mvgoing Southâ€"8:05, “n. ; 7:40, mm. TORONTO t. NIPISSING RAILWAY. litigiginn; Northâ€"11:,40 a. m., -:2 l5,p. m- , Vpran. -HIDLAND RAILWAY OF CANADA. The mails close at. the Woodville Post 0600 ovary day (Sunday: excepted) as fol- lows :â€" Nipiuing Railway. South-42, noon; and Iain. ‘ ipmm' ' Northâ€"11.30 Mn. Midlde’Northâ€"w, noon. Midlgnd, Sgn_t.h:3,lp.m.r ,, j ru----... n... yuan-nu, Uvuvuf v, T For Gnu ' . Hart éyâ€"vand Glennrm the null! close st 11:45 a.m., every Tuesday and annuity. Latter: for registration must be posted at last 10 minutes before the closing time. nuns ARRIVE. Nipiuing, Southâ€"11:15 am; 7:30 pm. Nipiuing. Northâ€"4:30 p.m. Midland, Southâ€"1 :30 p. m. Midland, Northâ€"4:30 p.m. Glenn-m, ac" every Tuesday and Satur- day 31; 6 p.111. . Mn: going Northâ€"11:: . In. '1‘:an going Southâ€"7:55 Fine April weatherâ€"sunshine and Ihowor. Summer is comingâ€"the almanac any: so, at least. The lube rains have stunted the grass, and our ï¬elds will soon be glean again. "IO Eldon Patllmastem’ hy-laws are published. Mr. D. Grant. ofliciate: {Or this boat. We no pleased to notice the holes in the sidewalk have been repaired and now boards pun in. Look for McSweyn’s new udvertise~ ment next week. He inleudl, here- after, working strictly for cash. Tlie Eldoanranch Agricultmal Sex ciew held a meeting last evening at. the ‘- Eldon House." Proceedings next. rook. The ï¬rst. thunder storm of the season occurred on Sunday nightlastâ€"A thunder and lightning accompanied by a short but heavy rain. Becovoring. â€"â€" Mrs. McDonald, of Kirkï¬eld, the lady from whom Dr. Mc- Kay removed the tumor, last week, is npidly recovering. Tight lacing should he encouraged in every possihle way. It. kills off the foolish girls and leaves the sensible ones. No healthy girl ever laces. A public meeting will be held in the Town Hall, on Monday evening next, to discuss village matters. A large at- tendance of the villagcls is asked for. Heelingâ€"A meeting of the Police Truman was hold on \Vednesday morn ing, when Mr. P. McSweyn Was ups inted Inspector for the year, Mr. W. bite, Secretary. We understand \Voodville chceee * factory has been leased to a gentleman, s practical cheese maker, from Mount .Albert, who is shortly to remove here ‘v'ith his family. The Corporation Hogs are again on the war path and hard at work. Now our Police Trustees have got into work- ' in; order it would be well for them to look after that wandering pork. L. MAYBEaâ€"Cuh for Hides. D. J. MOINTYBE.â€"Farm for Sale. NORTHROP l: LYMAN.â€"Medicines. W. G. SUITE 4» Co.-â€"Gmceries, c. All Iication is to be made to Maiipusa uni ‘ldon Councils for assismnco to repair the oid and build a new sidewalk in the village. This is a step in the right. direction. Mr. D. B. McNahb has gone to reside on his farm during the summer months. He has purchased :1an tint-class short horn stock, for Breeding purposes and ill! commenced, we think, in the night. way to insure sucmss. The language of flowers is tender and beautiful ; but it. contains no satis- factory expression for the man who Ituhl his toe against a protruding nail such as is found in our sidewalks. Owing to the snow stolm on Sahlmtln last, the Rev. D. \Vutsmn, of Buuw Hon was unable to hold 8qu \ice- in the E ldnn Church as annouucml He will In each in that church, (I). V.) next. Suhlmth, 25th inst, at, 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Investigation.