"0H8. Seeding operations are progressing rapidly in Southern Manitoba. Colonel Ray. ox-M. P. {or Annapolis. has been up eluted u member of the N. S. Legit!“ ve Council. écientiflc men of Ottawa are pruning the Government to give better accommodation to the Geological Museum. A requestâ€"has been sent 00 Sir A. 1’. Car- on to hold the military review at Quebec on the occasion of the Queen’s jubilee. An enquiry will be shortly made in the House of Commons as to the cost of the horses purchased in Canada. (or the English srmy, taking losses into account. The Dominion Government is said to hove deï¬nite information that the Canadian Pacif- ic railway will have a lineof steamers sail- ing on .he Pactï¬c during the present year. .___L-J Medals and diplomas have been granted by the Colonial Exhibition Commissioners to a number of Canadians who assisted in organizing the Canadian exhibit by loaning works of art. The report published in English news- apers the other morning that a Cauadisn can of ï¬fty million dollars would shortly be floated is ofï¬cially denied by the Dominitn Government. Indians in the Quebec district have their hands full just now making baskets and beadwork for the exhibition: to be held this year at Seltaire and Manchester, England, In honor of the Queen’s Jubilee. Mr. \V lde, the Canadian Commissioner now in t 6 West Indies endeavouring to promote closer trade relations with the Do- minion, writes encouraging reports of suc- cess to the Finance Department. Dr. Geo. M. Dawson, son of Sir “'illiam Dawson, will have charge of the Yukon Valley expedition which is to exploit the old deposits of that district and try and eï¬ne the unsettled boundary of British Columbia. and Alaska. Hon. Mr. Foster, as a. result of his visit to the Paciï¬c coast last year, has perfected a. scheme for considerable permanent impmve~ menu to navigation in Canadian waters in that quarter, which will be carried into ef- fect during the coming season. lication has been made to the Quebec LeAglsï¬iture for an act Act of incorporation for a. co any to construct arailway around the Islongy of Montreal and an elevated rail- way from the centre of the city of Montreal to the summit of Mount Royal. About one hundred men will be required to ï¬ll vacancies in the North-“'est Mounted Police caused by the retirement of time-ex- pired men. Recruiting will be commenced almost immediately, and a sergeant will shortly begin operations in Toronto. The advisability of using the Canadian Pa.- ciï¬c railway as a. link in 9. direct postal route to the East, by which a great saving in time would be effected, is understood to be under consideration by the Imperial outliorities,l with every prospect of favourable decision. In reply to a. deputation from the Humil- ton Ministerial Association and the Prohi- bition Club, the city license commissioners promised to make a reduction in the number of liquor licenses issued, but refused to strike off the list ï¬fty license holders who had been convicted of violating the law. AMERICAN. The M ssouri is still overspresding its banks. The people have all taken refuge on the buttes, in tree tops and hay stacks. It is said that Lawton, the New York broker, who absconded a. few days ago with nearl a. million, married a. rich