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Woodville Advocate (1878), 6 May 1880, p. 2

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THE Minister of Education lately is- ucd some new regulations to the fols owing effect :â€"After the July exami- ations in 1880 the examinations for bird class non-professionsl certificates efore County Boards will be discon~ .inued, and candidates in order to bee me entitled to such certificates must , ass successfully the High School In- termediate examination. Graduates of McGill College, Montreal, are placed . n the same looting as graduates of the Universities of Ontario. A candidate for first-class certificate must obtain grade 0. before ploceeding to grades B. and A. First-class honor students of the University of Toronto or of any Provincial University having a cnrri» culum of equal standard or of McGill College may receive first-class certifi- sates of grades A. and B. on certain :onditions named. ' FROM the circular of the Grand Secâ€" otary of the Independent Order of )ddfollows in Ontario, just issued, wo ather that there axe now 184 lodges ivith a. membership of 12,286 in the Province. Dining the year 1879, 1," 356 were initiated, 148 admitted by a, IN consequence of the adverse vote ‘1' the British nation, Lord Beacons- Eld’s Ministry has resigned. The lm'quis of Hertmgton was sent for by “do Queen to form a. new Cabinet, but i) declined, and after consulting with ":a'rl G‘runville and Mr. Gladstone, the Etter gentleman was entrusted with go task. Mr. Gladstone is evidently to choice of the nation, and no other tornativc than that he should head .9 Government would have been uc~ “fled. The following is the c()mposi.. (km oftho new Ministry: Rt. Hon. (ieInaIIIl for hihcr ir. brought many now u village, and strange in daily mow numero dwellings me one by ants, find the oh] (.‘lift is the property of Mr. being re-shingleIl IIII chvn‘rthi into a hmII a natural consequence popili Itinn, business is vim and there Is l\ go better times than we Ier iencgd me close at! V. II . ’Ghulstmw, Prinm Minister and hIIIICIlior of the ilechIIqIIer' , Em] 'IIlIIvIIIII, St‘cretary of State for For- gn ()ifices; Mauqnis of 'HIII-tingt‘on, ecmtmy of State for India; Hugh iI.‘.. 'hildms, §ccwtmy (It Stain fIII WIIII; .(Il'd 1.04, mm, Limi High Chuncellm ; VIII. E. «Icr. ( i. icf Socwt tIIIy foI ' -ulnnIi.; l Nouhhr,ook IIirIIt LOId ' the“ AIhniIIIi'Iy , Sir \Vm. VeInon III,'c0II\i Home SI-crI-Iarv ; Duke of v’Igyle, Earl of himbeilny: Rt. Hon. 0. Bright, Rt. Hon. J. Stanfield. It ' that Lord Dub ““8”“!!! ofl’ered 137,144.25. The per centage 3f ex» 1tenses to receipts was 35.78, and of re- ief to receipts, 23.01. The general and of thelodge now amounts to 8252,- ‘65.39 ; widoWs' and orphans’ fund, ‘ 87,152.81; oontinnent fund, $5,232.17. m1 and 136 reinstated. No less; mm than. $23,925.82 were expended For relief during the same period an werago of $131 per lodge. For sick benefits the payments were $13,852.70; mp 011; of widows, $5,659.65 ; charity, 52, 35.28; burying the dead, $2,078.03. The death rate was one in 153}. The g Tut-3 Muskokn Herald gives some in- goresting statistics (if the lumber indus- Ery in the Muskoka and Parry Sound giistricts, from which we may gain an gdea of tha‘ growth of this interest in Ehataectio'n. The total cut during the [Zeason is put at 186, 725 000 feet of {umber and 10,000,000 shingles In Elle board timber trade there is a p10. luction of 140,000 cubic feet, and 25- 000, 000 shingles remain to be cut. It is calculated that one~fiftl1 of the stock l)f lumber above mentioned will go to lnarkot by the 1\01 chain 1a1l11ay, and {J16 balance will be sawn on the Gem" giau Bay and shipped by water. The umber is of a better quality than usual Ind is mainly destined ior American narkets,principally Oswego and Buffalo ooai'pts of Subordinate lodge; weré 103,945.56; tho current equnses, ISM Adeata ““7... _. ._..__._._...-._ _ _ _,__._.,_, i... Hammeggnu wwéfénészwmw 7 much may!» uiadupgr u [h unfiofifl WOOD VILLE. MA Y 6. 1880. @flitnrinl gum.