Hnnsoï¬' \Voodrille, EVERY WED- QDAY afternoon and SATURDAY fore- yoon, and will be prepared to do chrythin 11: his line. Now is the time to get a gom ï¬b done. I. HAL WARD BROS‘ -SASH.D00RS. AND BLINDS human Anew-ram, BUILDER Am) 00x- TRACTOR. Plans and Speciï¬cations made o‘n the tenant notice. Estimates given for .all kinds of Work, on reasonable tex’ms. Heat- 3 and Ventilation of Churches and School oases I, succialty. King Street, \Voofl- (knee, MEDICAL HALL, WOODVILLE. Estimates furnished, and contracts taken for y or all of the above work. Materials lur- mhod if required. Shmving and Bair-Gutï¬ng. The subscribers have now got their thory ï¬tted up in ï¬rst-class style and are prepared tu furnish anything that. may be entrusted to them in-the shape of We will pay Agents a Salary of 8100 per n onth and expenses, on allow I largo com- niasiqn to sell our new and wonderful in- ventions. We mean what we say Sample free. A(ldms,18HEllMAN a 00., Mgr- nlnll, Michigan. ' A. GUNN,W’“_â€" VETERINARY SURGE-UH l Diseases of all domesticated animals successfully treated. AGENTS READ THIS ‘ IEELANDS, L.I'-.S. : J08. PBNTLAND, L.D.S. Sash and Door Factory Inspector of Weights and MeasureaCounty of Victoria. Auctigoneor, Land and General Agent. Debts and Rents collected. 1 ms mu, - osu mo. Onccfthe above will be at Hamilton’s Hotel, Beaverton, on the SECON D MON- DAY of each month. He will 5'30 visit Woodvillc on the Second TUESDAY of each mm, stopping at Mcl‘herson’a Hotel. Clerk hat and 7th Division Coum County Victoria. Clerk Township of Eldon. Sec~ mtary Eldon B. A. Society. Agent. 1’. B. 8. Company. Convoyancer, Commissmner h! Queen’s Bench. HUDSPETH BARRON, . Barï¬sters, c., c. . Ofï¬ceâ€"Kent. Sm, Lindsay. mu ImDstTH. - ' JOIN A. BARRON. WM. A. SILVERWOO D, J. P. GEORGE \VILLIS MILLAR, NORTHERN HOTEL, Woodvillc, BENJAMIN SCAMMON, Proprietor. This House is situate in the centre of the business portion of the Village. and has re~ cently been reï¬tted and refurnished, and is therefore moat suitabYe for commercial men and the public generally. The Bar is sup- ied with the best brands of Liquors and 'gars. Good Stables and attentive Hostler. ELDUN HOUSE, Woodville, T. EDW’ARDS, - Proprietor First-class accommodation and att entivc oervauts. BM" well supplied with the choic- nlt liquors and cigars. ’Bus to and from all trains and every convenience for the travel- ling public. “WW PLANING, MATCHING. MOULDING, SCPOLL SAWING «to. on short notice and at bottom prices. Also shingles and lumber for sale cheap. SUBSCRIPTIOX--()nly One Dollar a year, Strictly in Adaauce. ADVERTISINGâ€""Yearly Advertisements charged qnmterly; Transient Ad- vertisements, when ordered. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING. any... Henderson .85 Cave. OONTRAGTING AND BUILDING A SPECIALTY. Jlchims is Bros. BRIOKLAYERS, PLASTERERS AND MA SONS (be. IV. ARJIIS TRON G, ‘F Cnnnington, win he at the “ Eldon um"... H \V.....:I..:II- L‘IYI.‘II‘Y 117nm (Graduate of Ontario Vet. College.) King Street, IVoodville. EELANDS PENTLAND, Dentists, PLARï¬ING MILL BICK, gratesstonm warms. “ We gamma," 33mm}; (Earths. CHARGES MfllDEBATE. \VOODVIIJIJE 3mm mums. )8 PUBLIS" ID AND 37 J. MCKAY, M.D., L. R. C. P. and L. R. c. 8., xrmnvuan. (ucxsrm'rn ROYAL commas or PHYSICIANS, AND ucxxm'rx or nowu. COLLEGE or eunonost GYNIECOIDGY:(-6iseasea peculiar to \Vomen) practiced in Hospitals exclusively devoted to Diseases of Women in London and Edinburgh made A SPECIALTY. PROF. LISTER'S Appliances and appar- atus for the Antiseptic System of Treatment LOW adopted by all the leading Surgeons of Europe on hand. N. B.â€"â€"Dr. McKay’s varied and extensive experience in the Hospitals of England and Scotlandâ€"the four Diplnmna which he holds from the beat Colleges of the Mother Conn- try in addition to his Canadian Degrees should he a euro guarantee of his efï¬ciency. C\PITAL - ' 8| 000 ,0( G OVERNMEMT DEPOSIT, 850,000 CAS JOHN McTAGGAR'I‘, Kirkï¬eld, Commissioner in B. 8., Conveyancer. ,ï¬ï¬ ""l"" w,, .