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Woodville Advocate (1878), 12 May 1881, p. 8

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THE long hoped for rain came on londay afternoon. The fields have uproved much in appearance since. 00‘ Stock of Groceries now complete. ew Teas, New Sugar. Lowest prices at u. Wilson’s. m ranmngton {Band master. Mr. J. Jald . unturned home on Monday evening st. Th.- l‘and Were in attandanca at the atio .ml a sup r was given in his honor ‘ Ei‘ .‘nl'a Hote’l).e Tu M of reform in our system of ov- .m n 1.- never better exemplified t an H» ~itting of tho Nova Scotia Le? - .n. i' v as actually in session only fl ty- 2‘ - xcnrsion to Toronto and Nia- n connection: with Knox Church. I» o in being arranged for. and will I) place about the.tirst week in l) - 1 ~ ‘mti cost the province $40,000, 1‘ l re. «4. Several new buildiinig‘nfltguii’n my ’ erection ond other: are contmpht- EIGMKES miles in 20 minute. was made th \fidlund Raihny a few days a 0. Mr . u- locomotives have been ordered or e nu}. Tu‘ ('aqningtgt) {Bond master. Mr. J. THIS is the time of the year when he women folks insist upon turning heir homes upside down and inside out, ud calling it house-cleaning. wForks, Hoes, Garden Rakes, Nails, ”ass, etc., at McIntyre Prior’s. WE have sent Stamped envelopes to 11 our correspoudents this week, and vs would call their attention to the in- tructions printed on corner of en- elope. 68' A good Farm Horse for sale. or would (ghange for a Good Driver; McIntyre . nor. .V-v..--â€" Uqu "U“ or ”hull: .adc trees if uié cows are allowed to run laizc. VHF-W.“ Road will hold a grind cele- ation on the 24th. .100 has been lub- ‘ilm-l. . ‘:‘.u,l, wheat in Bexley, Garden Ind rel-m is reported to looking unusually ll. Cm village of Victor-in Rood in rapidly re: Wu. haven] new buildings no In its. " erection md nthon n. ("union-1‘... ta- New Millinery ! New styles in Hats unets. A choice stock of feathers, flowers, ‘aments c. Trimmings of all descrip- ns. A first class Milliner employed, at :lntyre a: Prio_;s. Tm: scholars of Woodville public hool held a “ Bee” on Saturday lust, r the purpose of planting the school u-d with shade trees. Much enthusi- 11) was displayed in the work by the vs, and about sixty fine trees were mtcd during the day. If our citi~ is would take the example of their lldren and form the “ Bee " called ‘, the whole village might soon be .nted. l8" Boots Shoesâ€"Men’s, Boy’s, Ladies‘ 1 Children’s Boots Shoes and Slippers, dies’ Kid Boots 3 specialty. Ladies see ‘ 50¢. Prunella Boots. McIntyre Prion ll“ Mr. Rod. Campbell shipped two pairs boots, by post to the Province of eewatin on Tuesday last. This speaks .‘II for Mr. Campbell’s work, when ders are received from such a distance. 66' Ladies leave your order for the latest (1 most fashionable Bonnet at McIntyre . ior’s. Miss Brownlow is now prepared to ecute all orders left with hex- in first class yle. THE summer time-table on the Mida ud will be issued shortly. It will now increased speed and many other ivautages. A new timentable will ortly be issued on the Victoria, (25' A large assortment of Razors just re- ved at Gunn Bros. Satisfaction guaran- .J Mr. Donald Jackson passed through m: on Tuesday last with a fine drove fut cattle desciued for Toronto we denstand. Mr. Jackson is one of our st stock raisers and was justly proud his fine drove. Msssns. PETER MCCRmMON and alph King left for Manitoba on Mon‘ :y morning last. 68‘ For extra Value in Green and Japan 'eus, go to McIntyre Prior'a. \Vuo owns the Town Hall 1 SHOULDER-STONE is the rage in town »t now. yr The cheapest end best suit at P. Me- eyns. WHY are the ratepayers not fur- shed with the school audit 2 :0- A s lendid variety of New Prints at elutyre Prior‘s, 50 pieces to choose from. GARDENS are getting more numerous is year than formerly, in \Voodville. 33' A let 0 quantity of Glover and Time. y seed at nun Bros. The leaves are fast appearing on the mace. The lesult of the late ruins. .