‘J.. HAL WARD BROS. BRIOKLAYERS, PLA 8 TERERS A ND MA M) .\‘.S d'c. This commodious hotel has been entirely reï¬tted; nnd is now ï¬nished in the must modern and improved style. Good Sample Rooms. Convenient Family Suites. Keep none but best brands of Liquors and Cigars. Travellers and Visitors will ï¬nd everything convenient. A Billiard Room in connection. Good Stabling and attentive Hustler. Term: moderate. EI-JLANDS I’ENI‘LANI), Dentists, LINDSAY, - omnmm. _ Onocfthe above will be at Ilmnilton’s Hotel. Boavertuu, on the SEUUNI) MUN- DAY 0! each month. He will n'so visit \Voodvilleon the Second TU ESDA Y of each month, shopping at Mcl’llasun's Hotel. GYNIECOLOGYâ€"(Di‘seasea peculiar to “'omen) practiced in Hospitals exclusively [levotcd to Diseases of Women in London and Edinburgh made A SPECIALTY. Eltimntes “vanished, and contracts taken for my on: 911 of the above work. Materials Iur- J. “nuns. I..I..H. : J03. PBSTLASD, 1.. n..:. nighed if required. If PHYSICIAN. SURGEON, ANL) ACUOUCHEUR. A (â€INTI-EMA N \vlm sullen-d fur years from Nervous IH‘IIHM'I‘Y. l‘lll‘lMA'l'U Ill'. DECAY. and all the cll‘mvls of yunlhful in- diacnliun. will for the sake «.l anfllning hu- mmlty. lend [recto all who need it. the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sulfvrers withing to pruï¬t hy the advertisvr‘a expori. «we can do to by addressing in perfect cor- ‘denoe, . 401m 13.900233 42 Calm-Sh, N. Y. HUDSPE’I‘H 6; BA RROV, Barristers, c., c. (miceâ€"Kent St. Iflinrlsay. run Hunsnrm. - roux A. mmwx. WATCHMAKrzu vlm'rm:n..\when. on: noon wear or NORTHERN ROTEI. Money to Loan at. 8 per cent. Orncmâ€"Kent Street. lelmy, Ontnriu. P. S. Mun-w. ‘ G. H. HUI‘KINS. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, Sunscnwnoxâ€"One Dollar per year, Strictly in Advance, Anvmnsmaâ€" Yearly Advertisements paid quarterly : Transient Advertisements, when ordered. Clerk lat and 71;]: Division ('ourts (.'onnty Victoria. Secretary Elclon' B. A. Sncictv. Agent 9. IL S. Compan '. (,‘ouveyancur, Commissioner in Queen's ifcnch. i will mail (frm) the recipe fur a simple VEHH‘I’ADIJ BALM Hm!- WIII remove TAN, FIKI'IUKLI'IS. I'MH’HCS nml Jim-nuâ€; leaving the skin mu, Cit'fII' nml hmutil‘nl clan instructions {or proulnuin: a luxuriant roWLhnf hair on fll‘fl'tl hum! m- :lnuolll ace. ACicilclB, illciusillg30.xmmp, Hm. Vandolf (10., 20 Ann St, N. Y. This ï¬rst-class hotel is situated at the Junction of the Midlnml and Toronto Nipiwing Railways. and is noted for its an rior accommodation for the travelling: Bu ilic. The bar is always supplied with the est brands of liquors and cigars. (loud “able: and hostler. I45 MARTIN HOPKINS, unmanns soucnons ac. First-class accommodation and attentive servants. Bar well supplied with the choic. ut liquors and cigars. ’Bua to and from all tninl and every convenience for the travel- ling public. ERRORS OF vo’um JUNCTION HOTEL, Lorneville. This House is situate in the centre of the business portion of the Village, anul has re- cently been reï¬tted and reflll'lllsilctl. am! is therefore most suitab e for commercial men and the public generally. The Bar is sup- lied with the best brands of Liqnurs and ‘igare. GoodStableu and nttclitii e Hostlci. GEORGE \VILIJS Ml LLAII, ELDON HOUSE, woodvine, ‘ T. EDW'ARDS, - Pu QUEEN’S HOTEL. \Voonvxmn, I}. MCRAE, - l’ropric NORTHERN HOTEL, \V’oodville, BENJAMIN SHANNON, Proprietor. MWn‘.xr‘/\«, _ A,‘ \'\2\/\\f\ va~ Henderson 80 Cave, Ofï¬ceâ€"King-at., \Voodvillo. â€"-u rum ounce, â€"- King Street, Woodvillc. J. S. LEEDHAM, MCKAY, M. D., L. R. C. P. and DONALD McINTI’RE, Proprletor. L. N. C. 8., EIINBURUII. “ Wu gxlvnmtc," PIMPLES. azmmmuul wards. mmmï¬ (Emma. \Voonvmuz, ONTARIO. mm mm. 18 PUBLISHED 'BY Proprietor. Proprietor 106 i THE ADVOCATE. _ ENHY EDWARDS is prepared to sup. 1: ply LIVI'ZRY lllliS at any time and on the shortest nnticc. Special attention given to Cnmnicrcinl Travellers. (.‘harges always moderate. TERMS CASH. Sta. bias in connection with the I'lldun lluusc. 'I he subscribers have now got tluir Factory ï¬tted up in ï¬rst-class style an:I are prepared to furnish anything that may be entrusted to them in the shape of gettingth-a In-st of l'. uthcr meats in season. Patties having fat cattle to disvnsc [John call or meme word at my c mp. Sash and Door Factory SASH.DOORS. AND BLINDS MONEY T0 LOA N. IMPROVED ["A HMS JOHN Mc’l'AGGAu'r, K‘nikï¬uld, Commissioner in B. 8., Ccnvcyancer. Nanjing leased the sh ) (L. J. n‘nzith l ‘T'ltc‘lc ,I WM . LEE, Auctioneer for the County of Victcria. Land Sales attended. Notes furnished free. Orders left at the Advocate Uflicc promptly attended to. THE CANADA PERMANENT LOAN and SAVINGS (3031 PIXN Y Makes Loans on the Sinking Fund system from two to twenty years, or on a straight Loan with interest from eight to nine per cent. with the privilege of repaying the prin- cipal any time after one year. If you want money to buy more land, to pay olf a mortgage or other debts. we Would advise you to see the reduced tonne of the Canada Permanent Loan and Hm‘mgs (J Jun pany, which has made more loans to farmers for the last. tWenty-four years than nnv other. You can get any time you want to repay, up to ‘20 years. The full amount of the loan is advanCed, no deduction being made for commiSsion, payments in adVauce or expences. MONEY TD LOAN. Yearh’ Instnlmcnts require] to repay a Loan m :41! mm in the follnwing perimls :â€"â€"5 yum-H $253.80: ’0 yours. $52.40 3 [5 years, $20.40; ‘20 years, $115.70. Ar-Rr Rust“, Woodvillc Also Insurance Agent and nvrcnt for News- papers and Magazines, c. OFFICEâ€"One door must of Past 0mm WOODVILLE, 0ST. LIVER’Y WMIMMWM- ~ n-yM PLANING, MATCHING, MOUIJJING, SUKOLL SA \VING (cc. on slmrt notice and at. bottom prices. Also shingles and lumber for sale cheap. t) 1‘ of the best manufacture. Also went for Jacob’ s Litlmgrnm. CONTRACTING AND BUILDING FOR SA LE in the townships of ('zitrrtif-il',‘ Huxley and Eldon. Sole agcnf er the sale of the celebrated and unrivalled and ntlIcr farm implements InmInLIctuI-cd hv Nuxon l)rus., of ln'venmll, Ont. First- class Sewing Machines for sale. Also zwcnt, {In the sale of PIANO-FOR Tl" AND ORG ANS, BUTCHER SHOP ! A. I. McCORQUODALE GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT. VOL. IV. RCII. CA M PBELL, BOUNTY AUBTIONEER PLANIMG MILL V\/' (X )‘D‘V I VI 11 1 E HOOSII-IR. G [I AIIV DRILL, J. C. GILCHRIST, TERMS CASH ‘tlhminms (Earths. "\VUOD V'I IJZL'E \VOOI)V] L] J". HENRY EDWARD J' 2. A S l‘liCl A L’I'Y. A. J. MCCORQUUDALE. Meniinmo’n Urns. AND rn? ï¬xtures of \Ir. nsh In: v .y can n-Iy cm 1' m nll tum '3. 