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Woodville Advocate (1878), 8 Apr 1880, p. 3

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The new ” Act. tn I’ro‘rmn th'c Sprmu] of Canada 'I'histh-x" ,mwmh llv‘ wwont law by hlkillil nwnv its nptimml (‘Inm actmj mu] maki'ng it impvmtiw on path- Imlsfora to are that. its pmviqiuns nro curl-ind nut. without. having first 0!)» mined Hm cnment of Iiu- mnninipnpl Council. It nlsm I'oqnirm Hm notim h! the nwnm-s of Inml m'm-rnn will: llnistlns to he nfugml on them not later than the The mails close at the “"ondville Post Office every day (Sundays excepted) as ful~ lowu :-- Nipissing Railway, South-~12, noon; and 9 p.m. Nipissing, U0r’l1â€"ll.30 11.111. Midland. Northâ€"l2, uuou. Midland. Smithâ€"3, p.m. For Grass Hill Hartley and Glenarm the mails close at 11:45 a.1u., every Tuesday and Saturday. Letters for registration must be posted at least 10 minutes before the closing timc. nuns ARRIVE. Nipissin‘g, Snnthâ€"â€"l l :15 11,111.; 7:30 p. m'. Nipissing. Northâ€"4:30 p.m. Midland, Southâ€"4 £011.11). Midland, Northâ€"4:31! p.m. Glenarm, c., every Tuesday and Satur- day nt6 p. m. . Veterinary.-â€"\Ve h-lvo m'vlr‘ m‘I-nngn- uwenty to open a Column for cm-respon- dents on all (“seam-s of horses, cattle, uml mlwr «lmm-sticutml nmimnls. 'l‘lm (Iu'mrlml‘lob will he nmlm- the manng»- nmnt of MI ulnlv Veterinary Surgenn, and all .cummnnicutimm will w-ut-ive cm-nfnl "Ht-Minn. Nu .'-l|tvl'gze Will be made fur opinions or purscrlptions. Ihgse who have Wiesllvd with the maddening “ fifienn puzzle" will he as». tonisiienl m learn that n I'vm-lntinn has been introduced in the Louisiana Legis- lature prohibiting mun-bars fiom plnv» ing the puzzle while Um liuzzsu is in 868510“. Some of our funnels are sowinr s'IriIIg \I'wat nw-r tlIeiI {In whom. tlw luttcr lmvimr lueu completely killul o It. Last week, Mr. Dunn” Gun! of fi‘dmipma, san-(l 12 news iI. tlIia mam- flOI'. Church of Sco',l1nd Eldon -â€"Tlm Rev. David \V nlSon, M. A. of Bezner ton, wiII comlnct mnices in tho "lune cIlllchl in Im' II IIIIvIuwos, at 3 p m. SIIIIlmIII m-xt, (Iw llth A .rII, tnterprise.-â€"Messrs. McCaskill and McPherson ImVe started a factory two donrn castof Gmm’n Drug Store, fur the mnnufuclure of Pumps, SEIHII,B“INIS etc. \Ve [mm the enterprise will prove a 'Xucmtive one. Upsetâ€"A load of hay upset twice off the Waggon luatwceu the " Regulu- tor" corner and the mange. Cause un- known. Purhaps “ Baldy” could ox”. plain. (or Hint-class Hell (flavor, Timothy, and Mixed .rxlsilw and 'I'inmthy seede, fnr sale at John Campbell‘s jr., Lot 10 Con 14, Mariposa. Lectureâ€"Mr. R. A.,Barmtt lecmr. ed in, Spencer H:c||,ou Tuesday evvuing, on the subject. of "Temperance and Prohibition." The lecture was good but the audience was very small. Now is the time to advertise to seâ€" cure spring trade. Eldon Township Cauucil met. on Monday last. at. Kirkfiehl. Mr. McSwoyn ham lwun t°udelml (he precenlorslnip in the Pleslwlerzim church, “hich “e helimo he has .1c~ cupted. Lest, in the village, :1 Seal belonging to a watch clmiu. Any person lemm- ing the same to A. Guun, V. S., will lie mwnrtlwl. The Rev. MrL’m-rie occupied the 1m? hit of the Presbyterian Church lust. Sabbath evening. The art so near and yet so furâ€"13, 15, 14. ' Trains'g'oiug Northâ€"11m), a.m. ; 2:l5,p.lu.; 7350 p.m. Tuius going South-8:03, a. TORONTO 6L NlPlSSING RAILWAY. MIDLAND RAILWAY OF CANADA. TP. ELDoxâ€"Drainago ByJ‘aw. “in. Hunt-mare“ Sales of Dry Gnods. Trains going Northâ€"11:35 a. m.. and l Trains going South-7z55 .1.m., and 3:45 NE\V A DVER'l ISEMENTS. Egncal gamers: WOODV! LLE P. 0'. Beware of counterfeit: and Imita- t1ong.