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Woodville Advocate (1878), 6 May 1880, p. 4

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LONDON, 'April 30.â€"â€"The first sensational teene in the new Parliament occurred to-day. lvheu Mr. Charles Bravllaugh, member for Northampton, was called upon to" take the math required from all members. The fact Ethat Mr. Bradlamvh has long 'seen an open land pronounced Atheist is well known. That he was also an equally prontmnced Re- publican, and had pledged himself repeated ly to work to oterthrow the monarehy and establish a republic, Were equally. notorious itacts. It was known that Mr. Bradlaugh tin var-ions suits in which he has appeared khefort the Courts always refused to take an oath, alleging as his reason that he did not believe' in God. On some oecasions this ob- jeetlon was waived, and he was allowed to ‘aflirm , in others, he was held to be (lisqtiali. fied as a witness since he declared he had no ligions belieLwliatever. But the oath re- aired hy members of Parliament 13 a pecul. ar one. By the repeal of the Test Act in 1828, and hy the Catholic Emancipation Act f 1829, Catholic members were not required ‘to ether to onpport the Protestant religion further than to support the settlement of 1680, but the oath still contains a clause " On the true faith of a Christian.” In the case of Jewish members the House is asked to dispense with this clause, and since 1858, When an Act passed authorizing this dispen- hation, the House always granted it. In the base of a Jew, so in the case of Quakers, they are permitted to affirm, but they must to uphold the monarchy, and this Mr. Brad- ‘augh will not promise; as he is pledged to work for its overthrdw. The scene in the House to-day was accordingly very inter- lsting. Mr. Bradlaugh, on being conducted to the clef-Ian's table to take the oath, refused to tok'dit, and stated his reasons for so doing ’ very clear but moderate language. His 'ords and manner impressed the Home, d a matron was made that he should retire hile the House took into consideration the ow and perplexing yroblem. The opinion revaila that Mr. Bradlaugh’s seat will be eclared vacant and a new election he order» (1. In this case, Mr. Brmllaugll will again tend for the borough and will probably be elected. in his name. In eve'r‘y case the binding :‘oi-ce ,of some religion is supposed to act, mt Mr. Bradlaugh disclaims all religion, ionic: Got], and will neither swear nor iflirm. Another difficulty is that the oath u- afiimofion requires members to promise say they do this on the ground that tfiey be iove God has forbidden them to take an oath AN English immigrant named James Rpry wrived in Toronto Wednesday afternoon§on board :1 Grand Trunk train lrom Montreal, and he bod scarcely stepped upon the pist- rm to await another train to take bin to nrlon, .V‘vhen a Yankee-looking-individual coated him, and found out his friends. Why, my dear fellow,” said the stranger, I am so glad to have met you, because I ‘very intimate With your friends in Lon- n ;he Expressed himself delighted to have h a Welcome Companion on his trip west. ter beating about the bush for some time, 0 stranger left Mr. Spry, but he came k in a hurry, and addressing the young glishman, he said : “ I say Spry my desr low, I wish you would oblige me with 860 til we get to London, as I have to pay a [I here, and I have no chlmoe of getting to no haul: to get this cheque for $750 cashed, 1: you might as well keep it as security ; e immigi'ant Was rather pleased to find a ready to place such a heavy cheque in hands for safe keeping, replied that he not as much as sixty dollars about him, t if ten pounds in gold would be of any to him he might have it. The stranger hed him cordially for his kindness and opted the gold, promising to refund the as soon as they reached London. Spry n sought information in a neighbouring el, and was told that the cheque was hle‘fi‘s, and the man who gave it to him vindler. THE POUND OF FLESH. h _.... l Ta'Mall baker of Montreal named Ozeah into difficulties some months ago and ! bno shundred dollars on a chattlo t‘. a wholelnlo grocer. He fail- L instalments, and exbcution d everything taken awfiy ex- d a motto on the wall on which " Peace be to this house. ” The token MVay fmm a five months There Is a good deal of indig. Sm ho 'conduot of the rilerclmnt who ry filthy and hm no apparent cXcuso ”5 ltion. {our}! Tnvxmi.