Widow a. few days efore his departure. Chicago vessel owners are almost crazy over the revival of the lake carrying trade and the advance in treights. The outlook for next season was never more flattering. Edward \Vhelan, the twelfth known vic- tim of the Buffalo hotel ï¬re, died the other night. A‘: of the injured are doing well ex- cept four, who are not expected to recover. Larry Donovan, the Brooklyn Bridge jumper, announces that he will on May 8th jump the Niagara. horseshoe falls and swim the Niagara falls rapids, covering a longer distance than was accomplished by Kendall, the Boston policeman. A correspondent at St. J ohn. Dak., states that the reports of serious difï¬culties with the half-breeds in that settlement are with out foundation. The dispute over the pay- ment of taxes has been referred to the autho- rities at Washington, and the half-breeds will abide by their decision. A boarding house at Bessemer, Michigan, was burned the other mornindg, twent .one miners sleeping in the secon storey sing imprisonei in the flames. TWelve Were burned to death, their bodies being charred beyond recognition. The others escaped through the windows, several being serious- ly injured. Mr. Howard Vincent, M. P. for Centre Shefï¬eld, intends ropoein that in conse- quence of the J uhi so an a dition should be made to the title of the Queen in com liment to the colonies, and suggests she shel be en- titled Queen of Great Britain, Ireland, Can- do, Australia,‘ South Africa and all the British Colonies, and Empress of India. FOBEtGN The Bank of England has reduced its rate of discount from 35 to 3 per cent. Li Hung Chang has iven orders that railroads in China must built; by native labor. John K. Cross, formerly a member Parliament for Bolton, hanged himself London. It is semi-ofï¬cially denied in Paris that Eurasia has made overtures for an alliance with France. General Salctto, successor to General Gene in the command of the Italian forces at Masaowah. has issued an order expelling all journalists {mm within the military lines. Veterinary Sur eon Matthews, of the Home Guards, wil shortly leave England for Canada to assist Colonel Goldie in pur- chasing horses for the British army. The policeman arrested in St. Potersburg on suspicion of being concerned in the plot to maaslnnto the Czar attempted to com- mit aulcido qnd mortally wounded himself. A Servlan paper announces the forming of an alliance between Austria and Servia a alnat Russia. If the latter makes war on ther of the former both will take the ï¬eld. THE WEEK'S NEWS. Xï¬mong the numerous tumors in Berlin are reports that the Grand: Dalia-Inf M 1 lb m use» .Imranoe €01. will be msdo King_of Bsdhw. nut! that! ‘mmwsw an, 1337.) Prince 1318ka will be MUM“ "f '11.. maul? aim Federal Life Assurance. Luncnburs- of WV uqum in another 001- Rulnoul' bu it “1“ l’l‘illufl‘ “ï¬lm u _ m W M Vuwwtion to all who lowing 0“ ‘ qusrml “Q‘m‘ "W Old 1 are ME in dint oompsny either as England over theï¬syvflnwuwnmmtur the imam-mu mmddem To amok. purpo-o 0! comma Enslwdl luau Joining; hummus-1mm: success in increas- 0 000‘?