-'l‘ho high reputatiuu gained by llmnuum‘s l’urrmuu, HALSAM for the cure .lf Coughs, (Jams. and all diseases of the 'I‘ln-«mt and Lungs has given rise to spurious imitations. 'l‘he genuine PEGI‘ORM. BALSAM lmq the: name of F. U. llngynr-l blowu in the huttlc which is of large size and sells at 25 eta. We think it proper tn caution the un- snnmntiug against ”Mann hearing other unnuw. or rum-«lien differed M a substitute. lmnk earutullv to’ this and like _im other than ”AH'JAIHD'H [’m'i‘onu. HALSAM. '1‘" E A ngIo 'A mericuu telegraph cuhle hrnku on, Saturday 35 miles west of Vuluuliu Buy. on thu Irish count. Full Wheat... Spring Wheat Barley Hats Butter l'ens I’m k Beef \‘0011 Hard \\ 00d 80“.. Eggs Potatoes 9W What u stupid and absurd custom it, is to sell eggs by the dozen , they varv in size about us much as a turnip or'a‘ pfflato does. In weight. some eggs are fully one half heavier than others. A smull difference in the measurement of an egg will make u grout difference when they come. to he weighed ; for it, should he recollected that similur solids um 50 each other us- the cubes of their like dimensions. Hence it is evident u 3"?“ (Inference must exist in the weight ol'dill'ereut sized eggs. There can he four or six ounces ditl'erence in one dozen. Theie is no encouragement tor poultry keepers to keep improved fowls that. produce large fine eggs, when they sell for no more than others thu‘ the hull the Size. In justice to all parties, seller and huyer, eggs should he sold hv the pound. Another udvuutuge would no” crue from this to the purchaser, he would to u certuiu extent. be ahle to de- tect any imposition of stale eggs, which is so ofter. practiced upon storeheepers. Bad eggs when put in the hulunce would he found wunting in weight. Eggs Info by the generation of gases and their escape through the pores of the shell, and consequently they lose by age. 'l' _.. - . y-\l'\ll -‘ a Infill, It“ will RlHlH that no one will he enlisted who doe-s not. possess intellectual cap- acity alzove‘ that Ola \vell‘liretl donkey." Wanied.â€"The following from an exs change is applicable to more places than one :â€"“ Wanted â€"- 199 young men. more or less, of all shapes and sizes. from the tall graceful (lamly with hair sntlicient on his upper lip to stuff a barber's cushion, down to the little howâ€" legqetl, frecklmhfucetl, carrota-heudctl upstart. The object is to form a gaping corps. to he in attendance at the close of ])l\'lllG service each Sabbath to stare at. the ladies as they leave. church, and to make delicate and gentlenmnly re" marks on their persons and dress. All who wish to enter the above corps will appear upon the steps or in front of the various clnnch Iloors next Sundav, when they will be duly inspecxetl, their names, personal appearance, and quality of brains registered in a book kept for that pnrpnsn To prevent a rush, We WOODVILLE FARMERS‘ MARKETS It. is said the sum of $5,000 was offared by somvbody in New York to anyone who Could do this, and one man says in the New York Sun that. he is prepared 9.0 do it. The fif:een is having the effect of bringing other puzzles to the bent, among othem one as follows, in which the thing I‘eqnileil is the tIchiIIg of the lines of the tullnwing figure 6, in thIee Inov es, without going Doverâ€"the same line twice :â€" wl‘ynur 3% ft. wood. but goud ruilrowd, nml the im- n (lid not call tlia bush, hut, («ink 11 strip and cliupped everything In it that, would make cor‘dwuod At 55 cents pm- conl each of these men Pill'lltfd $37 84 per n10uth.â€"l’acket.