«~Bells upon sheep are n‘manded £3 :1 protection Against dogs. irginigato‘ck‘misor says they are ctTect- ”"5 IV’éstmnstor and the Cashier of the L102; ‘Poth-gm‘po have been suspended, 4N PDQBW‘WHQ MEMBER}. V. b \‘0 ‘dcflcfoncy in th'e cash account by MD: ‘and orcrdenIs, amounting to Th6 Bells serve a dofthlo purpose-«- 101101? the dog and attrnét the attention E. one near-at hand, as the sheep run if i cflfiys’lfim‘o dag» Ho ahtngea ' Iii foÂ¥ each three sheep, and lays the ' my link, and their hao is efl‘ethml. GOT HIS FIRST LESSON. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., April 24,â€"Just beâ€" fore eight o’clock last evening, Charles De Young entered the business allies of the Chronicle on the ground floor, and stood talk. ing with some gentlemen there, Suddenly J. M. Kalloch entered. and drawing a pistol without, so far as can be learned, speaking, began firing. Dé Young ran through the gate of the counter to a desk inside, Kalloch firing at him as 5he ran. On reaching the desk De Young turned to face his opponent with a pistol in his hand. when Kalloch, leaning over the counter, fired again. the ball striking De Young in the mouth. Kalloch started for the door, De Young raised the pistol as if to fire, but apparently his strength failed, for it was not discharged, and sink- ing backward he fell on the floor and expired. Winter and spring butter is often very much injured in fltvor by allowing cows to eat the litter from horse stables. Cows are not unirequehtly very fond of thit litter, though it is impregnated with liquid manure from the horses, and. if allowed, thev eat greedily, and the effect is that their milk and butter will be tainted with the taste of this kind of feed, in the same way that the flatour is injured by eating turnips, but to a more disagreeable degree. If litter is allow- ed to be eaten, it should be given to cattle not in milk, and on no account should milch cowa be allowed to consume other than the sweetest and purest food. Very nice butter- makers are sometimes at a loss to account for stable taiuts in butter, especially when extraordinary precautions have been taken to have the milking done in the most perfect manner, and so in all the processes of hand- ling the milk until the butter is packed for market: Still the butter has a disagreeable taint, and the cause often comes from allow- ing the cows. when turned out to water and exercise, to feed about the horse stable, where they consume all the litter which, on account of its being soaked with liquid ma- Our readers will remember that some eight months ago Kalloch, Mayor of San Francisco, had a quarrel with Chas. De Young, editor of the Chronicle newspaper of that city, and that De Young shot and wounded, but not dangerously, the irate Mayor ; the Mayor did not retaliate, but called in the strong arm of the law. but like the law elsewhere, if it is strong it is fearfully slow, for the trial had not yet come on ; but the parties con- cerned hated each other with a perfect hatred which culminated in the assassination of De Young by J. M. Kallooh, son of Mayor 'Kal- loch. Tm: young lad Johnny O'Connor, the Biddulph murder case witness, has been at- tacked by measles, and m extremely ill. nure, is Press. CHINA is said to be preparing for war on a. large scale. . Two despemdoes. Hull and Porter, while drunk, entered an Indian camp, quarrelled with the inmates, and fatally shot " Grey Eyes,” “ Big Medicine Man," and wounded his squnw. Tho despomdoe’a have been ar- rested. THE unfortunate hrnkenmn, Jumen Crooks, who had his leg taken off at the union station, Lindsay, last week, still lies in a critical condition but hopes are entertained of his recovery. All the employ es on the road were with the exception of two insured by Mr, Taylor in the Accident Insurance Company. Crooks was one of the two who did not take out a policy and con- sequently he has now only his savings MR. R. M. BARRATT, P. G. \V. P., of the Sons of Tempemnce has been lecturing' 1n this locality for some time back, and with very fair success. He has reorganized 11 Division of the “ Sons" in Cannington, and established new Divisions in Kirkfiald and Mnnillu. Tm; net earnings for Sing Sing for April Were $3,100. to_depoi1d upon. Alrea'dy 8140 haije been subscribed by the Whitby rail way employees and a fund' is also being raised on the Victoria railway. From 2 to 20 years, on the Sinking Fund System or on a Straight Loan at a low rate of interest. Womlville. MONEY TO LOAN! Lands for Sale or to Rent. Jun PRINTING OF EVERY DE scmm‘wN AT "THE ADVOCATE." INSURANCER EFFECI‘ED; J. C. GILCHRIST, THE FATAL BULLET AGAIN. How BUTQER 1359019139, MONEY out of the stablo.