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Woodville Advocate (1878), 13 May 1880, p. 1

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GYNJECOLOGYâ€"(Dilouee peculiar to Women) practiced in Houpitele exclusively Quoted to Disease: of Women in London bud Edinburgh mule A SPECIALTY. ngy_ on: 9!! of the Qbo'vo work. Mikfiilflli}: ARTER 0. Cutting don. to and from the Ruilway 86W :1 uni thr ought!" Villtgo at Modern“ nan. Intimacy fgmishgd, tad contncts taken for fled if_ required. l. HAL WARD BROS AIGENTI'EMAN who eufl'ered for can from Nervous DEBILITY, PREMAT RE DECAY. and all the effects of youthful in~ discretion. will for the sake of suffering hu- manity. send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for makin the limple temedy by which he wu cures. Sufi'eren vishing to profit by the sdvertiecr’e experi- zgce can do .0 by Addressing in perfect con- once. JOHN B. ODGEN, 42 Cedar St., N. Y. 1 will msil (free) the moire for 3 simple Ylonnnu‘. Bun thst wil remove TAN, FRECKLES, PIMPLES and Blowouts- lesving the skin soft, clear and bountiful also instructions for producing oluxurimt wth of hsir on sbsld head or smooth sco. Address, iuclosisg 3c. stamp, Ben. Vsndelf t. 00., 20 Ann St" N. Y. F PHYSICIAN. SURGEON. AND ACCOUCHEUR. LlNDSAY, . 081A BIO. Ono cfthe above will be at Hsmilton'l Hotel. Beaverton, on the SECOND MON- DAY 0! each month. He will also visit Woodville on the Second TUESDAY of each month, stopping at McPhenon'l Hotel. Blic. The bu- inralwayivauplfileJVâ€"vititgz 1: bands of liquor: and cigurl. Good “abla- and hosfler. 145 Otfiooâ€"Kent. Sh, Lindsay. m HUMP-Tl. - JOHN A. annex. 'élcrk lot 3nd 71:11 Division Court. County Victoria. Secretary Eldon B. A. Societv. Agent P. B. S. Compnu . Conveymccr, Commissioner in Queen’s nch. ERRORS OF YOUTH Monay to Loan :31: 8 per cent. Ontcnsâ€"Kent Street. Linda-y, Ontario. P. 8. Mums. l G. H. Horxmn. JUNCTION HOTEL, Lornovillo. nus. ”RAID ldN’I'IIB, Proprietor. This fiat-clan hotel is situated It the Junction of the Mldlund and Toronto .6: Nipiuing Railwcyn. and is noted for its Interior accommodation for tbs tnyqllipg ML,I This House is situate in the centre of the business portion of the Village, and hes re- eently been refitted and refurnished, and is therefore most suitable for commercial men end the public generally. The Bar is sup- plied with the best brands of Liquors sud Cigars. GoodStebles and attentive Hostler. HUDSPETH Jz BARRON, Barristers, am, to. MARTIN HOPKINS, IAIIII‘I’IRS IOUGITOIO ‘0. Pint-clu- mommodation md Itiontivo unmtl. Bar well lupx'rlied with the choic- ut liquors and cigun. Bus to and from .311 tail:- and every convenience for the tan!- ling public. Thin oommodionu hotel has been entirely refitted, end in now finished in the moat modern and improved style. Good Sample Rooms. Convenient Family Suitel. Keep non. but beet band: of Li non and Ci ere. Trenlleu end Vinitore wil find evaryt iug convonient. A Billinrd Room in connection. Good Stnbling end attentive Hoetler. Tenn. model-etc. GEORGE WILLIS MILLAR Stuntmanâ€"One Dollnr per you, Strictly in Advance, Anvumwaâ€" Yearly Advertisement: paid quarterly : Trendent Advertisements, when ordered. ‘ QUEEN ’8 HOTEL. Woonunu, B. MORAE, . Pmpriotor. I. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING; NORTHERN HOTEL: Woodville, BENJAMIN SCAMMON, Proprietor. ELDON HOUSE, Woodvillo, '1‘. EDWARDS, . Prc '. Humps, L. v.8. I ma. urn-urn), um. 31pm: pm]: «Mull, “W to. Henderson 85 Cave. Ofiuâ€"King-It., Woodville. 100 PLASTERERS AND HASONS fie. PETER CLIFFORD King Street, Woodvflle. 