Council met on the 8th inst, at one o'clock v. m. Members all present. Petitions pre- sented : Chss. Robinson aud68 others for a sidewalk on the east side of Mars street, from main street to. the railway station. Alexander Robinson and forty others to open the town line between pBrock and Thorah, irom Lot 17 to the lake. Alex. McIlae and twenty-eight others to open the road between the 3rd and 4th Concessions at Lots 14 and I5. Angus Grant and tWelve others for aid on the hike Shore road at hot 19, 2nd Concession. Mex. :McNeil sud t'wclve others (or aid on the Portage Road at Lot 6. James. Cameron sud twenty- four others to continue the sidewalk [on (hbornc street, from the church to the drill shed Henry Morrison and thirty-one others for aid on the side reed between 5th and 6th Concessions. Duncan McRas and 17 others for sid on the road between the 2nd and 3rd Concessions nt Lots 14 and 15. Communi. cations read :â€"From the Thorsh Branch Agricultural Society thanking the Council hr the grsnt to Show Grounds. 1"er Frank Msdill. Esq.. M. P. P.. acknowledg- ing the memorial oi the Council to the At- torney-(lonersl in the matter of a new county. From Peter \Vslls, Esq†resigning the oflice of township Commissioner. Ap- plications : Geo. Sutor, for the oflice of Township Commissioner, also i u- lit] to Ms. Calhoune, McLexn sud Mrs. Mary \lclnnes. . Resolved thst the following amounts be grsnted for public improvements :-Portago Rod at hot 6 for grsvelling.$l0.00; betm en 2nd end 3nl Concessio is at 1.0: l4. gravel. ling. “0.00. Between 5th and 6th Conces- sions st Lot 4, 88100 ; Lake Shore Road. Lot 19, Connexion 2, $30.03 ; Centre rmd. llth Concession. culverts and growl. sioo ; between 5th and 6th Concessions, growl- }isg, 830.00 ; between 4th nud 5th Ounces sinus st Lot 4. gruelling. $25.00 ; hctween 1 Concessions ( snd 5 st Lot 9. gravolling. 1 $30; between Lots 15 and 10. Concession 2, gruelling. 8100; Centre rosl. 9.h Caucus . ion. grm'ellinu. $00 ; Lake Shore mod, 82h l'oueession. $70 ; sidewalk on Osborne street, 820') ; Mars street at the railway station, 840. 'l‘hst the Commissioners be instructed to lot the contracts for the above grants as soon as p-ws ole. rushing them psysble on tho lst of December. That the ('uunnissionels be {other instructed to ex- sminc sn l report upon to the nut mutating of Council. â€" Isl. the roml between 3n] and 4th Cmccssi-ins nt Lot 14 ; L‘ :d. hulV‘Tcil ; Fen some timeput we have been sadly im- pressed with the feet that the moral recti- tude of our legislators has been undergoing a serious detorintion end from the shamefu expose made before the Railway eommitteeI of the House of Commons last Thursday night we may be excused for our belief. Although the Anvocux is non-political we feel it our duty to condemn the course taken by our representative, Mr. Hector Cameron, inSthe matter above mentioned. The people of North Victoris did not send M r. Cameron to Ottaw- with the View of advocating the interests cf n telegraph monopoly, and it must certninly disgvst them to think that their member has been guilty of accepting a fee for his influence in its behalf. Evndently Mr‘ Cameron has but little core for the in- terests or dignity of his constituency when allowing himself to be so bribed, for we do not recognize much difference between n fee to a lawyer in parliament for his support and influence to a measure than n bribe to nny other member for the same, and it is deserving of the condemnation of every ri -ht thinkin man be he Grit or Tor . “ hen the in uence of our legislators