- “ Pro Bono Publico.” C: Smith’s old mill the circular saw hm; been cutting custom logs “ on and off" all winter, and the planing machine has been nearly always busy, as has also the shingle inachine in the new mill on the opposite side of the liver, but the gang saws have not yet been set. going. Smith «is Fell’s shingle mill is in full blast, and has been for three months or more, as it was only shut- down for a very fiw weekn early in winter. The dcmand for labor in the mills has brought many new residents into the village, and strange faces are becoming daily mono numerous; the vacant dwellings are one by one finding ten» ants, and the old (.‘lifton House, which is the property of Mr. R. (J. Smith, is being re shingled and repaired, and converted into a boarding house. As a natural consequence of tho influx of papnlntion, business is beginning to re- vive. and there is n general fooling that. better times than we have lately exâ€" THE MII.LS.-â€"â€"Mossrs. GI'I-mm 3.: EL- lis’s mill commenced work for tlm III-.Isou on Monday last, :lllll the mill lIIIilb lIv Messm. Brownlo’ce Momy, which has been so long idle. and is Imw leased by Messrs. \IcAILlIur In "llwIIIIIsmI lircll upon TII_-IIIsI_lIIy Ill()|||l||‘_'. III Mr. ll. STRAW SHIPMENT"~Sllllillnnts of straw continue uctivv, and nearly all that is put up in this section of the country goes to Americm points. 1303- ton has received a large Supply from this city, so also have Troy and Albany. Yestm'day Mr. N. McCunmwn sent two cars to W'uterford, New York, and will ion-ward two more of the sauna in a few days. Each cur contains 150 bales, and each bale weighs 170 pounds and is bound with wire. The trade must be a profitable one, as several persons in this locality are engaged in it.â€"â€"Iulclligeucer Belleville. THE Wardcr has twu eggs that, men. sures 7-3- by 6:15 inches,- and 73 by 63 and weigh three and a half nunccrs each. Can any of on: {an mcrs beat, them? THERE is a scandal about Mr. Hand ford, a leading Congregational minister of Toronto. It appears that grave ru.. more affecting his character have been in circulation for some time. The mat- ter came to a climax by one of the dea- cons, Mr. Thompson, resigning because of what he knew. His reasons were that Mr. Handford had been guilty of drunkenness, the appropriating or rather not accounting for a portion of the funds received from a church bazaar and of indiscretions with two or three female members. A church meeting was held on Tuesday evening, but Mr. Thompson declined to make any charges against Mr. Hanford, and wished to say what he had to say before a com- mittee. The congregation were not disposed to allow this, and Mr. Hand" ford denied all the graver charges against him, although admitting that he had not been as wise or prudent as he might have been. A resolution of confidence was proposed to the ell'ect that the church having heard the ru~ more brought against the pastor believe them to he frivolous and unfounded, and record their unabated confidence in him. and hopedthat the church Would work together with greater harmony and zeal than eVer. z‘The resolution was put to .1 standing vote and declared carried by a nmjority of 62 to 3. It is charged that there is a regular system of persecution of Mr. Iiandford, and that this is a part of it. The charges ‘ were oliicinlly denied at a meeting on i \Vcdnesday. l WHILE the North Pole has long been a source of interest and a field for ex- ploration 011 the part of the enterprising maritime nations of Northern Europe and the United States, the South Pole has been comparatively neglected. But little more is now known respecting it than when Captain 0001: made his dis~ coveries of land surrounding it in 1775, though his subcesso1s have defined the shore line with a gleate1 amount of accu1acy. It1s not asce1 tamed whether it extends an 1111b1oken ba1H-1ie1 oven the entire Antarctic region. A11 expe‘ ditio‘n is to lewe Genoa during the present month on a voyage of A11tarc~ tic exploration, the Italians having de- cided to enter upon this unappropriated field. It is hoped that they will be able considerably to extend the researches of their predecessors, if they do not succeed in reaching the Pole itself, as the early discoverers in that direction had not the aid of steam. The ice men is said to be conside1ably g1eater than that of the cm responding N 01 them latitude. which 13 accounted {01 by there being so little land in the Southern Hemisphe1e.’1‘he expedition may p‘ro- hably be of service to commerce by dis- cm e1ing f1 esh guano deposits and seal fisheries accessible to merchant vessels. A STRANGE l‘ItIG.