'EELANDS PENTLAND, Dentists, MCKAY, M. D., L. R. C. P. and L. n. c. 8., BDINBUMH. “ Eh: gavmtv," PIMPLES. momma! wards. swims auras. -A‘!' ‘I'IIIB O'IICLâ€" lam mm. .ny‘ Proprietor 0rd or: SOLACITID 3m. acn- ua rmgmmty ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING NEATLY AND QUICKLY EXECUTED. FRUIT CAKES. MIXEDTu CAKES. HARNESSMAKER, SADDLER aw "Alli... COMIC, IIAl'flllfii mun OIIIY 00..., "III"; Tl'lll, ’ VAUOIO All! All. m u Issuer “Marriage Licences fining land the shop md fixturu of Mr. G. 0-..Slnith, Butcher. customers can rely on getting the but of Beef st all times, and other mat: in «non. Parties Inning fut uttlo to dug". of will plan call or in" word at my I op. A. J. MCCORQUODALE. FAMILY BREAD ENRY EDWARDS is prepared to sup- ply LIVERY 3168 nt my time end on the shortest notice. Special attention given to Commercial Tnvellen. Clinge- alwnyn moderate. TERMS. CASH. Ste. Men in connection with the Eldon Home. JOHN McTAGGART, Kirkfield, Commissioner In B. It, Conveyanm. WM. LEE, . Auction»: to; tho County of mum. promptly attended to. MONEY T0 LOAN. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE in the townships of Curdon. Bexloy and Eldon. Sole eat for the sale of the celebnted In nnriulled [PKRTIES SUPPLIED WHOLESALE. JOHN IEBIIIE, Cor . Kinglndlfllm. Ornczâ€"One door east of Post Ofioo, woonvxua, our. 80 DA. ABERNE’I‘HY, AND FRUIT BISCUITS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. LIVERY Woodvillo Eta-am Shop. 5!- A. .1. noconouonm. W OODVILLE BUTCHER SHOP ! HOOSIER GRAIN DRILL, andother'fu-mimplementl mmuflcturod by Noxon Bron. of Inger-loll, Ont. First-elm Sewing Machine- for sale. Also agent for the «I. of PI ANO-FORTES AND ORGANS, of the belt manufacture. Also ngont for Jacob’s Lithogram. Lsnd 8818' attended. Notes fuminhod no. 9rdop 19“; gt tho Advocsto om. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT; VOL. IV. Qustmn Gurus. RCH. CAMPBELL, [BOUNTY AUOTIOIEER" JAMES STUART TERMS CASH, THE ADVOCATE: IS UNXLD [mum-Hm, 1856. 1 WOODVILLE an! nwm JR. [8 TB! (”01" WOODVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY13. 1880: “Grandmother," uid Welter, “ I hove promised never to epeek of love toJeule Grehem until I em free from the hint my fether‘e . misfortune hu {utened open my heme, and u there in no hope thet thin will ever be, I must live on end no her given to another. Were my rive! onyhody but Wil- lleln, I could beer it better. {or I went Jee- lietehehepp’o Nullholleve hlntobe-o Then, the his own gloomy future eroee be- fore him, he groened eloud, for he never know before how deer Jeeeie wee to him. “ It mey not be so," hie grandmother eeid, laying her had upon hie heed. “ I cannot quite think Jeeeie would prefer him to you. end ehe hue known you elweye, too. Suppoee you tell: with her upon the eubjeot. It will not make the mutter woree." ‘ “ The wrutch l" he “chimed. “ H; ;von Ellen'- lovo only to cut it from him .6 MI will, for he novor thought of mnking her his Still Jessie wee very kind to him when- ever he celled upon her. unless Williem eheneed to be present, end then she seemed to teke delight in ennoying him, by devot- ing herself elmoet entirely to one whom he et lest believed wee reelly hie rivel. This opinion he expressed one dey to hie greed- mother. who bed come to the suns conclue- ion, end who es gently as possible reputed to him ell thet Ellen hed told her. It wee the first intimetion Welter hed received this William Bollongor had pretended to can for hideoutin, andit ufl'octed him deeply. Much surprise was expressed, and a good deal of interest manifested. when it was known that the handsome house upâ€"town which.had recently been boughtby a stranger it was said, and elegantly furnished, was the property of Mrs. Bellenger, who, not long after her return