llscxsn 1w lxxemmmnu: Panes, restless by day, sleepless at night. rising unrefreshed in the morning, without appetite, and pes- tered by varying and perplexing symptoms, the dyspeptic takes indeed a gloomy view of human existence. For him the Zest of life seems gone. Heartburn, oppression at the pit of the stomach, and the attendant nu- nnyanets of enmtipatinn and hiliuusness, eolnhinetu render him utterly wretched, but there is. if he “’Ill hut take advantage of it, n reliahlo sonrse of relief from all this misery. Nunrnnor l.\'u.\.\".~« Venn-mere lllï¬'tn't'du' lh'srizrru; (‘umz no Brno“ l'rmrxm is. as its name imports. in lmtnnic preparation, free. from mineral poison. and all all sullieient remedy for indigestion .in us mostohstinate form. It not, only en- iiehes the blood by ena‘iling the digestiVe menus to convert the food received into Milliment, hnt. depnrntes it hy inerensing the action of the ho“ els and kidneys, the natural outlets for its impurities. But while 11‘. relaxes the howeln. it never does so Hult'lllly and with pain, like a drastie enth- _:ntic it aids, hut ne\'er forces, Nature, in- \ igornting us well on purifying and regulat- ing the system It thoroughly removes those dimmed humonrs which leml to viti- ate the Mood, purities the urinary secre- tion. and promotesa H w of healthy hilo min the imtmnl l‘imnwl, besides expelling xilwln tl.e eirenlntion. Experience has pvm ed that this standard lnelieine is a thorough ruined fordyspepsia. hiliensness, mmlh‘t'lll’ls, lli uey complaints, serotnln. . u) ope-Ian, salt rhenni, lullllmgo and all im- pmuvq r! the blood. l’riee SLOO. Sample , l'mlll!’ I‘M-er“. Ask for .anz'l‘lllml' ' l.\'- vw‘n \‘s-gntnhle liium\‘ery and llyspeptie‘ ' me. 'lhv- Wh‘llllh'l‘ hears a ï¬le-aimi’r of L 9 um :- gnuluro. Sold by all medicine ; theirâ€. I Uwoa'mnun Ireland's bloody his- tory does not contain among all its deeds of blood so atrocious a crime as that which will be found recorded in another column of this paper. That so terrible a deed should have been perpetrated who the nation's cause was about to remain: the brightest change, emnot be too deeply regretted, and all those who have watchel the struggle must feel it a terrible blow. Although the horrid crime cannot be imputed to the Irish as a people still the effect will he to alienate much sympathy from them and their cause. “"e notice that all Ireland is most emphatic in its denunciation of the crime and the Land Leuguers among the foremost. It is however, too late, the crimes and deeds of horror which have lately so stained the country’s reputation, if not the acts of the League directly are in a great measure the outcome of its teachings and it must he held res )onsible. Now that this terrible tragedy ias happened Mr l‘arnell and his ccnlleawes are among the "lost deeply affected. The event has caused much ex. riteo.(-nt in Euglaud and it is dillicult to see the end. A strong feeling of indignation has been aroused and one that it may he hard for the Gladstone administration to etcnl. However. should Mr. Gladstone succeed We underestimate that nohlc gen tlcnmn‘s character if he allows passionate revenge for the acts of a few to interfere with the new and promising policy almut to lie inaugurated by his unfortunate colleague, Lord Frederick Cavendish. 11' will not be long before the question of Canadian independence will form a promin. ent feature in the policy of both Conserva- tive and Reform partied, if we may judge by expressions of opinion now freq tently in. dnlged m. The Conservative Clllll, Cartier, of Montreal‘ is the last to speak by debating and deciding in favor of the following resoln. tions :-â€""Resolved, that the Club, whilst approving of the notion of the Government, in rejecting the motion of Mr' Bloke, ap- prove of the stand taken by Mean-s. Coursol, Oulmet, Iwyal and Houde, and tiust‘ that the leaders of the Conservative party will see ï¬t. in the near future, to put the ques- tion of national independence before the conntry."