in mm some signs 'uf its recognition. Wu nrc not. an incorporated village and cn-m-qnungly have not. public funds which (‘Olllll he devoted to this pur- 1.. in, but if every person in the plum) u. nlxl lmtduvote n few Inonm to the 1 mm, the entire .villngo might in n short, lune ho planted. Mr. Gregor Cmnp-~ I» H has comnn-ncwl the Work, and lust wm-k pluntml quit-en nnmlwr of trees; in front, 0| his promises. Ilu now pro “was to lml1l n“llcu" some (lily next lu-ck, ucveml parties: lmving expn’ess d ll-v-ll' uillingnom to assist in this work \uLll ("mumâ€"If n strong 3an wmo turned on}, the Putin- Walk from the 5. .mm to ï¬lm school house might soon g," oonwl'bt' into. what in a few years :rulmunrc to its attractivemss. \Vc Ln'e frequently brought this lmfme (ml' village ruulers, uml we are pleased Nothing .is so .pioHu-esque, or so 4'0â€" flushing tn a village as u plentiful sup»- I , . . , . ' p4 of gaml shade bus, and nothing; city wceltlies, but. it is a short sighted policy “hich prompts people to neglect their local sheet, for them. City papers have their interests centred there, and its interests ‘nre those for which they work. The Wardcr in discussing the matter, says :--â€"-“ It is absurd ï¬n the residents of rm-ul municipalities to sup- pose that because that they get in large city weekly tor the same money they pry {or it good local paper, that they r «mire more Villllt- for their money. Thisis n mistaken itlï¬ï¬‚.‘ Any man who. takes the least interest in the affairs ofJIis township or county, if he mrrufford but only one paper, should take the one published in his own county. The local paper furnishes its u-mlers with the news of the entire diu- teict, mm‘ket reports. aglicultural news (minty, town and toWnship council re- parts, accounts of agricultural societies :uul shows, and locnl news generally, 1. me of which the city papers can ,pie- tend to do, “'e notice in a number of our exâ€" changes many complaints of the eVil influences exerted by cheap city week lies on the circulaï¬on and usefulness of the‘country press. It has often been a "mater of surprise to us that. intel- ligent men will support. a city weekly in preference to their own local paper, hit it evel‘ so good. \Ve have fneqnentl y reasoned. the matter, but the invaliable answer is that. they are larger, \Ve would not depreciate the value of the “'0 have before us the ï¬nancial statement for Eldon for the year 1880. The total amount received by the '1‘: enamel- was $15,036.32. The dis- bursements may_ be summarized as fol.- lows zâ€"Schouls, $4,084.08; Charities, $118.20 ; Salaries, $504.40 ; Roads and Bridges, $689.85 ; Printing, $152.21 ; Sundries, $86.38 ; leaving a balance in the hands of the Treasurer of 81» $91.20. Our railway indehtedness is placed at $44,000. with Sinking Fund assets, amounting to $5,574.55. Al- together the ï¬nnnces of the township are in a more prosperous condition than for some previous years. The munici- pnlity now has some funds {or invest~ ment and we understand an effort will he made to purchnse some of the town ship rail-my debentures. The audit is I very comprehensive and lucid and deals ‘ with every part of the township busi- i ncss minutely, thus pincing our true position before the ratepayers at a glance. ‘ i COUNTRY NEWSPAPERS. Elm éWuodrillc gdvnmtc, ELDON FINANCES. SHADE TREES. \VOODVILLH. APRIL 28, 188]. “l’ro liouo l'ublico." OTHER things beside Professor H ind’s revelations are troubling our neighbors of the Dominion. They are grumbling at hard times, heavy taxation, protect- ive tariff, and something which l01)l\'.~ very like an exodus of the bone and sinew of the country across the line to I the United St1te~x The Toronto GtOl)!’ ‘ speaks right out and s :38: “ It canno- be concealedâ€"it. is no use in coucenling the truthâ€"that many of our peopi:- think the American republic better pnblican country. It has :1 chmm ful them. As the poor American slaves used to watch lhe northern star when, sigbing for liberty prior to 1860. mm weudw their way by circuitous routes to Cnnmln, so our people are attractor. by the fame, the glory, the free inter- courseâ€":13 they thinkâ€"the free life of the gleut republic.