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Woodville Advocate (1878), 20 Apr 1882, p. 1

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Ulerl: lat Diviaiou Court County Victoria. Secretary Eldon B. A, Society. Agent 1’. B' S. Conny-many. Conveyuncer. Commis- sioner in Queen’s Bench. Al' 'llN HOPKINS. M_ _ _ l’. S. M A an N . H Ornce.â€"Ronma lawly occupied by \V. .M. , lchhrano, Biglow’u Block, “it???” A Clerk 7th Division Court Counyy Victoria. Conveyaucor. Commissioner in Queen’ 8 Bench Notary Ptibiigh" M. 03306, View tori» Road Station. NEE LANDS PEN I'LAND. a... DEN‘I‘IS’I‘S, «ha, Hum, on. ma.- Oncci the above will be at Hamilton's Huh-l, Bem'erton, on the SECOND MON- DAY of each mnnth. He win Mao visit \Voodvllle on the Second TUESDAY of each month, stopping at Mcl’hcrsou's Hotel. J. NEBLANDS, 1.4m. € ms. rnxruxn, Inns. 1 ’1 { Oli'lt'SSIOZVA L CA R US. Livery Riga at any time incl at all hours on the Shortest notice. Special attention given to Uummercial 'l‘mvollcra. Charges always mmlemte. TERMS. CASH. Sta- bles m cmmocbiou with the Eldon Hone. M Orders by mm! for Surveying, Levelling. etc" will ":00“!!! [prompt attention. Union Loan Co's Building 28 30 Toronto Street. Toronto. ALFRED McDoquu. 1 ARCH. J. SINCLAIR Money to Luau on lint-clue oewrity at 6 MN“ per cent. A gent for A. HARRIS. SON a; 00., Brmtford, \lnnuhcturera of heapen, Mow- ers, Self Binders, kc. J03. J. GAVE VOL VI. Tums. FB'WARIIS Pnpflo‘on Firstrclnaa accommodation and attartive servants. Bar well supplied with the cboio- out liquors and cigu-s. ’11“: to and (mm ull brains and ovary convenience ior tho tun-d- ling public. 'Aâ€"ltorncy-nhlnw, Solicitor In Chantry. Conveyancer, do" do. mRED. u. MILLAR, “'31. minus I'ronrh'mr. This hotel is in every way com let. to meet the rcquirmncnte of an) tmve ling public. Munlu m-rvml «u the arrival of all trains whichstop here, on both railways, twenty minnuis for refrcahnm. Gmnl waiting moms. Bar always supplied with tln'e beat. brands of liquor: and cigars. Money to Loan at 6 per cent. Urncmâ€"-Kcnb Street. Lmdany, Ontario. M: ” nuns!“ suns“. rmmietor. This first-class house has just been re- fittcd, furnished and otherwise renovated and. imprm'mL Being in the centre of the \ms'imss [wt of the Village. and furnished with splendid umnplo rooms. it. is therefore 'mnst convenient for travellers and commer- tciai mun, and the pnhlio genordly. 'l‘lic (Em-{is supplied with the host. of Liquors Mnl ifigars. Gum] Stables and llostler in at- ljigdrs. i imulnnvo. \\ ihon “ .-\. " \Vilann “B" and "Rns m!” sewing Machines and Necdlcl kept constant. Ly on 1mm]. Office of Montreal 'l‘ele n h Com an mama, (in. p p " 'RLUON HOUSE, Woodviulu. EORUE WILLIS MILLAR, I u. CAMERON. Est-m for ($1301: 1;“: a $.71an 00. nonunion land Surveyor, Draught:- nmn and "ulnar. (m I“ AUL‘I‘IONI’JI. Orncxâ€"One door cut of 1’ out Oflico. \\' oeclville. Ont ’ O'IN MCTAGGAR‘I‘, KiI-kfled. (‘ONINIISMONER IVâ€" R. R" CONVFYAVVEI GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT; â€"MO.‘JEY TO LIAâ€"N aw por cont.~ IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE Peas and other Send Grains on "1m! J’ORTHIHLN HOTEL, Woodvillo. UGH D. SINCLAIR, [CDOUGALL SINCLAHL Barn-(men, Sentient, Nomi-In. an. RGH. CAMPBELL G. UAVANA. 1’. L. S. llAlllllSTEllS, sout'lrolm £13. ()UDVI LLE LIVERY STABLES. JDLANI) AND NIPISSING HOTEL In!!!" “WARM. l'npflelor. GENERAL CA RDS. Lorncvillo. I'ubllnlu‘r. HOTEL CA RDS. Orru'lcâ€"Brechin. Ont MON BY 1‘0 LOAN. G. H. Harms». Having bought the shop and fixtures of Mr. G. G. Smith, Butcher, customela can rely on geztiug the beat of Beef M. all times, and other meats in season. 