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Woodville Advocate (1878), 11 May 1882, p. 1

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Ulork lat Diviaiuu (‘ourt (.‘mmty Victoria. Secretary l‘lhlon B. A. Socictv. Agent 1'. IS' 5. Unmpauy. Cunvcynucer, Commis- sioner in qucn's Bench. M l’. S . 3 Lu- ur l.\‘ H Orrlcr ~410an lately occupied by \V. M. ( uclllzulc Bigluw’ a Block. l’urt. Perry. 1’ {Ulv'IL'SSI DIVA 1) CA R US. Clerk 7“: Division Cuurt County Victoria. meuyancer, Commissioner in Queen’s Bench. Notary Public, c., «to. Office, Vic- toria Ruad Station. Onecfthe above will be at Hamilton’s Huh]. fienvcrtou, on the SECOND MUN- DAY of each month. He will also visit \Voud Ville on the Second TU BSDAY of each month, stupping at Mcl’lxersou's Hotel. .1. sax-mum, 1... .s. i .103. rnsruxn, L.D.s. J08. J. CAVE Union Loan Co's Building 28 £2 30 Toronto Street. ' ‘orontu. Amman McDoquLl. | Anal. J. Smcmm Onlemhy mm! for Surveying, Levelling, chm, will receive {prompt attention. OFFH'Râ€" Brechiu, Ont. Livery Rigs at. any time and at all hours on the shortest nuticc. Special ttfcntion given to Umumcrciul 'l‘ravellcrs. Charges always moderate. TERMS CASH. Sto- Mcs In connection with the Ehlun House. "( EUKU E WILLIS MILLAR, A. \V 6 [u 6} per ecu}. VUI. \'l. Ami“: fur A. HARRIS, sax Co., h-unuurd. Manutuctuwrs of Reapers, Mow- crs, Self-Binders, (w. TIIIIS. IYDVQ'AIIDS Proprietor. Firsbclms accmnmmlation and attentive acrvants. Bar Well supplied with the choic- c-xt liquors and cigars. 'llus tn and from all trains and every convenience for the travel- ling pulpliv. hAitorncyâ€"nl-luw. Sullcunr In Chancery, (‘onvcyanrcn am, $15 \V M. Money to Loan at 6 per cent. Ul-‘Fu‘l-Zsâ€"Kcut Street. laudsxy. Ontario. fiRED. U. M! LLA ll. “III. Ml'ltllh' Proprlclor. ’l‘his huh-l ix~ in every way cmnlvlnte tn meet tlmrcqpxirvnu-nts of (ln- travelling public. -II.-"!s M'N’wl on the arrival of nil trains whivhstnp hero. on both railways, twenty )hihllh'i fur rufn-shmcnts. (inml waiting mnnm. Bur :\lw:\_\s mpplwcl with the best, hr-‘mls n' liquura :uul rigare. 'â€" ‘ mzsums M‘AMMOV. Proprietor. 'l'lna lll'SL-(‘lflflfl llnusc has just been re- fittwl. Inrmshcd and otherwise renovated and nnpmvml. Rein: in llu- m-ntrc uf tlu- lmmus‘a part of the village. and llll‘lllfiln‘il \\ xtll splmulinl sample I‘umm'. it in tllvrufmc hum, wm‘cuicut fur {ran “('I‘S :unl unmnu-r- 4-iul Inrn. mul lln- [Iulvlll- gun‘rnlly. 'llu: l‘mr-l“ supplu-zl “'llll Ilw lwsl nf Liq‘mrs mnl l'igms. (-‘uml Stablvs nml Hustler in at: h‘II-lnnl'e. “nice of .‘Inntrml V i'omnssxosrn ls m1" (‘OSVI‘JAM‘Iin HI-INICRA L lNSl'liANUI". AGENT. \x i! Sewin 1y un Money tn Luau on first-class security at Agent for I'ninn loam 6‘ Saw‘lng‘s ('0. 31.00): ‘I( ) US E, Womlvide. Domlnlon Land Surveyor, Draught:- mun and Valumor. “I731? AUCTIONEI'IR. OI‘PIC£~»0ue door east of Post Office, A RUN . HOPKINS. U n barristers, sun-non, Soul-Ion, ac. PMS and Mher Scml Grains on Hand. IUR'I‘IH‘IRN HUN-IL, \\'umlvillc. El} JAIN»; 8.: P[‘\'1'LAND. CDOUG ALL SINCLAIR, RU H . C.-\ M PBELL lull RISTEBS, SOLIQ‘ITO‘IR!) at. UHN .\l("l‘.~\(§(§.\l€l‘, Kirldiml. m D VILLE 1.1 V [CRY STA BLES. ll’l i II I). SINCLAIR, M. CAM El DENTIS'IS, ctr" llndsu‘. Ont. (ih‘A‘v'ERA L CA RDS. MUNX‘ZY TO Lfl.-\.\' at (3' per cent. ~ IMPROVED FARMS 1‘01} SALE Illll‘ R" I20‘T1IIDS. I’mprlclor. G. UAVANA. P. L. S. l'nhlhlwr. )la.