can be so easily bought as was shown on Thursday, it prOVes 3 very deplorable and alarming state of things. Mr. Cameron evidently is not the only one to whom the wensation ’es, for even his nccnser. Mr. Thomas \ 'te, was retflinted on by the same charge. “'0 do not know whet the people of North Victoria may think of the matter, but we era of the . opinion that this constituency has been_degraded and sold by the action of its member'. Putnam the strangest steamboat trip ever recorded is that reported from Concor- dia, La. The steamer Minnie arrived at Natcheg the other day, having made the distance to that point from the Tensaa river --23 milesâ€"so to apealt. overland. The steamer left the tortuous channel of the river and followed the direct route of the wagon road, occaeionally, still further to reduce the distance. “cutting across lite." Some conce tion of the character of the de- luge on the ower Mississippi and its tribu- taries may be derived from the weird. ro- mantic and ,nnprecedented voyage of the steamboat Minnie. An authenticated fact like this will repair the shattered conï¬dence in many of the other reports concerning the southern floods. Elm Wondviuc gdttmtc. W “x mm» VMMW mun mwssm‘r count“ \VOODVILLE, APRIL 20. 1882. .m. .1. aura, moor. Over Dominion Dank. At two o'clock in the tfbernoon- All and singular those certain parcels or tracts 0f land and premises situate in lhe Township of Garden in tho cunnty of Vic- tnria. being composed of the East Half of Lot No. Elghtin the Ninth (‘oncmion of “I. 'l‘own'zllip of Carden aforesaid, contai'm ing hy mlmemuremunt l05 acres, more or lens. Also the vast part uf lino \th Half of the said Lot. N». S, Contaii iuq ï¬ve acres, more or less. us nmre pnticn'urly described in the said ilulenlure nf murttngo. -â€"-'l‘ERMS Ton per cent. 0H1“: purchase money to be nil at the time of 3.1L: an] balance as may [a agrocvl upon. For fnrflner particulars applv to MC\IURRL'H, HOWARD IDRAYTON, Undar Mid by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in I certain mortgage, which will In produced ah the time of Sale. ‘them will be oï¬'ereul for sale at Friday, April 280;. 188.9. EDWARD’S HOTEL Township 01 Garden, COUNTY OF YIGTORIK. Freehold Property I HEREBY caution and forbid any and all persons awainat harbouring or giving credit to my wi e, Margaret Jane Brignall, who is, I believe. at the \anow John Alar- riaon‘s. in “'oodville, as I Will not pay any debt she may contract or any debt that may be cantracted in her behalf after this date. she having refused to live with me without any sufï¬cient cause or provocation. \Vitness, THUS. BRIGNALL, F. W. SECORDS. Urachhurat. F. \VJSECORDS. April 17th. 1882. AUCTION SALE BLACKSMITH SHOP, in the Village of Hartley, with houae, attble and one acre of Land. A splendid country .aud u good business done. For terms and putt culars apply to Neil Gilchrist, Hartley, or J‘. U. GILL‘IIRIST; Hartley, April 11. 1382~ . \Voodvillo. “Wun “any on SAYS man as mun,†and every ona who has tested its merits speaks warmly in praise of Hagyard’s Pecâ€" toral Balsam as a positive cure fur all throat and lung counphiuts, coughs and colds, sore t_hrnat, bronchitis. md incipient consump- Dvspsrsu, thut all prevalent disuse of civilized life, is alwaye attended with a dis- ordered sympathetic system and bad secre- tions, and no remedy is better adapted to its cure than Burdock Blood Bitters taken ac- cording to special direction! found on every bottle. In the Village o.