l-‘IR. NHL Helm-)1). of \laripdm has sold his ï¬ne driving mare to Mr. D. Guuu, of Toronto, for the sum of $300. 00. This more took ï¬rst prize at the Central Fair, Lindsay, last fall, and is admitted by good judges to he one of the best roadsters in the Province. She is ï¬nely bred, being sister to Dr. Mc- Km"s " Extra," out of “Lady Jane Charon’ and she by the imported thoroughbred horse ‘ 1 ( ,‘htu'on. " :-’\\'E had hoped to present our readers with - the minutes of proceedings of the ï¬rst see- siou oi \Voodville Village Council in full, but being unable to be present curse-Ives we could not obtain them .gml from extreme ditlinlence, bashfulucss or whatever failing induces the idea. the. council do not desire the minutes published, and we did not ob- tain them from the clerk. Howaver, so far as we have heard the council met at the Town Hall on Monday, persuant to the Act of Incorporation, where, with the exception of the Reeve, who is on a sick bed, they all subscribed to the declaration of qualiï¬cation and ofï¬ce. Mr. $3. C. Gilchrist was then 3» appointed clerk, .md the council adjourned until the orenmg to meet at the residence of Dr. Clark. Reeve, The resolutions_ that [weed st thin meeting we do not know other then the appointment of Mr. Arch. Camp- bell “ Aucssor. r ’1‘â€. k2 sidewalks are now in a. terrible con- ‘htitm. 'l‘he vlllagu council should see to it, my: all low plmks are renwilud, before an action fur dunmges is ()cCflainumi. 'l‘m; ï¬rst. contribum: tu the vinagc trc: ury wus'cnyturcd nu Eli-lay evening 1224!, UN: [wrwlmf David Brown who was “jugge («'1' :t'nlsive language. He Was Lined $3. V": are enslvnvouring to “wurk up†n \lcblmnic's Institute anl any whn may he ‘impmcd E" juizx this popular instutiun will 1im‘.nncntry 'mml; Alt this nllicc. It. is in. tended tn establish a. lil‘l'm'y and reading Mn. “"4. husn' of ()rilliais opening a van-ringe- shop in ('atnuingum. l,.\.\'.\'l.\'q:'ru:; is cnfnn-‘ng a by-lmv pro- hibiting cattle from running at large on the sun-cuts. We wank! suggest to the wuucil snmething of tlm sauna nature for \Vomlvinu. m- \Ve imite the Linux“: to inspcd; on" .8140: and well so- mad stmk of \iiHinery. Miss Hartley is a hrst- class Miliiuex :m-l Manda \laker. \lclntyru Prior, Wood- ville. 'I'Kh‘. challenge extended by our village draught club, has hem accoptul Iny a team from Canuiugtuu. The game was played on \\'edncsdny afternoon. “'0 have not heard tluv result. ' 'l'm-zfunernl of thelnte Brother Samuel Merryliclul took place at. Cannington, last Thursday, and was attended by delegations nf Odd-[knows from Torontu. Sutton, Ncudville and the Canningtou lodge. 'Imlll ï¬r New Stock of Feit and Straw Hats. LLatest: stylzs at McIntyre Prior’ 3 Wood- â€We. 315:. J. C. Gucumsr and family spent an anxious week; owing to the fact of their eldest son \Villie being at Battlefurd. N. W. '1‘., the scene of the Indian rising. The subsequent new: has however reassured them. ߠSave money and leave your order, for any kind 0! watch at Gunns‘, Woodville. (a. Our customers and friends will phase remember that we have our Millinery MIOW mums up stairs. McIntyre 8:. Prior, Wood- ville. W Special value in Gents’ \Vhite Dress nï¬ Regztta Shirts. Soft and stiï¬ Felt Hats httest style at H. \Vilson’s “’ooriville. ’{ï¬isins {O} {1.00 atchIutyro 6L r’iVoudViue. Satisfaction guaranteed in Razors and Pocket knives, at Guuu‘s, “'oodvillc. 03. New Millinery 1 New Hut-2 New Bonnets, Feethere, Flowers. Trimmings #0. Just opened out at McIntyre Prigr‘e \Vnodvnlle. ' Jlolloway’c *l’ille.â€"lmportent for the deli..- ente â€"-â€"It is difï¬cult to determine which is the more trying to the humen constitution, the dump, cold days of autumn and winter. or the keen, dry, easterly winds of spring 'l‘hroughout the seasons good health may be maintained, by occasional doses of Hello- wayjml‘illu, which purify the blood and Act as wholesome stimulants to the skin, stom- ach. liver, bowels, and kidneys. ‘ This relehmted medicine needs but a feir trial to mneinee the ailing and «impending that it will cheer end restore them without danger. pain.