‘\ N I ’ 4" .m-ncvillc. it‘ll rvn “A.“ \‘Iilenn “Ii"mul ”l:n_\-:~.l‘ Machines and .\w:d‘u s kept, constant. and. 110 TEL (. MONEY TO LOAN. “'omlville. Ont. W I Mrml 'l'vlograph (.‘nnpmy, Kilktield. Unl. AN U NH‘ISSING HOTEL A]? DS'. G. ll. Hormsx mbvififim flhmflmfifi Having bought the shop and fixtures of Mr. (l. (J. Smith, Butcher. customcls can rely on getting the best of Beef at. all times, and other meats in season. H Parties having fut cattle to dispose of will please call or leave word at my shop. Farmers Wanting meal: will please leave their order the night betore at the shop. The highest cash priye paid for H] DES. W Cistcrn and Well Pumps FORCE PUMPS SUPPLIED. WOODVILLE. ONT. HARNESS GOLMRS, HALTERS, WHIPS CURRY COMES, BRUSHES, TRUNKS VALISES AND All. KIND 8F HORSE FURNISHING A large assortment of whips from l5cta. up. JAMES STUART. HARNESS MAKER, SADDLER m ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING NEATLY AND QUICKLY EXECUTED. The Subscriber is prepmed to lend Money I at greatly reduced rates of interest in sums of 1 According to amount required and term: of payment an a Straight Loam 0" Sinking Fund System. Instalmente required to re- pay a Loan of 51.000 in the following periods: 10 years, $143.20. 9.0 years, $95.30. These Sums payable at the end of each your pay off the entire debt. Principal and Interest. NO COMMISSIOV. K0 FIXES. Expcmes reduced. 1. U. GlerlllllST, Postmaster, Woodrillc. Don‘t forget your lusurance. J. L‘. Gil- christ. is also agent for several first-clam ln- snrmwe Companies. Farmer’s risks taken at. lowest. rates. I ‘JEAD at Her; ALL NE\V “'Olui \VARRANTED. I nrorporuiml. A Hg. .24, 1880 “I‘I'Il'l'lllfid Wu. hzsxuz. l-Isq., 'l‘omnm, President. A. Ulrrulzh, ism, Mcafm'd, Hut, Vice- I'Hsit‘un‘. . \\’. l,‘r..\nu;nu.\' E’mrt, 15qu. 'l‘nrnMo, Suc‘y. l'). H. ”ILIKURX. i“.>‘(|., Yxhx-inlgv. 'rleflsln‘m‘. l'. h. llulmulmx .\I. ll, 'I'urnntu, Medical l‘im-‘ur. ”[10. II. \\‘.\ RUN . L 11.“, annntn.Snlinitm‘. ‘ .‘x‘. \\'. HILL. lbw. Hidgcvillu, Mulnlmrslnp Sum-Hutomlvut. , l‘xrrmlw Commute“ WM. HHMH'. “. l'. l'.\ur. J. 1‘ firm. IRA Allul'li. Agent, \Vooulviilc. Donninion. Standard 8:. Cit izons lusurunce (:‘onnnuuvs. Also Agent for the CHUIUE- ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES. D. Henderson Suits made to «min from the latest mu] most fashionable stylvs. All Work guaranteed to lit. '1' lfil‘dls. CASH. Shnp OVer Mvintyrc- l’flm-‘s Store, en- trance. Side “our. Prm‘iclr-‘I'ur (1m ll'mk mulrr Your (flung:- -â€"(.'.-\.\':\ DI ANâ€" Try 3 11.; and get a book, YOUR OWN UGH MCCORQ UODA LE. WOUDVI LLE, ONT. Repnlrlng Promptly Attended lo. CHEAP MONEY ! MUTUAL AID B US I .VIL'SS 3A 1.’ US. $200 to $20,000, 00 D V ILLE. 1’ U M P FACTORY. “'OOIDVILLI-Z BUTCHER BIIO I'. OODVI LLE HARNESS SHOP. ESTABLISHED. [856 JACOB fisARNES TERMS CASH" ORDERS SOLICITED. ASSOCIATION. 6 T07 PER CENT. MAN UFAC'I’URER 0F Agent for the A t from .um, limp. 'l‘umnYo, Svc‘y. limp, Yxhridgv, 'I'lcnsnmr. i H. il. 'l'ul‘ulltu, Medical 63 King Street East, 'l‘nmntu. WOODVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1882. “ PRO BONO PUBLICO." The Canadian Singer. W. Cameron, Mr. Cameron has the Wholesale Agency {or this vicinity and will supply agents at the factory priCcs for cash. an BefoteTaking THE After Taking ~GREAT ENGLISH REMEDYâ€"â€" An unfailing curc fur Seminal \Vcnkness, Spcrnmtorchcn, lmpotrncy. and all diseases that. follow as a. consequence of Seif~Abuse ; as loss of memory. Universal Lassitude, Pain in the Back, Diumess of Vision. Premature Old Age, and many otli.