‘1 fir Genuine Gold \Veddiug Rings at Guun ‘Ehirs‘ mid “Ci-hut. nlonists just. arrived in Maui- mchmd 10,000 acres of had \ ulh Westem Railway Company .h l‘.. gum 31mm. SIR,â€"I notice in the ll'arder issue of the 29th ult., that the Eldon Station corres- pendent for that paper, is flattered with possessing great intrepidity on account of notlbeing born in the woods, (as if intelli- gent or courageous men were never born there.) This honor he may justly claim ; for indeed, it would be rather preposterous undertaking for any animated being to‘ at- tempt to frighten a “Cow-bell." As regards high honor, I rather think that the same re- nowned correspondent can .easily carry around all at his command of the essential. And if he does not in the future adhere more closely in his writings to that for which he nominally has such a sacred regard. he will be ‘ ‘honored" with a gift in the form of an elegant coat of tar ornamented with feathers, The census taker has been reâ€" cently around, but he did not take the senses from that distinguisheduwrrespon- dent. His Lordship had none to give away. As it would be rather uncourteous not to thank the genteel editor of the Worth/r for the information he has so cordially tendered his "Eldon Friends” concerning me. I therefore beg to state, that I think myself obliged to him beyond all expression of gratitude. As regards his threats of further enquiries, he is at liberty to make all the enquiries imaginable of the Inspector. con- 01 rning the cheeky individual referred to in his issue of the 29th ult. His consequential correspondent for Eldon may henceforth in- dulge to his heart's content in his imperti- nent buffonery, as 1 do not intend to dis turb his peace of mind, or mar his happi- ness over his charming productions, any further. If he thinks he is acquiring celebrity. through writing such correspon- dence: as had been some weeks ago written by him for the ll'ardcr, let him enquire of the inhabitants in the vicinity of Eldon Station their opinion of the it arder‘s corres- pondent for that community. and they will without any hesitation, tell him that he is like a “Jack-ass" between two bundles of hay. 00‘ New Tweed: just opened at McIntyre 8'. Prior's. .- th Garden and Flow" Seeds at Gunn Bros. Is. A huge qumtity of Flax Seed at Gunn Bros.. cheap. 0x Snurdly, the 7th inst. the wife of Mr. D. McCrimmon, Lorneville. of a daug’h. tor. 0x Friday. the 6th inst. the wife of Mr. Mdcolqn MyMillgnkIfomoville, of a non.‘ us Monday. we'mh inst. ;’u'..’ fir; 5731:. N. B. Campbell, Woodville, of 3 Ion. Os Fridq. tho an: int, ut Lorneville, Mary Mclnnu. 0:: Saturday, the 7th inst. Mary. wile of Mr. Jim. Mclhchern, Eldon Station. aged 42 years. Tun FALL ‘VIIEAT.â€"The fall wheat throughout this section is looking very well. and there ore prospects of a fair crop. lhere is one field near the boundary line of Garden which is really hard to beat. Accmzsnâ€"A boy named Richard Don- nelly met with a severe accident while edg- ing lumber in .the saw-mil! at Dalrymple. His hsnd was thrown on the saw and one of the fingers nearly severed, another receiving such injuries as will render the amputation of a part of it necessary. To the Editor of '1113 ADVOCATE. Hrmequ.â€"One of those events which tend to pxomote the happiness of human life, took place in our neighborhood last week, by which Mr. Allan Scott was united in the bonds of matrimony to Miss Malloney. The affair passed ofi' very quietly, no one seeming to be very deeply interested. How- ever we wish the couple all the happiness which this life affords. The fall wheat looks well in this neigh- borhood, being but little damaged by the frost. Afew of the farmers are through with their spring work. From Our Own Correspondent. Mr. Belfrey has again charge of the post office at Garden. He also carries the mail from Victoria Road to Garden and Bexley and vice versa. The Methodist Sunday School here was re-opeued on Sunday, May lst. Several bush fires were raging here last week. No damage done. From our own Correspondent : More' interest taken in the local paner. Township items sent in more freely. 'Manufucturers coming to bown. A good market. astublislled here. Qmuterly cattle fairs lrelrl. Our delinquent aubscxibers pay. A cordial support given by our vil~ lagers to all local improvements. Our township council settled in one place. THE ADVOCATE in every house in the township. Everybody prosperous. Gqu crop next. lull. \_Voodville sidewalks built. Every store in town rented. Plenty of shade trees planted. The branch railway running through the village. Every body advertise. The price of building lots reduced and encourage the growth of the vil- Inge: WHAT THE ADVOCATE WOULD LIKE TO SEE. Qfiurrmpnuflmr, ELDON STATION. Yours Truly. BRECHIN. BEXLEY. D. B. CAnmcan. N. B.