“ or inconvienee. No fumil; eheuld be without a en )1in of llui‘soway‘e Pills aml Ointment. as iy e tinmly recourse tn them llu‘ firstcrrin function mm: be reclaimed. nrl‘cring'snuy re spared, and life saved. a, Dress and Mantle Silks. Mantle Or. naments. Pusimemerie Trimming. also Black, Whitegand Cream Spanish Lace at McIntyre .9; Prior. Womlville. ll “on are sufl‘ering with low am! de reasâ€" ml syLiits. loss of appetite. gnu-ml (l0 nlity, .llsurllorml blood, weak cnnstitutlou. heml~ m-lw, pr any aliaease of a liilious nature. by all means procure a bottle ni Electric Hitters. You will beonrprised to sue the rapid improvement that will follow; you will he inspired with new lite. strength and ,whvity will "tun; 1i- md misery will wane. and hencgfnrt you will "juice in Ilw praise of Electric bitter; Sold nt titty i-vnts a bottle by John Melvinnou Boner- 0H «if 15 paunds of Slgar for $1100. woodman imam! 51mm. Never Give Up. nu} $3.00 20 153. Prior’s Ill Township Clerk, Municipality of Thanh. Dace 11 Town Hall. Beaver-ton. Ontario. A MABVELOUS STORY TOLD Ill TWO MRS. 3 FROM THE 80“ I “BC-yiar St., Kev I York,Ucl.. 28,1882. “ Genlltmen: My father “skies at (Hovor, Vt. 110 has been a gx‘cat sun'era-r from Sow!â€" ula, and the inclosed letter will ml! you whit marvelous effect Ayer's Sarsaparilla. hu had in his case. I think hls blood must have contained the humor for at, least. um you"; but it dld not show, P‘u‘vpt in the form of I. wrofulous sore on the wrist, until about In Scotch, English and Canadian. Latest patterns and colors. Suits madeg to order m excellent style and at moderate prices. Fit Guaranteed. The best and Most Tasty stock in Town. ï¬ve years ago. From a few spots which ap- peared at. that time. it gradually spread so as to cover his entire body. I assure you he was torrlbly aflllcted, and an object of pity, when he began using your medicluo. Now, more are few men of Ms ago who enjoy as good health as he has. I could easily name llfty person- who would lesllty to the facts in his case. ' Yours truly, W. M. Pmuns.†In gengnl DRY GOODS our shelves are heavily stocked with the Intent the muket hts produced. In DRESS GOODS we do not hesitate to say we have ALL THE LATEST COLORS AND STYLES. The ladies should impcct thin de- partment. We have introduced a special line in CASHMERES which will be found of excellent quality and cheap. The Largest and Most 00mp1ete Stock 1n Town. we do nct violate the facts. Our Spring Prints .in Endless Variety of Colour, Paflern, and Price will pay for and Inspection. 0111' Milliner, MISS GUNN.Wi11 be with us in a. few days and it is needless for us to make any remarks as to her repu- tation for taste in this department. a dug-for, {1176700 state to you he beneï¬t I have derived from the nae 01‘ . In complete and will We“ re my in . u v ctr ‘1 BOOTS AND SHOES. “'03 have docié. edly thpc ï¬nest ï¬nd no thi: lme we nave ever on cred the public. All grades and pic“. FROM THE FATHER: Six months ago I was completely covered with a terrible humor and scroinlous acres. The humor caused an incessant and intolerable itching, and the skin cracked so as to can†the blood to flow in many places whenever I moved. My sufferings were great, and my life a burden. I commenced the use of the SARBAPARILLA in April last, sud have used it regulnrly since that time. My condition began to improve at once. The sores hue I“ healed, and I feel‘periectly well in every reapedâ€"being now able to do a good dsy's work. although 73 years of ago. Many inquire what has wrought such a cure in my one, sad. I tell them. as I have here tried to tell you. Avnn’s SmnAmnu. Glover, Vt.. 0a. 2!, 1882. Yours gratefully, Emu Pmmn." Ann's SAMAPARILLA cures Scrotum ind s11 Scrofnlons Complain“, Eryslp- ‘elas. Emma. Ringworm. Blotdms, Sores, Both, Tumors. and Eruptions of the Skin. It clears the blood of all impu- xlï¬es, dds (ligation, stimulates the sedan of .zzho bowels. and thus restores vitality sud “rename“ tbs whole system. PREPAID BY Dr..l.c.AyarCo., Lowell,Mau. mummum mam-tau. We have now been in business in Benverton. upwards of ï¬ve years and the poo lo of the section know our reputation and our gnods. “'e have this spring introduce our usual large stock and in announcing that we believe it Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ADVERTISE ‘1 ï¬cuenbon. .