‘ (1i cases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a premature grave. Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we «lesirc to send free by mail to every (me. 351‘ The SPECIFIC MEDICINE is suld by all ilrnggists at $1 )er package, or six packaavs for $5, or \iil he sent free by mail on receipt. of the money. by addressing "no: MARK. GRAY's TRADE MARK. spscmc " MEDICINE ALE XANBER MICHELE». (‘HEAPEST MACHINE IN THE MARKET ! Monuments, Tombstones, MARBLE BUILDING PURPOSES, 1 ERIIIS, R EA SON A BL F. i 33. :r. :emmwoow. n Elm. «‘x’cmudrillc gdrntntc, Sunscnwrxus â€"-Une Dollar per year, Striclly in xlvlmluw', W‘Qflfl’fiiflfifl, (3W1? EVERY THU ISIHY MORNING EAR W001? "483' CARJIAGE WORKS, w o UVILLE. I very thilw Ill lln- Iim kept un hand or made in 0: HM nu shm t nnhcu. Hmin-v in my (- lupin} "mm but First- (‘ lass \\ mknwn and the only FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGE PAINTER In IIIWII. l'nnios having; Smond llnnl hi ."i In '1' pair, pIiIIt Ul‘ trIm, shunld lulIh llII-III «lung. 3mm- of Mn: best HHS c\'I'r mull" In “umh‘luc III-mly IIIIIshcd. All H'nrl.’ ll'm-wmfml. “01151-1 SHHHNH \ SI’I‘X‘I .\1 "FY NLECTION' IRVI"ED. King Slrm'f. ll’omlvilh’. CA“ BRIDG E S'l‘” Ll NDSAY. DEALER IN A.\D MANUFACTURER 0F B U SI N1 SS CA R ()8. ON SHORTEST NOTICE. THE (EBAY MEDICINE Co. AND ALL DESCRIPTIONS 0F .\ Ll. KIN US UP S'I‘ON l-J Fol: --.\T 11‘s urn”;â€" \U A U A C‘T'l‘ TO ORDER. AGENT -â€"-AN Dâ€"-â€" IS I'UIHJSED -â€"-.\N I)â€" Toronto, Ont The Victims Frightfully Mutilated. DUBLIN, May 7.â€"The most horrible tragedy which has characterized an agitation in connection with which deeds of blood have unfortunately been numerous occurred here ’ yescerday evening when Lord Frederick Caven~ dish, the recently appointed Chief Secretary, and Mr. Thomas Haviland Burke, Under-Secretary, were assassin- ated in Hanoi): Park. The deed was all the more startling and unexpected on account of the enthusiastic recep- tion extended to the Government's conciliation policy and the cordial wel- come which gieeted Earl Spencer, the new Lord Lieutenant, on his arrival’ yesterday morniutr. The day was one i of general rejoicing. The temper of the people seemed to promise the most favourable results for the new depar- ture. On every side were heard ex- pressions ofsatisfaction with the change, and men who had hitherto been pro. miueut opponents of: the Government i were loud in their congratulations on 1 the altered aspect of affairs. A terrible ‘ revulsion of feeling, however, came with the announcement thiseVeuing of the assassination under circumstances of peculiar horror of Lord Frederick Cavendish and Mr. Burke. The news spread like wildfire through the city, and created everywhere the utmost consternation, horror, and indignation. It was long before the details were generally known, and the most Contrns ‘ dietary rumours obtained currency. It ; was stated on the streets that Earl ‘ Spencer had fallen a victim. The peoâ€" ple flocked to the scene of the tragedy in Phoenix Bark by thousands, but the police prevented all approach. The