â€"Parties purchasing their Hardware from me, haviné {nore than they gquire of @1933, Putty, Nails, or any other nrticI'cs, may return them and full price will be allowed _, ,-__.l A__I4_, ml3l|\l.i tinn,. n if in good 6fder. TERMS, LlBExiAL 1HE attention of farmers and others who are thinking of building, is directed to the ’1 following facts :â€"-In order to prevent disappointment, it is necessary to see just what you are buying, otherwise goods may be sent you on your order, which are not exactly what you want, and wheu ditferent qualities and varieties are kept in stock, you can be much better suited by judging for yourself which you will take. \Vhen you have bought your Hardware, very often a mistake is made in size or quantity, which necessitates send- ing back to the store and much time is thus consumed when you are dealing at a distance from home. In view of the above facts you are requested to call and examine the stock and prlces of the undersigned who keeps constantly on hand A LARGE AND “'ELL- ASSORTED STOCK 0F SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE. HONEY’S IMPROVED PANNING MILL We desire to call the attention of the farming community to the above well known Fanning Mill, now being manufactured at our WOlkl. \Ve are prepared bogive It is a perfect cleaner, and Met. It will take out Wild Oats perfectly. It will take out all Cockle. Chess and other foul seeds. making a perfect sample of Market Wheat. It is a most perfect se water, and will separate all the large kernels from the smalland shrunken grains. t is very tepid in its sction. It separates all kinds of grain as well as seeds. and if Oats and Pens, or Timothy and CloVer seed are mixed together and put throu h this Mill. they will come out perfectly separated. It will separate small and s plit Peas rom lsrge Peas, taking them from the chsfl’ in the most perfect manner. 'he Honey Improved Fanning Mill sud Separator. is acknowledged by all to be FARMERS [READ THIS. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE THAT OUR MILL 43 ALL THAT IS CLAIMED FOR IT. For a well ma ie set of SINGLE OR DOUBLE HA R\ ESS give Smith a call. Horse fur- nishings of all kinds. CURRIE COMES, BRUSHES. gW'HIPS from 15c to $4.00 And in proof of this strong statement, we can furnish ahnnclnnt testimoniele from those having them in use. To intended purchasers we would any. come and see it for your-elves, end, we feel confident you will be entirely satiefied that they ere all they ere repreeented. The Best Mill Manufactured In The Dominion. .A. 0'. SMITH, HAREl ESS MAKER, SADDLER «VIC. SPRING AND HAIR’fiATTRAsé’E’s A LARGE STOCK A'l.‘ SPECIAL BARGAINS “'oodville, May 1881. l have just received what I claim to be the best and cheapest stock of Furniture over brought into \Voodville. ON the eveninv of Friday, the 6th inst, between the 2nd and 3rd Con. Eldon, 3. BLACK FULL-CLOTH OVERCOAT. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving the same with May 9th, 1881. Sheepskins... W 001 Dressed Hogs Beef “our, per cwt. Laud Tallow .. Timothy per 100 cwt Clover per bushel Hay Potatoe: Butter Eggs AP les ”1 es Spring \Vheat Ba riey . . Oats R III-s. Freeman‘s New Domestic Dyes are perfect duralibity they have no equaL Pnce 15 cents per package. Mrs. fret-man's Worn! Powder is a safe, sure and effectual dsttoyer of worm in childxen or adults. Pnce 25 cents or 5 for $1. WHITE BRO. NIPISSING IRON WGEKS. HARDWARE ! HARDWARE ! one that successfully :um'fies the Blood, acts upon‘t he Liver, Bo'vels, Skin and Kidneys, while at th, :11: eitmc it alleys Nervous Irritation. and strengthens the Debii itated System, perfectly and speedily. curin-t Biliousness, Jaundioe. Dyspepsia, Consti- pation, Headache, Rheumatism, Dropsy,l‘lervous and Gen- eral Debility, Female Complaints, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, and every species of Chicnic Disease arising from Disordered Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels or Blood. 3 Special Inducements For Cash THE BEST BLOOD PURIFYING TONIC IN THE WDRLD. Sample we: r. mmunu 00.. sou acms, mnoum. Regular sue. an.» “Ci-$83 mm EOE EEIDES $31.3, SEEKS. HANDSOME LOUNGES, SOFAS AND Bed-Room Sets, Chairs, Tables 0, FURNITURE UNDERTAKING STOCK COMPLETE. w. G. STODDART. CALL AND INSPECT MY STOCK AT THE WAREROOMS‘ u. ALEX. B. MOLEAN, LOST. KIIVG STREET, "’OODVILLE. . .per ”I: ... per h ... per t< . per b .. l 10 to l 13 . ..50 to 0 65 .. 