7 H Parties having fat cattle to (“32030 of will please call or leave word at my a op. Farmers wanting meat “in please leave their order the night betore at the shop. The highest cash priye paid for H IDES. Cistern and Well Pumps, The Subscn'ber is prepared to 10nd Money at greatly reduced rat? of interest in sums o According to amount required and terms of gaymentous Stmi t [mu a!- sinking und System. lnstn ments re uired'to 1‘6- pny a Loan of $1,000 in t a following periods: 10 years, $143.20. 9.0 yen-s. $95.30. These Sums payable at the gyd of each your pay 0! tin entire debt. Principal and lnbemsn NO COMMISSIOV. N0 FINE. JAMES STUART. HARNESS MAKER, SADDLER c _._._. HARHESS COLLARS, HALTERS, "HIPS CURRY COMES, BRUSHES, TRUNK! VALISES All!) All. KIND OF HORSE FURNISMNG A large assortment of whips from 150”. up. ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING NEATLY AND QUICKLY EXECUTED. . C. GILCHRIST, Postman-I, “'oodvmc. Dm’t {151'th your hmumoo. J. C. Gil Christ as .130 .ment for several 5182- class In- aumme 00mg: mics. I’d-not a risk: taken at dome“ Mos. Douxinriaun. St mulm d 6:; Citizens lusuranue (xvmpaauas. Also Agent for the Clio-ICE- ALL NEW \VORK WARRANTED. ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES. D. Henfierson Suits mud!) to order from the latest and mogt Tashionmblefitylen. All wmk gunrauhwd to fit. TERMS, CASH. 8110p over McIntyre I’rlor's Sm‘en- trance, Sido Door. ‘ vLE-sWQETEh 00- Provide for the Weak 'umler Your Charge -mCA NA UIAN-o HEAD OFFICE: 63 King Street East, 'l‘urontu. ]ncm'pm'ulml, Any]. .24. 1880 "FFII'BRS‘ \VM. RENNIE. Esq” Toronto, President. A. HIFI-‘m:_n, Esq” Monford, Unt, Vice- President. W. l’nmnmmx Yuma. Esq” Toronto, Sec‘y. 1‘). H. IIILnnux, ”up. lewidgv. ’l‘lensurer. R. h. Rmmmsns M. l)., Tomntu, Medical Director. Gm. H. “eran. L.L.B.. 'l‘ornnto,Solicitnr. S. \V. “ILL. Esq.. Ridguville, Membership Superintendent. Executive (‘ommltlen Wu. nrxsm, W. 1’. Pant, J. P Bum. IRA AROUE, Agont, Woodvmo. Tr): 3."; Mid get. a book, YOUR 0\VN 06 [I ML‘CORQUODA LE. W000VILLE llll'l't'lllil Sllfll'c WOODV I LLE, ONT. CHEAP MONEY ! Repairing Promplly Attended to. MUTUAL AID B USINESS’ CA ”US. $200 to $20,000, ‘OODVILLE PUMP FACTORY. OODVILLE HARNESS SHOP. ESTABLISHED, I860 JACOB BARNES FORCE PUMPS SUPPLIED. WOODVILIJ; ONT. TERMS CASH" ORD ERS SOLlClTED. lkpehzes reduced. At from 6 T0 7 PER CENT. ASSOCIATION. MANUFACTURER 0P Agent. for the WOODVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1882. “PRO BONO PUBLICO." To begin work at Once on sales for fall, 1882, for the mama Humor!“ ! The largest in Canndn. HEAD OFFICEâ€"Toronto, Ontario.“ BRANCH, OFFICEâ€"Montrggl, I’. Q., and St. Paul, Minuéaotn. N URSERIES~-Fouthill, Ontario. We can start in addition to our nlrewly lnrge force 100 additional cmvussera, and want men who can give full time to the business. Steady employment and good salurieato successful men. It does not matter what your ‘pruvious occupation has been. If you are mm» to work your nuc- was is almo-t certain. 