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Woodville Advocate (1878), 19 May 1881, p. 5

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2:55. p. In. Trains gomg Northâ€"11:40, a.ul.; 2: l5,p.m.; 7:5" p.m. MIDLAND RAILWAY OF CANADA. ...._._.. Trains going Northâ€"11:35 a. m.. and l ' p 11:. Train going South~7=b5 a.m., and 3:45 Tokoxw a xmssnxa Trains going Scum ' m..- r. , Sabbath School at, 1 o’clock. CAXAM Murlmmsr (’Iwncn.'Scrvice every Sabbath owning at 6:30 o'clock. Rev. J. A. Jewell, B. .»\., pastor. Sabbath School PRBSBYTEIHAN Cnuncmâ€"Service is hem in the above church at H o'clock a. m., and 6:30 p. m. law. Alex. Russ, .\l. A., pastor. Sabbath School at, 1 o'clock. J. A”. chon, B. .»\., at 10:00 a. m. TIIOIEAH LODGE, Nu. 502, I.O.G.T., meets at School House, Section No. 3, Thor-ah, every \Vednesday evening. A. D. Mcluuis, ’J‘.D. Visutiug bretlnen cordially Welcomed. Casxlxu‘rnx Eémnwmcwr, I.0.0.F..mect first and third Friday in each month at Odd Fellows’ Hall, Canuiuéton. Tuéfiluy. evening at. 8 u'c Hall, \\'oo«l\'il|c. .LMII’ IV UUII I lllvn Woom‘m.“ Gmmx, P. of H., meet the second \Vctlms-luy in each month, at Me- Swoyn's Ha I, \VuudVille. __ . 7‘ Court " Ruse of Victoria.” N0. 36, 0.0 meets in the Cuurt Hall. Victoria Road. third \Vednesdny of every month. 1'“ Millar, U. R :J. W. Shields. 1‘». S. Guwxsu Sui: Exhaumms’r, meet fiast and thial Monday of every .unonth, at. Odd follow’s Hall, Mauilla. . \VUODVILLF: L. U. L. No. 32, meet second \Vednesdny each month, at McSwayn’s “all. Woodville. HARTLEY L.O.L. No. 1,153, meet last \Veduesday of each month at Hartley. Pmcsrdl. Deva, I.U.O.F., meet every Thursday evening, at. Odd FeHmvs' Hall, Cannington. -Anu‘ ‘ LOCALS scalar. Tm: wvutln-r since Samrday last. has been (lamp and cold. “- Vcstiugs, white and colored, latest patterns and styles at. 1’. McSweyn'l THE crops me looking well in this neighborhood since the late rains. 15" Call and see the new brace at 1’. Mc chyn'a CONSIDERABLE sickness in town just. now. Sweyns. Tut: thelmometel stood 93° in the shade lust. 'lluusulny. ‘8‘ New Tweuls just opened at McIntyre l'rior’s. (;\IIU-| “HI-i. Eumx Township Cuuncil lu'vnts on le 25th inst“ at Hartley. “3; A lgrge quantity of Flax Seed at Gunn Bras” cheap. 'l'l'lli Thu-mhms’ Assnciution hold a Cum-untiou lune shorily. More pzu'- ticulms no-xt m-ek. ‘8‘ Tweed Hats made to order at shortest notice at P. Mcb‘weyu’ s. No less than four fine stallions were in town lust. Thumday evening. W‘ The cheapest and best shit at P. Mc IT A June stud; of English. Scotch Irish and l‘muuliam lwcwls. Ordered suits a speciality, at M Iqtyrc a“: 1‘rim"s. 'l‘lu: tlniHl mil fur the 'l‘. N. 11.. is (0 he laid (luring llm Humluel'm' early next. snnmm 'l‘lm stool will likulv lw lien: in July next. THE Cheesa Factory opens next. Mnmlzy W Potatoes \V:\i|b0«l.â€".