1nd WOODVILLE, THUÂ¥SDAY, APRIL 22, 1880. of will Mr. Graham had evinced much surprise when told that; Walter would rather some other house should i 0 his home, but Jessie, too had said that it was hatter so, and looking into her eyes, which told more tales than the supposed. Mr. Graham saw that Waller was not iudilli-rent to his only child, nor was he diqpleased that it was so, and when Walter came to the city he found to his surprise that he was not to he (‘lCl k, hut the junior partner of his friend, who treated him with reaplct and thouéhtful kindness which puzzled him greatly. Especially was he astonished when Mr. rlraham, as he oft- en did, mkecl him to go with Jessie to the places where he could not accompany her. ‘ â€u “ishes to show me,†he thought, " thatafh-r what I said to Mrs. llartow, he dare trust his daughter with me as if I Were lwr brother," and Walter felt more determined than ever not to betray the trust. hut to treat Jessie as afriend and ‘nolhim more. HUMAN NATURE. It was the night of Charlotte Reevcs’ grand party. which had been talked ahont for Weeks, and more than one passer-hy paused in the keen l’chruary air to look at a brilliantly-lighted house; whore the song, the flirtation, the danc::.and the gossip went on, and to which, at a'lato hour, Mrs. Har- tow came, and with her Jeqsie Graham. \Valtcr accompanied them, for Mr. Graham had asked him to be their escort, and “'al- ter never refused a rcqitcst from one who. smce his rcsi lence in the city, had been to him like a father rather than a fricnd. nothing more. So In: callml occnsinnnlly at tbf‘ghbnee, where he often funml Willlnn‘i Bellengcr, mul «‘mmv ll'crl lllmfwԠin listen in silence to the llnliu-ing mum-her: his cousin math tn Jamie, who. n gnml llcfll piqucol ht Walter’s Apparent coldness, received them far more complacently than she would otherwise have (lono, and so the gulf widened betn'ecn them. while in the heart. of each there was It resilcsa pain, which neither the gay n‘orld in n hich Jessie lived, not yet the busy one H .\v,_,..~~\m~\v '\«\‘\zxz\ wyvv‘m-V-‘A FATE OF A FA-‘XI‘ YOUNG MAN. JESSIE GRAHAM. 5‘ egg £15 313 B \VRI'I‘TEN IN THE ILQNOIS STATE PRISON. “ What led me to (b; it ‘3" “'hat always Leads men to (1% motion and crime? The Prodigal Son. ‘vhom you’ve read of, Has altered 80"“).th in his time ; He spends all his sdntuneo as freely As the Biblical fellow of old ; Put. when it is gone" then he fancies The husks will turn into gold. ChAmpagne, a box zit the opera. High steps while ortuue is flush, The. passionate kiss of woman, Whose cheeks have forgotten to blush, The old, old story, Billy, Ui pleasures that end in tearsâ€" The froth that foams for an hour. The (In-gs thaL nré tasted for years. It’s curiousâ€"isn’t i‘ Billy I'â€" The changes that, thlvo months may bring ; Last year I was at 'Sarntovvn, As happy and rich as a ing--â€" I was raking in pool: at the races, And facing the \r iters with ‘ ‘ ten.†And sipping myut jl laps by twilight ; And to-(iay 1 .am here in the “ Pen.†A rain I thought“! my mother, Hf the mother who taught me to pray; \thsw hwe was a prim-ions treasure ' That I heullessly cast away. 1 saw again in my visions ’l‘he fresh-lipped careless boy. To whom the future wan boundless, And the past but a mighty toy. I thought of n" this as I sat here,â€" (M' my ruined and wasted life,â€" And the pangs of re' purse were bitterâ€" They pierced my ï¬cnrt like a knife. It takes some courage, Billy, 'l‘o laugh in the face of fate, “'hcn the yearning ambitions of manhood Are blasted at