â€"â€"Pioncer Enormous ! l‘nosun' Excnsxon Eeuu- Two 011. ! \Von'i'u 'l‘zN ‘l‘mes m Wmenr in GoLD.â€"-Pain cannot stay,wlieve it is titled. It is the cheapest medicine eimr made. One (lose cures common sore throat. One bottle has cured bronchitis. Fifty cents Worth has cured an old standing cough. It posit- ivel y cures catm-rh, asthma and croup. Fifty cents worth has cured criek in the hack, and the same quantity lame back, of eight years’ standing. The following are extracts from a. {on of the many letters that have been received from different parts of Canada, whiclnwu think, should be sufficient to satisfy the most skeptical :â€"-J. Collard, of Sparta, Unt., writes, “ Send me 0 dozen Dr, Thomas” i'lclectric Oil. have sold all I had from you, and want more now, its cures are truly wonderlul."â€"-\Vln. McGuire, of Franklin. writes “ l have sold all the agent left, it acts like it charmâ€"it was slow at first, but takes splendidly now.â€"â€"-H. 0010, of lone, writes. " Please forward 6dozen Dr. ’l‘homas’ Eclectric Oil. 1 on) nearly out, nothing equals it."â€"J. Redford, Thames- ville, writes, “ Send me at once a further supply of Eclectric Oil, 1 have only one bot- tle_le.‘t. I never saw anythingn bell so well tleleft. I never saw anything ball so well and give such general sotisf‘ctiou.”â€"J. Thompson, \Voodl’ord. writes,“ Send me some more Eclectric‘Oil, I have sold entire- ly out. Nothing taken like it.â€"-Miller Reid. Ulverton, P. Q., writes, “ The Eclec- tric Oil, is getting a great reputation: harm. and is daily called for. Send us a further supply without delay." .Bswum or Imrxuoxs.~â€"Ask for Dr. Thomas’ Eclectrio Oil. See thdtjkve signa. ture of S. N. Thomas is on the. rapper, and the names of Northrop 8r. Lyman are blown in the bottle, and Take no other. Sold by all medicine dealers. Pfice 25 cents. NORTHROP LYMAN, Toronto, Ont, Proprietors for the Dominion. Groceries. Fruits and can fecti’onery. KING STREET, WOODVILLE. cast‘lmlr, 1?»: m, on}. 6. )00 acres, 50 cleared, ordinary buildings. l‘nrt lot 8. (Jon. M), 88 acres, 20 cleared, with ordinary buildings. Lot 32, Gun. 8, 116 acres; 50 cleared. Lot lb, North Portage Road, 100 acres, 20 cleared. anssmr or ELDON :â€" South West quarter, lot 13, Con. 7. fifty Acres, 25 cleared. with log house. South half, lot 14, Can. 2, 100 acres, 80 cleared, with log house, burn, stable and other buildings and a good orchard. Towxsmv 0P Lnnox: Tuwxsmr or BnocK : â€" FARM PROPERTY ! FOR SALE. \Vest half lot 4, Con. 2, l0!) acres, 40 deal-9.1, with log house and outbuildings. Part lots 7 and 8, Con. 14, 150 acres, 100 cleared ; with log house and barn. I'm-t 101: I2. Con. 10. three-eighths of an acre. in the vallnge of Derryville, with frame house and ham and brick store. Immigrants and others wishing to secure Cheap Homestemla, will find these Pro. parties Worthy of their 3 eciul at- tention, as they will 9 sold cheap, and on very easy terms of payment, For further particulars apply to J. C. GILCHRIST, Woudville. SHINGLES! MUNRO Bros.|o_ No?£.â€"-Eclectricâ€"â€"Selectc d and Electrized. 