‘ \Vodéille, by Mr“ Arch. L‘nrinLell, Auctiuneer. on The poetical printer who penned a pwu to the pen must have lmd on lus mind one of Esterbrook's celebrated Falcon pens, No. 048. The stationem can furnish them. Wholesale by‘the principal Tux-mute ska- tioners. ‘ 5th and 6th Concessions at Lots 6 and 7 , ‘.3rd the bridge between 5th and 6th Con- cessions at L‘arinichael‘ s , 4th, the bridge over the Beaver, between 2nd and 3rd Cun- Cessions ; 5th, the Frouinn bridge ; 6th, town line between Thorah and h1don, 6th and 7th Concessions. That the Commis- sioner for the village of Beavcrtou do report upon the sidewalk on the east side of Mara street, to the railway station, giving an estimate for the same. and the sidewalk required upon John street. Resolved. that Mr. Geo. Smith. P. L. 8.. be instructed to trace the town line batsmen Brock and Thorah, from Lot 17 to the lake, and plant substantial posts at all important points. Resolved, that the sum of 825 be granted to repair the windows of the drill shed. and place shutters on the same. and that the Clerk do superintend the expenditure of the same. Resolved, that Mr, Galloway be authorized to ascertain upon what terms a gravel pit can be leased. Resolved, that Mr. Geo. Sutor be appointed Township Commissioner in the room of Mr. Peter Walls, resi gned, and Messrs. Donald Mc- Taggart and Benjamin I“. Brown, path- masters. in the place of Messrs. W. Stod- dart and the late Peter McCuuig. Resolved, that the By-law to open the allowance for road between 2nd and 3rd Concessions be laid over until the next meeting of Council. Resolved, that the Clerk be authorized to lease the A griculturnl Show Ground to Geo. R. Proctor, Est}. for one year, from the let of April, for the sum of $8.00, reserving the right to renew the fence†Resolved, that the Reeve be authorized to have all neces- sary repairs made to the lockâ€"up. Re. solved, that the Clerk be authorised to col- lect the rent due on the lat of July, 1831, for that part of the Town Hall lot occupied by the tavern sheds. Accounts to the amount 0:35:20 were ordered to be paid. Resolved, that the Council do now adjourn until Saturday. the 6th day of May. Geo. SMITH, Clerk. For. Sale or to Rent Caution Situated in tho â€"0I? VALUABLRâ€" --IN THE- fend. vrg' :Solicilul‘S. Tm onto. Wilkinson, Combination, and Whyte Patent Ploughs, TORONTO REAPERS AND MOWERS, OSHAWA CHAMPION’ REAPERS MOWERS. and the llOVI-I Y F.-\.\NING MELL. All kinds M Reaper Repairs on hand, Cutoriue an ! Sud Machine Oils. A CALL 801.“)! TEI). MRMERS’ 4mm ‘8‘ Store in Arc‘n. Campbell's Block, immediately out of the Post Ofï¬ce, \Voodville. ‘D Also Agent fur Credit Vulley Railway tickets, issued through to all parts of Manittobg. ‘ _ COI. \Voodville, March lat. 1332. D. Stanton FAMILY 6800581128. PRQVISIQNS. £96. TERMS :‘ Lorneville, Jan. 9th, Famous Li-Quor Tea. . gNEW Grace my?1 Provision Store Bouts Shoes. Ready-Made Elulhing and Swing llly Bonds. ARRIVI JG. NEW STORE, LOBNEVILLE All Machine. warranted to give saï¬sfaulion or no sale. and sold CARA P for CASH, or UN TIME. Also Agent for the Celebrated ’Ihe undgnigned 11028 '3? _i11ior111__t_he Ruiilicpf \Vooglyillgfnd 11qighborhood {hat he“ has McER’TYRE FEEDER. . nuanced a New gxuxptm}: fax» ligzqvnslox along: in: §l§iilvfllfgm whm will be Please give me a Call and get my Prices I JUST ARRIVEâ€. ‘. B. CAMPBELL. Only authorized agent in this seclian for A Fine Volume giv_eu with every three pounds of Ten pnrchuad. I'wo Oar-loads of Salt Just Arriving. To be 8016. cheap. i AND OPENED 007'! "NICE NEW PRINTS 1 N. B. CAMPBELL. .