-.v--vw‘- liwvll' I ings. 'Churches, Parson ages, School Houses and all risks of this cl as. IT PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND ACCO UC HEU R. Appraiser for the Canada Permanent Loan . Savings Company. MONEY T0 LOAN a: a low rate of interest and on easy terms of plyment to suit borrowers. I NSURES Earm.1’rope_r_ty, Izolnted Dwell- The ISOLATED RISK FARMER’S FIRE INSURANCE 00. Capital, $000,000 The ONTARIO MUTUAL FIRE IN. SURANCE 00., o! Imudon, Ont. Ottawa Agricultural INSURANCE Co. A entffor the LANCASHIRE FIRE LIF ‘ INSURANCE (10. Capital, $10,. Amn Ann The STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE CO. Authorized capital, 83,000,000. Agent for the sale of the celebrated WILSON A., and LOOKMAN SEWING MACHINES. _r_ w_‘- vv-V .. v uvul- any. which has made more loans waarmers or the last twenty»three years than any other You can get any time you want to repay, up to 20 years, The full amount of the loan is advanced, no deduction being mada- for commission, payments in advauCe or cxpences. For further particulars apply to J N O. C. GILCHRIST. LIVERY! If you want money to buy more land, to pay off a mortgage or other debts, we Would advise you to. see the reduced terms of the Cannd; Permanent loan and Savingg Com- h-n-i _. .2 -L l, _ , a ENRY EDWARDS is prepared to sup- ply LIVERY RIGS at any time and on the shortest notice. Special attention given to Commercial Travellers. Charges always moderate. TERMS. CASH. Sta- bles in connection with the Eldon House. “v .. “ vu l.‘ (1134'). r l‘ U‘ 1Y1 PERTY, for a term of years, at a rea- sonable rate of interest. ‘8- Mortgage: and Municipal Debentures bought. Apply to - DUN. CAMPBELL, Agent London and Canadian Loan Agency . Company, 67-ly Woonvxnmr, OM Ofï¬ce on King Street, or orders left at Tun ADVOCATE Office. At her residence on PKing St. .,I next door to Mr. McSweyn’ s. Pugnl a canl be attended at there owu residence 1 required. Music Lessons on the Organ WATCH MAKER PHOTOGRAPHER. ous'noon west or uonrusnu now. WOODVILLE, ONTARIO. W. A. _SIL_YER_WOOD, Al‘- II. Ofï¬ceâ€"King-st., \Voodville‘ LAND and General Agent. 5l~ ‘3‘ TERMS MODERATE. MISS H. G. STOTT VOL. III. ONEY T0 LOAN on FARM PRO nnnm'v - Money to 1.63m7 8 LEE DHAM COUNTY AUCTIONEEH. Duo for Band. Times. 22m. Cam; lite/l, is now prepared to give THE ADVOCATE. RENE? EDWARD JR. W ODVI LLE THE Age: 1;. “'0: dville WOODVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 1(6 “ Laws, no, Mr. Croil ! Certainly not, not by no means. Whatever mmle you go for to think that I would live about hero 2†They passed, a‘} that moment, a low sort of lodginghouse and snilora’ tavern. with a bill in the window: “ Lodgings for single men and mariners.†“ Then you don’t about here 2†Unless Ben Umil wrs grievoualy deceived. tha lady at the door of this hoste'ry made a sign-of recognition as the lad passed. “ So,†Ben thought, “ tlméa the crib,nnd that’s where Boston Tom is to be heard of." There was a malicious twinkle in the young man‘s eye as he snake. Bun looked up quietlyâ€"lie still held him by the armâ€"- :nd watched him. “ I’ve left the son-faring trade; air I 'm just come up to London to look round like 3 got no home to go to yet.†“ Well, Dan'l Mizen,’ he said, nlmul, ‘ you’ll ï¬nd me most days (lmVn at the docks. You mind, come to see ms, and no harm shall happen to you ; you forget to come, and as sure as my name’s Ben ()rnil, you’ll swing for your shnreoi the Lucy Derrick mutiny. Swing is the Word, Dau’l Mizcn !’ He made mental note of the house and number, and tunnel back. “He was Maltese Dick, Mr. Croil,†the boy replied, very quickly. " Him with the black hair and the arm tatooed all over; and when: he’s gone, I dont know, and can't tell you.