Ulorl: lat Division Court County Victoria. Scurutury Eldon B. A. h’osictv. Agent 1’. l’.‘ S. Company. Umweyaucer, Cummisv :monor in Queen’s Butch. Livery Riga at any time and at all hours on the shortest notice. Special attention given to Commercial Travellers. Charges always moderate, 9‘L1\\ibCASH. Stu- blcs in connection with the Eldon House. Again} for A. "ARR IS, SON 00.. BI'mlUqu, \lauutacturcls of Reapers. Mow- cu. Self- Binders, c. 'mos. EDWARDS Proprietor. First-class accommodation and attcntivc servants. Bar Well supplied with the Clinic- cat liquors nml cigars. ’Bus to and from all trains and ovcry convenience for the travel- ling public. Money to Loan on ï¬rst-class security at 6 my 6.5 pay coup. ‘ One (fthe above will be at Hamilton’s Hotel. Bem'crtou, on the SECOND MUN- DA Y of each month. He will also visit “'omlville on the Second TUESDAY of each month, stopping at Blcl’llerson’s Hotel. a. sum†us. I... .s. : JUS. PENTLAND, L.D.s. BENJAMIN mummy l'roprlolor. This ï¬rst-class hnnse has just been 1'0- ï¬tted, furnished and otherwise renovated and nnproved. leing in the centre of the business part of the village. and fnlnislied with splendid sample rooms. in in therefore nmst convenient. for travellers and euiumer- eial men. mul the public generally. 'l'he l'mrlis supplied with the best. nf Liq'mrs and ('ignrs. Good Stables and llostler in at- tondnnco. Wilson “A." “'llsum “B" and “Hnynl' Sewing Mnchilwa and Needles kept constant 1y on hand. "ll'c: of Montreal Telegraph Conpmy, T‘VOODVILL‘E LIVERY STABLE-i. w. c. STODDART. Cabinet Maker 80 Undertaker Money to Loan at 6 per cent. UH-‘ICM~K¢ut Street. Lmdsuy, Ontmjo. 1’. S. Mums. I G. H. Hupst. A good Hem-so furnixlml M. Short Notice and on Ron uublu Tenm. OPI-‘u‘E.â€"Ronms lately occu icd by \V. M. (.‘mlnrmm. Biglow’u Block, 'ort Perry. Clerk 7th Division Court County Victoria. Conveyancer, Commissioner in Queen‘s Bunch. Notary Public, c., c. Ofï¬ce, Vic- toria. Road Station. Union Loan Co's Buildiuyv 23 . 30 Toronto Street. 'l‘ulouto. Au‘nzo McDonauL | ARCH. J. SINCLAIR. M W M 1’ If. ()lv'la'h'h'l UNA L )A RDS. was. 4. GAVE Publisher. (IOXIR‘IISSIONl-‘Jl IN I). IL. ('03 i'lli'ANClil! GENERAL INSUIIANC 9. AGENT. ~MONEY T0 LOAN at 6 percent. - IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE iAiIornoy-aI-ln“ . Sullcllnr In Chancery, (‘onveymrrcn d’l‘" dc. VOL VI. ‘TORTHERN HOTEL, Woodville. Agent for l'nion Loan a Savlnu‘s ('o. UHN MUTAGGA R'l‘, Kirktictl. .- ('OIJS’I‘I' AIN'TIONEER. OFFICEâ€"One door cast. uf Post. Oflicc, \\'omlvillc. Ont. Pens and other Semi Gmins on Hand. EURGE WILLIS MILLAR, LDON HOUSE, Woodville. RED. G. MILLA R, RC“. UAMI‘BELI Ban-Islem, solicitors, Noun-la, ac. EELANDS . PENTLAN D. A 1:11 S HOPKINS. Ulill D. SIXI_‘!.»\II{, CDOUGALL SINCLAIR, BABRISTEBS, ROLICI‘I'ORS dB. HENRY EDW'ARDS, l’roprlelor. G ENERA L CARDS. nuns“, . CAMERON. KING ITREET. WOODVI LLB-- HOTEL ( A RDS. MONEY 'm LOAN. @m mmmim mmmï¬g Lindsay, Ont. And all kinds of Implements and Ma» chines supplied as cheap M thu cheapest. Misleading Mac/zines: TORONTO CORD SELF BINDER I Straig, simple and durable. TORONTO RICA PER, New Gear. 