twenty-eight. Last uiJnt. il’! I sat horn nnd pondered (m Hu: and uf my H il ways, There muse like a p :mtmn before mo ’l‘lnc \‘isxon of lmyllnml days. I tlmught of my uld’hon 0, Billy, 0f the sclxuollwlio that stood on the hill, - Of the A 8T3R‘l OF LOVE AND PRIDE. ran c‘en hear its’music still. (Inwâ€" 6s hmok that flaned through the mea- Pro Bopo Publico." CHAPTER VII. Sgnétrg. where Walter passed his days, could dissi- pate. He had absuuted himself from Jes- sic’s “coming out party," and for this oil'- cnce the young laly haul been sorely indig. nnnt. ‘ But Charlotte Reeves did see him at last, and when she learned that he’ was Mr. Gra- ham’s partnei, and much esteemed by that gentleman, she partially took him up as a card to he played wheneI'I-e she \Iished to annoy “ illianI Bellen Ier, “llO kept an eye on her in case he should lose Jessie. 'll- -0 relationship hetWec en the tu o \I as not known, for \V alteI had no desire to speak of it, and as \Villiain vainly fancied It IIIiy 'llt reflect discredit on himself. he, too kept si- lent on the subject, “hilo .\lr.s Barton', having received instructions lIotiI fionI Jes- sie and her father, Invei hinted to her hos- om friend and deadliest eIIeIIIy, M II: Reeves that the young Marsha“ \\'l|()lll Charlotte was patronizing, and who was noticed by all for his gentlemnnly hearing and handsome face. was in any way connected with the Belleneer disgrace. “ 5110 wanted Charlotte Reeves and all the girls to sec him, mul then tu be treated that way was 1):!‘fcctly hon-id," and the beautiful belle pouted many a. day over the young man’s obstinacy. Tho lady’s hands Worked ucrvomly to- gether, and when “'allor again drew near, the while, thin face lunkcd wistfully after him. while the lip’; moved as If they Would call him back. He was disengaged at laut. Jessie had another gallant in the person of William llollenger, Mrs. llartow’s {an unwed faster than before, and Mrs. {coves was about to make some remark to her commu- iun, when the latter rose, and crossing over to “here Waller stood, said to him in a low, pleasant voice: . ,“ Pshnwv!" was Jessie's answer, while Mrs. Reeves 31in congratulated Mr. Mar. shall on his good luck in having the belle -of the evening so lunch to himself, and as they stead there thus the face of the little silent lady [lashed with a sudden light, and touchin" Mrs. lleJVcs when they were gone, she said : “-Who was that young man? You call him Marshall, didn‘t you '3" “Yes, Waller Marshall, and he is Mr. Graham’s partner. You know of Mr Gra- ham,â€"pcuple call him It millimmirc, but my son says he dun't hulich it." This last was lust upon the little lady. who cared nothing for Mr. Graham, and who continued : “ Where did he come from '3" “ Really, I don‘t knew. l’érhnpa Mrs, Bartow cancnlighten you," and Mrs. lit-eves want through with A form of introductiuu, speaking the strung-1’s name so low, that in the surrounding hum it was entirely lost on Mrs. Bartow, Who lmwed, nn-l hriclly stated that “'nlter was from Deern'mnl, Mass. Alter her Vl‘ctlll‘ll from Saratoga, Mrs. Reeves had been sick for qevexal months, and at the time of the party \I' us still an in- valid. and claimed the privilegdof sittin" during the eveIIIIIg. Co kequently Mrs. Barton had II It ve‘ found :I favorableop- p01 tum.) fun on: .. .. i us be.