to hlowing it Open, when they must have been disturbed and fled. Mr. J no. Hodgson happened to hear of the arrival of these gentlemen: and returned to his store, where he proposed to sleep. Awakening about two o'clock. he thought he heard a noise in the rear of the post ofï¬ce but thinking it only a cow he did not investigate, but walked along the front to the crossing and back to his shop. His footsteps evidently alarmed the burglars, who thinking it might be a watchman, took themselves off. Some ï¬ve or six dollars were taken in loose change from the tills and some postage stamps. We have since heard that they also burglarizcd the Methodist rsonago in'ue evening be- tween the are of 6 and 9 o‘clock. but did not succeed in securing anything so tar as it is known. Jungpenod dint. ...__,. ton, which they reached quite early in the evening. They wandered about the station and tracks and excited the inter- est of the station agent, Mr. Dover. that he took a good look at them. Both were dressed nearly alike, wearing wine. colored overcoats with ï¬ne black hats and kid gloves. altogether very respect- able looking men to he “knights of the jimmy." After loaiiug about the station for some time the village was visited and observations taken, calling at the post ofï¬ce. several small triï¬es Were purchased by one. while the ex- perienced glance of the other took in the surroundings. They then left. Strange to say. many people in town knew of the arrival of these men'and immediately spotted them as unwel- come characters and yet they wandered about freely and without question, The lipshot was that during the night they forced an entrance by the back door of the post olï¬ce. drilled a half inch hole completely through the safe preparatory 3’ 25 cases New Dress Goods. latest thades and Trimmings also. 8 bales of Cotton, c.. at factory prices. J. Hodg- son, Beaverton. £0er cinema. Word came to town here on Friday evening of last. week that burglars were 'on the road and travelling this way and warning the citizens to look-out for them. On the evening train reaching Gamebridge. two welldressed fellows stepped off a.n_d walkctl tewards Beaver- Notices have been issued announcing to the public the fact that on. and after May lst all places of business in lieu- Verton Will be closed at 7:80.0‘ 'lock. Sat» urday evenings excepted. The Post- mastor has also endeavored t.) grapple with that nuisance. the evening mail. and proposes to open for ten minutes only. on the arrival of the mail. which is for the accommodation of those who ra- oeivo the evening papers. At the Beavorton Woollen Mlm. Another lot of Beautiful presents re- ceived to be given away with New Era Baking Powder at L. J. Cameron‘s, Bes- verton. The Marine and Fisheries Department have handed us their annual notice in reference to been and maskinongo ï¬sh- ing. From it we learn that it is nnlnw. (nl to «site any of the above ï¬sh betueen the 15th of April and the 16th of May. " Blankets. Yarns. Full Cloths, Tweeds, Flannols. Gurmeys. c. c.. all gods away down In prmc. Call and 300 am. 0. '1‘. Young. To ï¬shermen- zmpr‘se B‘ms. The Odd~fellows, Masons and Foresters met in the Hall on Sunday last and proceeded to Knox church when the Rev. D. C. Johnson preached the annual sermon for the Odd-fellows. The Rev. gentleman gave an excellent and peculiarly appropriate address which was listened to with very marked atten. tion by the large congregation which assembled. After service the brethren returned to the lodge room where the usual courtesies were exchanged. 10‘ iii th for Potatoes. Oats and Pens at; R. Dunsbenth’s. Benetton. 