excitement, as may be supposed, was intense when the actual facts became known. It appears that after the in« stallation ceremony Lord Fiederick Cavendish and Earl Spencer remained at Dublin Castle engaged in the transâ€" action [oi ofiicial business until six o'clock in the evening, when each drove to his respective residence to dinner. After dinner Lord Fredelick Cavendish set out for a walk in the i Plannix Park. Here he Was overtaken by Mr. Burke, who had just left the I Castle and had taken a car at the Park The new I ri sh Secretary Assassination Lord Cavendish, and underâ€"Secretary, Burke, murdered, gate. On recnguizing Lord Frederick he ulighted from the car, joined him in his Walk. mul dismissed the driver who returnml to the city. Shortly afterwards, the time being about, ten minutes past seven o’clock, a car drnve rapidly up, stopping close to the pedestrians, and four men alighted who wme slouched. huts pulled «lowu well over |heir foreheads. They rush- eil silnnlinueeusly upon Lord Frederick and Mr. Burke and attacked them with kuiw-s at close quarters. The Under" Srcretaur was apparently the principal object. of their vengeance, hut. Lord Frederick Coming to his rescue the "mail-nus turned furiously upon him. The struggle was a very sluni. one, as Ihungh lanh victims] “ought. ln'nvvly fur their lives they were entirely unarmed M well as outmnula-rmi. Mr. Burke was smhhml several times near the region of the heart and his throat. out. from our to ear. Loud Cavendish wa.s Sz'pal‘uleti some distance trom his cum- [Minion in the mulch and sustained a numlwr of lunihh: wmunls a‘mnt the upper part of ‘he hodv. 'l'ho lnl\l'llt‘\'\ ms having cnmplvuul Emir hhmcly wmk, rt-nmnmwl t‘lu-ir our and drove nfl' rapidly. Inm‘iug the Park by HM- ('hulmlizml Gun. h. is summsml Hm. the whulu nll'uir wvs over in a minute. There wwe fmv pmplv in the m-igh~ hourlmml at the Iimv, am] as the tutâ€"- “My uccnrrml in \he dusk of tho: evvn ing it. uttmotml nu “NI'IHIOII. The only witness so far svcurml who ncrnnlly saw the murch-r is n hwy mum-(l Jucuh, whn status that \thu linlvln-smhg in th lmrk he MW “hum, ‘JUU yunlu from “how ht: was. and plus" to llu' mud. n gmup of mm: nmmwntiy wrumlinq. As hu- t‘hcm‘uht. they \u-w runghs hu paid no unvnthm In Lhwn. I'm than saw two men full to the ground, and four others jump on :1 our and drive ofl‘ towards Clmpelizod gate. He is unable to giva any description by which the mnrderars can be identified. \VEDNESDM‘ noon.â€"-â€"'l‘here is no clue to the identity of the assassins of Caven- divh and Burke. Several persons l'avn been arrested on suspicion but. have been released. @‘ LADIESâ€"Cull and inspect our Mtge choice and cheupatock of Feathers, Flowers, Trimmings, 6w. See our Trimmed Han-I at $1.00. See those real Ostrich Feathers, only $1.00.â€" Miss Brovmlow, Milliuer, at McIntyre ti Prim-’8. @‘ Lmnmz MAcumE OH. is manufactured solely by McColl Bros. 6!. 