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Woodville Advocate (1878), 10 Apr 1884, p. 7

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I. Pmurn Dun, who in writing up for the Perla merket the puhllomen of Enalsnd. ll completely curled ewe, with JohnBrlght. Be pronounces him the wueot. wlttieet. moot leerned. moot eloquent end “together the greeteet eteteemen in Greet Brltein. end oonaidere Bright the brighten of ell living men. (in. Sn. R. Bums. second in command to Gen. Grnhem in Egypt. won the Victoria Croce hy reeoning e soldier. whom he kid on his own hone nnder heevy fire. He hen been exposed to innumerable risks in Anhnntee. Zululend end elsewhere. but never hurt. He succeeded some years ego. by the death of his brother. toentetea worth .76 000 3 your. but would not leave the army. Hie mother was niece of e former Duke of Norfolk. end he re merried to e. denghter of the Muquin Townahend. Ds. Bunny, Deon Stanley's successor ndvises school teschers to give their young ppile lull sccounts from time to time of my greet or msrhed public evente thst ere “hing place. so that they mny feel that the horimn of their interests is something larger then that of the school-room end the ploy ground. “ I venture to recull," he esys, " on 3 good deed o! my own. my hsv ing et much pains slid trouble conveyed to e night's rough quarters in London as meny on possible of my young Rugby pupils. in order that they might tell their children's children thst they had looked on the lunerel o! the greet Duke of Welling- DB. Seven says. in the British Medical Journal. shes among the chief senses of in- jury to the health from gambling. is the prolonged mental strain which becomes necessary to chemeincenence of self-eon- crol during extended periods of intense ex- citement He cites the one of_ e ledy_who had lately returned from Monte Carlo much broken down in health. and greatly weekened by the severe fite of exhauetion from which she invariubly eufiered after on hour or two at the gaming tuble. She enid that her ability to continue the game we: determined by the extent of her power to en‘s-in on aspect of indifference in the presence of spectators. Tans: is it great sense of relief ex- perienced in eooisty st the announcement mode in Perle that the blank swallow-tail is to he ehslved. The average American hue been writhing helplessly in a black dress- ooet (or a long time. In his soul he loathed it. It is to be superseded by the long-railed blue wuth brass buttons. and of classic memory. Some of the present generation will reosll it. It woe once an regle ,snd diplomatic, and then it became professional. One of the eulleet folk-songs of this land eelebrsted it: On tn morning may be seen. 8mm ug duvm to the Bowl! 5: Green. All lhm dukirs. two by two. To me“ Jonnny Boker in his long-Med blue. Tun report of United States Senator Vance for the Foreign Affairs Committee fitly disposes of the proposal to engage in commercial retaliation against Germany as an offset to the exclusion of American pork. The whole case is summed up ii a single sentence. namely. that it loreigu govern. ments choose to compel their people to pay higher prices for food products, this Is no reason why the United States should imixa‘e their tally; " the true Way to care for our meat and other agricultural indus- tries being the remand as far as peesible of all restrictions upon trade and the enlarge; ment of the market for our larmer‘s products allover the world." Psor.str Srscnmunos advances some interesting ideas concerning the “ dew theory."asformerly held. and the later views on tlfet subject. The earth is al. ways some 10 degrees warmer than the ‘ nr. Moisture is alwitys going from the‘ earth to the sir. even when it is frozen. This m« i-it an is condensed us it comes in contact with the colder sir immediately above it. and it is found upon the grass and pleats, and we call it " dew.” Investiga- tions hsve been made lately on the high and low Alps in Switzerland. and the esme re- sults were obtained as were reached at Amherst