â€"P. 0. Inapector,Spry was in town on Trwsday last, to invca. “go“ a charge preferred ugnidnt the Postmaster of this placo, of opening a letter. The chm-go, however, was not lulcainod, as it. appears the letter was for the son of tho Postmaster, who be. ing away had authorized his parents (0 open lama for him. ‘ NEW ADVER’I ISEMENTS. gum mum. WOODVILLE P. O. -35 a. m.. md l i 4.111., and 3:45 Good Sawln Lâ€"Ono day last. week,“ Lot 8, Con. 61h, Eldon, Masts. Wm. McKPa and Jnhn Bull out a cord of Busswuod in ï¬t'te-nu minutes, with a. cmswcnc saw, and claim they can do it ouer again in less time if anyone will make it. wouth their while. Shade Trees.-â€"Now is the time for planting shade ti-eee. Property onmere can increase the value of their lots 25 per cent. by the careful planting and tending of s few elude trees. It will beautify the village and also render our streets much more pleasant. : The Weather.â€"Dm-ing the greater part of the past week the weather has been so broken as to cause an almost entire suspension of outdoor farmwork The strong wind which prevailed on Monday last, however, did much to- wards drying up both roads and ï¬elds. 'lhe store recently occupied by Mc~ Millnn 6; McLeod has b°en rented to Messrs. McInty re Jr. Prior, ofobridge, who are Opening out a large stock of General' Goods, Dry Goods, and Groo- ceries. The proprietom are enterpris» ing gentlemen, and they intend doing a strictly cash business. Their announce- ment will appear next week. some time ago a Mr. Murdoch, edi- tor of The Highlander, [liven-mes, Scot- land, came into this neighbourhood lecturing and canvasuiug for his news- paper. He succeeded in securing quite a. number of namesâ€"about tWenly-ï¬ve -â€"-the majoritv of whom paid their sub- scription, $3.50. Since that time noth~ ing has been heard either of the paper or subscriptions. The question now is: was he an imposter‘i If not, why have those lapers not turned up? We do not know that the boys and girls of Woodville are any woxse :han those of any other place. but we cannot but think that parents in our villnge are a little too lax in the matter of ul. lowing their children on the streets after dark. Every night the street is crowded up to a. late hour with a troop of boys and girls,who rush up and down the sidewalks whooping and yelling like mad. Now, we do not object to child. ish play, lrut the streets after dark is hardly the place for children the size of those seen on our streets, and it is not ‘ wise for parents to allow it. Mr. N. S. Sherman, who left Wood~ ville a. short time ago for the United States, writes us from E1 ie. Pa. :â€" “ Times are flourishing here, every line of business running its full capacity. Machine and engine works running day and night. A ï¬rm here has just re-U ceived an order of $700,000, all iron work, to be completed in tlnee your. There are no less than 6,000 men em- ployed in iron manufacturing hue, and new factories are being built. A gent oral prosperity in all lines of trade ape pears to be rapidly growing. Wages range from 82.00 to $3.50 per day for good mechanics, ï¬rst~class board $4.00 ,per week." We are afraid the above is a little too enthusiastic, but from the the various reports and the extensive emigration now going on from Canada, it is beyond a question that “ times†are rapidly brightening in the U. S. \Vnn THEY SAY or 11' 2 A raw FACI‘S you was PxoPLKâ€"There are but few prepara- tions of medicines which have withstood the impartial judgment of the people for any great length of time. Ono of these is Dr. 