Oil for s lune knee which troubled me for three or four ears. sod I never found my- thing like it or curing lsmensss. It is A great public beneï¬t.†but few preparations of medicines which have withstood the impartial judgement of the people for any great [on th of time. One of then is Dr. Thomas' lectrio Oil. Read the followin and be convinced :â€" Thomu Robinson, emlmn Centre, P. Q, writes, “ I hove been afllicted with rheum- atism for the last on years, and have tried man remedies without any reliet, until I the Dr. Thomu’ Eclectiic Oil and since 115 WHAT THEY SAY or IT! A FEW FACTS mu THE PEOPLE.â€"There m Money to Lon n. Lowest Rates. WATERTOWN NERAL FIRE AND LIFE INSUR. ANCE. AGENT. at Tu: Antwan: omce. ' WOOD'le, ONT AGRICULTURAL 8100.000. UNDER 3 powar of sale couhined in ‘ certain mortgage bearing due. the twoutymixth «In 0 January, 1818. and nude by Douala Currie and his wife (13 to down.) to James Stuart, the undersigned is instructed by Duncan Sinclair. mum... in insii-ucted bjr Duncan. Sinilair,i£;q?|i;e: to whom the said mortgage has been assign- ed, to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION AT 12 O'CLOCK, NOON, That valuable Farm known as the North-nut cum: of TM No.5,1n the 1:: 0011001310: of the Town: of 81403, in tho County 01' Victoria This property is situate within three miles of the Villngo of Woodville, and within one mile of the Villtge of Lorneville, a sta- tion at the 'nnotion of the Midland and the Toronto an NipissingBuilwaya. V E have recently put in new mill atonel, new cleaning machinery. and other Valuable impmvements, and have in our am. fl ONE OF THE BEST MILLERS IN ’l'gn COUNTRY. To our cuntonora And "Manny must acontinunnoe of flhuir patrom e. Flour and Poo‘d delivered to Allparta o the village- fm of chargq We Guarantee Quanmy and (Quality! Saturday, April 19, ’79 ram-Ten per cent. cosh st the time ot sale, and e sufï¬cient sum to make up one- third of the amount of purchase money within one month from the dste of sale. The balance may remain upon mortgage on the property, paysble in instelments,m one, two. and three years, with interest at eight per cent. per annum if the purchaser should desire it. The property is in good order and cultiva- tion and in good ugricultural neighbnur- hood. There are no buildings and the pur- chaser will be let into possession immedia- tely after the male. For further particulars apply to Messrs. Mowat, Naclennnn Downey, Solicitors, Toronto, or to the undersigned, WOODVILLE. Dated, 7th Day of April, 1879. Toronto, luck 11th, 1879. Otto Amman Sana ! NDER mortgage fro. John and Mary Shaw, the west hall of Lot 'I‘Wenty-onu in the Third Concession of the Township of Eldon, in the County of Victoria, containing one hundred acres more or less. The follow- ing improvements are said to he on the premises : about 40 acres cleared and under culltivntion, situated 0 miles from Lorne- vil o.' ~â€"â€"TE{~.M 8â€"â€" One- tenth at the purchase mane paid down on the day of sale. For {alance terms will be made lmuvvu at the sale. For further particulars apply to ELEM HOUSE, Woodvï¬lle. By virtue of power: of sale contained in certain mung-gen which will boproduced at the sale, the following propel-tin : PARCEL l. N DER mortgspo from George Richard- U son, the south- Wext quarter of lot N o. thirteen in the seventh Concession of the Township of Eldon, in the County of Vic- tax-in, containing ï¬fty acres more or less. The foilowing improvements are said to be on the promises about 19. acres cleared, hav- ing erected thereon a small log house and hm, situated about 8 miles from the Vil- lage of Woodville. Monday, April let. ’79 At one o'clock in the afternoon, by ARCH]. BALD CAMPBELL, Auctioneer. at the In the County of Yiptoria, than Eldon House. Woudvillo â€"â€"-contau'ning-â€"â€" FIFTY AGRES MORE OR LESS, mwxsm or man. ELDON MILLS. J. C. GILCngf, ESQ. FOR SALE I Jflicfzg BROS. WKENZIE, ARCH. CAMPBELL, 213w mmnmmm. PROPERTIES. Solicitors, Masonic Hull, Taro-Mo. â€"â€"Ol?.... VALUABLE ---â€"-IN THE PARCEL II. ~AT TH laid on WHITE BRO. \‘Vo-odville, Out. 121 will be DRY mums: Groceries, Boots and Shoes. 79 Notwithstanding the great advance in all kinds of goods, than was ever known in Woo Prices to Suit Hard Times and 0 Customers. \VE TRUST THAT OUR NUMEROUS CUSTOMERS THEMSELVES OF THIS REMEMBER YOU WILL SAVE FROM 15 TO 2 BUYING CHEAP GOODS AT {V1 Boots and Shoes at your own prices. A LARGE STOCK 0F GROCERIE Rare Opportunit; HARDWARE. BOOTS SE01 Is selling at THE “ N aticmafl Pulicy’. A REVISION OF THE TARIFF 'OULD INTIMATE THAT THEY INTEND TO COMMERCE A CLEARING SAL] MoMILLAN 8n McLEOD’S, WOODVILLJ CHEAP HARD’WARI F08 0MB MQNFH ! MCMILLAN MOLEOD CROCKERY. of Buying-Cheap Goods. 1 m FOR CASE ' ARCH. CAMPBEL] -ON THE 13¢ DAY OF APRIL TO CONTINUE- DAVID SIDEY’S ‘OP. .OF. pf goods, we hum reduced prices in Woodville. 20 PER WILL AV; Mia