“ hut-open: silisnum. Jug th- awing-mils business us must soon Three 0 inner student-hi imiharlhp' - 3 msmngm' to their credit, ty's dockï¬rds have hoemï¬miumil mums-ll, 5 and n W at indium public st the dispoasl of the Soumtnn'insunm of ‘ Windham bud a successful the principal (Dinnies. mouldings!» llmmiu- , (um m 111!an plan, which is 3 ion. by the British Admiralty}; with: with dine New, is increasing in i. _.._..l-_;._ .- ‘r‘n hm mam with-Viv known Eighty ï¬ve men worn unmmlhsfl xin a oolliery in South Wales 1mm mull it is feared yAll will pariah. India mmuih of the tunnel bi which encapa wugummmdblwh- ed by de m caused by the uuhmum Tha ninetieth mnivm- uif 13W '57.; William's Birthday mm unihihmni! in: ‘ om week with immense enthusiasm: in: inï¬rm. T ‘ while banquet. and meptinnmmmg‘ivnn by 1 the German human-admin: Banding, ll’u'u; and Vienna. i A riot has occurred in; 'lliiuiis mm "tin:l enforcement of a new muniuiunillbwmquir- ‘ ing the burial of the 01;!!de mum: aim; limits. The Jews conmdhndimlhmiunin/ terference with their oremliamll mule wihud { all their places of buninan.‘ g giw Hill"!!- The labor W The Workman of Clevelemu, thin, some short time ago put the “'lluliun- llfnlfllem" in the following terms, whihhl umffdll‘n‘fvwm- won some and evidently, im mlhmemith the hard facts of the cane :.â€"~ “ It in a waste of time mrmillmmlï¬linm and monopoliate; they em, mu» dimxmge‘ slave, creatures of the 353mm) dingy Hound. \Ve are res neible for that: Wnliulmuuh as they, en they have anlg’dhnmzurninney- nine out of every hundredloffumwmlillliheve done if we had had the ahannm. “Whey are no worse than the avera amen); zunllihnnld we put an end to the who e‘affdieamï¬hewm ditions would produce unexwmnï¬lllbynaihul, if not worse, than the old‘: oneglieifunaanyyenr had gone by. “’11:“; we am‘afhuriiuuonon- struct a better system. The‘tiinmllwsnwd when mere deatructive-oriï¬hiinm its «if «my real value. It is easy to ï¬inllfirnllxh riluelml need of the hour is conetrnnï¬m Wam- Yes, the need of the houniiemumimunï¬ve statesmanship,†and of' thatztliemusnuuiious little going. It is all venvaelll txo myth-1 , this, that and the othen‘ mgsnmut is! wrong, that wealth is badl§5~dlnuilliumll.vnnd : that it is too bad thatsome‘ sliuulllllhmee so much while others can enamel“ mmnnge to live. But what are yougoihg; antflowéith ‘ it? N inc-tenths of all the emnlhywmufflhihor today were at one time- wonlliiugxnmn. It will be the same thing ï¬fhyv wlhenee. : \Vhy did they cease to be‘whantlleypwm and g become what they are ? Exit allhuummnemo ‘ say that it was their “1unl§;’"ont=lluih1m,.truery, ‘ or their unrighteousness. Bedlunis dluyy‘have received more than theirjustzelimm. lllunhow are you going to prevent it?" (Cmiidlwnnnby adopting resolutions against: ungitnll'nr by passing laws which Williï¬m zmniinimum of wages, make the three linunmll lheg ‘rhave ï¬ve hoops, and the ï¬ve eennlhaï¬llmrullllfior a penny. The bad workmen) anili til“) good will never occupy a pecuuinnyv Ihwdl, and never ought. The drunken. aomulhmwurks only th- ee days in the weekmudl mmnils all ‘ his wages in the tavern,_mnyymlllumuipiml- ‘ ists and sober men as long aslimllikes. lhut he’ll have to be a hewen off “well mind a drawer oi Water to the endloiitilumlutpter; ’ and more than that, he on I it: tmlhe, 11f ‘he does not change his ways.. “liemwniï¬ingâ€" men spend more for intoxibati' ‘lliinks than they do for breadoor‘olhttiess, ,yxwill