- m she intended doiII'I, and when, on the evening of the party, she euterc l the cmwded rooms, she made her way to the sofa, and greeting the lady with her blandest worda. t’ol l her how deli -hted she was to see her In society again; how much she had been missed, and all the other compliments which meant \Iorse than nothing. 'l'hen taking a mental inventmy of the difl'eIeIIt axtieles which made up her dear Iliu'nd s dIess and compaIiII" them with her own, she set her costly fun III Ino- tion and watched to see which I‘LLCH ed “HQ more atteIItion,â€"Charlotte Reeves or Jessie. The latter certainly looked the best, as, arm in arm with Walter, she walked through the parlors, oblivious to all else in her de- light at seeing him appear so much like him- self as he did to-night. “It's such a pity he's poor,†said Mrs. Reeves, as he was passing. “ Do you know I think him by far the mmt (listing- mshcal looking man in the room, always 03(- ccpting, of course. Mr. licllcngcr,†and slu- nmldud npolo_,rctic:|lly to a little pale-facul lmly sï¬tlng beside her on the sofa. 'Jhis In 1y she hml not seen lit to introduce to her dear fIieml, \\ ho hml scanned hvl' a moment with hcrglass, and then pronounced her “somebody.†Twice Waller mulJess‘io passed, stopping the second time. whiIe the letter received from her gramhnother the whispered injunction “not to walk with him until everybody talked.†“Excuse me, Mr. Marshall, but Would you object in walking “itll mé,-â€"au ol‘l lady 2†Walter stared; nml kinking earnestly into the dark eyes which \1 ore full oft: nr.,= ofl‘ cred her Mr arm :...] the two “cm soon loat amid the gay throng. No. 175 qfonnpulizes ' yer altogether todflgfléï¬? I ‘ ‘cll her so too. But she wily hï¬â€˜g‘lM' 9nd 'says he don't go withher anquionnflldu .with Jessie Graham, though]. gvpryh'pdy†knows he does. He likes Jessie.) qï¬qqqno, {‘ but Charlotte is his ï¬rst clxoiw,†‘pnggtho 0M lady glanced complacqntly‘toweld‘tho( spot where her .sprightly granddmlghtor stood surrounded by a knot .o'fv‘admillonï¬ each of whom had mm eye to-heufather’aj coll‘crsus well as t6 {nu-gulf.- 4 “The wretch !†thnught Mm Bgrhow. “J ust as though wmmm preferred-unit great, long-necked thing to Jessie; in“; I'll be own with her yet.v..’l*ll.,bo «managed when Mrs. Bullungcr comes bachflf‘aud the {an mun-d rapidly M‘ Mrs; Burtow thought haw crest-fallen her dear friénd: Would be «when she said what she meant. to 39)! to her. m Meantime Mrs. licllungcr. had lqd “29133! ‘9 a little ante-mom where they won; be 90x1)1)arztti\'cly free from observation; and éitting down upon an ottdman, sho b'iilé'ï¬im, “ Mrs. Bellengor,†l “ Is it possblo! I by desire to make her Dlm'n, :hflg'yet how .01‘ “ She is not the w returned Mrs. Rocv qbuugcd, and they a .ytem- of her sojuurn in ‘ indistributiugf nmqugï¬hopar. yawn.“ sort of. . l‘Wohaol-hvhai she. wants of Mr. W1. “'nsn’t il queer the way slte Wm; “creel! to him! ,“ Very,†Mrs. NV aid 3 but she tlfpuglnt, “not stlza 9:13 difft/nu‘q alto wul half tempted to tc“ tier ï¬iunï¬â€˜mé‘remion. ‘ The factis,†sho whispat‘fd mid?!