'I‘OR‘GN'J'O MOW E B. More used in Canada than all other put gogetllcr. A written warmntlyy the Company given with each machine. N. B. CnmpbelL \Vouulvillé, sale agent for North Victoria and Ontario. I‘m-orpm'ofml A My. 24, 1880 OI'FN'I-mï¬l WM. lmxxm. l'lsq., ’l‘oronto, President. A. (m-‘Ponn, Esq†Mcaiord, Unt.., Vice- l‘rosidvnt. ' W. l‘mmmmx lflmr, l~‘,aq,. Toronto, Seo'y. I‘I. ll. llanonN. Est... lklwidgv. 'l‘n-nsnr.:r. 1:. h. {mmn'rsox M. l).,'l'urunto, Medical Ilirculnr. â€an. H. \\'.\'r.~'o:\', L.L.ll., Toronto, Solicitor. N. W. â€ILL. “31]., llhlgcvillo, Membership Snpvrlntvmluut. Exornuro (‘ommlurn Wu. Hunts. W. l’. Punt, .l. l’ HULL. IRA A llCL'l‘I, Agent, \Vomlvillo. A BELL'S CLIM A X, STEA M MASSEY MANUFACTURING Co. _, 703931799 0""- WILKINSON. \VHY'I‘E, HAMIL- Suits made to order from the latest. and most fmwhionublc styles. All wmk guaranteed tn lib. TERMS. CASH. Slmp m’cr McIntyre l’rior’s Store, en- trance, Side Damn MASSEY HARVESTER. MASSEY I’A'l‘. ‘SHARP’S’ RAKE. (i. U. Smith, Butchel. customuln can rely on getting the beat of Beef at. all times, 5Lnd other meats in Beaunn. A large assortmént of whips from lbcts. upl (’ruridcfor (hr Wall: umler Ynur Charge HEAD OFFICE: 63 King Street East. 'l‘oruutn. Parties having fat cattle to dispose of will pleaue call or neave word at my shop. ALL BINDS OF I' EI’AIIHNG NEATLY AND QUICKLY EXECUTED. D. Henderson Buying b(.)u_gl|_t_ flu? shop and ï¬xtures of Mr. Farmers wanting meat will please leave their order the night. bekore at the shop. The highest cash prim: paid for HIDES. JAMES STUART. HARNESS MAKER, SADDLER dzc HARNESS 001LARS,NAI.TER8, WHIPB CURRY GOMBS, BRUSHES, TRUNKS VAlISES AND All. KIND OF HORSE FURNISHING H Cistcrn and Well Pumps FORCE PUMPS SUPPLIED. WOODVILLE; ONT. ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES. ALL NE\V WORK WARRANTED. Light, easily handled. Driver lifts either or both wheels from seat. Best sheaf maker in the market. WOUDVILLE, ONT. BAUTUAL AID HONEY’S F ANNING MILL, N. 1.5,“. GAME‘BELL. UGH MCCORQUODALE. “’OODVILLB BUTCHER SHOP. Repairing l’rommly Attended to. B USINESS CARDS. OUD VILLE PU M 1’ FA UTURY. OODVI uLE HARNESS SHOP. â€"_ ESTABLISHED, 1866 JACOB BARNES ASSOCIATION. TERMS. CASH†Power Threshing Machines. N. B. CAM PIELL OR D ERS SOL] CITED. â€"â€"Cz\ NA DIANâ€" and Copp Bros‘ Plowa. MAN U FACTURER 0F AU EN'I‘, \VUU DV [L LE. It sells itself. \VOODVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1882. AND In 1"": MM] 10H) “'e have t-Iso received a. large Int of First-clam Cunkmg Stoves for the Summer trade. In this line we can rule the bust- nf antisfnctinn in Slu LECTIUN :unl l'RlCE‘, Imviu'r had long expmiencv in t m stow-t tmdv and also commanding: the attentiun of tho best, Stove \lznnlfacturers m the Dominion who are desirous of our trade. Wu shux n. splendid lot of these. goods in Rodgers, Luckwmul and other celebrated makers. Housckoepcra are invited to call and inspect these goods as we give specml value in Cutlery. Our stock at Gutiery, Knives and Forks, Tea. and. Table Sgoons. For Rnnf Painting and Fine Liquid Paints, ready for nae. The nhm'o paints have been fully team I nu-l Inn's prm‘on to lm tln: Iii-st and uhuupusl- paints known. We are snlu agents in this necï¬nn fur them [“1 [MG and WATERPlumb“ l' -\lN'I‘S, and are n'cpm‘od to furnish the paint in mummy ur \vil: take contracts for pah’ing large building†“'0 nm prvpnrml to my ('awh for {my quantity of Hum]. Clean Fleece or unwashed \Yool Wool l'lvkings. l‘ulfskim, Hiduz and Sheepskins. Remember the place, ALL. UF‘Fï¬RZ‘D AT LOW PRRCES FOR CASH. STEEL BARLEY Fomcs, W001) BARLHY mes, MANURE Fouus, BAR InuN, STEEL. House NMLs, Honsx: Snows, HORSE RAsvs, “ PRO BONO PUBLICO.