60 to 33 per bushel 55 to 60 per bushel 70 to 75 per ton 7 00 to 8 00 per bushel 0 25 to 0 30 per uund 125 to 14 per ( ozen 09 to 10 per bushel 0 75to 1 HO 4 00 to 6 00 0 75 to l ‘25 0 20 to U 25 6 01) m7 ()0 5 00 to 6 00 0 60 to 3 60 11 to 13 .. 045 to 05 i .. 4 60 to 5 00 4 00 to 5 00 {OODYXLLE ON T211810. Blacksmith, RF KILLALY, Cannington. Argyle. Lime and Soda, to keep within seasonable bounds in this respect. They do not assert, E for instance that their preparation will over- ! come matured consuln )thII. That is some- thing which baffles all unian skill to accom- , phsh ; but they do allmlge, and the assertion is con-o orated by )ositive and direct testi- mony, t at this medicine, if used in time for. tifies the delicate tissue of the lungs and bronchial tubes against the destroying dis- ease. For coughs. colds, laryngitis, incipient bronchitis, and scrofula in various forms, it is a reliable, prompt and sure remedy. ’l‘he phosphorus which it contains is a most useful agent in endowing an enfeebled system with tone and vigor by furnishing the blood with an element of nutrition and richness ; while lime and soda which are, as well as phosphorus natural constituents of the body, Impart strengthening properties to the bones. No mystery enshrouds the composition of this article. Its ingredients are indicatd in its name, and it contains nothing at which the most searching analyst or the most fastidious practitioner can evil. For the in- formation of hysicians, we will add that a. dose for an a ult contains two grains each of hypophOSphites of lime and soda. The arti- cle is prepared from choicest materials by I Northropfi Lyman, Toronto, and is sold by all drugLvista. proprxetors of Northrop Lymau’s Emulsion 9t. Cod Pixel: Oil 13ml llypquhosphtigas _ 9f Ill 01 in very can. For brighmss Inq It: Searching and Reeling Properties ore Known Throughout the World. For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, 0L0 WOUNDS, SURES AND ULBERS and BOWELS, giving tone, energy, and vigour to these great MAIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They are confidently recommended as .1 never failing remedy in all cases when: the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments inci- dental to Females of all ages; and as a. GERERAL FAMILY MEDICINE, mo itis an infallible mined If effectually iubbed on the neck md client, a: salt into meat, it cures EORE THROAT, Di ptheria, Bronchitis, Cong ha, Colds, and even ASTHMA. For Glandular Swollmgs, Al;- sccsscss, Piles, Fistula, This Great Household Medicine ranks among the leading nocossafios of mm These famous Pills purify the BLOOD, and act most. powerfully,yet sonthing on the Gout, Rheumatism, And exery kind 0‘ SKI N DISEASE, it has never betn known to fail. mom-m should 1001: to the mm on the Pots and Box". If :1» “Ann is not 633 Oxford Strut Luau? the? are curious. “I The Pill: 3nd Ointment are Manuhctured only at 633, OXFORD STREET, LONDON. And are sold by all Vendor: of Medicines throughout the Civilized World; with di- rections for use in almost every Ian 0. The Trade Mulls of these edicim» no registered in Ottawa. llence, my on. throu bout. the British Possession, who mav as}; the American Counurfeih. on ale. wil be prosecuted. «Sash Doors. ' Planing, Ripping 850. SHINGLES! 6) PERCENT. (6 JNO. A BARRON, Lindsay, Office, Kent Street, next, to Keith’s Agricultural Store, or to RONALD MCEACHERN. West half Lot 18, Can. 1, Fenelon Lumber, All persons interested will please govern themselves accordingly. Clerk’s office, “'oodvillo. May lat, 1881. ANDREW Momsax, Clerk of Municipality MONEY 'I'O LIE-ND ARMS'ERGNG’S SAW MILL Wed. May 25th, 1881. ‘HE Municipal Council of the Township , of Eldon willlmld a Court of Revision to revise the Assessuwnt. Roll of said Muni- cipality for the your 1881, at MAGUIRE'S HOTEL, HARTLEY, __0‘ .-. Township of Eldon. COURT OB REVISXON bjamwr maogmrczu VQCZEaNm. 011 Security of real estate mortgages at 6 per cent. Apply to ARTIES contemplating building will find it to their advantage to apply to FRAMING T11” BER MUNRO BROS. Apply to CHEAP. BO LSOVER. unsurpassed. â€"FOR-â€" -â€"-ANDâ€"- Shingles,- ARMSTRONG BROS.

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