from Deerwood, took poem- sion of it, and made it also the homo of Walter Manhall. The latter was now courted and admired as a moat “ delightful young man,” and probably the principal heir of the rich old. lady. who did not hesitate to show how greatly she prefemd him to her other grandson, William. Even Mrs Reeves was especially gracious to him now, saying she believed him quite as good a match as Mr. Bellenger. who was welcome to Jessie Graham if he wanted her. And it would seem that he did, for almost every evening found him at her aide, while Walter fre- quently met them on the street. or heard of them at various places of amusement. JESSIE 6‘ Ra'- léft me flohévtbi-biél‘xtuffl- ......, And, in her absence, pale Do: in- Como: over the 6019-, {flab}- anguid air. A-..I- _____ I And a presence flig'svfiifgfitha‘ I like him not‘ (or his dmky‘wingl “_‘.. L ,A AASI Drag huvil' mi {1;} groanâ€"“W, "â€" And he has u {011; that ho ov'orl Of_(_lgg§iny, (131th and 9111.0}: fl UNWELCOME GUESTS. Sunny- yed Ho ,â€"w‘ith 130! golden lair. 1!... ‘_RL k, With .' he, um“ " i; kfimfi“ He bring: e friend by the pane of Doubt, And, m this filoomy weether, When Bope'e b no eyee ere not ehout, Anththe winde heve blown Feith'e teper out, They both come in together. I leer I haven’t the power to eey, To thoee dree g'ueete,‘ Deput I For generelly, w en the come thie hey, I'm weary and week, en I let them Itey, With e sinking at my heart. 4.e-.-- Hey we not beneath the weter. Quench the fleme within our mind-,2 Hey We not in one chart moment, ,Stem the tide of life’e led sorrows, Sink ourselves beneeth the weter, Lift ourselves ewey to heaven! Mey we not within the bosom 0f the cruel icy weter, Quell this see of aickeni eorrowe That within our eoule bet rule 1 No I my eieter! No ! my brother I Fer beyond,-â€"in the hereeftor, There re rest end there is, glednese, There's e helm for ell your eedneueâ€" But on time ou'll heve to weitâ€" Weit Hie c end weit your fete. So go brevelfi on my brother ; Brevely wer ewey, my eieter, Till the cell of Deeth comee grimly- Grimly coming, ceiling eternly. A OTCIV U [0" III "III. “ Pro Bono Publlco." was fit Quilt! ?" CHAPTER X. A ”(SOLOSVRI. 3mm. “ I did not uppou he and to much for hot.” thought Waltor, and in a kinda: tono ho told what ho know, and pausing William tho noto intondod for Joooio, ha hado him take it to hot that night, and toll hot to moot him at tho depot in tho morning. ‘ And William," oaid Walter, fixing hil oyoo oarn- ootly upon hia oonlin. what moo-ago shall I tahotoEllan ioryonl or willyongotool For a moment William huitatod, while his bottor natnro battlod with hio wono, urging him to [in up tho gamo at which ho wao playing. and comfott tho (lying girl he had oo molly doooivod, and aohnolodgo to tho world how doav tho was to him 3 thon, ao anothor frightlnl thought intrudod itool! upon him. ho mnrmnrod. "I Can't, I oanYt," and with that noolltion ho ooolod hit future “ Ellon dying 2" 3nd tho mu. who a no- moat before had union .0 judngly, the. cord into I chair u l! min... by tilt." « Ellen in dying,” mama vim... .. and tho, hue tent for me." " It would only make him fool badly," oho oaid. “ and I would aavo him from nunoooo- aary pain.” Soaho hnahod hol- looging to loo him again and aakod only for Julia. “1 will go tomorrow morning," Waltor thought, and an Mr. Graham was aboont for a day or two ho was thinking of taking tho noto toJouio himull, whon William came luddoaly upon him. “ Wall, old follqw,” uid ho whtt'lnp now? Yap!!!” in long at . gnu-tom. Wdter wee Very much excited, end es the etmoephce e1 room eeemed opprteeive. he eeiud hie and mehed out into the etreet, meetiu by he wey William