'i‘he best of referen- ces required. Apply to The Canadian Singer. Mr. Cameron has the “'hoiesalo A gene)“ for this vioinitv mu] will an ply av ventu at the fwmry prices at cns WWW T“ m, aid' -â€"GREM ENGLISH REMEDYâ€" W. Gamemn. mm: MARK. curs. TRADE M RR. -. ' 39: .mc ‘ {if "ENGINE An nnlailing cure fur Seminal “'enkuoss, Spervuatorehea, Impntency. and all diseases that. follow in; a connuquenco uf Sail-Abuse ; as loss nf memnry. Universal Lusaimde, Pain in the Back. Dinmess of Vision: Premature Old Age. and many other dire-mes that lead to Insanity or Consumption and n‘prematnm grave. Full particulars in our pamphlet, which We desire to lend frog by mail to every «no. 13' Thu Srnumu Mnmcmn is snld lvy nlldrnggiats at $1 wr package, or fix packages for 85. or wil be sent free by mail on receipt. of the money. by mldreaaing ALE XANDER MI‘EGHELL. CHEAPEST momma IN THE MARKET ! Monuments, , Tombstones, Salesman Wanted 1 MARBLE aaAmm-fl WORK. BUILDING PURPOSES, Wfififl'fiflflflfi, Q2“? STONE J: WELLINGTON, 1ERJIL'S', REASONABLE B US'INESS CA R D8. DEALER IN AND MANUFACTURER 0F CAMBRIDGE S'l‘.. LINDSAY. ON SHORTEST NOTICE. THE- h'RAY MEDICINE. Co. Toronto, Ont AND ALL DBSORIYTIONI‘ OF Au. KINDS or srosn Nu rseryunen, Toronto, Ontario. AGENT 0va To ORDER --AN1)â€" -â€"AN Dâ€" ELDON SCHOOL REPORT. Showing the relative standing of the pupils in the subjects in which they were examined the last week of the term ending Slat ult : Fourth Class, Reading. â€"â€"Jns. F. Cooke, Duncan Sutherland, Alex. MoArthur, D. J. .Cumpbell, Andrew MoPhnll, Kntlo Suther- land. Malcolm McArthur, Samuel Smith, Arch. McArthur, Don. MoArthur. Dicta- tiou.â€"-J. F. Cooke, M. McArthur.S. Smith. D. J.‘ Mumphell Katie Sutherland, A. Mc- Arthur, Alex MoArtlmr,, A. McPhnil, D. Sutherland. D. MoArthur. Writing. -â€"M. MoArthur, Don. McArthur, Alex. MoAr- thnr,J. F. Cooke, S. Smith, Arch. Mc- Arthnr, D. J. Campbell. A. McPhail and ‘ D. H. Sutherland equal, Katie Sutherland. Literature.â€"â€"Alex. McArthur. J. F. Cooke, M. McArthnr, A. McArthur, S, Smith, D. J. Campbell, A. McPhail, D. McArthnr. Arithmetic.â€"-M. McArthur and Arch. Mc- Arthur, equal. Alex. McArthur, J. F. Cooke end D. J. Campbell. equal, S. Smith, D. MoArthur, A. McPhail, D. Sutherland. Geography.-â€"J. F. Cooke, Arch, MoArthur, M.:McArthur,S. ‘lmitli and D. J. Comp. belleqnul, A. McPhuil, Don. McArthur. Third Class, Reading. â€"-Ruchel M. Camp. hell, Jae. McPhail, Martha Smith, Minnie McArthur, Walter Cooke, Alex. McEachern. Minnie MoArthur, J. Mcl’hoil, Rachel Campbell, Martha Smith, A: McEachern, \V. Cooke. lVliting. â€"Martha Smith. Rachel Camghell, J. McPhail, Minnie Mc- ArAthnr. lcEachern. W. Cooke. Arith- meticâ€"Martha Smith, Rachel Campbell, J. McPhail, Minnie MoArthur, \\’. Cooke, Alex. McEachern. Second Class, Reading 1;. ~Jno. Sutherland Duncan McMillan. Julia Cooke, Robert limitley, Bella. Nesbitt, Mag. Mitohcll. S elling .â€"yâ€"Jnlin Cooke. John Sutherland, f). Mc\lillan, R. Routley, Maggie Mitch-,1] Bella Nesliitt. Arith- meticâ€"Jim. Sutherland, I). McMillan, M. Mitchell, Bella. Neshitt. ll. liout'ey, Julia Cooke. First Class {Stallionâ€"Alex. Camp- hell,Jne. Nesbitt, Tom Routley. Samuel Bentley, Jemima MoNabb, Malcolm Mo- Euchern. $30.00 Worth of New and Populaar ‘ Music for One Dollar. Thomas Brothers' Musical Journal for March is undoubtedly the finest and best journal of its kind published, The reading matter is varied and original, being news from all parts of the world. The Journal will have a new feature this year in being beautifully illustrated and printed on fine heavy calendered paper. Each number will have in over ’I’wo Dollars worth of Sheet Music. piinted from our best ‘plates ; and as you receive one number eacn month, at