â€"-â€"'l‘he strongest opposition to this change we observe, has come from the Con- eeranive press, but now that the party see it A prospective question the case, no doubt will be altered. AT the departure of the Children of Israel from Egypt. China was 700 years old ; and when Isaiah prophesied of her she had ex- isted ï¬fteen centuries. She has seen the rise and decline of all the great nations of antiquity. Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome have long since followed each other to the dust; but (‘ hinn still remains, I1 solitary and \vondeIfnl monument of pa- triarchal time. Then look at the popula- tion of the country roughly estimated at 4‘)0,H00,000â€"ten tunes the population of the United States and more than thirteen times the population of Great l’r.’ tain and Ireland. Every third person that lives and breathes upon this earth and beneath these heavens Is a Chinese; eIery third grave that u dug Is for a Chinese. OSTARIO has now been encumbered with another immense monopolyâ€"the Great “'estern railway has at. last become a. part of the Grand Trunk system. “’0 had hoped for a different issue. but the interests of On- tnrio do nut stand for much just now. “'lmt. with railway and telegraph mono- polies independent Ontario is athing of the past. Elm Wuudvillc gamma: cos .1 GAVE, Editor. \V OODVlLLE, MAY 1], 1882. ~\\\~ All pmtiosintcrostgul win please Hunm-lvm nccunliug‘y. (‘lt‘l'k's Uflivv, “'mulvillt‘, qu Int, ' Aslumzw Mmusnx. Clerk of Muni Monday, May 29, 1882. ' “IE Municipal Council of the 'l‘nwnslup hf I‘lldnn will hnld n Uuurt uf I:U\'i‘ill|| to revise the Anal-sanwut Hull «f saiul Muni- cipality for the year 1882. at McIntyre’s Hotzl, Lorneville flux.â€" Township of Eldon CQ UBT 0.1.“ REVISION All parties intoruslml will please govern theumclvus accunlingly. Clerk's (Mice, ()nkwwnl, May 4th, 1882. Jons F. (:vsxnos, 'I‘mu "ship Clerk . MLOEIDA ‘1! MLALY; 9'91 A8894 Municipality of Mariposa HE ("curt of Iluvisinn to revise the _ Assessment, Roll of the 'l‘mvnship nf Muripusu for tlw year A l). 1882, will be held at the Town “all, m the â€"â€"-â€"â€"G 4.. Oâ€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€" Dvsrnpsm, that nil prevalent disease of civilian! life, is always nttcwlud with a dis- or-lerud sympathetic system and Imd set-n:- tions. mu! no remedy is better adapted tn its cure than Bilnluuk Blood Bitters taken no- cm-diu; to special directions found on every bottla. COURT OF REVISION Petitions presented :â€" A. M. SteWnrt and eight others tor aid on the Portage ltoad at Int 3. Memorial from Miss S. Turner in the matter of land for a road between Lots ‘20 and 2|, lst Con, ' leports put in :â€" Township Commissioner in the matter of certain roads and bridges referred to him for inspection. Village Commissioner in the matter of sidewalk on Mara st., c. George Smith, P. 1;. 5., in the matter of the survey on the town line betWeen Brock and 'l‘hornh. Communication read from Mr. E. Major, Port Perry, claiming $10 compensa- tion for re-granting a village lot sold to him in error. Resolved, that the following grants be made for public inwrovements be- tween the 5th and 6th concessions at lots 6 and 7 for grawlling, $25.00 -. netWeen 5th and 6th concessions at lot '2, ditching, SlU ; between 2nd and 3rd coneeSsions at lot 2, culvert and ditching. $40; Portage Road at lot 3, repairing, ‘25 ; town line between Brock aud'l‘horah, from lot 17 west open- ing, 8100. And that the Township Con;- missioner be also instructed to make the necessary repairs at the fell Ming bridges :â€" | The bridge at Carmichael’s, between 5th and " 6th cons. ; Morrison's, Centre Road, and ‘ clear the flood-wood from the same ; Fro- man's bridge ; bridge over the :Bearer, be- tween the 2nd and 3rd concessions ; bridge _o,q_the town line between 'l‘homh and Eldon “at lst concession. That the village Com- missioner be instructed to construct a four feet sidewalk on the cast sile of Mars street from Main street to the Railway Station. A culvert on Bay street and a sidewalk on John street two feet wide, that the contracts be let as soon as possible and that the pay- ments for the work he made on and alter the lat of December. ‘wsolred, that the Township Commissioners when letting con. tracts in