~\iiy qunulity of good potatoes wanted, for which the highest prim will ho pniil. Molntyrc l’rior‘s. ON 'l‘nr'silny, 34th inst, return tivln-m will be issue-(I at all stations on tho '1‘. «k N. R. at one fair. unml In rotor“ on that. (luv only. On May 23rd mvl {Nth relm‘n tickets will len issnml at 0 an um! unmthiul fine, Bowl to rchuu uu lln- 25Lh inst. W Ann’thor‘fnsh lot of 'l'rimkq nml \‘a‘ism and Shm'l stray". nml Sehonl l-n'td arrived at R. (,‘.-unphi-ll‘a this week. Tlmmorning hnin uu “lidny last. ‘an foul M“ n Imil which hud- stmvml n". Fm llm‘k n slmrt du" m 00 snulh nl \ . :11 «HI nu] A flvr running It In“ \':yH‘.\' i‘ Iumml. and wamo llw [ruin mnhl lw sump”! was struck and killed. Parlio'.‘ le‘:!\’ill.{ 14‘4“: um-n Mung HM- A TUTM. roliyw‘ 0f llu‘ mom] rooms nn [lie niulil. ul' Juno llhll. l' will lll" gin uh Lil.» n.m . rmusli n tnlnl nlmmr‘ :illml nl l:l7. .itninlng llu' miiltlln of \lm rolilmv :21. 1:551 mnl continuing nnlll 11:3”, Wlll‘ll Hm nnmn will l'(‘-i\)\pl‘:l\', and it will lm vnliwly over at 3:“ nan. ll‘ the night is) clmr it will lie nun (if the most. lwnmil'ul eclipses of the moon witm-sseil for yours. PJI'UG'.‘ Iran”; "I'M 0ng!“ along Hw milmw .muuld m r: :uinlv lw pmmvonhul \' hio‘l would 10 u: .1 ”IN“ .\ man- In :lIlhv mulinn. far .3!) pairs of kill and coat Laclivs‘ button and IMNI [mots arrived at liwl. (.‘nmpheh’a t ‘x' me}. . Gar A largo. assmrtmcnt of Razors just re cuivlcd at (hum Urns. Satisfaction: guaran- tcct . Clcmwxa Lanna: I.O.().F. meet evevy A \l \‘w .- W Fresh Garden and Flower Seeds at gum imtttm (‘lIl'IC‘II DIBIK‘Toll'. 5011 £11 I25. -8305, mm. ', 72' dock at McSweyn’s RAILWAY. the The boys will do well to wunem'uer that, by 36 Vic. c. 45, s. 2. any person who cages or kills any wild bird except eagle“, falcons, lmwks, owls, wild pigeons. king “Sllfll'fl, lays, crows and ravens, or rob their new: shall on cou- victiou have to pay a fine of from one dollar to twenty dollars and coals. Pass this on for the benefit of our feathered friends. ’ ‘0‘ Ladies leave your order for “10.13!“ and most fuhiouablu Bonnet at McIntyre . Prior's. Miss Bmwnlow is now prepaged to exepute :11 order: left with herjn first clue stylo. A usuomus paper in London speaks of the grout annoyance which some minismrs suffer whilo preaching, {tom the thoughtlessntss of restless and tigileiy pelsons, who pull their watches from their pockets or turn around to look at the church clock. This paper Buys that. them ought to he a law that. whoever takes out. his watch or looks at; the clock (luring sermous should be condemned to sit. out the monotonous reading of one of the longest sermons of one of the dryest sixteenth century \livines. ° 68' New Millinery ! New styles in Hats Bonnets. A choice stock of feathels, flow ers, ornaments 8:0. Tliuunings of all descrip tions. A that class Milliuer employed, at \lclntyre Prio s. OUR village cheese factor}' is to open on Monday next and we understand un- der more favourable auspicrs than last season. Messrs. Spears «1: lameron are the managers, and with their attem tion we hope to see the factory become the leading one in the district. Mr. S'pvers is well and favourably. known to the farmers in this locality, and we hope to see the firm supplied with a liberal number of