in the speaker's experiments 3 few years ago. The reason why there is no dew when it is cloudy in the morning is be. cause the clouds act like a. comforter or blanket. and prevent the lower stratum of air from cooling sufficiently to condense the moisture when it rises from the ground. Us. Camus T. Con-anon, discussing the question how far it is worth while to pry into the private lives of those whose writ- ings have srrested’attention or won admi- rstion, concludes that of very few men 01 enius can it be said that a. minute know edge of their lives is necessary [or estiv. isotory elucidrtion of their wovks. 01 the greatest of men. we know slreedy that they sre human; the World is no stranger to their weskueseeu. their iflihflb'llly, their jwulnuv-ies. their indoleuoe, or possibly their sensual ty and relflshnesl. Enough of there thi me oon'lee down to us by trsdition. Hureover. eometliua is due towritereiu return fur the EBIVii‘Oi which often. amid many difficulties and through much d18- conrugemeut, they have renuered to their lelluw-cresinree. Dr. Johnson put the whole matter succinctly when. upon the desth 01 Goldsmith. he ssid. " Let not his lrsiliirs be remembered; he waes Very grest men." I On anusry 1st, 1882 the inhshitsnte of Rnueis numbered 91,118 614. living in 63 protinces sud 11 district-i. During the our 1881 there Were 4.048.868 births snd .82643811esihs retiit- red. the growth of the oi-ulstion being 1.217.425 inhabitsutv. A' t is fete the papulsuon would rise to 100.010 000 in 1890. end in 60 to 70 yenre it vunli iluubls. At present the papulstlon of the Empire is 94,000,000. The sversge oi lite Iu Rum-is is 26 yours in Bumps end “In Asis. This fact is upleiued by the enormous mortality at young children. It - hss been secsrtsined than 60 percent. of the children die under the see at 6 yesrs. CURRENT TOPICS- which moon. one end 3 bolt million of doom pet nnnnn: nmong young ohuldten. It hoe duo been raved e n. more than half of the mole 90 a “ton die before nee-fining the age for mi imy urvnoe. Go on ever- we. 3 pemn is born in one Bunion Eu:- pite every 918!“ eeoonde. nnd a denth ooonu every eleven seconds. In St. Peters- burg n hnmnn being pone- nwey every 15 minntu. Breton the wsr-sloop Alert. recently presented to the United Ststee by Greet Britain. the steamshipe Thetis. Beer snd Hope will tske psrt in the Greely sesrch expediticnto Polsr sets. It is doubtful if Greely or soy of his following will be found alive. but s most energetic sesrch will be msde during the ensuing summer. Former expeditions hsve°shown the pro priety of sending so msny vessels and fur- nishing the expedition for two yesrs' sbsence. It is proposed to send su sdvsnce ship to the Dmish settlements previous to the time fixed for the sseembling of the ex- psditton st Upernsvik. Should sfsvorsble opportunity present itself. the vessel will push northward end rescue the Greely party. The relief ships will arrive at U per- nevik not lster thsn Msy 15th. and will push northwsrd us soon as the ice permits towsrd Littleton Islsnd. The natives will be communicsted with and all possible icformstion obtsined as to. the wheresbouts of the expedi'iin. When the ice is reached. one of the Vessels will push its wsy through it while the other will msintsiu such s position in the near us to be sble to rescue the psrty on No. 1 should that ship come togrief. Should neither veussl be crushed. and should neither succetd in communicstiuu with Ltdy Franklin Bnuud. one. it is recommended. should winter In Franklin Pierce Buy and the other in the vicuivy of Littleton Island. On the route northward various points are to be examined and depots of provisions left at certain specified quarters The fullest equipment as to hosts. sledge». clothing. tents. wooden houses and provisions has been recim~ mended. and ovary precmtion is to be taken to secure success. The sddi'ion of the Alert to the rescue fleet will un doubtedly greatly euhsuce the chances of scoompliuniug the objeo s of the expedi- tion. It is csvculstwl that the total