0dd~tollow's_ Sermon. Burglgry- Those who require Horse Bills should give the EXPRESS a call. We have a good mortmeut of cuts and guarantee a clean job at a. reasonable price. Arbor Day. A _ May the 4th is the day appointed by the Government to be observed as Arbor Day. It. will hardly suit this locality this year the season being so unusually late. Highest Prlgo._ -.. n. - Boautlful Presents. to canvass {or the sale of Nursery Stock! Steady em loymcut guaranteed. Either SALARY R 005131188on. Apply at ‘onco. stating age. (Refer to this paper.) CHASE 31:03., cowonye, our. woonerLIE AND BEAVERTON. Pumps and Ciaterns of all kindsto order at short notice. Wm be in Beu‘ortnu on Wednesdny ond Satur day a! ouch Week for Bopoiring Pumps 3nd uk- ing order (or new ones. SALESME \VA N’I‘El) ! T5603 BARN as. Pump-K339?! w- \r lulkPloklea so to R. Dunohuth mavcrton 250ml Elms. Fiï¬)â€. APRIL 27.1888. fltwgdvtrtismmts. WANTED ! iionx GUARAMEEDâ€" Children on for Having bought out Messrs. Harrison 6:. Leslie of Beaverton. I beg to my 1 116" opened up business again in the old standâ€"next door to the “Hamilton House." I therefore trust though I have been away from Beaverton for the past four years that all our old patrons and public in general will twain extend to no the some liberal support and conï¬dence we were favored with in the past. which I shall always endeavor to merit and hold by fax! dealing and right prices. You will ï¬nd every department of the business well assorted with All the new and fashionable Goods of the season consisting of NEW AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, NEW AND FASHIONABLE DRESS Goons. NEW AND FASHIONABLE TWEEDS. NEW AND STYLISH NECK TIES. NEW AND BEST MAKE 0F Doors .e SHOE. . . NEW AND Fin-1s“ GnocERIEs. NEW AND FANCY GLASS AND CROCKERY WARE}. NEW AND FASHIDNABLE MILLmERT. MOURNING GOODS, A SPEmALITT. you will find the Millinery Department especially attractive the slimmer as Miss Lee. (formerly with Messrs» Harrison Leslie and whose services I may any I have been fortunate in securing) has selected a. large and elegant eteck of all the latent desmns and novelties in the trade consisting of ENGLISH, FRENCH and NEW YORK FASHlOXS with beautiful trimmings to match. An Miss Lee is a. most accomplished Milliner owing to having had a. long experience in New York, we say with every conï¬dence we con suit and please all who may favor ux with their patronage. Trusting you. I’ll] cell end IO. no the ï¬rst time you ere down, .. ,H ï¬z’flï¬ï¬i? 6% TEN Pm CENT- DIBOOUNT FOR CA8H° Highest Price Paid {or BUTTER AND EGGS Mu] taken as Cub Any Amount Wantcll. .â€"-lee not. the following : EVERYTHING CUT AWAY DOWN IN PRICE. 3’1“ - SPRING, I888. - W m Also Remember by Buying your Cloth from Us for Home Manufacture we cut it FREE OF CHARGE fl. QAQQAN, We have some Special Lines in Stock for Boys’ Wear to which we would invite your attention, the best wear for the least money ever oï¬â€˜ered. We keep the Largest; Stock and by far the beat class of Goods in outline. From 3 long experience we know Cloth when We see it as we buy personally, we know just what suite our trade. We Can Undersell Any House in Town Readers of this advertisement may possibly not understand why we are Able to ofl‘er this extraordinary reduction. The secret is sxmply this : letâ€"We BUY FOR CASH and thus save large discounts. 2ndâ€"Our Suits are made on the premises and under our own supervision thus saving the middle-man’s proï¬ts. 3rdâ€"We are content with small margins. TEN PER CENT. CHEAPER. WHAT P That our Goods are really the Best in Town and gamma mmmmmmm. We have all lines in SUITINGS AND PANTINGS and at all prices but in each and every case WE MEAN THIS I BOYS’ W EAR. Beaverton’s Fashionable Tailoring Establishment. wnth the same Goods. TRY US! I Am Yours. TYUIyo my! wo~ E. TISDALE, BEA VERTON. ONT. V' The; 1f 0:. mm. dc» noti'nuand! to calm brute the anniversary of. the Older by: the usual entertainment this you, New an"); m. ‘ 931530va and swlish Stiï¬ and Soft Hamill Black. Brown and Grey. N. J .. ILPrior's, Woedvmo. 