cows. During the present season cheese promises to be a very profitable product and we do not think our farmers will have any fault to find with their returns from this source. THIS is Vennor’s predictions for the month of May :â€"â€"'J‘here will in all pro- bahility, be snow falls through the Gulf .ind the St. Lawrence disu'ict about the 7th and 8th. After the 10th of May hot weather may be expected, and after the 15th bush fines will probably break out in certain districts, although tlmn der storms are probable on the 13th and lfith. Betwuen the 20th and 25th there will probably be cloudy weather with rains, and vegetation will have advanced considerably by the 24th at the month. Between the 20th and the 25th the weather will probably be cool. The month will plobably end hot and sultry. \Vnm threatened to be a fatal rnnx away occurred lust. Tuesday afternoon, about. lo’clock. The team owned by Mr. Thos. Edwards, and driven by Dr. McKay, when near the 4th Connession of Eldon, hecnme frightened, and turn- ing suddenly, started for the village at :1 ll'enlmlcb IR price. \Vlwn ()plmhllu the rrsidrnce of Mr. E. R. Irish, the Doctor, who still hold the lines wns thrown out, leaving his little sou still in the buggy. The horsrs conlinuml their desperate couum until u-nchiI-g the post. oliiae where endeavours were made to stop them. \Vhen opposite Wilson's store the buggy cnmo into CUlliSiOll with u post, throwing the boy out; and nelensing tho horse-s, who dashed ~mound into' the hack Street. \Vlu-n picked up the [my wns none the worse of the adventure, excepting n haul ln'ninn on the forehand. The Doc~ tor did not escape so fortumitoly, how-- ,«erer, ho sustaining :1 severe cut on the head with numerous bruises. Tho buggy was lnully dainngel and the llUtSt'S ramped with but litt. e‘injury. IIn’Iou‘r‘y's I’I'Ils â€"-â€"It is Ilillicult tn defer- IIIIIIII IIIIII: II Is mow the tIinIIz to health. in- In Me mm or c ..ceSsi\'e heat, LIIIIIIUII IIchy lIIIIly kIIuws that. sudden h‘alNHiUlIS from the mm to the IItlIIIr tcom \Iith Ilispnsc. which may in IIIIIsthIstIIIIccs be sIaI'I'IaIl 011‘ II" :IIIcnI'ly 'r'csmt to these lllll'if\'illg. rc- gIII: 'EII. Hg and sIrcII-IIIICIIIIII: Pills. '1‘. is We"- I. IIIIII II and IIiglIly estceIIIcIl IIIuIliciIIII IIITIIIIrs asIFI- and easy I‘If’lltdy for alums“. uver 6"th 'Itu'i IIIIIl “Polls IIlIiclIcliIIIaIIs I'IIIIIIucs II: IIiI'thiI'eIIIIrs (‘Jll eIIgI-IIIIIII, :IIIIl (itfl‘IC III Hy lL‘IIIO\ cs IIIII' \IczIIIIIe~s sIH IIIIIIII IIII IIII‘III. III Iy lIaIc IIIIIIIchl; III 11” I'IIIIIliIIIIIII III' tiII- syslum lIIII'IIuI'iIIg Ull Ilifcusn IIII'III- .lLI‘Il Spring Wheat Hark-y U 11 4 by :llmllly. lixllc>sl|u§s, mul I‘cstlvssncss. l'lullmvay's Pills will prove especially so:- vivvxlllu in benching a \‘i 'acity apprecinhd ll)‘ lmtlu mum? and sick. Arvin ”(I‘VH Sln‘x-przkillfi .. \Vonl hrmsml Hugs I'm-0f l-‘luur, per cwt. . Lm‘ll 'l‘allnw 'I'lmmhy per 100 ewe (‘lovcr per bushel l‘xmumnisngitating tho nmnintment of n Pom-e Magistrate. |\\'\‘ ”41V ['01leou ”HUMP \\UU|)\ H. LE I‘AI‘ Ml} h-S M \HIU‘Z l‘h'. \‘iL‘; pen bushel pcl‘ Imsbd per [on ”4 por bushel 0 ‘ lwr pnmul.. per dnm-n per Intake! 