00.,T010nto, and is the only popula M‘ Machine Oil toâ€"day in use by all mill men and faunets Tl y Lnrdine. JUDIDICIOUS ADV ERTISING Has created many a new business ; Has enlarged many an old business ; Has revived many a. dull business; Has rescued many a lost business ; Has sued many a failing business; Has preserved many a large business ; And secures success in any business. AT the Simcoe Assizes last week a farmer named Bruce got u. Verdict; for $1,200 against a neighbor named Burns who set. the to some brush during the hot weather last summer, and the fire spread to the house of plaintiff, who lost everything. It was proved tlmt‘ Burns had said, before setting the fire, that. if Bruce got burned out it. would serve him right. ONE good result of the diptheria. scourge in N ewmarket is that an effici- oieut health inspector has been appoint~ ed, and the sanitary condition of the town is being rigorously looked _after. The totalnnmber of deaths occurring there during the winter has been nine- teen, and the Reformer has every reaâ€" son to believe that its ravages have been providentially overcome and its course stayed. MUNICIPAL officers, school inspectors, secretaries of school boards, and other public officers have received the first instalment of a schedule of questions from Mr. A. Blue, Secretary of the Ontario Bureau of Industries for On- tario. The first report will be pub- lished early in May. A copy of it» will he sent to every newspaper in the Province. One of the instructions to‘ correspondents is: “If you can't an~ swer a question, don’t ; inaccurate ins formation is misleading and mischiev. ous." The following questions are asked : “\Vhat is the condition of fall wheat on the various soils ’l” Extent of injury to wheat by frost, worms, or insects !’ The other questions relate to live stock, fruit trees, and the pro" gress of the spring work. A NEW postal law or decision in the U. S. authorizes the publishers of news‘ papers to arrest any man as a thief who takes their papers and refuses to pay for them. This is a lair and judi- cious law, and should have been enacted years ago, as a means of protection to publishers, for there are lots of peisous who will take a paper for a time. and when asked to pay for it will laugh at the publisher, and tauntingly defy him to get it ifhe can. In this manner publishers lose hundreds of dollars. The law is intended to meet just such rascals, and publishers generally shoul-l limits in having it enfoiced. A Iiulu ‘ ol'tlie same kind of law in Canada , would not be out of place. and would prove a boon to publishers who lose :I 1 large sum annually rather than sue «le- : liuqncut subscribers by the present ‘ Division Court process which is slow. liloubll'ul and expensive, for it is an l easy matter to get ii judgment. but l . . . . 2 quite anothei to enforce colmctiu n ol id. QYOII Will Silva 25 IH‘I' cent. 3w buying Twomls, Drt-ss ”nods, mu] smut- Iines in LuuliI-s' and Mix-93' Puma} a and utller Shops M A .C.Camphu|l's. Thomas Myers, Hmcubridgc. writes: "Ur. 'l‘houms' Eclcchic Oil is the best. me‘licine'l sell. lg always givert sntisfncticm, null m L- null. Av nun-u n bI'Iv-V ....-.......--.... macs of coughs. colds, sore throat. c., imnuulintu rulncf has been rccowml by those “house it." \me Luxns ,wn now 1‘0 mm: mm: STImNu.»â€"llrontlm withtllc mouth closed. have norms at, all times to pure air, mum-inn Inmlcmtc-ly, ml. nourishing but simple food. nnvl takv that host of all cnugh rmnudios. llugynr‘l's l’uctnra' llul'am, it spvmlilx' (,‘Ill‘t'fl all throat and lung trnuhlcn of ntlnllx' or children. him: 23'! cchln per bottle. ’I‘IJIUIS 03'}: lMILIAlI I’Elt ANNI'NI Htrlolly In Advance NUMBER 20 "Dr.

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