ex- pense will be about 8420 000. Two entirely white opossums with dark eyes were recently found In Hot Springr. Ark. ‘ ' The higzeet haul of striped been in the Thames River in Oonnemiout. in Iwemy years was made by George T. Bushnell and William Draper reeemly. Their oamh weighed 2.100 ponuua. the fish running from three to ten pounds euoh. Upon the river in front of the city of Ponlsud. Oregon, recently, a. (1 .01; of ducks were seen omohinq mm A crowd of hungry gulls, who could uoz dlve, ware on the Watch. and the moment a duck came to the aurlnoe the gulls strove to steal ue fl~h. In most ones the duck ggnged to flip the fi‘v-hr rdown his throw. When: ugull did gm :4. fish from nduok all the other gulls OhMBd bun and tried to abate In she upoil. Arizmn qusil are very susceptible to domeelioemou. Alehough very wild when fires caught. kindness eouu subduee them. and they msv be handled wuh enee. A. G. Banner, of Tueeon. hnd s psir lees see- eon the“ raised a. brood of eleven young ones These were easily tuned. and after- wards set free. Whenever frighuened they inveriebly seek the house for prosec- nun. Est-nest Whitehead oeptured a young Reel near Anwepe Ielsud. 03L. recently. end took it on heard his sloop. As the vowel started the mother seal was noticed swimming about. howliog plteou-ly. The lmle oupnve lurked re-poueively. After reeohiug the wharf at Santa Barbara. the oepuve wee fled up in e. jute neck and lets loeee on zhe deck. Soon the! coming to anchor the seal responded to “a mother‘e cells by coating iieell ova-hoard ell sied up as is was in Ihe neck. The mother BOIZed the each. and wuh her eherp teelh tore it open. She had followed the sloop eighry uiilea. It is time something was done to restrain the sale of dun geroue kinds of matches, it not to restrict the sole altogether to thi so kind which mey properly come under the head of sniety matches. The pnrlor-mstoh ‘ and the so-oulled red-heeded match. as well as most of the kinds solo in blocks, are all dangerous. In fact, the only safe kinds are those which ignite solely on a prepared rurlaoe. ’l he lol'owing Item from the Chicago Inter-Ocean of March 20 h helps toniluu-tmte our point: -' A long. bIX of matches on a shelf in Chlluhau JeVue‘e new grocery. on Madison street, exploded yestevdey siternoOn with a loud report. canning quite 3 fl lrry in the store. an the burning mntches flaw in all dirm‘ions among loan-e pnper and packing rblviugn on the floor. The fire was whipped out by the clerks in stew moments. thus preventing the store from being gutted by fire a eeeond time. The incident msy afford an no r lunmi m o' sums of thoee fl'ee attributed by the fire department in their reports to .ponteneouw combustion, and proVes that matches uplode. owing perhaps to the mum of the Weather." Work on the aqueduct n Welland will not commence mm! that“ “no he of May next. M. Gmnod. the composer. bu completed the muted ) " Morn at Van." u sequel ‘0 " The Redemption." for productinn M the Barmluuhum musics! foutivnl In 1885. A Berlin donpnoh ways the quaation whether Bi match will q'm $he Prusainn Miuiutry 3nd oouflne himselt to the Imper- iul Chamoallonshnp in being debncd. Notwithstandi g kho ptemninua Mate of MLGladuono‘u huuh. he imam, m, raid. m be [ton-em in the H mm M C .m. moua today Ind mnvo g renolmion of condolence with the Queen in he: bomvo. men'. A Park despvch antes tbs. Genonl Mlm bu Ina-nod - proolunmon $0 the Touqninm sum: the French cum. to dolinr than from baudiha, and $0 secure Mr undun. libany of work sud undo. (modem and pmpon'y. Explosive and Incendiary Matches. Flnh and Gnu-r. won the lloltee oi rui- Will Wou- um Spring and Sum-er. A Paris eorreepondent writes: The _lol. lowing toilete hove just beeu prepared ex‘ preuly for e grend wedding: The bride'e dreee wee mode with o core-fie priuoeeee end tutu in white velonre epiugle. under which won it pettiooet of white utin covered with China. crepe. embroidered with ruined flowers; the druperiee torming peniere. the pnfi oeught up on one side only with bunches of