the end of each year you have for bindin one of the finest collections of vocal an. instrumental music imaginable. Don‘t fail to subscribe for the Journal at once. Price per your One Dollar ; or with a beautiful Chrome, 22x36, One Dollar and Mira/Jive cents, the 35c. being the actual cost of pack- ing and postage or express on the Chrome. Sample copy of the Joni-mil, 10c. ‘vVe want an agent in every village and city in the United States and Camule to take subscrip- ‘ tions for the Journal. Address, JAs. H . THOMAS, Successor to Thomas Brothers, -â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"er.9«.â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"- RACKED or lnnvsmmnw PANGS, restless by day, sleepless at night, rising unrefreshed in the morning, without appetite, and pes- tered by varying and perplexing symptoms, the dyspeptic tnkes indeed it gloomy view of human existence. For him the zest of life seems gone. Heartburn, oppression at the pit of the stomach, and the attendant an- noyances of costipntion and bilieusness, combine to render him utterly wretched, but there is. if he will but take advantage of it, a reliable sonrse of relief from all this misery. Nonrnnor Lvmss's Vnarmmm DlSCOVEnY. Drsrer'nc Cues AND Bmon Penman is. as its name imoorts. a botanic preparation. free from mineral poison. and an nll-snillcient remedy for indigestion in its most obstinate form. It not only en- riches the blood by enabling! the digestim organs to convert the food received into nntriment. but depurates it by increasing the action of the bowels and kidneys, the ‘ mitnrsl outlets for its impurities. But while ~__._‘â€"__fi it relaxes the bowels, it never does so violently and with pain, like e'drnstic cath. nrtic. it nids, but never forces, Nnture, in- vigorntinu as Well as purifying and regulat- ing: the system. It thoroughly remores those diseased humours which tend to viti- nto the blood. purifies the urinary secre- tion, and promotes a H w of healthy bile Into the natural channel, besides expelling it from the circulation. Experience has proved that this stnndord medicine is a thorough remedy for dyspepsia. hiliousness, eoslirenoss, kit ney complaints, eerofuln. erysipelns. salt rhcum, lumlmgo and all im- purities of the blood. l'rice 8|.00. Sample liottlo. ll) cents. Ask for Noll'rlmor LY- MAN'S \‘e ctnhle DiseOVcry end Dyspeptic ii?"".°' fl‘ie‘wmpper bears a fac-mmlr’ of Cure. The wrapper board A facrna‘milv _of their signature. Sold by all modicum dealers. ELDON STATION. Catskill. N. Y., U. S. A. Cannon MATTnns.â€"-The Presbyu‘ teriah congregation of this village hue aeoured for the manner .monthe the servioea of a most eloquent preacher, Mr: McLuren, u student of Knox Col" lege», Toronto. Mr. McLamu and family moved into the mause on the 15th inst. It is quite cheering to the whole village to see the manse occupied again. VEGETATION.â€"â€"Vegetaion has not. started in this locality yet, and it will not. do so untiliwe get some rain: OUR Scuoon.â€"â€"--This year so far, for the most of the time, Mr. McRae and Miss Myers, the teachers of our public school, have had daily under their mition over one hundred pupils. MANITOBA FEVEB.