†It is. noticenbh ‘ thut, nith a population less than th.- 1' State of New York, Canada has seven 1 ‘locul governors, lieutenant governors, cubim-ts and legislatures. besides tl... general gorernnwnt. All â€1:51! :11:- bigh paid oilicinls, the Gow‘rnow(leum- ul receiving usulury of $150,000, and all ollicinl Salaries are nxumpt from tho income tax, while all other incomes over 3400 pay tribute. It is no! strange that tne penpie mow: out of n c mntry so much governed and no much “wedsâ€"12031011. Globe. 3 than our Dominion, because it is a re A): EFFORT i3 ln-ing lllzlllo in llm United Status to induce pliysicinns to write their preacriplions in English in- atmd of Intin. multlma, to some extent, amid the [)uï¬illllllby of errors occurng Illruugli ignorance m “.in rate. At llm a mic Lime Germ my lms [men discussing the matter ms to tlw. advisability nl' putting the mew plmrnmcnllusin intn (ll-mun. A unnimisinn ul't-xln-llx, Lu whom the lull.erqm~st.inn was sulnmuml, gave an npiuion in qunIIr ol'dmnuding Latin. lnit llm Federal Ununcil lnH du~ ciclml't) rolnin the lmtin fur tlmprusnnl, mainly «in the ground that. Um. lnngnngr is Iunli-rsloml in all civilized cmutria-s, t'u'ii (lvc'lion lI-eingnlwlm-guly innm-nc- ill by the fact. lel. Franco, l‘lnglnml and the United States um all revising their Illnfl'lll‘lCO'Nlï¬llH nl, llm mum- tinw, and Unit. it will thus Influiur Lo luring about harmony and "gt-cement. between the difl'm-enl. works upon important, pnintn. It will. ol'com'se, not lnol: no lmunedr and the Esonhpium lliro-oglypllics will [:0 show of much of moi; mull.) RABBI Josew MisnAcm visits New York on nu exceedingly strange mission. It is no less than to solicit ail for re“ pairing the tomb of Quean Esther and Mordecai, whose story is Written in the Bible. This tomb is in the city of Shushan, Peusiu. of which Rabbi Mis~ rnchi is a native. The Jews have- jealously guarded the tomb for nearly 2,000 years. The graves are marked by the tomb and two pillars, one on each side, but after this immense laps-e of time the structure is gmdually fullv ing axmy, and it is to repair this ile~ cay that Rabbi Mismchi started out eighteen months ago to journey round the World. F1: \NCE has set an exnmpbe by estab- lishing savings banks in younection with the Public Schools ; and in these children’s banks, which number over ten tlzonsand, the deposits already “1% proximate a million dollars. No more efï¬cient and priclieal way could be devised to teach children thrift: and economy, two very important. vii-Luvs for flu) comfort. and n$efulncss of “ the life that, now is.†The objection that they may he taught to be niggurdly is not. weighty. Ninetymine boys run down the easy 10nd of the spcndllnift to ruin where one climbs the ditlicult hill of the miser to a min just ns real, though possibly more lespectnblg would be I stately nvenno. (.unudiuu villages generally do not recognize Hm ndvuntngea to bodcrived from this source Not only doee the plemil'nl plunting of shade trees bring comfort to the wlluq- era in the hot. sultry days of summer, but it adds bounty und nttructivvueus to tho place, induces visitors. raises the value of its property, ncls us at nutuml disonfeclnut, and rendrm the platen moro healthy In every way thev ure nu nelpuieitiion, and we hope the good work commenced by Mr. Camphell will be encouraged by every citizen until the whole village is nicely planted. We hope to hour more of the proposed “Bee,†and think a large guthering can be formed. (material gotta. mly was brought to tmvu in the afternoon, and nlmrny nfmwanli â€Hindu The do- cenaecl was 9t yuan u! «go. «ml M. the time of his tliswpanroan-WM "0‘ M_It'!l.!'}:mind. 