orange blossoms; the shirt trimmed at the bottom. with e iriuge e uignillettee o! satin put betwaen two rows of guano plieeee end piped with satin ; plain body. with e simple )nbot oi iriuge like that on the shirt. end 3 brooch 0! orange le8- A dress for vmtiugmompoeed of pieteche green autin. dotted wizh creVette colored chenille. the front of the shirt forming three Inge pleite which reach to the pufla on the hips ; lerge draperies term the ovar- «kirt and tell in pleite over a border of fringe of mar-bout chenille. with smell creVette colored belle of silk ; the body in plain velvet ol- the [i‘teche ehede. with e gilet of pleite resembling the peuier of the skirt. end mede of velvet dotted with orevette color. The body is fixed in front over the dotted gilet and terminates at the back by a long puff which tulle ou the eliirt. Ceeuqueto much in plain piatamhe velvet. Very short at the bask cud long in front. ‘uleo trimmed With mar-h u' tuuge. com. 7 Au oiogunt toilet. "mutabié (or its tutqnud qimplioifiy. Another. to wear as grand ceremonies. in emerald green Velvet. with double treiue opening our 5 trout duped in admin cendrc d4 rose. broached wuh pink and trimmed with green beads to match. completed by a priuoeaee body. _ r Two remarkable ball dresses. iotendéd for the Duoheaae do la Torre One in sky nluo epiuglo velvet, with a tubher of sky blue eutio. o ivered with silver embroidered tulle and silver lane. with an agate on one side only ; on the bouom of tho rkiru mm o! roses In duhlia colored Velveh mixed with mono rose buds ; a low pointed body with draperies tn ccur infinflo and rilvor luoe. The mher In white alcllienhe covered with tulle dotted wuh gold and goldlace. huilliu. of light character. looped up by Lulu. of mousae feathers. cinemas and batons du roi; 3 low body covered with drupetleu of tulle, With an uigrette of feathers and butou du roi fustened on the let r nhoulder. Also a bull dress. for a young girl. of pale rose oolured tulle, the skirt in satin opvered with ten falls on pule tulie; lbs back of the shin farmed of tulle domed with ohenile ; a lane bade sash honing the Indy. opened a la vicrge. Naxurully enough. there Is a strong lumpy-shy iu Gan. G urduu’a character wnh Mohammeduulam. Hepbiuu to a. cotton pandeul who had spoken of Mohammedan- Iam us being imperilled. he Bald: “ Not so. I fiud the Muasulmuu quite as good a. Cbtiulim as many a Chri-Ii-n. and do not believe he is in any per-l. All of as are more or less puguur. I like the Mussol- muu; he in not unburned of his God; his life is a fairly pure oue. . Cane-i: 1,. he gives himself I got d mulgiu in the wule line. but. 4“ any rule. he uuvar pouches on others. \ Can our Chnauan people any)“ name? " There in a story tJthe rfi=ot that when he King of Abynriuin rand to him. " You are an Eng i hunen and e Ch-i tun." Gor- don ropi=d, “I em an Egyptian and e. Muepulmun." But whnlever truth there may be 1n [.1 is story, he certai ily viewa all rellrinue qlleniionu in a Very breed and catholic eli it. “ The heathen are God's inheritance. and He been; their prayrre. 'lhe lucentetiohe of the Dulive megiolnne, when employed in good faith, ere to him preyere which the Huber-t dOee uotdindem when. When a. Mongi leeem earned him from the river bank he noted that It wee odd 3 diameter eoon afterward followed "1 helicw." he wrilen, “that G:d may listen to the canoe (or help from the heathen who know Hun not. These preyere were 1eerneet preyerehr oelev-Iisl and. In WI ill] the prayer knew he would need help from some unknown power to avert a danger. That the native knows not the true GJd In true, but God knows him. and named h m to preyer, and answered hit prayer." Gen. Gordon id absolutely free. from all fear of deuth. The story of his oonVerea- tluu with the Kung of Abyeuiniu is well known. in which he informed the Km: thus. no for from dreading hun became hie Iile was in hie hnndP, he mould be obliged to any one who would ltlleVB him 0! the burden of lilo. Thu eturenllou, huwaver, mum-ye a very erroneous imprenri :n of Gordnn'u habitual mode of thought No one is more cheerful. and law people have less patience with when hemlm the “ cruel. etund " expression ofpounteneuoe. " Why are pal pla lnke henna P, and look like plonurea of miner) ? In munu be from di-oouwm with Ina government of God ; all things are diuoted by Him. If by being dolelul in appearance it did good. I would say. be Very doleful; but in doeu not do any " So Juronaly. indeed. does he follow this 01“th on one ocoahinn he maintained that. a cheerful man (I the wall-i was much more accep‘uble In Gud‘u right. than a gloomy Chuntiun.