â€"â€"()n \Verlnesduy lust Mr. ll. Drynmn brought us two eggs, one of which Was only remarkable for its size ; but it was a big one, as it measured six inches by aeven inches and a hall'iu circumference a'nd weighed three and a quarter ounces. The other, though not larger than common, was veny remarkable, for at the small end, where it went off to a point, there pro« jccteil a pipe or tube; nearly two inches long, and about as large as a rather thin lczul pencil. The tube appeared to be a continuation of the membrane with which the shell was lined, and was full of the albumen or “white,” with which the yelk'of an egg is sur- rounded. It. is a strange looking ob- ject, and it will probably be a long time bofore a hen in any other part of the Dominion will have the honor and glory of producing its equalsâ€"F. F. Gazelle. AT the County of Ontario Criminal Conn-c, held at Whitby on the 22nd ult., .l nudge: Burnlnun presiding, Ins; Mallett, Jam. Rattle. A. Struchun,J. Lane, Wm. I).u'is;jr.. ll. Duviq, A. Scott, S. SanM ymm and A. Vnkes, were tried for hav- ing on tln- 21st April, in the Township of must Whitby, riotonsly and tmnnlt~ unmly Ham-mlrlml together and disturb- ed the pcamv, and damaging Ebenezer Church, nt Fungal-’3 cornors. The Judge alh-r ln-nring uvidonco imposed lhefol- lowing, \‘l7..2 $25 nnd Costsâ€"42143 each -_;m.l to In: imprisoned until paid, also each one tn find mn'eties to keep the I’JOACH for 12 months. AS Mr. Joseph Boynton was crossing Luke Uonchiohing a little south of Gar- dinor's Point, early one morning last week, something of a startling uppeah unce'apln'oachcd to wilhin a few feet of his boat. He describes it as about 13 or 1-1 feet long, 18 inches in diameter, and having four legs ; with some 6 feet of its length heyoml the hind legs. It seemed to look at him for a short time, then turned us if in pursuit of some~ thing, lnnkilg the Water fly 8 or 10 feet in all directions. Tm: Peterboro’ Review thus severely deals with the leading element of that toWn :-â€"[n the Peterlaoro' menagerie you can see every species~fif monkey from the ring tail to the grinning baâ€" boon. The show opens every Sunday evening, and the animals may be seen standing in shop doorways on the front street, and standing outside the fron‘tgt church doors. There was a big show of the animals last night. AT their works at Port Hope the Midland Railway Company are build- ing 50 platform cars, a. mail and express car and a passenger coach. At the walks at Cobourg they are having 25 platform cars erected. They are also having three locomotives constructed at the Portland Locomotive \Vorks, two of which are to be delivered in May and one in June. “ A Comwspoxnzxr writes that the neiglihonhoud to the west of Penetangâ€" nishene is fast settling up with 2|. good class of practical fui-mers, principally from the County of Victoria, who, by their better manner of tilling the land, will. soon make 'l‘ay a first~class agri- cultural township und add much to the business of Penetanguishene and Mia. laud. ' LIEUT. WM. MCDONNELL,JB. ,‘Mg‘ S. has been appointed Captdn of No. 6 company, Volunteer Mlilitia, I indsay, vice John A. '1‘: Thirkell, who is pel- mitted to letire letainiug “rank MR. JOHN COATES, an cum-prising farmer of Reach, a fowdays angold‘, mare and colt; for $500 ; the dolfiilas’l ' months old and sold for $200 ' Ml. Staples, of Caven, was the pure niSBr'; and Mr. Hood, of Markham, bought the mare at 8300. Good stock pays both buyer and seller. LINDSAY boys get druhk and amuse themselves kindling fires and forming torchlight processions, and even set fire to each others’ clothes. So a. reliable citizen informs the Warder. TIIB steam sawnmill at Cobooopk is being got ready for wouk, and, unless something should ocou‘ir to provfim it, will commence operations? thigweek. THE next Central Fair will be held in Port Hope, commencing 0n the 5th of October, and continuing three days. Tm; merchants of Port Perry have come to the ummimous conclusion to close their stores at; 7 o'clock p. 111., shalp.af-te1 the Isl: of May. Tim Midland Railway Company are about. opening a telegraph station at Cumbray. Tm: number of children of school ago at present in Ontario is 550, out of the 1000 population. \Vux'rnv is negotiating for the trans- for of the Empire woolen mills, situatn ellntpresent a: Columbus, to that place. «40>.»