continue to be the “‘wage-slhwnsԠfilmy complain they are. \Vhyynntz‘ï¬â€˜ 'lllhesoher, industrious, skillful worki'nggmmn 2nreeon~ tinually rising, are the oanmiixssuff iiniius~ try, and in many cases: tlim limiters of thought. And ought dieyy muff? \We think they ought, and. inquibe: snimdhmtif many others took the some enummsflhese have taken, they wouldbe-wmulln‘iiilllyvdif- ferent from what they are tuulhygmnlhwnm derfully better in every, magnum, 'mimibm- room and the tobacco- pine- miullllle .100 many brains and empty. mmmauyy “mum to make one wonder that: diiilgysmwznstthey ship. " are. No Wonder They 8111mm] mm. 'to Get. Hammad!» Very many instances corner an aim lknowâ€" 5 ledge in which girls who‘linvn-llemuihmught ' up in ailiuence. and indulgedl iinmvurg Ilux~ ‘ ury, ï¬nd themselves in. William“ (nimum- I stances, and compelledl to. earth dlinir ~own ‘ living. To such povertyy "rings grammar ' hardships. In the first plhce-itziisummmely ! difï¬cult for them to obtai‘m situatiinm in 3 which the compensationdasuliiniesmnolkeep; soul and 'Jody together.‘ 'Ilhaz rpiillae Which 3 has been instilled into‘ theiir miinlh ffroml early childhood has to hm llumiilhsll. Sm necessity imposes upon themxtli'nih miliidhitt J: is hard to bear. A trutlifhll mm triftihe snfl'erings which man persons; riff tili'mldlnn? have to undergo wo d‘ readl lllhr mwrnflrnf ï¬ction. Is it surprising. them, dint: \weue' young ladies of reï¬nement: will mum, ‘ when? pepluniar circumstanmllnwelhunm‘ ‘ eat y c ang , marryi‘nm mean-Wu ut imperfectly qualiï¬edi tnmnikrtï¬ni'n‘lliv; happy '.' It is common m-Hmeuulhmnmihu sneered at, and the remarkiiaoftmnmmlbef some such girl, somewhat: uontmnmumusly, “ She has married a homeï¬" \Wrtihomrtt my that such a basis of marriagevaugnnsmdll‘fur the happiness of the commuting; “antics : but it may afford mteetionl mull Isom'fort : and these, to an er ucated': nmlmrmullgynung woman, are much. To us itz Mars unveil ‘to be a matter of Wonder tllntzsuullnnatolha are often made. Ill-assorted as: dimly may be. they are amon the nntumllamllihmuinihle consequences 0 our reckless mmllus rifepecu- lation, which stake fortunes mull tilmllwsppi~ ness of families on most preoariinusullmnees. Fathers and sons may risk muulh :: ffnrilf re- duced in their circumstances dim}- um “ rough it" through the wnrllllu Hurt we submit that it is incumbent: om pursuits. us among the most imperative uif vlluiia, to make a reasonable provision fim film‘n- enm- parativel helpless (lnughmm, \vdlimh shall not be an jected to the culinary llamvlis of business. Safe. Sure. and 'm’hlhm. \Yhnt a World of meaning 'his mmnnmut cmhmlics. Just. what ynn ‘n‘n Kunming fur. I is it not? Putnam‘s l’alnlom Hum H‘Ct‘nu‘ tor-the great sure-pup uum ‘xmvw- vaz‘lsm this way. It makes uu mm “mm: ; min, acts speedily and with unrmilnw nun and mildly, without inflaming Hm nan-'11: ; pun- lonely. Do not be imposed mum in imita- “bill. or sub-titans. ft: m m Assn-ulna» Co'y. tum Whammy“, which in a quasi-ll: with: uh»: Faisal, is increasing in W an in homes mare widely known bum-m Wall, is 3150 indicated by the than at: Ihnl: my 'd progress made by the waging: A mew innes in excess of thm mtawmiilï¬om at its only a e intruly mm It in chimed by t e W than mggswgn grwtioed 11y any nth “W W imagines: in Cinadâ€"a gins W humane at .no low a. coat. , cuminâ€"mm Mm“ ad! due. at whammy, mus mummy». broken down aw 5.23:2!!! and exhulbd . eoboreuiy ,whonnd who Im- tmn the end In mugged )1“ .