“- plly, “he ucwr appears at ewe uulc the is somwhcw near Uluulodo. I tmuï¬ ho “ “'hn is 3110-. ‘7 I didn’t dudbiimh name,†Mm. Bartow asked, M “mop ping usually,†Mu. Reevw “ Why, that's the honorable rs Be lb ger, returned frdm a ten yeara' resident): abroad. †Tiiis the ‘xyould' parlaps' )utvp done had but Mrs. RcéVcs at that m6mént directed her attention to William um‘l'Jossibgï¬ldying of the former that. he toumeilvm‘ymlmappy; a... lbip‘éxinting between the tw . ~~~ On her return to Boston she went; to tlu house of William's father, lull; everything there was cold and ostentatious. The} greeted her warmly, it is true, and paid 1101 marked attention, but: she sdspcMhï¬] did it. for the money she lmd‘in hel" pblwl sion. for the lrunily was extruvugcmb'nm d wply involved in debt. Onto she ’utkm if they knew anything of Ellen‘s' child,"nm h‘n‘ son replied that he liblievcd he ‘WJI a clerk of some kind in New York, 'lm: none of the family had ever seen him. 1m “'1'â€, who had met him onceor twice, :1! who spoke of him as having a “Meal t liellenger look and hearing. _. ...... O “v .- .. “lun- “u VLU‘IIli‘III, uuu uauu unu, too, be seated. He bdmplicd \vibh Her)!!- qncxt, anal then waiwd for hortdupeak, \wmlcring much who she was, and wlngzsho est son, 'I'leo'II’zih'EtilluunmrrI'éI‘l; had join- elher there, but had become dissipfltedf and ei 'htee -u months before her return to America she had laid him in ndmnknrd'e grave. With a breaking heart she 'rcturnod t0 lIeI lone' y home in Loudeu,’ d'ntfllï¬v‘from that hour the commencement of another and‘ betterlile, and now there was not in the whole \IoI-lIl mI lIumbleI or more consistent UhIi-stiau than the «mac haughty Mrs Bel len'a v r \l. any and nï¬n‘y II time, when awn (A'él! the son, had thet- thon'rhta gone back to her youngest born',‘ the Ieutle ‘brqwn-qye l’llen, IIlImII she hml. IlIsoIIIIeIl because tlI man she cllOSt.“ was Pom, and in bitterness of III mt she hugl cxieIl: ; “ Oh, that l llml‘lmr with me now P" Then, as she remembered the helplm mo {ant which she had once held [or mbrief moment upon her lap, her heart yearned toIIaIIl him IIitlI all a mother’s loge, and ;'.:III said to hcrgelf.’ ' Then she came to New York nml'fgnlt her grandson Will, who WM less her favoril than cvur when she heard how sneeringl he spoke of Walter. From his icmark she «liJ not expect to meet the latter M: tl party, but she Would ï¬nd him'next dayflll said, and when he entered tho room illl was too much nhsnbed in her own though; to notice him, but. u hen he pasacgl be: wit Jessie she started, for there wns'in hill!‘ a hill: like her dead (laughter. ' “('nn it he tlmtlmmlsomc y'hung munâ€"1 Ellen’s cIIiI-l?" she said, and she WM“ nnxunmly till In appeared again; a lpdsuught this interview wiQh him." As ‘ rs. Reeves had said, Mrs. Bel'lexiger had f. r the last. two years resided in diï¬emnt parts‘of Europe. She had gone the‘re with her husband and only survivmg (lhughter, both of whom she 'had buried, o'ne'nmong the (h-ampian Hills, and the other upon theJmuks of 3.1%]:in Minot; Hai'ï¬dhng- I!" est sum, Qv'ho wd‘; Eiil'l'uhnmrrl'éd; had ioin. For mnomcnt she hesitated, M if unc tnin what. h my, t‘zcn, as they wars I‘ alone, she hogan : 1. “ It is my lmy,â€"it is,†she hmrmnred I} tween her quivering “1m, and no :00!) ll 3“ saw that he mu frco she joined him, as ! have soon, and lcu'him to mmth'cr room. “I “ill ï¬nd the boy, audit may' Ho “ill cmnfuxt my old (we. †Ila: stopped h luro her than, and with hcnt'n; heart she listened to what they cullq him, am] then asked who he WM. ‘ " My ’cmnlnct may‘téem air 0 £0 31 but I cannot. help it. Tswn! Iva, fl ('onla'mml on Form}: High. ycry mm ring tho la wr she spent 11 repeated. MI a great [0. How