~Tho Wanur and Raymond Sowing Machine: supplied cheap. A‘ found at all times a choioe new stock of all kinds of SCOTCH AND CANADIAN TWEEDS. LATEST STYLES m1 PATIERNS. STYLISH DRESS GOODS, CASH ()R MARKETABLE PRODUCE, for which the highest price will be paid. WM- REID- A large flock of Agont for the Edward Kerr, - Joe eph McConnell. Matthew \Vilm TI. 08. MoCabem Edwin Prensa, Tnos. Kelly. Mutin Hamish», (:11 Ben“), ‘Tiers, Isaac Gnstlin, Hugh Pailey. Margaret Kerr. John Cheynuuth, "Ednwrd M alone. - P. B. Mcmm y. Jamel Howan , John Wilson. Robt. McFeehu, John Kumbel, 8m pa, M u ipoan, Emily. Emily. Vet-“lam,, Fcnelou , Ups. Lindsay. \ erulm, 0|». Verulun, u Lindsay, Oct. 15th. 1881. 8. 00213311., EBq.,A'gent London Alumni, Liudmy. Dun Rugâ€"Have the goodness to convey to the Directors of the “Loxulon Mutual" our thanks for their promptuess in paying our claims in full. arising from the losses by the recent bush ï¬res. Alex. Clarke, 0m. $566 MR. COLIN MUCUAIG, ruling rider in the Presbyterian congregation ol \‘(owl- ville for over thirty- two )eurs, died in peace at his late residence, on the llth inst... egod 74 yeuw. lie czune to this country nearly lift}? years age, Illlti \vus among the ï¬rst settlers of the 'l‘owm ships of Eldon and Muripoau. lie wus distinguished for piety mnl prudence; there was in him 'tn udmimhle com» biuution of wildness uud tirmneSx. lliu consistency and unlicuhility secured the conï¬dence and low of the com- muuity. As an ehler in the church he Wits faithful. judicious and putinnt, and had great influence orer the luenlsiu whose attnclnnent to him was upmiuily manifested during his long and painful illuem of more than two yenus, and us his funeral, which was fluttemlml by u very large number assembled l'rmucon- sidorahlodiutances all around. “MN-35r- ed are the dead that die in the Lord." â€"Con. Tun barns and outbuildings uf Mr' Philip Mclhw, Mum, wane dustnoyu“ by ï¬re on Monday morning in»... All Iniuimpluumutsmml mud 5min wmo alsoloat. Them is: slight. insurance on the premises. (FROM BRAZIL. ‘ 1719 New Comvonnd. its won- derful affinity to the Digestive Apparatus and the Liver. increas- ing the dissolvingjuices. 191mm ing almost instantly the dreadful results orDys epsia, Indigestion. and the TOR ID LIVER, malts-r; Zopesa an every day necessityia every house. It acts gently and speedily m Diliousness, Ccstz‘veness. Head- ache. Sick Headache, Distress af- ter Eating,Wind on the Stomach, Heartburn, Pains in the Side and Back. View: atAppstIte. Want at Ene J, Low 891118,. Foul Stom- ach. It invigomtes the Liver. cam n'es offal] 5112111113 bile, mg'ulates the Bowels, and gives tone to the wgole_s_xstem.- .. ' C‘ut this out and take it to your 1) ' t and got a 10 cent Sample, ora tugs bottle for 75 cents. and tellyourneizm-orabont it. I compoeealugewotpowavmmcnormn- 813m.lslhoBIS'fandOHEAPESTlubm- (or, in theworid-uw BEST because ltdoos not cur-m but. forms a highly pollohed El". rues over tho mlo, reducing Motion and! gnahtonlngmo drafu mo CHEAPEST bog muse I: 033%. NO MORE than In'ormy" ibrandc. and Ono box w:ll do mo work 01‘ two or any other make. Answcm as we]; (â€or Iznrvcsn‘m mu Gearing. 'l hashing Map thine-s, Corml‘lmtors. ('an‘lngr‘s. 1211:3193†etc“ as tor Wagons. GUARANTEED to oomam HO Petroleum. Sold by all dmlem In" Oll'.‘ lbclvl (:L'ï¬'OM‘O (V Thing ll‘orth Knowing mailed me. MiCA MANUFAGTUBINOGO. 228 Hudson 8%.. New York. Clovotand. O. and Ch' 0.30.! ll! DAMIJEL POGERS co. tomatomm. K 9020 Art": ts hr um Dongnlnn. . Alex. Clarke, gyms McGthay, ARD OF THANKS. MOPIE SA.- M- ai i pogo, Emily. Emily, Vet-“lam, Emily, 872 215 9I5 795 40