'l'homas’ Eclectric Uil. Read the followin3 and be convinced :-â€"'l‘homue Robinson, Farnhnm Centre. P. Q. writes, “I have been afflicted with rheumatism for the luet ten years, and have tried many lemedlea without any relief, until I. tried Dr ’l‘homu' Eclectric Oil, and since then have had no attack of it. I would recommengluit to 911.3 â€" -J. H. Earl. Hotel Keeper, West Sheff- ord, I’. Q., writesâ€"“ I have been troubled with liver complaint for several years, and have tried different medicines with little or no beneï¬t. until I tried Dr. Thonnas’ Eclec- tric Oil, which gave me immediate relief, and I would say that l have used it since with the best effect. No one should be without it. I have tried it on my horses in cases of cuts, Wounds, etc., and think it equally as good for horse as for me ."-â€"â€" A. Msybce, Merchant, Warkworth, writes. "I have sold some hundreds of bottles of Eclectric Oil. and it is pronounced by the public, “one of the best medicines they have ever used ;†it has done wonders in healing and relieving pain, sore throats. etc., and is worthy of the greatest conï¬dence.†â€"â€"â€"Josethusan, l‘ownship Percy writes, “ I was ersusded to try Dr. Thonius’ Eclec- tric Oil or a leme knee which troubled me for three or tour years, and I never found anything like it for curing lameness. It is ‘ a public benefit." ., . ,. _._ s4. 1-- h- RlsrzvVML or luxuriantâ€"Ask for Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Uil. See that. the signa- ture of S. N. Thomas is on the wrapper. and the names of Nortbro Lyman are blown in the bottle. and ake no olher. Sold by all medicine dealers. Price 25 cents. NOnTllllUl’ LYMAN, Toronto, Ont, i’rbiirictors for the Domihlon. NOTE. ~Eclcclricâ€"Selectcd and Electrized. THE GRAVE. At Woodville, on Tuesday mornin . 20th inst†the infant child of Mr. John gun, aged 5 wgflts. 29.3mm Osttls Spies is put up in poum dpsckages, and is just the medicine wante at any season of the year for horses. cattle. sheep or pigs. It cleanses the blond. tones up the system. and opens out the wat- er passages. giving relish for fund, rapidly improvmg the condition of the animal fed with it. A purely vegetable pre uarntion ; 25 gents} pechgs. Sold by all magic“ And dulori. Hides Suitnble for the Season, BOOTS SHOES IN ALL LINES Trunks, Valiseg _ ‘Satckhgls Always on hand: ORDERED WORK in Pegged and Bowed. Any defect in work 80 PAYS THE HIGHEST PRICE All kinds of Produce taken for Boots and Shoes, or an account. @‘ NU CREDIT GIVEN ON ACCOUNT OF BAD PAY. Call and 800 my Stock and if I can’t suit. you there is no harm done. ROD. CAMPBELL. Bag to inform the people of Woodville nnl the surrounding country thnt they have opened nn extensive flock of Gucci-in, Provisions. Seed Grains. 850.. e. FLOUR AND OTHER PROVISIONS â€" A LARGE STOCK. never Timmy: â€Wm, tawny card: and. other needs so 1: 1n bulk.’ The Highest Market Prices Paid in Cash far all kinds of Farm Produce. Wanted 500 bushels of Clover Seed, also any quantity of Peas, Oats, Bar-1 lay and Wheat. All parties who have not yet settled their FRESH BREAD SHINGLES! MUNRO Bros. some 2.0910 bonbt the genuineneas of a ’l'nu'monial. but a moment's thought, or a line to the address of the person who givha it, (with a postal card for reply) will con- SEEDSMEN. Vince any one :â€" an'rs.â€"I have much pleasure in recom- mending Hagyard’s Pcchrsl Balsam. I had it in m store for three years and was never ssked or it. My wife tried a bottle for s b: d Cold, which completely cured her hcfore it. was all used. After this occurred I had conï¬dence to recommend it to my customers. I am com lately sold out and will be obliged if you wil send me 3 dozen bottles at once. Yours, J KENNEDY. 0m- Itock will be sold at the lowast re. munerativo price for cash, or produce. GENERAL GROCERS DUR, OATMEAL. CORNMEALDATS, PEAS. BARLEY AND \VHEAT. mm, Feb. 17th. 1880- ARTIES contemlating building will ï¬nd it to their vantnge to apply to FRAMING TIJIIBER ,_ SMITH $0.. ALWAYS 0N HAND. WANTED. |e Season, and another large sell CHEAP FOR CASH. A ï¬ne gssortment of lot coming in a. few days which I CHE BOLSOVER. '. 