'l‘lm lpudv of the nlul man Fuley. who disâ€" appenre! suddenly frmn his home, Whitby, nu Qtith 0f Hctulmr last, was fmunl at anrey'e nmrah nu Fri-lay lnwt by some boys, WIN! w.-ro shouting in tlmf. x'fdnify. The Cnnningï¬m [or School pun-paws hm lmen suulml for the futuru by the township council 1â€.“in n lav-law separating mo lands from the village mu! attaching them to township accthtnx against the protest 0f {he viL lagers. 'l‘lln Duchess of Mal-Iliuruug'l i4 sending nut. liltneu pmn' Irish fmnilnrs Inr antnlu. 'l‘h-s emigrants receive free outï¬t, and pais- ugu. and m their arrival at their «lcsmntim will liml flll‘lli’llctl humus really for them. THE row hetwoun Drunk and (Ynnnimgton respecting the pmjbijm pf “rank att_ncho_l to IT is calculate] Um". Ll): coal bulls in tne \vurl'l will be exhausted in about 1,000 years. lny which time. lmwm'cr. it is llupml that the sun’s heat may be utilizul directly, in- ateml of tlmuuh the: lnctliu u of fuel. [mm Dvrrmzlx lmw been nppninlcql llrltis'u Ambmstulur M, ()umtautinnplu. 'llm appointment in n gnml one ; hut Lurd Dull‘cr- in will “call all his hot tn keep the †un- spcaknblc- 'l'urk" in order. 'I‘IIH important posiniun in Uxbnvlgo n1- punrs tu bu n aulmul trustee :H Um cloutions are hotly outdated. and «livers thrmts of pro cat. are made uftorunrdu. JAY (mum's cheque for $2,400,000 on the Funrth Nammml Bank. of .\uw York City. which was written all a piece of letter paper, recently passed safely through the post. and WM duly hmmrcd. Lun‘n’s newspaper. 3 Weekly, hm a 0+. culntiun of mamaâ€"she grcatmt in thr wurlul. Fur cacll ismo it uses; 640 miles uf ilillllfl‘. \Vuh‘K has commenced on the Bunker I .u m Uihau '1. prelnrinu the land for plant- iu-J sw'ar came. b‘lxty live acres will In: 8(HVII. A SIEIIJJNG dmnngw was awarded the plaiut‘tl‘m tlxe$5,0(10 libel suit. of Preston m. ’l‘ruycs tried at; Uubuurg on Saturday lust. 'l‘m’. renmins of the late Rev. \Vm. .\I. I’un‘ shun Wcra interred III the Lower Nurwuud cemetery. near Lomlun, 'l‘ul-z Canada Temperance Act was carried In Annapolis Uuuuny, Ali, by our 1,200 mnjo fly. » 'l‘m-z Scott Ac: was carried in Halton by n- majm-Ity of $7. Tumult has granted $70 for imprm’ing the town line between 'l'lmraln and Iiruck. , ‘8‘ Stuck of Groceries now complete. New Tens, New Suyu'. Lou'est prion at H. \Vilsnn's. ï¬rViolins and Couccrtinns for sale at Gunn’s‘ :3- \ow T weeds just opened at McInty‘re Jr. l’IiIIr' s. :6“ Putntnes \\ aIIteIl. â€"*\IIy qIImItit) of _mml pumtws \mIIteIL fur “1|th the hi glIcst pIice will be paid. Mu Inter , l’I I01 '.s Sow-z of our patlnnasteie snppoae and the councils b-ick them up, that if the centie of the roads are made pussahle no matter whnt the sides may he, the ditches in the sides nny he deep as u modern bottomless pit for unght they cure; they will do well hnweVer to take a squint nt the following decision, given in the Court of Appeal, 'l‘nronto. u lew days age. In Go )her, 1879, it Mr. lsnio \Valton and la wife were (lririn,r along the Kingston road in thé count)“ of York, when the horse shied and ran into theditch, the buggy being upset and \Valton’e leg hroken. He sue-l the county for damage-s on the grounds that theditch was too deep end not properly constructed or lOlMH‘Il At. the assizes in March, 1830, \Valton re» ceived a verdict of $500. which \vas appealed against, the county asking : shut the verdict he set aside on the grounds that reads cannot be unin- tained without ditches; and then-lbw that their existence on a. highway is no evidence of negligence. In the Court of Queen’s Bench the verdict was Set aside, the Court deciding that there was no evidence of negligence on the part of the county and that the verdict was contrary to law. The plaintiff then appealed to the Court of Appenl, when the judgment of the lower court was set aside, and the original verdict re stored, thereby nllirlning that it is the province ofa jury to determine whether ditches are a neceSSary adjunct. of a highway, whether they