- P â€In†in Canada, the 11.8. and all] flmmun L'ountrit s. Engineers, Pa- wn: Amway-s. amt! l‘nlln'tfl in Patent Causes. Estab- lhhed but M 1‘. “out £ 00.. Toronto. [Al-«i “Tap; Humming Sfl‘guge book on Deal- mmmwmm. tn. low relieved. Sent tree. menwmï¬w Melbougall sn. NewYork. nil Ctxvmsnus wanted,31ale or Female..whnik'amqpueftlme, on salary or commis- sion. Wlfhimnqï¬ ELSA" 45 Arcade. Toronto: Twelve-summm Wovinucs already represent- on the mill aï¬ mm Elmmtutiun. To thorough, practical inmum‘izm, will the efï¬ciency and success of in mm, mm IUIflloge owas its popularity. , Circuits. giving: “almanac" mailed free. Address, ll. mnOOORMICK. Principal. $881?- W (Mega, Guelph, 0m" F“ ‘ ‘mmu. FIRST -CLASS IM- PBLWEJ)» EMS {for saleâ€"~in the County of ‘53! (called! din» Men at! Canada); easy ï¬rms of pnynmnr. (1‘; UR. mm, mumingtou. "an" mums and Insurance (mgéxrï¬mï¬ IL‘NGLN EERS, TORO STO. G. C. Bums. u‘hi'utr‘ ngiinam’. A. Fans“. Sec' )â€" -.Treus Mam, rles mm smPERsn-w m Machines itinds: Clnmedhwm-s, :10 kinds. Churns, Meat Choppers». Ila-Lukas, amt! «that sundries. autumn [Mum “mason†Hamilton, Canada. Send {rm mums» must}, «at lllnstmted Catalogue sruis’mm W'â€" ï¬brous Anti- fric- tion Box-mumK'mn jmmml hearings in machineryâ€" Gnannmmlmggun mmu ï¬umxlies L". cry requirement. Ask \ uur hnnn-wmu- Mauilmiiur it. ALUNZO W. SPOON- “‘1 “an mileas vou want to make manug. mm: mum"): Warm“ is the only scary page: i‘m (Batman, um] oontuins the brightest and but. mï¬usuï¬um'mmrtpumished. Price, with mmusiu ymmimmï¬â€™.’ 3pm- ;venr. Secure the agency for yourdismiuu. MumsIIihm-ully dealt with. Send for free sample Inmiiesrunfl rams. Mention this paper. Address. mmmmsmn: “WEEKLY, '26 and 23 C01- borne She-mfï¬hmunn. mm» KIL'PaaenmAamfl Zmnnï¬wturer, Port. Hope. Ont. z .1 r “us [Jilin-51 LAM! run mum. . 19).) Lou 22.\(mn.:23, maï¬ilhvray, Middiesex Co. ; , clay luau; IMP m «item; good frame buildings. , onchnnl. 99mm: «mm, max-0'1 road 3; miles to Park- ?hillTown; gmxmȣin;llllll,$'1,uml down. balance 6 per - cent. inmmsn. “habitat-main; immediate possessipn. n mat:una-dinmnihwml’ullyâ€Box-ted Easter or anhduy (Ianifsgtz Dun, BEL-.3130, 500, 750, and $1 each pen-t; aimaiikra’hihmniimaxikets, 6 in a packet, at. 50:. $L amflï¬nmrgméhm; cash to accompany order. A dozen pmrizamuff‘u'rkiuil, £03m! cent. 011'. mu»; hams. J In». 93 Yonge St., Toronto. um mm“ m-e M'enk, Nervous and ex- mulwxcd : who feel themselves 105- in: mogul; mmmxm:, iiulinate and sickly in ap- pearance. su’fnmwr’hnumlw'mnny complaints pecul- hu-l- vanâ€"m: “mm“ rim-aura road M. V. LUBON'S W~ m annhi'Pmifl nn'me Illueam-s of “'onn-n. Named scaled! :Imi} flux-.uretirmn observation on receipt n: tie. in alumnus, umsum‘uuu mum. Addrcas, II. V. Him <1: \Williugxnu St. East. 'l‘ormltn. 