112, A large quantity of Flax Seed at Gunn Bum. cheap. . [5(3’ The revia~ed version of the New 'Tes‘umezlt, for Sale [N J. C‘.‘ Gilchrist. Seen a 0:10. before they are all gone. 'ruuum'o 1c mmssmu ualeu. 1', w- 11111113 guiug Vurtl1â€"llzw,u.ln.; 2:]5,p.n1.; 7. :50 p. 111. 'l‘yagipg going South --S:05, mm. J. A. Junmll. U. A warm. Sabbath School {It Iâ€: 0 ’ d. I" l' m. 'l‘rauus l) “I. l’mzsm’rauux Canaanâ€"Service is held in tho «hm-c church at H u’uluck a. 111., and (3:30 p. m. Rev. Alex. Boss, .\1. A., pastur, Sabbath School at 3 o'clock, , 1- N (Axum MR‘ruomsr Cnmi'cu.â€"Survice LZVCF‘V §ahhgtb_ fawning at 6:30 o’clock. Rev. ’l‘umuu Lomu-z, No. 502, I.0.G.T., meets at School House. Section No. 3, Thumb, every \Vednemluy evening. A. I). Mclnnis, 'J‘.D. Visiting brethmu cordially wnlcomud. Court ‘ ll use of Victoria," No. 36, GALE, meets in the Court Hall; Victoria llnzul. the third \Vcducsday of every mouth. 1". G. Millur, C. l ;J. W. Shields, 1:. S. (air Forks. "nos. Garden flakes, Nails, 'Ulnss. clc., at McIntyre . Prim-'3. Pic-mes have not. developed yet. QUOXTING is a†the rage just. liow. CROQUET is at a discount, in \Vood- \ ill this season. \Voonvn...mGumux, 1’. of H. , meet the second \\ mlncsduy in each month, at M"- b‘weyu'a “a l, \Vomh ille. Ummxu S'm. l‘xcuumsxr, meet ï¬rst. and third \luuday of may month, at Odd fellow" s â€11‘ l, Mauilln. n’ A ohmce stock of English. Scotch Irish and Canadian tweed; Urderedsuits a speciality, at .\l lut-yre ltl’r'xor‘a. UICERONE Looms.“. meet every 'l‘ucsdny evening at 8 o'clock at Mcb‘weyn's Hall, \Voodville. Tm; \Vost Victoria Tmchers‘ Assn- z-‘miuu will meet in Cpm'entiou on Friday “In! Saturday, June 10L]: an] 1 1th, in the school house in this village MR. “’11. Cnlï¬nox has been ap- pointed agent for the Bmmford Reaper «k Mower. Machines am on exhibition at Rod. Campbell’s old â€and, and pal-- ties acquiring either a reaper or mower would examine the many good inflows of the anzfoid mmutac UAle‘ns-ux Exmswuu’sr, I.0.0.F.,mect limb an." “nrd Friday in 011411 month at Odd Fellows‘ “all, (,‘anuiuston. Gu‘n'n Bros. Tm: growing craps are fairly hum- mum. [3? See those; new Kin! fashionable \IIIslius ur- McIIItyle IS: PIior s. \Vln' have we no pound on the Eldon sule of the viflny: TM) council should provide one innuedintxlg.‘ 'l‘lIeIe um seven! dIIngeIous holes In 'lIe sidumnlk which the CIIquIissiuneIs \IIIIIlddu “ell tn have IcpIIiIed bufoIe IIII IIccideIIt. happens. THE 24th paSsed very quietly in this \‘iilngn nuny of our villa-gens taking advantage of the cheap fares ORE-red Ivy the ruilwuys for a visit to neighbouring towns. The hoya emigrated to Cum niugwn an mane to the “Show," and lcllll'lled homo disappointed. Wuonvuw L. O. L. No. 3'2, meet second \\'cdnesdny each month, at McSn’eyn’s “all. \\'uodville. Pawn-5.1. Dove, I.0.0.1"., meet every 'l‘hursda} u'euing, at Odd Fellow§ Hall, Canniugï¬ ox. READ Mr._l‘l\veu McLean's new adv. in another column. LE'I'I‘ER-‘lu-IADS aml Envelnpnsâ€"ne~ l ccssizies With every business manâ€"â€" neatly printed at. Tue ADVOCATE ofï¬ce. 4:? For extra value in Gl‘ceï¬ and Japan Tens. go to McIntyre J; Prior's. OUR village tailors mul dressnnkers. me all very busy. ‘Spring work plenul lil'ul. 1 ENORNOUR quantities of eggs am hex ing [nough't and shipped by the met" clumts tins season. THE commutina ditching machines me vigonously engaged in‘ leveling the banks and undermining the sidewalks through the \‘il‘ngo. tn' \‘ow Milliuerv! Newstylesinllnts llmuuts. A choice stock of (I: :lIers, flowns, urImuIcnts c. "l‘I'imIniIIgs af all deserip- lions. A ï¬rst class Milliuef employed, at .