15 well supplied. King Street, South side, And near the Northern Hotel, Keeps groceries in stock in his brick block, Provisions, too, as well ; Keeps Sugars, Teas, Fleur, Pork and Cheese, Sells Apples, green and dry, Codfish, Sardines, Potatoes, Beans, And Herring in supply ; Keeps Butter, Eggs, Cloves and Nutmegs, And Candies in the jar. Keeps Candlewicks and candlesticks, Coal Oil, and 303.1) in bars. Sell Syrup here, both pure end clear, Of Gold and Amber hue ; Sells Raisins, Rice, Black Pepper, Spice, And Sundries not a few. Give Him a. Call ! ARTIES contem lacing building will find it 09 their at vantage to apply to F RA III I NG T1 1!! BER CHEAP D. McLEOD, “NEWER. ' -â€"-1MPROVED CHE â€"‘DEALER 1Nâ€" --AND-â€"- 'cth. For: Roads, to be} paid out of the general ’00 “0'98, 50 funds of the Township, 87.50 AND WHEREAS the said council have serv- ed the Reeve of this Munici elity with e copy of the report of the said) J ames Dick- son, Esq., P. L. S. Containing estimates of the said drainage works, and an assessment of the real property to be benefitted b said drains e, and stating the proportion 0%, ben- eflt, w ich in his opinion would be derived by every road and lot, or portion of lot from said drainage which and assessment as far as it relates to the Township of Eldon is the some as is hereunder set out. BElNO A "Bhuw To IIAIs: TIIII Pao- POIITION o‘r FUNDS To BE CONTRIBUT‘ ED BY Tm: MUNICIPALITY OF Tun TOWNsIIIP or ELDON TOWARDS THE DRAINAGE or CERTAIN LANDS SITUATII ' IN Tm: TOWNsnms or MARIPOSA AND ELDON, As an OUT BY THE REPORTOP JAuss DIXON, ESQ., P. L. S., BEING THE sou or $1,998,58 ton Conn-r- ‘INO THE SAME; VV ' of Mnriposa. have by By-Law No. 246 provided for the drainage of these lands and for borrowing the funds necessary therefor. Provisionally adopted the Fifth city of April, 1880. AND Wmmw the said council of Eldon are 0t Opinion that the drainage of the said locality ls desirable. HER EAS the council of the Township 7 j of Mnriposa. have by By-Law No. 240 BE it therefore enacted by the Municipal Council of the Township of Eldon, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 174 of the Re- vmed Statutes of Ontario. lat. That the’aaid to art, so far as the name relates to the said own-hip of Eldon be adopted. 7 2nd. That the municipal corporation of the Township of Eldon dob ay tqthe Corpo- ration of thep Townshi hariposa, the sum of Four Hundred an Fifty Jive dollars and forty cents, being the amount in said report to be contributed by the said Township of Eldon as its proportion or share of the funds necessary £01 the said works,‘ in fifteen an- nual instalments of Thirty Dollars and Thirty'six cents each, on the 3rd. That for the urpose of ying the summil'dur Hundredpund Fifty-fig: Dollars and Forty Cents, the amount charged against the lands in this Municipality so to be bene- fited,-other than the roads belonging to the said Municipality, the following special rates, over and above all other rates, shall be assessed and levied in the same manner, and at the same time as taxes are levied upon the undermentioned lots, and parts of lots, and the amount of said special rates sssessed as aforesaid against each lot, or part of lot respectively, shall be divided into fifteen equal parts, and one such part shall be assessed and levied, as aforesaid in each year, for fifteen years after the final passing of this By-Law, during which the said instalments are accruing due :â€" going assessment. in each year, for the fifteen years next fol- lowing the passing of this By-Law, and that the Reeve of the said Township of .Eldnn, shall give his order on the Treasurer thereof for the said yearly payments, and cause the same to be paid to the Treasurer of the said Township of Meriposa, at the office of the said Treasurer, on the days and times nfure~ said. 4th. That the sum of SeVen Dollars and Fifty cents, being the amount assessed against the roads of this Municipslity, be paid to the Treasurer of the Township of Mnriposa, out of the general funds of this Township, on the order of the Reeve, with- in one year after the final passing of this By-Law. 5th. That the drain when completed shall, so far as the share of this Township is coneemed therein, be kept in repair and maintained at the cost of the lands and roads assessed for construction, said lands paying in the same relative proportion as the fore - N Y person wishing to appeal against any part of the above assessment is hereby notified that the Council will hold a Court of Revision and Appeal, for that purâ€" pose at Victorinville. on Saturday, May 8th, 880. And _ further take notice that any eraou who intends to appeal to have this y-Law, or any part thereof quashed, mutt within ten days after the final passing there- of, serve a notice in writing upon the Reeve, or other head officer. and upon the Clerk of this Municipality. of his intention to make application for .15th purpo§c' to onev‘of Her CARTER 81c. Cutting done to and from the Railway Station and thr oughtho Village ll: Modest-ate um. ngréity'a Superior Cohrts- of Lawmt Toronto during the term next waning the final pass- ing of this [By-Law, or he will not be heard in this behalf. . ANDREW MORISON. , Clerk, Municipality of Eldon. Woodville, April 5th, 1880. NOTICE ! iY-LAW No. um A “V! Aw mn nA nlmu PETER CLIFFORD EU TOWNSHIP OF ELDON. 