‘._pin m, :8“ Spring Tweeds, Millinery, Nic-Nacs, Flowers, Feathers, Tips and the latest styles in shapes Ready-Made Clothing, Groceries, Crockery and Glassware SPRING 1884.. GEORGE SMITH, JAMES EETGEEE» LADIES, “It is both A pleasure 1mg: BEAVERTON, In gun giddy m8 at prices as ‘10" ‘the \owonn Our stock of ‘ BLACK 99.00.. !B ankers aï¬gï¬ï¬‚sdï¬ï¬af 0.28. EQZHN HQ fnwxwz and its lmlpches. and all points in Canada and .2110 United Status. American currency bought nml bOIJ. A RCâ€. (‘A MI’BI‘IIJ.‘ VICTonlA ('0I'NT" .u't‘flox'lrlm. Oï¬lcu-»Ouu door (:35! of X‘ust Of‘ulm‘. \Yuofh'illc R;\V’INGS‘ 'I)E1‘A1\‘-T3.I_EN'1‘. Intuï¬wt allowed on deposits at the rate of 5 per cent. Notes colluctud utlowrst rates. «like "ours. N a. m. to 4 p. In. Saturdays 10 a In to 2 p m. wtnmd {or the Liws of the l'rosi dents 01 the Ullitud States. The . I largest. handsomost. bust book ever sold for less than twice our price The fastest selling book in America. Immense proï¬ts to agents. All intelligent people want it. Any (1.20 can become a‘succossful agent. Term. free BALLET B001: 00.. Portland. Maine. .AGood.Hom'se.furnished at 5110 notice ID Reasonable Tenn 825 ACRES. famhill Nasal-15. The largest in the Dominion. T0 BEGIN “’0le AT ONCE OX FALL SALES Stowdy employment at ï¬xed salaries to all will- ing to work. Men and women can have pleasant "Sï¬n-k the l'ear Round. Gooé Agents are earning from $40 to 75 per muthaud expanses. T811118 and Outï¬t true. Cabinet Maker Undertaker W. G. Stoddart MADILL. Manager. on gum l’roctor's .h‘ivk l‘-!< Adiress, STONE WELLIXGTON. Toronto, Ont. Dominion 333.111: of Canada. Salesman Wanted l security. Dmflsiss'; WOODVILLE, ONT. :. Hr Hull dum‘ east of 1 upon the E“ is the ï¬rst and only Cheap Store over opened in. Illqavortou. we sell goods of all kinds cheaper than any price lists yet placed before tho public. ( Stock complete in all departments. Dong; 11’11SS Seemg ogr Prints, Large stock of Tweeds. Very cheap. Remember we are selling goods Retail at \Vholesale prices. Full stock of Men’s and Boy ’8 £33§$M§§b 1341â€"115? mdï¬‚ï¬ @ ‘0 D. McNabb, Beaverton, Corner Store, P. D, McARTHUR, BEAVERTON. Ihelargesw Best Stuck in lawn. nbsolltolï¬e‘ge florid: Ca in! not re aired a at I! vou want minus at which. person; 0? eiihor sex. young or old. cw pnke no“ my u] "no time may wot}. with ubsdate temxiMy "no for particular to 11. "an? a Co, Portland,Munp. $86q A week at home. 05m outï¬t tree. Pay FARMERS’ PRUDUOE TAKEN IN ‘EXGHANOE FOR 00008. Wines and Liquors ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬ï¬iï¬ï¬. formerly occupied by John McRae, where will be found The Toronto House.†FANCY GOODS. CROCKERY AND ULASSWARE Has removed to the Fhese Goods wiil be sold Cheap for Cash or Produce. and a lull stock of Elaborate Cretonnes. Beautiful Prints. Choice Dress Goods. Fine Black Cashmeres Fancy Scotch TWeeds English Pantings. Fancy Check Shirtings New Cottonades Cheap Cottons. New Fancy Goods. Cheap Boots and Shoes. Cheap Groceries; New Spring Goods. McIntyre Prior, WOODVI LLE. ï¬neâ€"3:513 stock: â€in Town, REMEMBER ALE" a Beauen‘on Lumber Yard. Back and Pottery Drain Tile a Specialty BRICK; YARD AND EQTTERY. W. TAYLOR, Proprietor. LUMBER, SHINGLES, and LATH Having entered into an arrangement with the M. R,‘R., to shortly plau- n siding to our kiln ytmis, the public are notiï¬ed that all tile purchased from us will, after aiding in «voted. be loaded. free on cars. The hi host cuh pprico aid for .1] kinds of gIDES 811158. T.\lLOW‘p(‘. An wane! an Buk wanted {or which cub w I paid Baa verton Tannery ! 1-3;} ’ ‘Logan, The sprl'n trade Is now opening wd those requiring s, well-mm: unit should have their o‘nlv-rs at otdq to await! ‘ e mun! mm Suits In.“ .qu mum: aw otter M lowest Hue. â€"â€"BI~2AVERTONâ€"â€"-- Jailnling Establishment l. of :11 kind: and qualities on hand. PARSONS .3; DUNCAN, of every description