â€"-Can any of our readers beat. this? THERE are in Two men, Wm. Nightingale and Rohb. Arnmtrong, of lnnisfil, Working for Mr. A. Hume, Shanty Buy, chopped 344 Cords of wood, by the N. R. R Wood Agmt’s measurement, in two and 1:. half months. This was not. any Since the new time table of the T. .\'r. N. K R. came into operation, muol- satisfaction has been exlnessetl by the trth‘H‘itlg public as W the endeavours ol the nuumgemrut to meet the want» of the Community. By the ul'erutiune passengers can umke excealeut connec- tions with the Midland and Victolia Railways to and from Toronto umluther places. The early IniXed (min from Uulmoouk has now attached to it a Coach, which is a decided improvement on the one um heretofore. think it prnSer tn caution the un- gngninst‘ Beam“!!! hearing other r remedies "mama as a substitute. :rullv to' this) any! tdke .210 other Iowa ’24 Colleges and ‘ per dozen 10 per bushel 30 to 35 per ton 7 00 8 00 per bushel rm to flu per cwt. 4 50 to 5 0‘! per cwt. 4 00 to 5 0) per cm-d ‘2 50 to 3 00 " “ I75 to2 00 l 22 to l 24 1 22 to] 24 50 to 60 30 to 3| .. 17 to 18 l 10 el 30 to 35 A large an}! ”keg stock .of 8_tono byjh I All kinds of repairing promptly attended to. l MILK PARS, FAILS. Manufactured from the best materials and at the cheapest. rams compatible with 'good workmanship. 'I‘IN and Copper - Ware ! Lo MAYBE Part lots 7 and 8, Con. 14, 150 dcru, 100 cleared; with log house md burn. l‘art lot 12. Con. 10. three~oighths of u acre, in the Village of Derryvillo, with frame houu and barn and brick store. Towxsmr or Bnocx : â€"- \Vnt half lot 4, Con. 2. 100 acm, 4O cleared, with log home and outbuildings. East half, lot 10, Con. 6. 100 acres, 50 cleared, ordinary buildings. Part lot 8, Con. 10, 88 acres, 20 eluted, with ordinary buildings. Lot 32, Con. 8, ”6 acres; 50 cloned. Lot 15, North Portage Rand, 100 um, 20 cleared. Towxazlr or Lu'z ox :â€" South half, lot 14,001). 2,100 acres. cleared, with log house, b:rn, ltule ‘ other buildings and a. good orchard. Immigrants and other: wishing to lecuro Cheap Homesteadu, will find these Pro- pertien Worthy of their I ciul at- tention. as they will sold cheap, and on very any terms of payment, For further particulgn apply to J. C. GILCHRIIT, Woodvillo. anxsup or Ewox : - South VVost quarter, lot 13, Con. 7, fifty acres, 25 cleared. with log houu. FARM PROPERTY ! FOR SALE. ON or about the 28th February, a note of , land, for three months. made in my favor by John McLean, dated February 3rd, 188’), for the sum of five dollars (85.) Par ties are cautioned against negotiating the same as payment has been stopped. B. L. WALLACE. Freeman’s Worm Ryder: m por- fecuy harmless In their efieots upon the system, and mothers should not fail to use them when there is the least one icion oi Worms, and should worms not exnst, the Worm Powders will be found harmless to the most delicate constitution, and one ad- vantage at least gainedâ€"e knowledge that the disorder proceeds from some other source than the presence of worms; The, are safe and reliable. For sale by all dealers. Price 25 cents. IOWA has 412 newspapers and mum» zines, being about. one to every 1,095: voters in [Jun State. I 'l‘uE Winchester Arms Company has wceivetl an onion flow the Chinese Guvurumnnt for fifteen or twenty mil- lions of cmlridges. 