†At prices that must give great satisfaction. W e are now receiving, and have in stock splcmlid value in 'We take pleasure in announcing to the pubiic'nnd our customers that we have removed our Hardware 31an Stove Emporium to the buildings on Simooe Street, Bunverton, at one time occupied by N. Date 00., having made extensive alterations nLd improvements on the premises in order to accommodate our already “'0 would also take the opportunity of thanking our many friends NHL customers who how,- lzwqucd us With their patronngo in the past, and to Sack for a. L'mnimnunco of the same. And to others with whom we hrwe had no dealings we would invite then) to an inachtion and a con riaon of Gumlu and Prices with any other Retail Hardware and Stov: Shop in. this £011 of the country. To all we Would any "Conn: and see us in our new Place of Businessj" and be convinced thnl: we can show you a. large and Well selected stoc of SEQM and Heavy Harflwamï¬ CAMERON WESTCOTT! Beameré‘am, @905. North Ontario and North Victoria. HARDWARE Self Adjustable. Self Fastening. Self Releasing from pressure. TRY ON E. It will sum time and save Clothes. In 1n Clothes Wringers we are doing a large mu] increasing trade. We handle the best \\"riu,.-cr known. enlso :lcnl r.;tcnsiu1\' m Salt. and Land Plaster. \\ nter Linn, and in this connection “a have j! at I'MCiYed CLOTHES WE IN GERS. vvv‘wv r vvy M111 A11") Extensive and Oontinued ‘ Increasing Business. Pocket Cutlery, Scissors, Revolvers, c. WOOHL»: "E’J’VSfANTED. NM m, ' H INGES. PAINT Bnrsuns, - CABLE AND TRACE CHAINS, \Vm'm WASH BRUSHES, BELTING, AXD EVERYTHING KEPT IN GENERAL HARDWARE. Smpss, Cooking Stoves. 635‘ “'ill now lie far ahead of anything shown by us in that line. '63 Uimmxc 'I‘oons, GARDEN â€mas, TURNIP Hons, Forms, ï¬alw’t. Plagter, we. “The imperial,†GIL8, PAWTS, S'ï¬â€0VES, $1.0. CAMERON 8L WESTCOTT’S V V "1“?“h‘11i11‘x1x'13 STD 11‘} “1.173011 kUm. A? L A SIMCOS 5":11 mar, prawnmox 621.0131 216 [1.142 [/151) 7".»1 [/VJ. The Leading Bums; Smyrna. Canms, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, SEAT Smuxas, I-luns, SPOKES, 113m, . NECK ‘Yoxms, PAINTS, CARRIAGE 'l‘mmnxcs, Locxs, Kxons, STOVE EMPORI UM ‘ ‘ \ HARVEST TOOLS, Sum 1-2;, BOLTS, . _ , - i I GARDEN Bums, FIELD Hons, LIXSEED PAINT OIL, \Vm'm LEAD, 'l‘uuwu'rmn, Camus, GLAss, PUT’ZY, Born. Lxxss, SEIOXELS: AT last the United States has dis: covered a means to dispose of the nut applied balance of the 'Alabuma, or Geneva award. The sum awarded by the arbitrators Was $15,500,000, but the injustice of the decision was sp~ parent, when, after payment of claims of all classes recogniZed by the arbi- trators, some $6,000,000 ,Was left un- expeuded. It is manifest thatni‘cer the satisfaction of these claims the balance should have been returned to Great Britain, but greediness overcame what little conscience Uncle Sam possessed, and so the balance was kept. It was invested in United States bonds, and has nthe interval increased to $10,000,- 000. The claims heretofore made against this balance, but disallowed, were thoso of insurance companies who suffered from the work of the Alabama, mern chants who paid high premiums for in- surance