0. SMITH .81. CO. -â€"AHDâ€" I have receivod a fresh Stock of BOOT AND SHOE STORE, KING STREET, Woodville, 01:113., ROD' CAMPBELL’S V ALUA’BLE FARM FOR SALE TOWNSHIP OF ELDON, Containing by admeasurement 100 acres, up 7 to the Fifth day of May next, 1880. Eighty-live acres of the above farm are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the balance under bush, all well fenced with cedar rails. There are on the premiscsa ood lug house with frame wing, one and a mlf storeys high, a new frame barn 60 x 35 and a new frame stable 30 x24, also a good orchard, well watered, Situate within half smile of the \Voodville Junction of the Midland and Toronto and Nipissin Rail- ways, and within two miles and alimlf of \the Village of \"oodville. surrounded by good roads. The lands will be sold subject to a lease which expires on the let day of March, 1882. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. eir accounts had better do so at. once. East of the “ Northern Hotel.†FENDERS will be received by the under- signed for the purchase of LOT NO. 5, (ION. 2, TWP. OF ELDON, TERMS :-â€"82,500 down, the balance to be secured by mortgage payable in a. reason- able time to suit the purchaser. For further articulars apply to “'m. Cameron; and onald McIntyre, executors of the last will and testament of the late Peter Currie. and to D. J. McIntyre Solicitor, Lindsay. Dated this 14th day of April, A. D. 1880. D. J. MCINTYRE, Solicitor for Exocutors. COUNTY OF VICTORIA. K attended to on short. notice, sold by me repaired free of charge. Groceries. Fruits and Gun foctionozy. KING STREET, WOODVILLE. 13 wall supplied, King Street, South side, And near the Northern Hotel, Keeps groceries in stock In his brick bloclr, Provisions, too, as well, Keeps Sugars, Tess, Flour, Pork and Cheese, Sells Apples, green and dry, Codlish, Sardines, Potatoes, Beans, And Honing in supply ; Keeps Butter. Eggs, Cloves and Nutmegs, And Candies in the jar. Keeps Candlewicks and candlesticks, Coal Oil, and Soap in bars. Sell Syrup here, both pure snd~ clear, 0! Gold and Amber hue , Sells Raisins, Rice, Black Pepper, Spice, And Sundries not a few. D. MCLEOD, â€"-â€"-IN THEâ€"â€" ...â€"â€"-IN THEâ€"â€" -- DEALER INâ€" will BY-LAW N o. Baum A Bwuw 'ro mus: TH! Pao- PORTION or ruuos 10 BE Cummin- ED BY THE MUNICIPALITY 01" um TOWNSHIP or Ewox TOWARDS Till Dauxuoz or caunm LANDS srrunn 1N we Towusmps 0P Munro“ AND Ewan, a 53'? our BY we napoa'ror JAMES Duos, Esq.. Pd. 8., also me am: or 81 998, 68 Court."- mo THE Sum. Provisiondly ad0ptod 610- m (by of April, 1880. Axn Wunnms the ssid council have serv- ed the Reeve of this Munici lity with a. copy of the report of the sai James Dick- son, Esq., P. L. S. Containing estimates of the said drainage works, and an assessment of the real property to be beneï¬tted I)? said drainage, and stating the proportion 0 ben- eï¬t. which in his opinion would be derived by every road and lot, or portion of lot from said drainage which said assessment on far as it relates to the Township of lleon is the same as is hereunder set out. -A.\'n \VHEREAS the said council of Eldon are at opinion that the drainage of the aid locality is desirable. H EREAS the council of the Township of Mariposn have by By-Ltw No. 240 )rovided for the drainage of them lauds 3nd :‘or boxrowiug the funm necessary therefor. Br: it therefore enacted by the Municipnl Council of the Township of Eldon, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter I’M of the Be- used Statutes of Ontario. Ivy . ~â€"â€"-_--i lst. '1 bat the said report, so far as the same relates to the said Township of Eldon be fadyptgc}. _ J I ,,, H -_,_12__ AI u. We, ...... 