are propell constructed, and whether they are rightly locatedâ€"regard being had to the public safety. The judgment in the case is, of course, applicable to all. municipalideaâ€"Obscure character when simply given in thn Verunculnr hut. llw iluclom IIHHL re- Inmnhel' lhnt that world mlvnncvn and that they om hardly hope much lungm' to onlorcu thn myswriuus rumwnm- paid") the nncii-nt Egyptian. bril‘SL" hood, to Wimm all medical xuul other knowlmlgo Was continml. l’enpla Nu daily lmcoming mum cnriuns In to what they tnku Ill Ihn way of Inmlicilw, vwn though given by tlmsu mninuni. in thun- profession, Unlim- we aim mistaken, the demand thnt physicians mite l-imir premripliuna in English will grow an) wry lmnl lnfnrn many years thnp rvspcct will have to he paid cu it. “GT-hi5; and 1mm. WEEA'B, (mm, 31913933, mass, wwsn Also u full assortment ufclmicu FAMILY GROCERIES, FLOUR, ().\.'l,‘.\ll‘}:\L, GORNMEAL, CRACKED \VIUGA'J‘, PEA MEAL, BEEF, PORK. HAM, SPICE!) 1:01.]. BACUN. AND BOLOGNA SAUSAGE. \Voodville. April 4th, 1881. SEEESQ Sflï¬ï¬g OAT MEAL, CORN MEAL, BACON, (LOALOH. AND NE\V SPRING - SEEDS. LOWEST PRICES A'l‘ NEW COTTONS. NEW DUCKS AND DENIMS. NEW READY-MADE CLOTHING. NEW TEAS AND SUGAR. 3323;133:3181, mmmmms. ma, “make-mg- mes mm mm M. FRED. LEAS, M; L. Muyhce‘a 0M Stand. NEW PRiNTS. Having secured aï¬rst- class ’l‘.insr3ith l am now [w ing low prices: In QUAI‘T \HI. K 1' ANS 15 cents om: -h. 1'2 Q 6 QUAR T \IlLl\ PARS, 3‘); cents cm“) I“ 4 “ " 10 cents each. 5 E-WIIS'I‘ROUmnNu AND I: Bvumxu DONE 0x 'l‘lll-Z SllUlt‘l‘ES'l‘ mm :15: ’I'lz'mm', CJSII ()I. [LI/“II PRU/1001f. Peter G. Campbell has started business oppusntc Gregor Campbell's prepared to do all kinds of \Vaggon Carriaqc-Building. lepzxiring an ing, l’mmptly Executed. TERMS, MODERATE. GIVE HIM A CAI. TI'N‘WARE. TINWAR-E. TINWARE. UH’I‘ERS, 8 cents each. ' EVERYTHING: TO SUIT THE CUSTOMER. 1N ALIA LINES ()F Men’s, Women’s, Misses and Children’s \Near, 1" l0.“ 'l'lll') FINEST FHENUH Kll) TO THE (JUAlh’l-ST CUWHIDE. TIMOTHY AND CLOVER, TURNIP, CARROT, MANGOLD GARDEN SEEDS. . In I‘ctIII'IIiIIu thanks tn my IIIIIIIIIIIIus custnmors «If tlII- IIM live y‘cms, I take this oppmhl: Ii :y of iIIi'am'IIIiII I tIII-III L III my Mr. Stuplus has mm a splcu-li-l Stank uf NEW DRESS GOODS. 50 PIECES Nl‘HV GOOD-3'. {N PUT-'1‘} NEW PHI); ('5, nll will wll wry cumin. BAP GaIXS 1\ SP1} IXG Ail) S1 3Hâ€! 1: (.000S . .MFNJEEOQ >302 MOOPM $0000 >mfl Wnodvnllc, April 27th. lSSl. BOOTS SHOES, GROCER‘SE :, CROCKERY GLnaz-swp. G- CAMPBELL, AGE _ WAGGOMMAKEH Erâ€"a GOOD . TO IE SOLD AT AN IMMENSE SACRIFICE SPRING STOCK NOW COMPLETE! THE LATEST STYLES ALL WHICH \VlLL BE SOLD CHEAP FUR (:‘ASH. Any defect in Boots sold by me made good to the ('ustoxuer, also all RIPS JiEPAIlIED FREE OF )‘HAIKHS In all our Ordered “'ork. You can have anything in the shape of a. Buot Scwul or Pegged, Coarse ‘or Fine. ADIES’ FRENCH KID BUTTON BOOTS, MADE TO ORDER A NEW STYLE 0F TRUNK ON â€AND. STOVES AT COST PRICE! 5,000 DOZ EGGS “'ANTI‘LD, for which the highust price Will he allmvcul. CHEAPER THAN EVER. EEQQQ (3.5.†$311., 33’; Aml splendid lines of ST“.- ~-â€"AND 1; mm“ 'ur which we will [my the Highest Market. Price in Cash. ALSO A FE\V GOOD FARM HORSES FOR SALE. TWO CARS COAIRSE [M IKR‘EL SALT at at 81.10 per Barrel. SPRING- STOCK ATTENTION- WANTED I Is on hand from the best makvrs in WQODVILLE prim-s lu-l'ure The highest Cash Price paid for Just réccivml a large lot of 3 cents om-lvl. 1'2 QU 411' l‘ 1’ \ I LS, ‘30 cents each, 3, cents mu“) 1“ " 18 cents Law l1. * 'cnts each. 5 “ “ l1?! u-nts each. ' DISHPANH, 20 cents each . ALSO A LARGE STUCK 01“ [Won't forget to cxnninn his A \\" HATS. 1' lmymg ulsvwlww prep-11ml to s¢ll Tinwarc at the fulluwo NU I: M EN BU Y: Mitchell‘n oldï¬tnnd. Woodvillo. Gregor (hunpl-oll’s oh] stand, nnd'is 1m". lepuiring and Carriagei’umt- the Ifmuinun. HUGH "ULSON ’S. [1- 1L RI:- .5 AND mum HARD‘Q‘JARE, - SIX-X 1 ’14 ES- \vimm me. \\ Mull Im Cu ll ) pal '0