0m. ' “‘15 ‘1‘", 'nvcrywherc for " Lh’lng ‘ m‘“ :sum ER. Hones' Own Bookâ€"A series or mamhlasssumnnmmdllemdl and edited under the whhor‘s mun muumi‘miun, ‘with an nuwhiogmphiml sketch of 3m mm fluttfhm'n Evangelist ; 39 sermons, all raw : Mllnmmqnmvings, and a steel plate por- trait of tin-qumum Mun-.nibur, ‘this book is only sold by subs mm. timmugh unthqrizml agents. A A .._,, A, A iii ulnaâ€"nausea; 8n, ‘Cnu. 2 South Durham Rot-l. mumsim lï¬mya‘fln 20 acres clear: $1,200, can downh bdunmrm mum. DB1. (fl‘hGGART, London, Ont. 1‘“ "‘8‘. N‘ 'fllImMSIIPS. wlln r Wu‘llmwcon ilontrenl and leerpool. [Ln-sum mm 11â€":Sviloom'llontrenl to' Liverpool, .40. '50. and! am; Minn Tickets, $80, 890 and $100 wï¬mm.mlmr mull accommodation. Inter- median mum at llnweat rates. For lurther Want! m, mum Bertha, apply to II. I}. “II... M Raw. 1 Custom House ï¬lm. Minna-ll. 'm morihe Local Agents in the dif- hunt'nownsmlfl‘mflen. 0-- III}; gmnyyv;urw m EVERY Isji: myth («lays ny aquaâ€"mox- Emit; 351mm Address, m A It. 87 Church St, Toroupo: WILMBL‘I "3516468, nmhlislwr, Toronto, Ont. w, “as llinlm'l‘ “591-ij My: uran- soucrrons.’ WWEREST YEARLY . â€"-um communion ; Kortgsgeu BL 31. W. 23 Toronto Street. Jim. nu MILâ€"For iwo you. In) durum w run down. She w_u ~mtma Ind too wank to do now mum"; she was given up by mm diam. they all passed the Juihihm mm ï¬lm could not llve. She mammal! mining Dr. Jug'a Medicine in Emilia, I18“, and After Ming 8h «anathema: much lmprovad tlm “nu-mull! 1156de he: household duties. 1W3, Engineer, C. P. K, We“ Toronto. uumtonllnngaga. Trustmnas. run â€in!“ mute Bump)!“ im.mmirboi a Gun. Toionto. Momle 'â€" Non- \nti-fric- hineryâ€" ‘lrement. SPOON- Ont. m make :hg _qnl)f FILES SEED GRAIN EIQV'S B I RIHPAY: Hay, Stock, and Portable Plat- form Scales. BEST IN THE MARKET. Every one Gulnnked. ‘ All Sula 0! Trucks. Send to: Illustrated Price List. OSBORNE8L80, - - -HAMILTON,0NT. Selllng durlng Winter from Portland eve 'rlnm day md Bantu every Satunhy to Liverpoo , end in summer lrom Quebec eve Suturdny to Liverpool, calling At Loudouderry to and malls end wagon to: Scotland and lreland- eleo lrom Bel ore vln Bantu end St. John's Nit. to Liverpool tonnlg'hus du eummer mon . The ateunen ol the (Ila Row mes cell during winter to md from Rollin. Pommd, Boston md Phllodelphle ' end durln unm- mor between 0 w md Manual week) ' 0% And Boeton woe . end Glasgow end P udelp (ortnlghtly. For freight, paling, or other lnl'ormatlomgly k A. Sohumwher . Baltlmoro ’ 8. Gun 00. mum ; Shoo 5 9o., in John's! girl; 31m. Than p -- - u _ nL._____ Allan Lino Royal Mail Steamship: H.313!“ ‘ Elma a 00., I“. Juan 5, n.l.', "In. uwu y son a 60., St John. 8.3.; Aum0o..cm a. Love 43 Alden, New York; H. Bonnier, Toron : Allans, RaeCo., Quebec; Wm. Brookie, Phlludol phh; E. A. Allen. Portland Boston Mormon. TheMutual Reserve Fund LIFE ASSOCIATION. The largest and most :msperoun open Assessment Association in the worl , desires active re resent»- tives in every section of Canada. Libera induce- ments. It has full Government deposit. and undet the supervision of Insurance De artment at Ottawa Correspondencepolicited. Ad teas, MERIIEN BRITANNIA Gfl. MANUFACTURE ONLY FINEST SILVER-PLATED WARE. ArtiStic Designs, combined with Unequalled Durability and Finish. HAMILTON. ONTA SPRING PRESS BOX, WHITE OAK POSTS, AND IRON BRAGES. Over†at our Machines now in use, and no complaints. Prices and Terms to suit. buyers. Bend roirouln. BRICK MACHINES. « ‘ I’ :»‘:»Peerless0fl FARMERS 85 _THBESRERS, NINE 00L!) MEDALS “"3331i""§a°‘é$‘3’£“€o$Ԥo'3."v'vï¬zi.