â€"Pult Mull Gazette. In ‘he theetre In Weimur. in Germeuy. um long ago. more ware only eeVeu pereoue in the home. The pit teak ofleuoe at the miserable ac m g of a pperlurmer and binned hum energetic .ily. whereupon the manager brought. hi8 comp-my upon the stage and ou'-hipeed the oudiauee. ouuhiraed the nudiinoe. The new obid engineer of Bradfovd. Pm, ii a nutive Jepuneee. Mr T. A. Mtfladflllfl. Be hum been in Ametios tum-teen yrun. rpeufi seven yum In oulleue and speaks eleven dnfl‘eteus lunaueuee. Had he name lrom Ireland he Would nut. h quire all these qualifloufilone. j The Paris polioe ere wntel lug closely members of the edvenoed section 0! Irish Nation-Mute. A dynecuire eohml hm been ea abli~hed there under the direction of Iriv-h Americana. Many dynami'A-re there pretend :10 be travellers {or New York and Onion-go rmn. The Pope in his late“ allocation to the oudiuuh donouuood the Imlinu viola” ms of ‘ho liibh of mo Church, and domnuded the tenor-nun of tho umporsl power. He nth-red . strong prom" humus! tho jung- mont of she lullnn com». and «id he tore- nw fro-h snacks upon the Pup-0y were Immlnom, but doom-ed he would protect firmly tho fight. 0! the 11on 800. Gordon Pull‘l Bellxlouo Views. ‘I'II I LATII'I‘ FASHIONS. A Property Ila-alt lor 060.000 'l‘wo l'eIre Age and new Worth CI" ”.000. A case recently tried in the Chancery Division of the Court of Common Pleas. Maodousld vs. Murray. shows into what‘ deep water speculators in Winnipeg got at: the time of the “ boom." The pleintifie hadbiught from detendsnte two lots in that city. for the sum oi 060.000. paying 84 000 down. and agreeing to pay 027 000 in a few days and to give a mortgage for the balance. Not more than 84.000 was paid. and the suit was brought to recover the balance. Fraud was alleged. as it almost alwaysiain these cases; but Mr. Justice Morrison decided in favor o! the plaintifi On a re-hesring oi the cases, Justices Wil- son and Gait confirmed the decree. An appeal is spoken of. The point which de- serves moot attention in connection with the suit. is that this property. purchased for 860 000. some two years ago. was sworn tobe not worth more than “.000 at the time of the trial. _Verily thefate of Winni- peg speculators is hard: And it ii more or lean the name all through Mauitobs and the Northwestâ€"Monetary Tina. Ask for “ Rough on 00 ho," to: Combs. Gold: 8010 rum“. Homelands. mohes.lbo. Liquid. 50 Prussia gives her Dep mien $3. 75 a. daV' . Saony and Baden, 83!: Bavaria, 82. 50. The Hausa towns give nothing. Nervous Wukness. Dyapo sis. Impotence, Sexual Debllny, outed by “ olln‘ Health he- quor. $1. Kmau City packed 55000 more hogs than Ci noinnmi during the winter. Cincin- nati had more water and music. though. I am the Pastor of the Baptist Church here. and an educated physician. [am 11 tm rac- tice. but am my sole fuuily physician, an ad- vise in many chronic cues Over ayoar ago I r commended your Hop Bitters to my iuva. id wife. wuu has been under medical treatment. of Albany's be t phyanciuns seven“ yearn. Shr has been an m «on; ly cured of hot various com- plicated diseases by their us«. We both re om mend them to our friends. many of wuom have also been cured of their various ai meme by them. Rev. n". B. Wmaxu. In a m of rage Ademers Clerk, of Elba, N. Y.. beau hie wnte orueuy. The neigh- Dora who were attracted by the noise took Clerk into the woods. thrashed him. tarred and feathered him, and sent him home. ‘Why in Mrs. Lydh