315 00 <39 63! all «tof‘ 67 50 168 75 Mugdgd 325 401 I30 00‘ 21 70 866 The undersigned would agtin thank the’ public for their liberal patronage in the put year and would state that he :- atill‘ mun. facturing LUMBER AND SHINGLES. Having a ggod atock_of logn‘qn hand he}; prepared'to fin HOUSE ANfiBARN’BILL's as cheap as any will in those park. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. REMEMBER THE PLACE, 21111311559" should. look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. 1: the “an“ 13 not 533 0:10:41 Street London, thw at. spurious. - 6412 The Great "ADI mamm- ’ gay, an nnfall‘ ing cure for Seminal \Veak- ness, Sperm:- ton-hen, Impo' .§\.j\,:\{ ‘ ' . tency and 511 Before ME Diseases “IMAM ‘ Univergal Lasaitudo, Pain in the Bwk. Dim- nusa of Vision,‘ Premature Old Agefind mmy other diseases that lead to Insanity or Con- sumptiog and x} frempture Grave, _ - ‘ _ fiFull particulars in our psmpli hiols we desire to send free by msil to eve one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all dru 'sb at 8) per packsge, or six packages for , 'or will be sent. free by msil on receipt olths mansy by nddressin THE 0.le MEDIOIIE 00., Toronto, Ont., Cansds. fir Sold in Woodville by all Drugglsu, and b all wholesale and retail druggists in Cnnm a and the United States. lM-ly N. B.â€"'l‘he demands of our business hsva necessitated our removing to Toronto. to which place please address all future oom- If you are too {at or too lean end wmt to know how to change your condition. send for a copy of the work, Fat and Leon. It contains complete Hygienic, Dietetic and Therapeutic Instructions that will oneble any one to reduce their flesh if co ulent or increase it if emaciated. It in written in clear yet comprehensive style and its direct. ions can be easily understood It should be mad by every fat or Icon person. Sent for ten three cent stomps. VAN DELI" 00., 20 Ann St, N. Y. ‘ followas a garâ€"-7“ '- " ch of. §eIf-ébla-e=. as .109! 05 new» Hal“; mile west of Mrs. Young’s Haul, 160 The Trade Marks of these Mediation are registered in Ottawa. Hence. my one throu bout the British Pmeuionat who mav cop the American Countei'leits for sale, will be prosecuted. and BOWELS, giving tone, energy, and vigour to these great MAIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They are confidently recommended as a never failing remedy in All cases when the constitution, from whatever cease, he: become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments inci- dental to Females of all ages; and as e GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE, ere unsurpnsaed. It: Semmng am no 1’. are Known Throughout GRA Y’s Specific MEDICINE. Immicn-tions.‘ This Greet Household. Medicine ranks among the leading necessaries of hue. For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bid Breasts, OLD WOUNDS, SORES AND ULGEBS ntis an infallime remed . If efl'eotudly rubbed on the neck and 0 cat, a! salt into meat, it cures .SORE THROAT, Dipthprin, Bronchitir, Coughs, Colds, uni flan ASTHMA. For Glandular Swelling; Ab- scesaeas, Piles, Fistulus, ‘ ‘ And are sold by all Vendors of Medicine» throughout they Civilized World; with div rec_t_ions for use_ i_n qlmost even y langIago. These famous Pills purify the BLOOD, _ and not most powurfully,yet soothing on the And eVery kind of SKIN DISEASE, it In. never been known to fail. The Pills and Ointment are Mannhetmpd only at . POLLIOTT’S MILL LIVER. STOMACH, KIDNEYS; FARM PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR LUMBER AND SHINGLES. LUMBER + PORTAGE ROAD. 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON. Gout, Rheumatism, FAT AVD LEAN; 31511 N GLES- ! H. FOLLIOTT, BolsoveflP. o. T0 820 per day at home. Sulplu wmth 3g free. Address 811N301! 8 aim... a. my one ions, who erluts for

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