end Joe- eie. They were walking very elowly. end epperently eo ebeorbed with themeelvee, thet neither obeerved him till jnet ne he wee pueing, when Jeeeie looked up And celled mu him z,“ . . ” Are you hever coming to eee me egeln f" “I don't know,â€"perhepe not." wee the cool enewer, end Welter huteued en. while Willieu, whe never let en opportunity peee for e ely ineinuetion epinet hie mein. eel:- ed Jeeeie if ehe hed not obeerved how con- eequentiel Welter hed grown einee hie pend- mother took him up end pnehed hill into eooiety. “ Everybody ie leuahing eboot it,” enid he, “ but thet ie the wey with people of hie ole-e. They eennot beer prosperity. " “I think Welter he: too much good eenee," Jeeeio replied, “ to be lifted up by thoee who need to flight him, but who no- tioehim now juet becenee Mn. Bellengee- like. him. There'e Mn. “III for inht. “I Inn nothing for you; 3. g. your gnudmotlm, who In: plont’," Not I word In aid 0! William lot Ellen would not tllow her math" to land {or him. flue him. There'e Mn. Bane for inat- anoe,-it’e perfectly enckening to hear her talk about ‘doar Mr. Marehall,‘ when ahe need to epeak of him ae ' that poor young men in Mr. Graham'e employ.’ Charlotte elvuye liked him." Thie wae not Very agreeable to Will. Io: in caae he failed to more Jeeele; Charlotte wae hie next choice. Money he Innet have, and eoon too, for there wae a heavy burden on hie mind, and unleee that burden wee lifted diagram wae aureto follow. Twice recently he had writ- ten to hie father for money and received the lame anewer. Once he Ind said In. 80110113.! for n hundred dollnn; but the lad aid flat “3 young Inn in perfect health ought to Ian some occupation, and :- hind non ha Ir ‘ no right to live .- oxponaiuly u be dill.” Swen! timo- ho had bomwod of Walt“. making an arm tint ho Ind forgotten his puns, or “ tint the old man’s remittance- had not come,” but nova: nmomboring to " Poor Ellen tolko of Jooolo ond Mn. Bol- longer oll tho time.” tho doocon wwoto, " ond porlupo your groudmothor would not mind coming too. Sho ooolod to coho kindly to tho child." pey or mention it ngdn. In thie state of affairs it rue quite nature! thnt he should be looking nbont for eomethlng t. are his mind and fill hie pocket at the eon-time. A rich wife could do thin, end no Joule end Chnrlotto both were rich, one of them nan-t come to the rescue. Jmio'l remark about Charlotte disturbed him, end on he hnd not of lute peid her much attention. he relolnd to cell upon her u soon no he hed anel- eie to her own door.- Munwhilo Wilton- bud gone to hit oflioo. whore ho found upon the desk 3 lotto: in his grandfather's handwdtingmd hutily brak- ing the “ll, he rad. Hut ho lnllIt com. quicklyl il ho Would loo hi: ooulin All". The letter incloud u not. for Julio, Mid Walter ans toque-led to givg it to her no that the might come with him. Avilhin, and! wonldhrnthu “Judo would die than be hit bride.” ’No. 178 when Ibo m and “I. or you; I”!!! panning Chan-lotto W01 mmod son 3 y would Will, top 3"“: ~ lid '1“! Charlotte for "'0 nor-ha. v- â€"-â€"p. There wii fit; Solar in Ellen'e hoe. M ehe trembled in every limb, u the Mend {flatly I i ' You wouldn’t tell me e lie when I'm 41,. as 2’ ‘N derlln . no.’ end peed horn-u mm the do girl, Junie rei her up. end oonthm ' ex leln to me. will CI! for I do ndogmpngendfl ’ ' mum. r Jud. “Emma. u mat loud Williun Bollongorp-nour could low “E: , Wlnt do yqn man 3’ ‘ I do not under-tad you.” add Jud... ' 1 low nobody but fathomâ€"no may! noon. 'Oh, huh, don’t profou to be Iguana. of my muning.’ sold Ella, 'It may ho wrong for me to spook of id, but .0 6h vary 1m 1 cannot lorboor tolling you how willing. ly I gun Willism up to you.’ “ Whoro'o Joooior Didn't I hoot” hot . volcohthoothoruon!" “no! (iii-ok- od. motto: tho othoo. In. Bond-wot “1' Walk bout ovor hot pillow ond kind hol- ’wootod boo. _ “ 8h isn't hon.” aid Wilt». ind tho color Mod Inn Eon'o fooo oo oho topflod : “ Ion't hon I Whoro in oho Woltot I” Ho mwoud thot ho did not ooo hor him- ooll. but hod oont tho moooogo by Williom, and“ ‘ tho notation olhionotno [thoHood' co-o "flint book ‘0 tho panic] ohooko.’ “ Williom would 09:17 tho nob. .1 how." - oho odd, , “ond why dooo oho oh, no: who. I wont oo much to ooo hot bob» 1 61o!” And turning hot ha ‘to tho you, .L. *1. -2I__AL_ _ full my butt wu of love. ”on hub. don’t cry. Whnt nuke- yon 1 Au you sorry I m going to die 1" A passionate hug wu Jouio's mar. and Ellen continued 2 ‘ It'a right, darling, flat I thonldgo. {or noithor of an could be quite happy In hav- ing thu mother dared tho Ian w. 007M for oumlvu. Forglu Inc, huh. I m mount to button, nod whon I'm dead. ”I won't let it out n Ihsdow botwun you ‘8" ho loved me 5 little. too.’ ‘ I do not under-hm! you.” add Judy. ‘ ' ‘n'A nn“-L..L l-AL_- _ " Welter." sold Mrs. Bellenger, «howls. ' hhfesids, “ it my be possible there iseome ' mist-ks. end Jessie does not know. Sup- pose you telegreph to her tether end be sure," ' We” immediately ected upon this On;- ' son ‘ y would come. she received the tele--, gram, ‘ end with feverish impatience waited ‘ for the morning, when'she set on for D'ser-' wood, where's!” m 'hsiled with rsptn‘re by Ellen, VII. could now only whisper her is: light press the bends of herfieerly friend; 9‘ ‘3: didn't you come with Welter 8"" she noted, and Jessie replied a Wsltos, who was standing Ions, sud upon. Josslo’s replying that sho hod nolthor soon‘ not lass-d from Willism, o suddon suspicion osossod his mind that tho mossogo had put. ' posoly boon withhold. ' No‘noh thought, howovor, hod lntrndod. ltssll upon Ellen 3 tho nogloct was not in. toothb'ol, tho woos-so; and In honey». hoving Joule with herot lost, she forgot. hor oorlior dluppointmont. Eornostly and lovingly she looked up into Jossio’s bright, glowing loos, and, pushing book hot short. black curls, whisporod: “Dorling Josuio, I on glad you no so. bountiful, so good. ” And J ouio, listening to thoso oft-ropootod words. did not drum of tho pun. unlolflsh love whichpromptod thou: If Jessie were besutifnl sud good, she would asks the life of Willisn Bellanca hsppier then if she were otherwise 3 and this wss sll thst Ellen ssked or wished. “ Lie down Imido mo. Judo. and In. your mm around my nook whflo‘l {on you how 1 Ion you. It wasn't my my to talk much. Judo. and when you nod to!” I. w. “No, 1min” bald. M ummmuwmpow wont“. macaw-m. shad-ruin. 'flpouib'ré Michalbunhfon. “3thth p “DOOM ill oupuvont it." In wmuuou. «nan. my tonne dip-Ml “Michal“myphu.” uhmmmwuuunonm'. Wyndhmuuphudonm Whom. hm“ ovum. I.» N mthmbyaboy, who, 0! mmwwwmu Minglytho nut naming Wulhr and MI mum waited ham“: to: Jon- douthodopogmdtm'hnthoylm M’WINWI‘, mum-«hum can with ho“, hum. for both know how Wowouldbothdhtppohtnont to II. In. tho loud Judo Grahun both:- alum Ridden “my in a little rosewood box. which Joni. Ind given her, nu o blurred and blotted latter, which Ibo had written O. intends, :- bar filling Itrongth would p0?- mit. It was her farewell to William. out! she would trust it to no manager but-hula. w-u. "Tell them all to go out.” the aid, II the Ihndovn etretohed father And lather mu the floor. and nine knew“ wee We ing In“. “Tell then: to leeve ne togetle! once more, u we need to be.” Her requeet wee vented, at! then laying her land upon her pillow, ehe aid 3 'I ‘ ippuen’t

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