that section of the township be instructed to examine the outlets for the ditches between the lst and 2nd concessions and report thereon as soon as peasible. Resolvedjthnt a half-acre on lot 4, 7th corn, be leased for a gravel pit for a term of ten years, that the sum of 8'25 be paid for the some, and that the Commissioner be instruct- ed to farm a. road to the said pit and stake out the boundaries of the same. lResolved, that the sum of 850 be refunded to Mr. Jno. Morrisop. arrears of taxes charged in error on port of the north half of lot; 4 in the 4th concession. Resolved, that the sum of $5.00 be paid to Mr. Chas. Galloway for the use of Mrs. Colville, and the sum of $5.00 be also paid to Mrs. Bates. Accounts to the amount of $118.60 were presented and ordered to be paid. Resolved, that the Council do now adjourn until Saturday. 27th of May, at 1 o‘clock p. m., then to hold a Court of Revision. Village of Qakwood! Council met at one o'cluck p.11). Members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. TfloBAll 'I‘0\\’ Slilll l‘ ('01' it'll... At. 10 o’cluck in tho forenuou. ()N._ GEO. SMITH, Clerk. ISi‘l. gowrn TERMS: A LARGE STOCIC OF FLOUR on hand at less than 11in Prices. SEVERAL BARRELS OF GOOD APPLES 0N HAND. A Good Fresh Stock of Groceries GOOD DRIVING HORSE in exchange for a Bell or t'xhridge Organ. Iiursa must, be Young. Suuml and a good Road- star. Abply to N. B. CAMPBELL, GENEEAL 63061315158. PEQVLSIQNIS. £0. May mm, 1332. Composed largely or powdered Mica 0115an glass, IstheBESTandCHEAPESTlubrlcam tor, 1n the worldâ€"the BEST because It does! no: gum. but forms a highly polished aur-\ face over the axle, reducing friction and tightening the draft: the CHEAPEST be-‘ cause It costs NO MORE than Inferior‘ brands, and one box wm do the work of two of any other make. Answers as well {or Harvestels. M 111 Gearing, '1 hroshlug )Ia- chines, Com-Planters, Carriagos. Buggies, etc. ., as for \\ agons. GUARANTEED to contaln NO Petroleum. Soldby alldealers. 317' Our Pocket (‘m-Iopedia qf Things Worth Kr owing mailed tree. mm MAHUFAGTURlHG 00. 228 Hudson 8h. New York. Cleveiand. O. and Chicago. Ill. SAMUEL ROGERS a. CO. Toronto.0nt. [ Sole Agents for the Dominion. McIN'E‘YRE‘éz PENDR. Wanted. "i 'heul HiL‘O mid for Butler, E"; b I I a 324131353 A3379} 335L113), Pï¬AST’Eï¬, GEEAP. Dress Mantle Making, ‘ Millinery and Tailorinfl‘ Satin and Lace Pal‘asols, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Lace bunt/â€gs Zephyr Ghee/{3, Black and Coloured sil/Is and satins, Mil/inery, Hats and Bonnets, Passementerie Black and Coloured lVoir Satins, \Voodville, April 27th, 1882. Trimmings, M oire silks D. STANTON. Of all kinds. Just received a. supply of GOOD CLEAR LARD. “'e are prepared to sell any quantity of Cashmeres C331! 91; MA_R_KE'1‘ABLE PRODUCE, for which the highest 'plice will be paid. \Voml v ille. , Eggs, 0n the premises . Full Stock . Superior and elegant stock. Beautiful Goods. Very ï¬ne Stock. Complete in n“ the popular Stylus. largest. and Cheapest Stock in town . Rich Goods In all the Fashionable Shades. iN. 1}. Campbell. “'omlvillé, sole agent for . North Victoria and Onhu'in. 92¢ 2 44.51 Jm<2§© P‘smmflw WILKINSON. wuv'm, H .4 MIL- And all kimls uf Imphnnl-nts m d Ma~ : chines supplied as cheap :u the. JlIE-J] est. Peak and MI kinda cf l’nm‘mm. m MASSEY M .-\ NU FA CTU R I SG C0. More used in Canada than all other put tugethcr. A written Warrant by t'm (‘mnpany given with each machine. A I’m-v1.†1:£m:1)‘.'.â€"â€"lla;ynr.l'sl’cctoml Balsam is one of the must (loservwlly pu ml at remedies («r We {cure uf cuughs, 00 «II, sum tlmm‘. asthma, wlmupillg cough, cruup, bronchitis. and al_| pulmonary complaints. III TORONTO REA PER, New Gear. '1'!) l} O X '1‘() MO W l*) R . MASSEY l’A'l‘. ‘SHARP'S' RAKE. The Leading Mac/zines : TORONTO CORD SELF BINDER M A SS BY "A RVES'I‘ER. Fur mle by all dealerh. Light ensilv lmudlml. lniwrlifls either or lmth \\'llUllS u-nu scat. Bust sheaf ! akcr m the mmkct. HONEY’S FXNNING MILL, N. B. CAMPBELL. TORONTO, ONT. tun, and Cnpp l‘urus‘ I’lmvs. l'ower 'l'hroshin-J, Machim‘s. N. B. CAM PBELL Strung, simple and durable. AG E\"l‘. \V‘ N iDVI LLE. It tells Us a". BLACKSMI'I'H SHOP, in the Vlllnga of llmtloy, with house, stable and one new of Land. A splendid cumin-y .nud 5 mod lmsinvastlmm, For term: mul parti- 1-..lnrsupply toNcil (iilchris', Huntley, “I (u ~ .1. t‘,OIlL’Hl:IS'l‘, ltnrtley, April I], 1382, Woodvilio. III'IIH'IHY caution and forbid any and 7 all pcmms against hnrhnnl'ing or giving credit in my wifv. Mnrgnrnt Jam- Brignall. who is, l imiim’c. at the \Vuiuw Jnhn Mur- rimn's. in anivillc, as 1 WI“ not pay any debt she may mntrnct or any dvlnt that may be contracted in hm- behalf nl'u-r this «into. shv having refund to live with me witlmnt any sniiicicnt cause or [norm-Minn. \Yitncss, THUS. HIHHXA L' . E. W. SECORDS. (iravenhurst. 1c. \\'.’Sl«:(;'0nDs. April 17m. I882. For Sale or to Rent MARRIED ON the 3rd inst.. by the Rev. “K Richard- son. at the Eldon Hume, Wnodville. M‘. Archibald Bell to Eliza Ann King, both (X Bentley. 0:: Sunday, 30th nit, Andrew Holmes, of Thou-ah, aged 32 years. O.\' Saturday, 29th ult. , Christina Currie. daughter of Mr. Duncan Currie, of Thorah, aged ‘29 years. “Wun EVERY 0x3 sn‘s Hl‘s'l‘ m: 'rnca," and every one who has tested its merits speaks warmly in praise of Hagyard‘s Pecâ€" tural Balsam as a positive cure for all throat and lung complaints, coughs and colds, sow throat, bronchitis. and incipient consump- tion. - [III-ID. Os Tuesday. 27th “IL, Don. RuSS. son of Mr. Robc. Russ, Beavertou, aged 19 yams. BIM'HI [by Hugh Hat}, St't‘tllttil‘ti hv Euchcrn “clincher-n, that this Inn-«sting cuttuut close without. recon-«ling its high appreciation of tlm conduct. of Iill'. Hon. l‘zki‘VArd lilakv, for hi~t cnnsitlrtatiun of the minority of the Oh! Kirk, and tlmt. the Uimirnmn hp requested tn format-4| said reSolution to said Hon. E. “lulu. ASK your dealer for Custuriue Ma- Machine Oil and see that the bane] is branded " Custorine," as none miner is genuine. A REAL Nacm<xr\'.â€"Xo house should In: Without a bottlcnf Hngyanl’s Yellnw uil, in was of accident. There is no pmparatinn offered to suffering humanity that has made so many nerumnent cures. or relieved 3:- much pain and misery. It, is called by some the (mud Smnaritau, by others the Cure-all, and by the afflicted an Angel of Mercy. Mm‘ml by E. McEwlu-I“sown-1m] I-y Mr. Ray, that. a vole of Illnllke, In lei-- (lered the Rev. Dr. Campbell for his very iusnuatiw lecture. 'l'hn Rev. Dr. Unniplwll, of Culling- wtioil liit'iwhml lust, Sunlmth i'i lhu church to n u-Iy Lugc- Cough-gallon, in English nml (ht-lie. Dr. t‘uan-ll. it. will In: rmnmnln-I'ml, pri-m‘imul In tlm congregation for ulmut. tm-lu- Inuutla‘ live “emu ngn. (in Monday n-aning tlm Doctor Itctnml an “ What I mm- in Scotland," to u very nut-nun: nil-I'- icnce. Towards the close ot the Ircuuo lioi-eh-rrecl to tlm actiul: nt' tlw Sonata and Home of ('umhmns nt t‘mnnla it~-- guiding llw “'l'mnpornlitivs Suit," mul Stated that in his opinion no lunlinnn-nl could m'ttlv such n question, that It. wns the greatest nonscnsn to think ~n, tlmt, the Courts of justice nlnnn coulcl Ill) so. llu tipokv highly in praise of tln- Hon. EJwaul Blake, whom: sonar of justice Inovwl him to consider tlw minurit)‘ tlm Old Kirk in Cannuln. At. the? clusu (if the proceedings tho following “-3011:- tious wcro uumiimouuly pllï¬htn‘ :â€" (FROM BBAIIL. \ The New Comp onnd, its won< derfnl affinity to the Digestive Apparatus and the L1 vex; unreas- 111g- the dissolvjngjuices, 1el1'ew ing almost instantly tho dreadï¬ 11:1 results onys pe p513, Indigestion, and the TORPID LIVER, 11131:: Zopesa 311 every day necessityin every house. It, acts gently and speedily 111 Bfliausness, Costiveness. Head. ache. Sick Headache, Distress a!» ter Eatiuw 'Wind 011 the Stomach. Heartburn, Pains 1’11 the Side and flack, Want «Appetite. W’ant at Back, Want «Appetite. W’ant at En_erg:;_r,_ Low Spigztaj._ F911] Stom- 8012. It in vigorates the Liver, car- n'es 011811 surplus bile, regulates the Bowels, and gives tone to the whole system. Cut this out and take it to your Drug st and wt 6: 10 cent Sample ora urge botue for 75 cents. am, tell yourneizhbor about It. Caution G'III'RG'II or 81011131). |lebl)\.