2nd. That the municipal corporation of the Township of Eldon do pay to the Corpo- ration of the Townshi of Mariposa, the sum of Four ‘iundred anifFifty-ï¬ve dollars and forty cents, being the amount in said report to be contributed by the said Township of Eldon as its proportion or share of the funds necessary for the said works, in ï¬fteen an. nual instalments of Thirty Dollars and Thirty-six cents each, on the in each year, for the ï¬fteen years next fol- lowing the passing of this By-Law, and that the lieeve of the said Township of Eldon, shall give his order on the Treasurer thereof for the said yearly payments, and cause the same to be paid to the Treasurer of the said Township of Mariposa, at the ofï¬ce of the said Treasurer, on the days and times afore- said. 31'd. That for the purpose of paying the sum of Four Hundred and Fifty-ï¬ve Dollars and Forty Cents, the amount charged against the lands in this Municipality so to be bene- ï¬ted, other than the roads belonging to the said Municipality, the following special 'ntes, over and above all other rates, shall be assessed and levied in the same manner, and at the same time as taxes ate levied upon the undermentioned lots, and parts of lots, and the amount of and special rates assessed as aforesaid against each lot, or 'part of lot respectively, shall be divided into ï¬fteen equal parts, and one such part shall be assessed and levied, as aforesaid in each year, for ï¬fteen years after the ï¬nal passing of this By-Law, during which the ‘ said instalments are accruing due :â€" Fon Roads. tube paid out of the gem funds of the Township, $7.50 ‘ 4th. That the mm of Seven Dollar: :1 Fifty cents, being the amount aueu against the made of this Municipality, ‘ paid to the Tremmcr of the Tawnehip Mariposa, out of the general funds of ti I‘uwuship, on the urder of the Reeve, wii in one year after the ï¬nal passing of t] By-IAIW. 5th. That the drain when compld shall, so far as tlu; 311911: _of flats Towpll is concerned therein, be kept in repair! maintained at the cost of the lands and [’01 assessed for construction, said land: puy in the same relative proportion no the in going assessment. NY person wishing to Appeal lg! on) part of the above useusmel hereby notified that the Council will ho Court of Revision and Appeal, for that 1 pose at Victorinville, on Saturday, May 1880. And further take notice thtt person who intends to appeal to have iy-lmw, or any part thereof quashed, l within ten days after the ï¬nal passing tl of, serve a notice in writing upon the R0 or other head ofï¬cer. and upon the Clo! this Municipality. of his intention to I: application for that purpose to one of Majesty’s Superior Courts of Low,“ To! during the term next ensuing the ï¬ne] 1 ing of this By Law, or he will not-be II in this behalf. , _, .4--- -n‘c‘cnn‘. \Voodville. Apriléfl}1 mm mm Bane of 1. Child’s istonco, and the roliï¬c source 01th mernus diseases w rich impcnl the lit children. Their presence in the int!!! canal is the source of real; irritation: I operating on the do ieste nervous 01 zatinn (if the child. so keenly elite to" morbid impression. gives rise at Mn1 the most violent disturbances of the as system, such as Ms, convulsions, Le ti and St. Vitus dance. Mothers shmï¬d resource at once. in such cases, to Fr \Vnrm [’nwders. For sale by all I Price 25 cents. ~ w“ Egliao TOWNSHIP OF ELDON. 53 2‘25 00 NOTICE ! 'Xinmmv momsox. (.‘lerk, Municipality of ‘1“. 883! 2. can» on v.2. no. “.89 67 60 168 75 130 001 325 40! ‘21 a}