- Shade trees should be_plan_ted now‘ so Gm gcighlwm. The Editor’s Address to his Patrons. â€"â€"Hear us for our debts, sud get ready that you may pay ; trust us, we have need, as you have long been trusred ; acknowledge 'your indebtedness, and dive into your pockets, that you may promptly fork over. If there he any smongyou, one single patron who don’t owe us anything, then to him we my, step aside; consider yourself a gentle» man. If the rest wish to know why we dun them, this is our answer: Not that we care about ourselves, but our creditors do. Would you rather that we went to jail and you go free, than that you pay your debts and keep us moving? As we agreed, we have work- ed for you ; as we contracted, we have furnished the paper to you ; but as you don’t pay, we duu you. Who is there so foolish that don’t take a pnper‘l If any, 'he need not speak, for we don’t mean him. Who is there so unwise he don’t advertise? If any, let him slide; hecein’t the chirp either. Who is there The Game LaW.â€"The following is the new Game Law passed by the Our- tario Legislature at the last session :â€" None of the animals or birds herein- after mentioned shall be hunted, taken or killed within the period hereafter limited. l~Deer, elk, moose, reindeer or cariboo, between the 14th day of December and the let day of October. 2 â€" Gl'ouso, pheasants, prairie-fowl, patridge, between the let day of Jan- uary and the let day of September. 3â€"Wild turkeys or quail, between the 1st day of January and the 1st day of October. 4â€"Woodcock, between the let day of January and the lat day of August. 5â€"-Suipe, between the let day of January end the 16th day 0! August. 6â€"\Vuter fowl known as Mallard, Grey Duck, Black Duck, Wood or Summer Duck, between the 1st day of January and the 15th day of August. 7 â€"â€"-Other Ducks, Swans, and Geese, between the lat (lay of May and the 15th day of August. Hares, between the 1st day of Mulch and the let day of September. Advertisingâ€"The Monetary Times a short time since in an 'atticle on busi- ness failure, stated that the luck of ad~ vertising was one of the chief causes of business failures. There are business men who don't understand the value of advertising. They do not see the di~ rect connection between advertising and the entrance of it customer, or the de-- mam! of any particular article. They also with u self-importance which is amusing, fancy their businesses are known to the whole community, chang- ing as that community is to an extent which they have no conception of. The principle upon which business men should act itsâ€"advertise, and advertise the truth. If you have 'a. good thing let the people know it. Furthermore, never let an advertisement get stale. Horses Wantedâ€"Mr. G. C. Riedel, the American gentleman who bought so many horses in this neighborhood last month, will be in Woodville again on Saturday next, with a View to purn chase auother carload.. On Monday night, one of our mar- chantsâ€"who boards at the “ Eldon House”-â€"stayed in his store rather later than usual, and as a consequence was locked out. Knocking at the door to attract the attention of the landlord, he disturbed His Honor J udge Dean, who was sleeping overhead, and who raised his window and gave the disturber a few words of wholesome advice on the impropriety of young men keeping such late hours, and arousing others from their peaceful slumbers at that hour of the night, and advised him to be off and spend the balance of the night where he had spent the first part. However, the matter was explained to the satis. faction of His Honor in the morning. Dentistr .