“3¢ï¬n‘l'ï¬ï¬‚ï¬fnm “031ml“ 3' QUEEN OITV OIL WORKS 5! SAMUEL ROGERS 00.. TORONTO. STANDARD GHUPPING MILLS! wmou’s ENGINE WORKS 00., ASSESSM ENT SYSTEM [hue : podium: remedy (or flu! Ibovedtseue ;bv In use “mun-ud- ofuseu or the want kind an I unong sundlng bun been cured. Indeed so “ton; in my mm In In Quincy, um I wm send Tivo 30111.33 FREE, together with I VALUABLE TREATISE on thin due-lo to Any â€Kent. on: upreu And P. 0. nddnu. on. I._A._§LO(‘UM,__ __ _ Branch omc'é', airings St" Toronto Consumers will ï¬nd it to their advantage to ask the trade for our make of Files and Raspa. lie-Culling: Specialty. Send for prion Hat and terms. râ€"- A Bountiful Impomd many 0nd no. to my bsby thou mother will tend nub nuuu o! «to or more other baht“. und nun unuu' “drau- Mlo n handsome Db- mond osmploogldtommothamd much v ushlo inlomsuon. Walk. Blow 0... Montreal. J. D. WELLS, Hamilton. - Ontario. R. SPF-NOE (30., -â€"-WITH ALL THEâ€"â€" Ill-TATE SZTJIIMLPBOVIIMIINTB. USE ON YOUR MACHINERY ONLY THE WELL-KNOWN 'l‘llA’I‘ yields ow: 100 hush. per acre. Cat- :logue tree. JAS. "0"". "0 darh‘row‘. (but. We make u Spechlty o! THE E. O. OURNEY OO., TORONTO. General Manager, 85 Klng Streetlinst. Toron‘o Hamilton Scale Co. STANDARD SCALES. (Sizesâ€"~12 inch, 20 Inch, 30 inch, 42 inch), m ‘. USING All Styles 0! Improved ' ‘1' Best French Burr Stones. Way. PER? M. STAUNTON 00., Smlplea on wplica‘ion TORONTO, ONT Blind, Bleeding, and “chin; efleciually cured by “I. Medical Pile Remedy. Thousands oi sufleren on testliy totho pammxent relief irom theaeln lntemtl Ind eqternnl Remedies 8|. r package. your drug/glut for it, or will be sent by mail, postage paid. HUGH MILLER a (‘0 167 King St. East. Toronto. SAUSAGE NEW SHIPMENT from ENGLAND Fix-Steamship " Norwegian." Lowhsr Pawns m 1m! Tums. We aye solo agent in Canada for Mcanu‘a Cmuuun Sun! Cantu. Write (or quotations. JAM as PARK sou, Tom-to. 7 Toronto Silver Plato Go, SILVER PLATED WARES. STEEL KNIVES, SP'JONS. FORKS, ETO., A SPECIALTY. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED. aanu U“ a.“ “WI Brancifï¬'mce, 37 Yum 8L, Téronto. hpnu sud Po“ on“. R com you nothing Ed I villus-10°- edjrgt DB- EB; 302’!“ ï¬lm: I fly cum I do not mun merely to Itop them for. â€In. And than hue ‘hem return lulu. l man 3 radio“ cure. I hue undo the (Hum of mm, EPILEPSY 0: FALL- ING SICKNESA lilo-long study. I wurrlnt m “mod, to euro tho wont mu. Baum omen hIVB 1': M1. to union for not now ncelvlng a cure. Send at one. for I ï¬re-flu and a Free Home 0! my Infulllble nmody. GIN hpgurnnd Po“ cum. _ AR 001:! ygu 50991510: I ma. SOLD 0! ALL RAILWAY TRAINS. Wholesale through “(A COKNWAL}; 00.. lâ€"WRE FITS! With Elevator one man can attend to In!“ to! grind to to 35 hmhols per hour, depending on power lite of mm, and degree of flneneu mu! is around. With and Without Elevator At- tachment, as Shown In Out. Send In orders‘early, M our uuon'l outpu. I rapidly going. Used In these mllls are acknowledged by ï¬ll the best grinders In the we The Mills nre exocedlngly simple any one with ommon sense can run them mcceml’ully. Manulaoturers of the highest grades 01 MANUFACTURERS. TORONTO BANABA. FRENCH BURR STONES, 162 St. James Street, Montreal. â€"'.'l.‘nIIâ€" Brnntford. Canada, and 8‘. Paul, "inn†U. 80 A.