E. Pinhhnm's Vegetable Compound like the Mississippi River in a spring fresher? Bucauae the immense Volume 01 this he ling river moves with Burl)! mumoumm that it swueps sway ml obstacles and is liven] y flooding the country. Pasteur eaye concerning vivieectione: “ Never would I have the courage to kill a bird for sport. but when it camee to experi- ments I have never been tl‘OUbltd by the aligbteet ecruple. Science has the right of pleading the sovereignty of the purpose." a. " It is easier to convince a. man against his senses than against his wilI." ~A hen a sick man has givan Kidney-Wort n thorough trial both mi i and senses juin in uuquaii red approval of its curetwe qua iciea in all «theme at the liver kidneys and bowde. A mum took ten-uallon keg of whiskey into the mines in Brmuh Columbus and cleared 81,000 on the auufi. Intallible. tasteless. humloea. cathartic; for {owl-inns?“ restlessness. worms, constipa- tion. a: . King Humbert of Italy seldom partakes of tool In the family Sable. He uuficru much from dyspepri :. and has the [male than he eatsâ€"sud be 9353 only to liveâ€" speoially prepared and named in his prlvate room. [ETwenty-four beautiful onlora of the Dis- moud Dyes, fur Silk, Wu I, Cutwu, etc., 10 come. A (mid can uau with perfect success. Hand-painted banuete are coming into vogue. We hnps noon no see laudampea painted on Gnuaboro' head. We should then heVe something to look at, even it the hut itself did hide the 5388(5â€"01'1 City Derrick "(OTHER HW‘N'H WORN! SYRUP I'nllnrc lmponlble When Polaon'u Nervme is need for pain. It matters not of how long unending i may be. Or how often other remedies have failed m A? )l’d relief. Nerulme. the great pulu cure, dues “a work promptly. Buy a. 10 cans "ample bottle and try is for internal or ex- leruul prina. You will be convinced (I its extraordinary power in relieving pain Ten can: bmlea us any dealer in medicines. Luge homes 25 came. at. all druggnesu. nonrawuur UPICULAI‘ION. Gnome Smith, of Iudiuna County. Pa.. put 815 000 in bills in a wooden cheat. in his collar. He would not truaI his money to we banks. When he brought the chant. to light. a low days tag» to omnu ovu- his tlreuuure. he found that the rats had bur- row. (1 through and through the cheat until only a. small fraction of ‘he original puck- uge of bills was in is negotiable oondiuou. Nobody (Ian-n. Why grumble at. every little thing? No- body cares to know anything about it. I! you have toothache get the dentist to re- move in D m‘s increase your misery and try to make other» unhappy by tanking about it. How stupid 3 enbjeot. 010m- Vereu-ian ie on who: corn or nwo. Can you oxpect sympathy ? Every pen-on unowe that Pucunm'u Poiuleuu Corn Ex- tractor removes them without pain in a few days. Then the proper thir g is to in- veni In a bottle, get. is no the norm, and the thing is done. Be our: you get. Pmuum'r, (or there are others oflered as substitutes L: the genuine. There art Nahuatl-ea in 0.. a... 11:. “01.4. ___ 0! this number thirty-newt; ure iu undun. «lawn in LIVerpool, five in Ediuhu'gh and ‘ END FOR DFSCR [out each in Gus-“mm Blmkbutu. Bluok- mkfgglfimfflfgd'r‘i a" pool. Runnable and Bmkwn-nu-Teeu. In nuke up. -- men, 0 :5, n‘ Ireland were are Ouly leu. including muuo . M-cblno" for hon. or «can hulln. In the has your. ending Navember L cm 1 80 .h. 153 new plays were produced in Landau, and shunt 160 in the pronoun I“ 0f the 163. thirty-“nee were produced In 343100': mo Gnimy. lb! luvorlso malno- house. // ’ mum . Mm! he“. recently elimlnntod the Calm Mum mififi'ul‘fl' pnthutio ageing, {man '1; The Old Ourlocmy Shop." no can . owowr, mm the lawn a cum” vu unpopular. 3nd aha hm than 1910's “£5, 1‘3: ‘0‘": (on tutored the pluy $0 in origin! tom. ,gggfgafigkm 0t. " " “ “0‘13“ 0.