â€"â€"One of the firm of Neo- lands 6!. mmons, Dentists, Lindsay, will be at the “Queens Hotel,” on Tuesday and Wednesday next, 11th and 12th inst. The time of year has now arrived when the active housekeeper puts on an old dress, rolls up her sfeeves, ties at handkerchief round her head,an(l makes things “hum” in the house cleaning business. The engine on the Midland mail go~ ing north jumped the rails at Lindsay, on Tuesday, and caused adelay of about five hours. N one of the passengers or trainmen were hurt. On Monday, Mr. McIntyre, of the firm of .McInsyre .9. Prior, moved to town with his family. He has taken up his residence over the store. Removing stoves and “king down pipes is the cause of much inward pro- fanity. Carpet beating in the most rushing bugineas at this season of the your. The best thing to Whitman a house with is a. brush and some whitening. gum yuflm. LATEST FASHIONS PHOTOGRAPHER BARBER} 0“! DOOR "I87 0' ”MRI um ,WOODVILLE, ONTARIO. “ YOUNG Mann krw,” 3 mm. bright bay. owned by Mr. P. Martin. of Hartley, will travel North Victori- md pun 1.0 1.1-4---- of Mnfi'iwsa. Horsemen ahcuhl cell at Till Amocu'l office before ordering their ROUTE BILIB as We are ' a position to give than “til. faction. e have just received . nook of new cuts. We alsorivc a {no notice to all getting their posters rom m. “EMELATI‘A,”. beautiful chum fife property of Mr. John Kennedy, wifl tun! m Mara, Thorah. Eldon and part of Brook. "Tm. MARQUIS or Ghmhlml," a In. grey draught, will travel in the tmnuhipl of Thumb, Mara, Eldon, am! pm" of Brook. Mr. B. F. Brown; Prom-iota. Hope for mâ€"When the oxy- ydrE‘ofien' microscope was first exhibited in u-’ burgh, a poor woman, whose riches wouldi never hinder her ascent to the kingdomI above, took her seat in the lecture roomI where the Wonders of the instrument were" shown, and which Were for the first time to" meet her sight. A piece of lsce weaning; nitied into n salmon-net, it lies wss netsmot'i‘ “ phoned into an elephant. and other like mel'éj- ' venerable dame, who sat in silent ‘tonis 9“ ‘ ment staring open-mouthed, st the d' . But when at iength a milliner's nude 4‘, tausformed into a. poplar tree. and sunken“ cd her with its huge eye, she could {said in " no longer. " My Goodness l" M 1:. claimed, “a. camel could go through Mt ! There is some hope for the rich yet l’ 1336;» 2 Yesâ€"there is absolute certainly thst mu is relief to be had from the effects '0! has, Scalds, Frost-bites, Spreine end Barium. , But do not look tor this relief fish sn .‘, ' other source than by using Hegyerd'e Ye -' loy Uil. ‘ vols were performed before the eyes of .1? THE Midland railway have th’n len- son inaugurated at new rogulstion u to the manner of carrying lumber. In- stead of charging by the car and limit-- ing the car to 8,000 ft, they now chemo by the thousand feet with the llDdOl-v‘ standing that 'no more than 8,000 (It. shall be put on a car. Under the old system 9,000 ft. and more were fre- quently placed on a car and it has been estimated that in this way the “pony has in years past carried one-tenth of the lumber yield of the district for noth- ing. There is now nothing to be gained by shippeis in overloading their con. v. -â€"_._- vâ€"w' 'V â€"' up in two colors, one containing a purget‘iv ' and one without, which communion 39' other Candy has. This alone mekee it very valuable in case our child «quire. an open- ing medicine. {3 is the moat efl'eotnnl WORM DES'I‘ROYER knowu, pleasant to the taste, and as they contein no mineral. may beedminisbered to tho moot delicate constitution. Full direction- eooempauy each box. Price 23cm“, or 5 for one (1080. The last few days has made I lurk“! in- provement in the state of the row in thin neighbourhood, they are drying up rapidly. Business is dull, eVoryone being buy .0!!!" ing. A bull and free supper wu given by big. D. Davis last Friday night, on tho coca-lob of hi. taking possession of the we: in «in village. The warm 3qu has cauiod “in. flo-ldbvh' look quite green again. The hard times mm to be nearly M as business '8 putty bl’ilk. The farmers are busy sowing and m am preparing to build new bum. We hnvb‘ got a now out“. duh Win Ha ha opened :11 office on Bolton 30”... P. MCSWEYN, E. N. McLEAN, STALLIONS AND THEIR ROUTE. Gash System P?-£P°.?§°WY"WW.°MY i- put IIRCIMI‘I' ‘l’Mfll, Who out. and main nuiu in :1! Ch PERFECT PIT. HAS BEEN ADOIVI‘ID It And gumbo“ A 8 AN DR! HG m. THE ARGYLE. ‘I’IHIL

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