†"Ay, ny I And where do you live now, you Mizen boy 2†Mr. Mizen looked after him, with a coun- tenance full of pelplcxity and dismay ; and after ï¬rst scratching his touslcd head, and then shaking it ruefully, pursued his own way in the opposite direction. with n deject- ed, not to any a hangdog. expression in his very shoes. Presently there possed him a lad of about his own age, dressed in blue flannel, and lookingâ€"although the l‘mnnul was shabby â€"- a gentleman. He had long legs and a springy walk. As he went nlong~ aomctimes a little ahead and some- times e little behind Mr. Minn-Lho stopp- ed occasionally and looked about him, as if in search of something. Mr. Dan’l Mizen contemplated this waifâ€"~e gift of Providence “ Sarved them right; 3 “'orse than being hgnged. But I'd rather ha’ hanged them.†“ Last, there was only left {our of us." “ One of.thom {our WM Boston Tom‘ 1'†said Ben. ‘ The boy hesitated. “ \Vell, one wasâ€".1 'remcmber nowâ€"â€"one was ; but he was nearly dead when we were picked up ; and he was one of them that died two days afterwards." “ That's a lie, " thought Ben, but he said nothing. "So now, only two are left 2" he asked, after a pause. “ Who may the other he 2†“Lubber all !†said Ben. “Go on, my boy , steer as truthful as you know. †" Then We got weather , and thenmon see, we had to take to the boats There was two boats. but one stove in; then there was only one left. We hadn’t time rfor any provisions, and after the ï¬fth day they be- gan to eat each other. PGawspel truth Mr. Uroil l†' “ Swear to that, boy 3 and if you tell me lies I’ll rope'a-end you till you’ll wish you’d never been aboard any ship in all your life, that blue you’ll be all over.†“ I’ll tell you all the truth, Mr. Grail-â€" s’help me, I will. We! ‘ tJn the ï¬ghtâ€"â€" that is, they pirates ail mntiueera lostâ€"- eight men in all, out of ï¬ve-nud-twenty; that left seventeen, and six of them were, wounded ; that left eleven. Well, they used me nrful, they did. All your lather- ius Mr. Croil. was pangukes and plum-duff compared with the latherns I got all round from the devilish murderers. Things went bad with the navigation too, and they couldn’t keep her no course nohow. The boy, whose face shJWod him to be what he really wasâ€"the most errant our and coward in existenceâ€"burst out blust- erously, “ Rope’s-eud me, will you, Mr. Croil ! Wait till you try that. game on. †“ Ay, will 1 1 And I’ll began on the spot if you jaw me. “Why, you di , measlyâ€"- There, go on with your story ! All the pi- rates is drownded, then I Pity, too 1†(Continual) “The mat I†echoed Mr. Mizen, .with a half laugh. “ There ain’t any rest.†“ \Vhat I All gone but you 2" “All gone but me and Boatâ€"and one other of the crew.†WHEN THE SHIP COMES HOME. B! Wang BBBANT AND Juana Rxcs “ Pro Bono Publloo.†live anywhere handy Rupert Lemire thought himself in u very queer company, but he reflected that they would not probably murder him for the sake of five shillings, and he obeyed the Envito‘ ntion to enter the house. By the ï¬re, in a low r oom, rocking with tobacco, there flat in on arm-chair a. man of singular ap- pearance. He was (it-Curated with a scar on the right side of his month. which made it look as if it had been twisted up on that side†He had bright black, eyes, very close together, and along receding forehead ; his face was smooth and hairless, and his cheeks were hollow and sunken. His empty pipe lay beside him on the table, which was also graced by a half-emptied gloss of rum and water. ‘ Come in, youngster. What’s your name! Where do you hail from 2 What do you want? Now, then 5" \ Rupert thought of the intitiala on his handkerchief. ‘Yesp I can take him.’ said Mrs. VFItma- gun, ‘if the young gentlem will pay a de- posi e.’ ‘ I’ve at ï¬ve shillings, ‘aaid Rupert. ‘ Hang“; f'ncr,’saidg1\lrs. Flanagan, ‘ Mrs. Flauagnn.’ called a voice from the inside 100m, ‘send that boy in here, live shillings and all. " The voice was hoarse and strained. It Was followed by a cheat cough which lasted long enough to tear the patient to pieces, and also was followedâ€"n thing which was quitenutural in that horrible denâ€"bya volley of oaths. “ My name is Rohert anley,’ he replied with a little hesitation, taking a name which belonged to the family butcherâ€"~an impor- tunute person, who was always bringing sorrow upon the household by demanding payment. ‘I come from -â€"Munchceter,an(l I want to go to sea." ‘ How much money have you got 2’ ‘ Five shillings.’ ‘ Give it to me to keep for you. I live here. This house belongs to me, not to Mrs. Flanagan. I‘ll take care of your mon- ey for you. I hope it’s honestly come by. We're very particular in this house, ain’t us Dnn’l Mizen 1’†Daniel mode nt reply. ‘ And if we can’t get you a ship all at a day's notice, young shaver, I suppose you could ï¬nd some more money by writing for it, couldn’t you? Guess you’d better come tome for advice. Five shillings, you see, it won’t go fur. Two days or tlicreahonts, if you don’t drink. To be anre,there’a the long~ahore clothes; yon can make A good amp out of them, and nick a trifle into tho bargain.’ gathering to her breast, Englishman, Amen icxm, Negro, Lnacar, M slay, Greek, Ger~ man or NorWegian. . All alike were dear to her, and she was dear to themâ€"in the long run, very dear. She housed her favorites ; she provided them with food, society, am- usements, and drink ; and when they left her hospitable house,.it was, the censorioue saidmith empty pockets, And with ‘ copper-3’ so hot that it took a week of sea-breezes and compulsory temperance to cool them. He conducted Rnpertto the door, and in troducod him to the landladyâ€"s woman with a red face, and dressed' in a cotton gown, looped up so as to show a rich ampli- tude of petticoat underneath. She stood, with arms akimbo, contemplating human nature as it passed with eyes of hungry de- ï¬ance. Men and women walked along. children ran by, but they were not her prey. Of all kinds and conditions of men, Mother Flansginâ€"not an Irishwoman by birth, al- though of illustrious I]: descent-«loved a sailor, and especially Iii (of, the mercantile marine. She extended “(dilution beyond the narrow limits of party and country, em- bracing in one comprehensiVe sweep, and gathering to her breast, Englishman, Amer- Daniel Mizen led the way. Oddly enough his steps took him to exactly the very house where Beu Croil had noticed the Indy at the door, and had remarked besides that she seemed to know his young companion. It was, in deed, the trnth that the ex-sliip-boy lived in this place of resort. How he lived, on what honest industry, or by the exercise of what native wit, was not immediately apparent. ‘ That’s lucky, now !‘ said A ‘ Why, I’ll take you to the very its close by. You come along 0’ evidently fallen quito into his hands-«for a quarter of an hour or so; and then, Mr. Croil being well out of sight. he shouldered up to the stranger, and jerked out, looking the other way : “ Lost your hearin,’ mute ?‘ ‘ That is it,’ replied the stranger : ‘lost my bearin.’ I was told by a party in the country that l was to come to a house in the Whitechapol Roddâ€"but I’ve forgotten the numberâ€"where they‘d take me in, and flu d me a ship.’ ' 8, 1879. AMW MMMAA . now !‘ said Mr. Mizen. you to the very place, and No. 126 Rupert sat quietly enough, wnt listening, until the ï¬iddle began. 