‘ vouuuu.” ”BELINE 0F MAN. Sumo. N.Y.. Dec. 1, 1879. _ An Interesting Seer-y Fre- Bnaeta ate- a Blob Girl and [let (lever-«a. Moscow is greatly excited over the air fortunes of hills. Mucurine. a oung lady oi enormous Wealth. who has i lea a vie. timtothe rapacity 0! her governese. a widow named Bulach. who kept her locked up.snd finall bullied her into signing a deed of gilt 0 her entire roperty in layer of the Bulach woman. he story reads more like a novel of Wilkie Collins than‘h sober statement 0! facts. When Kile. Mazourine's parente died they left hora fortune of several millions. and. as she was already 18 years of age. she entered into possession at once. Instead at taking her uncles and cousins into in confidence. she submitted horse! entirely to the control of Mine. Bulach. her ‘ governess. a person of great shrewdness and insatiable avarice. The first step taken by this designing person was to leave Moscow with her upil, in order to separate the lat- ter entire y from her family. They Izod their residence at Riel. a small provincial town. where Mlle. Masourine was entirely unknown. Mme. Bulach was careful not to let her make any acquaintance. nor did she permit her to receive any virite. They only went out on Sundays for the purpose of attending mass. The young lady was loolieh enough to give her governess a power of attorney to manage her party. and the latter profited by it to give large sums in charity to the poor and the schools, of Riel. A hospital was built. The money was all given in Mlle. Masourine's name. and that of Mme. Bulach was soon in every- body's mouth as one of the most estimable of women. Bure of her footiug. she began totreat her pupil as a slave. abut-ed her shamefully, kept her in a wretched garret. and otherwise maltreated her until she consented tomalre her property over to her. This a oused the relatives. and a judge of instruction named Balabine was sent from Mercow to investigate the matter. He was speedily convinced of her guilt. He was about to have her arrested. when he was found one morning hanging by the neck to the limb of a tree. A letter was found in his pocket saying that he had committed suicide because he suffered from an incurable melancholy. The hand- writing ol the judge was cleverly imitated. but the letter is thought to be a lorgeryald _ the judge to have been murdered. Signor Selviul, the tragedien. has mode arrangement.» for a tour in Russia before he 3 sea to America. The owner of some house property in Per-iv. seeing a fellow on the root of one 0! The owner of some house property in Peri», seeing a fellow on the root of one 0! his houeee lately. inquired from the eueet what he was doing. "Sent by the owner to impact the roof," came the ready reply. So there was a. polioemon to receive him when he had finished the inspection, which was by no meuue the fire: he had made, much to hie own profit. Lsdy Brusey. of the yooht Sunbeom. is I. woman of wide sympathim. While on her way to Eiypfi she won presented with "a. pretty long-haired pig. nlmorat no and! as my Bow Inland lav mte." by the inn-shi- mnta 0t Nuvuino. “ He is the quaint)“ little animal imaginable," she says. “ He site up like a dung and was diqoovered after lunch to day comfortably announced among the pillowa ou the sofa. He in about bolt the size of my favorite old [113 Fuliaa. snd h m vary sharp uwth n! hiaown " Ell“ IAZOUIINI’I .0NII. Kw CUMAR Price lid and T ntumonm- 0! mm: Machines -nd Eric-k Prawn. we alto nuke thoa " are“. 0 tub and Brick Ind III. M-oblno " for but» or “can aner. 15‘ Arrmucm pm sent on an Dryn'Tllul N MEN ONLY YOUNG OR 01.1), wt» nro Inflor- lmz from knuvm's Dram" Luv Vrnu'n, WAR"!!! Wuwwxsm. and MI thmo d'ec-Mes of O 1' “soul. Hum“: mulling Iron: [arm and 01mm Cums. hut-My rollot uml mmrlob rmmrnflnn to 11mm“ “mm and Mullah» Gaunt-awn. Bq-"al of once for nlutruud [implflet tron. Address END FOR DFSCRIPTIVE CIR- K fllh.AD D-lnn l (.O and 'l‘ nhmnnhl. Al voune MEN '.m..:.‘*;a':..';;::°:."x good yonrgqtn‘qgnd‘ I93. in "my. to F. K." Véiféii'd-BHKCE Mnrshpl]. Mich. 30 DAYS’ TRIAL n' r u. (A: 'n. It. ) C RO- YOLTAIC BELT and N' u . Ebm I-.. I\......vvr. I. I BRICK MACHINES. O‘lmc'lt to mom: I Baum] Education or 8 noorhn Pan nun-m n g a OPEN"!!! IAN B BINBRB COLLIOI I. CLO E HUN. “0 ducal, OM.

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