in consequence of the danger from the cruisers, and persmrs who suiibred loss from Confederate cruisers for which the Geneva arbitrators refused to hold Great Britain responsible. The bill lately passed by tho I‘Iouspprovides that claims of any of these classes may be brought before the Court of Claims, with power of appeal to the U. S. Supreme Court. All such cases are to he settled within three years, and if tho $10,000,000 is not suflicient to satisfy them all, it is to be divided among them pro rata. Every honest American should blush with shame at this mea- sure, and it certainly is sunlll and un- digniï¬ud for a great nation. After all just demands had laeu paid simple honesty should have dictalcdlthc return of the uncxpnnded balance. 'l‘l1mnnr..\I-.nrs Brncohrialgc. writes: "Dr. “lulnns' m I1 0th Oil )1! Nu) lmst modicum. I sc-‘l Ital“. 111 glvm 811th; fuctinn, and in 1' sun of c1)n;rlm,chs. 51m: â€11039.1‘0... 1: 1111111. 1.1112 who! has been 101: 1111.11 by thus-3 \\ hv‘flin It." A Forum: llnxirzlj‘:.-Â¥llagynrll's l’cctornl Balsam 'Lq one of (,hu moat deservedly popul- ar remedies for 1he cure of coughs. colds, son: throat. asthma, whooping cough. croup, h‘onchlt‘is. anal all pulmonary complaints. For sale by all (lt a‘crs. Dwx-EPSIA, that. all prevalent disease of civiliaul lifu, is always attuwlml with n (liv- m'ulorml sympathetic system mnl lnul scarc- tions. alnl no remedy is hotter mlaplml to lti cum than lhmlouk Bloml Bitters taken ac- cording to special (liroctiono found on every Lotlll'. 'l‘lmpyrnmidsof Egypt were ‘milt wlm knows what for‘ but every (mu kuuwn that; the lintcrln'unk Stu-l Pens va mmlc tn suit the different tastes, habits uni styles u.’ mrinus .wntm-s. THE Dublin assassinations are still the auhject of much comment. The fact that with the extruordiuury force of police and detectives which tle government are enabled to employ, the assassins have not yet been discovered, is‘ loading to many doubts as to the actual elï¬ciency of the force. 'l‘hnt two men could have been butchered in the heart of a populous city like Dublin and then escape, the country being ut the time literally swarming with police and soldiers, seems almost incredible. ' "° TUE general elections are announced for next. ménch, thn 20th of June, nomz'. nations on the 13th, it is said. Owing to the operation of the new bill tlm date cannot. lm deï¬nitely placed as the elc-ctinuu do not uecexaurily come off simultaneously as fun murly. Mn. ALP. COCKBURN of Beaver-tor, received the nomination as Reform on lidnte for North Ontario. at the Co .vpntion held at Beaverton on Suture day of'lust week. Mr. Cocklnn'n will nwkon strong man, he being- very pal ular in the «o nstimency. 11‘ will not. be long before the almond- eyed Chimnmm will become as import- ant a problem in Canadian polities n3 he is in American. Allemly the rumbling oi distrust is heard and many of our leading journals are devoting their columns to the prohlem. Below the and of August, the Chinese popular. tion of the Dominion in British Colum- bia, will numher upwards of 32 000. cousidemhly outuumberiug the whites. "llm Amelicnus have long ago nr'r'i'wd a' the cmulmion than “ 'ohn" must he kept at home, and it now remains for Ca‘nadu to do the ammo. 'I‘ERHS (“I-l DOLLAR I’ll“ ASNI: Mrlrlly In Advance (Editorial gluten. NUMBER ‘22