819;- _ ___-. .0. s, .4_ 0" Mrs. Jno. McKinnon of this ptnoe ha been many. ill for the last week. As the is now. very old there is slight hopes of. \ her recovery. l Farmers‘ Attention- w Try :i'ior's. for a. new spning- Shit, new apd fancy patterns in: 'Rwoods- Prices low. J. R. Prior. Woodvillo; The Saw-mill. Tho saw-mill here is now running mm blast and an average cutoï¬'ï¬ï¬ï¬mm 38‘ made each day. New Spring Goods. w New Dress60069;,szilnimfltiï¬mllk Shirtings. Tweak;h Gottonadam. he, M: J. R. Prior‘s, W‘oodnillm. The ranchemeu are prepmug for their smumer‘ 5 won k. Mesgrq Gameron have: been at them Cardm rancbe all week; getting into madhess for business» Gentleme n Preparing. "re: A C'xié’ioad of Land 3.]! ma Plaster now in stock. also Redumqvgr and Alsike Timothy Seed and all kinds of ï¬eld and vegehble seeds as I). lie- Lachlau's, Woodville. Mam ed. Farmers in this vicinity are all very busy seeding. The land is in excellent condition just. now. Al; the Methodist parsonage. Wood- ville. on Tuesday last. Wm. Stanley to Miss E. Uncles. all of Eldon. Seedlnc. '11:]Jllnsheatln’s. for all kinds oi Fields and Garden Seed. - $1}. Hector Grant. buried. his youngest child on Wednesday last. A Quwg Qt": -A. U... .1 'I A I.- \mlago epuncm The. virllngv council. will. meet on Monday next. at the 113110,] 1mm“, Died. ' ‘ Sni'réa’assxlol'l. of the “Nbrtbem Hotel“ was up lmfum Inspector Short, a low days “go for vinlntion of the Scott Act and “as flnml 850 and costs. Mama Syrup. On Sunday evening next, the pastor. Rev. '1‘. S. McKee will preach a sermon on the subject of Temperance. Look Here. [3“ At a low price is sure to sell. We are selling off our stock of ï¬ne home. made Blankets at from 93.00 per pair. Flannels, Tw‘eeds. Full Cloths, and all; other goods at the some. low price. It you want to get Bargains, come early- and get your choice. 0. T. Young, Mâ€" verton Woollen Mills. Go to All farmers in this locality who am the pussosaura of a sugar bush are busy sugar-making. The run of sap in 11». pormd m b0 the best. for a number M years. .- We will take 100.000 shingles. 0 inch clear butts in exchange for Waggous. Buggies. Cutters or Sleightâ€"s P. MCMILLAN £3 Sass, Beavertou, Ont. Methodlst Church. Take your Cash and get your Good. at Hodgson’s Clearing Sale 10% Iona than any House in town. A Good Amole. [3’ Kinds of Firewood for sale and delivered to any putt of the villafleé-P. Mchlan - Sous. Benetton. Ioo,ooo Shingles Wanted. Bacon and Spiced Merits of all kinds at L. J. Cameron's, lleavorton. W- o. T. U. The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. was held on Thursday. April 19th. After devotional exercises and ordinary business. a discussxon took place as to where the next lecture to he Men by Rev. Mr. Galbraith of Orillia. s iould be held. The majority being in favor of asking for St. Andrew‘s Church, a con» mittee was appointed to interview the managers of that church and obtain their consent to this arrangement. Unless otherwise announced this lecture will be held in St. Andrew‘s church on May 8th eta p. m. A committee was also ap- pointed to take charge of the musical part of the lecture. Two very interest- ing readings. one on “Moderation" the other on "War and Peace" were then given by the ladies appointed for that purpose at the last meeting. The in- temst in the Band of Hope is steadily increasing and is very enoouragin to the President of the Union and 0t or! actively engaged in this work as well In to all true lovers of the cause. The next meeting. of the W. C. T. U.. will be held on Thursday May 3rd. All Pltcher’s Gaston-g Dr. Juo. Grant. nephew of Me‘s". Angus aml.h.-lm (El-ant. 31d muu‘nion. and “ho has lawn a missimmry for Several years to (‘himn is visiting his uucleslmre nt pxcsunt. 110 is on his way to Scutluml. cannula" Manufactures. Go to Moth-sous for wur Shit-tings Ind t‘ottous. both In endless \urien at Sacriï¬ce Pnices. alum double- {old Sheeting». Imoked Mun. Flom Chins. moanm: %nml Ems. FRIDAY. APRIL 27. 1888.