'l‘mc Chicago elevators now contain 16,000,000 lmslmla of grain. Stoves ! Woodville. March 29th, '80: rm AND con-rm: rows, TI NWA RE NOTE LOST. SMILES, “panned Wm, an. CHEAP KIN‘ ‘0 ST., WOODVILLE, â€"lMPROVED_ â€"DIALIR INâ€" Groceries. Fruits an-i Con factionary. KING STREET, WOODVILLE. King St, Wooclville. As I only iutcml to mmnin Ill \Vnmlvillo a flaw (lays longer this cblnoo to Dry Goods, Groceries, Ready- Mmlee Clothing. Boots dz Shoes, o., at less than your own price, will not. always be ollered you. Call early before an, o! the lines are broken. -. To the people of this pmt of Canada. The Stock “as well hon ght. in the on]; putt of last. full, and many (lepu-anut is leplcte with now and wall loleota goods. This la n lea] gmmine nullinw ufl' conducted on honorable lmnin aured that. any penson who Inspects my stock will come to the cum No Such Bargains Were Ever Ofi‘ered Before As I have decided to give up Business in Wazulvilla I Stock I am only to read this to my friends became it will put money in their pooh“. All kinds of Pnoduce taken rm- 1200mm Shoea,‘or an account. a- N6 CREDIT GIVEN ON ACCOUNT OF BAD PAY. c." and no my Stock and {fl can’ t suit. you than 18 no harm done. ROD. CAMPBELL; GREAT SALE i Always on hand. ORDERED WORK attended to on short. notice, : in Pegged and Sewed. Any defvct in work sold by me repaiml free of oil-‘0. Trunks Valises Satchels Alww nml mi ()an: Ian wnmr ..I.-...I Suitable for the Season. and anothel huge lot. coming in a few dnyl which I fill tell CHEAP FOR CASH. A fine assoument of And near the Northern Hotel, Keeps groceries in stock in his brick block, Provisions, too, as well ; Keeps Singers, Tees, Flour, Pork end Cheese, V Sells Apples. green end dry, Codfleh, Sardines, Potatoes, Bum, And Herring in supply ; Keeps nutter, Eggr, Gloves and Nutmegn, And Un‘mlios in We jar. Keeps Candlewick: and cnndlesticks, Coal Oil, and Soap in bars. Sell Syrup hero, both prre iiml clear, Of Gold and Amber lme ; Sells Raisins, Rice, Hack Pepper. Spice, An‘l Sundries not. a few. BOOTS SHOES IN ALL LINES I II wall supplied, King Street, South side, All parties who have not yet settled their accounts Ind better do so st. undo. D. MCLEOD, THINK OF THIS TWICE BEFORE YOU FORGET IT. - DRY GOODS! A MASON, Manon. â€" DEAL!" IN“- ESS THAN FIRST COST! aGalll I have receivod a (re-la Stock of JOB PRINTING 0! EVERY SCRIPTION. AT " THE AQVO0A1 OFA The Great Shoshone" Rowdy The success that these medicines bin at with since their introduction to the publ wine years ago, proves plsinly to the mo IkL'lltlcnl that they are medicines thst lurm what they are advertised to do. virtues of these medicines have been I} tested. and have withstood their "id “I most satisfactory msnner. For dictum the lilopd, Liver, Lungs. tend" Ire-nu“ passed. Welmve testimuniallo Iw‘llhlz cures of these diseases, and of many 0 If any we is afflicted. let him try shot“! the cmedy and a box of Pills. No ills! mm effects will lollo' their an '0 flag!“ delicate person, :9 they are purely vegmhl there being no mineral mutter in them; ' coat is small, while the sdvsnugu dorm from their use will olonhly repay you I your expanse and trnuhie. â€" 'I‘ry “my: grgnt mung": and- b0 comm ed that. flu-y arc nn hunHm, No mom! has him] the Shushnucen 913 a has momma? (all nn unfavorable n ~iuim| {them a no [MI ily wh‘we thuy imvo been nit-.«ljwill he Md «mt. them. {fun infarmah’un my ha MI I! all pm-tioulam Mulching the use. and tin e‘ pvru-ncu of 'hn-e who have “36D them” securing the Tuvatine m- tlw (.‘ircnhr 1 your druggint Frvo. Price oltho Roma! hint lmtm-a. 8| ; Pill< 25 cents t box. by all médiciuo drunken. 6001‘ AND SHOE STORE. KING STREET. Woodville, Ont, ROD. CAMPBELL’S East of the “ Northern Hotel.” «m honorable basis and I feel IIâ€" will come to the ounclunion tha: 13 and 14 Brock Sh, Uxbrid; will I0" out. my entire .wNO .itéfi [20"

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