9 4 00 “I 4 (m to l (U (MI ‘0 0 75 In I »(| 4 (H to 6 W) I) 75 to l ‘25 (I ‘20 In 0 '23 6 m ("7 (an 5 m to 6 0:) 0 (H) to 3 (H) 12 in H 323 in 33 3” l0 (3] . 7H m 75 “0 103 (M) “.35 to I) 3.! 113 tn l5 0 H 170 0:) 03 hi itu l 100 (30 5 00 U‘.) U1. (Tl LD (D C0 CD Your G. Catalina“ has Itnrtml business opposite Gregor Campbell's old stand, and is prepared to do 1 kinds of Waggon o3: Carriage-Building. Rupairiug and Carriage-Paint.- mg, l’rongptly Executed. Mr. Staples has now a. splendid Stock of NEW DRESS (#0003. 50 PIECES NEW GOODS. 50 PIECES .\'E\V PRINTS, all which he BOOTS SHOES, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, GROOKERY GLASSWARE. DRY GOODS STOCK NOVN COMPLETE. Compare Woodville, April 27th, 1881. Sfifiiiflfi flflififflfiflffiflwfiwf 3 In bringing before mytnstomers and the pubfic genera‘ly my Spring Announcement, I would impress them with the fact. that my business is solely Boots and Shoes. and con- fining myself to this branch of trade, I run thereby prepared to offer far better satisfaction: in my line than those who deal in many wares. For this season I 1mm introduced in“ lines in all kinds of Mgm’s and Dw’s 0M5 Swag \Vhich I will sell at prices for cash which cannot TINWAREL TINWARE. TINWAREI 13 now 100 well known to require comment 'I‘ he best stock used and none but first- class workmen empluyml. L‘ustomos not satisfied Wltll their wan-l. need not take it. 10 QUART MILK l’ ANS, 15 cents each. 6 QUART MILK FANS, 12.5 cents each. L- --A'l. 131P1>E113, 3 cents each. mags. mmgmmsz. ma, waexaamg= mms «em: mam: aw. FRED.LEAVH At. L. Mnybcc's 0M Stand, P N G- CAMPBELL, a CARRIAGE meeomamxm NEW PRINTS. NEW READY-MADE 01.933999: EAVE(.-TROUGHIN(} AND REPAIRING DONE ON THE SIIORTEST NOTICE ! TERMS, CASH ()1: [MIMI PRODUCE. \Voolville. April 41h, 1881. is)” R. CAMPBELL. :2 Having secured a first-class 'l‘iusuith. TO IE SOLD AT AN IMMENSE SACRIFICE ATTENTION! AT MEAL, CORN MVAL, BACON, (DALOIL AND \I' W SPRINU Sl‘llhDS.LO\V1‘.S'1‘ 1’1‘ ICES AT . G001) VA LUE Y «6% MY ORDERED WORK% 5,000 DOZ EGGS \VANTED, foIr which the highest price “'11! he a“owed. . ville. April 27m, 1881. L. H. S'LXAPL ES- SQRIEfiG STOCK NQW COMPLETE! TRUNKS, VAL[SE3, SHAWL STRAPS, SCHOOL BAGS 6w. And splendid lines of STRAW HATS, FOR. MEN BOYS AND G} RLS. STOVES AT COST PRICE! CHEAPER THAN EVER. gladiw’ $135525 and mummy Wm, TERMS: MODERATE. GIVE HUI A CALL. BARGAINS IN SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. prices before {buying elsewhere. 10. cents each. razw COTTON?» _ mew DUCKS AND DENIMS. Don't forget to examine his The highest Cash Price paid for ALSO A LARGE STOCK 01" will sell very cheap. I1. I am now prepared to sell Tinware at the follow- ing low prices : Haw TEAS AND SUGAR. l2 QUART PAILS, 20 cents each, 10 " 13 cents each. 5 " “ 12% cents onch.. DISHPANS, 20 cents each. be touched .by anyone in the County ll UG II ”'ILSOJV'S. W; odvlllc

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