1y his legs began to twitch. An 01 performer was occupying the flog ntnp made up of the cobbler’a «Inna sailors hornpipe. Rupert steppe †DEAR 01.1) Thawâ€"I’m in the crib. They’ve robbed me of my f ings. and a fellow here think- I'm‘ for ï¬ve pounds more to my parent: cheater. \Vhat a game I My at 13344A, High street, Whitechapel. name in Robert Lumley, but you I write to me. The name of the pro} the crib is Thomas Pringle. He i thwart-looking villain, with 3 acts“ right lip, and two eyes close toga he had any-hair on his face he ' u like a wolf. I like the fun. “ Y6 “ Is it all wrote I†asked Mr. Bi; “ Yes,†said Rupert, quickly fol placingtho letter in an onwloï¬eï¬hi on the table. ' “ Let me look at. it.†‘ “ Can’t, now it’s folded and 301i give me a penny for a stamp. l Pringle w. M: fun it is'! Wink III with the ï¬ve pounds 2" , " We’ll have a. spree, my [I and me together, in this bios; crib. Now go and post your 101 come back when it is done. You into no mischief, because yon'v money." That was true ; but Mr. Mizen 111 less seemed to think it desirable to him unobtrusively to the post-0300, escort him, after the letter was duly back to No. I344A. There they {on} sort of a meal in sctive progress end three other guests, although the op] of the food did not, as in some circle the disappearance of the tobacco. contrary, those who had led, or W] about feed, went on smoking; thc were feeding kept their pipes by th; betWeen helpings attended to the ; ation of the spark. The cloth rum to speak, every man ordered what iii best, and the evening sports set in‘ usual severity. Other guests srri‘ both sexes, the tables were cleared end dancing began. "Let me show you how to d smiling superior. He did show them how to demo pipe ; then he shnwetl them the I" with the poker and tongs ; than be, ad a figure of lns own invention, (1 he lifted his legs over the head ofo‘ and gentleman present, to their mm and rupture ; and then, snutching' ti from the hands of the inebriate mui threw himself intn his place, and country dance for them till they (1 if they had been the rats of the Pie himself. Said Mr. Pringle to the worth} upon retiring to rent :“The boy mint of money. We'll keep hi he gets an answer to his letter, I up right away. There nhu’n’i house as this not this ride of Linn gal 1"- 'l‘ he paper having been hrong PIiIIuleâ€"â€"fm this, Rupert had learn: course of t'»«- game, was the soul naIIIeâ€"â€"procee(led to dictate: ‘My p IIents, I made my way up to Load leaning home, and arrived here yd lam deeply sorry for the trouble have caused you in running away, intended for to go sea, but am liq persuaded of the folly of my copdn will 1,0 back home, to do what you 1am staying with truly Christian and have ' nt my all. If it were their chn’ , I should now be Ital" owe theni'flio pounds already. an: want three more to get my clothefl‘ pawn, which I am in rags, and to i againâ€"third class Padiamentaryâ€"b-j better than I deserve. So please _I a post- -oflice order for flu: ponndc, ,j to Thomas Pringle, at the Whitaohb} Ofï¬ce, the same to he called for. I] ’1! fectionate eon, Robert Lumley." ; g This was Mr. Pringle’s diél following, however, is what Ruj really wrote : Never before had Mrs. Flam cal such dancing. such excitmoi thirst. ‘ ‘ ‘ Am! a mother? Yes! Thuï¬'m like a mother. “’0'“ pitch it stroll just write what I tell you. and nothj ‘ Five shillings,†will the but. the two halfcrowns. " It’l a hi there‘ it's something to pass the time f1 ller, you've chained yourself on" sharp, yo: have. You'd bewai WI letter for more nwney at once 3 until cunning to the point. You, Daniel go and fetch the ink and some p591 pose you've got a father 2’ He had another ï¬t of coughing. l by arotlmr Volley o! odtlm Then posed.» game of cards, ond they BI to a friendly hand of all-(nun. in VI \lizeu took a hand. llupurt was no isllml when, after half an hour or to. informed by the man with the can he lrul lost all hil money. (To bu Oorm'omtd).