-â€"-Ul;del‘ the influ~ enoe of the Manitoba fever many of the men and boys of this village have left it. The exodus still continues. The McKenzie Brothel-sf whose en. terprise is the main~stay of Kirkfleld, purpose to establish a branch of their business in Winnipeg or some other town of the. “Prairie Land,” and in ordei- to carry out this purpose Mr. Wm. McKenzie will to-morrow be on his way to \Vinnipeg. From Our Own C'orrespomlenl. L083 BY FIRE. -â€"The shingle mill owned by Stell and Memo was de- stloyed by line last Monday evening, April 10th. The file was thought to haue originated from the furnace and was not thought to be set on fine as- was published in this paper lust. week. The mill had been Working all day and shortly after the hands left the mill it- cuught on fire. Loss estimated at $2; 000 ; insurance, $400. Geo. Munro’isnuw going to start. his shingle mill at. the Portage. He intends having i3 rpnnigg sl_nortly. ACCIDENTSâ€"Robb CEwie met with the sad misfortune of getting his leg broken last Saturday evening while w:eatling with Dan. Cameell, hailifl, of-Woodville. The leg was broken a few inches above the ankle. Drs. McKay and Butler were in the village at the time and they bound up the leg. He was taken home on Sum day. An old man by tho name of McIn-r tosh, who lives at Seebright. while passing through here on his way to Ohio on a visit. to his bone, took sick nud‘s not able to leave the bed. Dr. Butler is in attendance every day but; has not much hopes of his recovery. Framers are bt'naily engaged in fmm~ ing now, and farmers in plowing. Some fan-morn have sowed quite exten- sively around here this week. Mr. John Munro, of this place, intendy leaving {01 the North W est next Tuesday y. In In his 111tgntion to tzgkq up [and there. The planning mill and shifigle factory own- ed by Steel and Munro, was completely ‘do- strayed by fire on Monday evening of Inst week. about eight o’clock. It is supposed, to have caught from the boiler. It was in- sured for $400. "Kl‘r‘st‘AfisinStnbhack, of Michigan, is here on 3 Vin“; b0 her friends. Wh'ir, J. D. iféll-igiiz‘x‘é'retumed from To- ronto, where he has been purchasing his spling amok. a n ‘ 0‘., -_.A A..-“ TMra fidfiiison. of Gnmebridgoâ€"lan emu-- galist, is preaching here at. present in con- nlectiolt: with the Wesleyan Methodist 0 mm . Mrs. A. C. \Vood and Miss McRae, of Toronto, no visiting here for a short time. From an Occasional Correspondent. The time never has been nnd m will. he when the people of thie' many other country can hny n gold dollz‘tr for ”rent;- five cents. Neither can you, dear reader, ‘ Kurchnee on organ worth three or four hun- red dollars for $60. Thit Stall noneenso Still we have no objection to other pe’oplo doing their business just as they see ht. We are selling a good, honest made Pinon at from 8185 to $075, and a good, honeat Organ (not all amps) for, horn $48 to 8475. All our goods m wide upon honor, and m- neml to any part of the World on test trial. nml if no plonseo no keopce, he the China- mnn Would say. F or the net ten years me how: «out both Pinnosfflm Organs to eiory part of the world, and our instrument; in the most universal satisfaction. If on wish u wood instrument, one that will always last you, We shall he pleased to send you our catalogue and prices ; and if you purchase one of the Thomna Brothere' 5am ’I'mie lnxmcmmm you will get what on require. and one instrument told in e no h-i bnrhoml always sells us more. Addrou tor’ prices, etc, Jae. El. Tnolug, no " n A From an Occasional Correspondent. r -v- ~wv “I!“ 0w noun: rm: “sun “ strictly In Advance Humbug Advertisements; KIRK FIELD BOLSOV ER. 1.; ......... , Oat-kill, n. Y., U. s. A” NUMBER 17

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