\lclIItyro t l’Iio s. @ Turnip Send! .Tumip Seed 1 Yul-y cheap at. McIntyre and Prim-’8. HARTLEY L.O.L. No. 1,153, meet last \Vcdnuâ€"d‘ny of each month at Hartley. my Fresh Rankin and Flower Seeds at Uunn Bros. Bros. MIDLAND RAILWAY OF CANADA. Trains going Northâ€"11:35 a. UL. and l v Genuine Gold \chding Rings at Gum: ï¬gural gjtuï¬crï¬. going Sambaâ€"7:55 a.m., and 3:45 A lung). assortzu'znb of Fans at j i1 ('Ill'h't‘ll DIRECTORY. SM'I I-ZI‘II'ZS. I, «an. 'l‘o clezm out a 3!.qu pipe the follow- ing is recommended: Place a piece of zinc on the live coals in the Move «ml the vapor produced by the zinc will carry of the 800% by chemical decompos- ition. ' As announced last. week an excursion is to be lwldon Juno lab in connection with Knox Church, Cnnuington, to Toronto and Niagara. Falls. The fare lms [mun placed very low, and tiokuta nre good for three days. Poatem have been (lisliibuted tluougli the village guing all panticululs. AN honest, respectable working man or wumun is to be honored. Then do not slight. such a one on the street, if you um acquainted, even if by rvcngni- tionyuu lose caste with the sI-oddy class with whom you are in the lmbit of keeping compuuy. “/0 don't charge anything fun this counsel. 'l'luu'l‘ lacing caused the livei' of an Indiana woman .to grow A fast to the epigaxtriuun, causing her death. Ladies cannot be too careful in guarding against such a. calumiay as this. \Vlu-n tignt lacing must be indulged in the Plllmhtl um should be removed and 106le up in the bureau drawer for safety. TliY I'r.â€"â€"' "1e following is l‘f'COllh mended us an cflectuul method ofget- ing rid ut‘ moths in Gui-pets : “ \Vring u Cum-so, crush towel out of clear watel, nprezul it smoothly on the carpets, iron italrv with :1 000d llot iron, repeating tll'e opumtiou t,on’ull parts of cmpets suflnectml of being infested with moths No need topless hand, and neither the pile 1101' COlOl of (he caxpet w1ll he i11- jun-(l, and {La moths will be destroyed by the heat. and steam. “ MOTLEI." 1e111arked a. Duluth girL “I think Han-1' must. be going to propose to 111°. ' “\Vhy so, 111v daughâ€" be: :" queniml the old ludv, layiu, r down lien spectacles, while I131 {ace beamed Ii kn the moon in its fourteenth night. “\Vell, he asked me this evening if 1 v. usu't tired of living with such a menu- gerie us you and dad ’i" N0 better incentive to right-doing could be given tiou. boy than u year’s subscription of the Boy’s Own I’uncr of healthful literature. - The frontispicce is :- ï¬ne colored plate of the Prince of \Vulesï¬und his two sons, in their hril~ liunt uniforms. The gainer-all Contents embrace good stories, narratives of ud~ venture, instructions as tn making ï¬shing tackle. as to painting. etc. Toâ€" ronto: “’11.. \Vnrwick 8: Sun 3 150. a copy 5 $1.50 per annum. “ Jocuxn Spmxo " is the tide of ‘ tlm pretty fmntispiece this month in‘ tho Girl‘s Own .I‘apcr. In the contents 1 are embraced complete and continued stories, hints as to dressmaking and, netting, useful hints as to ink stains, I 010.; how to prepare for examinations. ‘ a piutty new duet (for violin and piano) entitled "A Sistex’s Lullaby," and SUV. ‘ cm] ii‘nn pieces of poetry. Toronto; Wm. \Vnrwiok «it Son; 150. a. copy; ‘ $1 {)0 per unnmn. PARENTS and guardians should reâ€" member, as one of our exchanges ree minds them. that “ during the last. 563. sion at the Ontario Legislature an Act was passed requiring the parent and guardian of everychild not. less than seven yours, nor more than thirteen years of age. to cause such blniltl to at- mud a public school; or ‘any other school in which elementary instrumion is given, during the whole time in ouch week for which such school is open for instruction of children, and for the re- spective periods of eleven weeks in each of the two terms of the public school year, unless there be reasonable excuse for hon-attendance." Gr Go to P. G. Campbell's, Woodvilla, for [Hunt Class J ob in Uatriage Painting. W Ugo " Castorine" Michine Oil {or all kimh of Machinery. It is' also excellent for Harnésé and Leather, making it. wataz mu! \Vca'tlLr proof. For sale by dealers. Kl“: Joux, of Abvssinia, is dead. He succeeded Theodore when that monarch mgt his fate at Magdala, and was own more \var. like and inrlmlent. thxn his predecessv‘. In his conflicts with Egypt he won three victories, though his army was armed with lest efl'cutn'e weapons. Indeed he wns cun mum)- at war with some one or other of nis noxghlmrs or mswls and these. struggles will likely be continued by his successor. Spring \that Barley Oats fwu {ye H ay 1":me 1 Butter Aiï¬los Hi1 es .. Shecnskins... 3::dH"' ,e :3â€: 1’?" ‘lour. per out. Lard Ttllow Timothy wire-1000.“ .. Clover par bushel .. Chickens Turkeys Geese per m. - Oï¬ac 6 8888 8 9253888 ocgmusgwavz G p:- ** 88 85388828883 8 a... O \\'00U\'[I.LE FARMERS’ MARKETS. per bushel 50 mt}! per bushel 79m 75 , . per (on 7 09 t0 8 01) . . per bushel 0 25 to 0 3-) per Imd l2 tn 15 . . per ( ozcn 03 to 99 per bushel 0 75 to I I0 . 4 00 10 G 0‘“ 0 75 to l '25 l 00 to l H) ..5 b to 0 60 321033 (/4. CW Petqr G: Campbell has started business 'oppoalto Gm or Cum )bell’s - M at!) d " ' ' prepued to do all kinds of Waggon Carriage-Building? Rupailiug am? Oar;i‘aéo.,l'>l:ilul:. lug, Promptly Executed. ' _ g, 50 PIECES NEW GOODS. 50 PIECES NEW PRIN (‘5, all which he BOOTS SHOES, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, GROCKERY GLASSWARE. DRY GOODS STOCK NOW COMPLETE. SEï¬iflGb mmmaswgm ‘7 In bringing before my customers and the public generally my Spring Announcement, I would impress them with the fact that my business is solely Boots and Shoes, and con- ï¬ning myself to this branch of trade, 1 am thereby prepared to offer far better satisfaction: in my line than those who deal in many wares. 1" or this season I have introduced full lines in all kinds of Woodville, April 27th, 1881. gindiw’ 33115525 and (Ehilamu’5 Smear, MSS S and. BSy’S Baats 8% éhSS Which I will sell at prices for cash which cannot be touched ‘ TINWARE. TINWARE. TINWARE Is now too well known tOAI‘OQUifL‘ comuient. The best stock used and none but ï¬rsbclas _\V0rkmen employed. L‘ustou‘lcrs not satisï¬ed With their Work need not take it. 11H? PERS, 8 cents eacli. 10 QUART MILK FANS, 15 cents each. 6 QUART MILK I’QNS, l2; cents‘oach. ï¬LBE8,_ samgmms. ma, weevmm: - was; @129 men m. FRED. LEAS; EA\'ES-TROUGH1NG_ANI) REPAlRlXG DONE ON THE snonTEST Norm; :- TERMS, CASH 01: HARM. PRODUCE. At L. Mnybce's Old Stand, NEW PRINTS. OAT MEAL. ICORN MEAL, BACON, (,(M L OILAND NE“ SPHINU‘ SEEDS.‘ LOWE?“ PRICES AT. ‘ [LUGL'I WILSON ’, .. \Voohule,.,5p.~n 4 1., 1381. P M ca»- CAMPBELL, '3 CARRIAGE 8x WAGGOHEMAKEB. m {6: R. CAMPBEM Having secured a. ï¬rst“ TO BE SOLD AT AN IMMENSE SACRIFICE GOOD VALUE 1. ATTENTION! SPRING STOCK NOW' COMPLETEI. NEW COTTONS. NEW DUCKS ANDDENIMS. NE.W_ READY-MADE CLOTHING. NEW TEAS AND SUGATL. 5,000 DOZ EGGS \VANTED, for which thé highest price Will be allowed. TRUNKS, VALISES, SHAWVL STRAPS, SCHOOL BAGS (EC. And splendid lines of STRA W HATS, FOR MEN BOYS AND GIRLS. STOVES AT COST PRICE! CHEAPER THAN EVER. 62 MY ORDERED WORK 52/; Mr. Staples has now a splendid Stock of NEW DRESS GOODS. ~TERMS, MODERATE. GIVE HIM A CALL. BARGAINS IN SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. z-class Tinamitb. I am now prepared to sell Tinw me at the follow- ing low prices; prices before buying elsewhere. 10.3mm; each. The highest Cash Price paid for Don’t forget to examine his i DISHPANS, 20cents each. ALSO A LARGE srocx 0F will sell very cheap. 12 QUART PA‘ILS, 20 cents each, 10 “ 18 cents each. 5 “ “ 12!; cents each. L- I'I- STAPL ES- by‘ anyone in the County Wbodvillc. Compare